The Final Destination franchise is a pop culture staple in the horror and slasher genre of movies. It is a unique franchise, which is built around an innovative premise. Each movie revolves around a protagonist who experiences a premonition just before a tragedy is about to strike and is able to save a few people.
However, the people who survived, are hunted down by death, as they cheated their way through life, and must be handed over the fate that they escaped. The franchise, which began in the early aughts, is still going strong and is known for its gruesome and gory death scenes. Here are 10 of the most unsettling ones from the film series.
The laser eye surgery accident, the wire fence incident, and other disturbing death from the Final Destination franchise
1. The tanning bed accident

In Final Destination 3, a series of brutal deaths kick off when a young girl, Wendy (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), experiences a vision of a roller-coaster ride getting derailed and killing all of her friends, including herself, in a brutal manner. She is able to act on her vision and save many of her friends from riding. Two people whom she saves are her friends Ashley and Ashlyn. However, death soon comes for them again.
When the two head out to their favorite tanning salon, a series of accidents lead to a harrowing end. While Ashley keeps an iced beverage on the power supply unit, even after being asked to remove it by the manager, Ashlyn sets the temperature to a higher than safe degree. A cascade of events is unleashed, which results in both of them getting trapped inside their tanning beds and leads them to be burned alive.
2. The laser eye surgery incident

In Final Destination 5, Sam (Nicholas D’Agosto) gets a premonition of a bridge getting collapsed and killing himself and his friends. He frantically saves a few lives, but all those who get saved begin to die one by one. One of the survivors is Olivia Castle, who goes for LASIK surgery after a few days. Her anxiety levels are high when the doctor realizes that he needs a file and leaves her head secured for the surgery.
Things quickly take a turn for the worse as a cup on a water cooler gets spilled on the power unit, which causes the laser machine to start working and get to high levels. Olivia tries frantically to reach the emergency button but can’t, and in a gruesome end, the laser burns through her eye and hand. On top of that, she slips and falls through the window, which causes her eye to pop out and get run over by a car.
3. The accidental suicide

In the first Final Destination, a young boy, Alex (Devon Sawa), has a vision that the flight that he and his friends are about to board will result in a harrowing plane crash. He is able to save some of his friends but the survivors soon realise that they cannot escape their fate. The first person to be taken by death is Tod, Alex’s best friend. Tod’s brother was on the flight, and he is already full of grief and guilt. While in the toilet at night, a leak leads to disastrous results.
Tod slips into the bathtub and gets caught in a clothesline wrap, which wraps around his neck and suffocates him. The death is horrifying, as it is the first time a survivor is killed by death and fate. Ironically, his death is ruled a suicide due to the guilt over his brother’s death. The whole scene also has a tense build-up, which quickly becomes harrowing as Tod fights for his life to escape a death that could have been avoided.
4. The wire fence incident

In Final Destination 2, Kimberly saves a bunch of people from a freeway pileup after getting a catastrophic vision. One of them is Rory, who is the stoner of the lot. His character serves as comical relief in the movie, up until the time he finally realizes that death is at the door and he does not want his mother to know about his drugs. He sobers up a bit, and his character gets a bit of depth.
Unfortunately, his change in attitude is short-lived as he goes through an unexpected, bizarre, and disturbing death. Rory goes off to take drugs, even though he does not want his mother to get to know about it, and soon gets into a car accident. However, he survives it and walks off from the scene. While viewers believe that he has escaped death, an explosion causes a wire fence to hurtle towards him, and he gets sliced in three. The visual is horrific, and his sudden death is one of the most tragic deaths in the film’s franchise.
5. The drive-thru death

In Final Destination 3, Wendy is able to save a few people when she gets a vision about a terrifying rollercoaster ride that would lead to the death of many people. However, as the franchise has always maintained, death comes once again to kill the people who survived their fate. In one incident, Wendy and Kevin are at a drive-through when Wendy begins to notice signs of impending doom.
As fate would have it, a truck without a driver comes by and rapidly heads in the direction in which Wendy and Kevin are parked in their car. While the two manage to get out quickly, they realize that the car in front of them had Frankie in the driver’s seat. The death is unexpected and gory as the truck’s engine hits Frankie’s head and even cuts off his head in a horrifying manner.
6. The pool accident

In The Final Destination, Nick (Bobby Campo) has a vision where he sees himself and his friends dying due to a small mishap at a car race in the stadium, which catapults into a full-blown tragedy. While Nick is able to convince some of his friends to escape the race, Hunt is one person who does not take his warnings seriously. Even when Nick tells Hunt to stay away from water as his vision predicted a death by drowning, he still goes for a swim at the country club.
But things quickly turn downhill. Hunt takes the water gun away from a kid who was annoying him and accidentally opens the pool’s drain with it. Plus, he goes deep inside to retrieve his lucky coin. However, he becomes stuck, with his butt on the drain. As the pressure of draining increases, he is unable to scream for help. In one of the most bizarre and gory deaths, Hunt gets disemboweled, and his insides shoot out through a poolside pump.
7. The windowpane accident

In Final Destination 2, Kimberly (A.J. Cook), has a vision where a major accident on the highway would leads to the deaths of herself and a bunch of people. She is able to save a herself and a few others from the tragedy but death soon begins to hunt them down. A mother, Nora, and her son Tim, are two people whom Kimberly saves. While Tim believes in Kimberley’s claims about people being doomed to die even after surviving, Nora is less accepting.
However, things take a brutal turn when the mother and son head for a dentist’s appointment and even though there are some hiccups while inside, they are able to come out safely. But that is when tragedy strikes. Tim runs towards a group of penguins and a fault windowpane lands directly on him, crushing him to a pulp. Tragically, the death is disturbing as Tim was only a teenager and his mother had to see his son like that.
8. The dinner accident

In Final Destination 2, Kimberly is able to save a bunch of people from a freeway accident after getting an ominous premonition. One of them is the lottery winner, Evan, who believes that he has all the luck in the world. However, his luck soon runs out and leads to a devastating death. Once he is back at his home, he begins to cook dinner for himself when all the trouble starts happening.
Small things like fridge magnets getting into his dish, which he unknowingly puts into the microwave, which results in a fire, quickly lead to a big accident. A fire spreads through his apartment, and he tries to escape from the fire escape. But just as he is about to be safe, he slips, and the ladder falls and impales his eye. The scene is gruesome and highlights how little things can lead to catastrophic accidents.
9. The factory accident

In Final Destination 5, Sam helps save his friends and a few other people from a bridge collapse accident. However, as the film franchise has always maintained, the survivors cannot escape their fate. One of them who gets saved that day is Roy, who is a factory boss. His death has a tense buildup and a gruesome end as he argues with his employee Nathan inside a busy factory.
The setting is dangerous as it is, as both of them are surrounded by heavy and big tools and dangerous machinery. While they are busy quarreling, a giant hook drops down and smashes into the tile floor. This causes Rory to get caught in the metal stakes on the floor. While the viewers are sure that the stakes would impale him, he stops falling just in time. However, as the films have shown, the end is still near. The hook comes back and goes right through his skull.
10. The flagpole death

In Final Destination 3, Wendy saves a bunch of people, including her friends, from a rollercoaster accident when she gets a premonition. However, she realizes that people who got saved are still in danger as death is coming their way. When she realizes that death is targeting them in the order in which they were sitting on the ride, she asks Julie, who was sitting next to her. Julie realizes that the one next to her is on death’s list next, and Perry is the one to stand up and accept that it is her.
However, things take a turn for the worst, as the moment Perry stands up and accepts that it is she who was sitting next to Julie, she gets impaled by a flagpole, which slides out of her body. This happens due to a horse, who got frightened by the fireworks and was tied to a flagpole. The berserk horse causes commotion, and a piece of the flagpole, unfortunately, hits Perry. Wendy later realizes that when she took a photo of Julie and Perry earlier, the signs were already there pointing at her death, which makes her death disturbing.
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