10 Best Star Trek villains ever

Ricardo Montalban in Star Trek: The Original Series | Image via Paramount television
Ricardo Montalban in Star Trek: The Original Series | Image via Paramount television

The acclaimed sci-fi franchise, Star Trek, was created by Gene Roddenberry. It came into being with the release of Star Trek: The Original Series in 1966. After that, with the launch of several movies, TV shows, and video games, the franchise grew into a vast universe and became a pop culture phenomenon.

It introduced us to many iconic characters like Captain Kirk, Spock, and Jean-Luc Picard. With introducing heroes, the franchise also introduced various villains that opposed and created challenges for the good characters and made the storyline interesting. In this article, we list 10 of the best Star Trek villains.

Please note the entire article is based on the writer's opinion. Readers' discretion is advised.

10) The Diviner

The Diviner in Star Trek: Prodigy | image via Roddenberry Entertainment
The Diviner in Star Trek: Prodigy | image via Roddenberry Entertainment

The Diviner is one of the main villains in Star Trek: Prodigy. He is the leader of a mining colony called Tars Lamora. He kidnaps people and brings them to his colony, forcing them to dig and find the USS Protostar.

It is revealed that Diviner has come from the future to search for the Protostar and fight the United Federation of planets, whom he deems responsible for destroying his world.

9) Lore

Lore in Star Trek | Image via Paramount Television
Lore in Star Trek | Image via Paramount Television

Lore was one of the villains in Star Trek: The Next Generation. He allied with the entity to defeat the Enterprise. He attempted to imitate Data, but Picard and the other grew suspicious of him.

They activate Data to get into a fight with Lore and trap him in the transporter platform, sending him away into space.

8) Lursa and B’Etor Duras

Scene from Star Trek: The Next generation | Image via Paramount Television
Scene from Star Trek: The Next generation | Image via Paramount Television

Lursa and B’Etor Duras attempted several times to attack the Enterprise and the Federation of the planets. Just like their father and brother, who caused the death of thousands of Klingons in the Khitomer massacre, they also wanted to rule the Klingons.

They tried to manipulate Picard and Worf but were unsuccessful and later also attacked the Enterprise. While they died fighting the crew of the Enterprise, they also caused immense damage to the ship, which no other Star Trek villain did.

7) Gabriel Lorca

Jason Isaacs in Star Trek: Discovery | Image via Roddenberry Entertainment
Jason Isaacs in Star Trek: Discovery | Image via Roddenberry Entertainment

Captain Gabriel Lorca, played by Jason Isaacs, was the villain in Star Trek: Discovery. It is gradually revealed that Lorca was a mirror universe fugitive who, after attempting a coup against Emperor Phillipa Georgiou, fled and came to the Prime universe.

He manipulates the crew of the USS Discovery to take them back to his universe and uses Michael Burnham to access the emperor’s ship.

However, Burnham finds out about his deception and reveals it to the emperor, prompting her to kill him herself.

6) Thy’Lek Shran

Jeffrey Combs in Star Trek: Enterprise | Image via Paramount Television
Jeffrey Combs in Star Trek: Enterprise | Image via Paramount Television

Introduced in Star Trek: Enterprise, Shran’s character is one of those that had a full character arc as he went from being one of the villains to becoming the ally of the main character.

Due to his distrust in the Vulcans, Shran attempted raids in Vulcan territory and even captured Captain John Archer. He tortured him to get answers related to the long-range sensor array that he thought the Vulcans were hiding, but he couldn’t get any answers.

Later, during the war with Xindi and a rogue Vulcan, Shran helped Archer, and they became allies. Many characters get to have a redemption arc, but Shran was a full-fledged character who crossed the line and reached his redemption arc.

5) Kai Winn Adami

Louise Fletcher in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Image via Paramount Television
Louise Fletcher in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Image via Paramount Television

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine villain, Kai Winn Adami, was a strict and orthodox leader. She used faith and politics to gain power.

To become Kai, she attempted many dubious schemes and caused many controversies that also resulted in the death of several people, and even plotted an assassination of the other candidate, Vedek Bareil Antos. However, she was unsuccessful in it.

4) Q

John de lancie in Star TRek: Picard | Image via Roddenberry Entertainment
John de lancie in Star TRek: Picard | Image via Roddenberry Entertainment

The character of Q has appeared many times in the Star Trek franchise. He is one of the most powerful aliens and despises humanity.

He tries to trick and wreak havoc just to amuse himself and cause harm to humanity. He often tries to cause chaos in the universe and becomes a problem for the crew of the Enterprise and the United Federation of the planets.

He is mostly remembered for his chemistry with Jean-Luc Picard, to whom he sometimes becomes a guiding force.

3) General Chang

Christopher Plummer in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country | Image via Paramount Pictures
Christopher Plummer in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country | Image via Paramount Pictures

Christopher Plummer’s General Chang was the main villain in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Described as a fan of Shakespeare, he often quoted his lines, annoying the crew of the Enterprise.

Chang was a general of the Klingons and hated the United Federation of the Planets.

He framed Captain Kirk for the murder of Chancellor Gorkon and even sent him to prison by forcing him to accept that he was responsible for the murder of Gorkon. However, with the help of Spock’s modified torpedo, they were able to kill Chang and his fellow conspirators.

2) Gul Dukat

Mark Alaimo in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Image via Paramount Television
Mark Alaimo in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Image via Paramount Television

Gul Dukat is considered to be one of the greatest villains of the Star Trek franchise. He is initially introduced as a Cardassian military officer but later becomes the leader of the Cardassians during the Dominion War.

He is one of the most formidable enemies of Captain Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. His hatred toward the Bajorans was brutal and caused so much harm to Bajor and also Sisko.

1) Khan Noonien Singh

Ricardo Montalban in Star Trek: The Original Series | Image via Paramount Television
Ricardo Montalban in Star Trek: The Original Series | Image via Paramount Television

The iconic villain Khan Noonien Singh was the most menacing villain of the Star Trek franchise. Khan is one of the greatest rivals of Captain Kirk, and he even attempts to seize the Enterprise but is caught by Kirk and sent to prison.

He then comes back to take revenge on Kirk and becomes a reason for Spock’s death in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

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Edited by Sohini Biswas
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