10 Best Jade Moments from From

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

From is one of the most talked-about shows in recent times. This Netflix show has amassed immense popularity and has the fourth season on its way. From follows the story of the Mathews family that gets stuck in a town and slowly understands the situation they are in.

They realize that the town is filled with monstrous creatures that attack the townspeople at night, and once someone enters the town, they are never able to escape. From is filled with complex characters and an intricate storyline that keeps the viewers hooked.

One of the most complex characters in the show is Jade. He arrives on the same day as the Mathews family. However, Jade is very different from the other townspeople. This article delves into Jade's character and moments that show Jade's intelligence and resourcefulness.

1)When he doesn’t understand the predicament he is in

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

When Jade Herrera first arrives in the town, he is unconscious. He wakes up to find himself in a house with unknown people, which disorients him. As Donna tries to make him understand the situation he is in, he thinks that she is making a joke. Donna tells him that once someone enters the town, they are trapped. She also tells him about the creatures that roam the town at night and the danger that these creatures pose to the townspeople.

However, Jade thinks that this whole thing is a plot for an escape room that his friend Tobey has set up. He runs outside the house and thinks that the people around him are paid actors. He is skeptical about everything around him. This moment shows how Jade is completely oblivious to the situation he is in. It is a pivotal moment of the show that sets the stage for the upcoming horrors.

2) Jade sees Tobey's condition

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

Though not a happy moment but definitely a memorable one, Jade’s reaction to seeing one of his close friend’s dead body had a huge impact on the viewers. The whole scene evokes strong emotions. He is struck with grief, shock, and anger at the same time. He understands the predicament that he is in.

Tobey's death serves as a major turning point for Jade. Kenny recognizes Jade’s distress and confusion about the situation; hence, he takes him to the graveyard to see Tobey's tomb. Although Kenny did not mean to be cruel but only intended to explain the situation to him. This is a pivotal moment for Jade’s character arc. His vulnerability resonates with the viewers. Despite his harsh outlook, he has a sensitive and caring nature within.

3)When he tells Tom that he will find an escape

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

Jade’s arrival at Tom’s bar is a raw display of his anger and grief. However, he still harbors a spark of hope. Despite Tom’s comforting words, Jade is not able to ignore the situation he is in. He bursts into a fit of rage and desperate to find a way out of this place. He tries to understand the situation he is in while sitting with Tom.

He recounts the loss of his friend to Tom as the latter acknowledges the situation with quiet understanding. However, despite the despair they were in, Jade refuses to succumb to the hopelessness that the others are struggling with. This is one of the most memorable scenes of Jade, as the viewers are able to resonate with his spirit.

4)When he tries to catch radio signals

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

Jade's determination to find a way out of this town can be seen in this episode. He is desperate to find a radio contact. He gathers equipment and is willing to risk his life to find answers. Jade’s resourcefulness shines through this scene. He devised a plan to use a tall tree as an antenna for the radio. Despite Jim’s skepticism Jade pushes him and gives him hope that his plan is going to work.

He initially acts badly with Jim, but he recognizes Jim’s important role in this plan. He swallows his pride and apologizes to him. This shows that despite Jade’s flaws, he tries to redeem himself. This scene portrays Jade’s complex character. He is flawed yet undeniably driven. His determination is noteworthy and makes him a compelling character.

5)Jade and Jim powering up the radio tower

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

This scene emphasizes Jade’s intellect and determination to build a radio tower over the colony house to get radio signals. His previous mission of getting radio signals from the tall tree failed when he was plunged into hallucinations. He could not take part in the mission and fled the scene. Jim informs Jade that he was able to get a faint signal from the tree, which fuels their determination further.

Jade and Jim ask Donna if they can build the radio tower on top of the Colony house, as it is the highest point of the town and will go above the tree line. With Donna’s consent, Jim and Jade start to build the radio tower. However, building the tower is primary; powering it is the main issue. Jade understands that and starts to pursue a source of power. Jade's intellectual approach to solving the issue of powering the radio tower is one of the best moments of the show and has resonated with the viewers.

6)Jade finds a way to harness power

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

Despite the troubles of finding a way to power the radio tower, Jade finds a way to make it work. In the town the houses have lights but there is no connection between the light sources to anything. Jade understands the difficulty of their situation. This is one of his best moments in the show as we see him observe the problem and find an unconventional solution.

He gathers cables and tells everyone else to do the same. He makes others understand how the cables are going to help power the radio tower. It is not just luck but his quick mind and ability to connect disparate pieces of information together to find a way out. He actively seeks solutions, making him relatable. Even though he can be harsh in his behavior at times, he tries his best to find a solution for the predicament the townspeople are in.

7)Jade’s conversation with Ethan

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

Jade’s conversation with Ethan after the radio tower incident shows his raw vulnerability. Jade is often presented as a reckless and impulsive character, but this scene shows a different side of him. He is suffering after their failed attempt and has broken down. He is desperate to numb the pain.

He says that his desperate attempt to find an escape for the last week has impacted him. This is a crack on his tough exterior. He is not a detached survivor but a man facing the crushing reality. His conversation with Ethan showcases his vulnerability and dismissal of his surroundings. He is not just impulsive but in deeper pain which resonates with the viewers. Jade’s complex character becomes a pivotal moment in this scene.

8)Jade reassures Bakta

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

In the scene where Jade and Bakta have a conversation inside the bar. Jade initially appears to be self-absorbed as he wishes to find a place to be alone but finds Bakta inside. However, he understands Bakta’s distress and shifts his focus to comfort her. He understands the weight of responsibility Bakta feels, as she was the one driving the bus. Jade's ability to see past his own frustrations and provide comfort to Bakta shows his character development.

He tries to settle the tension by cracking jokes. It shows his ability to use humor as a coping mechanism and to connect with others. Jade also shares his own struggles with her. Jade’s self-discovery and acceptance of his own self is a key part of his character.

9)When he comforts Tabitha

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

When Jade finds Tabitha in the forest while he is with Victor trying to find answers, he provides her comfort. Despite his own struggles in finding answers, he takes time to make her feel at ease. He listens to her fears. He validates her experience and becomes an attentive presence. He shares with Tabitha his own experience when he was disoriented in the forest while trying to get the radio signals. He tells her about the vision he had.

This creates a connection between him and Tabitha. He involves Tabitha in finding the meaning of the symbols and seeks a collaborative approach towards problem-solving. This shows that despite his cynical side, which sometimes comes off as harsh, he is caring and thoughtful. This is again one of his best moments, where we see his complex personality.

10)Jade cleans Tian Chen’s body

From | Image Via: Midnight Radio
From | Image Via: Midnight Radio

This is yet another emotionally charged scene from the show, From where we see Jade’s complexity. On the morning after the barn incident when Jade finds out Boyd is tied up and Tian Chen’s mutilated body is in the barn, he steps up to help. Despite the horror of the situation, Jade takes Tian Chen’s body and helps clean her body.

This act of service, despite the gruesome situation, shows his empathy and willingness to take on difficult tasks. Amidst the chaos, he brings forth strength. They honor Tian Chen’s memory, which resonates with the viewers. This is one of the best moments of Jade, where we see a completely different side of him.

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Edited by Sangeeta Mathew
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