10 Best Amy Santiago moments from Brooklyn 99

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Amy Santiago is that funny, endearing, and brilliant character who hails from Brooklyn Nine-Nine and is played by the one and only Melissa Fumero. She is a very superbly great detective who has an incredible love for organizing, binders, and proving herself; thus, she does manage to be extremely hilariously awkward yet ferociously competent. Through the seasons of the show, she has been able to see herself deliver various memorable moments that prove how much of an intelligent, competitive yet charming person she is. Be it geeking over administrative tasks, fierce competition with Jake, or totally badass field proving, Amy never fails to entertain. Conflicting relationships at work with other colleagues above all Captain Holt and Jake Peralta add more character to Amy, bringing one closer to this most-rounded character among everyone else.

From funny drunken antics to strategic brilliance on the Halloween Heist, Amy did have one special moment after another, all of which the fans loved. Thus, we have selected and are about to present ten of Amy's greatest scenes that, in themselves, will portray some funky and lovable aspects of her as a character.

Disclaimer: This entire article is based on the writer's opinion. Readers' discretion is advised.

1. Amy’s Tactical Brilliance in the Jimmy Jabs Games

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Amy's competitive spirit is taken to new levels during the precinct's wacky obstacle course, the Jimmy Jabs Games. Her meticulous preparation and cutthroat tactics reveal her intelligence, even in the most silly competitions. While Jake is able to outsmart her through sheer anarchy on many occasions, Amy's unrelenting persistence and fiery (frequently side-splitting) tantrums make this scene unforgettable. Whether she's figuring out the optimal route or carrying out a perfect scheme, her unlimited passion for winning is inspiring and hilarious. This moment is perfectly indicative of her need for routine, her enjoyment of friendly competition, and her frantic (and frequently unsuccessful) efforts to try to be spontaneous.

2. The Queen of Binders

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Amy is so obsessed with being organized that it has become the stuff of legends but her encyclopedic love for binders takes it several notches higher. Whether it's wedding preparations under a massive set of categorized binders or carrying emergency binders around for all kinds of activities with the squad, Amy's supervision can only be described as impressive and funny. One of her most epic binder moments is in the Halloween Heist when she makes a very intricate, highly detailed heist binder just to be ignored by her less-prepared teammates.

3. The Chaos of Drunk Amy

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Amy Santiago might be the paragon of order and control, but drunk, she's a completely different creature. One of her most unstructured moments is when she cuts loose, unabashedly referring to herself as "noo-nonsense Amy." Whether it's her over-the-top pronunciation of "cahuenga," her melodramatic behavior, or her off-the-cuff rapping, every moment is laugh-out-loud gold. Watching her raw, unguarded side is a riotous difference from her normal perfectionist personality. From mumbling words to loud declarations, Drunk Amy is unpredictable and hysterically entertaining.

4. Amy’s Ultimate Halloween Heist Triumph

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Amy ultimately earns the title of "Ultimate Detective/Genius" through a Halloween Heist, demonstrating she can play just as deceptive and cunning as Jake. She has spent years coming close and getting brutally close before falling short, but she finally pulls off a master plan that leaves everyone stunned. Her skill at manipulation, planning, and outsmarting her opponents demonstrates her genius beyond binders and regulations. The win is all the more sweet when Jake responds with wonder and admiration resulting in his surprise proposal.

5. The Ultimate Nerd Showdown with Holt

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Few characters are able to compete with Amy's love of trivial knowledge quite as well as Captain Holt. Their shared passion for grammar, historical facts, and bureaucratic perfection results in some of the most humorous battles of wits. Whether they're arguing over the use of commas or running to finish a crossword puzzle, their nerdy competition is endlessly amusing. Amy's desire to impress Holt frequently leads to awkwardly hilarious situations, but it is apparent that he admires her intellect.

6. Babysitting Cagney and Lacey Gone Wrong

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Amy thinks highly of herself being able to handle anything, but nothing could have prepared her for babysitting Terry's girls, Cagney and Lacey. Willing to demonstrate that she is good with children, she maneuvers babysitting with military precision, complete with agendas and backup plans. But the children one-up her at every turn, leaving her flustered and questioning whether she is cut out for babysitting. Her irritation escalates as her painstakingly organized plans come crashing apart before our very eyes in glorious comedic disorder.

7. Amy’s Attempt at Being Jake

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Amy excels at so many things, but being effortlessly cool is not one of them. When she attempts to demonstrate that she's just as spontaneous and fun as Jake, the outcome is an extremely awkward (but lovable) effort to mimic him. From over-the-top hand movements to awkward use of slang, her act is so cringe-worthy that even Jake is rendered speechless. Her panic at wanting to be cool merely makes the incident more amusing. It's proof of Melissa Fumero's acting abilities as a comedian that Amy's flopping at the coolness angle is one of the most identifiable scenes in the show.

8. Mastering the Holt Impression

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

One of Amy's best secrets is her impeccable impression of Captain Holt. Each detail his deadpan voice, meticulous diction, and unflinching stare is mastered to a T. Her dead-on acting is so eerily accurate that even Holt himself has to admit it, begrudgingly. It's one of those precious moments when Amy's geeky mannerisms find their way to sheer comedic gold. Watching her coworkers respond with surprised amusement just heightens the humor. Her skill at impersonating her idol with such precision is impressive and also really funny, making this one of Amy's greatest comedic achievements.

9. Amy as an Action Hero

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Although Amy is predominantly famous for her organizational ability and intelligence, she's equally a very efficient officer. She demonstrates this at critical times when she apprehends criminals with efficiency and assurance. Her most bitchin' moment is when she disarms a perp during a hot operation without even perspiring. Her potential to go from lovable nerd to toughest cop in seconds is one of the things that makes her character so interesting. It's a reminder that Amy is more than binders and bylaws she's a total badass when she has to be.

10. The Wedding Day That Almost Fell Apart

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021) | Image Source: NBC / Fox

Amy and Jake did not marry with so much of a planned scenario or at least never an expectedly perfect scenario; however, the kind of manmade-accepting bomb threat and sudden venue changes. Everything had gone wrong. However, amid disaster, Amy had one clear goal-marry Jake. What stood between her and controlled panic was her emergency crisis plan: funny and heartwarming. It's all simply too perfect for any Amy Santiago moment.

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Edited by Sugnik Mondal
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