Stephanie called out Alex's intrusive behavior. Marlena saved Abe. Abe was reunited with his family but struggled to remember them. Lani survived an overdose and returned to prison. Paulina slapped Whitley. Tripp told Wendy about Haley. Kristen made a deal with Brady for shared custody. Li and Trask shared drinks. Nicole learned Sloan was pregnant. Stefan agreed to a double wedding. Leo interrupted the ceremony. Sloan stole the lab results that proved Eric was the father of Nicole's baby.

Whitley decides to end things with Abe
Monday, July 24, 2023
by Mike
Chad headed over to the Salem Inn to wish Theo a safe flight back to South Africa and was surprised to learn that the trip had been postponed because Lani was missing. "I just called Claire -- she said she wishes she could be here to help," Theo muttered. "And I'm sure you wish you had her here to lean on...but you've got me, all right?" Chad responded.
Theo begged for a distraction, prompting Chad to start venting about the only downside of living in one of Salem's finest apartment complexes -- having Alex as a neighbor. "But don't get me wrong -- I'm not threatened by him. I mean, Stephanie made her choice about who she wants to be with. I just don't know if this idiot's ever gonna get the message," Chad concluded.
Alex took a dry-cleaned robe over to Chad and Stephanie's apartment but found only the latter neighbor there. Alex coolly handed the robe to Stephanie then boldly strolled into the apartment while sarcastically grumbling that it was "a bummer" that Chad wasn't around. "What's with all the intrusive behavior lately? Are you really unaware of how obnoxious you're being...or are you trying to be a jerk?" Stephanie protested. "I thought I was just being neighborly," Alex responded. "But...yes, now I do see that I really stepped over the line," Alex continued. "Maybe because I'm jealous," Alex concluded. "What you're doing needs to stop -- otherwise, we won't just be ex-lovers; we'll be ex-friends, too," Stephanie declared.
Alex promised to respect Stephanie's boundaries in the future. "Chad and I have been together for a while, and things between you and me have basically been fine, so...why do you think this is coming up now?" Stephanie wondered. "Maybe because I have now seen you two move in together -- take that next big step -- and it's driving home to me that I'll never have what you guys have," Alex decided. "One of these days, you are gonna meet someone who's perfect for you," Stephanie predicted. "I don't know about all that...but the only thing that's important to me right now is having your friendship," Alex stressed, prompting Stephanie to offer a hug -- just as Chad entered the apartment.
Chad shoved Alex away from Stephanie and started lashing out. "It is not what you think --" Stephanie advised. "What I think is that he can't take 'no' for an answer, so he forced himself on you!" Chad shouted.
Stephanie helped Alex clarify the situation, leaving Chad feeling embarrassed about having overreacted. "I am rooting for you guys," Alex insisted before saying goodbye to Stephanie and Chad then rushing off.
Eli rushed back to Salem after learning that Lani was missing -- then raced over to the Price condominium to find out if Paulina had any new information to share. "Nothing!" Paulina grumbled.
Paulina feared that something bad had happened -- and Eli also suspected foul play but was hopeful that Lani was still wearing an ankle monitor and would therefore be easy to locate.
United States Marshal Sam Gerard found a syringe while waiting for an ambulance to arrive at the pier -- but Rafe and Jada each refused to believe that Lani had simply overdosed. "Daddy," Lani muttered during the debate.
Marlena was still at the hospital with Kayla when John phoned from Los Angeles to report that Abe was still alive but was being held captive somewhere -- and that Whitley was the captor.
Abe watched in confusion as Whitley dragged a heavy object into the living room of the King apartment. "I know it's summertime, can never be too warm, right?" Whitley explained to Abe with a shrug.
Whitley grabbed three stuffed cats and placed them in Abe's lap. "How I found all of you that terrible, terrible day," Whitley muttered. "What are you talking about?" Abe responded.
Whitley glanced at a cell phone, ignoring Abe's question -- then observed that Marlena had called earlier. "Everything all right?" Abe wondered, prompting Whitley to set aside the cell phone with another shrug.
Whitley pounced with a syringe, despite evidence that Abe was already sedated. "Did I really...need that?" Abe protested. "I just don't want you to feel any pain," Whitley answered.
Abe struggled to stay awake, still curious about the heavy object Whitley had been fiddling with earlier -- a space heater that was attached to a propane tank. "I keep thinking about that day that I left you all alone," Whitley confessed. "For the longest time, that's all I could think about -- how careless I was, how I failed you -- and it weighed so heavily on me, I didn't think I could bear it...but now I think God has given me a second chance," Whitley continued. "To make sure that you're never alone -- to go where we'll always be together, for all eternity," Whitley concluded before opening the valve on the propane tank, prompting Abe to comment on a strange new odor in the apartment.
Kayla was stunned when Lani arrived at the hospital for treatment of a suspected overdose. "Her pulse is weak, her breathing is very shallow, her body temperature is extremely low --" Kayla observed. "This was found at the scene -- maybe you can figure out what was in it and give her an antidote?" Jada interjected, handing Kayla a syringe. "Might be our only hope," Kayla admitted.
Jada and Rafe waited at the nurses' station -- and Kayla eventually returned with an update. "That syringe was filled with a sedative -- a very powerful one -- so we administered another drug to reverse the effects," Kayla reported.
Kayla found it odd that Rafe and Jada had stuck around for the update. "You two haven't checked your messages, have you?" Kayla realized before filling Jada and Rafe in on what John and Steve had learned about Abe's disappearance.
Marlena rushed over to the King apartment -- then entered it after discovering that the door was unlocked. "Charlemagne? What are you doing here?" Whitley sputtered, mistaking Marlena for a character on Body and Soul.
Whitley threatened Marlena with the sharp tip of an umbrella. "This air is toxic!" Marlena advised. "You think I don't know that?" Whitley countered.
Marlena tried to reason with Whitley. "You came to me for help ages ago, and I didn't help you -- I failed you -- so give me a chance to help you now," Marlena begged. "What are you talking about?" Whitley responded. "You were in so much pain -- your husband had died, and you felt that you were responsible," Marlena elaborated. "He died alone -- they all died alone -- and this is my chance to fix it," Whitley declared. "It was a terrible, tragic accident," Marlena insisted.
Whitley softened and started to hand Marlena the umbrella after remembering their therapy sessions -- but Jada burst into the apartment just then with a gun drawn, and Rafe arrived seconds later. "Who are all these people?" Abe wondered.
Rafe alerted Jada that it wasn't safe to fire the gun -- and Whitley agreed then threatened to use a lighter, but Marlena refused to leave a former patient who was in need of help.
Whitley started praying while preparing to use the lighter -- but Abe grasped the nurse's hands just then, and the unexpected gesture defused the situation.
Eli and Paulina rushed over to the hospital after learning that Lani was being treated there -- and Kayla soon joined the trio.
Lani managed to reveal that Abe was alive -- and Kayla assured Paulina and Eli that the story wasn't just a drug-induced fantasy.
Paulina and Kayla soon left so Eli could have some time alone with Lani. "You just couldn't wait for backup, huh?" Eli teasingly challenged Lani.
Theo soon arrived, having received a cryptic phone call from Kayla earlier, and Paulina started to share the good news -- but Marlena approached just then with Abe, who was in a wheelchair.
Theo and Paulina were both too excited to notice that Abe didn't seem to recognize either of them.

Kristen resists helping Brady
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
by Spalding
Wendy and Tripp were making out on their couch when Li interrupted. "We didn't know you were here," Wendy said. "It's okay. I guess I'm just a little down on romance after last night," Li said. Wendy asked Li if he wanted to talk about his bad date.
"For one thing, my perfect match tried to send me to prison," Li said. Li told Wendy and Tripp about his date with Trask and how she had attempted to record him admitting to having plotted to kill Stefan. "Isn't that like entrapment?" Tripp asked. Li reminded Tripp that he was innocent, so there was nothing to confess.
"Well, you're right about that being a bad date," Tripp said. Li admitted that until the confession situation, he and Trask had been having a good date. "Sounds like you have a fair amount in common," Wendy said. Li nodded yes. Tripp suggested that Li give Trask a second chance. Li shook his head in disbelief.
"She shouldn't have recorded you, okay? It was obviously not a cool move. But maybe she was just making an impulsive decision, you know, one that she regrets? She's been through a lot in the last few years," Tripp said. "Been through what?" Wendy asked. "And how do you know?" Li added. Tripp explained that Trask's daughter had died in a freak accident.
"Her name was Haley. She was a good friend of mine. She was really smart, kind, and hopeful but she got her life cut short in a horrible way," Tripp said. "Losing a child must be the worst pain in the world," Li whispered. With a shake of his head, Li said that Trask's past had not changed his mind. "If I never see Melinda Trask again, it'll be too soon," Li said.
"I know how much you want a fresh start after everything that happened with Gabi," Wendy said. "I'm not giving up. The matchmaker has already set up someone else for me to meet," Li said. Li announced that he was headed out to meet his date. With a grin, Li told Wendy and Tripp that they would have to find some way to keep themselves busy until he returned. "I hope this lady works out better," Tripp said.
After Li left, Tripp heated up leftovers. As they ate, Wendy told Tripp that she was sorry to hear about what had happened to his friend Haley. "Thanks. It was a total shock when she died like that," Tripp said. Wendy asked Tripp if he had been close to Haley. "Actually, we were married," Tripp confessed. Wendy choked on her food. After Wendy stopped coughing, she noted that Tripp had never told her that he had been married.
"It was just a way to get a green card," Tripp explained. Tripp told Wendy that he and Haley had had to make their marriage look like true love. "And when we were doing that, I kind of fell for her," Tripp admitted. "Well, no wonder it was so awful when you lost her," Wendy said. Tripp told Wendy that he believed Haley was at peace. "And I know that she would want me to be happy. And I am happy," Tripp added. Wendy smiled, and she noted that she needed to return to work.
"If you're still awake when I get off duty, do you want to watch a movie or something?" Tripp asked. "It's a date," Wendy said. Wendy kissed Tripp. With a sigh, Wendy said that she hoped Li's date worked out. "He needs to find someone new," Wendy said. "It's too bad he wouldn't even consider giving Haley's mom another chance," Tripp said.
At the Small Bar, Trask offered to buy a drink for Sloan. Sloan was upset that the court had given Colin a hefty sentence, but Trask stressed that after what Colin had done, the sentence was appropriate. Reluctantly, Sloan sat down at Trask's table. "I'm not going to drink that," Sloan said. Trask groaned, and she asked Sloan to let go of her anger. Sloan said that was not the reason for her refusal.
"I'm pregnant," Sloan confessed. "I had you down as the ultimate career woman," Trask said with surprise. Sloan explained that she had been focused solely on her work until she had met Eric. "So, this is his child? Are you going to keep it?" Trask asked. Sloan admitted that the baby had been planned.
"So, let me guess. You got pregnant to give Eric the baby that he didn't have with Nicole?" Trask asked. Sloan scoffed. "I am not doing this just to make Eric happy," Sloan stressed. Sloan explained that she did not have any family, and she had realized that she wanted to create a new one. Trask nodded with understanding, and she congratulated Sloan on her baby. Sloan raised a suspicious eyebrow.
"I'm being sincere. You're taking certain risks to get what you want, and I admire that," Trask said. Trask explained that she missed having a family, and she understood the appeal. "Are you not seeing anyone?" Sloan asked. Trask told Sloan that she had started to date again, and she had gone on a date with Li. Sloan gasped, and she asked how it had gone.
"Giant disaster," Trask admitted. When Sloan asked for details, Trask told her that she had attempted to secure a confession from Li, and he had caught her. "And I thought I was ballsy," Sloan quipped. Trask admitted that she had not planned to record Li. "We were set up by a matchmaker. And he and I were actually getting along in spite of the fact that I tried to send him to prison," Trask said. Trask told Sloan that she and Li had been having a good time and had had chemistry.
"And then you saw an opportunity to get a confession and jumped on it," Sloan said. Trask nodded yes. "I should have known trying to trap him was going to blow up in my face," Trask said. Confused, Sloan asked Trask why she had attempted to entrap Li if she had been enjoying the date. Trask admitted that she had been unable to help herself when she had seen the opportunity.
"I've been there a time or two," Sloan admitted. "There's just part of me that just always needs to win, no matter what. And in this case, it overpowered my need to have a real human connection," Trask said. Trask admitted that after Li had stormed out, she had felt sad. With a smile, Sloan noted that Li was handsome and rich. "And as you saw last night, he can be pretty shrewd when he needs to be," Sloan said. Trask asked Sloan what she meant.
"It's occurring to me that he might be your perfect match, worth eating a little crow over," Sloan said. "I'm pretty sure he never wants to see me again," Trask countered. Trask added that she had already talked to the matchmaker and had set up another date. With a nod, Sloan said she needed to go to her first prenatal appointment. "This was nice. Talking with you. I think we should do it again sometime soon," Trask said. "I'd like that," Sloan said. Trask told Sloan that Eric would be a great father, and Sloan agreed.
After Sloan left, an anxious Trask called her matchmaker because her date was late. The matchmaker told Trask to look for a man in a blue blazer. As Trask ended her call, she looked across the bar and she saw Li in a blue blazer. "It couldn't be him. Not again. Could it?" Trask whispered.
Eric went to the penthouse to ask Brady about the incident with Kristen. "It was reckless, it was wrong, but I was desperate," Brady said. "You played right into [Kristen's] hands," Eric said. Eric told Brady that he understood why Brady had acted out.
"You were terrified that you might not ever see [your daughter] again. And I understand that more now than ever," Eric said. "Why more than ever?" Brady asked. Eric told Brady that he was going to be a father. "Since when?" Brady asked. "Can you congratulate me before you start the inquisition?" Eric countered. Eric explained that Sloan was pregnant.
"Actually, I'm more excited than I thought I would be," Eric admitted. Brady hesitantly noted that he hoped Eric saw Sloan clearly. "Sloan is nothing like Kristen. Bad things happened to her, and she lost her way, but she's a good person," Eric said. Brady nodded yes, and he said he was happy for Eric and Sloan. With a grin, Eric told Brady that he would lean on Brady for fatherly advice.
Brady noted that Eric should probably get advice from someone that had not threatened to kill the mother of his child. "It was just a threat, right? I mean, you were desperate to find out what she did with Rachel," Eric said. "You want to know the worst part? Rachel heard me say it," Brady said. Eric asked Brady if he had been able to convince Rachel that Brady had not meant his threat.
"Obviously not, because Rachel was the one who called the cops," Brady said. Eric gasped. "Can you convince her to retract her statement?" Eric asked. With a shake of his head, Brady said he would not ask his daughter to lie. Brady confessed that he did not believe Rachel would retract the statement, because Rachel was loyal to Kristen. Eric disagreed.
"I know [Rachel] had no idea what she was setting into motion," Eric said. "It's not just her statement. It's also the fact that Kristen backed it up," Brady said. Eric asked Brady what he planned to do. "Belle is talking to Kristen, and I'm hoping to God that she gets through to her," Brady said. Brady nervously looked at his phone.
"I wish there was some way I could help," Eric said. With a shake of his head, Brady noted that he had made his own mess, and he would handle it. Eric announced that he needed to meet up with Sloan for her first appointment with the obstetrician. "[Sloan] doesn't really seem to be the kind of... settling down type," Brady said. Eric told Brady that the pregnancy had been Sloan's idea. Brady was surprised.
Eric explained that Sloan had known that Eric had been disappointed about Nicole's baby and that the loss of her parents and Colin had made Sloan realize that she wanted to start a new family. "That's actually pretty selfless of her. She must obviously love you or something," Brady said. "Well, I love her, too," Eric said. Eric noted that people could change and that Kristen could surprise Brady. Brady scoffed at the notion.
"I am happy for you. I know how long you have wanted this," Brady said. Brady added that he knew Eric would be a great dad. "I meant what I said. I'll do anything I can to help you," Eric said. "Unfortunately, I think the only person that can help me is Kristen," Brady said.
In the DiMera living room, Kristen researched on her phone for a lawyer. "Salem has to have one halfway decent criminal lawyer," Kristen muttered. "It does," Belle announced as she walked into the room. Belle asked Kristen if she was going to let the police send Brady to prison.
"Why not? What has he ever done for me?" Kristen said. Kristen reminded Belle that Belle had refused to help her secure a shared custody agreement. "And now you want me to help you get him out of this?" Kristen yelled. Belle argued that she had been angry when she had turned Kristen down. Kristen countered that she had become angry.
"I thought Brady and I had a deal. And then he pulled a gun on me," Kristen yelled. "Brady was out of his mind with worry about Rachel when he turned you down. And you know what? You would have done the same thing if the tables were turned," Belle argued. Kristen admitted that was probably true.
"What exactly do you get by sending Brady to prison?" Belle asked. "So, you think Brady might actually be prosecuted?" Kristen countered. Belle noted that it was a serious charge. Belle asked Kristen if she truly believed that Brady would have pulled the trigger. When Kristen avoided the question, Belle argued that Kristen had pushed Brady too far.
"I did not kidnap Rachel!" Kristen protested. "There is blame here on both sides. So, tell me, Kristen, what matters most to you? Having the upper hand with Brady or actually doing what's in your own child's best interest? Because that would be having both parents a part of her life, right?" Belle asked. Kristen asked Belle what she wanted. Belle asked Kristen to recant her statement.
"Brady admitted that he wanted to kill me, and Rachel heard him," Kristen said. "Brady didn't know if his daughter was alive or dead," Belle argued. Belle added that without corroborating testimony, Trask did not have a case. "What exactly do I get if I keep Brady out of jail?" Kristen asked. "Are you talking about a deal?" Belle countered. Kristen said she wanted a signed shared custody agreement. Belle agreed.
"You really think that he is going to sign?" Kristen asked. "I think Brady is going to be very appreciative of what you're doing for him, so yes, I think he'll be more than willing to agree to the terms," Belle said.
When Belle returned to the penthouse, Brady was eager for an update. "I can make this whole thing go away, and you won't go to prison," Belle said. "What's the catch?" Brady asked. Belle explained that Kristen had agreed to change her statement to the police if Brady signed the shared custody agreement. Brady groaned. "So, either I go to jail, or I have to share custody with a maniac," Brady grumbled. Belle reminded Brady that he had pointed a loaded gun at Kristen, and he had threatened her in front of his daughter.
"You're right," Brady admitted. Belle handed the custody agreement to Brady. As Brady stared at it, Kristen marched into the penthouse. "Did he sign it?" Kristen asked. "Did you two come here together?" Brady asked defensively. Brady refused to sign the agreement until Kristen held up her end of the deal. "Have fun in Statesville," Kristen said as she turned to leave. Brady stated that if he went to prison, he would grant custody of Rachel to John and Marlena.
"Which would be within his rights," Belle added. After a moment, Kristen pulled out her phone, and she called Trask. On speakerphone, Kristen told Trask that she wanted to retract her statement. "I will not press charges against Brady," Kristen said. When Trask argued that she had Rachel's statement, Kristen countered that she believed Rachel would agree with her mother. Trask was furious. Kristen ended the call, and she said, "Your turn."
Nicole and E.J. went to the hospital to meet with the specialist, Dr. Ingrid Sorensen. Nicole introduced the doctor to E.J. E.J. apologized for having missed the prior appointment. When Dr. Sorensen noted that she could tell the couple the sex of the baby, Nicole declined. "We want to be surprised," Nicole said. E.J. stressed that they only wanted the baby to be healthy. When E.J. excused himself to leave Nicole alone for her examination, the doctor stopped him.
"Actually, Mr. DiMera, I'd like to start by examining you," Sorensen said. E.J. eagerly agreed to help in any way. "I just need a sample of your DNA," the doctor said. Nicole noted that they had already taken a paternity test. "What more do you need to know?" Nicole asked. Sorensen explained that the hospital had DNA records for Eric, but not E.J. "Why is that?" Sorensen asked. Nicole explained that after they had ruled out Eric as the father, they'd known that E.J. was the dad.
"I'd still like a DNA analysis," Sorensen said. Sorensen explained that she wanted to look for genetic markers of inherited diseases. "It would help me to know that an intervention would be necessary while the baby's in utero. The goal of our appointment today is to ensure that you have a healthy baby," Sorensen said. "We can't argue with that, can we?" Nicole said. Sorensen took a DNA swab, and she promised to have test results within a couple days.
When Eric arrived at the hospital, he ran into Nicole in the hallway. Nicole explained that she and E.J. had met with the specialist. "She said everything looks great, but she wants to be extra careful, so she's making E.J. have DNA testing to make absolute sure," Nicole explained. "Sounds like E.J. found the right doctor," Eric said.
Nicole asked Eric why he was at the hospital, and just then, Sloan exited the elevator. "Are you okay?" Nicole asked. "He's great. So am I. I'm pregnant," Sloan announced. Nicole forced a smile.
In Nicole's exam room, E.J. thanked Sorensen for having flown into town. "I had to put up with having a gourmet lunch served to me on your private jet. Poor me," Sorensen joked. E.J. asked Sorensen if she could tell him the sex of the baby. "I'm sorry, but Nicole is my patient. I can't give out any information without her consent," Sorensen said. E.J. said he understood. "All that matters is that I'm going to be the father of a healthy baby," E.J. said.

Sloan worries about her secret being exposed
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
by Steve Holley
At Salem University Hospital, E.J. congratulated Eric and Sloan on the news of Sloan's pregnancy. After several moments of awkward silence, E.J. tried to make small talk and corny jokes to lighten the mood. Eric and Sloan left. Nicole sarcastically congratulated E.J. for how he had handled the awkwardness.
At the DiMera mansion, E.J. said that he had only tried to be polite to Eric and Sloan. Nicole chided E.J. for his attempt at humor. E.J. said that the real reason Nicole was upset was because Sloan was going to have Eric's baby.
Nicole said that she was only upset because E.J. thought that she still had feelings for Eric. Nicole assured E.J. that she loved him, and she said that she was thrilled to be having a baby with him. Nicole said that it was Sloan who bothered her the most, and she added that something about Sloan's pregnancy didn't add up.
Nicole called Sloan a "tarantula," and she noted that having a baby would tie Sloan to Eric forever. "Which is why she got pregnant," Nicole said. Nicole told E.J. that she loved their life together and that she needed to focus on them and their baby. E.J. and Nicole looked forward to their future together, and they kissed.
In an exam room at the hospital, Sloan dressed for a prenatal exam. Sloan grew alarmed when Eric said that E.J. and Nicole had discussed having genetic testing performed on their baby. Eric said that Nicole and E.J. were only worried about potential health risks for the baby, given Nicole's medical history.
After Eric left to see what was taking the doctor so long. Sloan fretted that the secret could come out that Nicole was pregnant with Eric's child. When Eric returned, Sloan claimed that she was only worried about Nicole. "After everything she's been through, seeing this baby to term, I just don't want them to have any bad news," Sloan said.
In Leo and Gwen's room at the Salem Inn, Gwen wanted to have sex with Dimitri on the night before their wedding. Dimitri claimed he had things to do. Gwen was upset. Dimitri asked Gwen not to fight on the night before their wedding. Dimitri left.
At Chad and Stephanie's apartment, Alex appeared shirtless at the door. Stephanie scolded Alex for being shirtless after she and Chad had specifically told him to keep his shirt on. After some brief banter, Chad slammed the door in Alex's face.
Chad was angry, and he lashed out at Alex. Stephanie reminded Chad that the couple had an evening alone planned. Just then, they were interrupted again when Dimitri knocked on the door. Dimitri invited Chad and Stephanie to his wedding to Gwen.
Chad scoffed that Dimitri and Gwen were a perfect match, given each other's checkered histories. "Where are you two kids going on your honeymoon? Hell? I hope," Chad said.
Dimitri tried to appeal to Chad by saying that the two men were family. Dimitri noted that Stephanie and Gwen were also "family." Stephanie said that she would never forget the things that Gwen had done to Abigail. Chad shut the door on Dimitri. A short while later, Chad wondered why Dimitri would want him and Stephanie at the wedding. Chad deduced that something was off about the wedding.
At Small Bar, Trask told Li that she was his date for the evening. Li was interrupted by a woman named Connie, who said that she was his date. Li joined Connie at a table. Trask wondered who her date was. Just then, Trask spotted Alex.
Alex rambled about his life. Trask was visibly bored by Alex. Trask told Alex that the two had no future together. Trask said that Alex talked too much and that he had an annoying tendency to take his glasses on and off. Trask added that it was also clear that Alex was still in love with Stephanie.
Nearby, Li showed little interest as Connie rambled on about her life. Connie said that Li had tried to have Stefan killed. Li denied any involvement, and he was taken aback when Connie said that she had been aroused after listening to a podcast that had discussed Li's plan to have Stefan killed.
Later, Trask and Li shared that their dates had both been disastrous. Li observed that Trask had ordered the same bottle of Chardonnay that the two of them had enjoyed on their previous date. Trask invited Li to join her, and Li agreed.
At the same time, Chad and Stephanie were prepared to leave for dinner when they encountered Alex again in the hallway. Alex shared that his date hadn't gone well. Chad seemed to feel sorry for Alex for a moment. Chad asked if Alex wanted to accompany him and Stephanie to the Brady Pub. Alex readily agreed.
Back in Leo and Gwen's room, Gwen told Leo that Dimitri had refused to have sex with her. Leo flashed back to being in bed with Dimitri. An uncomfortable Leo hinted that Gwen could still call off the wedding if she thought that Dimitri wasn't interested in her. Leo worked quickly to walk back the comment.
Gwen said that she was thankful to have Leo as a best friend. Gwen wrapped her arms around Leo, whose face remained conflicted. A short while later, Dimitri returned to Gwen's room. Gwen apologized that she and Dimitri had argued, and she said that she had to run an errand of her own for the Spectator.
After Gwen left, Dimitri and Leo kissed. Leo broke off the kiss, and he said that he was torn over his feelings for Dimitri because Gwen was his best friend. Dimitri said that what Gwen wouldn't know couldn't hurt her, and he leaned in to kiss Leo again. Unbeknownst to Leo and Dimitri, Gwen had left her phone in the room and had started to head back.

Paulina confronts Whitley
Thursday, July 27, 2023
by Steve Holley
In Leo and Gwen's room at the Salem Inn, Leo said that his affair with Dimitri had to end because of his friendship with Gwen. Dimitri had undressed himself for Leo, and suddenly, Gwen entered. "What the bloody hell is going on here?" Gwen asked.
Gwen asked what had happened to Dimitri's clothes. As Dimitri dressed, Leo claimed that he had encouraged Dimitri to try on one of Leo's outfits for the wedding. Gwen was skeptical, and she said Leo had only wanted to see Dimitri in his underwear. Leo feigned that Gwen was right, and he "apologized" to Dimitri.
Gwen smiled when she said that Dimitri would be her husband the following day. Dimitri left under the guise of finding a suit for the wedding. Dimitri kissed Gwen as Leo turned away from the two. After Dimitri left, Leo and Gwen ate cake together.
Gwen said she was happy that Leo had changed his mind about Dimitri. Gwen added that she didn't think she would be able to go through with the wedding if not for Leo's blessing. Gwen noted that Leo looked sad. Gwen said that she knew Leo would find an amazing man who loved him as much as Dimitri loved her.
At the DiMera mansion, Dimitri told himself that he could fake a marriage to Gwen in order to win his inheritance. Dimitri added that he didn't see why he should have to give up Leo.
By the nurses' station at the hospital, Theo and Kayla expressed their relief that Abe was alive. Theo was worried that Abe's amnesia could be permanent, and he added that he felt responsible for Abe's condition because of karma.
Theo recalled that when Ciara had lost her memory years earlier, the two of them had almost started dating again. Theo reasoned that the same thing had happened between Whitley and Abe. Kayla said that there was no comparison between what Theo and Whitley had done. Kayla said that Theo was a good person and that the only people responsible for Abe's condition were Colin and Whitley.
Also at the hospital, a US Marshal introduced himself to Lani and Eli as Sam Gerard. Sam announced that he would escort Lani back to prison in Maryland. Lani asked if she could say goodbye to Abe.
In Abe's room at the hospital, Paulina was thrilled when Abe awoke. Abe said that he didn't remember Paulina, and he asked where his wife was. Paulina said that she was Abe's wife, but Abe said that he didn't know Paulina. Paulina explained that Whitley had pretended to be her and that Whitley had kidnapped Abe.
Paulina showed Abe their wedding portrait on her phone. Abe said that he'd had a dream in which Paulina had been his wife, but he said that he still didn't know who Paulina was. "And I certainly don't remember our love," Abe added.
Theo entered, and he was happy that Abe was awake. A confused Abe thought that Theo was Brandon and that Jerry was Theo. Paulina explained that Jerry was an actor who Whitley had hired to pretend to be Theo. A short while later, Lani walked into Abe's room. "It's you," Abe said excitedly.
Abe remembered that Lani had gone to rescue him, but he said he didn't have any memories of Lani as his daughter. Eli entered, and he told Abe that he was Lani's husband. Eli added that he and Abe were not only family but also friends. Eli hugged Abe and said that he loved him. Abe thanked Eli for his kindness.
Eli looked at Lani, and he said that the two of them had to leave. In a heartfelt speech, Lani told Abe that she had "obligations" to fill, but she promised that she would be back to visit him soon. Lani kissed Abe, and the two of them said goodbye. Lani then hugged Paulina and Theo, and she said that she loved them.
Lani noted that it was only six months before she was eligible for parole. Eli said that the next time he and Lani stepped foot in Salem, it would be for good. Eli and Lani then walked to the elevator, and they left with Sam. Theo was emotional as the elevator door closed.
Back in Abe's room, Kayla told Abe not to strain himself trying to regain his memory. Kayla added that everyone in Salem loved Abe and that the entire town was rooting for him.
In the interrogation room at the Salem Police Station, Marlena visited Whitley, who had been taken into police custody. Whitley only recognized Marlena as Charlemagne from Body & Soul. Marlena explained that she was a psychiatrist and that Whitley was her patient.
Marlena reasoned that Whitley had kidnapped Abe as a means of trying to replace her husband. Marlena was firm when she said that Whitley wasn't Paulina. "But I don't want to be Whitley King. It means I killed my husband. It means I'm an awful person. It means I have nothing to live for," Whitley protested.
Marlena said that Whitley was in a lot of pain and needed help. Marlena added that Whitley had experienced a terrible trauma, and Marlena wanted to be the one to help. Whitley wondered how she would ever make up for what she had done to Abe and his family. Marlena said that Whitley deserved help.
Just then, Paulina entered the interrogation room. Paulina revealed that Abe didn't remember her. Whitley tried to apologize, and she asked if there was anything she could do to help. Paulina stunned Whitley when she slapped her squarely across the face. "You can shut your damn mouth. I don't want to hear anything that you have to say," Paulina said.
Marlena said that Paulina needed to leave. "Fine, fine. I'll go. But I just want this bitch to know that she can't undo all the damage that she's caused with just 'I'm sorry.' It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than that. A hell of a lot more! Do you hear me?" Paulina shouted at Whitley.

Sloan steals Nicole's lab results
Friday, July 28, 2023
by Spalding
At Jada's apartment, Rafe asked Jada if she wanted to go with him to his sister's wedding. Jada asked if the wedding was a last-minute decision. With a chuckle, Rafe admitted that he had known about the wedding for weeks, but he had not invited Jada because they had been dating in secret.
"But now that they've taken my badge, there's really no point in keeping up appearances," Rafe said. Jada asked Rafe if he was sure. "Now that Abe is alive, there is a real possibility that he could reinstate you," Jada noted. Rafe countered that with Abe's health issues, there was no guarantee that he would be back to work anytime soon.
"Being let go has been oddly liberating," Rafe said. Jada asked how. Rafe said he had learned that his job was not the most important thing in his life. "If I had to choose between being commissioner of Salem PD or being with you, I'd choose you," Rafe said. "That's very sweet of you to say, but you just got out of a divorce," Jada argued. Rafe noted that he had had lousy luck with romance, but his affection for Jada felt different.
"It feels right," Rafe said. "I feel the same way, too," Jada confessed. Rafe kissed Jada. With a grin, Rafe asked when Talia would return home. "My sister is not coming back for hours," Jada whispered. After they made love, Jada noted that they needed to leave.
"Does that mean you'll come [to the wedding]?" Rafe asked. Jada told Rafe she would be happy to be his date. After a moment, Jada said, "E.J. and Nicole?" Rafe noted that the couple would be at the wedding. "You okay with that?" Rafe asked. "I'm fine with it. The question is, are you? I mean, I know how upset you were yesterday when you found out about Nicole's pregnancy," Jada said. Rafe clarified that he had been shocked, not upset.
"As far as I'm concerned, E.J. and Nicole deserve each other," Rafe said. Rafe asked Jada if she was okay to be around Nicole after all she had said to Jada when Jada had been pregnant. "I did what was right for me. I mean, as far as Nicole Walker is concerned, I don't care," Jada said. Jada admitted that she would resent Nicole if Eric was the father of Nicole's baby, but that was not the case. "The only person I feel sorry for is that child," Jada added.
At the DiMera mansion, Stefan woke up Gabi with breakfast in bed. Stefan told Gabi that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. "My soon-to-be husband, I am more in love with you than ever," Gabi said.
"I thought you were spending the night at Rafe's?" Stefan asked. "I thought it was silly to worry about the whole 'don't see the bride before the wedding' thing. I mean, what could happen to us that hasn't already happened, right?" Gabi said. Stefan laughed, and he told Gabi that he could not wait to marry her. "I promise this time that the till death do us part is forever," Stefan said. Stefan kissed Gabi again, and he handed her a letter.
Gabi read the note aloud, and she asked why Stefan had written "Happy Anniversary" five times. "Because we were robbed of our first four," Stefan said. Stefan noted that everything on the breakfast tray was a nod to anniversaries, including paper, cotton, fruit, and wood. "This is so thoughtful. I feel bad I don't have anything for you," Gabi said. Stefan laughed. "I think you do," Stefan said. Stefan grabbed Gabi and kissed her.
In the DiMera living room, Nicole told E.J. the happy news about Abe. "I have some news of my own," E.J. said. E.J. told Nicole that test results were ready at the hospital.
As E.J. and Nicole started to leave, Stefan entered the room. "Where are you two going?" Stefan asked. E.J. explained that they were headed to the hospital to pick up lab results. Stefan hummed the Wedding March. E.J. promised to return in time for the wedding. After a deep breath, Stefan admitted that he did not have anyone to help him get ready.
"I know you and I have had our ups and downs, but I'm hoping this most recent truce can be more of a permanent detente, and we can put this Cain and Abel crap behind us," Stefan said. "That is a lovely sentiment, and I, too, am hopeful," E.J. said. Nicole encouraged E.J. to stay and help Stefan. "I can go to the hospital myself," Nicole said. Reluctantly, E.J. agreed.
In Dimitri's room, he sent a provocative text to Leo. At the Salem Inn, Leo's phone beeped. Gwen called out to Leo in the bathroom about his phone, and he told her to turn off the ringer. Gwen saw the sext. Leo exited the bathroom and asked about his suit. "I'm sorry. But I just can't seem to tear my eyes away from these libidinous turns of phrase, or shall I say, sext messages. From your new lover, I presume," Gwen said. Leo's face paled.
Gwen apologized for having read Leo's texts, but she noted that he had asked her to turn off his ringer. As Gwen continued to get ready for her wedding, Leo breathed a sigh of relief. Gwen asked about Leo's lover, and Leo smirked as he looked at the texts.
"Obviously, you don't know who those naughty texts are from, right?" Leo asked. "According to your contacts, his initials are M.P.," Gwen said. Leo lied and said it was a guy named Matthew Perry that he had met on a dating site. Gwen asked Leo why he had not mentioned his new man. "It was just a hookup. I don't want to make a thing out of it," Leo said. Leo added that he might like the guy, and he did not want to jinx it. Gwen smiled, and she asked Leo if he planned to visit Matthew before the wedding. Leo said no.
"Really? He seems pretty desperate to see you," Gwen said. "My best friend in the entire world is getting married today, so that's an important day for me, too. The only person I am focused on right now is you," Leo said. Gwen asked Leo if he was sure he did not want to meet up with his lover for "a quickie." Leo said no again. Leo texted Dimitri to tell him that Gwen had seen the texts. Leo added, "Praise Mariah Carey that ur in my contacts as MP." Dimitri asked why MP. "You know, Magic Penis," Leo texted back. At the DiMera mansion, Dimitri laughed. As Dimitri texted back, Kristen crept up behind him and looked over his shoulder.
"You know, they say that it's in bad form to text with your boyfriend on your wedding day when you're about to marry the woman of your dreams," Kristen said. Dimitri stressed that he needed Leo to think that he was interested so that Dimitri did not lose his inheritance. Kristen promised to keep quiet. Kristen warned Dimitri that Leo would tell Gwen the truth sooner or later. "And when he does, dear nephew, you will be screwed. And not in the good way," Kristen said.
After Kristen's chat with Dimitri, she went over to Gabi's room to deliver a family heirloom necklace. "It's old. It twinkles blue," Kristen said. "Why?" Gabi asked. Kristen noted that they were going to be family, and Gabi had gone out of her way to be nice to Kristen.
"I know it's probably because you just needed support with the DiMera board, and I figured you didn't have a maid of honor, so I just wanted to say that I was available," Kristen explained. Gabi said she was not sure if Kristen was being genuine. "My only motive is to forge a friendship with you. My soon-to-be sister-in-law," Kristen said. With a smile, Kristen noted that she was getting shared custody of her daughter, and that had made her feel charitable.
"I'm really happy to hear about your daughter, Kristen. Congratulations," Gabi said. Kristen thanked Gabi. Gabi shivered with excitement. "I haven't been this happy since the day Ariana was born. I can't believe I'm going to marry my soul mate," Gabi said. "Lucky you," Kristen said. Gabi smiled sympathetically.
"I know you've always thought of Brady that way, as your soul mate. And maybe now that you're sharing custody of Rachel, maybe that magic will come back again," Gabi said. Kristen sniffled back tears and whispered, "Maybe."
Dimitri entered the DiMera living room. Stefan told Dimitri that he was not invited to the wedding. "What wedding?" Dimitri asked. "Mine," Stefan said. Dimitri laughed. "What a coincidence, so am I!" Dimitri said. Dimitri looked at the decorations, and he guessed that the ceremony would be in the living room. Dimitri said that was his plan, as well.
"In any case, Stefan has reserved our family home for his wedding. So, you're going to have to find another venue," E.J. said. Dimitri argued that his bride was on the way. "You do not get to blindside us with your ridiculous demands!" E.J. yelled. Stefan pulled E.J. aside. E.J. asked Stefan why he was so calm when Dimitri was attempting to hijack Stefan's wedding.
"You remember what Kristen said? As co-CEOs of DiMera, it is in our best interest not to alienate one of our biggest shareholders," Stefan whispered. E.J. swallowed his anger. Stefan suggested that they continue with a double wedding.
At the Salem Inn, Leo lamented that he would be losing his roommate. "I'm not going to have my best friend who can make me laugh harder than anyone else can. Who comforts me when I'm feeling low," Gwen said. "We're going to see each other all the time," Leo assured Gwen. With a sigh, Leo joked that he needed a raise to pay for the room.
"You better not lose sight of how special and wonderful and perfect you are," Leo said. As Gwen teared up, she told Leo that she would call him if she needed a reminder. "You know I adore you. I am going to cherish all of our memories that we have made here in the Salem Inn," Gwen said. Leo told Gwen he would miss her.
After their emotional chat, Leo helped Gwen put on her wedding dress. "I've never clicked with anyone the way that I do with Dimitri," Gwen confessed. Gwen said it had been love at first sight, like Leo had felt for Craig.
"I was scamming, Craig!" Leo yelled. Gwen shrugged. "What I'm trying to say is, I thought that I could only ever love Xander. And he loved another woman," Gwen said. With a smile, Gwen said it was the first time in her life that she had dated someone that only had eyes for her. Leo frowned.
Eric entered Sloan's apartment in a huff. "What's wrong?" Sloan asked. "I spoke to Nicole. She and E.J. got the results back from the genetic testing," Eric said. Eric noted that the test proved that E.J. was not the father. "Which obviously makes the kid mine. But you already knew that! Didn't you?" Eric bellowed. Eric noted that Sloan was the only person that could have tampered with his DNA swab.
"You're a lying bitch!" Eric screamed. "I was terrified that when Nicole found out that you would leave me for her," Sloan pleaded. Eric packed his bags, and he said he did not want to be around Sloan. "What about our baby?" Sloan asked. "I'll send you money," Eric grumbled. Eric told Sloan that he wanted to be with his first love and their baby.
"But our baby," Sloan said. "It was a mistake," Eric said venomously. Sloan awoke with a start in bed. "Are you all right?" Eric asked. Sloan told Eric that she had had a nightmare about the baby. As Sloan teared up, Eric hugged her tightly, and he assured her that everything would be fine. With Sloan calmed, Eric went into the bathroom to shower.
"What will we do if they show that her baby is Eric's?" Sloan whispered as she rubbed her belly. After a moment, Sloan hurriedly dressed. "With any luck, E.J. will be the father of that baby," Sloan muttered. "Are you talking to yourself?" Eric asked as he exited the bathroom. Sloan said she had been talking to the baby. Eric asked Sloan to join him at the pub so that they could tell Roman and Kate about the baby. Sloan declined, and he explained that she had promised that she would spend time with him.
At the Brady Pub, Rafe waited at a table while Jada dressed upstairs. Jada entered the room in a dazzling hot pink dress, and Rafe's jaw dropped open. "I should have specified that you're not supposed to upstage the bride. You look amazing," Rafe said. Jada asked about a gift. Rafe joked that he planned to give Gabi the same gift he'd bought for her wedding to Li. Eric walked into the pub.
"Are you two? Never mind, it's none of my business," Eric said. "It's fine. And yes, we are. That's assuming if you were asking if we were seeing each other," Rafe said. Eric smiled and nodded yes. Jada noticed the baby booties in Eric's hand. "I was stopping by to see my dad and tell him that Sloan and I are expecting," Eric said. Jada's smile faltered for a moment.
"That's wonderful, Eric. That you're finally getting the child that you always wanted," Jada said. Rafe congratulated Eric, and he held out his arm for Jada. "If you'll excuse us. We have a wedding to attend," Rafe said.
At the hospital, Sloan asked a nurse for the lab results for Nicole Walker. The nurse asked for ID. Sloan pretended that she had left her wallet at home. "I can tell you that the date of service was yesterday with Dr. Sorensen," Sloan said. The nurse asked again for ID. Sloan suggested that the nurse call her husband, E.J. DiMera. "That won't be necessary. I've got them right here," the nurse said. Sloan took the envelope and walked away as Nicole rounded the corner.
As Nicole approached the nurses' station, E.J. called her phone. "Is everything all right? I thought you'd be back by now," E.J. said. Nicole explained that she had been stuck in a traffic jam. "If I'm late to the wedding, go ahead and start without me," Nicole said. "Weddings plural," E.J. said.
In the DiMera living room, E.J. noted that Stefan had agreed to a double wedding. "What?" Gabi yelled. "I know I should have asked you first," Stefan told Gabi. Stunned, Gabi asked Stefan if he expected her to share her wedding day with "that creep Dimitri." "And Gwen Rizczech? I mean, she let me take the fall for drugging Abigail. Have you lost your mind?" Gabi said. Stefan apologized.
"The important thing is you and I are going to be married. We're going to be husband and wife again, okay?" Stefan said. Gabi softened. "I guess we have no choice," Gabi muttered. Leo escorted Gwen into the living room, and Gwen's smile disappeared when she saw Gabi in her wedding dress. "What is going on here?" Gwen asked. "Apparently, we're having a double wedding," Gabi said. Gwen gasped.
"Oh, God, no. The last double wedding I was involved in with him was a category five disaster," Gwen said as she looked at Leo. "Maybe we should call the whole thing off?" Leo said. Across the room, Dimitri shook his head no at Leo. "I don't want to call off my wedding," Gwen said. Dimitri rushed to his bride's side. Gwen suggested that they wait a day and go to the courthouse. "I know you're so dead set on getting married before your 40th, but really," Gwen said. Dimitri noted that the wedding was not what Gwen had expected, but it was ready to start. Kristen agreed.
"You are a vision, Gwen. And right now, everyone and everything is ready to go," Kristen added. Dimitri told Gwen that he had gotten her a gift with the wedding date inscribed on it. "With all this love in the air, well, it's kind of magical, don't you think?" Dimitri said. "I'm down," Leo said. Frustrated, Gabi yelled that she wanted to get started.
"I have waited years to marry this man, and I don't want to wait any longer," Gabi said. Gwen said she did not want to wait any longer, either. Rafe walked in with Jada. Gabi greeted her brother, and she welcomed Jada to the wedding. "You look beautiful. As always," Jada said. "So do you," Gabi countered. Rafe asked what was going on.
Through gritted teeth, Gabi said there would be a double wedding. "The more, the merrier," Gabi said with a forced smile. When Gabi asked about Nicole, E.J. said that Nicole had told them to start without her. "What a shame," Jada said. The ceremony started. When the officiant asked for any objections, Gabi blurted out, "Who left that part in?" There was silence, and Gabi smiled with relief. "Wait a minute! I have something to say," Leo announced.
At the hospital, Nicole asked a nurse for her test results. "It says here they've already been picked up," the nurse said. Down the hallway, Sloan ducked into a vacant hospital room to read Nicole's results. "E.J. DiMera, not a genetic match," Sloan read aloud. Sloan groaned. "Dear God, the baby is not E.J.'s. It's Eric's," Sloan whispered.

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