Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 17, 2023 on DAYS

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Whitley foiled Lani
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 17, 2023 on DAYS

Rachel got Brady arrested. Whitley foiled Lani's rescue of Abe. E.J. and Stefan made a truce. Kristen blackmailed Dimitri. Xander and Chloe celebrated an anniversary. Trask and Li temporarily bonded on a blind date. Alex annoyed Chad. Bonnie lied to Maggie. Johnny told Rafe about Nicole's pregnancy. Li interrupted Tripp and Wendy. Sloan's pregnancy test was positive. Jerry told Steve the truth about Abe. The US Marshal found Lani's body on the docks.

Brady pulls a gun on Kristen
Brady pulls a gun on Kristen

Brady pulls a gun on Kristen

Monday, July 17, 2023

by Mike

John arrived while Steve was pounding on Jerry's apartment door and calling out urgent greetings. Steve backed away so John could kick open the door -- but Jerry was no longer inside the apartment, having apparently fled through an open window.

Steve phoned Jada, who promised to advise public transportation officials to be on the lookout for Jerry -- and John noticed an error message on a beeping printer after the conversation ended, leading to the discovery of a partially printed bus schedule that had been jammed in the machine.

Kayla approached Whitley at the hospital and wondered if something was going on. "I just couldn't help overhearing that you feel like you're against the wall," Kayla explained, drawing a nervous laugh from Whitley.

Whitley claimed that Kayla had simply overheard the musings of someone who had been preparing to resign from a job. "All because of Abe?" Kayla summarized after getting more of the story, making Whitley even more nervous.

Whitley objected to Kayla's overly simplified assessment of the situation then rushed off without even filling out the necessary paperwork to make the resignation official -- or waiting for a final paycheck to be created.

Paulina grew nervous when Rafe arrived at the Price condominium to pick up Lani. "I'm not the commissioner anymore, but I did volunteer to oversee the transfer -- I just thought it'd be easier for her to deal with someone she knows," Rafe explained. "The thing're here, and she's not," Paulina admitted. "That's...not good -- I mean, there's not much time for me to get her back before her furlough expires," Rafe declared. "Maybe you should call her," Paulina suggested. "She's a prisoner -- she's not allowed to have a phone," Rafe reminded Paulina. "She just wanted to sit in the park alone and pull herself together after the funeral," Paulina informed Rafe.

Paulina led Rafe to Lani's last known location, but no one was there. "She can't be late -- or she's gonna screw up her chances of getting an early release," Rafe noted.

Paulina blamed Rafe for the situation, reasoning that Lani wouldn't have even been given a furlough in the first place if the police had managed to find Abe -- and the rant led to a panic attack.

Rafe rushed Paulina over to the hospital. Paulina eventually recovered and apologized to Rafe for the earlier outburst.

Rafe phoned someone about the furlough and told a lie to buy more time to search for Lani.

Lani was relieved to find Abe inside the King apartment -- but Whitley's sedative had fully kicked in by then, complicating the father-daughter reunion.

Lani tried to explain the situation, but Abe was no longer lucid enough to understand that Whitley was not to be trusted -- and the nurse returned during the conversation.

Lani lashed out at Whitley while preparing Abe for transport -- but the nurse soon found an opportunity to pounce with a syringe. "You are not gonna get away with this!" Lani managed to snap at Whitley before collapsing at Abe's feet and passing out.

Jada was in the process of securing a search warrant for the DiMera mansion when Belle entered the police station and revealed that there had been a development in the case.

Jada was annoyed to learn that Kristen was essentially going to be rewarded for having kidnapped a child, and Belle agreed but guessed that part of the detective's frustration actually stemmed from feelings of guilt about Rafe's termination.

Brady pulled a gun on Kristen while they were alone in the living room of the DiMera mansion. "Since when do you own a gun?" Kristen sputtered. "It's my father's -- and it's loaded," Brady responded.

Brady shoved Kristen against a desk and demanded to know where Rachel was hiding. Kristen reached for a vase while claiming that Rachel was in the secret tunnels, but Brady caught the move and smacked the item away. Brady pressed the barrel of the gun into Kristen's stomach and threatened to pull the trigger unless Rachel's true hiding place was revealed at once.

Rachel burst into the living room just then and told Brady to get away from Kristen. "You were gonna kill Mommy!" Rachel snapped as Brady hid the gun. "I would never do that -- I just needed her to tell me where you were," Brady explained to Rachel.

Brady ordered Rachel to wait in the foyer then continued lashing out at Kristen. "The only thing that you had left was the fact that I have not told our little girl what kind of woman you really are, but that's over now -- she's gonna know everything now!" Brady warned, prompting Rachel to return and again defend Kristen. "I don't want to go -- I want to stay here with Mommy!" Rachel screamed at Brady while being pulled away from Kristen and carried out of the mansion.

Kristen collected the remains of the custody agreement and taped them together then summoned Belle to the mansion and begged for help convincing Brady to sign the document -- but the lawyer refused after finding out what had happened.

Brady headed over to the Evans-Black townhouse with Rachel and banished the child to a bedroom then returned the gun to its hiding place -- and Jada arrived a short time later, having heard about what had happened at the DiMera mansion. "She kidnaps our daughter -- and then she calls the cops on me?" Brady sputtered at Jada -- just as Rachel returned to the living room. "Mommy didn't call the police -- I did!" Rachel yelled at Brady while running to Jada's side.

Gabi holds Li at gunpoint
Gabi holds Li at gunpoint

Gabi holds Li at gunpoint

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

by Spalding

In the small bar off the square, Stefan joined E.J. for a drink. After E.J. assured Stefan that the drink had not been poisoned, Stefan asked why he wanted to talk. E.J. told Stefan that he wanted to discuss Megan. "You disappointed she didn't succeed?" Stefan asked. "No. In fact, I was the one who tried to stop her," E.J. told Stefan. Stefan did not believe E.J.

"Why do you think she locked me up in the tunnels?" E.J. said. "Figured you were her next victim," Stefan countered. E.J. laughed, and he told Stefan what had happened. Stefan asked E.J. why he had not kept Megan's secret and taken over the company.

"We're family. You're my brother, and I will always feel a deep connection to you," E.J. said. Stefan laughed in disbelief. When E.J. mentioned Stefano's love for family loyalty, Stefan reminded E.J. that Stefan had never met their father.

"Actually, you remind me a lot of him. In fact, I would go as far as to say that you're more like him than I am," E.J. admitted. "Thanks. I think," Stefan said. E.J. confessed that he had been wrong to reject Stefan and Gabi's offer of a truce. "I think it's time we started working together as a united front," E.J. said. E.J. said he was certain that Megan would return.

"You don't trust Dimitri," Stefan noted. E.J. argued that Dimitri was too close to his mother. "It wouldn't surprise me if he's agreed to carry out her nefarious plan," E.J. said. Stefan asked if E.J. believed they were all still in danger.

"We need to put aside our differences and deal with our enemy," E.J. argued. "How do I know this isn't some 3D chess move designed to get me to let my guard down?" Stefan said. E.J. asked Stefan to trust him, and Stefan laughed. When E.J. extended his hand, Stefan shook it.

At Wendy's apartment, Li talked to someone on the phone. "I'll send the money right away. You just better come through for me," Li said. Gabi knocked on the door. "What a coincidence. I was just thinking about you," Li said. "How is that?" Gabi asked. Li said he had heard that Rolf had attacked Gabi at the hospital.

"You shouldn't have gone [to see Megan] alone," Li said. "That's what Stefan said. But you know what? I promised him that from now on, we will be doing everything together as a team," Gabi said. Gabi added that that day was an exception, and she pulled a gun out of her purse. Li backed into his apartment.

"It's insane to me that Trask would let you walk free after you tried to kill Stefan," Gabi yelled. "I told you it was Megan DiMera who wanted Stefan dead," Li stressed. Gabi told Li that she believed he had been Megan's partner in crime. "There's no evidence," Li countered. Gabi warned Li that she would not let him attack Stefan again.

"You're not going to shoot me. You don't have it in you," Li said. Gabi reminded Li that she had shot her first husband, Nick. Li begged Gabi not to do something that would send her to prison. "You attacked Stefan at our engagement party. Who's to say you won't do it at our wedding?" Gabi asked. Li promised he would never interfere.

"I was a fool to ever give you the time of day, let alone love you, you sick bastard," Gabi said. Gabi told Li that Stefan was the love of her life, and she would do anything to protect him. "This isn't necessary. I'm not going to go after Stefan," Li said. Li swore that he understood that there was no chance for a reconciliation with Gabi. "Since when?" Gabi asked. Li told Gabi about his talk with Wendy and that she had convinced him not to throw his life away over Gabi.

"So, I've decided to move on with my life," Li said. Li told Gabi that he had hired a matchmaker, and he showed Gabi his profile on his laptop. "I've accepted that you don't love me and you never will, and I'm not going to come between you and Stefan," Li stressed. Gabi noted that she had heard that from Li before -- on the night of her engagement party.

"I'm not saying I had any part in what happened to Stefan, but I will admit that I wasn't quite as ready to let you go as I thought," Li confessed. Li added that he had been overwhelmed by his emotions. "If I just became homicidal every time that I was heartbroken," Gabi yelled. Li argued that he was in a better place than he had been that night. Gabi thrust the gun at Li in frustration.

"If you let me live, I'm supposed to go on a date this evening. And if I meet the right person and we're a good match, then maybe I'll be able to move on from you. Not maybe, I will. I must. I finally believe it is possible. I've finally come to grips with reality," Li stressed. With a sigh, Gabi lowered the gun. "Fine. Go on your date. But let me tell you something: I still do not trust you," Gabi said. Gabi warned Li that she would kill him if he attacked her or Stefan again.

In the DiMera living room, Kristen begged Belle to talk to Brady about shared custody of Rachel. "You kidnapped Rachel. So, maybe if you, I don't know, give her back, my brother would be willing to negotiate," Belle said. Kristen told Belle that Brady had already taken Rachel. "So, you did take Rachel," Belle said. "I did not say that!" Kristen corrected. Kristen explained that Rachel had shown up.

"And thank God she did because Brady was about to shoot me," Kristen said. Belle scoffed at the idea. Kristen explained that Brady had pointed a gun at her and said he would murder her. "You're lying. Brady doesn't even own a gun," Belle said. Kristen explained that Brady had borrowed John's gun. "If Brady had threatened you with a gun, you would be at the police station right now," Belle said. Kristen argued that the police would not believe her.

"Brady tried to murder me in cold blood. He has gone completely over the edge," Kristen said. "If that's true, that's because you pushed him," Belle countered. Kristen argued that her actions did not mean she should be murdered.

"You have been about to kill numerous people numerous times, and damn near succeeded. So, it shouldn't come as a surprise to you that I feel zero sympathy for you, and I have zero faith that everything you're telling me right now isn't some sinister attempt to screw someone over. In this case, my brother, who I love and trust," Belle yelled. Belle refused to help Kristen.

At the penthouse, Rachel told Jada and Brady that she had called the police. "Baby, why would you do that?" Brady asked. "Because you tried to kill Mommy!" Rachel yelled. Rachel told Jada what she had seen in the DiMera living room. "Is what Rachel is saying true? Did you pull a gun on Kristen DiMera and threaten her life with it?" Jada asked. Brady admitted he had fought with Kristen because she had kidnapped his daughter.

"No, she didn't!" Rachel yelled. "Honey, please don't lie about this now," Brady said. Rachel insisted that she was not lying. With a sigh, Brady admitted he might have threatened Kristen in the heat of the moment, but he had not meant it. Brady added that he did not own a gun. Rachel pointed at the desk, and she told Jada that Brady had put it in the drawer. Jada confirmed that there was a firearm in the drawer. "I think it's best that we finish our conversation down at the station," Jada said.

At the Salem Inn, Gwen wrapped up a video meeting for the paper on her computer. Gwen glanced at her phone, and she wondered aloud why she had not heard from Dimitri.

In Dimitri's room at the DiMera mansion, he and Leo were having sex as Dimitri's phone buzzed with a call from Gwen. Dimitri let the call go to voicemail. When Dimitri noticed the missed call, Leo sighed.

"I hate deceiving her like this. You know, normally I don't mind being sneaky and duplicitous, because truthfully, most people deserve it. But Gwennie, she's my ride or die," Leo said. "Worry about what you deserve. What makes you happy. You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" Dimitri asked. Leo said he wanted to be with Dimitri, but he hated betraying Gwen to do it.

"We need to find a way to get you over this guilt," Dimitri said as he nibbled at Leo's neck. Leo asked if Dimitri could marry a different woman. "You know, I'd love to, but it's too late," Dimitri said. Dimitri reminded Leo that he had less than a month to marry. When Leo suggested a woman he knew, Dimitri declined.

"I sincerely like Gwen. I care about her. I really do. And I'm not so heartless that I don't feel bad about deceiving her. But right now? I'm stuck. But at least now I'm stuck with you," Dimitri said. Dimitri kissed Leo.

After Dimitri and Leo dressed, they walked downstairs to the foyer. "I'll call you later. And remember to keep your mouth shut," Dimitri whispered. "That's not what you were saying earlier," Leo joked. Dimitri called Leo incorrigible, and he kissed him goodbye.

After Leo left, Dimitri walked into the living room, and he saw a sour-faced Kristen. "Who were you sneaking out of the house just now? Was it your girlfriend or your boyfriend?" Kristen asked. "My boyfriend?" Dimitri stammered. Kristen told Dimitri that Rachel had seen Dimitri in bed with Leo. "I can explain," Dimitri started. Kristen guessed that Dimitri had slept with Leo so that Leo would keep quiet about the rules of his inheritance.

"I had to keep the chatterbox quiet, and so I took one for the team," Dimitri admitted. Dimitri asked Kristen to keep quiet about his affair. Kristen demanded a cut of the Von Leuschner inheritance. "You expect me to hand over half my fortune?" Dimitri asked. Kristen argued she needed money to fight for custody of Rachel. Kristen asked for Megan's portion of the inheritance. When Dimitri objected on his mother's behalf, Kristen asked Dimitri if he had been a part of Megan's plan to murder Stefan.

"Absolutely not," Dimitri stressed. Kristen argued that her "evil sister" had forfeited her share of the money. "I'll be happy to enjoy it for her," Kristen said. Kristen asked if they had a deal. As Dimitri held up his glass, E.J. and Stefan entered the room. "We were just talking about how nice it's been getting to know you, and we were hoping that you could stay in touch," Stefan said. E.J. ordered Dimitri to move out.

"So, you two are actually in agreement for once?" Kristen asked. "We decided to call a truce," Stefan said. Dimitri argued that he had not known about Megan's schemes. "Why should we believe that?" Stefan asked. "I would never condone violence toward my own family," Dimitri protested. E.J. told Dimitri that they did not trust him, and they believed he might still be working with Megan. Kristen cautioned her brothers not to be too hasty.

"After all, Dimitri does have shares at DiMera, as do I. And you know that Peter will always vote with me," Kristen said. Kristen put her arm around Dimitri, and she asked her brother if they wanted to alienate a large voting bloc. "That is a moot point now, since Stefan and I are working together," E.J. said. Kristen suggested that they stick together as a family. Suspicious, E.J. asked Kristen why she wanted to protect Dimitri.

"It's what Father would have wanted. Solidarity. Family meant everything to him, as we all know," Kristen said. Kristen vouched for Dimitri. "Fine. But if one of us ends up dead because of him, that's on you," Stefan said. "We agreed," E.J. muttered at Stefan. Stefan argued that he and E.J. did not have a choice. When Stefan told Dimitri he could stay, a furious E.J. fumed. E.J. warned Stefan and Kristen that they would regret their decision. Dimitri thanked Kristen profusely. "I'm sure you'll find a way to pay me back," Kristen said with a knowing look.

When Leo returned home, Gwen asked why he had missed the work meeting. Leo said he had been working on a column about cuddling. Suspicious, Gwen argued that the idea did not sound like his usual column. "And also, you barely said a word to me last night, and then you were gone before I woke up," Gwen said. Gwen asked Leo if he was avoiding her.

"You're my best friend! Why would I be avoiding you?" Leo stammered. Gwen argued that Leo had been distant since she had announced her engagement. Leo said he was fine. "I suppose I'm being a bit paranoid because I haven't heard from Dimitri all day," Gwen confessed. Leo admitted that he had been with Dimitri after Leo had searched the DiMera house.

"I assume you came up empty-handed [in your search for dirt on Dimitri]?" Gwen asked. "Right. But before I could leave, Dimitri caught me in his room," Leo confessed. Leo noted that he and Dimitri had really "gone at it, like two animals in the wild." Gwen gasped. Leo promised that he and Dimitri were fine.

"Dimitri convinced me how much marrying you means to him. And though I have my reservations because I am so protective of you, I have decided to give this marriage my full blessing," Leo said. Gwen admitted that she was surprised. "I mean, when you have it in for someone, it's very hard to change your mind," Gwen said. Leo agreed.

"The thing is, I saw another side of Dimitri. He's not the James Bond villain I thought he was," Leo said. "He must have really worked his magic to make you flip like this," Gwen said. After a moment, Gwen asked Leo why he had been with Dimitri all day. Leo lied and said he had been planning a surprise for Gwen with Dimitri. Relieved, Gwen said she understood why she had not heard from Dimitri.

"It means the world to me that my best friend and my husband-to-be are actually getting along. You have no idea how happy you've made me," Gwen said. As Gwen hugged Leo, a look of guilt crossed his face.

At the police station, Jada questioned Brady in the interrogation room. Brady told Jada about his argument with Kristen. "I was pissed that she was going to use my daughter as leverage," Brady said. As Jada started to ask about the gun, Belle entered the room and reminded Brady that she had warned him not to talk to the police without her.

"My daughter already told Detective Hunter everything that went down, okay? Besides, I'm not going to lie," Brady said. Brady argued that the truth was the best thing for everyone. After Belle sat down, Brady recounted what had happened with Kristen in the DiMera living room.

"My brother knows that he did a stupid thing, but it was born out of fear and desperation. He believed that Kristen was going to run off with his daughter and that he would never see her again," Belle said. "That doesn't give him the right to threaten murder with a gun," Jada said. Belle reminded Jada that Brady had made a full confession voluntarily.

"[Brady] is not a violent criminal. He's just a dad who loves his kid very deeply," Belle said. "I'm mortified by my own behavior, okay? I really, really am. And it was driven by the fact that I thought I was going to lose my daughter," Brady argued. Brady said he regretted his actions. As Belle asked if Jada would release Brady, Trask marched in and said no.

"The threat was made in the heat of the moment. Kristen had kidnapped his daughter," Belle argued. "Not according to his daughter," Jada corrected. Belle pointed out that Rachel was a child that wanted to protect her mother. "This is all just a messy family dispute that got blown way out of proportion," Belle said. Trask disagreed. Trask ordered Jada to arrest Brady and obtain a statement from Kristen.

In the little bar off the square, Li talked to his matchmaker on the phone while he waited for his date. "I'll be on the lookout for a woman with long, dark hair, wearing a blue dress," Li confirmed. As Li ended his call, Trask walked into the bar in a blue dress. "You've got to be kidding me," Li muttered.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen was surprised to see Jada at the front door. "I'm here to ask you about an incident that happened between you and Mr. Black," Jada said. "Now listen. I did not, nor would I ever, kidnap my own daughter," Kristen stressed. Jada confirmed that Rachel had said the same thing. "Then why are you here?" Kristen asked. "Because she also said that Mr. Black threatened you with a gun," Jada said.

In the penthouse, Belle grumbled to Brady, "I wish to hell you would have kept your mouth shut." Brady thanked Belle for having bailed him out of jail. "You really made my whole case a whole lot harder," Belle said. Belle noted that if Kristen decided to press charges, he would likely go to prison. Rachel listened from the hallway.

Chad and Stephanie
Chad and Stephanie's plans are interrupted

Chad and Stephanie's plans are interrupted

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

by Steve Holley

At the Kiriakis mansion, Bonnie told Justin that she feared she wouldn't be able to keep Sarah's pregnancy a secret much longer. Maggie overheard the word "secret," and she asked what secret Bonnie and Justin were keeping.

Bonnie rambled nervously, and she mentioned Rex and Sarah. Maggie guessed that Bonnie's secret had to do with Sarah. Maggie noted that Justin had barely said a word to her. Because of that, Maggie changed her mind, and she thought that the secret was about Alex. Maggie assumed that Justin was angry at her for having fired Alex and for Alex having moved out of the mansion.

Justin denied that he was upset at Maggie, and he asked that they consider the subject closed. Maggie agreed, but she asked why Bonnie had mentioned Rex and Sarah earlier. Bonnie claimed that Sarah's secret was that Sarah was dating Rex in Chicago. Justin said that Sarah had made Bonnie promise not to tell Maggie about Sarah's relationship with Rex because of Xander.

Maggie wondered what Xander had to do with anything, given that Sarah and Xander had broken up six months earlier. Maggie surmised that Sarah was afraid to tell her that Sarah had forgiven Xander. Maggie thanked Bonnie for having told her what Maggie believed was the truth, and she left the room.

Afterwards, Bonnie placed a call to Sarah. Bonnie revealed that Sarah was still determined to keep her pregnancy a secret from Xander. Bonnie noted that secrets always had a way of coming out, especially as they pertained to a baby.

At Xander and Chloe's apartment, Xander surprised Chloe with a gift. Chloe opened a package that contained a dartboard. Xander said the gift signified the three-month anniversary since Chloe had hit Xander in the chest with a dart.

Xander claimed that he had "fancied" Chloe since then. Xander and Chloe kissed. Chloe ordered pizza for them, and they played a game of darts. Chloe won, and as part of a bet they had made, Xander agreed to give Chloe a shoulder massage. The two soon started to make out, and they had sex on the sofa.

Afterwards, Chloe laughed when the dartboard crashed to the floor. Xander asked how he and Chloe should pass the time without another game of darts. Chloe said that Xander could think of something, and the two started to make out again.

In Stefan and Gabi's room at the DiMera mansion, Gabi told Stefan that she had pulled a gun on Li. Stefan was upset, and he said that Gabi was putting herself in danger with her determination to stop Li and Megan.

Gabi said that Li had made plans for a date that night. Gabi hoped that Li would finally get over her. Stefan said he felt sorry for whoever had the misfortune of being Li's date. Gabi said she didn't want to talk about Li anymore.

Gabi noted that her and Stefan's anniversary was the following week, and she was excited that they would be married again. "Except I don't know if that's going to work for me," Stefan told a surprised Gabi.

Stefan ranted about the possibility of doing something as reckless as Gabi had done when she had pulled a gun on Li. Gabi conceded that Stefan had made his point, and she vowed to never go after Li again. Stefan said he didn't believe Gabi, and he asked her to take him with her the next time Gabi wanted to "bring the fight" to someone. Gabi agreed, and she and Stefan kissed.

At Small Bar, Trask spotted Li, who shared that he was Trask's blind date. Trask and Li groused about their back luck with the matchmaker they had both hired. Trask said that she and Li had nothing in common, but Li posited that he and Trask were both "collateral damage" as a result of Stefan and Gabi's relationship.

Trask begrudgingly agreed to join Li at his table. Trask and Li traded barbs over their feelings for Stefan and Gabi, respectively. Trask said she didn't owe Li any answers, and she added that she could still bring charges against Li for the attempted murder of Stefan. "And for being an ass in the first degree!" Trask added.

Trask prepared to leave, but she noticed that Li had ordered a bottle of Chardonnay that she recognized. Trask told Li to pour her a glass, and she recalled a trip she had taken years earlier in which she had discovered a passion for wine.

Trask said that the last winery she had visited on her trip had been named Lost Love Vineyards -- the same manufacturer of Chardonnay that Li had ordered. Trask said the wine had been the best she had ever had, and she recalled a journal with notes about wine tasting that she had kept during her trip.

Trask said that she had put the trip -- and the wine -- out of her mind until she had seen the bottle again that night. Li and Trask continued to talk, and Trask started to smile. Li asked Trask to stay for dinner. Trask agreed, and Li poured another glass of wine for each of them. Trask and Li toasted to their date.

At Chad and Stephanie's new apartment, Chad and Stephanie's plans for a romantic evening were interrupted when Alex appeared shirtless. Alex complained that he didn't have hot water in his apartment, and he asked if he could shower in Chad and Stephanie's unit. Chad was hostile toward Alex and told him to go home.

Stephanie agreed to let Alex use the shower. As Alex showered, Chad and Stephanie planned their evening. Alex interrupted them after his shower, and Chad grew upset that Alex was wearing Chad's robe. Chad then offered that Alex could keep the robe if Alex moved out of the building.

Chad accused Alex of having taken the apartment because he was still interested in Stephanie. Alex said that his move into the building was coincidental after his argument with Maggie. Stephanie asked Chad to drop his feud with Alex so that she and Chad could enjoy their evening together.

Chad agreed, but Alex blithely took a bite of takeout food that Chad and Stephanie had ordered. Alex asked if he could stay for dinner. A short while later, after Alex had finished an awkward dinner with Chad and Stephanie, Stephanie told Alex that it was time for him to leave.

After Alex left, Stephanie apologized for Chad's robe. Chad said he didn't need a robe as long as he was able to live with Stephanie. Chad and Stephanie kissed.

Sloan learns that she is pregnant
Sloan learns that she is pregnant

Sloan learns that she is pregnant

Thursday, July 20, 2023

by Steve Holley

At a table in Horton Town Square, Johnny learned that Rafe had been fired by the acting mayor. Johnny encouraged Rafe to fight for his job, but Rafe noted that he had broken the rules. Johnny was happy that Rafe had found someone new in Jada.

Johnny told Rafe about his breakup with Wendy. Rafe proposed a game of sad-guy poker with Johnny in which both men competed to see who had the worst run of luck. Rafe agreed that Johnny "won" because Johnny had been dumped. Rafe said that Johnny would find love again. Rafe invited Johnny for a beer at the Brady Pub. Johnny agreed, and he said that he had missed hanging out with Rafe.

At the Brady Pub, Talia was late to join Jada for dinner after Talia's community service shift ended. Talia noted that Jada seemed distracted. Jada said that Rafe having helped her had cost him his job. Talia defended Jada and Rafe, but Jada noted that she and Rafe had still broken the rules.

Talia teased Jada about her sex life with Rafe, and she asked Jada for details. Jada loudly said that making love to Rafe was "the bomb." Unbeknownst to Jada, Rafe and Johnny had entered the pub. "Way to go, buddy," Johnny said as he slapped Rafe on the back. Jada awkwardly smiled at Rafe.

Jada chatted with Rafe in a corner, and she said that she was "mortified" by what she had said. Rafe playfully teased Jada, and he said he had no regrets about their relationship. Rafe shared that he had no idea where Lani had disappeared to, and he asked if Jada would help him search for Lani. Jada agreed.

At a table nearby, Talia was taken aback when Johnny said that Chanel was his ex-wife. Talia assumed that Johnny hated her for what she had done to Chanel. Johnny said that, while wasn't okay with what Talia had done, he didn't hate her. Talia said that she would do whatever it took to make things up to Chanel. Johnny threatened that Talia would have to answer to him if she hurt Chanel again.

At Small Bar, Trask and Li appeared to be growing closer when Trask asked Li to "confide" in her. Trask asked Li to admit that he had been responsible for the assassination attempt on Stefan. Li grabbed Trask's purse, and he realized that she had been recording their conversation since she had returned from the restroom.

Trask insisted that Li had things wrong. Li grew incensed, and he stormed out. Afterwards, Trask finished the bottle of Chardonnay. Trask appeared to grow sad when she flashed back to having told Li about the wineries she had visited years earlier. Trask muttered that she had "really screwed things up."

At the Shin apartment, Tripp told Wendy that he had convinced someone to cover for him at the hospital so that Tripp could spend the evening with Wendy. Wendy was touched by Tripp's actions, and she asked Tripp if the two of them could stay in for the evening.

Wendy noted that she and Tripp had the apartment to themselves because Li was on a date. Wendy and Tripp cuddled together on the couch, and they watched Body & Soul. Wendy mentioned Li, and she admitted that she was worried about her brother.

Tripp said that it was natural for Wendy to be worried because Li would always be her brother. Wendy said that Li could take care of himself, and she proposed that she "take care of" Tripp. Wendy and Tripp started to make out. Tripp asked if Wendy wanted to move to the bedroom, but they were interrupted when Li entered.

Li apologized for the interruption. Tripp asked about Li's date. Li shared that his date had been a "complete disaster." Wendy asked if Li wanted to talk, but Li headed to bed. Afterwards, Wendy said that she and Tripp shouldn't let Li ruin their night. Tripp said that he wanted his and Wendy's first time to only be about the two of them. Tripp and Wendy kissed, and they held one another on the couch.

At the DiMera mansion, Nicole said that she and E.J. could find out the following day if their baby was a boy or girl. E.J. and Nicole disagreed on whether they should learn the sex of the baby. E.J. was surprised when Nicole said she didn't want to know. "What if I get emotionally attached to this baby and I lose it?" Nicole wondered.

E.J. put his arm around Nicole, and he sought to comfort her. E.J. managed to get Nicole to laugh when she snorted that E.J. wanted a boy so that another DiMera male could be born. E.J. mentioned how much he loved Sydney, and he added that he thought women were generally better than men. "They're kinder, more caring, wiser. So, I would be absolutely thrilled if our baby turned out to be a girl," E.J. said.

Nicole and E.J. agreed that the most important thing was for the baby to be healthy. E.J. said that being the father of Nicole's baby was the most important thing in the world to him. "We are going to be parents together. This is happening," E.J. exclaimed as he put his arms around Nicole, who seemed torn with emotions.

At Eric and Sloan's apartment, Eric overheard Sloan tell Colin by phone that Eric was "completely in the dark." Eric asked what he was in the dark about. Sloan eventually told Eric that her monthly cycle was late. Eric proposed getting a pregnancy test from a pharmacy, and he ran out of the room. A short while later, Eric returned with the pregnancy test. Sloan agreed to take the test.

Eric and Sloan waited several minutes before Sloan noted that the test revealed that she was pregnant. "Oh, my God, Eric! We're having a baby," Sloan said excitedly. "We're having a baby," Eric repeated. Sloan threw her arms around Eric.

Whitley decides Lani
Whitley decides Lani's fate

Whitley decides Lani's fate

Friday, July 21, 2023

by Spalding

Kate visited Paulina at her apartment to check on her. Paulina said her main concern was Lani. "As of right now, I have no idea where my daughter is," Paulina confessed. "That doesn't make any sense," Kate said. Paulina told Kate what had happened.

"Lani would never do anything that would keep her from her babies one minute longer than it needs to be," Paulina said. "Did she try to call?" Kate asked. Paulina explained that Lani had not had a phone as a condition of her furlough. Paulina told Kate that only a handful of people were searching for Lani, but they had not told the police, in order to protect Lani.

"Lani is in trouble. I can feel it in my bones," Paulina said. "She just lost her father. Maybe the thought of immediately going back to prison was too much for her. Maybe she just wanted to take a little time to sort everything out," Kate suggested. With a shake of her head, Paulina noted that Lani had not indicated that she would be late to meet Rafe.

"Sometimes when we're grieving, we don't think straight," Kate said. Paulina did not believe that Lani would have risked an extended jail sentence. "If my daughter failed to make contact, it's because she can't," Paulina said. Kate stressed that a lack of contact did not mean that Lani was in trouble. "Rafe is going to find Lani, no doubt in my mind," Kate said. Paulina questioned Rafe's detective skills.

"I just don't understand how you can be so sure that he is going to find my daughter when he failed to find your son," Paulina said. Kate averted her eyes, then she confirmed that the police had not found Philip. "And I'm okay with that, because I know with absolute certainty that he is alive," Kate confessed. Paulina asked Kate why she was sure.

"Because I hid [Philip]," Kate said. Kate explained that she and Victor had sent Philip abroad to a psychiatric facility for treatment. "And the only reason I'm telling you now is so that you'll understand that I do know what you're going through. When I thought Philip was dead, the pain that I felt, I know that's the pain you're feeling now," Kate said. Kate stressed that Lani was resilient and strong.

Kate told Paulina that when she had believed that Philip had died, she had gone into a deep depression until she had realized that the evidence had not supported the idea that Philip had been murdered. As Kate talked about her son's case, Paulina remarked that it sounded like Abraham's death.

"I know you didn't mean to get my hopes up about Abe. But Kate, there are a number of similarities between his case and Philip's," Paulina said. Paulina compared the facts. "It's not such a huge leap to think that if your son can be alive, then my husband could be, too," Paulina said.

In Los Angeles, Steve called Kayla to inform her that he and John were looking for Jerry. "Hopefully, you'll be able to ask him what he is hiding about Abe," Kayla said. After Steve ended his call, Steve and John watched the bus from Chicago unload at the station. Jerry was the last person to exit, and Steve called out his name.

"Who wants to know?" Jerry asked. "Two of Abraham Carver's best friends," John said. Jerry asked how the two men had found him. John said they wanted to question Jerry. "I already told the police everything I know," Jerry said. "You didn't tell them you were hanging around outside Abe's hospital room the day he disappeared," Steve said. Confused, Jerry said he had not been there.

When John said that their witness, Whitley, had confirmed that Jerry had been at the hospital on the day of Abe's disappearance, Jerry called Whitley a liar. "I'm not surprised she tried to throw me under the bus," Jerry muttered. "Why would Nurse King say she saw you outside of Abe's hospital room if she didn't?" Steve asked. Jerry explained that Whitley had needed to throw suspicion off of herself.

"You're going on record right now saying Nurse King kidnapped Abe?" John asked. "What possible motive would she have to do that?" Steve added. Jerry explained that Whitley was "nuts." "Are you saying that she killed Abe, too?" Steve asked. "No, no, no. Nobody killed Abe. Your friend is alive," Jerry said. Furious, John asked why Jerry had lied about Abe's death. Jerry explained that Whitley had hired him to stage Abe's death and make a statement to the police.

"[Whitley] has had [Abe] at her home on some pretty heavy sedatives," Jerry said. "I'm going to kill this guy," John muttered. Steve held John back until John stopped pushing. "Why would you sign on to something like that?" Steve asked. Jerry explained that he had signed on for an acting gig and that he had believed it had been a form of therapy.

"And when you realized it wasn't, you didn't go to the police?" Steve asked. "I wanted to, but she said the cops would never take my word over hers and that I would go to prison. And I'm surprised you guys don't know all of this. I told Abe's daughter already," Jerry said. John asked Jerry when he had talked to Lani. Jerry explained that Lani had questioned him right before he had left town.

"You told Lani that Whitley King was holding her father hostage at her apartment?" John asked. "Yeah. And she ran over there to save him," Jerry confirmed. Jerry swore that he had told John and Steve everything that he knew about Abe, and he directed them to talk to Whitley.

"You have aided and abetted a kidnapping," John said. Steve told Jerry that they were going to take him back to Salem. "I'll let Rafe know that he needs to get over to Nurse King's right away," Steve said. John reminded Steve that Rafe was not on the police force anymore. With a nod, Steve called Jada.

Kayla entered Marlena's office to tell her about Steve and John's unexpected trip to L.A. to find Jerry. "Let's hope they succeed," Marlena said. Kayla told Marlena about Whitley's slight obsession with Abe. When Kayla told Marlena about Whitley's connection to Abe and her visit to Paulina to offer her condolences, Marlena noted that the collection of facts was concerning.

"It certainly aroused Steve's suspicion, so he came here yesterday to talk to her," Kayla said. Kayla told Marlena that Whitley had identified Jerry as suspicious, and then Whitley had resigned from the hospital. "It's surprising, isn't it?" Kayla said. Kayla noted that Whitley had been an exemplary employee.

When Kayla confirmed that Whitley had not left for another job, Marlena asked why Whitley had resigned. "She said that she wanted a fresh start, and that Salem wasn't the same since Abe died," Kayla said. "Does it seem a little odd to you that she would resign around the time he died?" Marlena asked. Kayla said yes. "But she really talked about him like they were friends," Kayla added. Marlena noted that she had never seen Whitley at any of Abe's events, and she did not recall that Abe had ever mentioned Whitley's name before.

"You think I should be worried?" Kayla asked. "I'm not sure," Marlena said. Marlena gasped. "I just remembered. I treated her. She was a patient of mine," Marlena said. Marlena pulled up Whitley's file, and she noted that Whitley had been a patient when Marlena had been possessed. "Which is why I'm only remembering it now," Marlena said. Marlena worried aloud what advice she had given to Whitley.

As Kayla read through Whitley's file, she gasped. "That poor woman. What a horrible way to lose the man you love," Kayla said. "Carbon monoxide poisoning from a defective space heater. He went to sleep and never woke up," Marlena said. Kayla noted that none of the cats had survived, either. Marlena pulled up a newspaper article on the tragedy, and she read it aloud to Kayla. Whitley had bought the defective space heater and had turned it on for husband before she had left for work.

"And the first time Whitley told anyone the whole story was in the session with you," Kayla said. "She believed that the death of her husband and her pets was her fault," Marlena said. With a groan, Kayla noted that the devil likely had not disabused Whitley of her guilt. Marlena agreed that the devil had likely used Whitley's guilt to torture her.

"That woman was in so much pain, and she never got the help she needed," Marlena said. "It says here that her biggest regret is that she wasn't there when her husband died, and she never got a chance to say goodbye," Kayla said. Marlena wondered aloud if Abe's death had triggered Whitley's guilt. "I don't know if she'll take my call or not, but I do think I need to reach out to her, make sure she's okay," Marlena said.

At the police station, Rafe checked in with Jada about the search for Lani. "Nothing yet," Jada whispered. Rafe's phone rang. "It's the US Marshal. Again," Rafe said. Rafe admitted that he could not stall the US Marshal's office.

"There is no way she would have run," Rafe said. "Then how do you explain why she went missing?" Jada asked. "There's only one explanation. She's in serious trouble," Rafe said. Jada argued that if Rafe believed that Lani was in trouble, he should ask the department for help in the search. "I am still holding hope that there is a reason that she went AWOL," Rafe said. Rafe refused to risk an extension of Lani's prison sentence. Jada offered to help, but Rafe ordered her to go home.

With a grin, Jada reminded Rafe that he was no longer her boss and could not order her around. Jada apologized. "Like I said, I don't regret anything. And if I had the chance, if I could go back, I would do it all over again," Rafe said. Jada told Rafe that after they found Lani, she was eager to resume their relationship. Sam Gerard of the US Marshal's office entered, and he introduced himself to Rafe.

"I understand you have my prisoner, Lani Grant? So where is she?" Sam asked. Jada introduced herself, but Sam ignored her. Sam told Rafe that he was late to return Lani, and he had not answered any of Sam's calls. Rafe apologized. "The acting mayor here, he recently relieved me of my duties, so things have been a little hectic around here," Rafe said. Sam argued that Lani was in violation of the terms of her furlough. Sam demanded that Rafe turn over the prisoner.

"I don't know where she is," Rafe admitted. "Lying to a federal agent is a felony. I would arrest you right now, but I have a prisoner to find," Sam said. Rafe promised that he was just as motivated as Sam to locate Lani. With a smirk, Sam reminded Rafe that it was a felony to harbor a fugitive. Rafe explained that Lani was missing but had not gone on the run.

"As you know, Lani is a model prisoner. She is up for parole in six months. She's got two kids back home who she's dying to see. She would never do anything to jeopardize that," Rafe stressed. "She already has! Now this department is at best indifferent to and, at worst, complicit in her escape," Sam argued. Sam accused Rafe of having lied to the US Marshal's office.

"So, now I am going to use the full force of my agency to apprehend the fugitive. And make her return to prison, where she will remain for a very long time," Sam said. As Sam took out his phone, Jada made a plea for leniency. "Lani used to be a cop. And just like the three of us, she risked her life to protect and to serve," Jada argued. When Sam countered that Lani was a convicted murderer, Jada pointed out that Lani had killed a man who had abused and terrorized her mother.

"And then Lani did the responsible thing, and she turned herself in. Lani is a good person and a model citizen, so I am sure that she has a damn good reason for not being here," Jada said. Rafe explained that he and Jada were worried that something had happened to Lani, and they asked Sam for help. After a moment, Sam offered to track Lani's ankle bracelet.

"If I get a location, we're going to head over there together so I can take your friend to prison," Sam said. Jada's phone rang with a call from Steve, but Sam announced that he had a location on Lani's monitor, so she ignored the call and ran out of the station with Rafe and Sam.

At Whitley's apartment, a drugged Abe sat on the couch and stared off into space. "First, we had a visit from our loving son, and now we get to visit with our beautiful daughter,' Whitley said. In the corner, Lani was tied to a chair, and she glared at Whitley. When Whitley placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of Lani, she pretended that Lani was refusing to eat like she had when she had been a baby.

"Here comes the airplane," Whitley said as she attempted to feed Lani. Lani struggled against her restraints, and she kicked. Whitley dropped the bowl. "Look what you made your poor mother do!" Whitley said. "You are not my mother!" Lani screamed. A look of horror crossed Abe's face. Lani called Whitley insane.

"Please don't be upset. I thought we moved past all of this, remember? You know how sorry I am that I kept that secret for so long, but now the truth is out," Whitley said. "None of this is true," Lani said. Whitley warned Lani not to upset her father. Lani growled that her father would recover faster if Whitley stopped drugging Abe.

"I take excellent care of Abraham," Whitley said. Lani told Whitley that she had spoken to Jerry, and she knew that Whitley had pretended to be Paulina and had staged Abe's death. "You are a liar and a fake and not a thing like my mother!" Lani yelled. Whitley prattled on as if she was a worried parent, and Lani continued to berate Whitley as a kidnapper.

"Go ahead, honey. Tell [Lani] who I am," Whitley said to Abe. "I don't know who anyone is anymore," Abe whispered. Lani told Abe that he was her father and her hero. "You are the finest man I have ever known. Dad, I'm your daughter. Lani Price Grant. I'm your family. This woman is not. She is not my mother, and she is not your wife. She is the crazy psychopath who kidnapped you," Lani said. "Enough!" Whitley yelled. Whitley warned Lani that she would be sorry if she said anything else.

"[You are] not Paulina! Your name is Whitley King. You're a nurse at University Hospital," Lani shouted. Abe stared into space as Lani repeated her statement. "I'm Whitley King?" Whitley murmured. "Yes. And you need help," Lani said. After a moment, Whitley told Lani that she was confused.

"I'm the one who helps people. I helped your father," Whitley said. "You kidnapped him," Lani corrected. Whitley explained that the man that had attacked Abe had been on the loose, and she had hidden Abe away so that he would not be hurt again. "I saved and brought him here. I've taken care of him, and he has gotten better. Oh, Abraham, tell her," Whitley said. Abe stared at Whitley.

"You keep telling me to tell her something. You keep saying you're my wife. I don't know who you are," Abe said. Lani promised Abe that the situation would be over soon. "I'm going to take care of you," Lani said. "No! I'm the one who takes care of him!" Whitley shouted. Lani promised to talk to the police on Whitley's behalf if Whitley let Lani and Abe go.

"No, never, no," Whitley said. "This has to end," Lani pleaded. When Whitley noted that no one knew that Lani was there, Lani explained that she was out of prison on a furlough, and she was expected back at the prison.

"It is only a matter of time before they find me," Lani said. Lani showed Whitley her ankle monitor. "They can track my exact location," Lani said. Whitley shrugged in frustration, and she exclaimed, "Your father and I were building a beautiful life together until you showed up. You have ruined everything." Whitley grabbed a syringe from a desk drawer. Lani begged Whitley not to use the needle.

"This will all be so much easier if you just close your eyes and drift away," Whitley said. "So, you're going to kill me? What do you think that is going to do to my father?" Lani asked. Whitley said that Lani had left her with no choice. "NO!" Abe yelled as Whitley plunged the needle into Lani's skin.

When Rafe, Jada, and Sam arrived at the docks, Sam noted that it had been the last location of Lani's ankle monitor. "This is where Abe fell in the water," Rafe noted. "Where is she?" Sam said. Jada saw Lani lying in a corner, and Rafe rushed to check on her.

After Whitley returned home, she sat on the couch with a sleeping Abe. "Lani was right about one thing. We can't go on like this," Whitley said. Abe started to mumble in his sleep. "I'm just not ready to give you up yet. No, I'm not. I can't," Whitley whispered. Abe groaned as Whitley stroked his cheek.

Edited by SC Desk
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