Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS

Monday January 12, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

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Edmund is helping Susan move into her new cottage. He tells Susan that it'stea time and he makes them some tea. Susan and Edmund sitdown and talk about what Susan likes to drink, beer. Edmund tells Susanthat his mom makes wonderful warm beer and Susan say "Eeeeew That's Icky!"Later in the conversation, he asks Susan where she is from and when shetells him Salem he asks if it's the Salem where they burned the witches. Susansays no, but she does know a witch and a vampire that could use a littleburning.

Susan changes the subject and asks him about his family. Edmund alsotells Susan that the only time he's been outside this village was to see MrElvisPresley, the King of Rock'N'Roll. Susan is so excited and tells him thatshe even named her baby Elvis. Stefano vows to find them though. Stefanothen wonders where Peter is, and wishes he could help him, but he can't.Peter calls, and tells Stefano, he needs his medicine from Rolf. Stefanosays it's impossible, Rolf was beaten into a coma by an ISA agent who wastrying to find him.

Jack is talking with Abby, who wishes she could call her grandma. Abbyasks her mom if they can go to the circus, which is being set up acrossthe street. Jack goes over to the circus and inquires if there are any jobopenings. Back in the room, Abby wants to call grandma. Laura is relievedthat Jen, Jack, and Abby are okay. Back at the circus Jack, who says hisname is Bob, gets a job as the assistant to the animal trainer. Jack goesback to the motel and tells Jen that he just joined the circus.

Peter is driving back to Salem and is wondering what happened thanks to hisjungle madness. Peter calls Kristen for help and she reorts that the houseis staked out, so be careful.

In Roman's room, Roman asks Marlena to take him home and she says of courseshe will. Eric and Sami, are overjoyed, while Carrie is on John's side.

Mike goes in and talks to Marlena and Roman. Mike tells Roman that he cango home today if he is better. Marlena asks Mike privately, if he knowswhat happened. Roman recalls Kristen telling him to fight for Marlena and hedecides to take her advice.

Sami is angry with Carrie for taking John's side. Carrie threatens to deckher again. Sami tells Carrie to go catch up with John because she isobviously not a part of their family. Eric and Mike stick up for Carriethough. Carrie says that Roman, John, and Marlena need to decide whathappens, not them. She also says that if Marlena chooses John then there isnothing they can do about it. Suddenly Roman shows up and he asks what isgoing on. Roman wonderswhat he interrupted and Carrie says that they were only talking about him.Roman feels that Sami is trying to alienate Carrie from their family, butSami swears she's not. Roman makes Sami to promise her that she will notfall back to her old ways.

John confronts Marlena and he says that she is the only person stoppingthem from telling Roman the truth. Carrie interrupts their talk and tellsJohn that Roman wants to see him. Roman says that this experience has beena wake up call to him. Roman tells John that the most important thing tohim is to preserve his family and he will do anything to make that happen.Everyone leaves John, alone with Kristen. Kristen offers to help Johnthrough his pain,but he just walks away.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS

Tuesday, January 12, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

Stefano is on the pier and is discussing the search for Susan and Elvis. John shows up on the pier as well and calls Marlena. She is bringing Roman home. John wants to tell Roman the truth right now. They argue about it, and John ends ups apologizing. Meanwhile, Sami and Eric are working on Roman about remarriage. Roman tells them that he wants to take it one day at a time.

Marlena and Carrie find them, looking at old pictures. Roman asks Marlena who was on the phone and she tells him it was John. Sami suddenly gets a great idea, she suggests they use the Christmas pictures to start a whole new album of family pictures now that Marlena and Roman are getting back together. The tension in the room is broken when Austin calls to speak to Carrie.

Austin made reservations for them at Chez Vous, Roman says it would be great if Carrie and Austin had a child. Sami says Carrie should start her own family because she doesn't belong in this family. Sami says that Carrie is always taking sides against their family and she says to ask Carrie about it. Roman apologizes to Carrie, but she says she's use to it. Roman tells Sami he is very disappointed in her.

Eric says he'd rather see her fall back in love with Roman. Marlena tells Eric that she'll always love his dad, but she's **IN** love with John. Eric says as far as he concerned love stinks and he wants nothing to do with it. Marlena asks Roman if he knows what caused him to collapse. Roman says that he thinks that the clean bill of health Mike gave him got him too excited. Roman tells Marlena that he will not ask her to marry him again until they are sure it is right.

Edmund is busy while Susan puts Elvis to bed. The phone rings and Susan mistakes it for the front door. Susan is afraid to answer the phone, but she does. It's John calling from the pier. John warns Susan to be careful and not trust anyone because they could work for Stefano. Susan then wonders if Edmund and his mom could work for Stefano. Edmund asks Susan what is wrong and she tells him he has to leave now and she shoves him out the door. Susan says she really liked Edmund and he made her all tingly. Meanwhile, Edmund is talking to himself about Susan and he says he gets tingly around her as well.

Stefano confronts John and demands that he tell him where Susan and Elvis are. John tells Stefano that he will never find Susan or the baby. Stefano just laughs and says he will find them because he always gets what he wants. John and Stefano, start arguing, about Marlena, and Susan. Stefano says that when Roman and John are busy fighting each other is when he will make his move and take Marlena. Stefano then gets a call and learns that Susan and Elvis are somewhere in Europe.

Jack tells Jen about joining the traveling circus. Jack says it's a great place to hide. Abby hears this and gets excited. Abby asks if they are all joining the circus, but Jennifer says that only daddy will be working there.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS

Wednesday, January 14, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

Jack is still shoveling when Jasper, the ringmaster, shows up and tells Jack he's doing a nice job. Suddenly a woman tells Jasper that she is quitting her job because the man she works with is an arrogant pig. Jennifer, and Abby show up. Abby makes friends with a little boy clown.

Back where the animals are kept, Jasper tells Jack, that he needs to take a shower. Jasper tells Jack to use his and they'll set him up with some nice clothes. Jasper spots Jennifer and thinks she could replace the woman who just quit. Jennifer says she'd love a job. Jennifer is strapped to a big wheel and Ernesto begins throwing daggers at her!

In England Susan is worried about Stefano's spies. Susan says she really does like Edmund. She worries that Edmund could be working for Stefano. Edmund tells his mom that Susan kicked him out for some reason. Violet realizes that Edmund likes Susan and she asks Edmund to call Susan, perhaps there was a reason. Edmund wonders and calls Susan. Susan screams at Edmund to never call her again and she hangs up. Suddenly a man shows up and shows Violet a picture of Susan and the baby and asks her if she's seen them.

Stefano calls Kristen and they talk but Kristen cuts the call short when she sees Peter. Kristen hugs her brother and she tells him he looks awful. Peter tells Kristen that he needs her help, but Kristen isn't sure she can help. Suddenly Peter is hit with a jungle madness attack, but he assures Kristen he will be fine. Kristen asks what she can do and he asks her to hide him and watch Laura. Stefano and Peter hug and Stefano is glad to see him. Stefano apologizes to Peter for not being able to help him, but Peter understands. Kristen asks Stefano to please get Peter his medication, but Stefano says it can't be done until Dr Rolf recovers. Peter goes into the kitchen for some food and Stefano tells Kristen that Rolf is Peter's only hope. Peter returns and has an attack of jungle madness. Peter shoves his sister down and punches Stefano because they try to stop him from leaving.

Hope tells Franco all about how Billie once again ruined her chance to talk with Bo. Hope tells Franco that Billie knows that once Bo realizes she doesn't need him, Bo will leave her. Later, Hope and Franco argue over whether or not Billie is faking to hold onto Bo.

At the Kiriakis Mansion Billie is playing the hurt little lamb when Bo tells her that he is going to go take care of Max once and for all. Billie asks Bo not to go see Max because it could make things worse. Franco assures Billie *by phone* that the reporter he paid off won't double-cross them. Bo returns with the paper and shows it to Billie, who is relieved that she's not plastered on the cover.

Bo and Billie talk about their relationship. Billie says that Bo promised her in Rome that he would love her forever. Bo says he never should have made that promise. Bo tells Billie that he made those promises when he thought Hope was with Franco. Bo tells Billie that he wants a life with Hope. Billie then asks if Hope knows they consummated their marriage and Bo says no.

Hope visits Max in jail and asks him not to exploit Billie to the papers. Max asks Hope what she's talking about and tells her he never spoke with a reporter at the Intruder. Hope tells Max she's sorry to have bothered him.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS

Thursday, January 15, 1998

by Soap Central

Kristen wakes up on the couch with a throbbing headache. Stefano comes in andasks her if she is all right, and she says she's fine if there are three ofhim. She asks what happened and Stefano tells her that Peter got an attack ofthe jungle madness and hit her. He says he put Peter down in that handy-dandysecret room. Kristen says they had better find a way to get his medication tohim before he goes crazy. Stefano gets a call from one of his men in thefield and asks if he has found Susan and the baby.

Stefano's man asks Violet, the shopkeeper, if she has seen the woman and babyin the picture. Just as Violet is about to say she has, Edmund drops a shelffull of goods on the man's head. "How clumsy of me," says Edmund, with atwinkle in his eye. When the man gets up, after apologizing profusely, Edmundsays that no strangers have come through their village in over 20 years, andhe is sure they young lady and her baby have not been here. The man asks himhow he can be sure, and Edmund says he would definitely remember a face thatbeautiful. Stefano's man looks at Susan's picture again and tells Edmund,"Buddy, you've been around the sheep way too long." Edmund suggests the mancheck in London, which is a more logical place for a person trying to hide togo. The man says he will do that and he leaves and calls Stefano, who tellshim if the village is empty, he should go to Ireland or Wales, but beforeleaving, he decides to check out the cottage on the hill. Meanwhile, inside,Edmund tells Violet about the men trying to steal Susan's baby, and how muchhe cares about Susan. Violet is horrified that someone would try to takeElvis. She goes up to the cottage and tells Susan what happened, and howEdmund threw Stefano's man off the trail. Susan is overcome with gratitudeand remorse for the way she treated Edmund, and Violet offers to watch Elviswhile she goes to the pub to make amends. She rushes out of the cottage,unaware that Stefano's man is watching her leave. She bursts into the pub andsees Edmund, and both of them go goofy-faced immediately.

Jack holds his breath as Ernesto's knife appears to land right besideJennifer's head. When the practice is over, Jennifer is exhilarated, but Jacktells her that it's way too dangerous and she shouldn't be doing it. Jennifersays she will do anything to be with Jack. But they're worried that Abby willgive them away when talking to her new friend Adam. As if on cue, Abby comesand tells them that Adam has two names, too. While Adam explains his stagename and his real name, Jennifer manages to keep Abby from telling Adam herreal name. Jack says it's lucky that the FBI don't know that Abby istraveling with them. But back in Salem, Agent Byers visits Laura and Celesteat Laura's house, where they are discussing Jack and Jennifer, and manages toget Laura to confess that Abby is traveling with her parents. He gets a callfrom his men in the field, who have a lead on Jack, and he tells them thatAbby is definitely with them. Back at the circus, just as Jack and Jenniferhave decided to leave the protection of the circus and travel on their own,Jack sees two FBI men go up to Jasper and ask if he has seen Jack Deverauxand his wife and little girl. The FBI man shows a picture, and Jack isterrified they will be caught, and disturbed to know that the FBI now knowsthat Abby is with them.

In Salem, Hope stands outside Kate's mansion, fuming with her knowledge thatBillie planted the story with the Intruder about her drug addiction in orderto make Bo come to her. Inside, Billie is gloating at the prospect of beingthe first to tell Hope that she and Bo made love in Rome. As Billie opens thedoor to go outside, she sees Hope standing in the doorway looking grim. Hopecomes in and confronts Billie about her fainting (Hope thinks she faked it)and the story in the Intruder. At first, Billie tries to deny that sheplanted the story, but Hope tells her she talked to Max and checked the recordof visitors and she knows Max didn't talk to the reporter. Hope tells Billiethat any love Bo felt for her will die when he learns what she did, because Bovalues honesty. Billie gets a triumphant look on her face and asks Hope ifshe thinks Bo has told her everything about his relationship with Billie.Hope says if not, it's because of Billie's constant interruptions. Billie,with obvious maliciousness, tells Hope that she and Bo were lovers in Rome andhe pledges himself to her forever. Hope tells Billie she's pathetic, and thatnothing she can do or say will separate her (Hope) and Bo any more. She issure Billie is lying, but Billie tells her to go to the source and check.Hope leaves in disgust. Billie smiles with delight, knowing that Bo will tellHope the truth and Hope will never take him back.

At the Horton house, Bo walks in to find Hope and tell her he wants to be withher. But he finds Franco instead, and they trade shots at each other for awhile. Bo tells Franco he still doesn't trust him and is convinced heattacked Jill and killed the man on the island. Franco says that he is sickof seeing Hope get hurt. Bo says Franco won't have to worry about that anymore, because Bo is getting back together with Hope as soon as he sees her.Franco leaves for Billie's house and Hope comes home to find Bo there, andthey stare at each other.

Franco knocks on Billie's door, but gets no answer, so he lets himself in. Heis looking around in the parlor for Billie when he spots her lying on thefloor. Franco is horrified - it looks like she has fainted again.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 12, 1998 on DAYS

Friday, January 16, 1998

by Soap Central

Jack sends Jennifer and Abby out to the car to wait for him while he edgescloser to listen in on Jasper's conversation with the FBI agents. Jasper isevading their questions about whether he has seen Jack and his family when oneof the agents spots Jack lurking in the shadows. They tell him to freeze, butJack takes off running, and the agents give chase (some shoot-to-kill order!).Jack eludes them and gets to the car where Jennifer and Abby are hiding, buthe can't get it started. Jasper suddenly appears and tells them to followhim. Having no choice, Jack decides to trust Jasper. Jasper disguises Abbyin a clown mask and sets out decoys to confuse the agents. When the agentshear a car screech away, they assume it is Jack and give chase. Meanwhile,Jack and Jennifer explain everything to Jasper, who assures them that hebelieves them and will help them. After a while, his men come back and saythey have given the agents the slip.

At Jennifer's house, Celeste tries to get Laura to calm down by asking her tobehave as Alice Horton would - by praying instead of getting agitated. Laurais about to heed her advice when Abe and Agent Byers show up. They say theyhave a definite lead on Jack and are just waiting for news. Laura becomesupset all over again. Celeste suddenly has an idea about how to find Peterand leaves in a hurry. While she is gone, Bo shows up to talk to Abe.Celeste returns with a handful of photos and information about Stefano'svarious hideouts that she saved from her days as Stefano's associate.Together, she and Laura start to sift through the pile to see if they canfigure out where Peter might be hiding.

Peter, of course, is a few miles away in the secret room of the DiMeramansion, getting progressively more distraught and disoriented by the junglemadness. Stefano tells him he can't go anywhere until he gets the medicationfrom Dr. Rolf, who has not come out of his coma yet. Stefano takes severalcalls about Susan and the baby, but no one has found them. While they aretalking, a servant comes and delivers a small box to Stefano. Stefano tellsPeter that the device in the box will help him find Jennifer.

In England, Susan thanks Edmond for saving her and Elvis by throwing theDiMera man off their trail. Sparks start to fly between them when Edmondoffers to teach Susan how to throw darts. Susan is so impressed by Edmond'sskill that she cheers shrilly every time he gets near the bullseye. Edmondasks if he can take Susan for a drive in the country the following day, andSusan says she would have to bring Elvis. Edmond suggests they leave Elviswith his mother Violet, and Susan says she would love to go.

Bo tells Hope that he wants to be with her, and that he has broken it off withBillie. Bo asks if she still loves him, and Hope says, "Are you kidding?" andthrows her arms around Bo. They kiss happily for a while, wondering how theyever allowed anything to come between them. Bo starts to tell Hope that heand Billie made love in Rome, but Hope shushes him and says that no matterwhat he has to say, it's not important as long as he loves her. While theyare hugging, Bo gets a call from Abe saying that there is news on Jack's case.Bo rushes off to Jennifer's house to meet Abe. After Abe updates Bo on thecase, Bo tells Abe that he and Hope are back together, and nothing can evertear them apart again.

Meanwhile, Sami rushes in to find Franco trying to revive Billie, who hasfainted. Sami calls an ambulance and they accompany Billie to the hospital.Billie revives a couple of times, but is still woozy and out of it. At thehospital, Billie wakes up to find Mike Horton checking her over. Mike says hedoesn't know why she fainted, but she had better stick around for some tests.Mike suggests that they call Bo, but Billie surprises everyone by yelling,"No!" She begs them to wait. When the others are gone, Franco asks why shedoesn't want Bo there, since it's the perfect opportunity to pull him awayfrom Hope. Billie, remembering that Hope discovered her deception with thenewspaper article, says that she can't face Bo if he knows the truth. Francodecides to call and find out. He reaches Hope and tells her what's happening,and she rushes down to the hospital. She tells Franco that she's afraidBillie's collapse was caused by the trauma of losing Bo. Hope tells Francothat Billie planted the story with the Intruder, using Max for a scapegoat.Franco asks if she has told Bo. Hope says she didn't, because that would belike kicking Billie when she was down. Franco pretends to be happy that Boand Hope are back together. Hope excuses herself to go check on Billie. Whenshe reaches the door of the room, she gets the shock of her life. Mike iswith Billie telling her that she's not sick at all - she's pregnant!

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Edited by SC Desk