Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, September 29, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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In Rome, Carrie and Austin are still in bed and begin to have a pillowfight. Suddenly a flier isslipped under their door about a costume festival in the piazza today.Austin says perhaps Bo andBillie would like to go as well.

Meanwhile Mike is wandering the hotel halls when he bumps into a hotel staffmember who tellsMike he should be in Rome with someone he loves, but Mike came to forgetabout that someone.Mike goes to his room and calls his mom and talks about his broken heartwhen Mike also receivesa flier for the costume festival. Laura tells Mike that it sounds like funand he should go. Laura startsto go off on how he could meet someone when Mike decides he has to go andends theconversation.

Austin and Carrie go down to the Piazza and search for costumes. Austin andCarrie returns to theirroom with costumes and Austin leaves a message with Bo and Billie about thefestival and hopesthey will join them.

Meanwhile Mike goes to the Piazza as well and is surprised by Debra, andold friend from Israel.Debra tells Mike that she's sorry things didn't work out for him and Robinand she asks if he'sfound a new woman. Mike and Debra return to his room, which is right acrossfrom Carrie andAustin! Debra asks Mike once again if he his seeing anybody, but Mike saysno. Mike tells her hewas in love with someone, but she married someone else. Debra suggests theygo to the festival inthe piazza and eat fattening food, and Mike tells her he'll join her later.Mike goes inside to work onhis paper and Debra goes down to the festival to get costumes for them.

At the carnival both Mike and Austin are dressed in the same outfits. WhileAustin is talking to aman about playing a love song for his wife, Carrie mistakes Mike for Austinand kisses him right infront of Austin!

At Jen's place Trent shows up and Laura invites him in for some ice tea.Trent tries to pry someinformation about Jen from Laura and Laura wonders if Trent could talk Jenout of this crazyscheme. However, before Laura can tell Trent, Alice shows up with Abby.Abby goes upstairsand Laura tells Alice she was just about to tell Trent about Jen, but Alicesays no! Before Trent canconvince Alice to tell him he is beeped by Stefano.

In the prison showers Jack is afraid someone will find them but Jen tellshim that they are completelyalone. Jen wants to be with Jack but Jen doesn't think it would be fair toher. Jen says she doesn'tcare about fair, she wants to be with him. Jack tells her once they makelove it's forever, no turningback. Jen wouldn't have it any other way but when Jack stops sheintentionally pushes him intomaking love to her by saying he must not love her as much as she loves him.Meanwhile T.C. islooking for Hope (Jen) but is called away to deal with a fight in a recroom. When he returns to theshower to get Jack he is distracted by another guard about some classes newguards must take.Jack and Jen manage to slip out and Jen tells Jack she is more confidentthat ever that they will finda way to set him free.

Jen returns home and Trent comes over to see Jen, but she tells him shewants to spend some timealone with Abby. Jen then tells her mom that she had the most wonderfulvisit with Jack and theyare more in love then ever. Back in prison T.C. tells Jack he will have hisway with the new guard,one way or another.

At Marlena's penthouse Sister Mary is scolding her sister for being leadinto trouble by Vivian.Susan tells her sissy she's right. Susan picks up little Elvis and Susan andMary argue over the fatherof her boy. Susan is sure Elvis is the father of her baby and that he isgoing to return for her and littleElvis. Susan then has a fantasy that Elvis (Stefano) returns for her andlittle Elvis and takes themback to Graceland to Shake, Rattle, and Roll. Sister Mary turns off Susan'sElvis music and tellsSusan that she must face reality!

Travis comes to see Susan and tells her that he has a message from Elvis,Elvis has been detained,but he promises to return for Susan and their baby. Susan is thrilled withthe news and Trent leaves.Suddenly Mary jumps out and asks Susan what this perverted game she isplaying is. Susan tellsMary this is not a game, Elvis is coming for her and their son!

In the jungle Stefano offers any man who will retrieve the flowers 20,000dollars. Nobody will takeStefano's offer so John says he will get the flowers. Kristen and Hope tellJohn no way, he will bekilled the minute he leaves the compound. John argues with Kristen and Hopebut John is positivehe can get the cure. Hope tells John if he is going to do this then she'sgoing with him. John tellsHope no way and Stefano tells John that he will have equipment gathered forhim. John begins tostudy a map and Hope pulls Kristen aside. Hope tells Kristen that she has noright to tell John whatto do, only Marlena has that right. Hope tells her all they can do is bestrong and supportive.Suddenly Stefano gets a phone call from someone and he asks them to get ahold of Travis for him.Kristen tries to convince Stefano to talk John out of going into the junglebut Stefano tells her if Johndoesn't do this then Roman will die. Kristen offers to go with John butStefano tells her she is nottrained for this, but Hope is. John tells Stefano this is a one manoperation, end of discussion. AsJohn begins to pack Stefano swipes his compass. John tells Hope to use thistime to find out whatStefano is hiding form her. Before leaving John asks Hope to give Doc hislove, just in case hedoesn't come back. As John goes into the jungle Stefano makes sure to dropJohn's compass whereHope will find it.

Kristen is in tears but Stefano tells her everything is going to be allright. Suddenly Hope finds John'scompass on the ground and Hope and Kristen argue over who will take thecompass to him.Stefano tells Kristen that Hope is trained for this, she should go. Hopenotices that the natives arerustling in the bushes. to create a diversion she throws a smoke bomboutside the compound andruns for it.

Decked in camouflage, John is venturing into the jungle when a nativecomes up from behind him.The native shoots a blow dart at John, who manages to duck just in time!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, September 30, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In Salem, Sami is humming the wedding march as she thumbs through a picturealbum. Kate walksin (without knocking much to Sami's dislike) to tell her that the nanny hastaken Philip and Will tothe park (oh now she has the nanny taking care of her son). Kate asks if sheis looking at thewedding pictures and comments that Austin married the woman he loves whenshe sees that the picsare of Sami and Austin. She tells her she is sick (how true) and that she isliving in a fantasy world.She comments that at least she can't ruin the honeymoon when Sami drops thebomb that sheknows they are in Rome. Kate tries to pretend that they are not there butSami tells her that no Ericdid not tell her but her new ally - Kate herself. She proceeds to tell herabout the redial button onthe phone. Kate is not worried though until Sami proceeds to tell her thatshe works for Mike andthat he is in Rome on a medical conference and even staying at the samehotel as Carrie and Austin.Kate says she is going to call them and warn them but they are not in theirroom. Sami tells her thatif she is smart she will not call them later because Sami will spill thebeans about Franco (who thankgoodness has disappeared for now) being used to break up Bo & Hope. Samialso tells Kate thatMike loves Carrie and when Carrie finds out she will realize she loves himtoo and she and Austinwill break up. Kate says no way but you can tell she has doubts.

Also in Salem, Roman and Marlena come to visit Abe (who also has Lexievisiting) so that maybehe can find out how Stefano got out. Roman has noticed that Kristen is missingand asks them if theyknow where she may be. They all play dumb when Roman says he knows where sheis - he betsshe went to get Shane's help in finding John. Abe says no that he has talkedto Shane but he didn'tmention Kristen. So for now Roman drops it. He asks to see the cell thatStefano escaped from so theyleave Lexie and Marlena alone. Marlena says how hard it is to be lying toRoman and that he wouldfell betrayed if he knew what was going on (do you think he won't eventuallyfind out?!). Romanwonders how Stefano got the number and questions Abe if he is sure he is theonly one with the code.He assures him he was. Roman goes in the cell and notices a queen missingfrom the chess gameand says that Stefano plans to come back for Marlena. Abe's cell phone ringsand it's Stefano. He tellsRoman he needs to take the call and that he will meet him back at theoffice. Abe demands to speakto John but Stefano tells him that he is not there and the reason for his callis that when he returns withthe cure he wants a full pardon of all crimes!!! Abe says no way and that hedoes not have thepower to do that as Stefano says that he will not bring back the cure if thatis true. Roman walks backinto the office just as Marlena is saying that the man she loves is indanger and she can not doanything about it. Thinking she meant him, Roman says he has wanted to hearher says that sheloves him (he just mentioned to Abe that he hoped she loved him). Shedoesn't say anything as hehugs her. Abe comes back and she and Roman leave (Abe is able to tell herthat Stefano called whenRoman leaves the room first and that he believes that Stefano will return withthe cure) and Lexie is sohappy that Stefano is doing as he said. But when they are alone he tells her hedoes not believe Stefano -he was lying to protect Marlena and that Stefano has demanded a full pardon. Hesays if John andRoman both die he will hunt Stefano down like an animal til he finds him. Inthe park Roman finds a fourleaf clover and makes a wish that he and Marlena will be together if a cureshould be found and helives and that John will return to be with Kristen too (gag me).

In Rome, Austin walks over and calls Carrie's name and she realizes she isnot kissing him. She isembarrassed and says this man had on the same outfit as him and Mike revealshis identity. They areall relieved and ask what is he doing there. He explains about theconference and swears he had noidea they were in Rome. Carrie tells him she believes him as Kate and Ericare the only ones thatknow. Then Debra walks up and is introduced as a medical college fromIsrael. Debra recognizedAustin from the hall and realizes that they are the honeymoon couple - wowwhat a small world.Carrie and Austin asks them to join them but Mike doesn't want to intrude.They insist and say ifthey wanted to be alone they would have stayed in their room. Mike says heheard Bo & Billie arethere and that leads to tell Debra a little about the Sami involvement.Carrie says that Sami tried tomake Austin believe that she was in love with Mike but said they are justfriends. Austin says thatMike is a great friend and helped them get together but exposing Sami andthat he was even thebest man. Carrie tells Mike she heard he was going to sell the car and thathe better not - he said hedidn't have time for it. She remembers how much fun it was going for a ridein it (Mike flashes backto when he got the car and Carrie hugging him) and tells Debra if she isever in Salem she has to gofor a ride in it. A song they heard when they arrived in Rome plays (ah,Austin requested it) and theyall dance. Debra comments to Mike that C & A make the perfect couple (nowhow does she knowthat) as you see the heartbreak in his eyes. A & C come over and he says thewomen are hungryand will Mike go with him to get food. After they leave Carrie asks Debra isshe ever dated Mike.She says no that Mike was involved with Robin at the time (then what was thecamping trip theytalked about?). Carrie asks her if she is interested in him and she says yesbut he's in love withsomeone - don't you know who - Mike says she's from Salem. Carrie says nobut to tell herwhatever Mike told her about the woman so that maybe she can figure out whoshe is.

In the jungle, Kristen is putting a backpack on and is about to sneak outwhen Stefano stops her. Hetells her that she can't go. She moans and groans and says that if she hadtaken the compass to Johnhe would realized how much she loved him because she was risking her lifefor him (she is sayingthis to Stefano back and he is making faces - ROTF). He tells her that John hasto return as it is part ofhis plan. Kristen comments that he doesn't care if Hope returns thoughbecause she knows a secretabout him. He denies she knows anything about him but doesn't say that hewants her to return.Kristen is being a pain and you can tell Stefano is annoyed with her. He placesa guard at the door toprevent anyone from leaving without his approval. He says that Roman willhelp him in Salem andmakes the call to Abe. Kristen hears his demands and can't believe that hewill get away with hisdemands. John runs off through the jungle and Hope is close behind when shesees a body in thebushes. She thinks it is John but finds it is the lab tech that dropped thevial. Gosh she says that'show Stefano punishes his people. Then she is grabbed from behind. Yep it's Johntelling her it is himand not to scream. He had a few minutes earlier discovered his compassmissing. She explains thatStefano removed it and he tells her she is going back. Naturally she argueswith him and tells him she isstaying. After disagreeing some more he gives in and calls her partner as hesmears mud on her face.They talk some strategy and he says that when they make it to a small lakethey will rest there.Hope leaves ahead of John when he tells her to FREEZE. She says what iswrong but her tells her itis best she not know. Then we see him pull out a machete and a tarantula onHope's back .

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, October 1, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In Rome, Debra tells Carrie that Mike is in love with a woman back in Salem,and that this womanis married. Carrie asks Debra to dance withAustin so she can talk to Mike. Carrie confronts Mike about his perfectwoman and Mike tells herhe didn't want her to know. Carrie tells him that she feels really terribleabout trying to push himtowards this woman. Austin and Carrie dance and kiss but Carrie andAustin don't see Mike and Debra dancing.

In Bo and Billie's room Bo is dreaming of Hope calling out to him, but shekeeps vanishing when hegets near her. Bo wakes up and then looks at Billie and then decides to callAlice. Bo asks aboutShawn D. Bo then asks if Hope is there butAlice no, she's still vacationing with Franco. Bo and Alice talk aboutrunning into Carrie and Austinand then they talk about li'l ole Sami. Alice hopes Sami finds happinessbut Bo could care lessabout Sami after what she's done. Bo asks Alice to tell Shawn D he calledand loves him and theysay goodbye.

Debra, Mike, Austin, and Carrie all return to Carrie and Austin's honeymoonsuite. Austin wants tocheck on Billie and leaves. Mike has this fantasy about marrying Carrie andCarrie hugs himbecause she's so proud of him. Carrie wants to go celebrate Mike'sbrilliance tomorrow night but hetells her he can't, he's leaving Rome tomorrow. Debra and Carrie try tochange Mike's mind but herefuses.

Austin tells hissister she looks terrible and decides to get her a doctor. Austin leaves andBillie begs Bo not tobring a doctor, they will report her to the police. Austin returns to hisroom and asks Mike to please come look at Billie. Mike goes to see Billieand Bo tells Austin that Mike should be alone withBillie and Austin goes back to his room. Mike is confused and Billie isafraid. Bo explains to Mikethat Billie is in withdrawal from heroine. Mike tells her she needs help,trying to do this on her own isvery dangerous. Bo explains Billie's circumstances and Mike tells her thathe'll get her the requireddrug that can help her. Billie tells him no, she doesn't Mike to lie forher. Mike tells her she is notonly a friend, but a patient in need. Billie thanks Mike, who then callssome doctors and gets hersome medication. Mike tells Billie she has a long way to go, but he hasfaith in her.

Back at Austin and Carrie's room the room service delivers another fruitbasket, but this time it'sfrom Alice Horton. Carrie then tells Alice that Mike is here aswell and she discusses Mike's love with Alice. Carrie tells Alice she wishesMike could be happy and maybe he will find happiness with Debra. Carrietells Austin they need to think of a way to keep Mike in Rome.

In the jungle a tarantula is climbing on Hope's back and John tells her notto move! John quicklyflicks the tarantula off of Hope's back, John tells her it was a pink toedbird spider. Hope and Johnthen argue about whether she will go back to the compound and John gives uparguing when sherefuses to return. Hope looks at the picture of the orchid and John tellsher that perhaps this orchidgrows anywhere near water and they decide to venture to a nearby lagoon.When they finally get tothe lagoon they set up camp and John sets up a high fashion laser fence toprotect them. Hopewants to take a swim in the lagoon but first she gathers some rocks to builda fire. Hope venturesinto a nearby cave and we see a native enter the lagoon. Hope starts a fireand then decides to takea swim because it's so hot. While swimming Hope spots an orchid and wondersif this is the specialorchid. Hope takes the orchid and returns to camp, but is followed by anative. Meanwhile Johncontinues to set up the laser detection fence when he hears suspiciousactivity nearby. John looksaround and discovers the suspicious sounds were Monkeys. John finishessetting up the laser fenceand then activates it. Hope has now returned to the cave and compares thepicture to the orchid shefound and realizes that it's not the correct flower. When John returns tothe cave Hope is gone and itappears to John that someone has been dragged out of the cave. John findsHope, she's fine andhas caught some fish for dinner and has also found some bananas. John andHope then take a swimin the lagoon. Hope and John decide to leave their camp exactly as they leftit so they don't angerthe natives. Hope is still wondering about her mysterious past and then theytake another swim. Johnfinds something in the lagoon and says it would make a good necklace andHope decides to searchfor one for herself. When Hope doesn't resurface John starts to worry. Johnpulls Hope from thelagoon and gives her mouth to mouth to bring her back. Hope says she foundsome stones on thebottom of the lagoon and got tangled in some vines. John realizes that henever knew this side ofher, and this side is giving him a heart attack every five minutes. Laterthat evening as John sharpenshis machete Hope admits that she wants to forget Bo and move on. John tellsher that he knowsshe's trying to forget about Bo by throwing herself into the search for thiscure. They decide to restand when John offers to take the first watch Hope tell him the laser willprotect them so they shouldboth gets some rest.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, October 2, 1997

by Diane Dix

Jennifer tells Mrs. Horton how much she loves Jack and that she is convincedher plan to help him uncover prison corruption by working as a guard will payoff. Alice is supportive, but worried. Jack worries that Jennifer will getcaught, or that TC won't take no for an answer. He bribes a guard to use hiscell phone so he can call Jennifer to talk her out of working at the prison,but by the time he calls, Alice tells him that Jennifer has already left forwork. Jack swears he will try to talk her out of her plan. Alice wishes himluck, but doubts he will have much success. Jennifer enters Jack's cell andthey share a passionate kiss before Jack starts telling her she's crazy totake these chances. Jennifer tells him it's the only way they can betogether until she can find evidence that Peter is alive and get Jack out ofprison. Jack tells her to go home, and Jennifer is on her way out when shespies a newspaper which announces the disappearance of the judge whoconvicted and sentenced Jack. During the night, TC and Travis had "takencare of" the judge for Stefano, since he was the weak link in the cover up.Jennifer and Jack speculate that maybe the judge was working for Stefano.Jack tells Jennifer he'll follow the lead. Jennifer asks him how, since hecan't conduct an investigation from inside a prison. Jack says he can use hislaptop computer to investigate if he can just plant a wireless remote accessdevice into the Warden's computer. Jennifer says she will do it for him.Jack tells her to forget it; it's too dangerous and if she gets caught,she'll end up in prison, too. Jennifer distracts him, grabs the device, andruns off before he can stop her. She uses her keys and tries to get into thewarden's office, while TC looks for her somewhere nearby.

Vivian and Ivan come home from the seance fiasco broke and discouraged.Vivian says there has to be a way for her to convince Jonesy that Baba wantsthem to be together. Ivan tries to convince her to give up and livehonestly. Bertha comes by and tells Vivian she has a job for her - if shewill do her Elvis impersonation at an all-female poker game, she can earn$70. Vivian thinks that's the last straw in humiliation. Instead, she headsoff to Jonesy's townhouse for one more try. Ivan follows her reluctantly. Atthe townhouse, Jonesy welcomes her as his "Flora Dora," but says he can't bewith her until Baba says it's all right. He falls asleep and Vivian makesIvan take out his wallet, where they find a picture of a small boy with a petsheep. Vivian deduces that this is Jonesy's "Baba" and comes up with yetanother wacky scheme. She dresses up as Little Bo Peep and finds a sheep (Idon't even want to know where), and Ivan hides under her skirts and providesa voice for the sheep. They wake Jonesy up and convince him that Baba isvisiting him from heaven. "Baba" tells him that it's okay for him to be withFloradora. Jonesy wakes up ecstatic, and asks "Flora Dora" (Vivian) to movein with him. Vivian agrees, although she can't stand the thought of beingwith him. Jonesy says he's not a rich man, but everything he has is hers.Vivian is ecstatic. But while she and Ivan count their chickens, Jonesy getsa phone call - from the REAL owner of the townhouse and all the antiques, whoasks if Jonesy, who is probably only a caretaker, has let anyone else in thehouse...

In the jungle, John and Hope lie side by side, dreaming of going to bed withthe people they love. John has a dream about Marlena, and Hope dreams of Bo.They move closer and closer together in sleep, and end up almost kissing,when suddenly the sound of a piercing alarm wakes them up. One of thenatives had breached the perimeter and tripped the laser alarm. John andHope find the alarm that was tripped and nearby, a crude doll with a poisonarrow in it. John tells Hope it's a warning. They break camp and set offthrough the jungle again. Naturally, they can't go 100 yards without takinga break and diving into another convenient, deep pool. While they swim, theyeach remember times in strikingly similar pools with Doc and Bo. They eachmake the other promise that if they don't get back safely, they will tellMarlena or Bo how much they loved them. While they are swimming, nativessteal their weapons (how dumb ARE these people?). They are forced to presson unarmed. They decide to take a treacherous cliff route that will savetime. While they are climbing, John sees a poison arrow being thrown at Hopeand pushes her out of the way, but loses his balance, falling down the sideof the cliff...Hope screams in terror.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, October 3, 1997

by Diane Dix

In Salem, Jack worries about Jennifer and her plan to infiltrate the warden'soffice. He tries to get in to see the warden, but the guards tell him thatthe warden is out of town and that both TC and the new guard "Hope" have gonehome. Jack relaxes, thinking Jennifer is out of danger. Abby, Laura, and Maggiecome to visit him and show him a family tree Abby made in school. Laura andJack talk about the death of Judge Cameron and the possibility that Stefanois involved with the prison system and the sentencing of Jack.

Jennifer breaks into the warden's office using a file, remembering the timeJack taught her to pick locks when they were on an assignment together. Shegets into the computer, but TC finally tracks her down and catches herred-handed in the warden's office. Jennifer covers up beautifully, sayingshe had permission to do some research and the door was open. She says shewas looking up her records because she wants to see how well she is doing inthe job. TC tells her he knows of a way she can really help her career, ashe comes closer.

In Rome, Mike tells Bo that Billie must have a great deal of courage to getthrough heroin withdrawal by herself. He tells Bo he will stay with her fora while if Bo needs to take care of anything. Bo says thank you and heads outto the marketplace. Mike calls Laura and tells her that Billie is sick withfood poisoning. Then he tells her about running into Austin and Carrie inRome. Laura is amazed at the coincidence, and thinks it must be fate. Shetells Mike to keep an open mind to any signs that Carrie has feelings forhim, or regrets her marriage to Austin. Mike agrees, just to get her off hisback. Then Austin, who left Deborah and Carrie shopping at the marketplace,comes up to see Billie. Mike leaves them together. In the marketplace, Boruns into Deborah and Carrie. While shopping, Carrie had tried to talkDeborah into going out with Mike. She found out that Deborah had just lefther husband after a short marriage and that she was attracted to Mike, butdidn't know if they were right for each other, because Mike was in love witha married woman from Salem. Bo says hello and Carrie introduces Deborah, whoclearly finds Bo interesting. After Bo heads off to buy some fishing gearfor Shawn-D, Deborah asks Carrie if Bo is available. Carrie says Bo isn't,but Mike is, and she will find out for Deborah if Mike is really seriousabout the married woman in Salem. Just then, Mike walks by and overhearsthem talking about him. Deborah leaves them alone to talk. Carrie tellsMike that she wants to talk about relationships and love. Mike's heart jumpsas he wonders if Carrie is trying to tell him she has feelings for him.Carrie begins talking about Deborah without using her name, saying that if awoman had just gotten married but realized immediately that it was a mistakeand that woman became attracted to an old friend - like Mike - would Mike beable to return her feelings? Mike, thinking that Carrie is talking aboutherself, says he has waited for this moment for so long and can hardlybelieve it is happening. He takes Carrie's hand and says yes, he could anddoes return those feelings. Carrie seems surprised, because she still thinkshe is talking about Deborah.

Bo calls home and finally reaches Shawn-D (poor kid). He tells him that heand Billie may be in Rome a while longer. He asks how Shawn-D is doing withMrs. H. Shawn-D says it's great, but he misses his parents and the old dayson the Fancy Face. Bo says he misses that too. He asks if Shawn-D has heardfrom Hope, and Shawn-D says he guesses Hope is having a great time withFranco somewhere. Bo looks disappointed, but hides it, and tells Shawn-Dthat he needs to have a very serious talk with him about their familysituation when he gets home. He also tells him he's going to bring him somegreat fishing gear (which is the Brady substitute for spending time with yourkids). As he walks around the marketplace, Bo gets the uneasy feeling thatsomeone he loves is in trouble.

Austin and Billie share an affectionate hug, and Austin tells Billie he hopesshe'll get better soon - until he spies the needle track marks on her arm.Billie tries to pull away, but Austin becomes furious and demands to knowwhy she would risk ruining her wonderful life with Bo for drugs again.Billie cries that her life isn't wonderful, that Bo doesn't love her and hermarriage is a fraud. Austin calms down enough to ask her to explain. Billietells him all about the undercover drug investigation, about J.L. King andthe charade that she and Bo had to keep up. She says that Bo is still inlove with Hope and could never love her anyway, because she is a worthlessjunkie. She tells him about Max kidnapping her and forcing the drugs on her.Austin becomes coldly furious and says he will kill Max, but Billie tellshim that Max is already in jail. Then she tells him about the spiritualbattle with Curtis, and Bo fighting for her soul. At first Austin thinksit's just a withdrawal hallucination, but then he remembers his feeling ofevil, and Curtis' presence, and him and Carrie praying in the church to fightoff the evil. Billie thanks him for praying and helping Bo. Bo comes backfrom the marketplace, still unable to shake the feeling that someone he lovesis in trouble. Austin tells Bo he knows all about the charade marriage andthe drug problem. He thanks Bo for standing by Billie and helping to fightoff Curtis.

Hope is relieved to see that John only fell a short way down the cliff onto aledge, but he is too far away for her to help him out. His foot is jammedbetween a couple of boulders and he can't move. He is obviously in pain fromthe fall. The natives start firing poison darts again, and John tells Hopeto get the hell out of there and save herself. Hope disappears and Johnthinks she's gone back to the compound for help, but knows he will neversurvive out there at the mercy of the natives. He begins to daydream abouthim and Marlena, remembering Belle's birth and the night they got backtogether after exposing Kristen's schemes. He hears something on the pathabove and gets ready to die fighting the natives, but it's only Hope. Hopethrows down a rope of braided vines and rappels down the cliff. She gets outsome lotion to grease John's foot so he can work it out of the rocks. Johnis impressed by her resourcefulness. But just as she is about to lead theclimb back up, their vine rope is cut from above, leaving them on a narrowledge and totally exposed to the native darts. Just when it seems thatthings can't get any worse, they smell smoke, John is alarmed to discoverthat the natives have set the whole ridge on fire, and it's heading straightfor them.

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Edited by SC Desk