Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, September 8, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In the church Sami is screaming and banging on the church window trying tostop the wedding.Shawn and Caroline are worried and decide to go handle her.

Hope is in the garden at the church and is so happy Carrie and Austintogether, and she wondersmaybe if things could work out for her and Bo. Franco tells her that Bo andBillie are on theirhoneymoon and she has to let him go. Suddenly Sami tries to run into thechurch and Hope grabsher. Caroline and Shawn run out and tell her they aren't going to let herruin Carrie and Austin'swedding again!

Kristen approaches John in the church and sits by him to act like his wife,for Roman's sake. AsMaggie, Mickey, and Alice discuss Sami's situation Eric listens in and feelsbad that hisgrandparents have to babysit Sami. Eric gets up and goes outside to tell hisgrandparents he'llbabysit Sami instead. Sami asks Eric how he could do this to her, and hesays she did it to herself.Sami thinks he was out to get her from the very start. Eric then tells Samithat he told Roman hisnotions about her, and he faked his collapse in order to buy Eric the timeto find out the truth. Samican't believe her dad has turned against her as well. Sami asks how her dadcould betray her, butEric asks how she could have betrayed Roman by lying to him? Sami says thatCarrie could havefallen for Mike in time, and she could have been happy with Austin.

Lucas, Kate, and Will are sitting in a pew. Lucas is angry with Sami, but herealizes he has lostCarrie and she deserves to be with Austin. Kate is proud of his change ofheart and Lucas says hewants to set a good example for his son.

Laura is so angry that this wedding is going off, she feels Mike is muchbetter for Carrie. At the altarAustin apologizes to Mike for the way he's treated him and can't believe hethought Mike was tryingto take Carrie away from him. Austin wonders what the holdup could be and heasks Mike ifperhaps Carrie has changed her mind. Mike tells Austin he's sure she hasn't,but he silently hopesshe has.

Susan is talking to Celeste and bets her this wedding won't happen. Celestesays she knows it will,she's rarely wrong about these thing. Celeste says that she feels that sheknows Little Elvis's father.Susan just responds "You know Mr. Elvis Presley?"

In jail Stefano laughs when he thinks about Susan. We see Stefano dressed asElvis in an OR whereSusan will be implanted with a his child. The doctor says that it's veryrare that he found a geneticmatch. Stefano says indeed, but they both know that this child will be muchmore than his son.Stefano asks Susan if she's ready baby, and Susan only sees a blurry imageof Stefano dressed asElvis and thinks he's really Elvis, and that he's going to make love to her.

Back in the bride's room Roman asks Carrie if she wants to go through withthis marriage today.Carrie wonders if she should listen to Mike and Marlena about postponing thewedding, and Romansays it may not be such a bad idea. Carrie says she's dreamed for this forso long and Romanmakes her realize that Marlena and Mike only wanted her to be happy. Carriesays she shouldapologize to Mike, and Roman tells her whatever she wants to do is okay withhim. Carries saysshe wants to be married now, she doesn't want to wait.

Roman and Carrie leave the brides room and meet up with Marlena and Abby atthe chapelentrance. Marlena and Abby walk down the isle and are followed by Roman andCarrie.

Outside Sami hears the wedding march and tells Eric he should go watch hissister walk down theisle. Eric says she's his sister too, and he thought he did what was rightfor everyone. Eric tells Samihe does love her and she cries on his shoulder. Sami walks off crying, andEric follows her. Samigoes to the window of the church and watches and cries "No, no, no, no, no!"

Back in the church Roman gives Carrie away. As the minister begins to speak,outside Sami saysshe has to stop this and runs off. Sami runs into the church, but Eric grabsher and covers hermouth. Austin and Carrie say the traditional wedding vows (minus the obeyline) and exchangerings. The priest pronounces them man and wife, and Austin kisses his bride.Everyone is happy andclaps, well Mike isn't so happy but he claps. Sami is definitely not happyand runs outside andalmost keels over from crying and just says Austin over and over.

Everyone congratulates Austin and Carrie and Kate invites everyone to herhouse for the reception.Lucas congratulates Carrie and Austin, and Will calls Austin daddy. Austinsays no Will, and Lucassays it is okay, they will make everything workout for Will. All the Hortonscome over andcongratulates them and Alice hopes they will be as happy as she was withTom. Carrie asks whereEric is, and Roman says he's watching Sami. Marlena hopes Sami will accepttheir help in time.Carrie apologizes to Mike for snapping at him, and she promises to help himfind his dream girl afterher honeymoon. Carrie wants him to be as happy as she and Austin are, butMike doesn't thinkthat's possible.

Laura approaches Mike, who doesn't want to hear it. Laura tells Mike it'sonly a matter of timebefore Carrie realizes she was wrong about marrying Austin.

Back in the church Kristen asks John to take her with him when he breaksStefano out, but Johnpretends he has no clue what she's talking about. John tells her to stopinterfering, and then he walksoff. As Kristen tries to sneak away Roman asks where she is going, and shesays to take care of afew things.

Susan talks with Maggie, Mickey, Alice, and Celeste and tells them her manwill be coming for hervery soon, and they'll marry in Las Vegas. Susan remembers talking to Elvis(Stefano), who saysone day he'll return for her and their very special child. Suddenly we seeStefano, who is stillremembering the events as well. Stefano says he will come for his child, whowill carry on theDiMera dynasty and will remain a huge part of Salem for many years to come.

Hope continues to wonder if she and Bo could reunite, but Franco says sheneeds to move on.

Everyone gets ready to throw the birdseed and Susan has tied the tin cans tothe back of their car.Carrie and Austin come out of the church and are showered with bird seed.

John, Abe, and Lexie talk about breaking Stefano out. Abe tells John thatthe DA has ordered hisofficers to shoot and kill Stefano, or any accomplices, if he tries toescape. John says that's just achance he'll have to take.

Kristen goes to see Stefano, who could care less about Austin and Carrie'smarriage. Kristen tellsStefano John is going to break him out and when she wants to go with themStefano says no way, itwill ruin his plans.

Sami is still pouting and Eric asks if she's okay. Sami says no she's notokay because Carrie marriedher husband. Eric tells her to accept this and move on, but Sami says thisisn't over. Sami saysCarrie belongs with Mike and that Austin is HERS! Lucas approaches Sami andtells her he's takingWill to the reception and Sami wants to go with him. Lucas says no way, andEric says that's not agood idea. Sami wonders to herself how to get Austin back and thinks sheshould try at thereception tonight.

In Rome Billie is going through withdrawal and Bo is helping her through it.Billie keeps insisting she's no good and Bo tries to tell her she's a beautiful wonderful person.Bo promises to help her beat the drugs and then begins to make a list of supplies they'll need. AsBo writes Billie says she needs a fix, but she has to handle these cravings on her own, she can't lether family know about this. Bo says that Billie should call Kate, hearing Kate's voice would cheerher up. Billie says NO! she doesn't want to talk to her mom. Billie doesn't want her mom or Austinto know she's hooked on drugs, and she fears Kate may pick up on her condition. Billie says Katewill know if she speaks with her and Billie asks Bo to call her. Bo says Kate will know something isup if she doesn't talk to her. Billie asks Bo to call Kate but then she suffers a cramp attack. Botells her she has to eat something and gets her to get a cracker. Bo tells her he's going to callKate now, and Billie hopes she can handle this.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, September 9, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Bo is calling Kate in hopes that Billie will tell her mother the truth, butBillie says no and makes himpromise not to tell her mom what is going on.

At the church Eric is still with Sami. Sami asks Eric to take her to Kate's,but Eric tells her he'll takeher to the pub. Sami asks if he's trying to keep her from her reception andEric says "Hello?, youneed to face reality." Sami thinks everyone hates her but Eric assures herthey don't. Eric says lifeisn't fare but she needs to grow up. Eric tells her to think about Will andSami says he's right. Samisays she'll go to the pub and naive Eric gives her the keys to his car,he'll walk over to the receptionat Kate's. After Eric leaves Sami says she's going to find a way to getAustin back, she has too.

At the reception Laura is still nagging Mike about telling Carrie the truthbut he refuses to do so.Kate is so happy for Carrie and Austin and a photographer says a messengerwill bring proofs overfrom Titan later today. Kate has to leave to take a phone call and saysshe'll be back. Hope andFranco are together and Hope leaves to check on Shawn D. Franco wonders ifHope will ever giveup on Bo.

Kate talks to Bo on the phone. Kate is relieved that he found Billie, and Botells her she's fine. Katewants to know why he never called her back and Bo says they were touringItaly. Kate says itsounds like they're having a really great time, which Hope overhears. Kateasks to speak with Billieand Bo hands her the phone. Billie talks to Kate, and when Kate looks overher shoulder and seesHope, Hope walks off. Kate tells Billie she seems tired and Billie says shejust woke up. Katethinks Billie and Bo are back together but Billie says they are justfriends. Kate asks why he is thereand Billie says he's here because you asked him to come. Billie tells Katethey are just friends butKate tells Billie that Hope has moved on, this is her chance to get Bo backin her life! Kate tellsBillie to use this time to remind Bo of the wonderful, decent, caring girlhe once loved. Billie saysthat's not possible but Kate tells her he can fall in love with her again.Billie tells Kate she has to goand almost breaks down. She hands the phone to Bo who asks Kate if he'sheard from Hope. Katetells him about the wedding and that Lucas is Will's father. Bo asks Kate togive everyone his love,and when he asks how Hope is again, Kate tells him she's with Franco, andshe seems happier thanshe's seen her in a long time. Bo tells Kate he'll take care of Billie andthey both say goodbye.

Bo tells Billie he will take care of her, and Billie continues to hear hermothers words and wonders ifBo loves her. Suddenly Billie falls unconscious!

Hope goes back to the reception and Franco consoles her, Hope thinks Bo andBillie are having anincredible time in Rome. Franco proposes a friendly trip for the two of themand asks if she will go.Jen talks to Hope later and Hope tells Jen she has to let go of Bo, andshe's considering Franco'sproposition.

Kate returns to the reception and apologizes to Hope, she knows it must havehurt to hear that.Kate talks to Franco, and they both feel that Hope is giving up on Bo.

Jennifer asks Mickey if any new evidence has been found, but Mickey says no.Jen isn't going togive up hope, but it's hard at times, especially for Abby.

Shawn and Caroline are happy for Austin and Carrie and they both wish Bo andHope would getback together.

John and Abe are talking at the reception, John is planning to break Stefanoout tonight. John andRoman have arranged a romantic trip for Austin and Carrie, and they give hima key to a hotelroom. Later Marlena gives Roman some medicine and he leaves to rest. Marlenasays themedication is making him stronger, but they need to find a cure soon. Johntells her to hold on, andbefore they can get to close Roman returns. John tells Roman he should beresting but Roman saysthe drugs only take a few minutes to kick in and then he'll be fine. Romantalks to Abe and Lexieabout Peter, and he learns what happened with Jack.

Abe and Lexie talk to Mike, Lexie says when Carrie returns she's planning tofind a woman forMike. Shawn says it's time to toast the bride and groom and lets Mike makethe toast. Mike toaststo the special love and bond Carrie and Austin share, and hopes their lovewill grow and endure.

Eric shows up at the reception and he tells Marlena that Sami has gone backto the pub. Marlena isrelieved because she was worried Sami might show up at the reception.

Sami has shown up, she's wandering the Kirkiakis stables when she findssomething dangerous, alantern I think. Sami then fantasizes that she saved the horses from a fireand Austin tells her that heloves her and shouldn't have married Carrie. Sami wakes up and says that'show she'll make Austinrealize he loves her. Sami then realizes she couldn't do that, the firecould get out of control and hurteveryone. She puts whatever the fire hazard was in a safe place and thendecides to figure out whatto do.

Back at the reception Carrie wishes Bo and Billie could have been here.Carrie and Austin eat theirwedding cake while Sami watches from the window. Austin and Carrie thendance to their song(No idea what it is). John steals Marlena away from the party and they gooutside for a few minutes.When Lexie can't find John, Abe says he won't be getting Stefano out tillthe reception is over. Theyare both worried for John, but Lexie has to believe there is some good inher father. OutsideMarlena says someone has to find a cure for Roman and John wonders ifStefano has a cure.Marlena is sure he doesn't, if he did he would have given it to Kristenbecause she knows if Romanlives she has a chance with him (John). John and Marlena hold each other andMarlena believesthings will work out for them. When they kiss Sami shows up! Sami cries thather father is dying andall her mother can think about is making love to John. Sami says that'squite an example she'ssetting. Marlena tells her she won't allow her to speak to them that way,but Sami says she is sick ofher mother's double standards. Sami says they can blame their affair onStefano, but when she triesto hold onto the man she loves they call her evil. They argue with her andMarlena tells Sami to getout of that dress and go back to the pub. John tries to take Sami back tothe pub, but she says heisn't her father even if he is sleeping with her mom. Marlena slaps Sami andSami tells her mothershe hates her. Marlena asks John to leave them and they argue. Marlena tellsSami she loves her butshe will not let her ruin Carrie's happiness. Laura overhears the argumentand before Sami leavesshe says she knows Carrie has fallen in love with Mike. Laura takes Marlenaback inside and Samireturns, she's not going to leave.

Sami goes inside and up to her room. Kate finds her and asks what she'sdoing here and Sami saysshe lives here. Kate tells her to move out but Sami won't leave, she wantsto keep an eye on her.Kate says she kept up her end of the bargain but Sami calls their deal off.Sami says she just has todecide when to tell everyone about her past, and she'll start with the factthat she hired Franco tobreak up Bo and Hope.

Downstairs Marlena tells Carrie and Austin they should slip away and Carriegoes to get herbouquet. Roman talks to Jen and tells her he was sorry about Peter, hethought maybe he'd be likeKristen, untouched by Stefano's evil. Roman promises Jen that Jack will befreed and she says shewants to believe that. Mike asks Laura why Marlena looks upset and she tellshim about Sami andMarlena's argument. John tells Abe he's going to be leaving soon, and he'llcome back with a curefor Roman. Meanwhile Roman asks Eric to drive him somewhere, there issomething he has to do.

Lucas finds Kate who is distraught over Sami. Lucas wants to throw her outbut Kate tells him toleave her alone, she's a ticking time bomb. In the other room Austin throwsthe garter, which Mikecatches. Of course Laura gives her son a happy look and Laura tells Jen thatMike and Carrie willbe together one day. Carrie gets ready to throw the bouquet and she hopesJen will catch it. Carrietosses the bouquet and Sami runs in front of Jen and catches it!

At the jail Stefano is arguing with Kristen. Kristen wants to go withStefano but he refuses. Kristenwonders if he even has a cure and she asks if this whole plot is just topermanently get rid of John.Kristen screams at him that he promised not to hurt John and that he had acure. Stefano says he'snot lying but his plan doesn't involve her! Kristen then asks "father" if heever loved her to let hercome along. Stefano tells her that she doesn't fit in the plan and if shewants to be useful she shouldfind John and see why he's not here yet. Kristen begs Stefano to let her goalong but he ignores herand turns on his classical music. Kristen bangs and yells she's not givingup, but eventually leaves.

Roman shows up to see Stefano. Stefano asks why he is here and Roman says hejust wanted tosee Stefano locked up for good. Roman tells him he's going to rot in here"for the rest of his miserable life."

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, September 10, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Carrie throws her bouquet and Sami charges in front of Jen to catch it.Everyone can't believe shedid this and Susan says she's "Mean, mean, mean! Meaner than Kris-tan." Austintells Sami to leave andgive Carrie the bouquet back but Carrie says no. Carrie tells her she justruined a beautiful momentand she can choke on the bouquet. Carrie then tells Sami she has no right towear that dress andrips Sami's tiara/veil off her head! Sami wants Austin to let her explainand Carrie says let me guess,your amnesia has come back right? Austin says there is no reason for her toexplain. Austin tellseveryone to keep on partying and Austin and Carrie prepare to leave. Carrieapologizes to Jen forSami ruining her chance to catch the bouquet but Jen says her friendshipmeans more and she'shappy to see the good guys win for once.

Lucas approaches Sami with Will. Sami wants to take Will but Lucas says noway, he's his father,he'll take care of him, and he's making up for lost time. Lucas walks offand Sami says everyone isgoing to be very sorry. Before walking out of the room Sami finds someenvelopes with Carrie andAustin's wedding photos in one, and her and Austin's photos in the other!

Carrie and Austin go to their hotel room which has been decorated withcandles and flowers. Carriesays Alice always says true love wins in the end and Austin says Alice isalways right. Austin picksCarrie up and takes her to the bed where they engage in ritualistic weddingnight practices.

Back at the party Susan is just shocked over what Sami has done. Keith fromTitan tells Kate hehas to go but he tells her he's left two envelopes of photos in the diningroom for her, one of Austinand Sami and one of Austin and Carrie. Lexie and Marlena are talking outsidewhile inside John tellsAbe he may have to say goodbye to Marlena for the last time. Abe suggests hesay good night andplan on coming back. John goes out to patio and asks God not to let this betheir last night together.John asks what Marlena is thinking about and Marlena wants to ask Sami tomove into thepenthouse. John tells her that Sami just needs time alone to come to hersenses, but Marlena saysshe's praying for that but doesn't expect it. Marlena says she's going tothe check on Eric and thento the pub and asks him to join her. John tells her he will.

Upstairs Sami is busy crying and tearing up Carrie and Austin's weddingphotos. Sami has thisfantasy about Austin being in love with her and forgiving her for nottelling him the truth about Will.Sami says she is Austin's bride!

Sami calls Austin and Carrie's hotel room and claims it's about Will. Austinrefuses to fall for any ofher games and hangs up. Sami calls once again about Will, she says it's nota trick. Kate comes inthe room and takes the phone, Kate says she'll calm Will down. Austin isstill upset, and Carrie saysthat she could hear Will crying over the phone. Carrie tells Austin heshould go help Will, she'll waitfor him here. Austin arrives at the Kiriakis mansion and calms Will down. Ashe is about to leaveSami shows up in a night gown and says "Hello Austin."

Mike and Jen return home. Mike hopes Carrie will be happy and Jen says shetruly believes Carriewill be happy with Austin. When Jen goes upstairs Mike says he could havemade her happy too.The hospital calls for Mike, a man at a hotel is having chest pains, but hedoesn't want to go to thehospital so he has to take this call. Mike leaves and Jen begins to write aletter to Jack when shefinds his notes on the prison expos article he wanted to write. Of courseTrent comes over to seeJen, who tells him about Jack's expose and how Jack's former cell mateTravis has justdisappeared. Jen tells Travis she is going to free Jack, and right now she'sgoing to help Jack withhis expose and find Travis!

Mike ends up meeting Carrie at the Hotel when she heard him drop his bag inthe hall. Mike tellsher to go back to Austin but Carrie says Austin isn't here!

At the jail Stefano gives Roman his best wishes on his daughter's wedding.Roman tells him to cutthe bull, he's here because he knows about John and Abe's plan. Stefanopretends he has no ideawhat Roman is talking about but Roman knows better. Stefano says Roman mustbe hallucinatingbut Roman says no. Roman says he knows Abe and John want to cut him a dealto come cleanabout Peter, and Roman asks Stefano to take the deal! Stefano says hecouldn't do that, Peter isdead. Eric shows up and Stefano says Jack is where he belongs, in jail formurder. Stefano tellsRoman he's lucky to have such a fine son as Eric. Roman says he knowsStefano is up to somethingand asks what it is that has him so sure he'll be getting out. Roman tellsStefano what ever he'splanning it won't work, he's never going to break out. Roman wishes he hadthe code so he couldget in there and rip the smile off his face, but he'll settle with the factthat he'll be confined to thiscage for the rest of his life. Stefano laughs and tells Eric both Roman andJohn were once worthyadversaries. Roman tells Stefano he loses this time, but Stefano tells himthe game isn't over, andone day the two of them may become friends. Roman laughs and says it willnever happen, and thenhe and Eric "get the hell outta there." Meanwhile Kristen has shown back upand is shocked to seeRoman there, so she shuts herself in a closet. Eric finds Kristen, and he'snot pleased with her andhe tells her she makes him sick. Eric tells Kristen if she hurts his father,so help her. Roman returnswith someone for Eric to meet and Kristen returns to her closet, where sheis locked in! Kristen hasa lame fantasy of John letting her out and then kissing her. When Kristensnaps back to reality shebegins banging on the door to be let out.

Marlena and John go to the pub to meet Eric and Roman, but they aren'tthere. Roman and Ericeventually show up, which is John's cue to move on with his plan. Abeapproaches John and tellshim he's going with him, but John tells him no way, Abe has to remain inSalem and protect hisfamily if he doesn't return. John tells Marlena he loves her, and has totake off to do some things.Marlena tells him during the ceremony she kept thinking it should have beenthem getting married.John says he had the same thought, tells Marlena he will always love her,and then leaves.

Hope and Alice are at the pub as well. Hope asks Alice what she thinks aboutgoing on a trip withFranco. Alice says she always thought she'd get back together with Bo, butHope says that won'thappen. Hope makes her decision and tells Franco she can't go away with him,it's too much of acommitment. Franco tells Hope he has been offered a modeling job in Franceand will be stayingthere for awhile, but he will be back!

Hope just happens to overhear John and Abe talking about breaking Stefanoout. Abe and Hopeargue about stopping John, but Abe tells her it's to late. Unfortunatelythis time Marlena overheardthem talking!

At the jail Kristen has managed to get out of the closet and Stefano hasallowed her to join them.John shows up in a police uniform and unlocks the door to Stefano's cell.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, September 11, 1997

by Diane Dix

Susan, at Marlena's penthouse, is startled when a visitor arrives - hersister, Mary, the nun. Mary demands to know the truth about little Elvis'paternity. Susan insists that the baby's father is Elvis Presley.No-nonsense Mary doesn't believe her. Then Celeste, still unsettled aftersighting Stefano free on the streets, rings the doorbell, and tells Susanthat for some reason she felt drawn there that night. Susan introducesCeleste to Mary as a "gypsy fortune-teller." Mary is very suspicious atfirst, but when Susan leaves to get tea, Celeste and Mary agree that Susanwas somehow duped into believing that Elvis Presley was the father of herbaby. Mary vows to get to the bottom of the mystery. When Susan returns,Celeste stares at the tea leaves in the cup and gasps, dropping the cup andspilling her tea. She tells Susan it was nothing, but secretly she knowsthat she saw something evil in the tea leaves.

John, dressed in a policeman's uniform, lets Stefano out of his prison cell.While they're trading insults, with Kristen looking on, John hears the soundof someone coming and shoves Stefano back into his cell. By the time hechecks it out and comes back, Stefano has disappeared. John is furious, andtells Kristen that he will never forgive her for helping Stefano betray him.Kristen tells him she really thinks Stefano has a cure and will meet them atthe airport. John tells her she'd better be right, and they leave together.

Stefano goes to Marlena's penthouse, where he runs into Celeste in thestreet. He tells her to take care of Alexandra while he's gone, and thendisappears on a mission of his own - sneaking upstairs to Susan's bedroom tosee baby Elvis, Stefano's secret son. Stefano promises Elvis that he'llteach him to be more powerful even than Stefano himself.

Marlena is horrified to overhear Hope and Abe talking about John's plan torelease Stefano from prison. Abe rushes off to help cover John's tracks, andMarlena demands to know from Hope what's going on. Hope tells her and theyrun off to the jail together. By the time they get there, John and Stefanoare already gone. They go to the airport in hopes of catching John andStefano before they leave. There they find John and Kristen, but no Stefano.Marlena is disturbed to hear that Stefano escaped, but glad that John is notwith him. He tells her that if Stefano shows up at the airport, he willstill go with him to get the cure for Roman. Hope, watching everything,tells Kristen she's reached a new low, allowing Marlena to believe there is acure. Kristen tells her there is a cure, and she will go with John toretrieve it. Hope tells her she'll never let Kristen break up John andMarlena again. Just then, Stefano shows up. Marlena is horrified and begsJohn not to go with him. John tells her his mind is already made up.Marlena says that if he's going, so is she. Stefano and Kristen and Hopelook shocked.

Austin, pulled away from his honeymoon with Carrie to comfort Will, isdisgusted to see Sami in her negligee trying to seduce him. He tells herthat he'll put Will to bed with Lucas, and she's not welcome. Sami tries toconvince him that if they just had a minute to talk, they could work thingsout, but Austin ignores her and goes upstairs. He tells Will that now he hastwo daddies, Lucas and himself, and that he's a lucky boy. Lucas tellsAustin that he wants what's best for Will and is willing to let Will think hehas two daddies who love him. Kate, downstairs with Sami, tells her thatshe's delusional if she thinks that Austin will ever love her again,especially now that he knows he's not Will's father. Sami tells Kate thatshe'll have to wait and see. Sami runs out to try to stop Austin fromleaving, but he tells her he hates her for what she did to him and Will andnow he's going back to his bride, Carrie. Sami tells him that would be a bigmistake, because Carrie is in love with Mike, even if she doesn't know ityet. Austin tells her they're just friends.

Back at the hotel, Carrie asks Mike what he's doing there, and he tells herhe was responding to an emergency. He's surprised to see that Austin is notwith her on their wedding night, and Carrie explains that he went to comfortWill. She invites Mike into her room to chat. She promises him that eventhough she's concentrating on her own happiness, she won't rest until Mikefinds a perfect woman to be with. She goes to get champagne to toast theperfect woman, and Mike, in turmoil, remembers their passionate kisses whenCarrie was delirious after the accident. He tells himself he can't thinkabout her, she's a married woman. When she comes back, she accidentallyspills champagne on her sexy negligee. Carrie rinses it out and asks Mike todry it with a hairdryer while she showers. When Austin returns to the room,shaking his head that Sami was still trying to convince him that Carrie lovedMike, he is shocked to see, through the door of the suite, Mike in thebedroom with Carrie's negligee in his hands, to be joined a second later byCarrie wearing a towel and obviously fresh from the shower.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, September 12, 1997

by Diane Dix

In Rome, Billie is nearly out of her mind with withdrawal symptoms. Bo triesto help her through them, but all she wants is a fix. Bo leaves her to getsome food and Billie starts to hallucinate badly. She sees Curtis, who tellsher she's worthless, doesn't deserve Bo, and should join him in a life wherethere is no pain, only drugs. Billie, already on the edge, breaks down andsays yes to the hallucination, who tells her all she needs to do is go outthe door.

At Kate's house, Lucas begs Kate to tell him what the big secret is, so thathe can help her fight Sami. Just as she is about to confess, Sami comes inand tells her it's not a good idea. Kate scoffs at her and says that she'sready to face the consequences and would rather her children heard the truthfrom her. Sami tells Lucas to get lost so she can talk to Kate. She tellsKate that she has a plan to get Austin back and won't reveal Kate's secretuntil it is to her advantage. Kate tells her she's in need of psychologicalhelp. Sami laughs and goes out for a walk.

Austin is shocked to see Mike and Carrie together in the bedroom. When theysee him, Mike gets uncomfortable and starts to explain, but Austin interruptsthat Carrie's wearing his ring and he trusts her completely. Mike explainswhat happened and then makes a quick exit, so that he won't have to watchCarrie and Austin climbing all over each other. Austin tells Carrie aboutSami's belief that he can still love her, and they agree that she is totallynuts and she can never hurt them again. Then they start doing what newlywedsdo.

Mike wanders down to the pier, depressed about Carrie, and runs into Sami.They immediately start arguing about Austin and Carrie. Mike tells her toget a grip and leave them alone, because being in love means you want the oneyou love to be happy, not that you'll do anything to get them. Sami realizesthat Mike is in love with Carrie and thinks to herself that it fits inperfectly with her plan to win Austin back.

Marlena tries frantically to stop John from getting on the plane with Stefanoor to go on the trip herself, but John tells her she needs to stay and takecare of Roman. Abe and Lexie show up to physically stop her from getting onthe plane and she sobs as it takes off. Lexie tells her that she was theone who convinced John to let Stefano go because she needs to know if he'scapable of a good deed. Marlena says she doesn't think he is, but sheunderstands Lexie's need to know. Meanwhile, the news of Stefano's escapehits the airwaves and soon a story leaks that John Black is the one whohelped him get away. Marlena is horrified, and Abe tells her that Stefanodeliberately leaked the story so that John's reputation in Salem would besmeared, so that even if he did return, he would be a fugitive.

On the plane, John asks Stefano to mark the place where they'll land for thepilot. Stefano does and John remarks that it's an uncharted jungle, andthere's nothing out there. Stefano says that the cure is there. Stefanoalso tells John to relax, because this could be the start of a beautifulfriendship. John tells him to go to hell. Kristen heads to the airplanebathroom to freshen up - and is shocked to see Hope hiding behind thecurtain! John and Stefano agree, for once, that she should go back to Salemas soon as they land. Hope says there's no way, that she is going to protectJohn's back as a "trained cop." Stefano appears uncomfortableand Hope taunts him that she will one day remember what terrible secret shelearned about him at Maison Blanche.

Edited by SC Desk
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