Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Monday, August 4, 1997
by Marcia Elgart
Vivian is dreaming about being fed grapes by a muscle hunk while another onefans her. SuddenlyIvan wakes her up and she yells at her for hogging the bed and tells her shehas to take her turnsleeping on the floor now. Vivian and Ivan argue and Ivan tells her that heis no longer her employerso she will sleep on the floor. Vivian says never, so Ivan says they willshare the bed and hops inwith her. Vivian says she will not share a bed with him, and she'll get ajob today. Vivian then saysthat Ivan's cloths stink from his job hauling garbage and when Ivan asks herto wash them she saysnever! Vivian says she will get a job and live the life she's accustom to.In the meantime Ivan asksher to keep up her share of the bargain and do her house chores. Ivan tellsVivian that he has to goto work and he gives Vivian all the money he has earned and asks her to useit for what it's marked(food, rent, bus fare). Vivian says if there is one thing she knows it's howto manage money.
On the plane Carrie tells Mike that she believes they'll find a cure for herdad but she just doesn'tknow what is happening with Austin. Mike tells her that Austin loves her,but Carrie says even if hemanaged to get an annulment she doesn't know if it could change thingsbetween them now. Carriethen passes the time on the plane by taking a Bella Quiz about "You and yourLover." As she goesthrough the checklist about her true love she fails miserably, she gets a48. Mike tells her that herrelationship with Austin is unique and that quiz doesn't apply to them, butCarrie says some of thequestions were right on. When Carrie goes to the bathroom Mike picks up themagazine. He readsthe first question "Do you want the person you love to be happy no matterwhat the cost to you, andhe says obviously.
In the garden Roman and Marlena dance to their song (Theme from Officer anda Gentleman) whileJohn dances with Kristen and tells her this isn't going to work. When thedance ends they sit backdown to their lunch and Roman admits that he really expected John andMarlena together and asksthem why aren't they. Kristen says that things aren't exactly as they seemand Roman asks ifsomething is going on he doesn't know about. John is about to tell him thetruth but Kristen butts inand says because John and Marlena's affair hurt so many people they decidedto break it off.Kristen says she got John on the rebound and Marlena was all alone. Romansays he's sorry forMarlena and that it must have been hard for her to give up John. Kristengoes off on how herfriendship with Marlena means the world to her. Roman then says that heknows he doesn't havemuch time but he is so grateful to Kristen for bringing him back. Roman asksKristen how long sheand John have been married and she says only a few months. Marlena thentells Roman about howKristen was originally married to Tony, and that she and her brother wereraised by Stefano.Kristen then tells Roman about the whole story how Tony killed himself andframed John. Roman isimpressed that Kristen hasn't been tainted by Stefano.
Carrie calls Marlena from the plane and Marlena tells her that Kristen isruining everything and thatall she can do is go along with the lies until Roman is well and strongagain, then they can tell him thetruth. Carrie says the situation could be worse, he could still love her.
In the garden while Marlena is away Roman tells John and Kristen that hecan't say that he's notdisappointed that John and Marlena aren't together because he still lovesher and never stopped.Kristen is so ecstatic and Roman says he wants to spend all the time he hasleft with the woman he'sever truly loved, Marlena. Marlena returns and wants to take Roman back tobed, but John asksKristen to. John and Marlena get their moment alone and John tells Marlenathat Roman is still inlove with her. Marlena can't believe that and says he gave them hisblessing, but John says that wasbecause he was dying. John tells her Roman has falling to Kristen's lies andthat his dying wish is tobe with Marlena. John tells her that no matter what happens with Roman theywill have to go alongwith Kristen's lies until the situation is resolved. Marlena says that shefears their love is tainted forthe pain they caused Roman and that as punishment they'll never be happy.
Back in Roman's room Kristen urges him to tell Marlena he loves her becauseshe knows thatMarlena still loves him. Kristen goes back to the garden and tells Marlenathat Roman wants to seehim right away. Marlena and John leave and Kristen says Stefano will takeMarlena's love awayfrom John, with help from Roman.
Marlena goes to see Roman and Kristen tells John that Marlena do whatevershe can to makeRoman happy because she knows deep down it was her betrayal that is killingRoman. In the roomRoman tells her he's so happy to see everyone he loves is doing great,expect for Marlena.Suddenly Roman begins to starts shaking and Marlena gives him some medicine.Roman says hehas to tell her something, and suddenly has a severe attack. John andKristen run in and whenMarlena tells John to call 911 Kristen says to herself "Oh my god he's dying."
Carrie and Mike arrive in L.A. and Carrie sees that Mike took the quiz andgot a 93. Carrie askshim who he's seeing and he says it was just a fantasy woman. The hotelmanager then says that thereisn't a room for him and he's forced to take a room with Carrie. Carrie saysit's okay they're justfriends, it's not like they'll be getting romantic. Carrie and Mike go totheir room and when he seesthe list of attendees he sees an old friend he was competitive with and howhe always dreamed ofthe day he could show him up. Mike says to himself that he can't believewhat a field day his friendis going to have with the fact that Mike needs his help, he's a veryrespected bacteriologist. Craigcomes over and Carrie hears him bragging about his career and everything.Craig manages to oneup everything Mike has done, car, wife, job, money. He starts teasing Mikeabout how he needs tofind a girl and Carrie comes out and kisses Mike and asks if he's going tointroduce her to his friend.
Austin tells Sami, who has found the annulment papers, that their marriageis dissolved. Austin sayshe didn't want her to find out this way, and especially now. Austin tellsher he owes her the truth andhe says their marriage was all a lie and that he never loved her. Sami saysthat can't be and he tellsher that she was a much different person before her amnesia. Sami says she'sa different person nowand asks him to forget about the past, but Austin says that she hurt to manypeople. Sami beginsasking questions she already knows the answers to, why did he sleep withher, and why did they getmarried. Sami begins to bawl about how he knows she can love him one day butAustin says itcould never happen because he loves someone else. Sami goes off about how hewouldn't havetime to be with another woman since they've been together so much lately andthat maybe she's notin love with him anymore. Austin says he hopes she does but when Sami saysif she doesn't couldn'the stay he says Sami did a whole lot more that can't be forgiven. Samistarts crying and says shecan't take this anymore. Austin wants to talk to her about it but she runsinto her room.
Sami thinks there has to be a way out of this, but she doesn't think thereis and that her life is over.Sami wonders what's going to happen to her, what's going to happen to Will.Back in the otherroom Austin tells Will that his mommy isn't the old Sami anymore and hehates how much thesituation hurts her. Austin tells Will he'll always be there for him, andhopes he can win Carrie backby telling her about the annulment. Austin goes to leave to talk to Carrie(He doesn't know she'sgone) and Sami comes out of her room and says they have to talk. Sami sayssince he didn't giveher the annulment papers he must be having second thoughts, but he says no.Sami says she'sterrified of what may happen if he leaves her, but he says it's not thatsimple. Austin says he's sorrybut the other woman is more important to him that she is, and Sami asks ifthe other woman is moreimportant than his son. Austin says nobody is more important than his son,but he is not and neverwill love her. Austin says he thinks it is best that she knows the truth andwhen he goes to leave shecries for him not to leave her.

Tuesday, August 5, 1997
by Marcia Elgart
Vivian is reading the paper and upset that she missed a fancy party anbegins to complain about hersituation. Suddenly she gets an idea. Vivian calls her friend who justhappened to acquire acosmetics. Vivian tells her that she had retired from Titan because sheneeded a new challenge andher friend asks her to come to work for her company and wants to do lunchwith her tomorrow.However what Vivian doesn't know is that her good friends Bunny and Archieare almost flat brokeand are hoping to get Vivian to invest her millions into their company. Ivancomes back and isreeking so Vivian tells him to go shower. Later Ivan is impressed by thequality of the food Vivianbought, but he soon becomes angry that Vivian pent all their money on thefancy dinner she told himwas fake. Suddenly Bertha comes by for the rent, and when Ivan asks for somemore time she says9AM tomorrow. Ivan is panicking and Vivian says not to panic, but Ivan saysthey will get out ofthis. Ivan wants Vivian to come to work with him tonight, he calls herVivian which shocks her!
At the Kiriakis mansion Lucas comments that his mom looks nice and Katewonders if Austin hascalled because he told her he was going to tell Carrie about the annulment,but Lucas says I don'tthink so when Kate leaves the room.
Sami is bawling to Austin and accuses him of not caring about her or theirson. Austin says that hewill always be there for Will, he loves him, but not her. Austin says theyhave to be honest with eachother now on and Sami says she's not the hateful person she was ao why theycouldn't be happytogether? Austin says he cares about her very much, but he is in love withsomeone else. Sami saysAustin doesn't sound sure that the other girl still loves him so why can'the stay with her, but Austinsays she'll find someone else because he can't love anyone else but theother woman. Austin saysthis is best for everyone, and he leaves.
Austin goes over to the Kiriakis mansion and tells Kate what happened, andwhen she tells Lucasbecomes angry and says he's cruel to do this to Sami now when her dad isdying and tells him he'sjust like Curtis. Kate keeps them from going at it and Kate tells Lucas thatwhat he said is not trueand wants to talk to Austin alone. Lucas leaves and Austin says that maybehe's right. Kate says sheknew Curtis and that Austin is nothing like that man and that's why Carrieloves him. Austin says butnow Carrie loves Mike and Kate tells him to go to Carrie because Kate saysshe'll bet everythingshe owes that Carrie still wants him.
Lucas goes to see Sami and tells her that perhaps Austin could love her, butrealizes that it'shopeless now that Austin has gone to tell Carrie everything. Lucas refusesto let her give up becausehe won't lose Carrie. Lucas tells her to stay positive. Lucas starts playingwith Will and says thatWill is the key to keeping Austin, but Sami says she doesn't even have thathold over Austinanymore!
Austin goes looking for Carrie and learns that she and Mike have gone to LA,but he gets the hotelnumber anyways. Kate is shocked that Carrie went away to LA with Mike, butshe said she readsomething about medical convention there and perhaps that's why she and Mikeare there. Kategives him time alone to call Carrie, and learns from the hotel desk thatCarrie and Mike are sharingone room with a King Size Bed!!!!
In LA Mike introduces Carrie to his friend Craig and he is impressed thatMike got such a gorgeousgirl. Later Mike asks Carrie what she is doing and he says she got tickedoff that Craig was raggingon him because he couldn't get a date so she decided to help him out. Mikeand Carrie then tellCraig about their situation and show him Roman's chart, but Craig has neverseen a bacteria as this.Craig says that he knows of a doctor in London that could be of help and heleaves to go call him.Carrie says she thinks they might actually find a cure for her dad. LaterCarrie is still ticked off aboutCraig and what a jerk he to Mike, but does feel guilty since he's trying tohelp her dad out. Mikesays they can tell him when he returns, but Carrie says no, it won't do anyharm. Craig returns andsays the doctor should be calling them back. Carrie leaves to get copy dadsrecords and Mike goesto get some ice. They leave Craig alone in their room, and when the phonerings he answers itbecause it could be his doctor friend. However, it's really Austin andAustin asks who this is. Craigsays it's a doctor friend of Mike's and says that the two lovebirds left fora bit. He goes on and sayshow special Carrie is and that whoever Carrie broke up with to be with Mikesure lost big time(Carrie told him she dumped her boyfriend for Mike). Mike returns and whenCraig tells him somestrange guy called and didn't leave his name Mike says it mustn't have beenimportant. Craig leavesand Carrie returns and she's very hopeful that everything is going to work out.
Back at the Kiriakis Mansion Kate return's to see how Austin's phone callwent she sees theexpression on his face and asks what happened. Austin tells her what helearned, but Kate refusesto believe it and wants him to talk to Carrie, but Austin says it's to late
At the DiMera Mansion John has called 911 and Marlena is checking Roman out.Eric shows upand here's what is going on when Kristen's on the phone. Roman stopsbreathing and Marlena giveshim mouth to mouth and John starts chestcompressions.. Meanwhile Stefano watches on hismonitor and yells that Roman must not die. The monitor suddenly goes off andhe can't see what'shappening, so he calls Kristen to ask what's going on but she says shedoesn't know. Marlena andJohn manage to save Roman when Eric and Kristen come up and Eric asks hismom if she can keepRoman alive long enough to find a cure but she doesn't know. After theordeal Eric tells Kristen he'svery thankful for bringing him home to them, despite her true motives.Kristen senses that Eric is justas angry about his parents divorce as Sami is. Kristen says he can't keephis feelings bottle up likeshe did and says she wishes he could learn from her unfortunate experience.Marlena comesdownstairs and when Eric leaves Marlena asks Kristen what she's up to now.Kristen says she's notup to anything and Marlena tells her she ruined her lunch with John and theyget into a huge fight inwhich Marlena tells her to stay away from her children. John comes in andasks Kristen to pleaseleave, so she does. Marlena tells John Kristen is up to something and shealso says that they can't letRoman suspect anything is going on between them because she wants to makeRoman's last dayshappy ones if they can't save him. Marlena also says if Roman dies she fearswhat may happen tothem, but John says it won't change their love. Kristen calls Stefano andtells him Roman is going todie, but he tells her his plan will still succeed, but that there may be away....

Wednesday, August 6, 1997
by Marcia Elgart
Show starts with Jen/Jack and Hope/Franco meeting for dinner. Jack tellseveryone he hopes noone will recognize him and ruin their evening. (Jen and Hope both wearinglong conservativedresses) Of course another diner comments about Jack on cue, but not loudly,just enough to bugJack. Hope suggests Jack and Jen dance. While they are, Hope tells Francoshe's going to move onwith her life and to start off, find a new place for her and Shawn D. tolive. More patrons commentabout Jack. Hope reassures him all will be well and to take advantage ofevery second he can anddon't be like her and waste time. It's over with her and Bo, but not him andJen. Jack and Jen danceand he tells her what Hope said. He asks Jen to take a chance on him and shesays yes, she loveshim. Hope is happy they took her advice and thinks she should take her ownadvice. She's ready todo something about her personal life (how about spending some time withShawn D. too!) In Rome, Bo orders the police put an all out search for Billie. Bo isintroduced to his temporarypartner Petra (oh paleez..some sexy Italiam bombshell in a slinky bluehalter backless dress..that's acops uniform, even plain clothes???). Bo remembers when he and Hope werefirst assignedtogether. Why would Roman police give HIM a temporary partner? He's not aRome cop. Billie istrying to pull herself together, washes her face and plans on showering andchanging clothes andleaving the room. Petra (nobody warned her) asks about Billie and hisrelationship and he startstelling her about Hope and how he's going to get her back (like this copcould care about the otherwoman!) Billie is getting dressed and hallucinates Curtis again, offering afix to her. She tells him togo away and he fades away. She is all set to leave and picks up the card forthe club, but rips it up.
Lucas is trying to figure out what Sami meant by the "it's too late to useWill" comment, while Samiin her own apt. is sitting with Will and worried about the same thing.Austin is dreaming about Carrieand tells Kate it's too late for them and about his phone call to L.A. Katetells duh-Austin he musthave minunderstood the call. Austin said poor Sami is the one in the middleand goes off to checkon Sami (who he claims made 180 degree change after accident). Kate offersto go with him tocheck on her and privately wishes she could tell Austin she has her memoryback. Sami puts Will inhis crib. Sami moans about just wanting to be loved and love in return. Shewas never the girlthat anyone loved. She loves Austin more than Carrie does and even thoughRoman knows sheloves Austin, she never wants her dad to know all the bad things she's done.The most importantthing to her is that Will loves her and maybe she should do the right thingand tell Lucas he is Will'sreal father.
Lucas shows up and asks Sami what she meant by her comment and she said, ok,I'll tell you. Justas she starts to tell him, Austin and Kate walk in without knocking. Austingoes over to tell Samihe's sorry he hurt her (no, I'm sorry to interrupt here folks). She asks ifhe told the other womanabout the annulment and he tells her no, he didn't know if it was going towork out. Sami tells Austinthat she and Will are moving out and will be out of his hair. (duh, youaren't married Austin, what doyou think?)
Sami explains that they're NOT married, he doesn't love her, and he nevereven liked her before.She hoped she could move in with Kate as she has everything they need there.Lucas said he'd helpwith Will over there. Kate is caught and has to agree. When she asks ifshe'd be more comfortablewith her own mother, Sami said she's busy with her dad (and there's enoughbabies at the penthousealready, just kidding). Sami asks another favor of Austin and that's not totell anyone about theannulment and their marriage being over. Kate asks WHY??? Sami said shedoesn't want her Dadto find out as he was so happy for her and Austin says ok. Kate wonders whatSami is up to now.When Kate approaches Austin about Sami's ulterior motive to move in withher..he tells her Sami isnot the old Sami and if given a chance, she'll find out she's a kind andcaring person. In thebedroom, Lucas asks Sami what's up and she tells him she figures trouble isup if he hasn't toldCarrie and she's going to take advantage of it. When he asks about Will, shetells him how Austinbeing Will's father is an advantage for her and now that there's a chance toget Austin back, is betterthat she doesn't tell Lucas the truth.
Upon leaving, Sami tells Austin there's a week full of frozen dinners in thefridge and she ironed allhis shirts. He tells her she didn't need to do that and she said she did itwhile she thought they werestill married (why is she making him frozen dinners when she thinks they'llbe together?). Austin saysgoodbye to Will and he'll see him soon and helps her out. Kate wonders whatshe's up to. Alone inthe apt., Austin tells Kate the moment he's waited for so long for meansnothing without Carrie. Herefuses to call Carrie and while reading his line said "EXCUSE ME, but if Iwere in the hotel roomwith Carrie, I know what I'd be doing."
Sami tells Lucas she has to take advantage of this rift with Austin andCarrie. Standing on Kate'sstaircase, she does her Scarlett O'Hara routine and said "As God is mywitness, I will never loseAustin again" and goes upstairs. Lucas has this puzzled look on hisface..too funny!
Ivan and Viv, dressed in a one shoulder black dress and gloves, head towork. The ex-con is in thehall smoking a cigar, laughing at Viv's work outfit. ROFLMAO when they getto the PenthouseGrill, Ivan takes Viv to the kitchen (not the private dining room like shehad an idea it would be) andtells her she's washing dishes. Viv refuses to watch other's dirty dishes.Ivan throws her a pair ofgloves that are black with a HUGE daisy on the wrist and blue and whitecheck cuffs (I heard theyare really Louise Sorel's gloves in real life that she got on a tripsomewhere and brought them in forthe skit, thanks Louise, they were perfect!!!). The PHG manager listens toViv and tells her he didn'twant to hire her, but Ivan pleaded her case. The manager said they've beenbending overbackwards to her every need for years (all the busboys & waiters arelaughing their heads off at herwashing dishes) and she can either do the dishes or leave. Later we comeback to Viv in her apronand gloves washing stacks of dishes. When Ivan comes in and tells her theboss said to wash faster,she is about to make a comment when the boss comes in to check on things andshe says all'speachy. As he leaves she squirts the sprayer at him (she misses) and thebusboys and waiters alllaugh at her and call her Viv when she said she'll be back dining there too.Uh oh, Bunny and Archieshow up for dinner. Archie is concerned about if they can afford it, but sheassures them with theAlamian millions behind them, they'll be back on their feet fast. The mgrhears Viv mumble aboutworking for Bunny and Archie and he goes out and offers a tour of thekitchen to them saying hehopes they'll enjoy it as he will. Viv looks terrible & Ivan brings in hugekettles to wash. The mgrbrings Bunny & Archie in and they are shocked when they see her there. Vivtryed to say it was ajoke, but they said they'd never hire her now or their business would belike her, DOWN THEDRAIN. They're going to tell the papers about this too and Viv accidentallysquirts her and can'tcontrol the sprayer..ROFL. More pans are plopped in her dishwater.

Thursday, August 7, 1997
by Diane Dix
In Rome, Petra and Bo search for Billie in vain. They pass within feet ofMax, who is talking to King on the phone telling him that Billie is hookedand now he wants out of this whole deal. King tells him he's going to stickwith it. Billie, wandering around dazed and confused, happens upon the ClubFortuna. She refuses to go in, but doesn't walk away. She has visions ofCurtis telling her she's worthless anyway, so why not ease her pain and goget a fix? Eventually, the doorman sees her and invites her in. Afterseveral refusals, Billie finally walks in and sits down at the bar.
Hope and Franco go to Mrs. Horton's and have their usual discussion aboutgetting on with her life. Mrs. H., out in the garden, hears a noise and issurprised to see Eric Brady. They talk about old times, and Mrs. H. saysit's obvious Eric is hurting, but he won't tell her why. He goes into thehouse and sees Hope with Franco. Eric asks directly what role Franco had inbreaking up Bo and Hope. Hope jumps to his defense and says that Franco hasbeen nothing but a wonderful friend. Eric apologizes and leaves. Francothanks Hope for defending him and says maybe she's willing to move on afterall. They share a kiss.Carrie and Mike sit through a day of conferences in L.A. At the end of theevening, Craig invites them to an anniversary party where some of the moreknowledgable experts will be. Carrie and Mike decide to go, thinking theycan make some valuable contacts. At the party, Craig can't keep his eyes offCarrie, and Mike tells her it's because she's the most beautiful girl in theroom - in fact, in the world. When they meet the anniversary couple, theyare surprised when they are told how obvious it is they're in love with eachother. Impulsively, Mike gives Carrie a sweet kiss. He apologizes for itlater, but obviously it meant something to him. They share a charged momentof tension staring into each other's eyes.
Sami reveals her devious new plan to Lucas. She tells him to get Austin outof the apartment with a conciliatory offer to go out and drink beer, whileshe plants a sophisticated electronic device in Austin's room. Lucas isreluctant to stoop that low, but Sami convinces him it's the only way they'llget what they want. Lucas goes to the apartment where Austin is confessinghis insecurities about turning out like Curtis to Kate. After some smoothtalking about a truce for Will's sake and commiserating about losing Carrie,Lucas convinces Austin to go out with him. After Kate leaves, Sami slips into plant the device. Kate returns to the apartment and notices the doorajar, and confronts Sami sneaking around. Kate tells her to get whatever sheplanted and get out before Austin gets back. Sami reminds her she's in noposition to be making threats. Finally, Sami spills the secret she's got onKate - that Kate was a cheap hooker and her family will hate her if they findout.

Friday, August 8, 1997
by Diane Dix
Kate catches Sami in Austin's apartment planting the speaker, but Sami'sthreats keep Kate quiet, as much as she wants to tell Austin. Sami hearsAustin and Lucas' voices in the hall and hides in the bedroom, sneaking outwhen Austin takes off his shirt. Kate tries to talk Austin into callingCarrie again, but he tells her it's no use and Mike is better for her anyway.Kate gives up and goes home. Sami freaks out when Lucas tries to take Willto bed, and Lucas asks what's up with her, but Sami evades the question.Kate comes home in time to find them playing the tape of Will's voice forAustin to hear. Kate is disgusted, and even Lucas is upset, but Sami isconfident this will help her win Austin back. Austin dreams of the time thatCurtis left him and Billie alone, and the sound of Will's voice wakes him up.When he discovers that Will is not there, Austin sits alone feeling guiltyabout not being there for Will.
In L.A., Mike tries to lift Carrie's spirits at dinner, but she keepsobsessing about Austin and Sami. Finally, Mike tells her that since there isnothing she can do about it tonight, she might as well relax and enjoyherself. They dance and the tension between them is obvious. But before hecan bring himself to kiss her, Mike suggests they go to the room. There,Carrie gives him a sisterly peck on the cheek. Later, Mike dreams thatCarrie is kissing him passionately. He wakes up to hear her crying out "No,Austin!" in her sleep. He rushes to her room to find her upset and needy,having dreamed that she lost Austin forever. Mike takes her in his arms,obviously very affected by her.
Marlena tells Eric not to trust anything Kristen says, but Kristen keepsworking on Eric. He tells her she's as good as Stefano. Meanwhile, John andAbe implement a plan to nab Stefano by placing a transmitter in Kristen'spurse. Before she goes out to meet Stefano, Kristen runs into Laura and hasa loud argument with her about Peter and Stefano. Upstairs, Marlena and Erictell Roman about his seizure. Roman thanks Marlena for saving his life. Hetells her he had a bizarre dream about her and John and that he needs to talkto John. He makes John promise to look after Marlena because she is indanger from Stefano. Just then, Abe comes to tell John that Kristen has leftand is meeting Stefano. Marlena is terrified they will be hurt, but they tellher Stefano will not get away this time. They trail Kristen to Stefano'shideout. Seconds before they burst in, Stefano senses something is wrong.When they burst through the door to arrest him, Stefano does notresist...but fixes Kristen with a cold, deadly glare.

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