Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, July 21, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Outside the church Mike puts Carrie's necklace with the engagement ring backon her, and Mike sees this, but it doesn't look like they are just friends.Austin approaches Carrie to talk to her, and Mike leaves. Sami rushes out and tells them that the wedding is going to start, sothey have to go in, and they leave. Lucas tells Sami once the wedding is over Austin willtell Carrie. Inside Sami continues to rub her marriage and happiness with Austinin Carrie's face. Sami says she just wishes her dad could be here, but he would beproud of Carrie for standing by Sami, we then see a fake flashback of Roman askingCarrie to watch over Sami.

Franco continues to pressure Hope to move on without Bo. Hope then begins to daydream about marrying Bo again, and this time they says it'sforever. Hope thinks there has been a terrible misunderstanding, but Francosays she's deluding herself. Still, Hope says if he and Billie were togethershe doesn't understand why Billie didn't come back to Salem.

Kate is worried that Billie hasn't been seen in days, but Bo assures Kate she isfine. To make Kate feel better he calls the police in Rome and have them track herdown. Kate says she knows Billie is upset about losing him again, but Bo issure Billie is fine and she knew how he felt from the beginning.Bo says he wishes he knew what to do about Hope, and Kate tells him to goback to the woman who really loves him, Billie. Bo says he loves Hope but he justhurt her. Kate says he hurt Billie to, but she still wants him back. Bo tells herhe loved Billie very much once but his future is with Hope, and he assures Katehe and Hope will be back together.

Back in the church Lucas notices how Will looks more like Kate than he lookslike him. Austin says he's going to take Will out for a walk. Meanwhile Sami goesto see Kate about Austin's good news. Sami warns Kate that if Austin gets theannulmentshe will blab her secrets to all the papers. Kate says she can't stop him, and Sami says that she (Kate) is going to talk him out of doing it. Suddenly Austinshows up and asks "Talk me out of doing what?" Sami says she was just hoping Kate outof talking them from leaving, but Austin says he has no plan to leave. Austin givesWill to Sami, who takes him down to the daycare center with all the other kids.Austinthen tells Kate that he may be able to get the annulment, but he's afraid to tellCarriebecause he thinks he may not be the right man for her. Kate tells Austin that he isthe man for Carrie and she'll make sure they are together, no matter what she hasto sacrifice. Suddenly Kate gets a call from the Rome police about Billie.

Hope approaches Bo, but Kate gets to him first about a call from Rome. Franco tellsHope that Billie comes first, and Hope says he's right. Kate tells Bo that thepolice says Billie hasn't been seen for days or she hasn't left Italy. Kate yellsto Bo that he should never left her in Rome alone!

John is standing at the altar and is getting anxious because Marlena hasn'tshown up yet. Laura tells John she'll go check on Marlena to see what's up, and thatmakes him feel better. In the bridal room Kristen wheels Roman into the room,but Marlena says that isnot Roman! Marlena refuses to believe it's Roman, and Kristen says she's shocked shedoesn't recognize her ex-husband. Marlena tells her this is just a sick trick, but then Romanwakes up. Roman asks if they are in Salem, and Kristen tells him yes,but Marlena stilldoesn't believe he's Roman. Roman then calls out "Doc, it's me, Roman." Kristentells Marlena to look at him and that she knows in her heart it's Roman.Laura walks in and sees Kristen, who says she's brought a wedding gift.Laura tells Marlena that Roman is dead, and she orders Kristen to get outand takethis person with her. Marlena wonders if it is Roman, but Laura tells herit isn't and shemust not underestimate Stefano's power. Laura says this man is a fake, and she saysJohn will know the truth, and leaves to get him.

Laura goes to get John and tells everyone that Kristen has shown up. The wedding isdelayed. Susan says she hopes John deals with Kristen cause she is "mean,mean mean,"and says she's" just like all the other DiMera's."

John comes into the room and tells Kristen that Roman is dead. Kristen saysshe foundhim in a Caribbean hospital, and can prove it's Roman. Roman wakes up andcallsto Marlena. John asks him who he is, and Roman says he's Roman, and he'scome back to Marlena. Marlena says oh my god, I know that voice, it'sRoman's voice. Marlena asks Roman if it's him, and he says yes. Marlena asksKristen what is wrong with him, and she says he's been sick. John asks Laurato get Bo, Abe, and Mike. John is sure this is just aman who Stefano brainwashed into think he's Roman, but Kristen says if Marlena looks intohis eye's when he wakes up and she'll know the truth.

Abe, Carrie, Shawn, and Caroline come into the room and are shocked. Shawnaskswhat's wrong, and Kristen says she has the name of the hospital and thedoctor whocared for him. Bo shows up, and John is sure that Roman is dead and if they believeotherwise they're setting themselves up for a fall. Kristen then suggests John onlywants to believe he's dead so he doesn't lose Marlena. Suddenly Sami comesinto the room and starts crying and groveling that it is her daddy. Bo tells Abe he can't tellif it is Roman, but it sure looks like him. Abe promises him he'll do everything hecan to find out who it really is. Marlena asks John if it is Roman, what does itmean? Roman wakes up and sees Sami and recognizes her, and Carolineand Shawn. Roman asks where he is and when he learns he's in St. Luke's. Laura saysthere is going to be a wedding, then Roman asks who is getting married?

In Rome Billie is trying to escape before Max comes back, but she can't getfree. Billie then starts daydreaming about how happy she an Bo were once, and if he lovedher he'd come save her. Max returns and then warns Billie she's going to get adose of her past. Max tells Billie that he and King are going to give her a newlife, something that will destroy her testimony as a witness. Max then pulls outa syringe and says it's time to resurrect the old Billie. Billie begs him not to dothis to her.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, July 22, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Mickey goes to see Jack and Jen. Mickey says that they havecircumstantial evidence that Peter is alive, but Kristen is beinguncooperative. Mickey tells them he's going to try to get the conviction overturned withoutKristen. Mickey goes to make some calls and Jen tells Jack she knows his convictionwill be overturned. Jack then says if it is he's moving out of the house. Jen doesn't understand him, and he says that he doesn't want to set her and Abby up for another disappointment. Jen says they can take it one dayat a time then. Before Mickey is going to leave Jack asks Mickey to tryand find his ex cell mate Travis, he wants to thank him for what he's done.

Travis calls Stefano to inform him that Mickey has shown up at Jack and Jen'splace, and Stefano yells it him to find out what he can without gettingspotted by Jack. Later Jen calls Trent to invite him over to meet Jack,but Trent says he's busy right now.

At the church Hope is whining about how big of a fool she was trying totalk to Bo. Then she goes off about how she knows just how Marlena feels, andrecalls trying to get married to Bo, and she says if she only believed Boback then maybe they'd be together. When Hope sees how upset Kate is she wonders if there could be something else going on. Kate is ranting thatBo should never have left Billie alone. Bo tells Kate that he haslearned that an American women in Rome who's in trouble with the drug cartel,and he'll fly there to check things out. Kate thanks him, and Bo says hewill always love Billie and protect her, and of course Hope overheard thatpart only.

In the bride's room Roman wants to know who is getting married and Kristenjustsays it's just some friends. John still doesn't believe this man is Romanand wants to tell him the truth, but Kristen advises John against doing that.Mike tells John that the scars on this man's face aren't from plastic surgery,it's from a battle. Marlena explains to Sami that Roman wrote her and John a letterforgiving them, and Sami says she didn't know that. Everyone leaves, but Kristenrefuses and stays. Roman wakes up and tells Marlena that Kristen told himthat she and John were married, and that Marlena never re-married because she waswaiting for him. Marlena and John then glare at Kristen, who just smiles. Roman asks Marlena if she remarried, and she says no. Roman begins to cough violently, and Abe gives him some water.John drags Kristen out of the room and tells her he can't believe how cruelshe is. Kristen swears he's Roman, and he says he doesn't believe it and asks her totell him the truth. Kristen claims that someone called her and told her aboutRoman, and she went to the hospital to find out about him and believes heis Roman.Marlena shows up and yells at Kristen as well, and John says he'll never believeanything she says and asks her to leave him the hell alone. Marlena then tells John that ifthat man is Roman, and they tell him the truth, what will it do to him. Johnsays that if that man is really Roman then he'll accept their love.

Carrie runs out to Austin who comforts her, but then Sami comes running out screamingher dad is alive. Carrie, Shawn, and Caroline all say they want him to be Roman, butthey can't be sure it's not one of Stefano's tricks. Sami yells at them allthatit is her dad. When Carolyn goes to see what is happening with the wedding,but Samisays there can't be a wedding now. Carrie says I thought she was okay withthe wedding, but Sami says it would be insensitive to be married today.Sami saysshe knows that man is Roman and she says that she thinks Kristen is an angelforwhat she has done.

Caroline finds John and Marlena together and she believes that this man reallyis Roman. She also asks Marlena if it's proven that he is Roman, what willshedo? Abe comes outside with news about Roman, that man's finger prints matchRoman's.Marlena says oh my god, and Abe says there's more. He says if that man is Roman hedoesn't have long to live. Abe tells them the ISA wouldn't tell him everything,but he's asked for them to contact them once they learn everything.

Kristen calls Stefano and tells him what's happened, and that John has anintensehatred for her. Stefano assures her John will come back to her one day, and thatall the evidence will show them that it is Roman, though they have reason to doubt him. Marlena and John go back to the room and she says she wants Roman to go to thehospital. Roman says no hospitals, Kristen promised no more hospitals.Kristen saysshe intends to care for Roman at her house and that they can stay there as well, butMarlena says never! Marlena wants to take Roman to the penthouse, but Kristen saysher house will be better for Roman. Laura tells them all this man needs to be in bednow, so they better make a decision. For some ludicrous reason they decide to usethe DiMera mansion, and when Kristen arrives home Stefano is there!

Mike goes looking for Carrie, and Kate tells Mike that Austin will take careof Sami, and that Austin may have a solution to his problem with Sami.Mike finds the family, and says Roman is stable, but he has to take him tothe hospital. Suddenly Sami starts faking pains, and Mike says she reallyneeds to get some rest. Austin tells Sami he'll take her home, and Carrie tellsMike that whatever Austin had to say it must not have been that important. Carriesays that the longer she and Austin are apart the worse things may get.

In Rome Max is going to hook Billie back on drugs, and Billie tells him if hedoes this he'll kill her. Billie says being an addict is hell and pleads withhim not to do this to her and says that her father got her addicted. Max thensympathizes with Billie because when she describes her dad he says it soundslike his old man. However, Max says he has to do this, it's part of King's plan.Max then shoots her up.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, July 23, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Vivian is busy getting drunk and flirting with some man when Ivan tells her shecan't afford all these drinks she's buying. Vivian says she still has her jewels,but Ivan says the police confiscated them too. Ivan tells Vivian that he's managedto find a place for them with his savings, and they leave. Ivan and Vivian arriveat their new home, which is a complete dump. Ivan helps her out and then they meettheir neighbor, Big Bertha from prison.

At the penthouse Susan is wheeling Elvis around when someone comes to thedoor. Susan opens the door and says "How did you find me!" At the door is Susan's sister, Sister Mary Moira! Mary says she found her because of theletter she received. Susan invites her sister in and Susan goes off about how much she loves living here.

Susan says she is getting help fromDoctor Marlena Evans, and she now knows she not a bad girl, but Kristen is.Susan says those DiMera's are bad bad people, and they can bring people back from the grave, they justdid it with Marlena's ex-husband! Susan tells Mary that Kristen brought Roman back to ruin the wedding, and Susan say weddings never go right inthis town. Mary wants to talkto Susan about her baby's father, and Susan says she never married the father becausehe's already married. Mary then screams who is the baby's father! Susan says shepromised she'd never say a word about it. Mary says she can tell her sister, andbecause she's a nun Susan thinks she can tell her.

Susan tells Mary how they met, flashback time. Susan saysElvis transported her someplace else, to a room all in white. Susan claims hat there werepeople there in masks, she thought they were angels(they looked like doctors).Then Elvis made love to her and told her to never tell as soul. Susan says the only one she ever told was Lisa Marie, andmakes Mary promise never to tell a soul.

At the DiMera Mansion everyone has arrived, and Abe is having his men checkthehouse for Stefano. John says he knows Stefano has had a hand in this becauseKristencouldn't have found this man all by herself. Meanwhile Stefano watches from the patioand says he has so much in store for all of them.

John and Marlena go into theliving room to talk while Roman is taken upstairs. John tells her he's sorry abouteverything, but Marlena can't help but wonder if that man is Roman. Johntells her that Shane will call them with all the answers about the man.Kristen comes in with tea, and Marlena tells her to leave them alone.

Kristen says she's prepared her old room for Marlena,and Roman will be next door. Kristen says because Roman thinks she's with John, John will haveto stay with her. John tells her it's not gonna happen. John wants to tell the maneverything, but Marlena says that in his condition that might not be the best thingto do.

Meanwhile Mike tells Laura that Roman has a bacterial infection that'squite severe, and he's been sick for a long time. Laura says she hopesit's Roman for the family's sake, but she hates what this could do to John and Marlena. Marlena comesupstairs to see the man and Laura goes to talk to Marlena. Marlena says everything ischanging so fast,and though she still loves John she doesn't know what Roman's return will mean.Laura tells Marlena not to let Kristen and this man destroy her happiness with John,butMarlena says all she can think about is saving the mans life.

Downstairs Kristen tries to act like nothing has happened, but John tells her sheis selfish and evil and he despises her from bringing that imposter home. Kristensays that is Roman, but John says he knows Stefano had a hand in all of this. When he askswhere Stefano is, we see a shot of Stefano watching them from his own little privatehideout via the camera's Kristen had installed for the secret room. John asks heronce again to tell him where Stefano is, but Kristen says she doesn't know.

John accuses her of being totally incapable of telling the truth, and wonderswhere the woman he first met went to. Kristen assures her it's Roman, and Stefano says she's right, itis Roman. Kristen says she got a phone call that Roman was in an ISA hospital and she flew downand brought him back to his family. John yells at her some more, and when she begs him to givetheir love another chance John says she destroyed their love. The phone rings andKristenanswers it. Kristen looks at John and says it's Stefano! Abe returns, and John takesthe phone. John asks Stefano what he wants, and Stefano tells him that the manupstairsis Roman. Marlena comes down, and John hands her the phone, he wants her to keepStefano talking as long as possible. Marlena tells him she thinks he is despicable,andMarlena asks if she is happy he brought Roman back to her.

Marlena tells him thatthisis a sick game of his, and Stefano says it's a game where he is going to win her, thequeen of the night. Stefano then hangs up, and Abe says they couldn't get a trace onit. Marlena goes out for some air, and to be alone. John says he doesn't care what itcosts,find Stefano! Stefano laughs as he watches and says he's right here in Salem, andthey'llnever find him.

Out in the garden Marlena asks God to help them during this very confusingtime, to bless Roman with the hope of healing, and to grant John and her happiness.Back inside John gets a call from Shane and he tells Shane what is going on.Shane then tells John that the man is Roman. John asks him if he's sure, andKristen smiles. John doesn't understand much, the connection is bad, but he asksShane to send the hospital records to Mike. Kristen tells him that she was tellingthe truth, and that she convinced him to come back to his family. Kristen claims shecould bare letting him die alone, and John says that she only brought him back tostop his and Marlena's wedding.

Upstairs Marlena is alone with Roman. Roman looks at her and tells her thereis so much to talk about. Roman says he's so sorry he let her think he wasdead, he just thought it was best that way. Roman says he didn't want to bea burden to anyone, and he didn't want to disrupt her life with John.'

Roman then says that whenKristen told him she wasn't with John he decided to come back, to be withher. Roman asks her if she got her letter, and says that he couldn't die andleave her with all the guilt she felt, and that he forgives her. Roman tells herthe biggest mistake in his life was divorcing her. John shows up and listensin the backgrounds as Roman asks Marlena to forgive him for divorcing her.Marlena forgives him, and when Roman says he loves her so much Marlena tells him sheloveshim too. Around the corner Kristen watches John, watching Marlena and Roman.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, July 24, 1997

by Diane Dix

Kristen exults at the expression on John's face when he hears Marlena tellRoman she loves him, too. Marlena emerges and asks John if he overheard, andhe tells her he did. Marlena assures him that her love for Roman is a deepconnection which can't be broken, but is very different from her love forJohn, who is her soulmate. John feels better, and tells Marlena that Shanehas confirmed that the man who has returned is indeed Roman. They are happyhe is alive, but John worries that it will come between him and Marlena.Marlena assures him it won't. They go to the hospital together to awaitword on Roman's blood tests. As they pass through the garden on their wayout, Kristen intercepts them as they meet up with Carrie, who has come tovisit her dad. Kristen tells them that according to an ISA fax, Roman wasexposed to chemical weapons while rescuing hostages. When Kristen nastilyremarks that Roman would not have taken such a chance if it hadn't been forMarlena, John has to physically restrain Carrie, who wants to belt her acrossthe face.

Carrie has a few words with Mike before going up to see her father. Shereminisces about her childhood with him while he sleeps. Downstairs, Austinand Sami and Lucas have arrived, and Austin and Mike have a guardedconfrontation, and Mike insists he is just Carrie's friend.

Sami thinks all Roman needs is love to get better, which is why she broughtWill to the mansion to visit with Roman. Roman wakes up long enough to seethem together. Lucas takes Will out of the room and Roman tells Sami he hada dream about a baby. Sami tearfully tells him that the baby is hers, andshe is blissfully married to a wonderful man, Austin Reed. Roman isconfused, remembering that Austin was Carrie's boyfriend, but Sami hastilyassures him that Carrie and Mike Horton are madly in love and he shouldn'tworry. Before she goes, Sami asks Roman to do her a favor...

Downstairs, Mike makes Carrie some tea while Carrie vents about her concernfor her dad and her hopelessness about her and Austin. Mike says all theright things again, and Carrie tells him that when she feels lost and alone,being with Mike always makes her feel better. They share an electricallycharged moment, only to be interrupted by a spying Lucas, who doesn't wantthem getting too close. Carrie sends Lucas to fetch her a glass of water,and while he is gone, Mike tries to return the conversation to its earlierintensity, but just then he gets a phone call. He tells Carrie it is the labresults, and the news is not good. Roman has contracted a mysteriousbacterial infection which they don't know how to treat. Carrie insists onknowing how serious it is. Mike gently tells her it is fatal. Carrie sobsand collapses into Mike's arms.

Marlena and John arrive at the hospital where they consult with severalspecialists who have worked with Gulf War veterans. As they await theresults of Roman's lab tests, a couple of nurses see them and congratulatethem on their wedding. Marlena tells them that the wedding didn't happen.The nurses are mortified and rush off in embarrassment. Marlena tells Johnthat although she is happy about Roman's return, she can't help feeling theywere robbed of their wedding day. John tells her it will happen. Just then,the lab results come in. Marlena takes a look and slowly, the color drainsfrom her face and she starts crying.

Kristen meets up with Stefano and tells him that now they have to make sureJohn and Marlena are broken up for good; if Roman dies, they will get marriedfor sure. Stefano yells at her that he has it under control, and he alreadyhas a way to keep them apart forever.

Back at the mansion, Chelsea takes Will to play as Austin is about to makesome phone calls. Then the doorbell rings and Austin opens it to find a manwith legal documents. He says he's Mickey Horton's assistant and he haspapers to deliver to Austin Reed. Austin accepts them and learns that theyare the annulment papers. Lucas overhears, and is frantic, as Austin smilesin relief.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, July 25, 1997

by Diane Dix

Hope is in disbelief as her latest attempt to talk to Bo ends with him rushing out of the church to find Billie. Hope, not knowing that Billie is missing, assumes that Bo just couldn't wait to rejoin her in Rome. In despair, she cries on Franco's shoulder and he tells her that Bo is no good for her. She wonders where she'll go, and Franco tells her they could find a place together and split expenses. Hope balks at the idea, knowing Franco has feelings for her, but he points out that he could help out with Shawn-D, and she starts to melt.

Bo arrives in Rome and heads to the hotel where Billie stayed. His fears are confirmed...all her things are still there and no one has seen her for two days. He learns from an informant that someone saw Billie with an American man two days ago, but that's the only lead he has. Bo fears for her life, and tells Kate that regardless of what is happening in Salem, he won't stop until he finds Billie.

Billie screams in fear and despair as Max injects her with heroin. She immediately has a bad trip, and dreams that Curtis has returned to tell her that it was pointless for her to try to get clean, that she is a worthless slut and junkie and always will be. Just as she is starting to come out of it, Max returns and injects her again.

Sami begins to put her latest scheme into action. She tells Roman that Carrie needs his blessing to feel comfortable getting serious about Mike, and that nothing would make Carrie happier than to hear her father say that she should marry Mike. Roman is reluctant at first, wondering how Carrie could possibly be over Austin and happy with Mike, but Sami puts on her best show, convincing Roman finally that Carrie supports Sami's marriage and would be happiest with Mike. Sami redoubles her efforts when she learns from Lucas that Austin now has the annulment papers in hand and is on his way to find Carrie. Downstairs, Austin finds Carrie crying in the garden in Mike's arms, as Mike tells her that Roman is dying. Mike's comforting presence means a lot to Carrie, and she tells him so, and naturally, that's the part Austin overhears. When he does talk to Carrie, she has just enough time to tell him Roman is dying and that Sami doesn't know. As he holds her, he tells her Sami is in for another shock, but before he can tell her about the annulment, Lucas interrupts and tells Carrie her dad needs to see her. Carrie rushes upstairs, remembering that Mike said she should do whatever it takes to make Roman believe she is happy. Sami tells her the same thing, but Carrie is floored when Roman teases her about the new man and tells her nothing would make him happier than to see her marry a fine man like Mike Horton. Just then, Austin comes up the stairs to break the news to Carrie. Listening outside the door, he hears Carrie tell her father that she is very happy and Mike is everything she ever wanted in a man, not knowing that Carrie lying through her teeth to spare her father stress. Sami and Lucas smile in triumph as Austin closes his eyes in despair.

Edited by SC Desk
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