Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, June 23, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In Rome, King tells Bo & Billie that everything is set for tonight.Billie is scared that something will go wrong and doesn't like the ideaof Bo working alone. He assures her that all is well, anInterpol Agent will be helping him. Hetells Billie he wants her to stay at the hotel where he knows she willbe safe. Later, the time has come and he promises Billie that he will becareful and thanks her for all her help. After he leaves, Billie vowsthat she will NOT return with him to Salem, only to see Hope in his armsagain. Down on the docks, Bo hooks up with the Interpol agent.

Bo just tells him hewants it all to be over with so he can get home to the woman he loves.The agent gives him some kind of signaling device to let him know whenall is set. Dean meets with Max and tells him that Bo is undercover. Maxsays when King finds out, Bo is a dead man. Billie overhears all thisand takes off to warn Bo.

Meanwhile, Bo is meeting with King and they finalize the plans. Kingspots the boat and Bo signals the other agent (who is with Max). Maxcalls King and tells him about Bo.

At the hospital, Lynn is dragging Laura all around trying to eludeStefano's men. Lynn leaves her on the stairwell and tells her to stayput, as she tries to throw them off the track. But, they recognize heras Laura's nurse. Meanwhile, onthe stairwell, (a still groggy) Laura takes a nose dive down the stairs.When she comes to, she seems to be no worse off than she was and hobblesoff mumbling about saving Marlena. Lynn prays she's okay. Later we see her stumblingthrough the park on her way to the DiMera mansion.

John and Abe are not very amused with their get-ups. They decide it mustall be Vivian's fault (because Kristen would NEVER have ordered theseoutfits) In the cellar, Stefano is upsetbecause he can't get to Marlena, as Marlena & Kristen are frantic thatthey will diein the secret room. Viv tells Abe & John to make the best of it... tell everyoneit's a theme wedding. Then she comments that the theme is "Nightmare atGraceland" John says if Kristen can suffer through thisembarrassment, so can he (WOW, what a trooper!) Vivian tells Ivan shehopes that Stefano has Marlena by now, she don't know how much more ofthis she can take.

In the garden the crowd is gathered for the wedding Hope tells Shawn and Caroline about Bo & Billie's wedding andthey are shocked. Carrie is moping around and Mike says he's got hiswork cut out for him, to make her smile. They are joined by Jen and Mikegives update on Laura. Jen says maybe when she wakes up, she'll leaveher obsession with Kristen behind her

As the guests eagerly await the ceremony, "Blue Suede Shoes" blares overthe sound system. All are a bit shocked as John and Abe march down theaisle together. (Nervous laughter all around). Celeste, however is NOTlaughing! Lexie tells her that it is just a coincidence about the Elvismusic (yeah, right!) Marlena tells Kristen to stopworrying about Susan's fashion sense as she rushes to the bathroom andreturns with a bar of soap and plugs up the hole. Kristen thanks her but Marlena says she doesn't want thanks...she just wantsout of there! Steph asks Viv what she is doing in that get-up and she says"look who's talking you Master of Disguise"He tells her aboutthe cops in the cellar foiling his plan but she knows he will think ofsomething. As Ivan escorts Susan down the aisle, you can hear snickersfrom the guests. John and Abe joke about which of them looks the mostridiculous. The wedding proceedswithout a hitch and as they are pronounced man & wife. She tells John thathe has made all her dreams come true. In the house, Steph drugs a bottle ofwhiskey and offers drinks to the copsin the cellar, compliments of the bride and groom.

John also toasts Marlena and wishes she were heretoo. Back at the reception, John &Susan suck face, as Hope tells Franco that she has had enough wedded bliss for the day and is ready to leave. Hope tellsMike and Carrie about Bo and Billie then excuses herself. On their way out, Francoagain tells H that he loves her.

Steph tell Vivian &I that it is too dangerous for him to try to get Marlena justnow, and his men call him and tell that Laura has escaped from thehospital. Steph fears she is on her way to the DiMansion He sends V&I outside to stand guard for Laura and stopher. They reluctantly oblige. Mar begins to get sleepy and startsyawning. She checks the soap...still there...but after she walks away,it pops out...hssssssss. Outside, Viv asks a lady cop if she has noticedanyone strange lurking around the grounds. She gives Vivian the once over andsays "strange is the normal around THIS house" Then tells her shesaw a woman in pajamas go around the corner of the house...(uh-oh!) andthey take off. Laura comes tearing around the corner(followed by Vivian & I) and confronts her and calls her "a bitch." Marlena and Kristen see allthis, but are finding it hard to talk (or even stand up for that matter)and are getting very sleepy. When they realize what is happening, theyare unable to act on it and both crumble to the floor. Laura continuesher tirade against Kristen (REMEMBER, she knows NOTHING about SUSAN!!)Mike and Jen try to calm her down but no luck. Finally Mike drags herinto the house and Jen apologizes. Everyone feels sorry for "poorLaura." In the house Laura tries to convince Mike and Jen that she istelling the truth, it is all to save Marlena...

As the show ends, Marlena and Kristen have collapsed unconscious to the floor...

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, June 24, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

The show begins with Franco calling his boss and telling him the good news- that Bo & Billie were married in Rome. He says now he will comfort Hopeand win her love. In the meantime, Hope is dreaming of the past with Boand moping around. Franco joins her again and she cries on his shoulderand says she has no where to go now. Franco says tocome with him he has a place for her to stay. He takes her back to hishotel room and says it's hers and he will get another room for himself ashe encourages her to take a bath to relax. While she is bathing he has aspecial meal brought in - for one - and leaves after she comes out and seeswhat he has done. She had flashbacks of Bo not trusting Franco and saysshe can trust him - he's been such a good friend.

In Rome, Bo is waiting for the shipment and signaling the Interpol agent asMax is on the phone with King telling him that Bo is trying to double-crossthem. King is furious and starts questioning Bo who is playing dumb. Hesays that haven't they been through this all before. King asks a few morequestions when Bo realizes the King knows the truth as they both grab fortheir guns but King gets to his first. As they are standing there theInterpol agent walks up and stands by Bo as is he is backing Bo as Bo tellshim to call in the rest of the agents and arrest King but then the guymoves to stand by King as Bo realizes the agent was bought out by King. Billie hears this and tries to figure out what to do when she hollers forthem to drop their guns and pretends she has a gun. They are about to giveup when Max walks up and grabs her and discovers she does not have a gun. King tells them they are going to load the drugs onto the boat and Bo &Billie are going to join them and King will dump them out at sea. He saysthey are leaving the Eternal City for Eternity.

At the wedding, Ksusan is upset and everyone says how sorry they are forLaura accusing her again. In the meantime out front, Laura tricks Jen andMike and manages to get away and head around to the gardens to findKristen. As John is comforting Ksusan and saying that they should getchanged and head for their honeymoon Laura comes back into the garden andstarts in on Ksusan again. They are arguing again and Jen & Mike get there to try andtake Laura away. He asks for his bag and is trying to give Laura a shotwhen she swings around and hits Ksusan causing the teeth to go flying out(in slow mo) and land in Viv's glass. All are in shock as Johnwonders what the hell is going on. Immediately Susan scrunches her necklike only Susan can do and everyone knows it's not Kristen. John (herealizes it's Susan) grabs her and asks what is going on and thinks thatthis is all Stef's doings. He asks if Stef has Kristen and why is shepretending to be Kristen. She is feeling pretty tipsy and tells John hedoesn't need Kristen that she and him and Elvis can be a family as shestarts asking where Lisa Marie is.

She confirms that Stef was thereyesterday but says she hasn't seen him today and says he is the headvampire. She then says that maybe the other vampires now where he is asshe points to Viv and Ivan. John rushes over to them and demands to knowwhere Stef is but Viv wants an attorney first. But it is getting to Ivanas he starts spilling his guts. John grabs them both as they head to thecellar to get Kristen and Marlena. Susan is crying that everything wasalmost perfect and drinking more. Abe had all the entrances sealed offbefore Stef could leave and he is in Kristen's bedroom thinking that it mayfinally be the end for him while John gets to the cellar where Ivan triesto open the door to the secret room. It's stuck and John hollers only forViv to tell him it's no use the room if soundproof. He asks if he can seein so Ivan removes the bottle to reveal the window. John peeks in andseeing Kristen and Marlena on the floor says Oh my God they are dead.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, June 25, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In prison, Harry offers Jack his time on the computer.

John manages to get the door to the secret room opened. When he smells thegas, he carries Marlena out first and then Kristen. While Mike helpsKristen, John performs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on Marlena.

Mike overhears Carrie admit to an unconscious Marlena that while she likesMike, she's in love with Austin. Ivan calls for an ambulance. When Kristencomes to, John announces that her scheme is over because they knoweverything. However, he blames Stefano and not her, assuming that she hasdone nothing wrong. Laura hears that Susan is truly in love with John.Stefano steals a policeman's uniform and manages to get away by stealing apolice car. When he assures her that the ceremony in the hospital is the onethat counts, Kristen talks John into finishing the wedding ceremony whileAbe sends his men out to find Stefano

Laura and Jennifer call Jack about Stefano's return. Marlena comesto finally and stops the ceremony. Austin can't stop thinking about howmuch he loves Carrie. After Austin almost catches Sami walking, Lucas warnsher that her latest scheme will blow up in her face,

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, June 26, 1997

by Diane Dix

Bo and Billie find themselves locked in a cell aboard a ship, prisoners ofKing. Billie begins to panic, but Bo assures her that he has been in worsescrapes before, and has no intention of dying just yet. Bo remembers some ofthe good times with Hope and vows he will get out to be with her again. Whenthe guards come down to transfer Bo and Billie to another cell, Bo attacksand temporarily knocks out the guard, giving Billie a chance to escape.Billie is reluctant to leave Bo, but he tells her it will be easier for himif she is safe. Bo gives her his good luck charm. Billie runs to anotherroom of the ship, where she can hear more of the thugs just outside. Bo isleft behind to face the guards.

Sami and Lucas sit in the apartment poring over printouts of country homes.Austin comes in and asks what they're doing. Lucas rubs his face in thefact that he will soon be moving to the country. Austin asks Sami if shestill wants to go to Kristen's wedding. Sami says it would be nice, but sheis still grieving too much over Roman's death and Marlena's disappearance toenjoy herself. Lucas offers to stay with Sami while Austin goes to thewedding. Austin jumps at the chance and Sami is furious, at first, but Lucasexplains that Austin needs to see Carrie and Mike together more often. Lucasplays with Will while Sami watches with amusement. Then Austin calls fromthe wedding with amazing news - Marlena has been found and is well. Sami hasmixed emotions - relief that her mother is okay, and chagrin that Marlenamight catch her faking the amnesia. Sami starts opening her mail and noticesthe blood tests from Will's recent hospital stay. She frowns when she noticesthat Will's blood type is not her own, but assumes it must be Austin's, andcasually tosses the paper down on the table.

Meanwhile, all hell is breaking loose at the DiMera house! John is at firstoverwhelmed with relief to see that Marlena is all right, but his joy isshort-lived when she begins to tell him that he can't marry Kristen, becauseshe is evil, and a liar just like Stefano. Kristen puts up a good front. Atfirst she says that Marlena is feeling the effects of the gas. Marlenabrushes that aside. John then thinks Marlena doesn't understand that Kristenhas a double, Susan, who has actually done all these things. Marlena stunshim by saying that she knows all about Susan because Susan was her patient.Then she drops the biggest bombshell: Kristen and John aren't married, andSusan is John Jr.'s mother! At first John absolutely refuses to believe it.No one notices when Austin slips quietly in, or when Vivian and Ivan slipquietly out. Everyone else believes Marlena, but they know that John won'twithout proof. John says he cannot believe he was fooled that way, and heneeds proof. Vivian and Ivan threaten Susan outside, so that by the timeSusan is called in, she tells everyone that John Jr. is Kristen's baby.Marlena is stunned by her lie, but refuses to give up. Kristen begins toget hysterical, even accusing Marlena of being possessed again! But Marlenatalks calmly to Susan while Laura has an idea and leaves the room. Marlenatells Susan everything will be okay, but she needs to tell the truth. Laurareappears, with the baby in her arms. She whispers to Marlena, and Marlenanods, taking the baby. Marlena says that she guesses she will just have tohand the baby over to his mother, looking directly at Susan, who is obviouslyin an agony of indecision. But as Marlena pretends to hand the baby over toKristen, Susan blurts, "He's mine!" as everyone gasps, and John looksshocked. "Everything Dr. Marlena Evans said is true!" Susan says, andKristen looks stunned.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, June 27, 1997

by Diane Dix

Austin comes home from the reception earlier than Sami expected - she barelyhas time to get into her wheelchair. Austin reassures her that Marlena isalive, but says that something intense was going on between Marlena andKristen, and he didn't want to intrude, so he left early. Sami asks aboutCarrie and Mike, and Austin says that they seemed to be together. Sami asksAustin to take a look at the plans for the house. Meanwhile, Lucas putstogether a tricycle he bought for Will. Austin thanks Lucas for all thegifts, but wonders what he is up to. Lucas distracts him by asking Austin tohelp him put the tricycle together. While they are working, Lucas once againbrings up Mike and Carrie, telling Austin that if he really loves Carrie, hewill consider what is best for her and let her go. Meanwhile, Sami putstogether her medical file for Austin, Will, and herself. After recordingAustin's blood type and her own, she starts to record Will's - and thennotices that something does not fit at all...

Stefano escapes to his hideaway near Salem, where Bart, the contractor whobuilt the secret room, awaits him. Stefano explains what happened, anddemands that Bart link him to the cameras in the DiMera mansion, so that hecan see what is going on. Bart connects him, and Stefano is in time to seeKristen trying to defuse Susan's admission that John Jr. is actually herbaby, Elvis. Kristen says that Susan is working for Stefano, is obviouslycrazy, and may even have been brainwashed. Susan denies it, but Kristenargues that John should believe her over an obviously unbalanced woman.Celeste tries to back Susan up by telling John about her visions, butKristen immediately accuses Celeste of working for Stefano again, and helpingSusan. Stefano smiles to see Kristen responding to the crisis like a trueDiMera. No one else knows what to believe. Kristen begs Jennifer forsupport, but Jennifer is too confused to take sides. Marlena calls forVivian and Ivan to back up Susan's tale, but they refrain from commenting,especially after a warning call from Stefano. Finally, Kristen pleads withJohn to believe her. John is obviously deeply troubled, and he says that onthe basis of the evidence alone, he would have to believe Kristen. Kristenhugs John ecstatically, not even noticing that he's not responding. With alook of pain on his face, John peels Kristen away from him and tells her thathe has to go with his heart, and that he knows Marlena would never lie tohim. Kristen tries frantically to convince him. But as the full reality ofthe lies strikes John, he turns away from Kristen with loathing. Finally,Kristen breaks down and confesses that everything Marlena said is true.Everyone is horrified, but not really surprised. Kristen says that the onlyreason she lied was to keep from losing John forever. John tells her shejust postponed the inevitable - now she HAS lost him forever. Kristen runsaway from the room. John hugs Laura and apologizes for not believing her.Laura says it's all right, she's just happy that Marlena is safe. Susanasks John what is going to happen to her. Marlena assures her that she willtry to see that Elvis remains with his mother. Talking to Susan brings homethe reality to John that he was never even married to Kristen. He goesoutside for some air. Mickey takes Susan up to see Elvis, where she whispersto him that soon the identity of his REAL father will come out, and that hisfather is a very important man. Lexie wonders if Stefano will come afterher next, and Celeste assures her that she and Abe will protect Lexie.Stefano, watching on the monitor, laughs, thinking it will do them no good.Jennifer seeks out Kristen and accuses her of being a monster, lettingStefano perform the dangerous laser surgery on Laura and allowing Jack to goto prison for life. Kristen replies dully that she was only trying to keepStefano from kidnapping Laura. Jennifer demands that Kristen admit thatPeter is still alive so they can take a statement to the judge. Kristenstares at her, brushes past, and yells, "Everyone, get out of my house!"People start to leave, hugging Marlena on the way out. Carrie tells Marlenathe events of the day are proof that miracles can happen and true love canwin out. Mike listens silently. On her way out, Carrie notices a weddinggift left by Austin, and wonders why he didn't at least say hello to her ifhe was there. Caroline, Maggie, and Mickey are just glad to have theirfriend back. Marlena tearfully thanks Laura for saving her life, andJennifer says how grateful she is that her mother never gave up. Abe stopsVivian and Ivan from leaving - he has other plans for them. He goes out tothe garden where John sits, still in shock. Abe makes sure John knows hewill have to arrest Kristen. John nods numbly and Abe goes back inside.Suddenly, John realizes that he is now free to explore his feelings forMarlena. He goes inside and looks at her across the room. Kristen seestheir glance and gets up from her chair, begging John to give her a chance toexplain things. John ignores her and walks toward Marlena. Abe and theother officers start to arrest Vivian and Ivan for kidnapping and conspiracy,and Kristen knows she is next. The intimate scene between John and Marlenais too much for her to handle. In her mind, she blames Marlena foreverything that has gone wrong in her life. Moving quickly, she snatches agun from a police officer's holster and points it at Marlena. Stefano,watching from the monitor, shouts "No!", realizing that Kristen has snappedand intends to kill his Queen of the Night. Kristen shouts, "Nobody move! Iswear I'll shoot her!" and everyone freezes. "Don't do this," John begs her."Why not?" Kristen asks. "If I'm going to lose is she."

Edited by SC Desk
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