Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Monday, June 9, 1997
by Marcia Elgart
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At the lodge, Lucas and Sami are on the phone discussing their plan. At thehot tub Mike is comforting Carrie. She thinks Austin isn't going to show,and both of them are unaware that Austin is watching. Austin thinks maybeCarrie is really interested in Mike, but from where he is standing he can't hear that Carrie is talking to Mike about Austin. As Austin is about to confront them, Sami calls to say that Will is sick again, and Austin needsto come home. When Austin finally returns to the hot tub Mike and Carrieare gone.
Mike and Carrie return to the lodge talking about love and romance. Mike andCarrie leave to get some coffee, and Austin returns to Carrie's room.Downstairs Carrie asks the man at the desk for any messages, but she hasnone. Carrie confides in Mike that she thinks maybe Austin and her weren't meant to be, but Mike reassures here that God will find a way to gether and Austin together. Upstairs Austin calls Sami back to check on Will,and Sami sets up the next stage and hangs up.
Back at the lodge a man serves Carrie a romantic dinner she ordered when shethought Austin was coming, and of course Mike shows up with flowers. Carrie asks Mike to stay, and as they hug Lucas watches from the hall.
At the prison Jack tells Travis that he feels at fault about Laura'sbreakdown because she was trying to help him. At the hospital Jen pleadswith Laura to give her a sign that she's okay, and Laura hears her. Mickey and Maggie come in, and Jen tells them the doctor recommends some type of motivation to come out of her state, and Mickey has an idea. Jen asks what he's thinking of, but Mickey doesn't want to jinx it.Outside Laura's room Ivan and Vivian have shown up to make sure that Lynn is keeping Laura sedated, and Ivan keeps rambling about seeing Susandressed as a nun. Lynn tells Vivian that she hates doing this butVivian reminds her of Stefano and Kristen and what they'd do to them.
Mickey returns to the room with Abby in hopes she can help Laura to wakeup, but it doesn't work. Laura does manage to move her hand, but Abbydoesn't understand why she won't talk. Mickey says plan B is going take effect soon, and leaves to see how it's progressing. Mickey returns to the hospital with plan B, Jack! Jen rushes to Jack and they hug.
In the secret room Kristen can't believe what she sees on the monitor.Upstairs John and Susan have answered the door and meet Susan's twin sisterSister Mary Moira. John invites her in, and Susan's sister says she hascome because she's received some very disturbing letters from Susan and she wants to check up on her. John tells Mary Moira that Susan doesn'twork for them anymore, Susan's Sister says she is confused, because in oneof her letters Susan says she married John. Susan's Sister says she onlysaid his first name was John, Susan jumps in and says that "Susan" mentionedshe was seeing a John Smith. When Susan gives her sister the letter she suddenly feels Susan's presence and she stares right at Susan when she saysthis. John says that she must be mistaken, but she doesn't think so. Susan's sister and John talk, and she tells John that Susan had Elvis's nametattooed on her ankle, which makes Kristen panic!
Vivian and Ivan then go out looking for Susan, but Vivian thinks Ivan isseeing things and says they are going to the spa now. Ivan continues tohassle every nun he sees and they eventually find Susan's sister, but Vivand Ivan think it's Susan. They eventually corner, and nab Susan's sister!

Tuesday, June 10, 1997
by Marcia Elgart
Jack shows up at the hospital in hand cuffs and leg irons and escorted bypolice. Mickey persuades the cops to take off the handcuffs for hisdaughter'ssake. Abby asks Jack if he's coming home, but he says not thistime, he's just here for a visit. Laura squeezes Jack's hand, and they all take it as a good sign. Jack says he wishes he could be there full time, and Jen says he's here now and they need to make the best of thetime they have together. Jack talks to Laura, and tells her that they areboth trapped, but the difference is she can be released from her prisonif she wants to. Suddenly, Laura sits up, and Lynn yells "Wholly Moley!"Jen asks him to try again but the police come to take him back to prisonand Jen pleads for 5 more minutes, and Lynn then leaves them alone.
Before Jack is taken away he tells Jen not to visit her in prison,but she says she can't make that promise because she loves him.Jack says he loves her too, that's why this has to be goodbye. Abbyasks her daddy not to go, but he says he has to, but she'll always be inhis heart.
Vivian and Ivan nab Susan's sister but she manages to get away. As they give chase, Susan's sister falls, and they grab her. Susan's sister saysshe is not going anywhere with them because she is not Susan! Vivian and Ivan want to know how she got of the secret room, and she proves to themshe's Susan's twin sister. Ivan says "We kidnapped a nun, we are going to hell!" Susan's sister then becomes suspicious, and wonders if they are behind her disappearance, but they manage to convince herotherwise. Lynn then calls Vivian's cell phone and informs Vivian that shecan't do this anymore, and will no longer drug Laura. Before Vivian cantell her otherwise Susan's sister grabs Vivian's phone from her. Unfortunately Lynn thinks Vivian agrees with her and it's okay not to drug Laura any longer!
In the secret room Marlena has finally left the bathroom and Kristen fills her in on Susan's sister, and the Elvis tattoo on Susan's ankle.Marlena is overjoyed at that news because she thinks once John sees the tattoo she'll be saved.Upstairs John surprises Susan with a candlelit bedroom, and promises to make allher dreams come true, and all Marlena and Kristen can do is watch and fight. John and Susan begin to kiss, and Susan begins to cry because he'sbeen so nice to her. John tells her about how he used to bring her flowerswhen they were dating. John makes a toast to his "wife" and as he looks at her he sees only Marlena! Susan asks what he is thinking about, and John says he wants to be honest, he's thinking aboutMarlena and her whereabouts.
Susan says she's worried too, but they need to have a night aloneto concentrate on each other. John and Susan begin to dance and kiss, and Marlena fantasizes about her and John being together. Susan and John kissand Kristen swears she'll burn down Graceland!. Back upstairs John informs Susan he's going tomake love to her like it's their first time.John continues to think of Marlena! Kristen can't believe John didn't know that wasn't Kristen, and Marlena says because he feels no connection to her. Marlena says John can have sex with Kristen and Susan,but he makes love to her!
Upstairs John calls Abe to get the latest on Marlena, butthey have nothing new. John says he'll talk to Kristen about it, but he'shaving a hard time hiding his feelings from her. Susan runs out to tell John that the bubblebath is ready, and John tells her he fears Stefano will come looking forSusan becomes frightened, and John says Abe has the police standing watch outside theirhouse. Downstairs Kristen says Stefano will never reach her now, and that Vivian and Ivanare her only hope.
Susan realizes John will see her tattoo if she wears the skimpy nighty that Johngave her.Susan then comes out in the nightgown on, but has socks on her feet because she says she's cold! John says he'll warm herup, and goes to take the socks off! Marlena begins to cheer and say "I'm saved!"

Wednesday, June 11, 1997
by Marcia Elgart
Lucas and Sami discuss the current progress of their latest scam. Mike and Carrie discuss the Horton/Brady picnic and hear a firealarm going off. Turns out the fire alarm was pulled by Lucas. He says it should take care of any fire in their romantic dinnerSami pounds the idea about Will being secure with the love of both his parents into what little brain Austin has left. Mike and Carrie arewandering the halls (no one else is) and the manager comes upto say he found a man unconscious on the floor while checking the rooms. Mike tells him he's a Dr., so lead the way. Mike is giving theman CPR and says he'll never forgive himself if anything happens to the man. Slow news day inThe TV shows Carrie and Austin and explaining how they saved the man's life. On tv, the reporter tellsMike and his girlfriend (Mike tries to reclairfy who Carrie is, but can't)that the management has given them the honeymoon suite whenever they want it being their romantic dinner was interrupted by thefalse alarm. Austin watches in shock and Sami rubs in againhow wonderful Mike and Carrie look together. She sends him off toget milk for Will and calls Lucas for what really happened.
In Rome, Franco and Hope discuss Bo and Billie yet again. We see Billie sleeping in bed with a lot of coverspulled up over her dreaming about her and Bo's wedding. Max informsKing that Hope is staying in the same hotel as Bo, but Bo doesn't realize it. King saysIt falls right into their plan and calls Bo to meet him. He tells Bo thewedding has been moved up to tonite. Later King finds Bo and Billieoutside walking and gives Billie a wad of cash to go get a wedding gown. While gazing at a wedding gown, Monique comes up and Billie tells her she'sgetting married that night. Monique shows her the wedding gown they used in the photo shootand she can borrow that and shows her a Polaroid of Hope in it. Later we see Hope's head is not in the picture, just the dress, and Billie likes the dress and accepts the offer.
At the cafe, Bo tells King they can't get married there as they want afamily wedding. King tells him he'll fly whoever they want over to Rome for the wedding and Bo says no. King even said he'll fly Shawn D. overand Bo tells him that S.D. wants him to get back with Hope and is stillrecovering from his wounds from the shooting. Bo is trying to get Billieto leave, but she refuses.
John is still loving Susan. He wants to take off the socks, she saysshe likes them, they're sexy. He makes it a challenge/game to get them off and shetakes off kinda screaming saying he'll have to catch her first. He laughs, andtalks about the old times. In the secret room Kristen is still stuffingpork rinds down her face. John finally catches Susan and saying he's taking her back to his cave to knock her socks off. He whips off herright sock and massages it, then pulls off the other sock and finds something. He asks her what the Hell is that? Marlena is soexcited in the room watching, while Kristen just stares. Turnsout it's just a Band-Aid that Susan put over the tatoo. John is concerned about what happened and shetells him she cut herself shaving and doesn't want to take it off yet. Kristen is so happy pork rinds are flying out of the bag. Kristen says Susan is more clever than she gave her creditfor.
Susan is in bed and John has all her favorites there to feed her. Heloads up some of those fish eggs on a cracker and puts it in her mouthand she said what she's really craving is a deep fried oyster.He reminds her last time she craved something it was before she had the baby and she sent him around town for ice cream and chinese.She comments Chinese food sounds real good (looking at thefish eggs) and he promptly gets dressed and heads out the door to fulfill her every wish that night and he has another surprise for her.
Kristen mumbles I don't eat stuff like that and looks at thepork rinds. Susan pulls out the monitor and talks to both Marlena andKristen, telling them, she knows why they love John so much and howwonderful a time they've had. She tells them she's going to fix them something real special and bring it down. Kristen tells M that Susan doesn't realize the camera is voice and sound activated (aha!).
In a pink dressing gown, Susan brings food for K & M. She hands through aStyrofoam container saying cook made it for her dinner and K, without looking, hands it toMarlena. M opens it to find a Spinach salad and is delighted.K wants it back and M says, No!!! Susan then hands Kristen a containerwith biscuits and gravy (Elvis special) and for her to sop up that gravy in the biscuits. She tells her you'll die and go to heaven with them andKristen agrees, by OD'ing on cholesterol! She then reaches in the bagand hands some party food threw..cocktail weenies and chips and tells her to share with Dr. Marlena Evans. Kristen tries again to talk Susaninto letting her go and Susan said, no and there are guards all over the property incase Stefano comes, but not to worry Dr. Evans, because she won't letStefano take her away. Marlena is in background telling Susan not to believe Kristen and thanks her for not lettingStefano take her and she knows Susan will let her out then too. Susan says no, as she knows sheloves John and he's HER husband. She tells them bye bye and shuts the passageway.
John comes back with the food and sets it up on the table. She looksfor the ribs and he tells her he got her the steamed rice veggies.Kristen comments that Susan's an idiot, she never eats fatty foods. Marlena just snickers. John tells Susan he won't rest until he finds Doc.He tells her the truth about Marlena, that she alwayswill have a very special place in his heart. When she asks if he stillloves her, he tells her YES. Marlena watches as when Susan asks if hewants to divorce her, he tells her no, as Marlena doesn't feel the same way anymore. He doesn't want any more secrets between them.
She's the mother of his child and he is dedicated to making theirmarriage work. He tells her he loves her pure and innocent soul and that's why he loves her so much and leaves to get her surprise. Kristenis chewing on a fried chicken leg watching. Marlena comments aboutKristen had a chance of winning John's love and she said she DID get hislove and points at the monitor with her chicken leg.
Susan gets on the monitor and in her Susan voice tells Marlena andKristen that John will love only her. Susan then has a fantasy, where Johntells her that he loves her and only her.
Back to reality, she tells M & K to get use to that room as they'll bein there a long, long time. Kristen picks up her back of pork rinds and starts at em again. Marlena reminds Kristen they may be therea long time and we see Kristen in a daydream 20 years later weighingabout 300 pounds with a pile of chicken legs and food containers allaround the room. She's in a purple tent dress and hair all stringy.
She yells at the bathroom to Marlena, is she going to be in there allday and Marlena waltzes out in a black evening gown, hair all made upand earrings. Kristen's true nature comes out according to Marlena and Kristen scratches her chest.
Upstairs John gives Kristen an ankle bracelet. The next day he'splanning to put it on her ankle after he removes the bandaid. Marlena is happy as he'll see the tattoo and know the truth.

Thursday, June 12, 1997
by Diane Dix
Sami is ecstatic at the way her scheme with Lucas drove a wedge betweenAustin and Carrie, but Lucas is beginning to wonder if Carrie and Mike aren'tbecoming too close. Sami doesn't care as long as Carrie isn't with Austin.Carrie meets Kate at the office and tells her what happened at the lodge.Kate is frustrated because she can't tell Carrie that Sami has her memoryback and the whole thing is a scheme. She tells Carrie to hang in there, butCarrie is beginning to wonder if she and Austin belong together at all. WhenKate runs into Lucas, she asks him how he hurt his leg. She tells him shebets he did it running away from the lodge. Lucas tries to deny being at thelodge, but Kate tells him she called the desk clerk and described him andthey remembered him. She tries to lecture him about sacrificing his love forCarrie for her happiness, but Lucas tells her that since she knows Sami'ssecret and is keeping it to herself for selfish reasons, she has no ground tostand on. Things don't improve when Austin and Sami go to the gym to do herexercises, only to see Carrie and Mike walk in a few minutes later. Sami issecretly delighted at the turn of events, but Austin is obviously verydisturbed. Mike convinces Carrie to try to talk to Austin, but he is coldand unresponsive to her. He finally admits that he showed up at the lodgeand saw her with Mike. Mike is about to explain why he was there, but Carrietells him not to bother, because if Austin has so little faith in her as tobelieve she invited Mike there for romance, he won't believe anything Mikehas to say anyway. While they're arguing, Kate enters and confronts Samiabout her and Lucas' role in the lodge fiasco. Sami denies it, but withouteven trying to be convincing. She asks Kate if they can be friends, sinceWill is bound to sense the tension between them someday. Kate says they canbe friends just as soon as Sami returns the photos and papers she stole.Sami tells Kate that if she is still around in 25 years, Kate can have themback after she, Sami, celebrates her 25th wedding anniversary with Austin.Kate stomps away angrily. Austin returns and tells Sami that Shawn istaking Will fishing, so Sami tells him to go with Will and spend some timebonding with his son.
Kate returns home to find Caroline talking to Victor, who is still unable tospeak because of his stroke. Kate and Caroline discuss the situation with Boand Billie and with Carrie and Austin. Although they are on different sidesof the Bo/Hope/Billie triangle, both agree that Carrie and Austin should betogether. Kate feels guilty when Caroline says that she wishes she could dosomething to help them. After Caroline leaves, Kate asks Victor what sheshould do. Victor is unable to respond, although he understands her and isfrustrated by his inability to help. Kate does some soul searching andfinally realizes that she has to make the sacrfice for Austin and tell himabout Sami's memory returning, regardless of the consequences. She callsMarie at Titan and tells her to arrange an immediate business trip for Carrieand Austin to promote Countess Wilhelmina, and that they have to leavetonight.
In Rome, Bo and Billie are pushed closer and closer to their wedding,arranged by King. Billie is more than ready to marry Bo, but she knows thatBo does not love her and is only going through with the wedding to avoidmaking King suspicious about his role in the drug ring. King and Maxcontinue to press them about the wedding, and they have to play the happycouple. After talking to Abe, Bo realizes it's best just to go through withthe ceremony and to get it annulled after King is put in prison. Bo justprays Hope doesn't find out. When Billie asks who their witnesses will be,King tells her it's all arranged and that her hair and makeup people will bethere shortly. Bo and Billie go to their room to get ready. Meanwhile, Hopespeculates that the anonymous wedding invitation might be from Bo and Billie,since she thinks she heard Bo's voice earlier. Franco tells her that even ifBo and Billie were getting married in Rome, they'd never be so cruel as toinvite her to the event. Hope says he's probably right and that the weddingmust be for Monique, the fashion coordinator. Just then, a hotel clerkarrives and tells them they have been asked to stand up for the bride andgroom. Thinking it's probably Monique and her fiancé, they agree. Francothen takes Hope to a romantic spot for a picnic. He tells her he used tolook at the spot from his room and vow that he would take the woman of hisdreams there someday. Hope tells him that she's flattered, but unable toreturn his feelings. Franco says he knows, but it won't hurt to dream, andmaybe someday his dreams will come true. Then he runs off on a mysteriouserrand. On impulse, Hope follows him. She is surprised to see him go into abuilding housing the Sisters of Mercy. A nun there tells her that it is anorphanage, and that Franco grew up there and is now one of their benefactors.Franco emerges and Hope apologizes for following him, but tells him howtouched she is that he's such a caring and wonderful man, to donate to theorphanage. They return to the hotel and get dressed for the wedding. Hopefinds out from the hotel clerk which room the bride is staying in, so she canhelp her get ready for the wedding. Hope knocks on the door, assuming thatMonique will answer. She is stunned and speechless when the door opens toreveal an equally surprised Billie and Bo, all dressed up in their weddingfinery.

Friday, June 13, 1997
by Diane Dix
Sami and Lucas are gloating about the encounter with Austin, Carrie, and Mikein the Titan gym when Marie comes out of her office and tells them that Katehas arranged a business trip for Carrie and Austin. Sami is stunned andtells Lucas to bring her home so she can get the information to use againstKate, and then to take her to Kate's so she can put a stop to this. Lucasreminds her that she promised not to actually hurt Kate. Sami says shewon't, but the threat should be enough to keep Kate from interfering withtheir scheme. At home, Kate and Philip are talking to Victor, wishing hewould give them some sign of recovery. Kate shows Victor a picture framePhilip made for him, with a picture of Kate and Philip. Victor, who isfighting desperately to communicate with Kate, manages to smile. Kate isoverjoyed and says it is the best day of her life. Just then, Sami wheelsin, telling her it is going to get a lot worse if she does not call off thebusiness trip. Kate refuses to back down, telling Sami that she is holdingup her end of the bargain by not telling Austin and Carrie about Sami'smemory returning. Sami threatens to use her information, but Kate tells herthat if she does, she will lose Austin forever. While they are viciouslyfighting, Sami gets up from her wheelchair and drops her document on thefloor where Victor is able to read it. He is furious that Kate is beingthreatened over something he could handle so easily and for something hecould forgive her for. Inspired by his desire to let Kate know thateverything will be all right, Victor makes a titanic effort and rises fromhis chair, but Kate and Sami are so busy arguing that they don't notice. Theeffort is too much and Victor collapses. Kate is frantic with worry andshouts for the nurse Gloria to come in. Gloria thinks Victor is havinganother stroke. Kate is devastated and sobs uncontrollably.
At the hospital, Laura hovers tantalizingly close to consciousness. Sheknows that pretty soon she will be able to speak and tell people about herinformation on Kristen, Peter, and Stefano, praying that this time someonewill believe her. Lynn comes in, tempted to medicate her again, rememberingStefano's threats, but since Vivian seemed to give her permission to stop themedication, she doesn't go through with it. Just then she sees "Kristen"(actually Susan in disguise) outside the door. After getting her attention,Lynn asks if she can stop medicating Laura. Susan has no idea what she istalking about, but tells her if it is hurting Laura, she should stop. Lynnis relieved to have the responsibility taken from her. Before she leaves,Susan asks Lynn if she knows of any doctors who remove tattoos. Lynn ispuzzled, but gives her a name. Laura continues to struggle closer towakefulness.
In Rome, Hope is stunned to realize that the wedding is for Billie and Bo.At first she is hurt to think that they would deliberately spring such acruel surprise on her. She gives them her best wishes and runs away. Bo istempted to go after her, but Billie tells him they are too close to nailingKing to say anything to jeopardize it, or to put Hope in danger. Hope walksaround in a daze, until Franco sees her and she tells him what happened.Franco is furious that Bo and Billie could be so cruel. Just then, Bocatches up with Hope and asks to speak to her alone. Franco tries tointerfere and tell Bo what a jerk he is for hurting Hope that way. It almostcomes to blows, but Hope tells Bo she is grateful Franco is there for her,and then asks Franco to give them a few minutes. Bo tells Hope he had noidea she was even in Rome, and had nothing to do with the weddingarrangements, and would never have asked her to be a witness in his wedding.Hope believes him, and then asks him if he really loves Billie so much as toforget all the love he shared with her, Hope. Bo is right on the verge oftelling her about the undercover operation, unaware that King is listening afew feet away. King shows his face before Bo gets himself in trouble, andpretends that he just ran into Bo and Hope coincidentally, and gets himselfinvited to the wedding. He mentions Shawn-Douglas to Bo just to remind himof what's at stake if he double crosses King. Bo tells Hope that he willfind someone else to witness his wedding. Hope walks away and runs in toBillie. Billie apologizes for the pain they've caused Hope, but Hope says ifBo were to love anyone else, she's glad it's Billie. They embrace ratherawkwardly. Billie sees Franco before the wedding and he tells her that he ishappy her dream is coming true, and also happy that maybe now Hope can lovehim. Billie tells him not to count on Hope being available for long, and tomake his move immediately. As Bo and Billie prepare to get married, thepriest tells them he needs witnesses. Bo is about to tell him they don'thave any when Hope rushes up and says she and Franco will do it after all,because she is sure Billie would do the same for her. The ceremony beginsand Hope walks up the aisle in her bridesmaid's gown. Bo is overwhelmed atthe sight of her and wishes she were the bride. Billie enters in her lovelybridal gown and takes her place at Bo's side. The sight of them together isalmost too much for Hope, but with Franco's support, she is able to holdherself together.
Susan, dressed as Kristen, goes to the hospital to have her tattoo removed,where she has her weird encounter with Lynn. After going to the doctor'soffice, Susan discovers she can't get an appointment soon enough to do herany good, so she leaves. The doctor who sees her is surprised to hear shehas a tattoo, since he doesn't remember Kristen having one before. Susanreturns to the house and brings greasy bacon burgers, fries, and soda forKristen, along with a huge jello salad. Kristen is disgusted at the fattyfood, but gobbles it up anyway. Kristen begs to be let out and promises toshield Susan from Stefano's wrath. Susan tells her she doesn't believeStefano is coming any more. Just then, her cellular phone rings. Susanpicks it up and is terrified to hear the voice she least wants to hear -Stefano DiMera's. Yes, the phoenix has risen again, and Stefano is returningto Salem! Kristen, who overhears Susan saying Stefano's name, exults,knowing she is close to being freed from her prison. Stefano, thinkingSusan's voice is Kristen's, notices that she sounds a little distracted, buttells her he is returning to Salem. Susan is nearly hysterical with terror,as Kristen celebrates wildly.
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