Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Marlena, John, Kristen, and Jennifer go up to see Laura. Kristen makes upexcuses to keep from seeing her. Marlena begins to get upset with Kristen.They finally agree to see her. They enter the room and Laura is resting.Mike is sitting next to her. John sees the mark on her forehead. Mike saysthat it looks like burn of some kind. Marlena wakes her up and tells herthat Kristen is there. Laura tries to remember but says that it hurts. Asthey leave Laura says that Kristen was in the room when it happened. Theyask Laura what it means and she says that Kristen was with her on Christmas.Kristen says that she brought a present to Jennifer. Kristen said that thething must of happened when she woke up. Laura agrees. They begin to leaveagain and she says that Peter was with her too. Jennifer says it could notof happened. Laura says that she saw him in his coffin. She complainsabout her head hurting. Mike gives her some pain pills and they leave theroom. John says maybe Peter's funeral caused all of this. Marlena thinksthat something traumatic happened that caused her to repress her memories.Marlena says that the memories could return with therapy or time. Kristenis positive that the surgery worked and says "I win, you lose Doc." Kristenconvinces John to leave and get married. John in unsure about keeping itfrom everyone. Marlena sees them leaving and asks them where the are going.
Sami hits her head on the steering wheel when she wrecks and she is knockedout. Austin and Carrie go to the Brady's and tell Caroline and Shawn whathappened. The offer to let the celebrate New Year's with them at the pub.A police officer arrives and tells them that they found the car and theperson who stole it. Sami was brought in in handcuffs and she said that shewas innocent. Everyone is upset with her. When they ask her what happenedshe said that something was wrong with his car. Carrie asks why she had thecar and she says that she had to run an errand. Austin tells the police toput her in jail. Carrie convinces him the Will should not be punished forwhat Sami does. He drops the charges and she thanks him. He tells her notto thank him but thank Carrie because he would want her to spend the rest ofher life in jail. Austin gets his car from the police so they can go to thelodge. The officer assures Austin that nothing is wrong with the car. Samiruns in and tries to keep him from leaving.
Jill says one more time that she does not see her attacker. Hope tells Boto face it and it is over. They begin to fight about why he went to theisland and about Billie. Hope tells him their relationship is over. Hopeleaves and Jill tells Billie to tell Bo that she loves him that he may feelthe same. Billie does not agree. Bo begins to yell at Jill and Franco.Abe tells him to back off. Bo asks Jill to look into his eyes and say thatshe has never seen him before. She says that she has not seen him beforetoday. Abe lets Jill and Franco leave. Bo tells Franco that he will provehe is the attacker. Franco goes to see Billie and tells her that today proved Bo came becausehe loved her. Billie disagrees, but Franco still insists Bo disliked himbecause he was dating Billie. He also says that Hope knows the Bo lovesboth of them. He continues to tell her to tell Bo how she feels. Billiesays that she is doing what is right. Franco says that Bo and Hope are overand if Billie would tell Bo then they could be together.
Hope is at the docks and remembers when Bo asked her for a divorce so thathe could marry Billie. She also remembers when he said that he loved herfor the first time when she came back, when he proposed for the second time,and finding Bo and Billie together on the island. She tries to take off theengagement ring and she says that they can never be together. Bo finds herand tells her that the ring will not come off because it was meant to bethere. The begin argue and Hope tells him that he still loves Billie andtheir relationship is over. Bo puts his arms around her and tells she tellshim that he loves Billie. Bo asks Hope if she loves him enough to give himmore time to prove that he only loves her.

Sami tells Austin that he should not take the car. He still does notbelieve her. She asks him if he will at least have it looked at. But hestill does not believe her. Carrie, Austin, Caroline, and Shawn tell herthat she lies all of the time and they have know reason to believe her.Austin says that last time she said something was wrong with the car it wasjust fine. Austin leaves to go get the car. All of the Brady's toast asSami worries about Austin. She goes to try to stop him at the policestation. Austin asks the officer about the car and he says that it was justfine. Sami arrives as he is about to leave in the car. Austin still doesnot believe what she is saying and that she is just trying to get him tolove her. She says that he has to love her and he says it will not everhappen again and she makes him sick. He tells her that the only reason theyhave Will is because she drugged him. He loves Will, but the fact that theyslept together makes him sick. Austin puts the car into gear and it jerksout of control and hits Sami.
Kristen and John try to leave and Marlena stops them and asks them to jointhem for New Year's. John wants to stay but Kristen insists that theyleave. Marlena doesn't understand why and wants to know what she hasplanned. Kristen said that it was no big deal they just wanted to be alone.Mike also asks them to stay for Alice. John says that they can stay untilthe new year. Lexie, Abe, and Celeste arrive. Lexie and Celeste tellMarlena that Celeste has been having visions that Laura is or was in danger.Marlena suggests that they go see Laura. Maybe she could get her toremember. Laura is having a nightmare. When she wakes up she can notremember what it is about. When Celeste walks into the room she has avision that Laura was being watched by Stefano and Peter and a bright light.Celeste takes Laura's hand and the both scream. Marlena goes to get Mikeand tells him that Laura is beginning to remember. Kristen drops her glassand it breaks on the floor. Everyone goes upstairs to see Laura. Celestetells them that it was her fault. Kristen begins yelling at her. Marlenagets even more suspicious. Everyone decides to give Laura some room.Kristen believes that she has won. Mike and Marlena discuss what happened.They are very puzzled by what Laura has done and the mark on her forehead.Laura starts dreaming about Peter and Stefano and the laser. She startsyelling for the light to be turned off. Mike decides to take her to thehospital. Laura is resting the hospital. Lexie and Abe offer to letMarlena join them for the new year. Marlena said that she won't be alonebecause John and Kristen are at home. Lexie tells her that she heardKristen talking about flying somewhere tonight.
John and Kristen are getting ready to take off in the plane when Marlenashows up. Marlena tells Kristen that she knows what she is doing and willstop her.
Franco tells Billie that Hope is stubborn and should be happy that Bo lovesher. He tells her that she needs to take a chance. She is not sure whatshe wants to do because she does not want to lose Bo again.
Hope tells Bo that their relationship is over that love is not enough. Shetells him that she can not get past his love for Billie. And that she wantshis whole heart. He tells her that Jill must have lied and that Jill andFranco were working together. She says that he has never gotten over Billieand he will always love her. He still disagrees. She says that if that wastrue then why he remember their second date and why was the rose on hisdesk. Bo says that none of that means a thing. Hope disagrees and walksoff. Bo wonders where he went so wrong. Franco watches from a distance andsays this is only the beginning.
Hope goes to see Jill about the night before the wedding. Jill says shefeels is it because he was concerned about Billie. Hope is disappointedthat she can't help. As she goes to leave Jill stops her and says that shemay be able to help.
Billie sees Celeste on the docks. She asks her for another prediction.Celeste sees a turning point for Billie tonight and recounts the legendabout being with your love of the new year at midnight. As Billie leavesshe runs into Bo at midnight.

Austin goes to leave and hits Sami with the car twice. The first time itjust scared her. The second time he hit her in the head. Carrie comes inand sees Austin by Sami. He yells at her to get an ambulance. Theambulance arrives and they take Sami to the hospital. Austin begins toblame himself. Carrie tells him that everyone knows that it was an accidentand Sami will make it. Austin is worried about Sami. He keeps thinkingwhat he will tell Will about his own father killing his mother. Billie,Marlena, John, and Kristen arrive. Austin explains what happened. Mikesays that she has head trauma, internal bleeding, a ruptured spleen, andspinal injuries. Mike also says that it looked like Sami was hit twice.Austin explains that he hit her twice. After the first time he tried to putthe car out of drive and it hit her again. He says that Sami is dyingbecause of him. Kristen calls Maggie to watch the children. When she turnsaround she sees John hugging Marlena. Carrie tries to comfort Austin. Hesays that he just needs to be by himself.
Bo is with Billie on the docks telling her how he is frustrated and howthere is nothing else left for him to do. Bo is positive the Franco isguilty, but Billie does not agree. Billie tells Bo that she believes thatHope is afraid the he is going to choose Billie again. Bo tells Billie thatthat will not happen because he loves Hope. Billie tells him that she knowsBo just came out to the island to check on her and Hope will see that someday. Bo recalls that night and hopes that she will understand. She leavesBo to think. As she walks away she gets a call from Austin to come to thehospital. Bo remembers his past with Hope.
Jill hesitates to say anything to Hope. Hope tells her that she needs toknow everything so she can make a decision. Hope begins to have memories ofthe past with Bo. Jill tells Hope that Bo was concerned about Billie thatnight. Jill said that she felt Bo was acting like a man consumed withjealousy. Hope is shocked and says that her worst fears have come true.Jill says that she wishes that she could take it back but Hope says thetruth can't be taken back. Bo loves Billie. Hope tells Jill that shebelieves her because she has no reason to lie. Hope leaves and Jill beginsto feel guilty about lying to Hope. She decides to tell her the truth butFranco appears from the closet.
Hope goes to the dock and remembers the past with Bo. Bo sees her.
John asks what Marlena is talking about she replies that Kristen shouldn'tbe flying with the due date so soon. John tells her that Kristen alreadyasked the doctor and he said it was okay. Marlena asked Kristen where theywere going. John starts to tell her but Kristen says they were taking arelaxation trip. Marlena is still concerned. John leaves to call Kristen'sdoctor to check. Marlena and Kristen begin to fight about what was goingon. Marlena says that she is not going to let Kristen go anywhere withJohn. Kristen fakes some pains and says that Marlena is going to kill herbaby. Marlena tells Kristen to cancel the flight since she is having pains.Kristen says that they have been planning this for some time and he will besuspicious if it is called off. John returns and says that the doctor saidthat it was okay. Marlena gets a call from Carrie about Sami's accident.Everyone goes to the hospital to see Sami.

Hope tells Bo to face the fact that Franco is innocent. He tells her thathe can not because he does not want to lose her. He says that Jill lied atthe line up because she was scared. She tells Bo that Jill had to reason tolie. They begin to argue about that night on the island. Hope tells himthat she does not want to share his love and is upset that he wants her toaccept less. They argue about their chemistry and Bo and Billie are not inthe past. Hope tells him that he went to the island because he was jealous.He wants to go talk to Jill with her. She tells him that she already talkedto Jill and she said that Bo was very jealous that night. Bo tells Hopethat it proves that Jill is working with Franco and that she is lying. Botells her not to throw their relationship away, that he wants to prove thetruth, and that Jill and Franco are working together. Bo asks her to agreefor Shawn Douglas's sake. She says that she will do anything for their son.They proceed to Jill's.
Meanwhile Jill tells Franco that she is tired of lying to everyone and wantsto stop. Franco tells her that she can not because he has to be sure thatBo and Hope do not get back together. Jill tells him that she does not likemessing up their lives. He tells her that the money should make her feelbetter. He tells her that Bo might really love Billie and all she did wastell the truth. Jill still does not believe him. Franco tells her thather that the boss knows everything about Bo. Franco then tells Jill thatshe has to leave town because she is a risk. Jill declines because she doesnot want it to look suspicious. Franco tells her to tell everyone that shewants to build a new life for herself. Jill tells him that it might work.Franco gives her money, but she tells him that it is not enough. Francocalls his boss and they agree to give her more money if she leaves town assoon as possible. Bo and Hope arrive before Franco can leave. Bo tellsJill that he will break down the door if she does not answer. Jill answersin a robe and said that she was sleeping. Bo asks her why she and whereFranco is. Jill tells them that she is innocent, which upsets Bo more. Bodoes not know that Franco is hiding in the closet.
Kate comforts Austin at the hospital. He is really upset that he hit Sami.Kate leaves Austin and tells Billie that Sami brought all of this trouble onall by herself. Kate remembers what Sami is doing to her. She says thatshe hopes she dies for Austin's sake. Kate asks Billie where she was atmidnight. Billie tells her that she was with Bo. Kate begins to get herhopes up, but Billie takes them down. Billie tells Kate about the line up.Kate tells her to take the chance while it is still available. Billieleaves to see Sam. Meanwhile Kate sees Lynn at the nurses station. Lynnasks if Sami ever got what she deserved Kate tells her about the accident.Kate asks her why she is back and Lynn tells her that she had to come backbecause a min swindled her. Lynn tells Kate that she has to go check in onLaura. She tells Kate about Laura and Kristen listen's in. Then Lucasarrives and yells at Austin and John breaks them up. Lucas tells Austinthat he was trying to kill Sami on purpose. Carrie tells Lucas that it wasan accident. Mike comes out and tells everyone that he can not keep theswelling down and that Sami has to have surgery. He asks everyone if theywill donate blood because Sami is going to need it. Austin leaves to donateblood but the nurses will not let him go. Carrie begs Austin getting upsetwith himself. Austin just can not get over it. Meanwhile John comfortsMarlena and he tells her that he still thinks of Sami as his little girl.Marlena and John agrees that feelings never change. Marlena asks John aboutwhere Kristen and him were going. Before he answers a nurse calls forMarlena and takes her to see Abe and the others. Abe tells her that thegear shifts were faulty and it is too bad that he did not know about itbefore. Lucas begins to blame Austin for knowing about the gearsbeforehand. Marlena tells him that it was just an accident. Lucas tellsher that he does not understand why she is so calm. Austin begins to goover everything that happened before he hit Sami. He tells everyone that itwas his fault. Everyone tells him that it is not his fault. Lucas tellshim that if she dies then he will tell everyone that Austin killed her.Kate yells at Lucas for saying such a terrible thing about his brother.Lucas tells Kate that she loves Austin more than him. Meanwhile Johnnotices that Kristen is gone and looks for her. Kristen is in Laura's roomwhen the telephone rings. Kristen answers it and it is Stefano. She tellshim that she needs help because the laser did not work. Meanwhile Marlenatells Carrie that John has stayed with her this whole time until now. Carrietells her that he must love her a lot. Marlena answers that she is unsurebecause he was planning on leaving with Kristen and will not talk to herabout it. John returns and tells them that he can not find Kristen. Mikecomes out and tells everyone that they need to operate on Sami. Mike asksfor Lynn to assist and Marlena volunteers to go find her after Kate mentionsthat she saw her. Mike says Austin that he needs him to sign the consentform because he is Sami's husband. Carrie goes to find him and he is in thechapel praying for God to spare her life. Austin leaves and John tells himthat Marlena feels that surgery is the only way. So he signs the consentforms. Meanwhile Marlena finds Lynn up by Laura's room and see Kristen onthe telephone in the room.

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