Rafe opens his eyes; Days of our Lives recap for Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Rafe opened his eyes as he woke from his coma | Image Source: JPI Studios
Rafe opened his eyes as he woke from his coma | Image Source: JPI Studios

In Connie’s bedroom, a gagged Melinda struggled to loosen the ropes that tied her to the headboard. Connie entered with a tray of breakfast, and she removed Melinda’s gag. “Lesson learned. No more yelling,” Melinda promised. A cheerful Connie explained to Melinda that she was eager to learn at work whether Gabi had taken her advice to have an affair.

“You said you planted the idea in Gabi’s head yesterday, right? You think she found a man that fast?” Melinda asked. Connie laughed. “Nothing motivates a girl like revenge,” Connie said. Connie added that there were a couple of men in the DiMera mansion. “Which could make it all the messier,” Connie said with a grin. Connie argued that every action that Gabi took to spite Stefan was another nail in the coffin of their marriage. “Meaning Li and I will finally have revenge on both of them,” Connie said as she smiled at her cardboard cutout of Li.

At the DiMera mansion, E.J. was texting in bed when Stefan barged in and demanded to know where to find Gabi. “Gabi’s not here, obviously. And why do you even care unless you’ve changed your mind about wanting her back?” E.J. asked. “I’ve definitely not changed my mind,” Stefan said. Stefan held up a rolled-up ball of tape, and he stated that he would not tolerate Gabi’s games anymore. With a shrug, E.J. stressed that Gabi had seduced him and that only Stefan was to blame for the end of his marriage.

“Stay the hell away from my wife,” Stefan growled. “After the amazing night of passion that her and I shared together? Why would I do that?” E.J. said with a chuckle. Stefan grumbled a curse at Stefan, and he threw the ball of rolled-up tape at E.J.

After E.J. got dressed, he went downstairs to the living room and said good morning to Johnny. “How’s the new job?” E.J. asked. Johnny said he was enjoying the new job. “Every new director has to start somewhere,” E.J. countered. Johnny called E.J.’s comment condescending. E.J. clarified that had not meant to be and that he had only meant to say he did not care for the genre and its wild storylines. Stefan walked in.

“Let me ask you something, Johnny. What about one brother sleeping with another brother’s wife? Is that one of the storylines in your show?” Stefan said. Stefan and E.J. locked eyes. “Am I missing something here?” Johnny said. Stefan told Johnny to talk to his father, and he walked out. E.J. told Johnny about his night with Gabi.

“Were you trying to start World War III?” Johnny yelled. E.J. argued that Stefan was not an innocent victim. “[Stefan] cheated on his wife. And so she decided to respond in kind,” E.J. explained. Confused, Johnny asked when Stefan had cheated. E.J. told Johnny about Stefan’s fling with Ava while Gabi had been in prison. Johnny was surprised. E.J. reminded Johnny that Ava had once pursued Johnny.

“You know what? I’m actually not shocked that Uncle Stefan succumbed to Ava’s charms, as you put it. The guy was alone for a long time. And I’m sure he didn’t, you know, want to get revenge on somebody. But you? Sleeping with your brother’s wife? Damn it, Dad. What were you thinking?” Johnny argued. Johnny asked why two people who had every reason to hate one another had slept together.

“I still loathe the woman,” E.J. confirmed. Confused, Johnny asked E.J. why he was punishing Stefan instead of Gabi. “Well, if Stefan hadn’t confided in her,” E.J. said. With a shake of his head, Johnny said he believed Nicole was the reason.

“I know you were humiliated when she went back to Eric,” Johnny said. E.J. reiterated that it was not Johnny’s business, but Johnny disagreed. “This is my family, too! And Dad, I love you. Okay? But your marriage falling apart, that was not Uncle Stefan’s fault. That was not Gabi’s fault. That was your fault! Haven’t you done enough damage? If you keep this up, you’re gonna lose your whole family,” Johnny warned E.J.

Johnny started to leave for work, but he ran into a messenger at the door. When Johnny delivered the envelope to E.J., he opened the envelope and groaned. E.J. confirmed that Nicole had secured a divorce.

Gabi was walking past the pub when Stephanie called her on the phone. Stephanie explained that Connie had been friends with Everett, and she had wanted to invite Connie to the memorial service that day. Gabi gave Connie’s cell phone number to Stephanie, and she asked if Stephanie was sure that Connie was friends with Everett.

“She never mentioned him to me, though I guess it would be a sensitive subject after what he did to my brother,” Gabi said. Stephanie apologized. Unfazed, Gabi muttered, “It’s actually a relief that he is being laid to rest, though I’m sure it won’t be an eternal peace. More like he’ll rot in hell!” Gabi ended the call. As Gabi cursed under breath, Ava approached her.

“What the hell do you want?” Gabi asked. Ava told Gabi that although Gabi was free to hate her, she asked that Gabi not hate Stefan. “He loves you so much, and I know that you love him, too. He didn’t set out to hurt you, so maybe you could think about giving him another chance,” Ava said. Gabi smirked. Gabi informed Ava that Stefan was no longer interested in saving the marriage, and she stomped off.

Connie was cutting up Melinda’s meal to feed her when Stephanie called Connie's cell phone. Connie put Melinda’s gag back in her mouth so that Connie could answer the call. Stephanie introduced herself, and she invited Connie to Everett’s memorial service. “Who?” Connie said. “Well, maybe he went by Bobby Stein to you. Anyway, I heard that you two knew each other,” Stephanie said. Defensive, Connie asked Stephanie who had told her that information. Stephanie explained that Leo had run into Connie when she had exited Everett’s hotel room.

“[And you told Leo] that the two of you went way back,” Stephanie said. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never heard of any Everett or Bobby. Leo must have me confused with someone else,” Connie said. Connie ended the call, and she turned her attention back to Melinda. After Connie removed the gag, Melinda asked about the call.

“Not that it is any of your business, but bigmouth strikes again. Apparently, Lady Whistleblower’s been blabbing all over town about me and Everett Stein or Bobby Lynch, whatever. The guy who killed himself,” Connie said. “You mean the guy that you murdered,” Melinda countered. Connie started to chastise Melinda, then she remembered that she had admitted to Everett’s murder.

“I also admitted that I killed Li and stabbed the commissioner. Yeah, I confided in you, all right,” Connie said. Melinda swore to keep Connie’s secrets. “I can’t count on that! And why would I? And it is of crucial importance that nobody ever know any of that,” Connie yelled. Connie grabbed the knife off the tray.

Desperate, Melinda reminded Connie that Connie had saved her life for a reason. “That was because Li talked me into it,” Connie said. “You can’t [kill me], because you would be disrespecting Li’s wishes, and I know that is the last thing that you want to do. So, think about it, please. Li would be so disappointed in you if you defied him, you know? And I know that you care way too much about him to do that,” Melinda pleaded. Connie softened after a moment, and she agreed to let Melinda live. Melinda breathed a sigh of relief.

“What are you going to do? About me, anyway” Melinda asked. Melinda said she knew that Connie and Li needed their privacy. “It would be good to go back to just the two of us. Wouldn’t it, darling?” Connie asked Li. Connie told Melinda that she would decide Melinda's fate after she finished getting revenge on Gabi.

“Once I know that her marriage to Stefan is dead and buried and the two of them are suffering forever, then Li can finally rest in peace. And we can all move forward,” Connie said. Connie shoved the knife into her purse. Melinda nervously asked Connie why she needed the knife. “Well, if Leo Stark’s been shooting his mouth off, I need to be prepared to shut it for good,” Connie said. Connie asked Li if he objected to Leo’s death.

“I like him just fine, but everybody else seems to hate the guy,” Connie said. Melinda started to argue that someone had to care about Leo, but she quickly backtracked and wished Connie luck. Connie regagged Melinda, and she left for work.

At the hospital, Jada sat at Rafe’s bedside, and she talked about how she had been learning recipes from his mother’s cookbook. Paulina entered the room, and she listened to Jada talk to an unconscious Rafe. “I need you to wake up so you can see how well I can cook your favorite dishes,” Jada said. Paulina said hello, and she noted that it was sweet that Jada had been learning to cook Rafe’s favorite meals.

“But I know how hard you’ve been working. And when you’re not working, you’re here with your man. So, how about using some of that spare time for sleep?” Paulina said. Jada insisted she was fine and that she could handle the commissioner job. “It’s not forever. Rafe knows how much that we need him back. He will come back. He has to,” Jada said. Paulina agreed that Rafe would wake up soon.

“In the meantime, I am here for you,” Paulina said. Paulina promised that she would get Jada more manpower at the station. Jada thanked Paulina for her support. With a chuckle, Paulina noted that she had spent a lot of time in the hospital in the past year, and she had felt the presence of her loved ones. “And I believe that made all the difference. It motivated me,” Paulina said. Jada asked if Paulina could sit with Rafe while Jada attended Everett’s memorial. Paulina agreed.

“I don’t know. I just have this feeling today that somebody needs to be here with him,” Jada said. “I will be that someone,” Paulina promised. After a moment, Paulina asked why Jada wanted to attend Everett’s memorial service. “Bobby was still my husband at one point, and I just can’t believe that he could be so heartless. I can’t believe that he would do something like this to Rafe. The man that I love,” Jada said. Paulina asked Jada if she had not given up on her alternate theories about Everett’s suicide.

“I did put it to rest. For the most part,” Jada said. Jada admitted that she had been unable to reconcile the two halves of the man she had married. “I just can't help but think that maybe I could have done something to prevent this,” Jada said. Paulina cautioned Jada not to dwell on matters that had been out of Jada’s control. With a nod, Jada admitted that Paulina was right.

After Jada left for Everett’s memorial, Paulina updated Rafe on all the news in town. Gabi walked in. “I was just sitting with your brother so Jada could take care of a personal matter,” Paulina said. “I’m here now. So you can go,” Gabi said dismissively. Gabi noted that Rafe did not want a visit from the woman that had sent his sister to prison. After a moment, Paulina agreed to respect Gabi’s wishes and leave.

“But for the record, you got this all wrong. I mean, you can’t really believe that I wanted you sent to prison for a crime you didn’t commit,” Paulina said. Gabi argued that Paulina had appointed E.J. as the D.A., and he had railroaded Gabi. As Gabi ranted about how she had only been freed because of Stefan, she caught herself and stopped talking. “Never mind,” Gabi muttered.

Paulina asked Gabi if something else was bothering her. Gabi apologized for having taken her frustrations out on Paulina, and she looked at her wedding ring. “My marriage. It’s falling apart. And as much as I hate E.J., he’s been surprisingly supportive,” Gabi said. “I’m glad to hear that. But I’m sorry to hear about your marriage,” Paulina said. Gabi thanked Paulina. After a moment, Gabi asked if Paulina was okay to sit with Rafe a bit longer. Paulina said she was happy to stay. Gabi said goodbye to her brother and left.

Paulina resumed her one-sided conversation with Rafe, and she told him that she had a surprise for him if he woke up. When there was no response from Rafe, Paulina demanded that Rafe wake up. “This is your mayor speaking to you, and if you do not respond, I just might have to give that acting commish your job for good!” Paulina shouted. Rafe opened his eyes.

When Jada joined Stephanie in the park, they were alone with Everett’s urn. “Not a big turnout, as you can see,” Stephanie said. Stephanie explained why everyone was unable to attend. “And then there is Connie,” Stephanie said. Jada raised an eyebrow. Stephanie explained that Leo had believed that Connie was an old friend of Everett.

“But when I called her to invite her to the memorial, she said that she had no idea who he was,” Stephanie added. “That’s strange. I mean, I get them not being friends, but his name’s been all over the news as the guy who stabbed Gabi’s brother. So how would she have no idea who he is?” Jada asked. Stephanie shrugged. “That’s what she said,” Stephanie confirmed. Jada asked Stephanie why Leo had believed that Connie had been friends with Everett.

“[Leo] said he ran into her once as she was leaving Everett’s room at the Inn. She told him that they go way back, she and Everett,” Stephanie said. “I’ve never heard of her name,” Jada said. With a sigh, Stephanie talked about a nearby spot of trees that she believed would be a good place to spread Everett’s ashes. Jada agreed, and she took Stephanie’s hand.

In the square. Ava bumped into Stefan. “I just ran into Gabi, and I encouraged her to give you another chance, and she told me you wouldn’t want that anymore. Implying it was too late,” Ava said. Stefan frowned. “You see, in exchange for my countless apologies and attempts to make things right with Gabi, my wife decided to punish me in a most cruel and unusual manner,” Stefan said. Stefan told Ava that Gabi had slept with E.J.

“They hate each other,” Ava argued. Ava asked if it had been staged, but Stefan said it was true. “Gabi confessed that she did have second thoughts about having revenge sex with E.J. after the fact. And when I confronted her on it, she not only admitted it to me. No, no, she doubled down and was sure to tell me just how awesome it was,” Stefan said. Ava winced. Ava told Stefan that she knew how devoted he had been to his wife.

“I know that this has got to be so tough on you,” Ava said. Stefan nodded in agreement. “Ava, I just want you to know that I appreciate your friendship,” Stefan said. Ava said she felt the same way.

After the memorial, Jada was walking through the square when she called into the station to retrieve information about Connie. Ava overheard Jada, and she approached when Jada ended her call. “I know where Connie Vininski lives. She’s staying over at Li Shin’s apartment,” Ava said. “How do you know this?” Jada asked. Ava said Melinda had told her. When Jada asked for more information, Ava explained that Connie had gotten Ava fired and that Melinda had called Connie a fraud.

“Melinda was on her way over to give [Connie] the axe. But now Melinda has taken a leave of absence, so I guess that never happened,” Ava said. Jada thanked Ava for the information, and she walked off. “What the hell was that about?” Stefan asked. Ava said she did not know.

“Why would Jada want to know about Connie Vininski?” Ava said. Stefan raised an eyebrow. “So, no one else told Gabi that her assistant’s a total fraud?” Stefan asked. Ava said she did not want to get involved. “As far as I’m concerned, Connie Vininski is Gabi’s problem now,” Ava said.

At the DiMera offices, Connie asked Gabi about her marriage. Gabi told Connie that she had taken Connie's advice. “Good for you! So, you slept with one of his enemies?” Connie asked. “His biggest enemy: his brother E.J.” Connie high-fived Gabi. “That is even better than I hoped!” Connie said. Gabi cocked her head.

“I didn’t realize you were so invested in my marital situation,” Gabi said. Connie noted that women needed to stick together, especially when they had been cheated on. Connie said she wanted Stefan to suffer. With a smirk, Gabi said she planned to destroy Stefan. Gabi added that she might even continue her fling with E.J. Connie encouraged Gabi to continue her affair. Gabi noted that she was “living the good life.” Connie turned her back to Gabi, walked to the corner, and gripped the knife in her purse. “Not for long, slut,” Connie whispered.

In Connie’s bedroom, a bound and gagged Melinda struggled to wear down the rope that tied her to the bed. At the front door of the apartment, Jada knocked and called out to Connie.

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Edited by Lisa