I remember the day in January when the soap world learned that heaven gained Bill Hayes — no doubt, one of their most musically charming angels. And when he passed, unlike other actors who have passed or left the show, there wasn’t a second in my mind where I didn’t know DAYS would plan a tribute to the passing of this lovely man and retire his character.
It started when Jack went upstairs to wake Doug. Instead, he found Doug had passed in his sleep — with his whole family a floor below him getting ready to celebrate a holiday. The symbolism of Doug “upstairs” while his family continued on below him was not lost on me. It was a fitting tribute to this family man.
Having Jack as the one to find him was equally brilliant. Jack, like Doug, started very much as an outcast. Both were conmen at best, criminals at truth, but good souls at heart. Forgive the sap, but the love of Horton women is what ultimately saved both of them. Julie’s scene with Doug was proof of this. When they say, "I’ll love to the moon and back," this is the kind of love they mean. When she stroked his hair and kissed his wedding ring, I lost it. We should all be so lucky to find a love like this.
As soon as the news spread, we saw a tour de force of performances. Julie was devastated. The way she collapsed into Alice’s chair —as if Alice was hugging her — was brilliant.
Jen called Hope, and for some strange force field, Kristian Alfonso stepped seamlessly back into Hope’s eyebrows, and I’m shocked at how much she captured that first instant Jen/Hope magic when she was in a scene by herself. Shawn (hi, Brandon Beemer!!!) was soon back to comfort his mom. Looking dapper (and sober), I’m patiently waiting to hear more about what’s going on with Shelle.
Afterward, Jen called Lucas. I know he’s on his way back but it stung a bit not to have him here. Considering he was a part of the first Clyde/Abigail unravelling, I would expect Chad to keep him in the loop on continuing developments. There’s a spot for Lucas here. That’s all I’m saying.
Back to Doug, Eli told both Lani and Scotty. The revelation here is that Eli and Scotty are in regular contact. I love all of this. Finally, Jack and Eli toasting Doug was fabulous. Eli is truly a gentleman of this time, and Eli toasting “a gentleman of a bygone era” was a passing of the torch if I’d ever seen one.
Loose Ends
Both Javi and Leo talked to their respective confidants — Rafe and Marlena — about their recent fight. That led Leo to apologize and Javi to not accept it, all to my disappointment because I. Love. These. Two. They’re witty, charming and speak the exact right amount of sarcasm.
It’s a little soon to introduce a conflict for them, but if it’s going to happen, this is the one to do. It’s a classic soap misunderstanding where one partner assumes the worst immediately. (See: DiMera, Johnny) But this one brought about a dynamic I hadn’t noticed before. Leo is a bit older than Javi, but more importantly, kinda, sorta displayed a sense of elitism — where someone of a lower income class was clearly out to get him.
Much like many of Leo’s faults, this is not founded on a lot of truth. Sure, EJ paid Leo off handsomely, but that money came all of about five minutes ago. Leo hasn’t been a member of this tax bracket long. He should have given Javi more grace. I think Javi’s “I never want to see you again” stance is a bit much. I think he’ll find forgiveness around Christmas time — a time for love, merriment, and peace.
Ugh. Philip is just the worst. On what planet does he think it’s cool to fire Xander over Thanksgiving dinner? I guess if there was more of an established rivalry between Philip and Xander, I’d care. But Philip looked more tone-deaf and spoiled than villainous and smart in that scene. I wouldn’t have blamed Sarah if she used her newly found walking skills to march over to the end of that table and flick Philip right between the eyes. Have all the seats, Philly.
That leads me to Stephanie. Look, she’s been rocking a much smarter (and less sunroof) look since she came back this go-around. So I really, really hope she sees through Philip’s scheme and doesn’t fall for him/it. She and Alex couldn’t quite find their words this time around, but they were close. I hope that she looks past the surface performances here to see the real truth. I can’t believe I am saying this, but I’m on Alex’s side when it comes to #TeamSanity.
I had my foam finger out cheering for Jennifer when she slapped Cat and told her that if JJ and Chad do not come out of this unharmed, Clyde will be the least of her worries. I know that Chad and JJ were trying to be all “we have a mission” men. But, someone needed to step in and say how lucky this broad has it and how she hasn’t paid a price at all.
I’m starting to wonder if Joy Wesley might give Sami Brady a run for her money in the scheming department. Unlike Stefano, Vivian, and Victor, Sami wasn’t so much a dangerous, murderous schemer as she was a manipulative schemer. She mastered the art of gaslighting, emotional manipulation, and tortured soul crushing. (And I say that all with love because Sami is one of my all-time favorite TV characters.)
This is all to question, did Joy and Johnny actually slept together? Is Joy working some sort of scheme? We did see the kiss, but that’s it. And every recount of the trist references their interaction in a general sense. There was a lot of drinking and Johnny clearly has limited memories of the night. So, that leaves Joy as the sole witness. And she keeps blabbing her “secret” to anyone who will listen.
Motive? She certainly has a motive to make Leo pay for what he did to her parents. And that “meh, we’re all cheaters” brush-off was way too convenient. So, ruining his professional life seems like a motive for her. Above all, let’s not forget that she’s Craig and Nancy’s daughter. Scheming is in her blood. I actually think EJ’s offer to make her leave town is the smartest thing EJ could have done. I mean, for Johnny. Not for me, because I love Joy!
Of course, I could be just wishing and hoping because I’m protective of Chanel and don’t want her to look like a fool. The more people who find out and the longer this goes on, the bigger the embarrassment will be for her. She was completely right to tell Paulina to get in line and respect her wishes this week, but, oof, that’s going to come back to bite Chanel. And Chanel doesn't deserve that for being a good person.
Bo MOVED HIS HAND!!!!! Can we under-state this? No. No, we cannot.
Extra Scoops
As Jen and Lani sat on the couch with Julie, Kayla walked in to tell her that the ambulance left. Then, Maggie and Sarah arrived to hug Julie. And for no other reason than — but of course — Paulina arrived to pay her respect. Marlena came over, declaring that she wouldn’t be anywhere else. And suddenly, Julie was surrounded by these wonderfully strong women — standing in the living room of the strongest woman of them all — to support their matriarch as she took this first step to navigating her life without the man she loved by her side. In a genre somewhat based on catfights and mess, it was hard not to marvel at this display of supportive sisterhood.
Gabi and EJ are now starring in their own version of “The Real Housewives” as both characters are just walking around life waiting for someone to apologize to them. It’s exhausting. They keep having the same argument over and over again. Whatever spark these two had is quickly going away. Time to move on.
Line of the week
Julie: “Goodbye, darling. I love you. I will love you forever.”
And just like that, you go from darling to legend.
Random Thoughts
Shawn’s five o’clock shadow looks downright debonair now that it’s a little salt and pepper.
I adore that Lani still calls Abe dad.
Three cheers for Rafe joining Black Patch. Long ago, Rafe was the guy who always knew a guy. So, I love seeing him get back to that dude with resources who isn’t handcuffed by “duty” to use them.
Can we talk for a minute about how Xander is watching all the kids? That says a lot about how beloved Doug was.
That flashback of the dance between Maggie and Doug was amazing.
I loved the recurring joke that people were shocked that Rafe could actually cook.
The Leo/Alex bromance might be the relationship I never knew how much I wanted. Both of these reformed himbos might be great confidants for one another.
Yeah to Joey visiting Tripp!
For those who don’t watch General Hospital, Wally Kurth (Justin) also plays Ned Quartermaine. Every year, the Quartermaines always end up with a ruined Thanksgiving meal, resulting in them ordering pizza. So, it was adorable when Justin suggested they order pizza because “some families do."
I chuckled out loud when Abe got busted hiding chips.
I’ll never tire of Alex apologizing to Justin — and Justin accepting it like the mensch he is.
I love that Paulina offered Eli a job ... don’t love how she described Rafe departing because he was jealous of Jada. Um, no ma’am. That’s not what happened.
“No mud. No blood. Keep your coats on.” Chadsworth has become an icon for all of us parents of siblings. Preach. This is my same philosophy.
And now, I have to pay a personal thank you to all of you who read this Two Scoops over the last seventeen years. This is my last official one as a Two Scoops columnist. Life and times change, but our love of soaps does not.
This is still the show that bonded me with my childhood best friend. She and her mom watched DAYS, and I went to her house after school, so OF COURSE, I became a fan too.
This is the show that kept me sane as an adult when I got laid off from my day job but still had a job to write Two Scoops and, you know, put my actual degree in journalism to use. This is the show that connected me to fans across the world who loved the same show I did. This is the show that introduced me to some of my best friends ever — over a website.
In a way, SoapCentral was pioneering. It’s one thing to make contact over the Internet. But, after COVID, it was an essential skill that you be able to connect over the Internet. This site prepared us for that. We already knew how to forge those relationships. I can speak for Tony when I say that we’re amazingly thankful for all of your feedback, comments, emails, and posts.
Soaps are family. Thanks for being a part of mine.

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