Kayla confirmed Steve's suspicions; Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) updated Steve (Stephen Nichols) on the results of the new DNA test.
Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) updated Steve (Stephen Nichols) on the results of the new DNA test.

At the office of Body and Soul, Chanel met with Alex. They engaged in innuendo about her throwing her back out and then began passionately kissing on the desk. Johnny walked in and called Chanel “a cheating bitch.” Just then, in the DiMera mansion main room, a slumbering Johnny jerked awake from his dream.

Later, Johnny entered his and Chanel’s bedroom and caught Chanel sending a text to Alex. When Chanel claimed that the text had been for Felicity, Johnny seemed skeptical. Johnny asked about how well Chanel had slept, since he’d "crashed" on the couch following his work. She admitted that while she had missed him, she had slept wonderfully. She added that her back was still stiff, and she marveled at how tying her shoe could have caused such an injury.

Johnny raised an eyebrow and affirmed, “Sometimes it’s the things you least expect.” Tensions further rose for Johnny after Chanel asked him to help with her zipper because of her back. When he offered to accompany her to the set, Chanel informed Johnny that Kate had postponed all of Chanel’s scenes until the next day. With a strained smile, Johnny said that the delay would give him more time to prepare for Chanel and Alex’s love scene. Chanel wondered if Johnny was still okay with directing the scene, and Johnny assured her that he was fine.

As Chanel prepared to leave, Johnny asked where she was going. Chanel responded that she wanted to stop by the bakery and check in with Felicity. She gave Johnny a kiss and departed. Johnny’s smile fell after Chanel left.

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In Alex’s bedroom, Stephanie awoke and tried to extricate herself from a still-sleeping Alex’s embrace. He stirred, opened his eyes, and muttered, “So much for that not happening again.” Stephanie immediately got out of the bed and distractedly searched for her clothes. A slightly amused Alex accused Stephanie of acting as if she had been caught “in the middle of a bank robbery and waiting for the cops to show up.” Stephanie expressed her belief that they’d made another “mistake” and hurried out of the room, vowing the “mistake” would not happen again.

Later, a partially clothed Alex drank coffee in the main room and watched Stephanie prepare to make a hasty departure. He invited her to stay and have a bite to eat, but Stephanie insisted her schedule was full and that she had to go. When she opened the door, Chanel was on the other side. Chanel took note of Alex’s state of undress, widened her eyes, and grinned at Stephanie.

Stephanie stuttered out a goodbye and left; Alex invited Chanel inside and tried to explain the situation with Stephanie. Chanel stopped him and said that Alex was her “fictional boyfriend,” so he didn’t owe her an explanation. When Alex asked why she had wanted to talk with him, Chanel said that she was planning a surprise party for Johnny and that she needed Alex’s help. She clarified that she wanted to throw the party on set to keep it a surprise and to make Johnny more comfortable with her and Alex’s friendly interactions. Alex understood and agreed to help.

Alex walked Chanel to the door, and she made him promise that he would not tell Johnny anything. Alex promised Johnny would be none the wiser, and Chanel confirmed that her husband would remain “clueless.” After Chanel left, Johnny—who had seemingly overheard the last part of Alex and Chanel’s exchange—emerged from the corridor.

Johnny (Carson Boatman) misinterpreted a secret rendezvous between Chanel and Alex.
Johnny (Carson Boatman) misinterpreted a secret rendezvous between Chanel and Alex.

Later, Johnny arrived at the Body and Soul office and discovered Stephanie admiring a steamy promotional shot of Chanel and Alex. Johnny agreed with Stephanie’s positive assessment of the photo. However, after Stephanie departed, Johnny angrily crumpled the picture.

In Horton Town Square, over the phone with Clyde, Mark confirmed Mark's plan to fly to Paris and kill Chad. Mark hinted that Clyde should get a professional to do the job, but Clyde continued to threaten Mark and warned him to keep quiet. Clyde gave Mark the advice, “Don’t get caught,” and Mark sarcastically replied, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Mark also said he would not alert his sister to the plan.

Mark tried to extract a promise from Clyde to free Mark’s mother after the deed was done, to no avail. Mark ended the call in frustration but plastered on a smile when his sister Felicity approached. Felicity joined him at the table and unsettled Mark when she inquired if he had wanted to talk with her about Abigail. Before Mark could answer, Johnny interrupted the siblings and asked Felicity if she’d seen Chanel. Felicity confirmed that Chanel was not at the bakery, and Johnny’s expression darkened.

Felicity also relayed to Johnny that Chanel had not texted her, as Chanel had claimed. He mused that he and Chanel had to have gotten their “signals crossed.” He thanked Felicity and departed. Afterward, Mark asked Felicity why she had brought up Abigail. Felicity confided that Abigail had reminded her of their mother. Mark agreed that some of the mannerisms were similar, and Felicity opened up about missing her mom.

Mark said he missed their parents, too, and told Felicity that he needed to go out of town to settle their mom and dad's estate. Mark jokingly compelled Felicity to keep Aaron out of trouble. The siblings hugged and expressed their love for each other. Mark vowed, “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for this family.”

Later, Chanel greeted Felicity outside the bakery. When Chanel requested Felicity’s help with Johnny’s party, Felicity mentioned that Johnny had been looking for Chanel.

At the hospital, Steve brought coffee to Kayla, who had returned from performing a surgical procedure. When she mentioned the efficiency of her team, Steve snarked that he hoped the team hadn’t included Dr. Mark Greene. Kayla did not take kindly to Steve’s crack and defended Mark. Steve insinuated that he had good reason to not trust Mark. He then rattled Kayla by announcing that Mark had faked Abigail’s DNA test results.

Kayla chastised Steve for his suspicions, but Steve reminded her of all the things that had made him doubt Abigail’s story. Kayla became enraged after Steve admitted he’d had another DNA test run. Steve clarified that he’d run the test with “new samples.” He explained how he’d gone to Mark with samples of himself and Kayla and that Mark had willingly run the test. When Kayla asked Steve about the results, he proclaimed, “According to Dr. Greene, you’re my mommy.”

Kayla was taken aback but cautioned Steve not to jump to conclusions, and Steve countered that there could only be one conclusion. Kayla reasoned that redoing the original DNA comparison between Jack and Abigail would not be a violation of Abigail’s privacy, since Abigail had already given her consent for that sample. She left to run the test. Steve called Chad and left a message for Chad to get in touch with him “urgently.”

In Paris, “Abigail” gazed at a picture of the real Abigail and Chad. As a tear rolled down her cheek, “Abigail” expressed how lucky the real Abigail had been to have had someone like Chad love her. Chad entered with a bouquet of flowers, which compounded “Abigail's” guilt. He told “Abigail” that all the flowers had been her favorites, and she thanked him for his thoughtfulness. A concerned Chad asked “Abigail” why she was crying, and she attributed it to the emotions of the day.

“Abigail” admitted she’d been looking at a picture of Chad and “Abby,” before quickly correcting herself to say “you and me.” Chad promised her they would be that happy again, and “Abigail” professed that she wanted that life with him. “Abigail” grew more emotional and blurted out, “I’m not her.” She reminded Chad that she had a different face and very few of her memories. Chad affirmed that none of the differences mattered to him and that all that mattered was her.

Chad gently reminded “Abigail” that he was different, too, and that she did remember their love. “Abigail” concurred and said that the love was “written all over my face.” Chad observed her continued reticence, which prompted him to ask “Abigail” if she had been having second thoughts. “Abigail” reassured Chad that she wanted to marry him and pondered if she had always been such a “basket case.” Chad preferred to describe her as someone with a “big heart” and stressed that “Abigail” should not feel pressured to act a certain way.

“I’ll take you any way I can get you,” Chad declared with a smile. “Abigail” returned the sentiment, and the couple anxiously anticipated the ceremony, which was scheduled to take place within the hour. Chad’s phone rang. When he saw that the call was from Steve, he ignored if, which piqued “Abigail's” curiosity. Chad remarked about Steve’s “negativity,” and “Abigail” realized that Steve still didn’t trust her.

Chad assured “Abigail” that Steve’s opinion did not matter, and they shared a kiss. They reluctantly broke the kiss, and “Abigail” gushed about how kissing Chad made her “cheeks flush” and her “heart race.” She believed in those moments that she could remember everything, and she exuberantly exclaimed how lucky she was to have Chad’s love. Chad called himself the lucky one, and he urged “Abigail” to get ready for the ceremony. After she retired to the bedroom, his expression grew pensive.

Later, “Abigail” called Mark and again expressed her guilt for what she was about to do. Mark asked his sister if she was beginning to have feelings for Chad, and she exclaimed, “Yes!” She affirmed that Chad was “kind and generous and passionate,” and she asked Mark how she could not have feelings for the man. Mark prodded “Abigail” to remember the plan. She asked Mark what he had wanted to tell her about Clyde, but Mark did not disclose Clyde’s new demand.

Back at the hospital, Kayla returned with the results. She confirmed that they revealed no familial relationship between “Abigail” and Jack. “That’s not our girl,” Steve sadly stated. Kayla bemoaned the developments, and Steve told her that they needed to make stopping the upcoming ceremony their first priority. Kayla agreed, and when Steve left, she sent a text to Chad.

Meanwhile, Chad mulled over the photo of himself and Abigail from when they had lived in Paris. He did not notice the message that had shown up on his phone. It read, “She’s not Abigail.”

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Edited by Lisa