Here are your Days of our Lives spoilers for Friday, March 21, 2025.
What to expect on Days of our Lives

Jada (Elia Cantu) is determined to get Rachel Sr. (Roslyn Gentle) to tell all and incriminate EJ (Daniel Feuerriegel) in Rafe's (Galen Gering) disappearance. She is sure that Kristen's mother knows more than she is saying, meaning she saw Rafe at Aremid and knows exactly what EJ did.
When EJ comes home, Rachel Sr. continues to annoy and frustrate him as he feels she is the loose thread in all of this. Rachel Sr. also doesn't like EJ or any of those biological DiMeras, who she calls vipers. She can't see any good coming from Stefano DiMera's (Joseph Mascolo) many offspring.
EJ thinks he has the solution to his little Woman in White problem and it's right in his living room wall safe. The serum from Dr. Rolf (Richard Wharton) is still there as he was never able to use the second dose on Ava (Tamara Braun). However, he has no problem waving it around and threatening Rachel Sr.
Is EJ a match for the older woman who has no problem kidnapping people and slashing them with knives? He might not know who he is dealing with and can't allow her to get the upper hand.
The case of the stolen necklace

Melinda (Tina Huang) is so in love with her diamond necklace that she can't wait to show it off over lunch at The Bistro with Kristen. What she doesn't count on is Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) also deciding to dine there. As soon as Julie walks in and spots the necklace around Melinda's neck, she causes a scene and demands to know where Melinda got the diamond jewels.
Melinda can either claim innocence or she can incriminate Doug III (Peyton Meyer) and tell Julie that it was her beloved Doug's new grandson who stole from her and then fenced the necklace. Julie would be devastated to learn the young man she had taken into her home had taken something so precious from her. Is Melinda about to break an older woman's already broken heart or will she leave Doug III out of the story?
Catch all-new episodes of Days of our Lives weekdays on Peacock.

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