Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, December 4, 2024: Doug makes a dramatic entrance into Salem

Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) introduced Doug (Peyton Meyer) to the family.
Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) introduced Doug (Peyton Meyer) to the family. /Image Source: Peacock

At Doug’s gravesite, Julie lamented, “All I ever wanted was to be your wife. What do I do now?” She sat down on the bench and began crying. A young man approached and startled her. He apologized for disturbing her, and Julie asked his name.

The man shocked Julie when he declared, “I’m Doug Williams.” A disbelieving Julie said that Doug Williams was deceased. The man replied, “I know that. But as you can see, I’m very much alive.” Julie countered that they were at Doug Williams’ grave, and she had just buried her husband.

The man responded that he knew, and he also knew that Doug and Julie had been “crazy" about each other. The man confused Julie even more by referencing the time that Doug had first arrived in Salem after he had been released from jail. He explained that he himself had also been released from jail. “Just in time to see you,” he added.

Julie sarcastically asked Doug if he’d had a cellmate named Bill Horton in jail, too. Doug admitted that he’d had a cellmate named Bill, but his last name hadn’t been Horton. He also explained that he hadn’t been born with the name “Doug Williams.” He’d originally been named after his father, Douglas LeClerc. Julie’s eyes widened as she absorbed the news.

Doug detailed how he’d heard the story of his father’s conception via artificial insemination. Doug’s father had discovered that Julie’s Doug had been his biological father. When Doug mentioned that his father had sometimes been called “Dougie,” Julie smiled broadly and said with wonder: “You’re Doug’s grandson.” As tears filled her eyes, she hugged Doug tightly.

Doug had wanted to pay his respects to his grandfather and expressed regret that he didn’t arrive sooner. Julie asked him about his time in jail. He was vague and only stated that he’d “gotten into some trouble” on his way. Julie was thankful he had come. When Doug asked about a hotel, Julie insisted that he go home with her. “You’re family,” she beamed.

At the Horton House, Jennifer, Lucas, and Ciara prepared to show Marie the valuable necklace that they had discovered in the time capsule. Jennifer was stunned when the necklace was missing. As the group speculated about the possibility of a break-in, Lucas suggested that the thief might have been invited into the house. Marie couldn’t understand how that could be possible and theorized that Julie might have put the necklace away for safekeeping. Jennifer informed Marie that Julie had gone directly upstairs after seeing the necklace and had left the jewelry in the box.

A skeptical Lucas mentioned that Steven had been by Julie’s side. When Ciara expressed doubt that Steven would have stolen his own family heirloom, Marie mentioned Steven’s past association with stealing jewels. Lucas wanted to track down Steven. Jennifer remembered that Steven had gone to visit the family plaque in the square. Ciara offered to go with Lucas to confront Steven.

In Horton Town Square, Steven talked to his grandparents’ plaque and stated that while the “old” him would have been tempted to take Alice’s necklace, he was a “changed man.” From a nearby table, Leo piped in and quoted Dolly Parton: “If you don’t like the road you’re strolling down, pave another one.” As Steven looked at him, Leo apologized for eavesdropping and began rambling about his stint as a gossip columnist. Steven walked over and smiled as Leo introduced himself. Steven asked if he could join Leo, and Leo held up his drink and invited Steven to sit.

Leo guessed that Steven was a member of the Horton family and in town for Doug’s memorial. Steven confirmed the guess and revealed his relationship to Julie. Leo said that while he thought fondly of Julie, she didn’t feel the same way about him. He then launched into a rant about the lack of goodwill the people of Salem had for him and attributed it to his past bad behavior and his tendency to “self-sabotage.” Steven hinted that he could relate and eventually confided that he’d been forced to leave Salem.

Leo wanted the scoop, if Stephen was okay with sharing. Steven said he found it easy to talk with Leo since Leo was the “non-judgmental” type. He filled Leo in on his previous indiscretions, which had included selling cocaine-filled canes at Julie’s antique shop and stealing diamonds. Leo made a joke about the “coke-canes” and related the times he’d dabbled in fencing stolen jewels himself. Steven claimed he was ashamed of his past and pronounced his criminal activities “a thing of the past.”

Leo and Steven browsed a restaurant menu, and Leo mentioned that a menu item reminded him of a man who had recently broken his heart. Steven sympathized, but their interaction was suddenly disrupted by a fast approaching Lucas and Ciara. Lucas demanded to know what Steven had done with the necklace. Steven was taken aback and asked what Lucas meant. With hostility, Lucas told Steven that Alice’s necklace had gone missing.

An offended Steven surmised that Lucas believed him to be the culprit. Lucas brought up Steven’s history and then noticed Leo. He asked if Leo was helping Steven fence the necklace. Steven was confused, so Lucas elaborated that Leo had stolen jewelry from Steven’s dead cousin Abigail and had tried to sell it to Abigail’s murderer. Leo defended that he’d had nothing to do with Abigail’s murder and then made a crack about everyone in Salem being cousins.

Steven insisted he’d just met Leo and that he had not stolen the necklace, but Lucas remained unconvinced. Lucas commanded Steven to give him the necklace and threatened to search the older man. Steven took offense and reiterated that he would not hurt his family that way.

As Stephen turned to leave, he addressed Leo and stated he was sorry that Leo’d had his heart broken. He suggested that Leo contact Steven’s son Spencer, who was also “personable, charming,” and gay. Steven then walked off, leaving a seething Lucas behind.

Ciara asked Leo if Steven had said anything about the necklace. Leo defended Steven and reminded Lucas and Ciara that he knew what it was like to be falsely accused of a crime. He chastised the duo for judging Steven so harshly since Lucas had kidnapped his own wife and Ciara was currently married to a convicted serial killer. “I would put that glass house on the market,” Leo snarked before strolling away.

Back at the Horton house, Jennifer and Marie discussed the possibility of Steven’s involvement with the missing necklace. Jennifer didn’t want to consider that Steven was responsible, but Marie worried that history was “repeating itself.” Jennifer countered that Julie believed Steven had changed. Marie said that Julie had always wanted to believe the best of her brother, but Marie believed “a leopard doesn’t change its spots.” Jennifer worried that Julie would be “heartbroken” if Steven had committed the theft.

Later, Julie arrived home with Doug in tow. Julie exuberantly introduced Jennifer and Marie to “Doug Williams.” At first, Marie expressed concern for Julie because she believed Julie was mistaking the young man for her Doug. When Julie explained that Doug was actually Doug LeClerc’s son and Doug’s grandson, Marie and Jennifer were surprised but welcoming. Julie mentioned that Doug’s arrival had been the second surprise of the day and told Doug about the family’s time capsule. Julie wanted to show its contents to Doug, but Marie quickly claimed that she’d put the capsule away.

Marie added that she had a plane to catch and would have to leave soon. Julie expressed regret that Marie’s stay couldn’t be extended, but she warmly wished her aunt well. When Julie went upstairs to prepare Doug’s room, Doug mentioned the time capsule. Jennifer confided that a precious family heirloom had gone missing from the box. She requested that Doug not say anything to Julie yet.

Marie stated that she needed to get to the airport, and Jennifer offered to accompany her. The women again welcomed Doug into the family and said their goodbyes to him. Once alone, Doug approached the fireplace mantel and looked at the family pictures. His gaze landed on a photo of Alice. Then, he pulled Alice’s missing necklace from his coat pocket.

Upstairs, Julie discovered Steven once again climbing through the bedroom window. He said that he needed to see her one more time because he had to go. Julie couldn’t believe Steven was leaving already and asked him to stay, but Steven insisted he needed to leave.

Steven repeated his condolences for Doug and shared his love for Julie. He referred to himself as “a work in progress” and implored Julie not to believe everything she might hear about him. Julie was puzzled by this statement. Steven bid her a fond farewell and climbed back out the window.

Shawn (Brandon Beemer) and Belle (Martha Madison) made a major decision. /Image Source: Peacock
Shawn (Brandon Beemer) and Belle (Martha Madison) made a major decision. /Image Source: Peacock

At John and Marlena’s place, Belle invited Shawn inside. They both agreed that they had been surprised to see each other. Belle explained that Claire had gotten sick, which had delayed her homecoming. Shawn said he was glad and thankful that Belle had made the trip. Belle called the service beautiful and expressed her love for Doug and Julie. Shawn assured her that the couple had felt the same way about Belle.

Shawn broached the subject of his and Belle’s marriage. Belle admitted that Marlena had asked about their relationship as well. She hadn’t been able to give Marlena an answer since Shawn, and she hadn’t seen much of each other. Belle had gone to visit Claire to give Shawn space to deal with his dad’s health and Shawn’s own sobriety issues. Shawn conceded that it had been a tough year, which hadn’t given him the time needed to work on the marriage.

Both Belle and Shawn agreed that they needed to make a decision about their marriage. Belle recalled that their problems had started because of the guilt Shawn felt about having shot Bo. Shawn interrupted her and shared the news that Bo had seemingly squeezed Hope’s hand. Belle was overjoyed by the revelation and conveyed her hope that Bo would fully recover. She wondered if Shawn could let go of his guilt if his dad woke up.

Shawn didn’t want to get ahead of himself because he didn’t know what Bo’s condition would be like, even if his father did wake up. Belle believed Shawn was still trying to find a way to hold onto his guilt. Shawn said he’d been working through his issues in therapy. The counseling also made him realize that as long as he was burdened with guilt, he couldn’t be the man that Belle needed. He thought it might be best to end the marriage, for both their sakes.

Belle admitted that she’d had the same thought, but hearing Shawn say it out loud was difficult. Shawn referenced the mistakes they’d both made in the past year with Jan, with Talia, and with EJ. He didn’t think they could regain the trust they’d lost. Belle teared up but ultimately agreed with Shawn. She grew more stoic and said that she’d draw up divorce papers.

Belle made Shawn promise to take care of himself and to keep her updated about Bo. Shawn said he would and then hugged Belle. The couple said a final goodbye. As Shawn walked out the door, Belle watched him go and cried softly.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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