Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, December 18, 2024: The Devereaux family commemorates Abigail, while the Greene family reunites

Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) found a new way to memorialize Abigail. \Image Source: Peacock
Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) found a new way to memorialize Abigail on Days of our Lives | Image: Peacock

At the police station, EJ strode into the interrogation room to meet with Mark. When Mark asked if his mother had been found, EJ snidely informed him that he didn’t know or care. He had come to offer Mark “the best damn plea deal you’re going to get.” Mark wanted to know about the terms of the deal, so EJ told him that in exchange for Mark pleading guilty, Mark would receive a reduced sentence. EJ clarified that the sentence would entail ten years in prison.

Mark contested the length of the sentence and reminded EJ that he had been blackmailed into doing Clyde’s bidding. EJ coolly retorted that Mark’s situation was the only reason he was being offered a deal at all. Mark challenged EJ for making it personal, and EJ shot back, saying that it was personal since Mark had tried to kill a DiMera. He thought Mark should consider the deal a “blessing” since others that had crossed EJ’s family had met with a worse fate. EJ then lost his cool and demanded that Mark “sign the damn deal.”

Mark argued that he was the legal guardian of his younger siblings and wondered what would happen to them if he went to prison. EJ testily suggested that Mark should have thought of the consequences before Mark and his sister had tried to “fleece” EJ’s family. As Mark continued his protest, EJ firmly stated that he should sign the deal, or else Mark would be a “very old man” before he saw his siblings again. Mark picked up the pen, but just as he was about to sign, Belle rushed into the office and ordered him to stop.

A surprised EJ asked what Belle was doing since he had assumed she was still in Hong Kong. Belle said she’d come back for Doug’s funeral and further supplied that she was preventing EJ from “railroading” her client. She took one glance at the deal, threw the papers down, and asked EJ how he could sleep at night. While EJ complained that Belle was unfamiliar with the case, Belle sat down with a confused Mark and introduced herself. She explained that Tate had requested she look into the case on Aaron’s behalf.

Belle then turned her attention to EJ and challenged him on his authority to prosecute an international case. EJ defended that he had authority since American citizens were involved, but Belle pushed him on his jurisdiction. She reminded EJ that he could not use his position to settle personal scores. EJ made Mark a new offer: five years in prison and extradition overseas following the time served. Belle countered with her own offer: time served, community service, a fine, and no extradition.

EJ conceded that he had no authority on the attempted murder charges but insisted he could still try Mark for falsifying medical records. Belle acknowledged the charge but noted that half the town could be charged for that crime. EJ heatedly replied that prison time for Mark was “non-negotiable.” Belle smiled and suggested that everything was “negotiable.”

Later, EJ commended Belle on not losing her legal edge. She scoffed and said she’d barely broken a sweat. EJ expressed how lucky Mark had been to have Belle in his corner but warned that he’d prosecute the man if he broke the terms of their deal. When EJ referred to Belle as Mrs. Brady, she corrected that she was Ms. Black and announced that Shawn and she were divorcing. As she sauntered away, EJ took in her disclosure with seeming intrigue.

In Horton Town Square, Cat ended a call with a lawyer she wanted to hire for her mother’s case. Aaron hesitantly approached and admitted that thinking of Cat as his sister was still an adjustment. Cat smiled and lightly told her little brother to “get used to it.” She expressed that since they no longer had jail bars between them, she could do something she had wanted to do. Cat gave Aaron a big hug.

Cat updated Aaron on hiring a good lawyer for their mother. She cautioned that the lawyer had stressed the case would be challenging. Aaron couldn’t understand why his mom was in jail since she had been held captive by “a monster.” He insisted that both his mom and Mark should be released. Cat explained that the lawyer couldn’t use self-defense as a legal reason for their mother’s actions since Clyde was being held at gunpoint when she shot him.

Cat added that the lawyer was intending to argue their mother wasn’t in her right mind and had been brainwashed by Clyde. Aaron hoped the strategy would work, and Cat and he agreed that the family was due “another miracle.” Cat reiterated to Aaron that even if their mother beat the charges against her, it would still take time for her to recover emotionally from her ordeal. When Aaron expressed fear that their mother might not ever be the same, Cat gently reminded him that they needed to focus on being grateful that their mother was alive and away from Clyde’s clutches. Aaron concurred that their mother’s return was wonderful, especially for Felicity’s sake.

Just then, Felicity arrived with her friend's mother. Aaron introduced the friend’s mother to Cat, who exchanged pleasantries with the departing woman. Felicity shyly asked if Cat was really her sister. Cat smiled broadly and confirmed the news. She expressed how happy she was to see her “baby sis.”

Felicity was confused and said that Cat didn’t look like her sister. Cat took her sister’s hands and explained that she looked different because the doctors had fixed her face following the accident. She reminded Felicity of their meeting in the park when Felicity remarked that Cat looked familiar. Felicity remembered the incident, and Cat apologized for pretending to be someone else at the time. Felicity recalled how her sister Cat had told her it wasn’t nice to lie.

Cat grinned and reminisced about how she’d expressed the sentiment to Felicity after Felicity had blamed cutting her doll’s hair on Aaron. Aaron expressed mock outrage, and all of the siblings brightened at the memory. After Cat linked her pinky finger with Felicity to acknowledge their "sister secret," Felicity accepted Cat. Cat teared up and hugged Felicity. The younger sibling asked if their mom was alive, and Cat told Felicity it was true.

Cat conveyed how much their mother loved Felicity but admitted that their mom could not see the family yet. When Felicity expressed disappointment, Aaron suggested a road trip to Vancouver to visit their mom, which made Felicity excited. Cat pretended to think it over and then agreed to the trip. She wanted a group hug before they made any plans. As the siblings embraced, an approaching Mark called out, “Room for one more?”

Mark (Jonah Robinson) enjoyed family time on Days of our Lives | Image: Peacock
Mark (Jonah Robinson) enjoyed family time on Days of our Lives | Image: Peacock

Cat, Aaron, and Felicity were elated to see Mark. He explained that thanks to Aaron, his lawyer had gotten him a great deal. The mood temporarily darkened when Mark clarified that he’d serve 18 months in prison, but he assured his siblings that the situation could have turned out much worse. He wanted to spend time with his family before he turned himself in and gratefully added himself to the group hug.

JJ escorted Gabi to her home at Rafe's place. Gabi thanked him for the accompaniment, and JJ replied that it was “the least” he could do after what she had risked for him. Gabi downplayed her contributions, but JJ insisted that he still owed her. Gabi cheekily inquired, “What do you have in mind?” JJ smiled and continued to express his gratitude to Gabi.

Gabi admitted that her reasons for participating in the mission weren’t “entirely altruistic” and groused that her leg still hurt sometimes from the prison beating. She believed Catharina should be given a medal for “putting a bullet in that son of a bitch." JJ said that while he’d normally agree, Clyde’s shooting had cost his family the chance to put Abigail to rest. Gabi profusely apologized for her insensitivity in being glad that Clyde was out of commission. JJ assured Gabi that her feelings were valid and that he was only sorry they’d not discovered the location of Abigail’s remains.

Gabi expressed her sympathy for JJ and his family and said she could relate to JJ’s pain since she had lost her own sister. JJ lamented how long and grueling the grieving process had proven for his family. He called Abigail the best sister and the best person he had ever known. Growing emotional, he confided that he dreaded seeing his parents and having to tell them that he had “failed.” Gabi consoled JJ with an embrace.

JJ and Gabi shared a moment before he pulled away and said he needed to get home. Gabi wanted to pay him back for the hotel room, but JJ refused the money. She wondered if this was goodbye, as she assumed he would be returning overseas. When JJ suggested that he might “stick around for a while,” Gabi met the news with a smile. Gabi asked about his business, and JJ explained that he trusted Claire and Theo and that he could telecommute.

JJ also felt that he needed to be with his family for Christmas. Gabi agreed that it would be nice for him to be around family. “And friends,” he clarified. JJ invited Gabi to have a drink and dinner with him while he was in town. She gladly accepted the invitation.

Gabi didn't regret helping JJ, minus the danger part. He grinned and agreed that he could have also done without that part. JJ left with a promise to see Gabi again soon. She watched him go with a wistful look. When she was alone, Gabi thought back to sharing the bed with JJ in Vancouver.

At the Horton house, a relieved Jack and Jennifer greeted Chad upon his return from Canada. Jennifer asked about JJ’s whereabouts, and Chad responded that JJ had another stop to make before he returned home. He filled Jack and Jennifer in on JJ accompanying Gabi home and mentioned that Gabi had been involved in a “hairy situation.” Jennifer wanted more details about what had happened with Clyde. Chad broke the news to Jack and her that Clyde was in a coma.

Chad updated Jack and Jennifer on exactly what had happened with Clyde. They were shocked and distressed that Clyde had not been able to reveal anything about Abigail. When Chad apologized for “failing” them, the couple quickly reassured him that Abigail could not have asked for a “better champion” than Chad. Jennifer reminded Chad that they still had wonderful memories of Abigail and recited a Bible verse that said, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” Jennifer affirmed that Abigail was with all of their cherished loved ones who had passed away, including Doug.

Chad wanted to believe in Jennifer’s words. Jennifer suggested she had an idea to help him believe. Jennifer retrieved the time capsule and showed it to Chad. She talked about how her “Gram” had filled the box with precious mementos. Jennifer believed Ciara hadn’t opened the capsule by chance but had been guided by “Gram.”

Jennifer wanted to reuse the capsule as a container for mementos and memories of Abigail. Jack, Jennifer, and Chad gathered items to put in the box: a clipping of Abigail’s first newspaper article, a lock of her hair, and a picture the kids had drawn of their family. Chad stepped out of the room briefly to retrieve his memento, and Jack and Jennifer expressed sadness for what he was enduring. Jack wanted to contact JJ and tell him about the box.

When Chad reentered the room, he extended his hand and revealed his wedding band. Chad assured his in-laws that putting the ring into the capsule “felt appropriate.” He then kissed the band and added it to the contents.

Later, Jack, Jennifer, and Chad stood over Abigail’s grave. Jennifer held the time capsule and insisted that their plan for the box was what “Gram would have wanted.” The trio waited for JJ, who arrived and hugged his parents. He quizzed them as to why they wanted him to bring a memento of Abigail.

Jennifer explained that they’d thought of a way to honor his sister’s memory. After she told JJ about the time capsule, he took out a picture he had brought of Abigail and him trick-or-treating as children. JJ recalled how protective Abigail had been of him at the time. He grew tearful as he placed the picture in the box. “Thank you, Abigail; I’ll love you forever,” he pledged.

Jennifer handed the capsule to Chad and insisted that he do the honors. Chad gently placed the time capsule into the grave, and JJ supplied a bouquet of flowers. Chad affirmed his love for Abigail and sadly added, “Rest in peace, baby.” He rose and joined Abigail’s family as they gazed at the new memorial.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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