At the beginning of the week, I was sure it was Gwen coming back for revenge, but read on, dear fans, as the real Lady Whistleblower will be uncovered in due time.
Chanel finally confronted Joy who lobbied for the former baker to forgive her husband because nothing actually happened between them. While Chanel justifiably feels hurt, I’m confident she and Johnny will eventually make up.
EJ felt that having Rafe imprisoned could help him get revenge on Jada for having him booted from his job. EJ has to come clean with Rafe about why he ended up bound and gagged, and it’ll be interesting to see how the DiMera wiggles his way out of this one. What’s he gonna do, tell Jada “I’ll let Rafe go if you give me my job back?”
There was a nice moment where Johnny and Leo commiserated about their problems, and neither were optimistic about their situations. Leo kindly offered to keep Joy and Chanel’s characters separated on Body & Soul.
Lady Whistleblower continues to cause mayhem for the B&S staff. As much as I’m enjoying the soap-within-the-soap, this storyline is starting to get tiresome.
Abe instructed Stephanie to take care of the Lady Whistleblower situation after another scathing and revealing article was published. It took them long enough, but is it too little, too late? At least they were finally being proactive. This led Steph to ask Chad for LW’s identity, FINALLY! Of course, he at first came back with some privacy mumbo jumbo, but when she explained that if LW really stood by their words, they wouldn’t use a pseudonym, he couldn’t argue the point. They looked into how the new LW was being paid, and it was to a bank in Rochester, New York. (Yes, I’ll insert my Jack Benny impression here: “Ahem. Oh, Rochester!” Thank you.)
And shock of shocks…it turned out to be Kerry!! Well, Chad and Steph didn’t figure out who it was, but we saw Javi telling Kerry he was glad he’d returned from visiting family in Rochester. Then Kerry started to publish an article to the Spectator via his phone and we saw that he was using the Lady Whistleblower monicker. What a scumbag! I suspected him, but I really thought Gwen would turn out to be the culprit. But so far, only the viewers know Kerry’s secret identity.
But Kerry being the bad guy here is good because Leo and Javi made up and agreed to be friends once again. Bonnie and Hattie also buried the hatchet, and it was just so cute to see the two of them hug and become friends again. Leo made Hattie swear on the Body & Soul show bible (literally) that she was not Lady Whistleblower, and that was good enough for him. (As much as the show seems to be in a bit of a holding pattern until the new writers’ material surfaces in April, it’s little touches like that that keep the show entertaining).
Sophia ended up being the one to tell Holly that she didn’t get an abortion and that her mother was forcing her to marry Tate. Needless to say, Holly wasn’t too happy about that and lit into Tate for not telling her sooner. The coward was happy that Sophia did it.
So it turned out that Rachel was the one sending the threatening texts to Ava, and Kristen got a confession out of her. She finally was able to tell Brady about it. He explained that they were both at fault for the little girl turning out to be a brat, and surprisingly, Kristen agreed with him!
Because it’s the new year, Julie got somber after telling New Doug how each new year, she and Doug would look forward to spending the next 365 days together. It was sweet and touching, and you could see that Susan Seaforth Hayes was drawing on her real feelings after Bill Haye’s real-life death.
Sophia’s mom, Amy, went to talk to Brady and Tate and told them in no uncertain terms that Sophia and Tate were to get married as her religion required. Brady all but laughed in her face, and it looks like a fight is brewing. He and Tate agreed that they would do everything to help out with the child, financially or otherwise, and that should be enough for this lady. But she seems to have stepped out of the 1800s, and it’s going to be an uphill battle. I don’t see why some kind of shared custody can’t be acceptable, especially in this day and age.
New Doug met with a couple of guys in the park to hand over the money he got from selling the necklace. It wasn’t enough, so they beat the crap out of him off-screen. Holly came across him and brought him to Sarah, who patched him up. I have to say, because he had left a message for Leo prior to meeting the thugs, I was hoping that Leo was hiding in the bushes and either got pics of the guys or tried to scare them off in some way. I still think that Leo gave New Doug his own money and still has the necklace. Eventually, when New Doug really regrets hurting his family, a compassionate Leo will give it back to him and all will be right with the Horton clan again.
Xander and Philip tried getting along at Titan, but it was obvious that wasn’t going to work out. Xander wants to do a hostile takeover of DiMera Enterprises, but of course, Philip poo-pooed the idea. But Xander had a great suggestion: They should sort things out with a duel. That would be fun to watch. Maybe pistols at dawn?
Kristen referred to Rachel as defiant, but that kid is just downright evil. She’s got a nasty look on her face all the time, and she’s probably going to become a horrible adult unless therapy can fix her before it’s too late. Perhaps she needs to spend some time with her kind brother, Tate. On second thought, he seems to make poor decisions often, so that might not be a good idea.
Finally! Stephanie walked in and heard Philip on the phone talking about how the letter from Victor was a forgery. It’s the beginning of the end of this yo-yo “Victor’s heir” story, and I’m glad about it. Thankfully, Stephanie confronted Philip. He confessed to the letter being fake and implored her not to tell anyone. In the end, Steph had the good sense to tell Sarah. This story will finally start wrapping up.
Cat returned and retconned yet another storyline. She told Marlena that her grandmother Elizabeth, Konstantin’s wife, was in an abusive relationship with the Greek. Elizabeth reached out to Victor for help, and he sent John to fake her and her daughter Catherina’s death, which he did. I guess messing with John’s mind and forcing him to be the Pawn screwed up his memory.

Why didn’t Jada ping Rafe’s phone as soon as she realized something wasn’t right?
EJ deleted Jada’s voicemail on Rafe’s phone and sent a text back. How exactly did he get into Rafe’s phone? If it was facial recognition, I guess all he had to do was stick it in front of Rafe to get it open.
How did Kerry get private details of Leo’s life and the behind-the-scenes goings on at Body & Soul? I would have thought Gwen would be the perfect suspect because of her intimate knowledge of Leo’s life. Kerry must be using some advanced surveillance equipment to spy on Leo, as well as hack into his computer.
I’m glad the “Philip and the Fake Letter” storyline is starting to wind down. I’m also glad the continually confusing retcons of John the Pawn and the Catherina Caper are finally coming to a conclusion. Way to take a story and make it more confusing than it needed to be.

Xander and Sarah continue to be incredibly cute together. I like that Sarah accepts Xander for all his shortcomings and tries to help keep him honest. I’d like to see them stay together for a good long while.
Also, Holly and New Doug are starting to heat up, and he told her about owing money to a bad guy, so hopefully, they’re setting up a mini-adventure for them. New Doug also told her about stealing the necklace, and I’m gonna keep saying it, but I think Leo is holding it until Doug gets out from under the bad guys’ thumb and wants to make amends with his newfound family.

Tate and Sophia. They had some chemistry before, but now that her mother is imposing marriage and child-rearing on them, they’re more uncomfortable than anything else. Hopefully, the baby will draw them closer together and perhaps a real romance is down the road for them.

Hattie had a funny one where she told Leo, “I am not Lady Whistleblower. I am not Lady Bountiful. And I’m not even Lady and the Tramp!!”
Lady Whistleblower referred to Alex as “sex on a stick.” Alex was reading the article and scoffed at that line, to which Joy asked, “Why? Not on your business card?”

While Leo seems to be bumming out about the new Lady W and potentially losing his job, he's staying positive, especially now that he and Javi are friends again. I hope things keep up for him.
The Body & Soul character Blake Ramoray was mentioned again, and I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself once more about it. For those who don’t know or recall, on the show Friends, actor Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc) played Dr. Drake Ramoray on DAYS, which itself was an homage to the late Drake Hogestyn (John Black). The wife and I watched several Friends episodes on the flight home from Disney World over Christmas break, so it’s fresh on my mind.
When Stephanie was trying to explain to Chad how a gossip columnist can toss aside any kind of journalistic integrity and be a hit-piece writer, she asked if he’d ever heard of Hedda Hopper. Known for wearing crazy hats, Hopper was an actress who became a vicious gossip columnist in the 1930s, revealing all kinds of scandals, including affairs and pregnancies. She commanded millions of readers for decades and ruined several careers, especially when she assisted the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s by exposing alleged communists.
Another nice reference was when Hattie told Leo she was sorry for playing Joan Crawford to Bonnie’s Betty Davis. I certainly hope they’re not setting up a story like the Crawford and Davis 1962 horror film What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? in which Davis was a washed-up vaudeville child actress named Baby Jane Hudson who endlessly torments her paraplegic sister Blanche Hudson (Crawford).
When Chad and Steph were tracking down Lady Whistleblower’s payments, they found the money was sent to the Spaulding-Lewis Bank in Rochester, New York - a sly nod to the Spaulding and Lewis families on defunct soap, Guiding Light.
There was a funny moment when Kristen was talking to Johnny, who had previously been in a relationship with Ava. She said he was Benjamin to Ava’s Mrs. Robinson, a reference to the classic Dustin Hoffman film The Graduate (1967).
There was also a hilarious scene where Kristen told bratty little Rachel that she couldn’t go around threatening people. Rachel responded that Kristen and EJ do it all the time, and Kristen couldn’t disagree with her. Some nice parenting there.
Sophia told Tate their predicament was right out of The Handmaid’s Tale, which is spot on.

It’s nice to see some of these meandering stories begin to wrap up. I'm glad they didn't drag out the Lady Whistleblower reveal any further. Hopefully, Kerry will be sent up the river!
Susan Seaforth Hayes should get recognition for putting in an outstanding performance this week.
Until next time DOOL-ers, ciao!

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