Gabi gets her steamy revenge with E.J.; Days of our Lives Recap for Friday, August 30, 2024

Gabi and E.J engaged in angry sex as revenge against Stefan | Image Source: JPI studios
Gabi and E.J engaged in angry sex as revenge against Stefan | Image Source: JPI studios

Chad and Abigail sat on the bed in her room at the DiMera mansion, and they discussed whether Chad should move home to be with their children. “If I leave, what are you going to do?” Chad asked. When Abigail suggested that she should remain at the mansion, Chad said no. Chad warned Abigail that his family was not safe to be around.

Abigail asked Chad if he was afraid that she might sleep with E.J. or Stefan again. Chad dismissed the idea. “I don’t want you in a houseful of strangers who I don’t think have your best interest at heart. That’s why,” Chad explained. Abigail noted that everyone was a stranger. “We are not going to be apart forever. It’s just until my memories come back,” Abigail said. Abigail stressed that she did not want to hurt the children.

“I don’t want to do that, either. Especially after what I put them through,” Chad said. Confused, Abigail asked Chad what he had done. Chad reluctantly told Abigail that he had moved the family in with a girlfriend, and then they had broken up. “The kids were heartbroken. And I don’t want to put them through anything like that again,” Chad said. “I’m sorry,” Abigail whispered.

“It’s not how I wanted you to find out. It was with your cousin Stephanie,” Chad said. Chad started to explain why he had started dating, but Abigail assured him that she had no reason to be upset with Chad. When Abigail added that it was especially true after her flings with the DiMera brothers, despite her mental health concerns, Chad frowned. “Who told you that?” Chad asked. Frustrated, Chad told Abigail that he had warned his brothers to let him tell her about her mental health issues so that she would not be overwhelmed with the information. Abigail explained that Gabi had told her.

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“What else did she tell you?” Chad asked. Abigail told Chad everything that Gabi had told her. “Gabi’s got a lot going on right now. I mean, honestly, Gabi always has a lot going on, so I think you should probably just stay away from her,” Chad advised. Chad argued that all of his siblings were immersed in drama, and Abigail should not interact with any of them.

“That’s why I don’t want you to stay here,” Chad added. Chad suggested that she stay at the Salem Inn. Abigail declined. Abigail said that she had spent a lot of time alone in her apartment in Poplar Bluff, and she did not want to be alone again. “Surely your family will be on their best behavior, at least around me,” Abigail said. “Okay. If that’s really what you want,” Chad said. After Chad packed and left, Abigail clutched a photo of Chad with Abigail to her chest.

In the DiMera living room, E.J. accused Stefano of having a soft spot for Ava. “I don’t owe you an explanation,” Stefan said. “You don’t. But know this: any enemy of Ava is a friend of mine. Which means that Gabi is my new BFF,” E.J. said. In the foyer, Gabi eavesdropped on Stefan’s conversation in the next room, and she thought about Connie’s recommendation to sleep with another man. Gabi texted Connie and asked for a favor.

Outside the Brady Pub, Connie told Ava that she was mistaken about Connie’s job. “I’m gainfully employed,” Connie said. “No, last time I saw Melinda, she was on her way over to your apartment to give you the axe,” Ava said. Connie played dumb, and she noted that she had not seen Melinda. Connie added that if Ava spread any false information about her, Connie would sue. “Don’t worry. I don’t care about you or Gabi enough to talk about either of you,” Ava said. Connie’s phone beeped with Gabi’s text, so she said goodbye and walked away.

In the DiMera living room, Stefan argued that E.J. hated Gabi. “Ah, but he hates Ava even more,” Gabi said as she walked into the room. Gabi advised Stefan to stay away from Abigail, because Gabi had filled Abigail in on their complete history. “You know damn well Chad did not want her to know,” Stefan said. “What? To be traumatized by the truth? Well I think she has the right to know that she’s living under the same roof as a man who violated her,” Gabi countered. Stefan’s phone rang with a call from the Bistro about a fire alarm. With a glower, Stefan walked out.

Gabi called the hospital to check on Rafe, but the staff confirmed that there was no change. As Gabi ended her call, E.J. noted, “I wish I could say I’m sorry.” E.J. shrugged. “You don’t have to be a jerk about my comatose brother just to prove that we don’t see eye to eye on anything, except Ava,” Gabi said. E.J. reminded Gabi that he hated her for a host of reasons, including the demise of his marriage. Gabi countered that E.J. had been keeping Jude from his real father, and he had sent Gabi to prison for a crime she had not committed.

Unfazed, E.J. argued that he had only gone for the job as D.A. because Gabi had pushed him out of DiMera Enterprises. “And that was because, back then, Stefan had me convinced we would run this town,” Gabi shot back. E.J. laughed. Gabi grumbled that she had believed her husband had acted to protect her while she'd been in prison, but instead, she had learned he had been sleeping with Ava. “Ava has a habit of ensnaring people who should know better. She even managed to seduce my son,” E.J. said. Gabi noted that, unlike Johnny, Stefan was not a kid. E.J. called Stefan a fool.

“To cheat on me?” Gabi asked. “I meant he was a fool to be with you in the first place,” E.J. clarified. Gabi argued that although E.J. resented her for blowing up his marriage, she also believed he knew she had done him a favor. “You were deluded if you ever thought you and Nicole were ever going to last. She’s loved Eric forever. Your marriage was over from the beginning,” Gabi said. Gabi noted that she and E.J. were a lot alike.

“Deep down, all I’ve ever wanted is to be loved. And I thought I was. But then, Stefan screwed me over, and now, all I want is revenge. And I’m sure you feel the same way about Nicole,” Gabi said. Gabi noted that Nicole had made E.J. look like a fool when she had left with Eric to start a life together.

“While you’re here, miserable and alone. God, you must be feeling so much pent-up frustration. All that pain and anger, and nobody to take it out on. But you also hate Stefan, and he’s still here. As am I,” Gabi said. Gabi took a step closer, and E.J. smiled. “What are you suggesting?” E.J. asked. “I think you know,” Gabi whispered. E.J. leaned in close, and before his lips touched Gabi’s, he swerved to the side. “You are not my type, Gabi,” E.J. whispered in her ear. Gabi laughed.

“Didn’t we just figure out we’re basically the same person? And besides, who cares if I’m your type? You’re not mine, either. That’s not the point,” Gabi said. Gabi reminded E.J. of the thin line between love and hate. Gabi rubbed her hand across E.J.’s chest and gripped his lapel. “Help me hurt him, E.J. Let’s use each other to stick it to them all,” Gabi said.

Outside the Bistro, Connie stood in the square as a fire alarm blared in the background. Connie texted Gabi, “Mission accomplished!” When Stefan arrived at the Bistro, he confirmed that there was no fire and that the smoke alarm had been pulled by someone. As Stefan walked through the square, he ran into Ava. Stefan told Ava what had happened. Ava suggested that Connie was to blame, and she told him about her run-in with Connie.

Ava noted that Connie was so loyal to Gabi that she had felt it was her duty to tell Gabi about Ava and Stefan’s affair. “[Connie] faked her entire résumé so she could work with [Gabi],” Ava added. Ava told Stefan that Melinda had planned to fire Connie, but Connie had confirmed that no one had fired her. “That’s odd,” Stefan admitted. “I just saw Kristen, and she said that Melinda just quit DiMera,” Ava said. Stefan furrowed his brow in confusion.

Frustrated, Ava argued that Connie was no longer her concern. “What I really need to be worried about is finding a job,” Ava said. Stefan apologized for how the affair had affected Ava’s life. “I would have you back at the Bistro in a heartbeat, but Gabi would never forgive me. Not that I expect her to do that, anyway,” Stefan said. Ava said she understood. Stefan vowed not to give up on Gabi.

When Stefan returned home, he banged on Gabi’s door, and he pleaded with her to talk to him. “You can pull all the smoke alarms you want. You can tape up the entire house. Take me for all I’m worth, okay? But nothing that you do will make me stop loving you,” Stefan said through the door. Down the hallway, E.J. and Gabi kissed passionately as they stumbled to his bed.

Stephanie was cleaning and dancing around her apartment when Jada knocked on the door. “Sorry to just drop by like this,” Jada said. Jada presented Stephanie with Everett’s urn. “I hate to put this on you,” Jada said. “It’s fine. You and Everett were divorced. It’s not like it should be your responsibility. Especially after what he did to Rafe,” Stephanie said. Stephanie asked Jada if she was okay.

“It’s been a week,” Jada admitted. Jada informed Stephanie that Brady had been arrested for the hit-and-run. “I don’t know. I have a feeling that there’s something that I’m missing,” Jada said. Jada apologized, and she explained that she normally discussed cases with Rafe. “But now, I am alone in his home, trying to do his job,” Jada said. “And you’re doing it so well,” Stephanie countered. Jada confessed that she was worried that she would let Rafe down.

“I just keep thinking that if Everett hadn’t wanted me, none of this would have happened to Rafe,” Jada said. Stephanie stressed that Rafe’s condition was not Jada’s fault. With a shake of her head, Jada explained that Rafe’s chances of recovery grew slimmer each day. Stephanie held Jada’s hands, and she asked if Jada had been sleeping. “I can’t,” Jada said. Jada explained that she was short-staffed at the station. Stephanie said that Jada was welcome to cry on her shoulder, and the women hugged.

As Jada opened the door to leave, she was surprised to see Leo in the hallway. Jada walked past him, and Leo walked into Stephanie’s apartment. “What are you doing here?” Stephanie asked. Leo handed Stephanie a copy of his bio for her press release for Body & Soul. Stephanie read through the copy, and she recommended changes. Leo noticed the urn, and Stephanie confirmed that Everett’s ashes were inside.

“What are you going to do with him?” Leo asked. Stephanie admitted she was not sure. “I’m sorry,” Leo said. With a shake of her head, Stephanie said she did not know anyone that would want to attend a service for Everett. “What about his friend Connie?” Leo asked. Stephanie admitted she did not know Connie.

I saw her coming out of his room after he got out of Bayview. And I asked who she was, and she said she and Everett went way back,” Leo recounted. Leo added that Connie was Gabi’s assistant. “Interesting. I wonder how she knew Everett?” Stephanie said. With a nod, Stephanie announced that she would track down Connie and invite her to the service.

In Connie’s bedroom, Melinda struggled to loosen the ropes that tied her to the headboard. “I gotta get away from that lunatic before I become a lunatic and keep talking to a dead person,” Melinda muttered. Melinda glanced over at cardboard Li and complained that he could not help because he had been stabbed. Melinda remembered her conversation with Connie about Li before Melinda had passed out. Connie had said that Gil had not stabbed Li.

“Oh, my God. I was so strung out on that poisoned tea, I completely forgot that Connie said that. What the hell did she mean?” Melinda said. Melinda gasped as she realized that Connie might have stabbed Li. “I’ve got to get out of here. Before she does the same thing to me,” Melinda said.

When Connie returned home, she told Melinda that she had given advice to Gabi that she was sure would put an end to Gabi’s marriage. “And that’s because you hate Gabi and Stefan both. You blame them for Li’s murder,” Melinda said. “Why wouldn’t I blame them? It was their fault. And yours,” Connie said. Melinda pointed out that Li was not stabbed by Gabi, Stefan, or Melinda.

“Not technically,” Connie admitted. After a moment, Melinda asked how Connie knew that Gil had not stabbed Li. “Unless you’re the one who murdered Li,” Melinda said. “Are you seriously asking if I’m the one who killed Li Shin in cold blood? The love of my life?” Connie yelled. Connie turned to Li. “The gall! This woman must have a death wish!” Connie said. Connie turned and faced Melinda with a murderous look in her eye. Melinda apologized.

“I was just thinking about those true crime podcasts that we listen to. Aren’t your favorites the one where the people get away with it?” Melinda asked. “I do like those,” Connie whispered. Melinda noted that if Connie had killed Li and pinned it on several people, it would have been a big accomplishment. Connie thanked Melinda. “I am a very clever woman. Not that anyone’s ever properly appreciated it,” Connie said as she softened. Melinda told Connie, “I very much appreciate what you’re capable of.”

Connie sat on the bed and leaned in close to Melinda. “Not fully. I mean, when you figured out that I drugged your tea, did it ever occur to you that that wasn’t the only time that I’d gotten away with something like that?” Connie asked. Melinda stared in horror. “So, I’m not the first person you’ve poisoned. What happened to the other person? You can tell me. It will be like our own little secret,” Melinda said. Connie explained that she had poisoned Everett because he had known what had happened to Li.

“I thought he died by suicide,” Melinda stammered. “Well, that’s what I wanted people to believe. Suffice it to say, people that stand in my way need to be very careful. That includes you. Li here convinced me not to finish you off, but things can always change,” Connie warned. As Melinda cowered in fear, Connie informed her that Everett was the reason Connie had been forced to stab Rafe. “You’re the one who put Rafe Hernandez in a coma?” Melinda said.

Outside the pub, Ava called Melinda’s phone and left a voicemail. “Call me back when you get this. I need to talk to you about Connie,” Ava said. At Connie’s apartment, Connie got a notification on Melinda’s phone about Ava’s voicemail. “It’s your friend Ava. She might be a problem,” Connie said. Melinda shrinked back against the bed.

Days of our Lives airs weekdays on Peacock.

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Edited by Lisa