Gabi gets cold feet with E.J.; Days of our Lives recap for Tuesday, September 3, 2024

E.J. and Gabi discuss how to tell Stefan about their torrid night of passion | Image source : JPI Studios
E.J. and Gabi discuss how to tell Stefan about their torrid night of passion | Image source : JPI Studios

At the Price-Carver home, Abe and Kate discussed shooting details for the soap. Kate noticed that Abe was distracted. Abe explained that he had forgotten to tell Chanel that she would audition with Alex, but he thought the animosity would serve their scenes well. Abe explained that there was an added layer to the history because Chanel had had a threesome with Alex. Kate chuckled. Abe worried aloud that Johnny would not be comfortable directing a love scene between his wife and a previous sexual partner. Kate argued that it might not be an issue if one of them tanked the audition.

At the Body & Soul offices, Johnny and Chanel were surprised to see Alex arrive for the audition. “Since when are you an actor?” Chanel asked. Alex admitted that he had not thought about acting until Abe had asked him to audition. “So, this was Abe’s idea?” Chanel yelled. Alex raised an eyebrow.

“[Abe] told me that he told you, but judging from your reaction, he didn’t,” Alex said. “He most definitely did not,” Chanel stressed. Furious, Chanel asked Johnny if he'd known that Alex was auditioning. Johnny said no. “Is this gonna be a problem?” Alex asked. Chanel argued that she had no interest in having Alex as her love interest on the show.

“Abe was the one who said [our animosity] would add some spice to our chemistry,” Alex said. Alex mentioned that Abe had witnessed Alex and Chanel’s argument in the square, and Abe had seen “sparks.” “Those weren’t romantic sparks. Those were ‘I hate your guts’ sparks,” Chanel clarified. Chanel refused to work with Alex. Alex told Chanel that she was being dramatic.

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“I thought we got along fine—until yesterday, anyway,” Alex said. “That’s because we hardly ever saw each other. But then I realized how unremorseful you are about having slept with my girlfriend,” Chanel countered. Johnny shook his head as Alex and Chanel bickered. Frustrated, Chanel shook her fists, and she appealed to Johnny to agree with her.

“You know, actually, I think Abe’s instincts might have been spot-on,” Johnny said. When Alex and Chanel balked at working together, Johnny made a plea for them to audition. “The fact that you guys push each other’s buttons, sometimes that can be what makes it come alive for the cameras,” Johnny argued. Chanel asked Johnny if he was okay with her acting opposite a former lover. Johnny said it was fine.

As Johnny set up the camera, Abe and Kate arrived at the office. “Well, you all are still here. And everyone appears to be in one piece,” Abe said. Chanel stared daggers at Abe, and he apologized. “If I had known about the two of you and your charged history–” Abe started. Kate interrupted to note that Abe had left voicemails for Chanel and Alex. “That we obviously didn’t get in time,” Chanel muttered. Abe apologized.

Alex and Chanel auditioned as Johnny, Abe, and Kate watched. When Alex leaned in for the kiss, Chanel asked Abe and Kate if they needed to kiss for the audition. “Arrow and Faith have a love-hate relationship. You just showed us the hate in the first part of the scene. Now, you have to show us the love,” Kate said. “Kate is right. We have to know that you can do this. That you can sell this love story to the audience,” Abe said. Chanel looked to Johnny, and he noted that it was part of the job.

“Fine. I will try,” Chanel said. “I’ll try, too,” Alex said. Alex and Chanel picked up with their last lines, and they kissed. Johnny shifted with discomfort, and he yelled, “Cut! I think we got it.” Chanel asked what everyone thought. “I think we have a supercouple here,” Kate said. Abe told Alex and Chanel that they were hired.

In the corner, Kate told Abe that Chanel and Alex would have a lot of fans. “I’m not sure that Chanel’s husband will be one of them,” Abe whispered. After Chanel, Johnny, and Kate left, Abe gave Alex a contract to sign. Alex admitted that he had not realized how much he had wanted the job until the camera had started recording. Abe called Alex a natural. “Thank you for believing in me,” Alex said. “You and Chanel are going to be huge, huge hits,” Abe said. With a nod, Alex noted that it depended on if he and Chanel would be able to work with one another.

In the square, an excited Chanel thanked Johnny for his help. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay working with Alex?” Johnny asked. “Like you said. It’s part of the job,” Chanel said. Chanel told Johnny that she was excited to work with him.

In the DiMera living room, Abigail’s phone rang. “Get back into character,” Abigail said to herself. Chad called to check in, and Abigail said she was fine. When Chad asked about Abigail’s plans for the day, Abigail explained that she had hoped to talk with Gabi, but Gabi had not answered her door. “Maybe I could come over, and you and I could have breakfast together,” Chad suggested. Abigail said she was not hungry, and she encouraged Chad to stay home with the kids.

“I’ll check in with you later then,” Chad said. As Abigail ended her call, Stefan walked into the room. “I heard Gabi gave you an earful yesterday,” Stefan said. “Yeah. About how you took advantage of me while I was mentally unwell,” Abigail said. Stefan sighed, and he noted that he and Gabi had been fighting. “So, it’s her fault that you’re a creep,” Abigail said. Stefan sighed.

“I was a total creep. And I never should have gotten involved with your alter,” Stefan admitted. Stefan explained that he had not fully understood Abigail’s DID at the time. “Maybe I didn’t want to know or want to believe the truth. But just because she gave her consent to being with me doesn’t mean that you did,” Stefan said. “To be honest, it all sounds very complicated,” Abigail said. Stefan confessed that he had been in love, and he had made selfish choices that he regretted.

“And neither you, nor Chad, nor your kids deserved any of it. And I’m really sorry,” Stefan said. “I get the sense this isn’t the first time you're asking forgiveness for this,” Abigail countered. Stefan said no but that Abigail had forgiven him. Abigail noted that she had no memory of Stefan but that he seemed contrite. “So, I forgive you, again,” Abigail said. Stefan thanked Abigail.

“Now, if only the real Gabi could do the same thing,” Stefan said. Abigail said she understood why Gabi did not want to forgive Stefan. “But let me guess, you regret that one, too, don’t you?” Abigail said. “I do. And I know it sounds weak and stupid, but it was a one-time drunken mistake,” Stefan said. Stefan admitted that he had never seen Gabi so angry.

“We’ve had our fair share of fights. It’s kind of our thing,” Stefan said. “Oh. You’re one of those couples,” Abigail said with a smirk. Stefan smiled. “We’re passionate. We blow up at each other, and then we make up,” Stefan said. “Maybe you’ll make up this time, too,” Abigail said. Stefan said he did not think it would happen, because Gabi had asked for a divorce. Abigail advised Stefan not to give up hope. Curious, Stefan asked Abigail if she had a reason to think that there might be hope for his marriage.

“[Gabi] said she was angry, but I think she’s mostly just hurt. She’s focusing on the anger so she doesn’t have to deal with the fact that she still loves you,” Abigail said. With a laugh, Abigail pointed out that Gabi would not have placed tape all over the mansion if she felt nothing for Stefan. “Why wouldn’t she just move out?” Abigail said. “Because her lawyer told her to stay so she wouldn't lose her claim to my possessions,” Stefan explained. Abigail suggested that Gabi had used the legal excuse as a way to hide her true feelings for Stefan. A small smile spread across Stefan’s face.

“I’m not trying to give you false hope, but you said yourself you and Gabi always work it out in the end. Why would this time be any different?” Abgail said. Stefan thanked Abigail for the pep talk. Abigail asked Stefan his plan to woo back his wife. “I can start by going back upstairs and begging for her forgiveness again. Reminding her how great we are together and how strong our love is,” Stefan said. Abigail gave the plan a thumbs-up, but she noted that Gabi had not answered her door earlier. “Huh. Wonder where she could be,” Stefan said.

Upstairs, Gabi dreamed that she and Stefan made love in their bedroom. “I’m just glad I came to my senses in time. I almost did something very, very stupid,” Gabi said. “Couldn’t have been nearly as stupid as what I did with Ava,” Stefan whispered. Stefan stressed that he had never felt anything for Ava. “You are the only woman that I love. And what we have is way too special to throw away,” Stefan said. Gabi agreed.

Gabi woke from her dream, and she smiled. When Gabi rolled over, she was startled to see E.J. in bed next to her. As Gabi put on a bathrobe, E.J. wished her a good morning. “It’s funny. Before I opened my eyes, I thought what happened between us last night was just a dream, but I guess not,” E.J. said. “No, it definitely happened,” Gabi said. E.J. asked what was next.

Gabi stressed that their night together had not been about romance or feelings. “Unless you count hating each other as feelings. It still hasn’t slipped my mind that you destroyed my marriage to Nicole,” E.J. said. “Nor has it slipped mine that you sent me to prison for a crime I didn’t commit. The only reason I let you put your grubby paws all over me was to get back at Stefan for sleeping with Ava,” Gabi countered. E.J. noted for the record that Gabi had seduced him. Gabi disagreed, and she argued that E.J. was the last person she wanted to sleep with.

“I knew that sleeping with you would be the way to hurt Stefan the most,” Gabi said. “Well, on that we agree. Once my brother finds out about our night of passion, he’s going to be absolutely destroyed,” E.J. said. E.J. noted that he was dissatisfied. “Excuse me?” Gabi said. “Oh, as far as hate sex goes, last night was quite enjoyable for the both of us, I’d venture to say,” E.J. said. Gabi smirked, and she asked E.J. what was wrong.

“It certainly didn’t purge Nicole from my heart. The thought of her and Eric living happily ever after in Paris still feels like a kick in the guts,” E.J. muttered. “Why not take out that pain on Stefan, since if he hadn’t told me the truth about Jude, I wouldn’t have been able to expose your lies?” Gabi said. E.J. laughed. “So, you’re not to blame, is that it?” E.J. said. Gabi told E.J. that he would find more joy in exacting revenge on Stefan than on her. E.J. shrugged. “Let’s go tell big brother the news,” E.J. said with a grin.

“No! Wait!” Gabi yelled. “I thought the whole point of us sleeping with each other was to rub it in Stefan’s face. Unless that was just an excuse to get me into bed,” E.J. said. E.J. grinned as Gabi groaned with disgust. “Then why are you suddenly dragging your feet?” E.J. asked. Gabi explained that she wanted to make sure the reveal caused maximum damage.

“I think that your suddenly changing your mind about punishing Stefan, or at least having second thoughts, is because deep down, you’re still in love with him,” E.J. said. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Gabi said. Gabi claimed that Stefan’s affair had killed any love she had had for her husband. “Okay! Let’s blow the whole thing up. Let’s break his heart, just like he broke yours,” E.J. said. As E.J. turned to leave, Gabi grabbed his arm. Gabi asked for a moment to think.

“And here I thought you learned a thing or two about being ruthless from Samantha and Kate,” E.J. said. E.J. recounted Gabi's past misdeeds, including the blackmail of Lani, the heart shenanigans with Julie, and the gaslighting of Abigail. “I’m just curious as to why you’re suddenly going soft,” E.J. said. E.J. argued that Stefan’s betrayal had to have been more painful than what anyone else had done to Gabi.

“And I would have to think that you would want to punish him for eternity and then some,” E.J. said. Gabi stared in silence, unsure how to respond. “Look, I get it. If I had the chance to win back Nicole, I don’t think I would pass up that chance. If you’ve changed your mind, I’m fine with that. No one ever has to know about our secret dalliance,” E.J. said. With tears in her eyes, Gabi said she did not know why she had cold feet.

“I want to get back at Stefan. I really do,” Gabi said. E.J. told Gabi to think about it, because once the truth was revealed, there was no going back. Confused, Gabi asked E.J. why he was being nice. “I suppose it’s because I’ve recently had my own heart broken. And I was angry but also hurt. And I know I would do anything to make my pain go away, even if it meant swallowing my own pride,” E.J. said.

As E.J. and Gabi sat on the bed next to one another, Stefan knocked on the door and walked in. “Have you seen Gabi?” Stefan said. Stefan stopped in his tracks when he saw the two in a half-dressed state.

At the Horton house, Stephanie asked Chad if it was okay for her to visit Abigail. Chad said yes. “I just thought with all the pressure she must be feeling. I mean, I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be surrounded by people who are so thrilled that you’re back, but you don’t remember them,” Stephanie said. Chad argued that it would be helpful for Abigail to see a familiar face, especially one that would handle the conversation with sensitivity.

“You always put people at ease,” Chad said. Stephanie thanked Chad, and she asked if he was okay. Chad admitted that he was thrilled to have his wife back. “I’m sure this whole thing must be very complicated for you, too,” Chad said. “Please don’t worry about me. And now that Abby is back, now that we know that she was alive that whole time, well, I understand even more than I did before why you couldn't commit to me. To us,” Stephanie said. Chad smiled sadly.

“At that time, I just couldn’t let her go. You know, I felt like I was still married to her. Now I know why. I never thanked you enough for everything you did for me and the kids,” Chad said. “I love those kids. And I still treasure the memories of taking care of them,” Stephanie said. Chad told Stephanie that Abigail had asked him to move out of the mansion so that he could be with the kids.

“We’re strangers. So it’s a little awkward,” Chad said. Chad noted that he was not ready to tell the kids about Abigail yet. “She just seems like such a different person,” Chad said. “You mean the way she looks?” Stephanie asked. Chad explained that Abigail’s personality, expressions, and mannerisms were all different.

“If it weren’t for the DNA test, I wouldn’t actually believe that it was even her,” Chad confessed. After a moment, Chad chastised himself for having complained about his wife’s return. “I need to respect her space,” Chad said. “It’s only natural for you to be impatient and want to be close to her right now, especially after missing her so much for so long,” Stephanie said. With a shake of his head, Chad said he had been too needy. Stephanie told Chad that his reaction was normal.

“Abigail is so lucky to have you,” Stephanie said. Stephanie told Chad that Abigail would realize her luck soon enough. Stephanie asked again if Chad was sure that she could visit Abigail. “She says she wants to see the people who are important to her, and you’re family. You’re best friends,” Chad said. Chad asked Stephanie to share her good memories with Abigail.

“Did she remember something?” Stephanie asked. Chad told Stephanie that Abigail had remembered her murder. “That was the first thing she remembered about her life,” Chad said. Chad said he hoped that Abigail would remember better stuff soon. “I’m here for you. And for Abigail,” Stephanie said.

As Kate returned to the pub, she ran into Chad out front. Kate asked about Abigail. “It’s a miracle. It’s not quite perfect, but I’m blessed,” Chad said. “I thought Clyde was lying,” Kate admitted.

At the DiMera mansion, Abigail called Mark to update him. “Last night, I was able to convince Chad to move back home to be with the kids. It’s a relief to not have him hovering all the time,” Abigail said. Stephanie walked into the living room, but Abigail’s back was to the door. “I think you and I need to figure out the next step of our plan,” Abigail said.

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Edited by Lisa