Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS

Monday, August 2, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

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Sami and Austin are busy moving into the Kiriakis mansion, Sami is still in possession of Rosa's letter to Kate. Kate is scolding Brandon for eating too much. Lucas shows up and Kate asks him to remind his brother in law that he is no longer living in a trailer park. Brandon tells Kate that she has no right to be as snobby as she is, he knows all about her past. Brandon says she is no different than Nicole and himself. Billie says that he and Nicole are nothing like her mother, they are high-class sponges. Austin shows up for breakfast and Lucas becomes extremely upset that he is living here now. Billie and Kate try to get Lucas to make peace with Austin, but Lucas can't imagine a worse nightmare than Austin living here. Sami walks in and Kate asks, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Sami says Austin asked her to move in with him, she lives here now! Kate asks Austin how he could trick her like this? Austin says he didn't trick her, he had Sami sign the joint custody papers, and this way Will doesn't have to be shuttled back and forth between two places. Billie thinks it is a good idea, Will doesn't deserve to come from a broken home. Later, Lucas goes to the guesthouse and sees that Austin really is moving in. Lucas says this has gone to far, but Austin says he and Sami are here to stay.

Billie, who is also there, asks Lucas to lighten up. Lucas can't believe she has sided with her brother against him. He knows they are here to spy on him, but tells him he won't slip up! Back in the main house, Sami confronts Kate and wonders why she tried so hard to get Roberto to confess to Franco's murder. Kate says she did it for Will, but Sami knows she had another motive. Sami then shows Kate Rosa's letter, which she has re-sealed.

Vivian tells Nicholas that she is ready to get back to destroying Kate, which upsets Nicholas. Nicholas reminds her that Kate only allowed her to stay at Titan because she was dying, she will hit the roof when she learns she is quiet well. Vivian says that is right, Kate will have a coronary and she will be there to see it! Nicholas puts his foot down and tells his aunt "No, I won't allow it!" Vivian asks what is going on with him, she would swear he is taking Kate's side

Nicholas tells Vivian that he helped Kate get her loan to purchase the internet company, it will make Titan millions. Vivian tells her nephew that he has turned into Benedict Arnold! Nicholas says by helping Kate out, he has increased the worth of her stocks. Vivian says she doesn't care about the stocks, she only cares about ousting Kate from Titan and Victor's life. She says she will get such pleasure telling Kate that she isn't dying. Nicholas asks her to let him do that, and Vivian wonders what is going on between them? Nicholas says nothing is going on, he can help her with Titan just like he helped her with Stefano, but only if she gives him room to work.

Lexie is told someone wants to see her on the terrace. When she goes out to see her visitor, it is a very angry Stefano. Stefano can't believe his own flesh and blood lied to him. Lexie says "how dare you accuse me of anything when you tried to kill the woman!" Stefano says he can't believe she would believe Vivian and Celeste over him. Lexie says she felt terrible lying to him, but felt it was the right thing to do under the circumstances. Stefano asks her what justifies such cruel deceit? Lexie says she is so sorry, but didn't want him to get away with hurting Vivian. Stefano says he did not hurt Vivian in anyway, and he is devastated that she thinks so little of him as a human being. Stefano says he and Vivian have severed all ties, he is divorcing her and is going to Europe. Stefano tells Lexie that he may not see her very long time, and says goodbye to her. After he leaves, Lexie cries.

Brandon shows up at the hospital and fills out an application for work. Afterwards he is told to talk to Doctor Carver. Brandon finds Lexie to talk to her about applying for a job as a worker in the peids ward. Lexie says right now isn't a good time, but he manages to charm her into laughing.

Stefano gets on his plane to head to Europe and he is confident that Lexie will mend her ties with him, after all he is her father.

John and Marlena are enjoying their honeymoon. They are out in the sun having drinks and joking around. Marlena tells John that while this is paradise, she's looking forward to going home and starting her life as Mrs. John Black. John wishes he could remember what happened out at sea, and Marlena tells him that the trauma could have triggered his amnesia. However, John can't help but think there is more to it.

When he starts talking about Gina, Marlena tells him "enough, I'm just glad to have my husband back." Marlena tells john that she has a surprise for him. Marlena gives John a new wedding ring, and recites the lines she recited about the wedding ring at their wedding. Marlena thanks God that he came back to her and now they can be a family. Marlena wonders if Stefano and Hope did conspire against them, but John says they are together and he intends to make sure they stay that way forever.

In Paris, the real Gina is busy painting another portrait of John. She screams for Kurt, who does not respond. Gina wonders where John is. She screams that she's tired of waiting, all she ever does is wait! She then destroys her portrait of John. Gina cries that Kurt and everyone have lied to her, and she screams that she doesn't want to wait anymore. As she trashes the place, she sees her picture of John, which she defaced only moments ago, and thinks it is a sign from John telling her to wait because he's coming. Gina hates Kurt for doing this to her and grabs a halberd (axe on a spear) from one of the suits of armor and says she will kill Kurt when he returns.

At the Paris house, Bo brings "Hope" her morning coffee. She thanks Bo for staying with her last night. Bo says she never told him why she screamed, and why he found her past out. "Hope" says that she could have sworn she saw someone behind the drapes. Bo looks and says nobody is here now, and "Hope" snaps at him for being sarcastic. What she doesn't know is that Kurt is still in the house, listening to their every word. He wonders who they are and what they are doing here. Back in the room, Bo shows "Hope" pictures of Shawn Douglas and tells her stories about Shawn D at school, which make "Hope" laugh. Bo wishes she would give up this search, but "Hope" says she can't and doesn't know what the future holds for her. Bo comforts her by holding her. "Hope" says she is cold, so Bo leaves to get some blankets. Kurt quickly slips out, but Gina sees him and screams for Bo. Bo shows up and "Hope" tells him that a man was just in the hall way, but Bo says whoever it was is long gone. "Hope" wonders if she is hallucinating? Bo says no, but the real Gina probably did because this place is enough to drive her mad. Bo tells her that she is safe and thank God she is not Princess Gina.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS

Tuesday, August 3, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

Kate grabs Rosa's letter from Sami and tells her "How dare you go through my mail!" Sami says she knows she made a deal with Roberto and that letter will prove it. Sami suggests Kate open it, so she does. Kate says the letter only wanted to thank her for her kindness. Sami calls her a liar and says she thanked her for paying for Roberto's funeral and other expenses. Kate is furious with Sami for reading her letter. Sami asks Kate how much she had to pay Roberto's family for his confession? Kate says she did not pay for Roberto's confession, she felt sorry for them.

Sami doesn't believe her and says she was just trying to protect herself and Lucas. Kate says there is the old Sami I hate. Sami knows she got Roberto to confess to take the heat off of Lucas, she is convinced he is the real killer. Kate can't believe she is going after Lucas, the person who confessed to try to save her. Kate tells Sami to be happy and move on, but Sami says she can't be happy until she knows the truth. Sami swears to Kate that she won't stop until she gets both her and Lucas.

Nicholas goes to see Victor at the home. Victor is surprised to see him, and wonders if he is here to follow up on Vivian's visit? Nicholas says no, and tells Victor that Aunt Viv isn't dying. Victor is not surprised, Vivian's fatal condition was just another manipulation if gers. Nicholas says it wasn't a trick, his aunt was ill but went into remission. Victor says if that is all he came to tell him, he can go. Nicholas says there is something else he should know, she has filed for divorce from Stefano. Victor isn't surprised and tells him that he can tell Vivian that Kate will remain in control of Titan, and if she has other plans, he will force her out on his own!

Nicholas says he didn't come here to make him angry, he was hoping he could help out. Victor asks what he means? Nicholas says that if they don't stop this war between Kate and Vivian, the real loser will be Titan. Victor says he is right, but doesn't think they could make Kate and Vivian work together. Nicholas says he has taken the first step by helping Kate get the loan to buy the company she was interested in. Nicholas says that he has asked them both to end the feud, but he (Victor) can convince Kate to give Vivian a chance. Victor says he can't promise anything, but will try. Suddenly, Kate bursts into the room ranting about Sami, but then she sees Nicholas Kate asks him what he is doing here?

Brandon wants to talk to Lexie about getting a job in the pediatric ward. Lexie tells him to leave a resume at the front desk and someone will look them over. Brandon says he will wait, so Lexie agrees to take time off of her busy schedule to see him. Lexie asks what his background is, and Brandon says he has a degree in Social Services, and would like a job as a pediatric counselor. Lexie asks why it took him six years to earn his degree? Brandon says he had to drop out a number of times to save the money to go back. Lexie then says he has no experience, and Brandon says if she gives him a job then he will. Lexie is impressed by his insistence and says she will be in touch. Brandon thanks her and says he will call if he doesn't hear from her within a couple of days.

Sami makes a long distance call to Rosa and impersonates Kate. At this point Brandon shows up and hears Sami talking to Rosa.

In Mike's office, Alice, and Maggie show up to support Mike, Laura is out of town on call. In the hospital corridor, Nancy tells Craig that he will make a very handsome Chief of Staff. Claire approaches them and tells them today is the day Mike gets what he deserves, and Gregory will not implicate them. Gregory shows up and they notice that Ali is not with them. Ali shows up and has a slew of reporters following her. Ali says she will give them an in-depth interview after the arbitration. Carrie tells Ali not to count her money yet. Ali says it is not about the money, she wants Mike to suffer. Carrie asks Ali why she hates Mike so much, and she turns the question around and asks Carrie why doesn't she hate Mike after what he's done to her?

They argue for a bit, and Ali tells her that she is the one who is nuts if she thinks Mike will keep his promises. Mike comes out and tells Carrie that she doesn't have to be here. Ali asks Mike if he is planning on slipping a quickie in before the hearing? Gregory pulls her aside and tells her she is not allowed to talk to Mike before the hearing! Ali goes to the bathroom, and Carrie tells Mike that Ali seems to know a lot about Vegas. Mike tells her not to worry about it, and they go in to start the arbitration. Meanwhile, ALi strangles her Carrie doll and tells her the whole world will finally know what a lying two-faced slut she really is.

The arbitration begins and the arbitrator says this is not a trial, but he is judge, jury, and executioner. The arbitrator says that as he understand it, Ali claims Mike offered her a job in exchange for sex, and Mike did not follow through with the deal. Mike says it was a misunderstanding, and the arbitrator says by time they are finished, he will know who is not telling the truth. Out in the hall, Rose shows up and greets Carrie, Craig, and Nancy. She has come for the arbitration, and then goes into the room. Nancy asks why Rose was called, and Carrie says to prove that there was no way Mike knew she was on the head nurse list before they slept together. Back inside, Rose is questioned and says that Mike never saw the list before the infamous night. The arbitrator says that is of no relevance, the issue is whether Mike promised her the promotion to get her into bed. However, if Ali knew about the list, her intentions could be seen as manipulative.

The arbitrator asks Ali if she knew if she was on the list before sleeping with Mike? Ali remembers Craig telling her she is on the list and to make the most of the night. The arbitrator asks her again whether she knew her name was on that list. Ali says she never saw it, but was thrilled and surprised she was nominated and thought Mike would make her head nurse. Rose leaves and tells Carrie and the others that it looks like things are leaning towards Ali. Craig is then called to testify, and Mickey asks if there was a change in her demeanor after Mike broke things off. Craig says that Ali was hurt and didn't understand Mike's decision. Mickey asks Craig if it isn't true that Ali became delusional? Craig says he has no idea, she didn't talk to him about the relationship. Craig admits that Mike tried to help Ali get a head nurse job elsewhere, and Gregory says it is obvious that Mike was trying to get rid of Ali.

Bo is dining with Eric and Greta. Bo tells them that Gina/Hope was rattled after learning the real Gina had a nervous breakdown, and now Gina/Hope thinks the same will happen to her. Bo fears that this could be the beginning of the end for Hope, so he will rescue her from DiMera's creation. Bo notices that Greta has the original compact, and Eric shows Bo the key that was hidden inside. Bo says it looks like a safe-deposit key, and Greta remembers her mother banking at a Faversham bank here in Paris. Bo wonders if Gina/Hope knows about this? Greta says it would explain why she wanted it back so badly. Bo says it looks like a safe deposit key, but they can't get access to it without a will or death certificate. Greta says there has to be a way to get to it. Bo says there is, he knows someone who can get to it, Hope/Gina! However, Bo says they can't let her know they have the compact or key, so that idea is gone. Eric wonders why Hope/Gina is even here, and Bo says he thinks she is here to steal the last Rennet. Greta fears that if they don't save Hope soon, DiMera will destroy her just like her mother.

Gina/Hope is wondering what happened to the real Gina. She fears Stefano might do to her what he did to the real Gina. Someone rings the door and Gina thinks it is Bo, but it is Stefano! Stefano is surprised that she actually followed his intrusions and came here. They argue about her betrayal of him and her supposedly making up for it on the sub. Stefano looks around and says this house is a disaster. Gina tells him that someone was looking for something, his security system failed. Gina says a number things are missing as well. Stefano asks like what, and Gina says her candlesticks for one thing. He wonders why they mean so much to her, and Gina says being in this house has stirred up memories for her, memories with him. Gina is of course lying, she is thinking of John. Stefano tells her they have more important things to talk about, such as the reason he saved her life instead of getting rid of her like he should have.

They argue some more about her betrayal and Stefano says unlike the real Gina, she does not have a will of her own because she is his creation and will do what he tells her to do. Gina asks or what, I'll end up like the real Princess who went to her grave because she lost her true love? Stefano screams that the real Princess Gina lost John for the same reason she did, he did not belong to either one of them because he was his creation! Gina says now he belongs to Marlena, but Stefano says John would be here now if it wasn't for her selfishness. Stefano says he turned John back into Marlena's husband forever, and she has no one to blame but herself. Gina says it is not to late, but Stefano says he will never trust her near John again. Gina still asks for John to be brought back, but Stefano says that John is dead and buried, and she will finish the job alone, and will follow his orders to the letter. He warns her that if she betrays her again, he has the means to ensure her total loyalty and complete obedience.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS

Wednesday, August 4, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

Carrie and Nancy are sitting outside the room where the arbitration is going on. Carrie is glad she hasn't been called, and news reporters swarm Carrie to ask her questions. Carrie doesn't understand why they are here. They say that Ali told them a bombshell was going to be dropped on someone.

Craig admits that Mike tried to get rid of Ali. Gregory says because Ali was qualified for the position of head nurse at Mercy hospital, but didn't get it at Salem University Hospital is proof that Mike is guilty of sexual harassment. Mickey questions Craig about his working relationship with Mike and Ali, and asks his professional opinion of Ali. Craig says she is a top of the line nurse. When Mickey asks Craig if he wouldn't mind her assisting on a surgery to save his own life, Craig says there was an incident in the OR. Ali says that Mike was being mean to her in the OR, and she left to keep her dignity.

Mike says that he was only concerned about the survival of his patient and Ali made a mistake. Gregory says that if Ali's work performance suffered it is because of Mike's rejection of her. Mike says that he never doubted her performance as a nurse, he doubted her ability to work with him. Craig is caught between a rock and a hard place and says that Ali is a bit emotional around Mike, and he has never seen Mike behave unprofessionally. Craig is dismissed and Carrie is called to speak. Mickey assures Mike that he will try to take care of Carrie. Ali is thrilled at the idea of seeing Gregory stick it to Carrie, but Claire reminds her that Mike is their enemy.

Craig leaves the room and Carrie and Nancy ask what is going on. Craig says there is blood in the water, sharks are circling, and Gregory has called Carrie to testify. Carrie goes into the room and Nancy and Craig celebrate Mike's burial. Carrie is sworn in, and Gregory asks her about her relationship with Mike. Carrie says she is the PR person for the hospital, it is her job to protect Mike and the hospital. Gregory questions her about why she thought Ali was unstable and how she didn't believe Ali because Mike lied to her about his relationship with Ali. Carrie is silent, and the arbitrator asks her if Mike lied to her about his relationship with Ali? Carrie says he didn't lie to her about Ali, but Gregory says he didn't tell her about it either.

Carrie says it wasn't relevant that she knew until this law suit came about. Carrie refuses to believe that Mike lured Ali into bed by offering her a promotion, he has too much integrity for that. Carrie thinks she is done and decides to leave, but Ali stops her and reveals that Carrie cheated on her husband with Mike. Carrie says she never planned it, but Ali calls her a liar and accuses her of going after Mike. Ali asks Carrie to admit it, both she and Mike are guilty as sin. Unfortunately, that little scenario was all in Ali's head. As Carrie is really about to get up, Gregory stops her and asks her "you never approved of Mike's relationship with Ali did you?" Carrie says that she didn't think Ali was right for Mike. Gregory asks why she thought that was any of her business? Carrie responds that she didn't think he should date anyone on staff.

Ali blurts out "you should talk!" Gregory asks Carrie if she was in the room when Mike and Ali were lovers? Carrie says no, so Gregory asks her how he can be so sure Mike is telling her the truth. The arbitrator agrees with Gregory. Carrie says she knows Mike very well, she knows he wouldn't lie about this. Gregory asks her how well she knows Mike? She was unhappy with Ali dating Mike because she is in love with Mike Horton!

Kate is shocked to find Nicholas with Victor. Victor tells Kate that Nicholas has some interesting ideas for Titan. Kate lashes out, but admits that Sami is what is bothering her. Kate tells Victor that Sami has moved into the guest house with Austin. Kate then turns to Nicholas and asks what his agenda is? Nicholas says that he wants her and his aunt Vivian to make peace. Kate says she will have peace once Vivian is dead. Nicholas tells her that Vivian isn't dying at all. Kate says so Vivian was pulling a scam all along. Nicholas says his aunt was terminal, but Vivian is in remission. He says she is also divorcing Stefano. Kate if furious that Vivian is fine, divorced, and in possession of 49% of Titan's stock. Nicholas asks Kate to try working with his aunt, and Victor asks her to keep an open mind. Kate can't believe she is hearing this, but Nicholas says he thinks he can keep Vivian under control because he is the only family member still speaking to her. Nicholas tells Kate not to waste time on something she can't change, Vivian's presence at Titan. He says the bright side is that he will be there too.

Sami calls Rosa and pretends to be Kate. Rosa tells Sami that they are fine and have more than enough money thanks to her. As they talk, Brandon spies on Sami. Rosa tells "Kate" that thanks to her, she and her mother will have everything they need. After the call, Brandon applauds her performance. Brandon asks why she hates Kate, and Sami says that Kate and Lucas had her put on death row. Sami asks if he is going to rat her out? Brandon asks what does he get if he keeps quiet? They begin to discuss Kate and Lucas' true motives, and Brandon wonders why he should trust her? Sami tells him to go ahead and trust Kate, it is his funeral. Brandon says he thinks it would be in his best interest not to take sides. Sami tells him to do what he wants, but stay out of her way.

In Paris at La Roulette, Greta tells Eric and Bo that Stefano doesn't want them to find out what happened to her mother. Bo tells her not to worry, they will find the answer to those questions. Bo suggests they head over to the Faversham bank and see if they can open the box. Greta says she thought he said they couldn't get access to it, but Bo thinks she can persuade them to let her have access.

Bo, Eric, and Greta go to the Faversham bank and are allowed access to the box. Greta opens it and they are shocked by what they see. The box is filled with cash and passports for John and Gina. Bo says this is an escape kit, everything John and Gina needed to escape from Stefano. Greta looks through the papers and finds a deed to the Paris house, and another one for a country estate that is the ancestral home of the Von Ambergs willed to her mother by a prince. Bo ends up leaving after receiving a call from "Hope," and Greta and Eric decide to drive to the country home.

At the castle, Gina is screaming for Kurt, axe in hand. Gina says she will show him who is in charge when Kurt returns. The door knob to her room turns, and Gina hurls the axe at the door. The axe misses Kurt and Gina screams at Kurt for leaving. Kurt says he went to the Paris house as she instructed, but Gina wants to know why he was gone so long. Kurt says that there are strangers living in the house as if they belong there. Gina asks if one of them was a man, and Kurt says yes, a rugged American. Gina thinks it is John, but he says it was not John. He also says that there was a glamorous woman there with him, but he didn't get a look at her face. Gina wants to meet these people and asks him to take her to Paris. Kurt tries to convince her that is a bad idea, but she wants to go. Kurt refuses and decides to leave her with some peace and quiet, but Gina vows to get to Paris and meet her house guests.

At the Paris house, Gina/Hope tells Stefano that she hopes he can trust her again one day. Stefano tells her that if he learns she has betrayed him again, her life as Gina will come to an abrupt and painful end. Gina assures him that she won't betray him again, she is completely his. Stefano says as long as you accept that you will never have John, and she says she knows. Stefano says John is happily married to Marlena and does not remember the sub at all. Gina mentions their night together, and Stefano says that for now his desires will be satisfied by owning the final Rennet.

Gina says there is a small problem, Bo Brady is here in Paris. Stefano is furious, but Gina says he wasn't nearly as annoying as usual and acted like a man of the world. Stefano thinks that perhaps Bo could be useful to him. Gina asks what he is thinking, and Stefano says Bo could be her new partner. Stefano asks Gina to call Bo, but Gina says it won't work. Stefano tells her to make it work. Gina calls Bo, who is still at the bank, and asks him to come see her right away. Bo says he is on his way. Stefano tells Gina that she did well, Bo Brady is in for the surprise of his life. Gina asks what she is supposed to do, and Stefano asks her turn Bo into his newest Pawn. Gina says she cannot do that, but Stefano says she can and she will. The doorbell rings, and Stefano tells Gina not to betray him again. Gina answers the door and Bo asks what is up?

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS

Thursday, August 5, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

Carrying her over the threshold, John and Marlena return to Salem. A Welcome Home sign adorns the balcony. A teenager comes rushing out to greet the two, and they are surprised to see how much their daughter Belle has grown. Belle tells her parents that Brady is still at baseball camp. She wants to hear about her parent's honeymoon, but all John and Marlena tell her that there was a storm, but all is OK. They even got her a gift....butterfly hair clips. Belle says it will look great in her hair for the birthday party she's going to tonight. John decides to call Brady, leaving mom and daughter alone. Belle is suspicious that Marlena is not telling her everything that happened.

Eric and Greta are driving to the country estate. Both are in a good mood as they wonder about the mystery of the old house. Eric makes a sharp turn, which causes Greta to fall over into Eric. She is embarrassed, but says that she's fine, and the two share some happy looks. Greta hopes that they can find some answers, and Eric says that if it was not for the path that John and Gina took, they (Eric and Greta) would never have met. Greta says that Eric has been a wonderful friend to her, and Eric echoes that sentiment, especially helping him get over Nicole. Greta spots the driveway to the country house and they pull in.

Driving around in his car, John calls Greta is Paris after learning from Belle that Eric tried calling him earlier. Greta, knowing that John is uncomfortable about his past, asks if he remembers a country villa that Princess Gina owned. John is perplexed because he does not recall it.

At the country estate, Kurt reads John's letter to Gina tells her to wait at the estate for John to return. Gina hope that today she will have visitors. She becomes excited when she spots a car coming up the driveway and guesses that it's John. Actually, it is Greta and Eric, who have finally made it.

"Hope" invites Bo in to the Paris house. She begins to question him, asking if Eric and Greta were with him when she called. He says that in fact, they were and they have some news. Greta found a key in the compact that opened a safety deposit box. Bo corners Gina into admitting that she always had the original compact, which she does not deny. Bo continues, saying that they found phony passports, money and deeds to two houses in the box. Gina is stunned to learn about the second home. Bo then drops the bombshell....he knows that she is not Hope but Princess Gina. She tries to deny it, but Bo says he knows in his heart because every time he holds her, or looks into her eyes, he does not see Hope. Gina does not know what to say, but Bo vows that he is going to bring her back to the Hope that he loves.

Outside the hearing room, Craig and Nancy wish they were flies on the wall for Carrie's questioning. One of the board members comes out, and the duo try to get some info from her on how the hearing is going. The board member is pretty tight lipped, but she does thank Craig for helping with Mike's duties while he has been tied up with the lawsuit. Nancy takes this as a sign that Craig is in as COS and starts looking for big, expensive houses to buy.

Inside, Mickey interrupts the deposition and insists that Carrie's personal life is not in question in the lawsuit. The arbitrator agrees, and becomes angry with Gregory for pushing his limits. Under Gregory's questions, Carrie does not have to admit as to her relationship with Mike. Gregory, frustrated, says he has no more questions. Carrie gets up to leave, but Ali stands up and says that she has some questions. She asks if Carrie deliberately sabotaged her relationship with Mike because of her jealousy. Before she can answer, Ali snaps back into reality, as Carrie testifies that Ali flaunted herself around Mike at work. Carrie's testimony is damaging to Ali, and Carrie is finally released. She stays in the room, and the arbitrator wants to hear from Mike.

Gregory asks if Mike recalls his conversation with Ali that night. He does, but does not say anything, so Gregory starts quoting phrases. The phrases make Mike sound like he was promising the job to Ali, but he swears that they had mutual, consensual sex and there was never any promise of a promotion. Mike's embarrassed when Gregory pulls out Ali's "nurse negligee" and is forced to admit that she wore it the night they made love. He then claims that the silliness of the apparel proves that he and Ali were only joking around. Gregory counters that Mike was Ali's boss and had every reason to believe everything he told her as they played "doctor." Mickey is just shaking his head as Mike realizes that things are blowing up in his face.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on DAYS

Friday, August 6, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

At the Paris house, Bo angrily tells Hope that the real Princess Gina is dead and that Hope's posing as Gina is simply a creation of Stefano's. "Hope" is outraged that Bo would think this, but he disregards her charade and urges her to use the strength that he knows she has to fight Stefano. "Hope" looks like she's going to crack, but then gets angry again and orders Bo to get out of the house and go back to Salem. Of course he refuses. Realizing that he can't yell his way through to Hope, he switches tactics and pulls a picture out of his wallet. He shows it to's a picture of Hope and Shawn D. the day he was born. Hope recalls that day, and Bo sees that Hope reacted to the picture. The doorbell rings and Hope goes to answer it.

Stefano is pleased that Rolf has set up his laboratory in Paris and the final stages are in place to turn Bo into Stefano's newest pawn. Rolf is distressed, and wishes that Stefano would just eliminate Bo. Stefano is appalled at the notion and says that the potion that Rolf has concocted will do the trick, once Gina administers it. Rolf laughs at the notion that Gina will do anything Stefano says, but Steffie is quick to reply that he's put fear into Gina's mind, so she will not betray him ever again. With the potion ready, Stefano sends it to Gina.

Gina answers the door and is greeted by a courier. The package is the bottle of potion (in a perfume bottle) with a note instructing her to slip the potion into Bo's drink and then contact Stefano when that has happened. Bo asks Gina who was at the door.

The Real Princess Gina is convinced it's John at the gate, but sees that it is a man and woman. She then thinks they are friends of hers from Paris and wants to go meet them. Kurt orders Gina to stay where she is...he will check the guests out. Gina looks like she is going to fight back, but says OK. At the window, she thinks the woman looks familiar.

At the gate, Kurt refuses to open it for Eric and Greta. Greta tries the nice approach, saying she is Princess Gina's daughter. Kurt is taken aback, but quickly covers and says that now is not a good time. Eric decides the nice approach is not working and says that Greta legally owns the villa and to let them in. He even shows Kurt the deed. Kurt becomes suspicious and says that they are just trying to rob the place. Eric starts questioning Kurt, wondering who hired him and who pays the bills. Greta asks if it was Stefano DiMera. Kurt's eyes widen at the mention of the name, but he tells the two that he's never heard of Stefano. No, the man who hired Kurt died a couple years ago. Eric and Greta won't give up, but Kurt stands firm and tells them to go away.

At the hospital, Lexie is shooing away reporters left and right. Craig and Nancy come up and lament how bad it must be for Mike. Lexie figures out that if Mike left the hospital, Craig would have the inside track as COS. Craig and Nancy are worried that the jig is up, but Craig covers by acting hurt, and saying that he would never try to get the job at Mike's expense. Lexie sighs and figures that she's just having a bad day and apologizes for what she said.

During the arbitration hearing, Mickey is questioning Mike about the event. Mike says that after he and Ali broke up, she continued to pursue him. Additionally, when the list of candidates came out, Ali said she would take her name off the list if she and Mike could continue dating. Even after Mike said he did not want a relationship with Ali, she gave him presents, suggested they take a romantic weekend together and the like. Mike said that he chose the nurse with the most experience for the head nurse position. Mickey asks Mike if he knows why Ali waited all those months to file the lawsuit, but he says he's stopped trying to figure out what goes on in Ali's head. Ali gets mad and stands up and calls him a liar. She's going to tell everyone what really happened. She recalls more of their bedroom conversation which implicates Mike. Mike is forced to admit he said those words, but in a joking tone. Mickey questions Ali and gets her to admit that she continued her pursuit of Mike and pointedly says that this lawsuit is just an act of revenge.

Having heard all the testimony, the arbitrator meets with the board and Mickey. Outside, Ali can't wait any longer, but Gregory assures her that she's going to win. This makes Ali and Claire happy. Meanwhile, Mike is just glad that Carrie's name did not get dragged through the mud. The arbitrator tells Mickey that it is obvious that Ali's claims have merit and it is just a matter of determining how much the hospital and Mike are willing to pay them.

Marlena and Belle continue to talk. Belle does not buy Marlena's story about John's cuts, so Marlena tells her daughter that John tried to rescue a woman from drowning, but he's OK now. The conversation turns to what has happened in Salem, and Belle gleefully tells Marlena that Sami has moved in with Austin and they are living at Kate's. Marlena wonders if Carrie knows, and Belle quickly says that Carrie has been so rapped up with her affair with Mike....when Marlena gasps and wonders how Belle knows about that. Belle says that everyone knows and the trial is big news. Belle says she is not a gossiper, she is concerned about Carrie's feelings. Belle also wants to skip lunch, and Marlena worries because that is what Sami did when she had her eating disorder. Belle says that she's does not have an eating problem, and Marlena says that Belle is beautiful just the way she is. They decide to go school clothes shopping, but Belle wants to call the hospital and find out if there is any news about the hearing, which distresses Marlena.

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Edited by SC Desk