Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS

Monday, July 5, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

Maggie is working with Belle and Brady on practicing for the big wedding at the Penthouse Grill. Mickey tries to change Austin's mind about his divorce, but he refuses.

In Marlena's makeshift dressing room, Sami shows up in her gown and tells her mom that she's not used to wearing heels. Sami thanks her mom for letting her be a part of this. Marlena wonders where John is, and then receives a note from him. The note reads something to the effect of "To Marlena, the light of my life. I love you with every beat of my heart and bit of my soul. I will be yours forever, John. PS, everything is ready for the wedding, all you have to do is get dressed, and open your gift."

Marlena opens the gift, which is a new bracelet. Marlena says that she has her something old, her charm bracelet. Her dress is blue, and Sami gives her a medal of the holy family, which she got from Caroline, it can be her something borrowed. Marlena thanks her daughter, and Sami tells her mom that she and John deserve such a wonderful life together. Marlena begins to worry about John, who hasn't shown up. Austin tells her that there is no sign of John yet.

Eric and Lucas are arguing with each other. Lucas is telling Eric how he is buying his wife a two month anniversary gift, and soon he'll buy her maternity clothes. Eric knows Nicole doesn't love him, and he vows to prove he killed Franco and Kate helped him frame Sami. Lucas doesn't think he can do that when he can't even hold onto the woman he loves!

Bo shows up at Salem Place and tells Roman, Billie, and Greta how "Hope" ran him off the road and stole his keys. He had to hotwire his car to get back in to town. Bo is positive that "Hope" is under DiMera's control and both she and DiMera don't want this wedding to happen. Eric shows up and Billie wonders where John is, and why Eric isn't with him. Eric says that he went to meet "Hope" earlier.

In the woods, "Hope" hugs John and thanks him for coming. He asks her what is so important? "Hope" tells him that Stefano has left for Europe, so if he remembers the past they can bring Stefano down once and for all. John tells her to forget about the past and move forward with Bo and Shawn D. "Hope" tells John that she sees no future with Bo, and she doesn't even know if she can stay in Salem. John can't believe she is saying this. "Hope" says she will do whatever she has to to be with the ones she loves. John says he is going to do just that, but "Hope" stops him from leaving and says she has something to show him. "Hope" gives him a painting of himself and Marlena, one she painted herself. "Hope" tells him that she does want to see him happy. John thanks her and gives her a hug. "Hope" says she has something in her eye, and pulls out her compact. The glare blinds John, who falls to the ground in pain.

Craig and Nancy find Ali defacing a book of some sorts at the nurses' station. Claire shows up and asks what is going on. After Ali leaves, Craig shows Claire Ali's latest artwork. Craig says that Ali isn't playing with a full deck. Laura shows up at this point and asks who isn't playing with a full deck? Craig says he was referring to his wife, who is a wedding junkie. Craig introduces Laura to Claire, and the two share words. Claire tells Laura that this town will be appalled by the way her son treated her daughter.

Carrie is looking at a picture of her and Austin when Mike comes to see her. Carrie tells Mike that she doesn't want to see him hurt by Ali's lawsuit, but Mike assures her that Ali will never pass the psychiatric exam. Mike tells Carrie that maybe when this law suit is settled, they can plan their own wedding. Mike has to leave for the wedding, and Ali shows up to see Carrie. Ali accuses Carrie of only staying here to be close to her lover, and Mike will dump her like he dumped her. Carrie tells Ali that their relationship lasted all of two seconds, they weren't even close. Ali says they were as close as two people can be.

Mike breaks up a fight that was about to break out between Laura and Claire. Mike tells his mom to just enjoy her friend's wedding day. Laura wonders if the wedding will even happen, weddings in Salem are cursed. Craig and Nancy tells Mike that they are on his side, but Mike thinks that he will be fully exonerated. Laura says that Ali is unbalanced and the case probably won't make it to court. Nancy and Craig leave for the wedding, and Carrie tells Mike about her insane conversation with Ali. Mike is glad she came by and gives her a flower to wear, to remind her of their love.

The board tells Claire that they are ready to give Ali her evaluation, but Claire has no idea where Ali is. Ali is in Carrie's office playing with her Barbie, yelling at the doll to wipe that stupid grin off her face, and shoves tacks in her head!

Stefano is on his jet and is flying to Europe. Stefano is delighted that John will soon not know Marlena, and Salem will be rocked to the core by a pathetic failure. Stefano looks at a photograph of Marlena and tells her that her dreams will soon go up in smoke, but that is what she gets for loving John.

Kate finds Brandon relaxing in the living room and thinks he is the help. Kate asks him who the hell he is? Nicole shows up and says that he is her brother. Kate says she won't have her brother lounging half naked around her house, but Nicole says that Brandon lives here now. Kate says she decides who lives her, but Nicole says it was Lucas' idea. Kate tells Brandon to go guzzle his beer by the pool so she can talk to her daughter-in-law alone. Brandon leaves and Kate tells Nicole that her brother's stay is a temporary one, she doesn't run a home for unemployed in-laws. Nicole tells Kate to find Brandon a job at Titan. Kate tells her not to push it, and leaves for the wedding. Brandon returns and Nicole tells Brandon not to push Kate. Brandon knows something is going on and he asks Nicole why she really married Lucas. Nicole says she has feelings for Lucas, she couldn't marry someone she didn't care about. Lucas shows up and surprises Nicole with diamond earrings to go with her necklace.

Carrie shows up and is asked by Austin if she signed the papers. Carrie says no, and then tells Austin she is working at the hospital again. Austin sees Mike show up and tells Carrie that her boyfriend is here, and then walks off. Mike and Laura show up, and Laura tells Mike not to go to Carrie. Alice is glad to see that Mike is escorting his mother and not Carrie. Bo, Roman, and all the others show up, and Bo tells Abe to put an APB out on "Hope," she is working with DiMera to stop this weeding. Marlena worries that John has not arrived, and then worries some more when she learns that John is off somewhere with "Hope."

Abe learns that Stefano has left Salem, he has confirmed it. "Hope" arrives and Bo demands to know where John is. "Hope" acts shocked that John isn't here. Bo asks "Hope" what the hell is going on with her, is she following DiMera's orders? "Hope" tells Bo not to worry, John will be here very soon. "Hope" says she just wanted to tell John that Stefano has left the country, so he and Marlena can marry in peace. Bo says there is one small problem, John isn't here! Marlena confronts "Hope" and demands to know what she has done with John. Marlena asks where John is? John shows up and says he is right here, and if fine despite being a bachelor still. John says "Hope" just wanted to give them a wedding present, and tell him that Stefano has left the country. Bo turns to "Hope" and asks what in the hell is going on? "Hope" ignores him and suggests they all sit down. John says that is a good idea, they should get this show on the road. Before she walks down the isle, Roman tells Marlena that she is a beautiful bride, and Eric wishes her the best. Roman tells Marlena that he knows she will be very happy. Marlena hugs Roman and thanks him for their wonderful children, and that he'll always hold a special place in her heart. Sami asks her mom if she is ready to get married?

John waits at the altar as the procession starts. Eric takes his place by John's side, and Belle and Brady walk down the isle. Sami follows them, and finally Marlena walks down the aisle as the wedding march plays. When Marlena gets to the altar, John tells her that they made it. The priest announces that they are all here to join John and Marlena in holly matrimony, and John says "amen!"

Back in the woods, Rolf moans and groans in the bushes, he has been badly beaten up.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS

Tuesday, July 6, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

At the Penthouse Grill, John and Marlena's wedding is taking place. Alice asks God to bless John and Marlena today, to grant them the wedding they've always dreamed of, and the long and happy marriage they deserve. Belle, Brady, and Sami each walk down the isle, and Marlena enters when the wedding march is played. As Marlena walks down the isle, Gina glares at her. When the priest says they are here to join John and Marlena in holy matrimony, John lets out an "amen!" The priest asks God to bless this union now and forever more. The priest continues to speak, and says that when we think of a marriage in Salem we must think of the marriage of Tom and Alice Horton. The priest says that both John and Marlena would like to thank Alice and the late Tom Horton for providing them with guidance and inspiration. The camera shifts over to Alice, who thinks of Tom. The priest asks John if he takes Marlena to be his wife. John says I do. The priest asks Marlena if she takes John to be her husband, and she says I do. The service is then turned over to John and Marlena, who want to include the children in the ceremony. John and Marlena make a symbolic bouquet of their family, assigning a child to each flower. They then light the center candle of the bouquet to join their family together. The audience then reads from First Corinthians. Marlena and John then recite the vows they prepared. After the vows, they exchange rings, and the priest pronounces them husband and wife. Everyone applauds and John lets out a "we did it!" They kiss, and the priest introduces Mr. and Mrs. John Black. As the wedding pictures are taken, the photographer asks Mr. Black to look at his bride. Marlena says "that would be me!" and does a happy dance.

As everyone celebrates, Gina's heart breaks. She recalls John promising her that they would be married once they got away from Stefano. In a flashback, John asks Gina to marry him and if she does, he promises they will live happily ever after. Gina tells John not to worry, she isn't giving up on them. Bo asks "Hope" what is wrong, she's crying? "Hope" says she is just being sentimental, but Bo says these are tears of sadness. Bo asks her what happened between her and John today. "Hope" says she doesn't have to answer that question and leaves to grab herself a drink or two.

John tells Belle and Brady that they were great today, and suggests they go have a food fight with Will. Caroline tells Shawn how moving the ceremony was. Shawn says the only thing that would be more moving if is they said their vows again, right now. Shawn tells Caroline that he loves her and he knows he doesn't say it enough, but his dearest wish is to spend many many more years loving her and being with her. Caroline tells him that he may not be a man of flowery words, but she loves him with all her heart and soul and prays that the love they share can be a shining example to their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. The two then kiss. Mickey tells Maggie that their second ceremony was so much happier for them, and he hopes it is the same for John and Marlena. Maggie says that is because they knew what it was like to love and lose. They then remember their own wedding vows. Abe tells Lexie that she is more beautiful than the day they said I do. Roman tells Eric that he made it through the wedding, and Austin tells Roman that he couldn't go to Carrie and Mike's wedding. Eric introduces Mr. and Mrs. John Black. Meanwhile, Bo tells "Hope" to slow it down with the drinks, he knows her limit. "Hope" tells him that he knows nothing about her, and Bo says she's right. Alice asks "Hope" if she needs another drink? "Hope" says good question, the answer is no, of course not. Sami tells Carrie that this is the song Austin used to play for her, and she threw it all away. Carrie goes out to the terrace and is soon joined by Austin, who hands her a flower.

Bo tells Vivian and Celeste about the explosion at the townhouse, and how Hope had something to do with it. John asks his aunt if she's overdoing it? Vivian says no, and she tells him the ceremony was beautiful. Celeste wishes them all the best. John wants his aunt to make it through the reception, so he asks Celeste to find Vivian a seat. Bo asks John what happened with him and "Hope" earlier? John says that she just wanted to tell him that Stefano had left the country, and she gave him a portrait. Meanwhile, Gina is in the bathroom saying how she loves John, and watching him marry that woman today was agony, like a knife piercing her heart. Outside, Billie is shocked by what she heard.

Back at the reception, Eric makes a toast to John and Marlena. After the toast, John and Marlena kiss to the sound of thundering applause.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS

Wednesday, July 7, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

The reception continues at the penthouse grill with everyone, but Gina, having a good time. Sami tells her dad that she's proud of him for supporting mom and John. Roman tells her that he just wants her mom to be happy.

Marlena talks with Bo and tells him that she and John made it this far, so maybe he and Hope can. Bo is doubtful and says that the woman he has been committed to for most of her life is no longer with them. In the bathroom, Gina looks into her compact and says she doesn't know if she can live the rest of her life without John. She then starts screaming "Damn him!" referring to Stefano. She rubs the compact over herself to remember John's warmth and love. She then breaks down in tears, unaware that Billie was in the stall. Maggie enters the bathroom and asks "Hope" if she is all right? "Hope" says she just had a lash in her eye. Maggie says the wedding was so beautiful and perhaps this will be a new era of weddings in Salem, couples making it to the "I do's!" "Hope" leaves and Billie enters, and Maggie tells Billie about "Hope's" odd behavior.

John surprises Marlena with the wedding cake, which has Marlena and John dolls on it. John and Marlena cut the cake and feed each other. The first real piece of cake is given to Alice, and Marlena thanks her for inspiring them with her enduring marriage. They both kiss Alice on the forehead.

Mike is down because he doesn't know where Carrie is. Nancy and Craig once again tell Mike that they support him. Mike is about to go find Carrie when John makes an announcement. John has a surprise for Marlena, and he sings a song to her. John then asks Celeste to sing a song for them, which she does beautifully. John and Marlena dance the first dance to Celeste's song, and half-way through everyone else joins in. John and Marlena are thrilled to see Bo and "Hope" dancing. "Hope" tells Marlena that she really is happy for her and apologizes for being a pain the past few months. She pushes for info on the honeymoon, but John says he's not saying a word. Marlena begs for a hint when they are alone, and shouts out her guess, "Hawaii!" John tells her to shush, but it's too late because Gina has overheard.

Carrie is on the balcony with Austin. Carrie doesn't want to fight with him tonight at this beautiful wedding. They both remember their wedding day. Carrie tells Austin that she feels horrible for betraying him and doesn't know what else she can say. She says he obviously wants her to suffer for the rest of her life, which is what she deserves. Carrie goes to leave, but Austin stops her and asks her not to go. Austin says he doesn't mean to be mean, it just comes out that way. Carrie wonders how they got to this point. Austin says they had it all, but she let it go.

Austin says that when he realized he was pushing her into Mike's arms, he ran to Vegas, but it was too late. Carrie wonders how John and Marlena were able to hang in there, it makes you believe in the power of love. Carrie tells Austin that she never stopped loving him, never. Austin says that is what makes this harder to deal with. Carrie tells Austin that she thought he had given up on them and she'd never see him again, but Austin says she is the one who gave up. Carrie says she didn't file for divorce, but Austin says it was the only move he could make. Carrie asks Austin if he really wants this marriage to be over? Austin asks her to ask him if he wanted to see her in bed with Mike, and in his arms?

Austin says no, he didn't want any of it, and sorry doesn't get rid of the images in his head. Austin tells her that he believed her when she promised to love him and forsake all others, and he doesn't know if he can ever believe her again. Carrie says that she wishes with all of her heart that . . . . Suddenly, Sami shows up and breaks up the little meeting. Sami apologizes for interrupting, and runs off. Austin decides to go after Sami, but Austin asks him to wait. Austin tells her that she's said it all, it's finished.

Carrie goes inside and wishes John and Marlena all the happiness in the world. John says they have to bow out to go on the honeymoon, but they have to throw the garter and bouquet. Eric catches the garter, and gets a hug from Billie. Marlena throws the bouquet and Sami catches it. John and Marlena thank them all and asks them to stay and have a great time. Billie confronts "Hope" and tells her that she knows she's in love with John, she heard her in the ladies room! Bo interupts and asks what is going on? Billie tells Bo that "Hope" has been lying to him, and she has the real silver compact and has been lying about it. "Hope" tries to walk off, but Billie refuses to her leave. "Hope" accuses Billie of using an innocent child's death for her personal gain, and Bo believed the sociopath over her.

Bo tells "Hope" that they are worried about her, and Alice tells "Hope" that Bo is trying to help her. "Hope" accuses Bo of wanting to control her, and he only wants what he wants when he wants it. She accuses Bo of wanting her to forget about Billie and just marry him like nothing happened, but she can't. She tells Bo that it is over for good! "Hope" accuses everyone of being on Bo's side, all of them! Alice tells her that her friends have tried to help her, but "Hope" says all they really want is to make sure nothing in their perfect little world ever changes. "Hope" tells Bo that he walked away from her when she needed him the most, and now she doesn't need him. "Hope" tells Bo to go to hell, and that goes for the rest of them. "Hope" then walks out, however, Billie manages to get the compact from Hope's purse and says it is the original because it has the scratches she placed on it. Bo finally realizes "Hope" has been lying. Billie also tells Bo that she heard "Hope" say John gave this to her as a gift, which means that she is Princess Gina again.

Mike finds Carrie outside alone and asks if something happen with Austin. Carrie says that Austin no longer believes in her, that is all. Mike tells her that she'll never have to go through another night like this alone because he will be with her. Carrie says that she has been so selfish, and maybe it's not too late to save her marriage to Austin. Mike tells her that she's a good person, but Carrie says she broke promises to her husband. Mike tells her that her husband has filed for divorce, but Carrie says she hasn't signed the papers and can't until she has tried everything to save her marriage. Mike tells her that she can't make a marriage work by herself, Austin wants this marriage to be over. Mike promises her that she'll never have to go through something like this again, he will never leave. Mike says they should leave, but Carrie tells him not to pressure her. She says she has to be alone, and leaves.

John and Marlena board John's jet, where a bed awaits them. John kisses her and tells her that their honeymoon has just begun! John and Marlena fall onto the bed and make love.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS

Thursday, July 8, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

Carrie nervously enters a confessional booth and tells the priest that she has sinned. When the priest asks what she has done, she says that she committed a moral sin and broke the commandment Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. She continues, saying that she has never had to confess something this major, and that she did not enter into the adulterous relationship on a whim. She asks if God can forgive her and the priest reassures her that if she is truly repentant, God will forgive her. He asks her if she and her husband have considered getting counseling, but Carrie says that she does not think Austin would go. The priest says that divorce will only compound her situation and that she must do everything in her power to save her marriage. He then asks if she can give up the other man, and Carrie says that she's not sure, because in her heart, she loves both men.

At the penthouse, Austin and Sami are spending time with Will. When the boy leaves, Sami says that she does not want to give him back to Lucas. Austin is in another world of his own, and admits to Sami that he is thinking of Carrie. He tells her that the time they talked at the wedding was the first time they actually listened to each other. Austin continues saying that Carrie is not over Mike, but he can tell that she still loves him. This does not please Sami, but she doesn't say anything.

Bo stops by Lily's place and updates her on the fact that Stefano has been controlling Hope and turned her back into Princess Gina. He wants to talk to Hope, so Lili goes to wake her up. Lili rushes out, saying that she's gone...all her clothes are gone, too. Bo worries and is about to check over at Grans when he spies a note addressed to him and in Hope's handwriting. He reads the note in which Hope claims to have gone to Europe. Furthermore, Hope requests that no one follow her.

On his private jet, Stefano is upset to learn that John and Marlena were married earlier. As he is yelling at Bart as to how this could happen, his phone rings. It's Rolf, who is still recovering from the attack. Rolf says that all he knows is that Gina lured John to the remote place, blinded him with the light reflecting off the compact and then the next thing Rolf knows, he's been unconscious and John and Gina are gone. Stefano is furious, when Rolf says that he does not know where John or Gina are. Upon hearing this, Stefano decides to return to Salem.

A limo drives up to a swanky Hawaiian hotel, where John and Marlena are going to spend their honeymoon. John carries his bride over the threshold and the two make love. Later, John brings out some strawberries and pineapple with whipped cream. The two feed each other and end up in bed again. Later, John and Marlena relax on the beach in Hawaii. He begins to recite the poem, "How do I love thee, let me count the ways", and Marlena finishes it for him. As they frolic on the beach, John hears a woman screaming from the water. We see someone in the distance, and they appear to be drowning. John jumps into the water and swims out to help the mystery person.

At her home, Ali is talking to her "Carrie doll." She rips off one of the arms and falls into a chair, laughing hysterically. The doorbell rings, and it's Nancy, who has come to check up on Ali. Ali says that she did well at the psych evaluation and that there won't be any problem. In fact, at the evaluation, Ali says, Carrie was there trying to mess her up. Nancy looks at her oddly and says that Carrie was at the wedding. Ali doesn't really listen and says that to punish Carrie, Ali put her in her purse the entire time she was taking the test. Ali vows that she has a big surprise for Carrie, because it was Carrie that poisoned Mike against Ali.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Craig is pretending to support Mike in his time of crisis. Craig wonders if Mike and Carrie are going to fight this together. Mike feigns ignorance, but Craig tells him it's pretty obvious what is going on between the two of them...they were making eye contact at the wedding and the whole Las Vegas trip was a giveaway. Mike does not say much, and Craig continues by saying that sleeping with a married woman, along with the lawsuit, is providing a ill-advised scandal for Mike. Mike receives a phone call and learns that Ali did pass the psych exam. This stuns him, and Craig is smiling. Mike leaves and Craig gives Nancy a call. He tells her that Ali did pass the exam. Nancy is stunned, because she is looking at Ali, who is attacking the "Carrie voodoo doll." She says she doesn't know how Claire did it, but this is wonderful news for them.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 1999 on DAYS

Friday, July 9, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

Sami hands the phone to Austin and tells him it's Carrie on the line. Carrie wants to meet with him, but Austin tells her that they said everything last night and that he's focusing on Sami and Will. After he hangs up, Sami tells him that her time on death row has made her see that life is precious. Therefore, she does not want Austin to look back on the choices he's made and have regrets. Sami finishes by saying he should see Carrie and talk to her. A dejected Carrie pulls out the divorce papers and is about to sign them when her cell phone rings. Austin agrees to meet her at Salem Place. A while later, he arrives and surmises that she's signed the divorce papers. Carrie says she has not because she does not want to end their marriage. Austin tells Carrie that they don't have a marriage so he wants a divorce. Carrie counters saying that she went to confession and believes with her whole heart and soul that they have a marriage worth saving. They had true love, and she wants to get it back. She suggests that they see a marriage counselor, and she asks Austin if he would go with her.

Stefano is at Salem airport when Rolf calls. He updates his boss on Gina's outburst at the wedding (which Rolf overheard Nicholas and Vivian talking about.) The incident last night reminded Rolf of New Year's Eve 1985 party in which the real Princess Gina told off the entire guest list because she was so despondent over the loss of Father John. Stefano recalls the incident and says that it was because of the real Gina's manic depression that he transplanted all of Gina's feelings and memories into Hope so that the art thefts could continue. Stefano continues saying the real Gina survived the transition. Stefano worries that since Hope is a much stronger person with a mind of her own, this Gina will cause trouble. He orders Rolf to gather his men and begin searching for Gina.

At the Java Cafe, Greta, Billie and Eric are there for Bo who tells them about Hope's devastating note. The four gather that Stefano has programmed Gina and has been controlling her for the past few months. That's why Hope has been desperate to be with John, because the real Gina was in love with Father John. Bo gets a call, and moves away. Greta updates Billie and Eric about her mother's love for Father John. Greta said that when she would ask her mother if she was in love with Father John, Gina would deny it. But it was apparent when Greta returned from boarding school. In the memory, Gina is lying in bed, depressed. Greta, just a child, wonders where Father John is. Gina begins to cry and says that Greta will be staying with someone in New Orleans now. When Greta protests, Gina says that she does not know how she will survive and she does not want her darling daughter to be alone. Greta comes back to reality and says that is the last time she ever saw her mother. When Billie says that Gina's love for John was just a program, Greta says no, it was genuine true love, one that only happens once in a lifetime.

Bo returns and says he heard from his art expert. The man said that the seascape painting was actually painted only a few days ago. This confirms his suspicions that Stefano took the woman he loved and transformed her into a monster. He rushes off to confront him. On Stefano's plane, Bo tells the old man that he knows about Hope's tranformation into Gina!

John rushes into the water to save the drowning person. He reaches the person, but they have moved behind some rocks, so Marlena's view of them is obscured. The person calling for help injects John which makes him unconscious. A second diver arrives with a net and an extra tank and mask. They hook John up to the extra oxygen, place him in the net and swim away. After some time, they swim up to a waiting submarine. They take the still unconscious John into the sub. Now there are three people, who carry John into a bedroom. As they leave, another woman comes's Gina!

Meanwhile, Marlena decides to climb the rocks to try to keep an eye on John. She tells a passing jogger to get help. As Marlena continues to climb, other locals tell her that its dangerous and she could fall over and hit the rocks. Marlena is frantic now, because she still has not been able to spot John. She makes it to the top of the cliff, looks down at the swirling water, and does not see him. She looks upward and screams, "NO!"

On the bed in the sub, Gina begins the transformation to the Old John. She's even got a calendar from July 1985. Gina is primping at the mirror, when John begins to waken. She joins him on the bed, and as his eyes focus, he asks if it is really her. She says it is, and John sits up. He looks around, gets up and says that she is using the submarine! Gina is astonished, and confirms it. She says that now they are together and no one, including Stefano, will tear them apart. John takes her into his arms and tells her she is the most exciting woman and begins kissing her.

Back on the beach, Marlena looks into the water and says that John is not dead. She cries for him to come back to her.

Edited by SC Desk
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