Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, November 24

by Soap Central

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Jack and T.C. show up at the hotel room where Travis was keeping Jen, butthey are long gone.Jack tells T.C. to tell him where Jen and Travis are but he says he has noidea. Jack looks aroundand finds a bag a wig came in and realizes they are in disguise. Jack tellsT.C. to call Travis on hiscell phone but Travis refuses to answer it. Jack decides to call Bo and tellhim that Jen is in disguise.Bo keeps Jack on the line and tells him that Stefano has admitted Peter isalive. Jack thinks he is offthe hook, but Bo tells Jack that Jack is still a wanted man because theydon't have the evidence toprove it. Bo asks Jack to turn himself in but Jack refuses and hangs up.Jack tells T.C. they aregoing to look for Jen again, and Jack drags T.C. out to the car.

A cop stops Travis and Travis tells Jen if she acts funny he'll kill thecop. The cop asks Travis tostep out of the car so he does. The police offer gives Travis a lecture onhis broken tail light. Travispromises to fix it so the police officer lets him go. Travis hides Jen insome building (I didn't get tosee/hear what it was). Jen scribbles a help note on a piece of paper withsome charcoal orsomething and she throws it out the window. Travis returns for Jen and takesher back to the car.

At the Station Stefano admits Peter is alive when he suddenly gets a callfrom Peter! Stefano tries toget rid of Peter who wants to know where Jen is. Stefano says he does nothave Jen and he hangsup on him. John, Bo, and Abe continue to question Stefano when they learnRoman is beingreleased. John leaves and Bo asks John to tell Roman he'll be by to see himas soon as possible.Abe lets Stefano and Kristen go and Stefano.

At the hospital Dr. Brock tells everyone that Roman is ready to go home.Everyone is happy,especially Roman who thinks he has a second chance with Marlena! Sami thinksRoman is going tostay at the pub, but Roman informs her he's staying at Marlena's penthouse!Marlena tells him theydon't have to move so fast and Roman says she's right, they have their wholelives to be together.Marlena leaves to do something so Carrie and Sami stay with Roman. Outsidethe room Marlenaand Kim agree that they can't tell him the truth until he's fully recovered.Sami comes out of theroom and yells at her mother for stringing her father along. Carrie tries tostop Sami from yelling atMarlena but Sami doesn't stop screaming. Marlena assures Sami that as longas Roman is at thepenthouse then she and John will not be together. Suddenly John shows upbehind Marlena andhears this! Marlena tells John that she didn't mean they wouldn't betogether, she just wanted toreassure Sami that they have Roman's best interest at heart. John doesn'tcare and says if Romanmoves into the penthouse he should be told the truth. Marlena says no, Romanisn't strong enoughyet. Marlena promises that she'll tell Roman the truth after the holidays,then they can be together.Marlena leaves to sign Roman's release papers and Sami decides to tell herfather the truth to sparehim the pain.

Back in Roman's room Kim suggests that he slow down with the marriagebusiness and giveMarlena a little more time. Roman thinks that is a good idea because nowthey can fall in love evenmore. Later Stefano stops by to see Roman. Stefano flaunts his freedom inRoman's face, butRoman reminds Stefano that he hasn't forgiven him. Stefano then tells Romanabout the little bloodtransfusion and that his blood is running through Roman's veins! Roman doesnot like this at all andstarts yelling at Stefano. Kim comes in and asks what is going on. Stefanosays he only showed upto wish Roman well and then he leaves. Roman asks Kim why nobody told himabout the bloodtransfusion. Kim cries that they were afraid he'd react this way. All theycared about was keepinghim alive.

Kristen and Stefano return home. Kristen thinks that Roman is moving back inwith her, but Ericshows up to tell Kristen that he's here to get his father's things becausehe's moving into Marlena's.Kristen is thrilled with this idea because she thinks John will move back inwith her. Eric tells Kristento dream on if she thinks John will give her the time of day. Eric andKristen argue, but the one thingthey can agree on is that they both want Marlena to fall back in love withRoman.

Eric returns to the hospital where Sami tells Eric that she is going to telltheir dad the truth. Ericstops Sami and tells her that if Marlena and Roman live together they mightrekindle their love andremarry. Sami thinks he has a point, so she doesn't tell Roman.

Roman is released and thanks John for what he did. John tells Roman he hopeshe gets well whenKristen suddenly shows up. Roman thanks Kristen for everything she's doneand says she and Johncan have some time alone now that he's moving into the penthouse withMarlena. Roman andMarlena leave and Kristen asks John if he's moving back to the DiMeramansion. John just says"May as well." Marlena, Carrie, Eric, Sami, and Mike take Roman toMarlena's penthouse. WhenRoman and Marlena alone Roman plants a big kiss on her!

In the jungle Peter remembers all the good times he had with Jen. Peterdecides to check theinternet again and this time he learns that Jack has escaped as well.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, November 25

by Soap Central

The show opens with Hope going to Alice for advice on what to do concerningthe Bo/Billiesituation. Alice asks her "What does your heart believe?" Hope wants to knowwhere to go fromhere and Alice tells her to trust her heart. Franco is outside the windowwatching/eavesdropping.Hope tells her that she fears that Bo has fallen back in love with Billie.Franco finally makes hispresence known and Hope lets him in. Alice shows up with a music box(playing Somewhere Overthe Rainbow) that Bo gave her a long time ago. She explains that Bo alwaysgave her music boxesand this is the first one he ever gave her. Alice reminds her that she andBo share a lot of memories.Alice excuses herself to turn in, but Hope decides to go for a walk. Francoasks if he can join herand she agrees (He thinks to himself that he will NOT give her up to Bo).They go for a walk(where else?) on the pier and he works on her insecurities and tries toconvince her that Bo andBillie are really in love. He tells Hope that his love for his real andpulls her close, hugging her. Bowalks up and sees them kissing.

Kate and Billie talk about the Hope/Bo situation and Kate comforts her. Sheinvites Billie and Bo tomove in with her. Billie is really insecure and Kate senses that every timeBo is mentioned Billie getsthis funny look. Kate comments about Billie looking pale and losing weight.She says thatit's due to a number of poisoning, Jen's kidnapping andBo/Hope. Billie tells her thatshe is afraid that the only reason Bo is with her is that he thought Hopewas with Franco and now heknows it isn't true. Kate's advice? stick close to Bo and not let himbe alone with Hope. Billie agrees and decides to go see Boat the station.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Sami is looking at her blackmail information wonderingwhat everyone wouldthink if they knew the truth. Lucas shows up and Sami crams the stuff in adrawer (droppingsomething on the floor). He sees it and demands to know what Sami has onKate. He tries to snatchit from her but she stuffs it down her blouse (like he hasn't been THEREbefore). He rails her out for claiming to be a caring mother while doing allthese horrible things. Sami says everyone hates herand Lucas reminds her that she has only herself to blame. She asks him ifthey can put the past asideand talks about how close they once were. He says he can never forgive herfor lying about Will.Later in the show, we see Sami rocking and humming to Will (as Lucas walksup). He seems tosoften a bit toward her. Sami says she doesn't want his life ripped apartlike hers was. Kate showsup (to check on Will) and Sami informs her that she and Lucas have decidedto be civil andwonders why they can't get along as well. Kate demands she hand over theblackmail info. Samisays she will not give up until she gets what she wants....Austin AND Titan!Kate and Lucas bothsay over their dead bodies. Both tell her that she should concentrate onbeing a mother to will. AfterKate stomps off, Lucas tells her that someday, when Will is older, he willwonder why no one likesher and she has no friends and what will she do then. He tells her that ifshe's not careful, somedayshe will end up alone and bitter.

Bo and Abe rehash the kidnapping and Peter being alive and Jack's escape.Abe informs Bo thatthey have extradited Max from Italy and that Billie may have to testifyagainst him. Abe suggests thatRoman may be able to help them out on the case, but Bo discourages him, theyshould let him rest.They talk about Jack's quest to save Jen and the conversation turns towardBo's feeling that Hopewas in danger. He recalls what Kate told him about Hope and Franco being onvacation andwonders why she told him that.He talks about Hope'sstrength and courage. Abe says "And then, there's Billie." Bo says "Yea, andI'm married to her"(LOL!) Right on cue, Billie shows up and wants to talk to Bo. Bo says theyare busy, but Abeexcuses himself. He tells her about Max and she is upset. Bo says not toworry yet, they may haveenough on him that she won't have to testify. Sheasks him to come home,but he's not sure WHERE home is. She reminds him of the love he professedfor her in Rome, buthe tells her that finding Jen is what is important right now. She takes thehint and leaves. Later, Boconfides to Abe that he "cares" about Billie but can't move in with her. Heneeds some time alone tothink and sort things out so he goes for a walk...that is where he spiesHope & Franco.

Billie comes home to find Sami alone in her room in the dark having a pityparty. Sami talks abouthow hard it is to live down the past. Billie identifies with her and Samitalks about how Austin oncecared for her after her accident. Billie relates and talks about how Bocared for her when she was"sick." Sami says it feels good to have an honest conversation with someoneand Billie says they dohave a lot in common. Samiis shocked that Billie isbeing nice to her. Billie excuses herself and Sami thanks her. Outside, inthe hallway, Billie thinksabout how Bo was nice to her when she was on heroin...almost like she has tobe threatened forhim to care about her. Inside, Sami vows to make all her dreams come true.

At DiMansion, John has his bag packed and is heading out. Kristen asks himto stay. He asks her ifshe has "totally lost her mind" after all that she has done. He puts out thecandles with his fingers and she asks him if he thinks her dress is sexy.John says "Goodbye" and turns on his heel. But shepleads her case and says even though she has done terrible things, she HASdone some good...likebring Roman home. John tells her that she has turned into quite the "littlespin doctor." She says sheis sorry that things aren't working out with Marlena and Johnhas a fantasy sequencewith him and Marlena at the penthouse. They sit down and John just stares athis food as Kristeneats. John defends Marlena's actions and Kristen tells him that he's lettinghis goodness get in theway of reality and that Marlena is going to give in to Roman eventually andhe's going to lose herforever. He tells her to stop trying to drive a wedge between him andMarlena, but she says thatRoman has already done that...who knows what could happen next. Johnexplodes and says hemight as well be alone. As he storms off, Kristen begs him to stay. Shewants to know where he isgoing and he tells her it is none of her business and stomps out the door.After he leaves, she smilesand says "Well, it's enough to build on."

At the penthouse, Marlena seems to have recovered from Roman's facialassault. He hopes hedidn't move to fast. She flashes to the doctor's warnings and tells him notto worry. There are someawkward moments between them. He asks her if she really likes the penthouseand she confirms it.They even discuss their old house (next to Alice's) and he asks her why shesold it. She said too many memories. He suggests they make newmemories. Romansees a picture of John and questions her, but Marlena tells him that shehelped Belle take thatpicture and they were proud of it. Marlena turns on some music and Romansuggests theydance...she suggests not (he needs to take it easy). But he persists andthey do. Kim and Carolineshow up with food (all of Roman's favorites...even some chowder). Kim takesthe opportunity toask Marlena how it's going and Marlena tells her it's awkward. Roman thanksKim for her adviceearlier and she says he looks tired. Kim and Caroline prepare to leave andCaroline tells Marlena tocall her if she needs to talk and Marlena agrees. Marlena offers to showRoman to his room and hesenses she is tense. He tells her it will all come in time. She tells himgood night and sweet dreams.He tells her "this is what I will be dreaming of" and grabs her and kissesher again. He apologizes (asshe clutches her necklace) and says that soon they will be together "as aman and wife should be."(barf) Abe calls and asks for his help (if he is up for it) and he isexcited and agrees. Marlena tries tostop him, but he takes off. He kisses her on the cheek and rushes off. AsMarlena turns off the lights and heads for bed, there is a knock at thedoor. She opens the door tofind...John. He says "I know I shouldn't be here, but I wanted to make sureyour last thought tonightwas of me." They kiss and he turns and leaves. Marlena stands in the doorwaysmiling

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, November 26

by Soap Central

It's morning in Salem. Carrie wakes up to Austin kissing her neck. He tellsher that he just talkedwith Mike and still no news about Jen. He got home late last night as hisplane was delayed and feltbad he couldn't be there to comfort her about Jen's kidnapping (that's ok,Dr, Mike did a goodjob). They appreciate being with each other after what's going on with Jack& Jen. Austin bringsCarrie breakfast in bed. She can't think of a more perfect way to start herday. Austin said he can,by making a baby. She said, yes, but not right away. She suggests they takeWill to the zoo thisweekend instead. Carrie and Austin talk about her starting up her ownPR division at Titan. She looks for her CW lipstick in her purse (a PRperson has to wearthe companie's products). She is happy that she won't have to worry aboutrunning into Sami atTitan at least (that must be a clue!)

At DiMansion, Stefano and Kristen talk about Susan. He said Susan would nothave found out hewas the father if she (Kristen) hadn't messed up. Peter calls Stefano andStefano asks Kristen tolet him have privacy with the call. She said she wanted to go shoppinganyway and struts out.Stefano tells Peter that Travis took Jen, he doesn't know why. Stefanotells Peter he can't helphim as the police are watching him very carefully. Peter wipes his foreheadand is anxious for Jen to see his pretty new necklace he got suckered into.

Lucas and Kate resort to coffee at Salem Place l to get away from Sami. Samiis also shopping atSalem Place. Her new plan requires a whole new wardrobe (oh no, not at TitanI hope). In his suitand tie, Lucas warns Kate that Sami's going to expose Kate, but he thinks hehas a way to diffuseSami. Lucas said Sami wants back his friendship as they use to be real tightand he was herconfident. She's not working or going to school, so Will's the only one whoputs up with her. Katesaid Sami is too pleased with the power over Kate to give it up. Sami walksup and Lucas said hewas wrong, he though Sami was a human being. Sami says to Kate that shedoesn't want everyoneto know that she was a call girl and slept her way to the top (aha, we wereright!). Kate tells her togo ahead and blackmail her resume, at least she won't have to spend anotherwretched momentwith her and walks away. Later in her office, Kate tells Lucas she calledSami's bluff. Kate said ifshe destroys her, Sami won't have anything left. She won't have any leverageover Kate, no roofover her head, etc. She said Sami is an arrogant little tramp. Lucas said heunderestimated Sami'scapabilities for revenge. Lucas suggests they kick Sami out that. Austin andCarrie walk in. Austin suggests that he and Lucas step out so Carrie andKate can have theirmeeting. Outside Kate's office, Lucas and Austin talk about Sami. Lucastells him he thought he sawa vulnerable side of Sami last night, but he was wrong. Austin tells him asmuch as he misses Will,he's glad Lucas is his father. Surprise, Carrie and Kate come out andannounce that Carrie is thenew head of their PR division. Kate and Lucas tell C & A they came up with away to knock thewind out of Sami's sails. Sami's thinking the same thing at Salem Place. Shepicks up a magazineand says it may be the solution to her problem. Kate, Carrie, Lucasand Austin go backinto Kate's office and toast Carrie's new title with champagne. Kate answersthe phone and dropsher champagne.

Kristen looks at a picture of John and Brady saying very soon they'll all beback together again.Stefano slithers in and Kristen tells him John was there last night andvery soon she'll have himback

At the convent (still in stocking hat, but one that matches her sweater)Susan remembers Stefano'sthreat to get her about telling her he's Elvis's father. She tells Elvis shefeels safe at Aunt Sissy'sconvent. She holds up a cross to keep the vampires away though, just incase. Susan wantsbreakfast, but remembers that peanut butter and banana sandwich. Sissycomes in and assuresher she's safe there. She looks out and sees Sissy with her flock of nuns.She fantasizes thatStefano is in disguise in a habit and comes in to take Elvis. She tellsElvis she'll never eat anotherone of those sandwiches. Susan prays for God's protection over her andlittle Elvis. She hears adoor opening and wonders if it's a sign, but nope, it's Kristen. Susan holdsup the cross and backsup.

Jen and Travis are driving, still on the way to. Jen hopes someone findsthe note she wrote. She asks Travis to let her call home and hear Abby'svoice (she's not homeJen). Jen calls Abby. She and Grandma are making pies. Trying tohint something to Abby,she asks her to have Grandma read her their favorite story, the one aboutthe "burro" (they're nearthe Grand Canyon it says on the map that Travis is looking at). Abby saidthat Snow White is herfavorite story. Jen tells her to read the one about the burro and tells herwhere the book is. Travistells her later to hang up and he uses the phone. Jen remembers the burrostory and it takes place inthe Grand Canyon. Travis calls Bart and threatens he better tell Peter tocall him if he ever wants tosee his precious Jennifer alive. A man comes up and asks when they're goingto be off the phone, hehas to call his old lady. He has a newspaper in his pocket and we see Travisand Jen's picture on thefront page (will the man connect what he overheard and the picture?)

Jack and TC are on the same road it looks like. TC tells Jack they need gas.Jack said ok, but don'ttry anything funny. Jack sees a surveillance camera and hides in the cornerwhile TC pays for thegas. Wouldn't you know it, a man walks in with a gun to rob the gas stationright after TC goes tothe counter to pay for the gas. Jack rushes up and grabs the man and fightswith him (on camera ofcourse). Sockem' wackem', Jack knocks the bad guy out. Surprise, TC is goneThe gas stationowner and his wife thank Jack and get a rope to tie up the hold-up manbefore he wakes up. Jackasks to use their phone (right behind the counter is a 11x14" WANTED sign ofJack). On a pier,Peter remembers talking to Stefano learning he doesn't have Jen. Hepromises Jen (to himself) thathe'll find her so they can be together. A mosquito bites Peter (they wantedus to see it happen Iguess). A man hocking expensive looking jewelry approaches Peter on the pierto sell him anecklace. Peter comments about the mosquito bite hurting and breathingharder than usual, callsBart. He asks for Travis Malloy's number. He looks at the Sapphire necklaceand gets groggy.

Stefano walks into the nursery and sees the picture of his son. He saysKristen will not interferewith his plans for Elvis, or she will answer to him. Susan and Kristen aretalking at the convent aboutthe DiMera curse. Kristen said the only way to break the curse is to giveElvis to her.

Jack calls Abby and she tells him Jen called. He asks her what Mommy saidand she tells him aboutthe burro story. He remembers the book and the little burro goes to theGrand Canyon. Jack thanksthe gas station owner and sees the poster. The owner calls the police andtells them first about thehold up attempt and then about the note he found in the ladies room. A ladynamed Jennifer Hortonsaid she was kidnapped and heading west and the car license plate #. Jackmemorizes the numberand leaves. He goes out to get in his car. We see TC with a hose in his hand(hubby said brakehose) and fluid on the ground. Later Jack can't stop the car. Jen and Travisare driving and hiscellphone rings (sure has a good battery in that phone, did he bring hischarger with him or a newbattery?). Peter's calling. Peter asks to speak with Jen. Peter tells herhe's happy to hear her voiceand he'll never let her go once he sees her again.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, November 27

by Soap Central

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, Days of our Lives will not air today.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, November 28

by Soap Central

Kate hangs up the phone and they all ask her what is wrong. She says it'snothing and for Austinand Carrie to go and have a celebratory lunch. They leave her alone withLucas and he figures thatSami must be up to something. She confirms this and Lucas tells her that nomatter what he willalways love her and not to about him and his loyalty. She is appreciativebut has a dream where Carrie,Austin and Lucas find out her secrets and tell her they hate her and that they neverwant to see her again. Sheheads off the see what she can do to stop Sami who is at Salem Place meetingwith a reporter forthe Intruder. She tells the guy there is more to come and he is a very happyman. Stefanoano is hearingall this and comments about Sami being so resourceful. He says that Kristenused to be like that atone time but she has changed. Kate catches up with the reporter andthreatens him but he pays herno attention and heads off to start the presses. Kate says the only thingshe can do is tell her familybefore they see it in print. At Titan, Carrie and Austin have returned when Lucas callsthem back. He tells themthat Sami is blackmailing Kate and they are not surprised but say thatnothing will change their loveand support for her. As on cue, Kate opens the door and says she is glad andneeds to tell themwhat it is. As she starts someone comes in with mail that includes theIntruder ( boy those pressessure ran fast). Sorry but I can't see the headline so Laney or Linda willhave to tell you what it is butwhatever it is must not be that awful because they say it's no big deal andthey don't care what shedoes with the company. Kate says there is something she needs to take careof and goes to anotheroffice to find Sami strutting around saying this office will do her justfine. She threatens Kate andsays this is just a warning and she better give in to her demands. Katereturns to her office to findLucas still there who knows that Sami didn't show the real dirt on Kate.Kate admits it's true andLucas gets fired up. He calls Sami a bitch and says that it's time someonemade her pay and heldsomething over her head. He storms off to see Sami and let her know how hefeels about this wholemess.

At the convent, Kristen is visiting with Susan and telling her that if sheloves Elvis she should let herraise him. Susan tells her she is not only mean, mean, mean but she is offher rocker too that she willnever let her have Elvis. Kristen tells Susan that if Stefano raises Elvis hewill be just a evil as him andthat she can protect Elvis from Stefano's influences. Susan says that noKristen is mean and even thoughshe is not a true DiMera she is just as mean. Kristen says that she doesn'thave DiMera blood in herbut Elvis does and she should raise him to protect him - it's the only thingto do. Kristen tries to putfear in Susan and leaves her to think about things. With Kristen gone, Susantakes a nap and has adream about Stefano and Elvis. In the dream Kristen walks up with a bundle andtells Susan to lookwhat has happened to Elvis since Stefano had influences over him and opens theblanket to reveal achild's head with horns coming out it's head. Susan screams and Stefanocomes out alsodressed like the devil with horns and a devil's pitchfork. He says thatElvis is just like him and Susanis screaming no, no, no. This scene appears to be really funny - especiallyif you can see it clearly.Then we see Elvis standing by Stefano and saying that they are going to rulethe world together andcomments about "the loony woman" (referring to Susan). Susan says she notloony she's him Mom.Elvis asks if she wants to sell her soul to the devil and join forces withthem. She shouts no. She istossing in her sleep and the phone rings. It's Kristen and Susan hollers noyou can't have my babywithout even saying hello. She tells Kristen about the dream and Kristentells her she needs to lether raise Elvis. Susan reluctantly agrees and Kristen is very happy. Stefano inthe meantime is thinkingof Elvis and says that soon he and his son will be together. Laura overhearsthis and thinks that he istalking of Peter. She threatens him and says that if anything happens to Jenshe will systematicallydestroy him.

In the Grand Canyon, Jen is talking to Peter telling him that she hates himand to let her go home toAbby and also release Jack from jail. He refuses and says they will betogether soon. Jack is comesto after having his wreck and appears to be OK for now. He goes and finds apayphone and callsLaura to tell her that Jen is on the way to the Grand Canyon and call Abefor backup. Jen takes anap and dreams of the future and seeing Abby for the first time in years butAbby says that shedoesn't know who she is that her mother left her when she was a child - shedoesn't have a mothershe says. Jen cries out and wakes to find Travis on the phone again withPeter. Peter has found away to get back to the states on a cargo plane and tells Travis he will meethim at the GrandCanyon for the exchange. Jen grabs the phone and tries one more time to tryand change Peter'smind but no use. He in the meantime is having problems from the bite andgoes into a bathroom andrips the sink off the wall as he is in pain from the bite. On the way to theGrand Canyon Jen tries toget Travis to turn around and she will make it worth his while but he saysno. They arrive at theGrand Canyon and then we hear police sirens. Travis is looking up as Jenopens the door and runs.

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Edited by SC Desk