Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, July 14, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Bo is wandering around wondering why Hope doesn't want to see him. He call'sAlice's place justas Hope walks in with Franco. Hope says she's not going to answer the phone,and Bo eventuallygives up

Hope and Franco are driving around, and Hope says she needs some time alone.Hope and Francoeventually end up on Smith Island, and Hope is flooded with old memories ofBo. Hope goes insideand gives Alice a call to let her know where she is. Hope says she needs anight alone to think abouthow to go on without Bo, and she asks her Gran not to tell Bo where she is.Bo shows back up,and Alice has to tell Bo that Hope doesn't want him to know where she is.However, a sneaky Mrs.H. lets Bo know where Hope is by saying "This is a lovely picture of you andHope at the cabin."Bo heads out to the island, hoping Hope will forgive him. Back at the cabinFranco gives Hope afriendship ring, and Bo arrives just inside to see Franco put it on her finger.

In Rome Billie is running around, and Max is following with a gun. Maxconfronts Billie, and he tellsher they have unfinished business, and if she tries to escape she's a deadwomen. Max takes Billieback to his room and ties her up. Billie tells him Bo won't let him get awaywith this. Billie asks whathe is going to do with her, and Max says King has big plans for her.

Stefano is at one of his hideouts when one of his manservants tells him thatJohn is throwing anengagement party at the penthouse grill, he and Marlena are getting marriedin two days. Stefanosays he'll never let Marlena marry that fool. Stefano then puts on hiswaiter disguise, and shows upat the party.

At the Penthouse Grill Kristen tells John she won't let him marry Marlena.Kristen tells John that hedoesn't love that bitch, he loves her, and won't let that tramp steal herhusband! Lexie tells Kristenshe needs some fresh air, and she takes Kristen out to the terrace. Marlenatells everyone she's notgoing to let anything upset her happy night, and tells everyone to go onpartying.

On the terraceLexie agrees to get John, only to prevent her from making another scene.John goes to see Marlena,and Stefano decides to go for Marlena.

On the terrace John tells Kristen he can't believe the hell he put Marlenathrough. Kristen isdelusional, and goes off about how nobody loves and makes him feel the wayshe does. John andKristen kiss, but Kristen wakes up, it was all a dream. This time Johnreally comes out to theterrace, and tells her he despises her. Kristen starts crying about it beingher birthday and how hesaid they'd celebrate. John tells Kristen he doesn't want to see her, andshe's out of his life forever.

John walks away, and Kristen gets onto the ledge and yells if he won't be apart of her life then shewon't be a part of anyone's lives! Maggie rushes to get Marlena, and Stefanomisses his chance tograb Marlena once again. On the terrace John is trying to talk Kristen downby telling her she doeshave a good soul and may become a good person again in time. Kristen asks ifhe'll love her then,and John says she has to prove she's worthy. John grabs Kristen, andeveryone arriveson the terrace. Laura stays to talk to Kristen, and John leaves. Kristentells Laura that this is all herfault, and she should have let Stefano take him away. Kristen says shedidn't want to hurt anyone,and Laura says if she has a shred of decency she'll tell everyone the truthabout Peter. Kristen tellsLaura Stefano will help her, and she will make her and Marlena pay foreverything they've done.

Back inside Marlena and John both think Kristen wouldn't have jumped, andthey say they'll betogether forever in 2 days. Lexie is feeling bad for Kristen, but Abe saysKristen doesn't love John, it's only an obsession.Stefano overhear's Abe tell Lexie she's not a DiMera and she proved thatat the spa when she saved Marlena.

Sami tells Lucas that whenever her mom and John get together someone getshurt, this time it'sKristen. She also says if it wasn't for her mom and John's sleazy affair herdad would still be alive.

Austin talks with Mickey at the party, and Sami wonders if Mickey knowsWill's blood type.Mickey tells Austin about a similar case to his, and if that case comes outwell, they can try the sametactics. Austin thanks Mickey, and asks him not to mention it to Carrie, hedoesn't want her to gether hopes up. Later Austin tells Kate the news, and when he sees Carriedancing with Mike he sayshe hopes Mickey can come through before Carrie gives up on them.

Vivian and Ivan run right into Stefano at the party. Suddenly Abe and thehostess show up, and Abelets them in hoping they can at least calm Kristen down. Vivian wheels in ahuge statue under acover and says she brought this as a peace offering, she only cooperatedbecause Stefanothreatened her life. John rips the cover off of a statue to reveal a statueof a phoenix, and everyoneis shocked. Abe then escorts Vivian and Ivan out of the party. OutsideVivian agrees to turn statesevidence against Kristen and Stefano in order to stay out of jail

Marlena asks Carrie to be her maid of honor in her wedding, and she isdelighted. Carrie says shehas a way to test Sami's memory, she asks Marlena to ask Sami to be abridesmaid as, because theold Sami would never be in their wedding because of her hatred for them as acouple.

Lucas asks Sami to talk for a moment, but she says not now. Sami and Austinthen begin dancing.Carrie walks up to Sami and asks her to be a bridesmaid in Marlena'swedding, and Sami says no,she won't do it!

Outside Kristen screams she won't lose John, and only Stefano can help hernow. Kristen calls Bartand asks to see Stefano, but Bart tells her that he doesn't want to see her.Kristen says she won't letStefano leave her now, not after all she's done for him. Stefano then makesa quick retreat from theparty, and Kristen sees him and goes after him. Stefano returns to hissecret hideout and damnsKristen for causing him to lose Marlena. Suddenly Kristen shows up and asksfor help, but Stefano tells her she can rot in hell for all he cares!Kristen grabs him and tells him not to turn his back her, because she's hisdaughter.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, July 15, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

An angry Kristen blasts Stefano for hiring Susan for the job sinceit's obvious that Susan is crackers. She calls him acoward and claims that she and Peter are simply his trophies.

Called on her refusal to stand up at Marlena's wedding, Sami claims thatshe would ruin the wedding because of her weak legs. Carrie admits to Austinher feeling that John was finally able to defeat Stefano. When Carriesuggests to Mike that she's out to find the perfect woman for him ,Miketells himself that he's already found her in Carrie. Sami watches Austinsleep on the sofa and calls Lucas to wonder if Mickey may have found a wayto annul their marriage.

Franco asks Hope to wear a friendship ring. Hope declares to Bo that theirrelationship is over. Bo tries to explain about King in Rome and how Billiewas involved but Hope can't stop thinking about seeing him in bed withBillie. Bo admits to Kate his feeling that Hope has lost faith in him. Katetries to call Billie, unaware that she's being held by Max.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, July 16, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

John wakes next to Marlena and reminds her that tomorrow is theirwedding day.

Travis eavesdrops on Jennifer talking with Laura about somenew evidence that is going to clear Jack's name. He's in the kitchen whenJack suddenly arrives at the house.

To stay out of jail, Vivian is requiredto tell all she knows about Stefano, get a legal divorce from Victor andgive up all of her assets. However, Vivian boasts to Ivan that they don'tknow where all her money is.

Stefano tells Kristen that whatever he does,he does for himself. He adds that she lost John only because she wascareless and clumsy.

Sami takes great pleasure in telling Austin thatCarrie is obviously falling in love with Mike.

Kate, Carrie, Sami and Susanhelp Marlena pick out a wedding dress. After Austin sends Sami to giveCarrie a ride home, Marlena notices that her bodyguard is missing.Suddenly, the lights go out.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, July 17, 1997

by Diane Dix

Trent/Travis watches from the kitchen as Jennifer and Jack embrace. Just asJennifer is about to come looking for him, Abby comes home. Her happyreunion with Jack gives Trent the chance to escape and call Stefano, whoassures him things will be taken care of. Laura is ecstatic to have Jackhome, even if only during the appeal process. She calls Mike and Carrie tocome over.

Mike and Carrie talk in the park about Carrie's problems with Austin. Mikemanages to make her feel better, and Carrie starts pressing him about his"mystery woman." Just as Mike is about to tell Carrie how he feels, hereceives the call from Laura, and they head over to Jennifer's, unaware thatAustin had been watching them embrace.

Austin heads up to the apartment, disturbed by how close Mike and Carrie are.Sami encourages him to believe they are falling in love. When Laura calls,they head over to Jennifer's too, especially after Austin learns that Mikeand Carrie will be there.

Hope is depressed, but Franco is trying to cheer her up. Shawn-D comes hometo the Horton house, and after a happy reunion with Hope, asks when she andBo will be getting back together. Hope tells him it may never happen.Shawn-D is disappointed, and Hope is heartbroken that she can't give him thefamily she wants. Then they get the call to go to Jennifer's and they takeoff. Bo shows up a few minutes later, and Shawn-D tells him to go afterHope.

At the party, everyone is thrilled that Jack is out of prison. Sami andLucas scheme to drive Carrie and Austin further apart. Sami's seeminglyinnocent comments about her "happy" marriage drive Carrie outside, to seekcomfort in the arms of Mike, as they finish a dance they started years ago.Carrie is unaware that Mike is now in love with her. Sami maneuvers Austinout to the terrace to watch the two together, just as Austin is about toprepare her for the news that their marriage may soon be annulled. Hope andFranco say their goodbyes and as they are heading out the door, they run intoBo. Hope is cold to him again, and tells him that they are through, and thathe made his choice in Rome. Bo is confused, but Hope doesn't explain. Hetries to call Billie, but she can't be reached, and he wonders if she isokay.

Billie is being held prisoner by Max. He brings in food and a couple ofwater glasses and persuades Billie to drink, despite her suspicions. Shepasses out, realizing the inside of the glass was drugged. When she wakesup, Max has her tied to the bed.

Marlena is terrified by the power surge at the Titan offices, but John rushesto her side and they share a romantic evening together. As they say goodbyefor the night, John tells her nothing can stop their wedding now.

Kristen has obviously learned Stefano's plan and is reluctant to go throughwith it, but some pushing from Stefano resolves her doubts - she knows shewill lose John if she doesn't help Stefano break up the wedding. Kristenshows a little heart by asking Stefano to leave Jennifer and Jack alone, butStefano tells her to quit being soft and think like a DiMera. He tells herthe surprise he has for John and Marlena is a wedding present they'll neverforget.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, July 18, 1997

by Diane Dix

Everyone is gearing up for John and Marlena's wedding. Kate and Sami exchangenasty words with each other, but Austin, as usual, is oblivious. Austin ison edge waiting for news from Mickey, but even thought Kate encourages him totell Carrie, he wants to wait until he is sure. Sami freaks out when Lucasoffers to watch Will during the ceremony and tells him that Will should staywith his father (hiding the fact, of course, that Lucas IS Will's father).They head over to the church, where all the women are getting ready. Susanis dressed in the gaudiest get-up imaginable - lots of ruffles and a wackyhat - but everyone is in too good a mood to care. Sami tells Carrie that shehopes Carrie can one day be as happy with Mike as Sami is with Austin.Carrie just has to bite her tongue and remind Sami that she and Mike areonly friends. Carrie is still convinced that Sami is faking her amnesia, butSami behaves perfectly, pretending to be happy for Marlena. Marlena isconvinced that Sami still doesn't have her memory back. Everyone complimentsSami on her stylish new haircut. The women give Marlena something old (ahand-embroidered handkerchief), something new (a bracelet from Carrie),something borrowed (diamond earrings that belonged to Mrs. Horton'sgrandmother) and something blue (baby Elvis' blue suede shoes from Susan).Marlena is so overwhelmed that she bursts into tears. Finally, everyoneleaves Marlena alone.

At the church, Austin finally contacts Mickey and smiles as he gets the newshe wants to hear. Lucas asks him what happened and Austin says he has tofind Carrie and tell her the great news. Out in front of the church, Carriehas lost the engagement ring from Austin that she kept on a chain around herthroat. Mike helps her look for it and finally finds it. Carrie asks him toput it on her and as he is doing so, she stumbles and he puts his arms aroundher to support her. Austin sees them in that pose and assumes the worst -from a distance, it looks as if they are passionately kissing.

Hope is depressed over the situation with Bo, and admits to Franco that shestill loves him. Franco tells her to come to the wedding and have a goodtime. But when they get there, Bo is one of the ushers and walks Hope to herseat. He reminds her that the last time she walked down the aisle, she wasthe bride and she was breathtaking. Hope doesn't even respond, but inside,she can't stop thinking about her splendid English wedding with Bo all thoseyears ago. Bo can't stop thinking about it either. While he is reminiscing,Kate tells him that she hasn't been able to contact Billie and the hotel inRome reported that she hadn't been to her room for days.

Billie struggles against her bonds, but Max tells her to quit trying becauseshe won't escape and King has plans for her. Billie fantasizes that Bo comesto rescue her, saying he loves her, but Max laughs at her and says she has ablind spot for Bo, who is only interested in Hope. Billie tells Max that hewill have to kill her to keep her from testifying because somehow she isgoing to escape. Max says to forget about it - King has bigger plans forher.

Stefano waits anxiously until Kristen returns. Kristen tells him everythingwent as planned and they hop on the DiMera jet and head back to Salem asquickly as possible. Kristen goes straight to the church, where Marlena isalone and getting ready to walk down the aisle. When Marlena sees Kristen,she is furious, saying "How dare you come here today?" But Kristen is smugand says she brought a wedding present that Marlena really should look at.Marlena, wondering what she is up to, is startled when Kristen opens thedoor and motions, and someone wheels a sleeping man with a bandaged face intothe room. Marlena is confused, but as she gazes past the bandages, all thecolor drains from her face..."It can't be," she whispers. Kristen grinsevilly. "Oh, but it is," she says softly. "It's Roman Brady."

Edited by SC Desk
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