Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, January 27, 1997

Jack and Abby are playing hide and go seek. When Abby finds Jack hepromises to never leave again. Abby goes into the kitchen for milk andcookies as Jennifer comes down the stairs. She tries to get Jack to changehis mind about pleading guilty. Laura overhears and agrees with Jennifer.Jack leaves and Laura tells Jennifer that she could change Jack's mind.Jennifer says that she can't because of Peter. Jack is at the park and hasflashbacks of bringing Abby home from the hosptial. Jennifer arrives andtells Jack that they need to talk. She tells him that there are alot ofreasons for him not to go to jail. Then a couple comes up with a tabloidand stares at them. There is a picture of Jack and Jennifer hugging on thefront. Jack is mad and says that if he pleads guilt than the tabloids willstop.

Everyone is trying to get Sami to talk but her troat is sore. Vivian tellsKate that it is a matter of time before Sami tells everything she knowsabout Kate. Sami knows who Mike is and starts coughing. Carrie and Austinleave and say that now the annulment can take place. Vivian asks Austinabout Sami. Mike comes out and says that Sami can talk now. Sami knowsMike and Carrie. She tells Carrie that she loves her and Carrie says lovesher too. She asks for mom and as Carrie leaves she asks for dad too. Shesays that he is probably at the station.

John and Marlena are with Kristen as she gets her blood drawn. She talksJohn and Marlena to go see Sami. As the leave Dr. Robbins arrives and tellsthem that the blood samples do not match. He says that they must of had abad test kit. Kristen says that she is not going to give more blood andleaves. Kristen tries to call Susan adn gets the answering machine. Johnconvinces her to do it again. She agrees and Dr. Robbins gets a call that apatient is in labor. Marlena says that she can take Kristen's blood becauseshe is a doctor. Then a nurse comes in and says that Carrie is looking forthem. They leave and Kristen calls Susan again and leaves a message. Susancalls her back and asks if she has to put that make up on. Kristen tells herwhat outfit to wear and to bring some of her own clothes. When the hangs upSusan tells her doll that Kristen is mean and accuse it of taking the mascara.

John and Marlena go into Sami's room and she asks for her dad again. Theydon't understand and outside the room Mike says that she could just beconfused. Mike goes back in to examine her. He comes back out and saysthat Sami remembers something. Everyone comes into her room and she beginsto tell what she remembers. Before the accident her and Roman were gettingready to make dinner and she showed him her report card. She had thehighest grade point average in her junior class and he wanted to take herout for ice cream. He stills thinks of her as a little girl even though sheis 16 and a junior in high school. Carrie tells Austin that she thinks thatit is four years ago. Sami then asks Mike if she will be well in time to goto the junior prom. He says that they will have to wait and see. Sami asksAustin why he is there and how he found out she was in the hospital becausethey just met. He says that Carrie told him and she says that she didn'tknow that they knew each other. Sami says that she is so happy that John,Marlena, and Carrie are they because she loves them so much. Mike says thatit is just temporary amnesia. John leaves to go be with Kristen. Sami asksMarlena where Roman is. And Carrie wonders how the annulment will go now.

The nurse tells Kristen that she is almost ready. Susan arrives with toomuch blush. Kristen freaks. After the nurse draws the blood she noticesthat 'Kristen' has a different shirt on. Susan tells Kristen that shespilled something on the other one because she was in a hurry. They hearJohn asking the nurse if they are finished and she tells him that he can go in.

Jack and Abby are playing hide and go seek. When Abby finds Jack hepromises to never leave again. Abby goes into the kitchen for milk andcookies as Jennifer comes down the stairs. She tries to get Jack to changehis mind about pleading guilty. Laura overhears and agrees with Jennifer.Jack leaves and Laura tells Jennifer that she could change Jack's mind.Jennifer says that she can't because of Peter. Jack is at the park and hasflashbacks of bringing Abby home from the hosptial. Jennifer arrives andtells Jack that they need to talk. She tells him that there are alot ofreasons for him not to go to jail. Then a couple comes up with a tabloidand stares at them. There is a picture of Jack and Jennifer hugging on thefront. Jack is mad and says that if he pleads guilt than the tabloids willstop.

Everyone is trying to get Sami to talk but her troat is sore. Vivian tellsKate that it is a matter of time before Sami tells everything she knowsabout Kate. Sami knows who Mike is and starts coughing. Carrie and Austinleave and say that now the annulment can take place. Vivian asks Austinabout Sami. Mike comes out and says that Sami can talk now. Sami knowsMike and Carrie. She tells Carrie that she loves her and Carrie says lovesher too. She asks for mom and as Carrie leaves she asks for dad too. Shesays that he is probably at the station.

John and Marlena are with Kristen as she gets her blood drawn. She talksJohn and Marlena to go see Sami. As the leave Dr. Robbins arrives and tellsthem that the blood samples do not match. He says that they must of had abad test kit. Kristen says that she is not going to give more blood andleaves. Kristen tries to call Susan adn gets the answering machine. Johnconvinces her to do it again. She agrees and Dr. Robbins gets a call that apatient is in labor. Marlena says that she can take Kristen's blood becauseshe is a doctor. Then a nurse comes in and says that Carrie is looking forthem. They leave and Kristen calls Susan again and leaves a message. Susancalls her back and asks if she has to put that make up on. Kristen tells herwhat outfit to wear and to bring some of her own clothes. When the hangs upSusan tells her doll that Kristen is mean and accuse it of taking the mascara.

John and Marlena go into Sami's room and she asks for her dad again. Theydon't understand and outside the room Mike says that she could just beconfused. Mike goes back in to examine her. He comes back out and saysthat Sami remembers something. Everyone comes into her room and she beginsto tell what she remembers. Before the accident her and Roman were gettingready to make dinner and she showed him her report card. She had thehighest grade point average in her junior class and he wanted to take herout for ice cream. He stills thinks of her as a little girl even though sheis 16 and a junior in high school. Carrie tells Austin that she thinks thatit is four years ago. Sami then asks Mike if she will be well in time to goto the junior prom. He says that they will have to wait and see. Sami asksAustin why he is there and how he found out she was in the hospital becausethey just met. He says that Carrie told him and she says that she didn'tknow that they knew each other. Sami says that she is so happy that John,Marlena, and Carrie are they because she loves them so much. Mike says thatit is just temporary amnesia. John leaves to go be with Kristen. Sami asksMarlena where Roman is. And Carrie wonders how the annulment will go now.

The nurse tells Kristen that she is almost ready. Susan arrives with toomuch blush. Kristen freaks. After the nurse draws the blood she noticesthat 'Kristen' has a different shirt on. Susan tells Kristen that shespilled something on the other one because she was in a hurry. They hearJohn asking the nurse if they are finished and she tells him that he can go in.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, January 28, 1997

Hope and Franco are in Santa Rosa for a photo shoot. Carmen asked Hopewhere Bo is at and she tell her that he is with Billie and proceeds to tellher what happened between them. Carmen gives Hope the Room of Eternal Love.Hope tries to call Shawn D at the boat but there was no answer. She thencalls the Brady's and finds out that he is staying there because Bo had togo out. Franco tells her that Bo is probably with Hope. They have dinnerand Franco leaves the room.

Sami keeps asking for Roman and everyone makes up reasons why he can't come.Sami notices that something is wrong and asks everyone. Kate comes into theroom and Sami does not know who she is. Mike then asks everyone to leave sohe can examine Sami. Austin talks about showing Sami pictures of Will butMarlena says that they need to take their time. Vivian goes into Sami'sroom because she thinks that she is faking. She does not know who Vivianand Ivan are. Kate comes in and says that if Sami did have something on herno one will ever know.

John knocks on the door of the exam room. Susan goes into the closet andJohn and Kristen leave together. Susan (still Kristen) hears the nursestalking about restocking that room. Susan (still Kristen) leaves thehospital and her car breaks down.

Kristen tells Marlena that the blood test when fine. Marlena still does notunderstand how the tests got screwed up. Vivian asks John if he will helpher stay in Titan. John says no because he disagrees with what she hasdone. She then asks Kristen but she agrees with John.

John takes Kristen to look at the newborns in the nursery. John talks abouthow he can't wait because the baby will be perfect. John tells Kristen thatthey will be married before the baby is born. John leaves to check onKristen pre-registration and Kristen runs into Father Jansen.

Sami's test results show that most of the damage is done in the part theholds memories. Mike says thathe does not know how long the amnesia couldlast. Mickey says that it will cause a problem for the annulment.

Lexie and Abe are eating and Bo is drinking at the Salem Club. Abe sees Boand asks him to join them. Abe tells Bo that he did a good job on the case.Abe asks Bo what is wrong and Bo tells him about Hope going to Santa Rosawith Franco. Abe tells him to go home and Bo says no. Bo wants him toleave him alone but Abe just won't. Bo doesn't listen so Abe goes back toLexie. Billie sees bo through the window drinking. She decides to check onhim. Billie tells him that if he is not going to think about himself heshould think about Shawn D. Bo tells Billie that it is his business and toleave him alone. Kate arrives and Billie goes to her. Kate tells Billiethat this is a perfect opportunity to talk to Bo. Billie tells her what isgoing on and how she can't. Vivan and Ivan arrive. Ivan tries to convinceher to just leave Kate alone. Vivian says that she can't and that she hasto get through to Kristen some how. Susan (still Kristen) decides that shecan go into this club because it is not fancy and Kristen and any of herfriends would not be there.

Father Jansen is trying to convince Kristen to tell John. She says that shewill get pregnant again and they will have their own child. Father Jansenleaves and Kristen asks John if he wants to go to the Salem Club.

Susan walks into the club and Vivian sees her. Susan heads to the bathroomto change clothes and Vivian follows.

Abe tries to talk to Bo again. Bo gets upset and begins to argue with Abe.Bo then hits Abe.

Hope and Franco are in Santa Rosa for a photo shoot. Carmen asked Hopewhere Bo is at and she tell her that he is with Billie and proceeds to tellher what happened between them. Carmen gives Hope the Room of Eternal Love.Hope tries to call Shawn D at the boat but there was no answer. She thencalls the Brady's and finds out that he is staying there because Bo had togo out. Franco tells her that Bo is probably with Hope. They have dinnerand Franco leaves the room.

Sami keeps asking for Roman and everyone makes up reasons why he can't come.Sami notices that something is wrong and asks everyone. Kate comes into theroom and Sami does not know who she is. Mike then asks everyone to leave sohe can examine Sami. Austin talks about showing Sami pictures of Will butMarlena says that they need to take their time. Vivian goes into Sami'sroom because she thinks that she is faking. She does not know who Vivianand Ivan are. Kate comes in and says that if Sami did have something on herno one will ever know.

John knocks on the door of the exam room. Susan goes into the closet andJohn and Kristen leave together. Susan (still Kristen) hears the nursestalking about restocking that room. Susan (still Kristen) leaves thehospital and her car breaks down.

Kristen tells Marlena that the blood test when fine. Marlena still does notunderstand how the tests got screwed up. Vivian asks John if he will helpher stay in Titan. John says no because he disagrees with what she hasdone. She then asks Kristen but she agrees with John.

John takes Kristen to look at the newborns in the nursery. John talks abouthow he can't wait because the baby will be perfect. John tells Kristen thatthey will be married before the baby is born. John leaves to check onKristen pre-registration and Kristen runs into Father Jansen.

Sami's test results show that most of the damage is done in the part theholds memories. Mike says thathe does not know how long the amnesia couldlast. Mickey says that it will cause a problem for the annulment.

Lexie and Abe are eating and Bo is drinking at the Salem Club. Abe sees Boand asks him to join them. Abe tells Bo that he did a good job on the case.Abe asks Bo what is wrong and Bo tells him about Hope going to Santa Rosawith Franco. Abe tells him to go home and Bo says no. Bo wants him toleave him alone but Abe just won't. Bo doesn't listen so Abe goes back toLexie. Billie sees bo through the window drinking. She decides to check onhim. Billie tells him that if he is not going to think about himself heshould think about Shawn D. Bo tells Billie that it is his business and toleave him alone. Kate arrives and Billie goes to her. Kate tells Billiethat this is a perfect opportunity to talk to Bo. Billie tells her what isgoing on and how she can't. Vivan and Ivan arrive. Ivan tries to convinceher to just leave Kate alone. Vivian says that she can't and that she hasto get through to Kristen some how. Susan (still Kristen) decides that shecan go into this club because it is not fancy and Kristen and any of herfriends would not be there.

Father Jansen is trying to convince Kristen to tell John. She says that shewill get pregnant again and they will have their own child. Father Jansenleaves and Kristen asks John if he wants to go to the Salem Club.

Susan walks into the club and Vivian sees her. Susan heads to the bathroomto change clothes and Vivian follows.

Abe tries to talk to Bo again. Bo gets upset and begins to argue with Abe.Bo then hits Abe.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, January 29, 1997

Kristen begins her confession to Father Jansen. Kristen tells him that shelost the baby and she wants to keep it a secret becuase Marlena and Johnlove each other. She tells him everything about Stefano and Peter and themkidnapping Laura. She eventually tells him about Susan. Father Jansen isvery upset about what Kristen has told him and tells her that he has to tellJohn. She asks for forgiveness but he says that he won't until she tellsJohn. He also says that he will not marry them.

John and Marlena are going to the hospital because 'Kristen' is in labor.Marlena says that she has noticed that Kristen has been acting strange sinceParis. John just says that everyone should understand becuase of the thingsthat she has gone through.

Susan tries to leave but the fetal monitor begins to beep when she takes itoff. Dr. Robbins comes back in and says that everything is okay and it wasjust false labor. He says that she can go home but should wait for John.John and Marlena arrive and the notice that 'Kristen' is gone. When Johnand Marlena go home Kristne is already there. They wonder how she got homeso fast. She does not understand what they are talking about. They ask herwhat went on at the hosptial. Her cell phone rings and it is Susan and shehangs up on her. Kristen says that is wasn't a big deal.

Bo is drinking at the Cheatin' Heart and he tells Abe everything. Abe tellshim to do what Hope asks and maybe it will show her that he loves her andnot Billie. Abe also says that he will think about putting him on the drugcase. Franco is sitting behind them listening to what they have to say. Boleaves to go the the gym and is boxing with another officer. The otherofficer starts making wise cracks about Hope. Abe breaks up the fight totell Bo that he is not going to put him on the drug case. Bo changes hismind. Bo leaves to call Hope.

Hope is at the docks and Kate arrives. Hope tells her what she did. Katetells her that Billie's plane has already left. Kate begins to get upsetbecause Hope says that she still is not going to be with Bo. Kate goes homeand finds Billie. Franco arrives on the docks to talk to Hope. Hope criesand Franco comforts her. They talk about Franco's love Angela. Hope gets acall from Billie saying that she stayed in Salem. Hope leaves and Francocalls his boss to tell them that everyone thing is going okay.

Kristen begins her confession to Father Jansen. Kristen tells him that shelost the baby and she wants to keep it a secret becuase Marlena and Johnlove each other. She tells him everything about Stefano and Peter and themkidnapping Laura. She eventually tells him about Susan. Father Jansen isvery upset about what Kristen has told him and tells her that he has to tellJohn. She asks for forgiveness but he says that he won't until she tellsJohn. He also says that he will not marry them.

John and Marlena are going to the hospital because 'Kristen' is in labor.Marlena says that she has noticed that Kristen has been acting strange sinceParis. John just says that everyone should understand becuase of the thingsthat she has gone through.

Susan tries to leave but the fetal monitor begins to beep when she takes itoff. Dr. Robbins comes back in and says that everything is okay and it wasjust false labor. He says that she can go home but should wait for John.John and Marlena arrive and the notice that 'Kristen' is gone. When Johnand Marlena go home Kristne is already there. They wonder how she got homeso fast. She does not understand what they are talking about. They ask herwhat went on at the hosptial. Her cell phone rings and it is Susan and shehangs up on her. Kristen says that is wasn't a big deal.

Bo is drinking at the Cheatin' Heart and he tells Abe everything. Abe tellshim to do what Hope asks and maybe it will show her that he loves her andnot Billie. Abe also says that he will think about putting him on the drugcase. Franco is sitting behind them listening to what they have to say. Boleaves to go the the gym and is boxing with another officer. The otherofficer starts making wise cracks about Hope. Abe breaks up the fight totell Bo that he is not going to put him on the drug case. Bo changes hismind. Bo leaves to call Hope.

Hope is at the docks and Kate arrives. Hope tells her what she did. Katetells her that Billie's plane has already left. Kate begins to get upsetbecause Hope says that she still is not going to be with Bo. Kate goes homeand finds Billie. Franco arrives on the docks to talk to Hope. Hope criesand Franco comforts her. They talk about Franco's love Angela. Hope gets acall from Billie saying that she stayed in Salem. Hope leaves and Francocalls his boss to tell them that everyone thing is going okay.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, January 30, 1997

Sami continues to improve physically, but her memory remains locked at age16, four years ago. Mickey tells Carrie that until Sami remembers beingmarried to Austin, the annulment cannot go through. Austin is determined totalk to Sami and make her remember, but Mike tells him it's too soon and Samiis too fragile. Sami continues to be loving and sweet toward Carrie.

Billie begs Abe to help her look for Bo, but Abe tells her it is best toleave him alone. At the Cheatin' Heart, Bo continues to drink heavily. Anex-convict named Kevin who was busted by Bo for armed robbery asks him toplay in a high-stakes pool game. Bo, who has just turned in his badge to Abeand is no longer a police officer, agrees. He wins at first, but begins tolose heavily as his drinking affects his coordination. Billie comes in andoverhears Kevin telling his friend that he is hustling Bo to get revenge forbeing busted. She tries to talk Bo out of playing, but he refuses to listento her. When all his money is gone, he bets his boat, The Fancy Face, on agame, and loses. Austin and Carrie come in and try to help, but Bo ignoreseveryone and returns to the boat to pack his things. Billie tries to talkhim out of giving up the boat again, but he says he has no choice. As heleaves, Abe comes up and Billie tells him what is going on.

A mysterious man shadowed Bo all night, and talked to an anonymous employeron a cell phone.

On Santa Rosa, Franco dreams of telling Hope he loves her, but doesn't havethe courage. Hope can't sleep because she senses Bo is in trouble, so shegoes skinny dipping on the beach as she used to with Bo. Franco secretlywatches. When she returns to her room, unable to shake the feeling Bo is introuble, the phone rings. It's Carrie telling her what happened at theCheatin' Heart. Hope packs her bags and is about to leave for Salem, butFranco convinces her that nothing has changed and if she goes back, she willnever know if Bo has feelings for Billie.

Sami continues to improve physically, but her memory remains locked at age16, four years ago. Mickey tells Carrie that until Sami remembers beingmarried to Austin, the annulment cannot go through. Austin is determined totalk to Sami and make her remember, but Mike tells him it's too soon and Samiis too fragile. Sami continues to be loving and sweet toward Carrie.

Billie begs Abe to help her look for Bo, but Abe tells her it is best toleave him alone. At the Cheatin' Heart, Bo continues to drink heavily. Anex-convict named Kevin who was busted by Bo for armed robbery asks him toplay in a high-stakes pool game. Bo, who has just turned in his badge to Abeand is no longer a police officer, agrees. He wins at first, but begins tolose heavily as his drinking affects his coordination. Billie comes in andoverhears Kevin telling his friend that he is hustling Bo to get revenge forbeing busted. She tries to talk Bo out of playing, but he refuses to listento her. When all his money is gone, he bets his boat, The Fancy Face, on agame, and loses. Austin and Carrie come in and try to help, but Bo ignoreseveryone and returns to the boat to pack his things. Billie tries to talkhim out of giving up the boat again, but he says he has no choice. As heleaves, Abe comes up and Billie tells him what is going on.

A mysterious man shadowed Bo all night, and talked to an anonymous employeron a cell phone.

On Santa Rosa, Franco dreams of telling Hope he loves her, but doesn't havethe courage. Hope can't sleep because she senses Bo is in trouble, so shegoes skinny dipping on the beach as she used to with Bo. Franco secretlywatches. When she returns to her room, unable to shake the feeling Bo is introuble, the phone rings. It's Carrie telling her what happened at theCheatin' Heart. Hope packs her bags and is about to leave for Salem, butFranco convinces her that nothing has changed and if she goes back, she willnever know if Bo has feelings for Billie.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 27, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, January 31, 1997font face="arial" color="#804080" size="-1">by Diane Dix

Vivian wakes up from her night of drinking with a hangover. Ivan gives heran old country cure. Then she remembers Kristen's odd behavior at the SalemClub, and decides to investigate her medical records to see if she can getany leverage to use on Kristen in order to get her Titan board votes. Vivianand Ivan sneak into the hospital records room, and discover the discrepancyin Kristen's blood tests. They're nearly caught by a hospital employee, butmanage to escape in time.

John and Kristen go shopping for baby care items. John is surprised to learnthat Kristen is no longer willing to be married by a JP, but insists on areligious ceremony. Kristen also asks John to ask Marlena to move out of thehouse, insisting that Sami needs Marlena more than they do. As they sit atJohnny Angel's, Kristen notices Susan sitting nearby and asks John to run anerrand for her. While John is gone, Kristen berates Susan for being out andtells her to finish quickly and stay hidden until John and Kristen aremarried. After John returns, he and Kristen are about to leave when Vivianand Ivan spy them and try once more to solicit their votes at the Titan boardmeeting. John tells Vivian that what she did to Victor - deceiving him forlove - was despicable, and Vivian notices that Kristen looks uncomfortable atthat statement. Then, after John and Kristen leave, Vivian spies Susanleaving Johnny Angel's and remembers her from the Salem Club. On a whim, shedecides to follow her.

Bo dreams that Hope has returned to him on the boat. Billie comes in, and Boembraces her in his sleep. When Billie wakes him up, he is disappointed thatHope wasn't there. Bo tells her to go back to Paris, but she refuses toleave him in his time of need. She begs him to try to get the boat back, buthe tells her it's no use. After Billie leaves, Shawn-Douglas visits and isangry when Bo tells him that he lost the boat gambling. Shawn-Douglas callsHope in Santa Rosa and begs her to return so they can be a family and so thatBo will stop behaving destructively.

Billie goes to the Cheatin' Heart and offers Kevin a large sum of money forthe Fancy Face. The mysterious stranger who has been following Bo and Billielooks on. Kevin makes a lewd proposition and attacks Billie physically, justas Bo enters. Bo and Kevin fight. Neither is seriously hurt, but Kevin stillrefuses to return the boat. Bo is furious with Billie for risking herself.Just then, Bo's cell phone rings and Billie picks it up.

Franco can't find Hope in her room and worries that she has returned toSalem. He is relieved to find her in Santa Rosa, and reminds her again thatit would be a bad idea to return to Bo before his feelings for Billie areresolved. They begin the photo shoot, but Hope is ill at ease and distracted.Just as she begins to relax, she gets the call from Shawn-Douglas, and isheartbroken that he is hurting. Hope calls Bo's cell phone number, but whenshe hears Billie's voice, she doesn't say anything. She overhears Bo andKevin fighting and making references to Billie. Hope assumes the worst andgoes off to lunch with Franco.

Vivian wakes up from her night of drinking with a hangover. Ivan gives heran old country cure. Then she remembers Kristen's odd behavior at the SalemClub, and decides to investigate her medical records to see if she can getany leverage to use on Kristen in order to get her Titan board votes. Vivianand Ivan sneak into the hospital records room, and discover the discrepancyin Kristen's blood tests. They're nearly caught by a hospital employee, butmanage to escape in time.

John and Kristen go shopping for baby care items. John is surprised to learnthat Kristen is no longer willing to be married by a JP, but insists on areligious ceremony. Kristen also asks John to ask Marlena to move out of thehouse, insisting that Sami needs Marlena more than they do. As they sit atJohnny Angel's, Kristen notices Susan sitting nearby and asks John to run anerrand for her. While John is gone, Kristen berates Susan for being out andtells her to finish quickly and stay hidden until John and Kristen aremarried. After John returns, he and Kristen are about to leave when Vivianand Ivan spy them and try once more to solicit their votes at the Titan boardmeeting. John tells Vivian that what she did to Victor - deceiving him forlove - was despicable, and Vivian notices that Kristen looks uncomfortable atthat statement. Then, after John and Kristen leave, Vivian spies Susanleaving Johnny Angel's and remembers her from the Salem Club. On a whim, shedecides to follow her.

Bo dreams that Hope has returned to him on the boat. Billie comes in, and Boembraces her in his sleep. When Billie wakes him up, he is disappointed thatHope wasn't there. Bo tells her to go back to Paris, but she refuses toleave him in his time of need. She begs him to try to get the boat back, buthe tells her it's no use. After Billie leaves, Shawn-Douglas visits and isangry when Bo tells him that he lost the boat gambling. Shawn-Douglas callsHope in Santa Rosa and begs her to return so they can be a family and so thatBo will stop behaving destructively.

Billie goes to the Cheatin' Heart and offers Kevin a large sum of money forthe Fancy Face. The mysterious stranger who has been following Bo and Billielooks on. Kevin makes a lewd proposition and attacks Billie physically, justas Bo enters. Bo and Kevin fight. Neither is seriously hurt, but Kevin stillrefuses to return the boat. Bo is furious with Billie for risking herself.Just then, Bo's cell phone rings and Billie picks it up.

Franco can't find Hope in her room and worries that she has returned toSalem. He is relieved to find her in Santa Rosa, and reminds her again thatit would be a bad idea to return to Bo before his feelings for Billie areresolved. They begin the photo shoot, but Hope is ill at ease and distracted.Just as she begins to relax, she gets the call from Shawn-Douglas, and isheartbroken that he is hurting. Hope calls Bo's cell phone number, but whenshe hears Billie's voice, she doesn't say anything. She overhears Bo andKevin fighting and making references to Billie. Hope assumes the worst andgoes off to lunch with Franco.

Edited by SC Desk
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