Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 1, 2024 on DAYS

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Eric accepted a job in Paris. E.J. bribed Kristen to hire Melinda. Gabi left prison. Abe and Kate decided to produce a soap opera. Bobby told Jada he had information on Li
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 1, 2024 on DAYS

Eric accepted a job in Paris. E.J. bribed Kristen to hire Melinda. Gabi left prison. Kristen hired Ava. Kayla confirmed that Chanel's miscarriage was because of a genetic issue. Abe and Kate decided to produce a soap opera. Steve accepted a plea deal. Alex had growing doubts about Theresa. Tate and Holly plotted to run away together. Xander refused an inheritance check. Bobby told Jada that he had information on Li's murder. Gabi publicly announced that Eric was Jude's father. Connie was revealed as Li's murderer.

Gabi and Stefan share a steamy reunion
Gabi and Stefan share a steamy reunion

Gabi and Stefan share a steamy reunion

Monday, July 1, 2024

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by Tiffany

At the Brady Pub, Eric and Holly warmly greeted each other. Eric believed things at the DiMera mansion had to be chaotic with Jude around. Holly expressed happiness to have her brother back but also expressed sorrow for Eric's loss of Jude. Eric said it helped knowing that Tate was with his "amazing big sister." Holly complained that her mother did not see her as amazing but as a disappointment. Eric assured Holly that Nicole was proud of Holly's intelligence and kindness.

Holly protested about Theresa's treatment of her and moaned how she'd only had one day of freedom during the past several months. Eric wished there was something he could do, which prompted Holly to ask Eric if he would speak with Nicole on her behalf. Eric said he couldn't honor Holly's request because he would be leaving town. Holly tried to talk him out of leaving and stated how much she would miss him.

Holly reminded Eric that he knew what it had been like to want to be with someone that was out of reach. Eric reiterated that it was not his place to interfere in Nicole's parenting. Holly confided how she had often wished her mother had stayed with Eric. Holly felt E.J. didn't like her or respect her. Eric assured Holly that E.J. loved her, and both E.J. and Nicole only wanted what was best for Holly.

Eric apologized for not being able to help Holly with her predicament. Holly said she understood. Eric and Holly confirmed they would always be there for each other. After Holly left, Eric received a message from someone offering him a photography job in Paris.

At Marlena and John's place, Brady called Kristen and asked her if he could take Rachel to a fireworks show. Kristen snarked about Brady not having a date, and Brady questioned if Kristen would have time for Rachel with Kristen's new job at DiMera. Kristen snapped that she would always make time for her daughter. She agreed to let Brady pick up Rachel, and both agreed that their kids meant everything to them.

Tate eavesdropped on Brady's phone conversation. When Brady hung up, Tate asked his father to prove he had meant what he had said about his children by letting Tate see Holly. Brady remained steadfast in his refusal. Father and son argued about Tate's actions at prom, and a frustrated Tate again insisted nothing had happened. He asked if his parents intended on "stalking" him for the rest of his life, and he claimed that the more they tried to keep Holly and him apart, the more the teens would want to be together.

Tate argued that he had been taking more responsibility and had applied for a job at a country club. Brady wondered if it was the same club to which the DiMeras had a membership. Tate admitted he might see Holly at the club, but she was not his reason for wanting the job. Brady suggested the family all take a step back and give each other time. While he agreed that Theresa had overreacted, he still backed her up when it came to Holly and Tate.

Brady shot down the idea of the summer job. When Tate asked what he would do all summer, Brady held up a brochure. Tate looked at the pamphlet, and he balked at Brady's idea to send him to a lacrosse camp for the summer. Brady contended that the time away would give Theresa a chance to cool off, and he urged his son to think about it. Tate said he had thought about it, and he crumpled up the brochure and threw it on the floor.

After Tate affirmed that he wouldn't be going to the camp, Brady informed him that Tate did not have a choice in the matter. Tate called Brady worse than his mom, because at least with his mom, Tate knew what to expect. Tate eventually calmed down slightly, and Brady compelled his son to look at the camp as a good thing.

When Brady left the room, Tate called Holly and asked her how she was doing. Both agreed they were miserable. Tate asked Holly what she thought about running away with him.

In the prison visiting room, Stefan and Gabi basked in her freedom by sharing passionate kisses. Stefan promised to take Gabi anywhere she wanted, whether it be Paris or Buddy's Burger Barn. Gabi replied that she wanted to go home more than anything.

At the Bistro, Ava joined Kristen for dinner. Kristen told Ava she was sorry for how Harris had left town to hunt Kristen's "erstwhile sister." Ava believed Harris had other reasons for leaving her, like her tryst with Stefan.

Kristen prodded Ava to stop regretting what had happened in the past. She attributed Ava's indiscretion with Stefan to Ava's past relationship with his twin brother, Jake. Ava admitted Stefan's resemblance to Jake might have played a part in the attraction, but she insisted no one else could find out about the affair, especially Gabi. Kristen reassured Ava that the secret was safe with her. The women toasted to Kristen's new position at DiMera.

When Ava mentioned returning to the pub for work, Kristen made a snide remark about Ava "slinging hash for Roman Brady." She suggested Ava work for her. Kristen made the case that she needed an ally who she trusted at DiMera. Plus, making E.J. angry would be an added benefit. After the pitch, Ava smiled and announced that Kristen had made an offer that Ava could not refuse. Later, Ava called Roman, thanked him for helping her, and told him she had accepted a new job.

Melinda arrived at the DiMera mansion to gloat to E.J about her immunity deal. She smugly declared that E.J. could do nothing to her when she told Nicole the truth about Jude. Melinda let E.J. know she wanted revenge for being ousted from her job. As Melinda threatened E.J., Nicole entered the room and asked what was going on. Before Melinda could respond, E.J. claimed Melinda had wanted to thank him.

Melinda gleefully informed Nicole that E.J. had granted her immunity from prosecution. An outraged Nicole shouted at Melinda about what Melinda had done to her, and E.J. had to hold his wife back. When Nicole brought up Eric's name, Melinda mused that she might be able to help Eric. Gabi and Stefan's arrival interrupted Melinda mid-confessional. E.J. hurried over to the couple and attempted to hug Gabi, but she quickly put her hand up to block him.

E.J. gushed over Gabi's freedom and pronounced that the family would celebrate with a bottle of Champagne. Melinda said she would stay, but E.J. declared it a family gathering and rushed a protesting Melinda out the door. Nicole announced that she had been ready to strangle "that duplicitous shrew," and Gabi cracked that it was "good to be home." While Stefan and Gabi shared Champagne, Nicole approached and said she hoped that she and Gabi could put the past behind them. Both women congratulated each other on their recent good fortunes.

Stefan and Gabi excused themselves to take a "hot shower" together. Upstairs, Stefan joined Gabi in the shower, and the couple fully indulged in their alone time. Between kisses, Gabi confessed that she wanted one more thing from Stefan. "Shave that damn mustache," she insisted. Stefan teased her about it then grabbed a razor. Later, Gabi and a clean-shaven Stefan took their reunion to the bedroom.

After making love with Stefan, Gabi called Ari and promised the girl she would visit the next day. Gabi sighed happily when she ended the call and snuggled with Stefan. She proclaimed how much she had missed being in his arms and commended Stefan for resisting the temptation of other women. "You are the only woman for me," Stefan professed. Gabi lay against his shoulder, while a guilty Stefan was consumed with thoughts of his affair with Ava.

Outside the mansion, E.J. pleaded with Melinda. He offered her a job, which she expressed doubt he could deliver on. Melinda threatened to go back inside and tell Nicole the truth. E.J. reminded Melinda that if she told the truth, she would be outing herself as a baby-napper. He raised the prospect of Melinda working as counsel for DiMera Enterprises. Melinda initially refused to entertain the idea because she would be working for Kristen, whom she hated because of Kristen's role in Hayley's death.

Melinda said that even if she could work with Kristen, Belle already had the job E.J. had offered. E.J. informed Melinda that Belle was on a leave of absence, and he assured Melinda he could talk to Kristen and secure Melinda the job. Before they could finish their bargaining, Nicole came outside and demanded to know why Melinda was still there. E.J. dismissed his and Melinda's talk as D.A. business. Nicole remained frosty toward Melinda as Melinda departed.

Following Melinda's departure, Nicole raged about E.J. letting Melinda get off free for what she had done to them. E.J. claimed his actions had been a result of a sense of family loyalty to Stefan. He reminded Nicole that freeing Melinda had also allowed him to free Gabi. Nicole reluctantly backed off but still simmered with anger. Nicole flashed back to Eric's declaration that he was leaving Salem.

Later, Kristen coolly greeted E.J., who had returned inside the mansion. E.J. bantered with his sister then stated that he wanted to talk with her about a job proposition.

Chanel learns the reason for her miscarriage
Chanel learns the reason for her miscarriage

Chanel learns the reason for her miscarriage

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

by Spalding

Kate visited the Carver-Price residence to deliver her condolences, but Abe was alone. "How is Chanel?" Kate asked. "She's taking it pretty hard," Abe said. Kate asked about Paulina. "She's also taking it hard. You know, she's heartbroken for her daughter, and she blames herself for the miscarriage," Abe said. Kate asked why. Abe reminded Kate that Paulina had exposed Chanel to radiation.

"So, she thinks that's the reason that Chanel lost the baby?" Kate asked. "[Paulina] thinks it could be the reason. Paulina is at the hospital right now, trying to find some answers," Abe said. Kate asked if there was anything she could do to help. "I'll let you know. I just appreciate your company," Abe said.

After Abe and Kate joked about his coffee-making skills, Kate pitched a business idea to Abe. Kate explained that she wanted to produce a television show. "Obviously, it would be a learning curve for both of us," Kate said. Kate argued that she and Abe made a great team. "Also, Abe, I really miss working with you," Kate said. "I miss it, too," Abe said.

Abe asked about a cop show, but Kate shrugged. "How would we top [Law and Order]?" Kate said. Abe agreed. "So, what do you have in mind?" Abe asked. Kate told Abe that Will had urged her and Abe to find a passion project. After a moment, Abe confessed that he had become a fan of the soap opera Body and Soul. Kate laughed. Abe talked about why he loved the show.

After Abe showed Kate some of his favorite soap, he asked Kate what she thought. Kate admitted that the show was captivating. "My only concern is that I read somewhere that soaps are a dying genre," Kate said. Abe argued that a lot of shows borrowed storylines from soaps.

"Maybe we could shoot it here. And perhaps that would be cheaper," Kate said. Kate said she would be willing to invest, and she had a few contacts that might also invest. Abe grinned. "I think we're going to do this," Abe said. Kate suggested they start researching. "I am really excited," Kate said. Abe agreed.

At the hospital, Paulina asked Kayla if Chanel had been discharged. Kayla said she did not know, but Chanel was physically fine. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Kayla asked. Paulina admitted she had been unable to rest because she did not know if she was the cause of Chanel's pain.

"Miscarriages are more common than people think, and it could have been caused by any number of things," Kayla counseled. Paulina argued that the doctors had not ruled out that the radiation was the cause. "Chanel blames me. I blame myself. So, I need to know. Now, is there any way to tell for certain what caused my daughter's miscarriage?" Paulina asked. Kayla agreed to look at Chanel's chart, but she reminded Paulina that she could not discuss it without Chanel's consent. "That's fine. Even if it turns out I was at fault, at least she won't have to live with the uncertainty," Paulina said.

In Chanel's hospital room, Chanel sniffled back tears as she told Johnny about her dream. "We were at our baby shower. And I had this huge belly. And all our friends and family were there. And we were all so excited to meet our child," Chanel said. Chanel described the shower, and Johnny smiled at her. "I was so happy, Johnny. And you were, too," Chanel whispered. A tear spilled down Johnny's cheek as he smiled at Chanel.

"And then I woke up, and I realized that we would never, ever meet Noelle or Noel because he or she is no longer with us," Chanel said. Johnny climbed into Chanel's bed to hold her as she started to sob. When Chanel calmed, she asked Johnny if he had talked to Peyton Russo. Johnny shook his head no.

"I left him a message last night, but I haven't heard back from him," Johnny said. Johnny noted that the director had bigger issues to focus on than Johnny's absence. Johnny's phone rang with a call from Peyton. After a brief conversation on the phone, Johnny ended the call. Johnny confirmed that he had been replaced on set. "Maybe you could join the production at a later time?" Chanel said. Johnny chuckled, and he noted that he did not want to be anywhere other than with Chanel.

Paulina was pacing the hallway when Johnny pushed Chanel's wheelchair out of her hospital room. "Are you going home?" Paulina asked. Chanel turned her face away from Paulina, and Johnny explained that Dr. Greene had released Chanel. As Johnny started to wheel Chanel away, Paulina asked to say something first.

"I don't want to talk right now," Chanel growled. "I promise it won't take long. I just want to say how sorry I am. If I could go back in time, I would do things differently. And I love you to the moon and back. And I never meant to harm you and your unborn child. Now, if you never forgive me, I get it. But even if you do, I will regret what I did the rest of my life," Paulina said. Chanel asked Johnny to take her home. Johnny started to wheel Chanel away, and Kayla returned.

"Chanel, I'm glad I caught you. I was just reviewing your lab results, and I think there's something you should know," Kayla said. "What did you find out?" Chanel asked. Kayla offered to talk privately, but Chanel encouraged Kayla to talk freely. "Dr. Greene knew that you had some concerns about the cause of the miscarriage. So, he ran some more tests, and the results just came back," Kayla said. Paulina asked if the cause had been radiation exposure.

"It wasn't. You had what's called a partial molar pregnancy. It's something that happens at conception. It's not very common, and if you like, I can certainly get you some information on it. But basically, the fetus wasn't viable from the very beginning," Kayla said. Chanel asked if that meant that she was always fated to miscarry. Kayla nodded yes. With tears streaming down her face, Chanel jumped to her feet and hugged her mother.

"Ma, I am so sorry that I blamed you for everything," Chanel said. "You shush. You have absolutely nothing, nothing to apologize for," Paulina stressed. "But I was so cold to you, so mean," Chanel countered. Paulina told Chanel that everything would be okay. Kayla informed Chanel that they would need to monitor her for a few months. Worried, Johnny asked why. "It's unlikely, but just to make sure there's no complications," Kayla said. Worried, Paulina asked Kayla if she could monitor Chanel remotely in L.A. Chanel announced that was not necessary, because they had decided to stay in Salem.

Stephanie visited Marlena at the penthouse, and she confirmed to Marlena that Steve was out of the hospital. "But I'm guessing you didn't ask me here for an update on my dad," Stephanie said. Marlena informed Stephanie that Everett had not made any progress. "Bobby is still in control," Marlena said. Marlena explained that she and the Bayview staff wanted Stephanie to talk to Bobby, since Stephanie knew Everett well. "That's why you asked me here?" Stephanie said. Marlena nodded yes. Stephanie admitted that although she had been close to Everett, she had not spent enough time with him to get to know him.

"Wouldn't a relative be better?" Stephanie asked. Marlena noted that she had no information on Everett's family. "At this moment, you're our best bet," Marlena said. Stephanie agreed to help. Marlena reminded Stephanie that Bobby was a volatile personality. "I'll do whatever I can to get Everett back," Stephanie said.

When Paulina returned home, Abe asked if she had talked to Kayla. Paulina told Abe that Kayla had confirmed the reason for the miscarriage. "[The pregnancy] wasn't viable from the moment of conception," Paulina said. Abe noted that Paulina was not at fault. Paulina started to cry as she hugged Abe.

"I was just so afraid that Chanel was going to hate me for the rest of her life," Paulina confessed. "That would never have happened. She would have forgiven you eventually," Abe said with a chuckle. When Abe noted that Paulina would be able to support Chanel, Paulina smiled. "It will be a whole lot easier to be there for her now because, well, Chanel and Johnny have changed their minds about moving to L.A.," Paulina said.

At the DiMera mansion, Johnny and Chanel cuddled up together on the couch. "It is such a relief to know that the miscarriage wasn't my fault or my mom's. It just wasn't meant to be," Chanel said. "We're going to get through this, my love. Together," Johnny said. Chanel told Johnny that she was sorry he had lost out on his dream job. Johnny said it was not a big deal. "Besides, sharing my life with you, the best person that I know, that is already a dream come true," Johnny said. Chanel told Johnny that she loved him.

At the police station, Steve gingerly walked into the bullpen and greeted Jada. "I was going to come to you," Jada said. "I saved you a trip. What's up?" Steve asked. Jada told Steve that she needed to book him for a felony. With a nod, Steve asked if it was about how he had helped Clyde escape from prison. "Are there any other felonies that I should be aware of?" Jada asked. "Not that I can recall," Steve said. Steve told Jada that he waived his rights.

"I'm just wondering why we are doing this now. Justin was working on a deal for me. Did that fall through?" Steve asked. Jada confirmed that a plea deal was still possible, but because Steve had confessed to the crime, she was required to process him. Jada escorted Steve into the interrogation room, and he gave her an edited version of the real Clyde escape story.

"[Clyde] double-crossed me. And then your former colleague, Officer Goldman, hit me on the back of the head and knocked me out. When I came to, they were both gone," Steve said. Jada asked if there was anything else that Steve wanted to add, but he said that was the whole story. Jada stopped recording the confession.

"Off the record, I totally get what you did and why you did it. Your son's life was at stake. And you knew you couldn't trust the Salem PD because Goldman was on Clyde's payroll. So, you had no other choice but to bust him out," Jada said. Steve thanked Jada for her candor. "Do you think a judge will feel the same way?" Steve asked. Jada told Steve he had a good chance at leniency. With a smirk, Jada noted that the only problem was that Steve's story was a lie.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked. "It's not your motive that I'm questioning. It's the means that don't add up," Jada argued. Jada asked Steve if Ava had been involved. Steve reminded Jada that he did not trust Ava. "If I wanted someone to watch my back, it wouldn't be her," Steve said. Jada narrowed her eyes, and she noted that Clyde had sent the video of Tripp and Wendy to Ava.

"[And Ava] sat on that video for some time. So, that makes me think that she's been planning something," Jada said. "Not with me," Steve countered. Steve reiterated that he was the only person that Clyde had asked to break him out of prison. "Even though Ava admitted to the police that he was trying to blackmail her?" Jada asked. Steve reminded Jada that Stefan had taken responsibility for the drug business at the Bistro.

"That woman has a way of getting men to take the fall for her, doesn't she?" Jada said. "Some men," Steve conceded. Jada asked Steve why he had protected a woman that had done horrible things to Steve and Kayla. "Because she's Tripp's mom?" Jada asked. Steve remained silent. With a sigh, Jada noted that she had eyewitness accounts and video evidence that there had been two people in Hazmat suits at the prison.

"Who was the other [person]?" Jada asked. "Goldman. Who else?" Steve countered. Jada asked if Steve's partner John had been involved. "We're partners at Black Patch, but we're not partners in crime. Now tell me something. Do you have any actual evidence that I'm lying to you about what happened that night?" Steve asked. Jada admitted that she only had a hunch. "Well, your hunch is wrong," Steve said.

With a shake of her head, Jada noted that her father had always told her that Steve was trouble. Steve smirked. "How does Kayla feel about this? About you taking the fall?" Jada asked. Steve admitted that Kayla had been disappointed with Steve's actions but that she had understood his motive. "[Kayla] is on board with me taking responsibility for it," Steve said. Steve promised to make things up to his wife.

After Steve was processed, Jada informed him that he had ten minutes to get to the courthouse for his bail hearing. "I'm really glad Justin was able to put that together so fast," Steve said. "Me, too," Jada admitted. Steve apologized for having frustrated Jada when he had given his statement. "You did. But it's only because I care about you," Jada said. "The feeling is mutual," Steve said. Steve told Jada that Marcus would be proud of her. "Just like I am," Steve said. Steve and Jada hugged.

At Bayview, Bobby was working out in his room when Marlena and Stephanie arrived. "What do you two want?" Bobby asked. Marlena asked to talk to Everett. "We know that Everett lives inside you, and that's because you're protecting him. We're not here to hurt him," Marlena said. Bobby argued that there was no reason to make Everett confront and relive his past.

"We just want to help him," Stephanie said. "You two don't know the difference between helping someone and hurting him. Get the hell out of here," Bobby argued. Bobby returned to his workout. Unfazed, Stephanie approached and spoke to Bobby as if he was Everett. "I know you're in there, so please, just talk to me. You don't have to be afraid," Stephanie pleaded. Bobby told Stephanie that she was wasting her time.

"Everett, you know you can trust me, like I trusted you when you helped me with my breakup with Chad. I can help you deal with whatever happened to you in your past," Stephanie said. Bobby groaned. "I have been in here for weeks. Where have you been?" Bobby asked. Bobby argued that when things had gotten tough, Stephanie had abandoned Everett. "Like everybody else," Bobby said. Stephanie insisted that she cared.

"You only care about yourself. You're such a liar. My God. I do what it takes to protect Everett, okay? From everyone, and that includes people like you," Bobby said. Bobby told Stephanie to leave. "Everett," Stephanie said. Bobby reiterated that Everett was not available. "I want nothing to do with you. I find you desperate and pathetic and unattractive. You do nothing for me," Bobby said. Stephanie demanded to hear Everett tell her that. Stephanie grabbed Bobby by the shoulders.

"Let him out, you bastard!" Stephanie yelled. After a moment, Stephanie released Bobby and backed away. "This isn't working. We need to go," Marlena told Stephanie. Stephanie apologized for having lost her temper. Bobby joked that he would check with the admin about a room for Stephanie.

"I know you think you're protecting Everett, but you know what? You're making things worse," Marlena said. Marlena argued that Everett would never be safe or free until he confronted his past. Bobby argued that he had kept Everett alive. "If you two keep pushing, no one will ever see Everett again," Bobby threatened.

After Marlena and Stephanie walked out, Bobby returned to his workout. In his head, Everett asked Bobby to let him out. "Shut up," Bobby muttered. "You should have let them talk to me. What you said to Stephanie about me not wanting her, it wasn't true," Everett said. "What you think is true and what I know to be true are two very different things," Bobby said. Bobby argued that he knew what was best for Everett. "And it sure as hell isn't Stephanie Johnson," Bobby said.

At the Brady Pub, Kate was reading her tablet when Kayla walked over and asked Kate what had her so engrossed. "Abe and I are thinking about collaborating on a new business venture," Kate admitted. Kayla asked about the business. When Kate mentioned the soap opera business, Kayla was surprised. Kate explained that Abe had suggested the idea.

"Do either one of you have any experience with producing a soap opera?" Kayla asked. "Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a soap opera. But otherwise, no, we don't," Kate said. Kate started to talk about her research, then she gasped. "What is it?" Kayla asked. Kate announced that Body and Soul had been canceled.

At the police station, Stephanie marched up to Jada and begged her for help. "I'm worried we're going to lose Everett forever. And the only way to stop that from happening is for you to speak to Bobby. You need to speak to your ex-husband, Jada. Please," Stephanie said.

Bobby offers Jada a tantalizing clue
Bobby offers Jada a tantalizing clue

Bobby offers Jada a tantalizing clue

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

by Tiffany

At the Brady Pub, Kate filled Kayla in on the news that Body & Soul had been cancelled. Kayla remembered how much Abe had raved about the show when Abe had stayed with Steve and her. Kate added that Abe had to know because he routinely read all the soap magazines and message boards. Both women wondered how Abe was taking the loss of his "TV family."

At Abe and Paulina's apartment, Abe settled on the couch with Paulina and wished her a happy Fourth of July. Paulina lamented that it wouldn't be such a happy occasion because of Chanel's miscarriage. Paulina was relieved, though, that the couple would not be moving to Los Angeles, as she had never liked the city. The mention of L.A. prompted Abe to remember that Body & Soul was on, which was filmed in L.A. When he turned on the TV, he was puzzled to find a news program instead of the show.

Paulina speculated that the network could have changed the schedule. She had to get to work, so she kissed Abe and ribbed him about entertaining himself before she left. Abe stared at the television and muttered that the show had "better not be canceled." Later, Kate arrived, and Abe began ranting about the network "preempting" the show. Kate sadly informed Abe that Body & Soul was not preempted but canceled. She attributed the decision to "political issues behind the scenes."

Abe expressed disappointment that the show had ended abruptly without any closure, or even a "thank you" to the fans. Kate reasoned that the show's cancellation would mean less competition for their venture. Abe was still upset that he would never know how the unanswered questions from the show's stories would have unfolded, such as "Will Charlemagne tie the knot for the 16th time?" Kate smiled and offered that perhaps the audience could get their questions answered.

Abe thought Kate was suggesting that they start an online campaign for the show. Kate said that would take too much time, and she instead proposed that Abe and she acquire the rights to Body & Soul. She argued that the show already had a loyal built-in fanbase, so it would be much easier than attempting to start a brand-new soap opera. "And we'd be the reason these characters live on," Kate finished. Abe looked intrigued by the idea.

At the police station, Stephanie rushed into Jada's office and asked for Jada's help with Everett. Stephanie updated Jada on her visit with Everett, who had still been Bobby. Stephanie believed Jada was the only one who could get through to Bobby, and she pleaded with Jada to see him. Stephanie insisted that she was not driven by her relationship with Everett but by the desire to help Everett, who she called a "good person." She didn't want Everett trapped and locked away for the rest of his life.

Jada admitted she had grappled with the fact that the man she had loved was not real. Stephanie said that Bobby would always be a part of Everett, according to Marlena. Jada eventually agreed to Stephanie's request.

At Marlena and John's place, Marlena checked in with Johnny over the phone. After she ended the call, she answered a knock at the door and found Steve waiting for her. Steve came inside and informed Marlena that he had an update about a conversation with Jada at the police station. Steve said he had confessed to helping Clyde escape, but he assured Marlena that he had left John's name out of it. However, Steve warned that Jada still believed he'd had an accomplice.

Steve turned the talk to John and asked how his partner had been faring on the trip to Greece. Marlena confided that John had still not seemed like himself. She stunned Steve by admitting that John had almost killed Steve. After Marlena filled Steve in on the events post-wedding, Steve remembered how John had seemed dazed at one point after Steve had been shot. Steve vowed that if John had been staying away because of his fear that he would hurt Steve, then Steve would have to be the one to bring John home.

Marlena attempted to talk Steve out of leaving because Steve would be violating his probation. She thanked Steve for helping John, but she believed John would not want Steve to put himself in any more jeopardy. Steve wanted John to know how much he appreciated their friendship and that Steve would always be there for him. Steve was interrupted by a call from Justin, who informed a pleased Steve that he had worked out a deal for a suspended sentence and community service. After he hung up, Steve told Marlena that nothing would be keeping him from going to Greece.

Marlena was grateful to Steve for his determination to help John, and she hugged him. Steve reassured Marlena that John would be okay.

At the Horton house, Julie approached Chad as he mulled over the video of the mystery woman. Julie wanted Chad to take a break, but she admitted that waiting for the technicians to improve the quality of the video had been excruciating. Chad wondered aloud if the woman could be Abigail. He told Julie that the technician had not experienced much success in enhancing the video, but the technician would hopefully at least be able to tell them if the video had been altered. Chad chastised himself for no longer recognizing Abigail's movements and mannerisms.

Julie reminded Chad that Clyde had wanted to drive them crazy with uncertainty. Chad admitted Clyde's plan was working, and Chad kept thinking about when Kayla had told him that Abigail had died. He wondered if Kayla could have missed something, so Julie urged Chad to talk with Kayla. Chad was reluctant to take that step, since he didn't want to put Kayla into the position of having to lie to Steve and others. Julie insisted Kayla could possibly offer useful information, and Chad owed it to himself to find out.

Later, Chad stopped by Kayla's office. She said that she was ready to help with anything Chad needed. Chad took a seat and admitted it was a "sensitive subject." He then reluctantly clarified that he wanted to talk about Abigail. Chad showed Kayla the video. She acknowledged that the woman could possibly be Abigail, but it was hard to tell because of the graininess of the footage. Kayla wondered why Chad had chosen that moment to share the information with her.

Chad reminded Kayla that she had been the last person to see Abigail alive. He wanted to know what Abigail's last moments had been like and if a miracle was possible. Kayla contested that while Abigail had lost a lot of blood, certain drugs could have slowed her heart rate significantly and mimicked death. Kayla also acknowledged the miracles that had already transpired with herself and with Steve, Marlena, Kate, and Bo. She suggested that Chad check with the funeral home to confirm if Abigail had been embalmed and prepared for burial.

Following Chad's departure, Steve greeted Kayla at her office. She was happy when he informed her that the charges against him had been dropped but was less than pleased after Steve announced his plans to go to Greece.

In Horton Town Square, Stephanie joined Paulina at a table. Paulina thanked Stephanie for her help during the radiation scandal, and Paulina was relieved that she could finally get back to working on her plans for the city. Stephanie cautioned Paulina not to get ahead of herself, because an even bigger "PR disaster" could be awaiting her. Paulina was confused, so Stephanie alerted her to "the optics" of Paulina having fired a woman of color as district attorney and having replaced that woman with "a rich white man with a known record of corruption."

Paulina defended her actions and reminded Stephanie that Melinda had also been accused of a crime. Plus, Paulina had offered Melinda another job. When Paulina admitted she had offered Melinda a position as head of sanitation, Stephanie replied that it had worsened the bad optics. People had been saying that Paulina had "treated Trask like trash."

Stephanie and Paulina considered ideas for cleaning up Paulina's image. Stephanie suggested that Paulina cast E.J. as a "principled" D.A. who had put aside his own biases to campaign for Gabi, the self-made "hometown girl," to be released from prison following a wrongful conviction. Paulina scoffed at the notion of selling E.J. as "principled," but Stephanie insisted Paulina could and should promote the narrative to the public. Stephanie further suggested a press conference touting E.J.'s accomplishments. Paulina shot down the idea.

Paulina feared that a press conference might come off as "disingenuous" on her part. Stephanie countered that E.J. could host the press conference, as he had no issue with bragging about himself. Paulina agreed they'd have to "drag his pompous ass from the podium." She hesitantly agreed to the idea but bemoaned the prospect of putting her fate in E.J.'s hands.

Later, Chad approached Paulina, who had left a message for E.J. Chad surprised Paulina with his request. He wanted Paulina to help him exhume his wife's body.

Meanwhile, Stephanie arrived at Marlena's place. She wanted to apologize to Marlena for the way she had acted with Bobby. Stephanie believed that Jada could be the only one to get through to Bobby. Marlena said she'd call Jada, but Stephanie responded that she had already sent Jada to see Bobby.

Bobbie paced around his hospital room and mocked the nurses who had wanted him to take his medication. He took the end board off his bed and stuffed his pills into an empty space. Bobby was pleased that he had Everett "out of the way for good."

Later, Bobby was reading a book when Jada arrived. He was very happy to see her and complimented the novel he had been reading, which Jada had once recommended to him. Bobby guessed that Marlena or Everett's "neurotic girlfriend" had sent Jada, but Jada insisted she had wanted to see Bobby. Since she knew that Bobby's past behavior had been out of his control, she still cared about him. Bobby took Jada's words as a sign and hopefully asked if she could forgive him and if they could move forward together.

Jada hedged and proclaimed that she wanted Bobby to come home when he was feeling better. Bobby backed away and called himself stupid. He realized that Jada really wanted Everett to "come home." Jada reminded Bobby that he was an alter to Everett's host personality. Bobby grew enraged and accused Jada of seeing him as "a parasite, a defect, and an illness." He shouted that Jada had no idea about "the horrors" that Everett had witnessed and how Bobby had spent his entire life protecting Everett. Jada retorted that she saw Bobby as "heroic, admirable, and strong."

Bobby calmed somewhat, so Jada tried to convince him that the best way he could help Everett would be to let Everett confront his past. Bobby replied that Jada wanted to "get rid" of him, but she insisted that Everett's return would be the best outcome for everyone. She further reassured Bobby that he would always remain a part of Everett. Bobby prodded Jada about the pressure she had to have been under and claimed he could give her something that Everett never could.

When Jada began to protest that it was over between them, Bobby chuckled and stated he hadn't been talking about their relationship. "I can help you solve a crime," he proudly declared. Jada asked if Bobby had committed the crime, but he didn't answer. Instead, he teased her with vague details. Fed up, she asked him if the so-called crime had been serious. "Nothing too serious...just a murder," Bobby revealed with a grin.

Jada demanded that Bobby stop playing her by giving up any information he had. Bobby promised to tell all...if Jada came back to see him the next day.

Tate hatches a new plan to be with Holly
Tate hatches a new plan to be with Holly

Tate hatches a new plan to be with Holly

Thursday, July 4, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

At their apartment, Xander worked out while Sarah opened mail. Sarah discovered an RSVP to their wedding. Xander asked if the RSVP was from his mother, but it was from Justin and Bonnie. Xander was less than thrilled. Sarah told Xander that he should feel lucky that Bonnie had forgiven Xander for having locked her in a shed. Xander asked Sarah, "We both know what I did to Bonnie. But if she can let it go, why can't you?"

Sarah admitted that she, too, had made mistakes, with her having not told Xander about Victoria at the top of the list. Xander took Sarah in his arms and promised her, "Never again will I let myself be corrupted by money." "Or anything else, right?" Sarah teased him. "Well, maybe the love of a beautiful woman," Xander played along. They kissed, but as things began to get passionate, there was a knock at the door.

It was Maggie. She was there to present Xander with a check that represented his share of Victor's estate. Xander looked at the check's amount and was a bit taken aback. Maggie explained that she felt Xander should be rewarded for having stood up for the family when Konstantin had tried to take everything away.

Xander was genuinely touched by Maggie's generous offer. "But I can't accept this," Xander said. Xander explained that he was grateful for the offer, but he literally had just promised Sarah that he would not be money-driven anymore. Xander added, "If Victor had wanted me to have this, he would have left it to me himself." Maggie reminded Xander that Victor had been a stubborn man who had been unable to admit when he'd been wrong. Maggie told Xander that he could instead consider the money a wedding present from Maggie and Victor.

Xander maintained that he believed that Victor had not considered Xander as one of Victor's heirs. Maggie insisted that Victor had loved Xander, and if Victor had been able to put his ego aside, Victor would have wanted Xander to have the money. Maggie asked Xander one last time, but Xander declined the check, though he did tell Maggie that he and Sarah would still expect an extravagant wedding gift. Maggie took back the check as she chuckled and said, "Duly noted."

Maggie told Xander that she was proud of him for making that decision, and she believed Victor would have also been proud. That meant a lot to Xander. Maggie kissed and hugged Xander, then Sarah, before she left.

Sarah expressed her surprise that Xander had declined the money. She found it amazing. Xander told Sarah that he'd spent his whole life clawing after money that he hadn't deserved, but he had changed and wanted to earn it for himself. Xander said the offer from Maggie had felt a bit like pity for Victor having left Xander out of the will. Xander declared that he didn't need pity, because Sarah was the greatest prize of all.

Sarah kissed Xander. She asked, "If I slept with you right now, would it be pity sex? Because I have never wanted you more." Xander smiled and replied, "Then I don't care what you call it." Sarah giggled as Xander scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom.

Brady asked Theresa to come to his place. He told her about having arranged to send Tate to lacrosse camp for the remainder of the summer. Theresa looked at the camp's brochure. Brady explained the Tate would be able to hone his skills, be in a controlled environment -- and be "out of Holly's orbit." Theresa liked the idea.

Bonnie and Justin toasted Independence Day in the living room of the Kiriakis mansion. Bonnie remarked that, besides the country's independence, they also had an engagement to celebrate. Justin said "Oh, so you're talking about Xander and Sarah," just as Alex entered the room. "Well, not just them. Didn't you hear the other good news? Theresa and I are getting married, too," Alex said.

Alex remarked that he and Theresa had been engaged for two days, but Justin hadn't said a word. Bonnie spoke up and told Alex that she hadn't mentioned the engagement to Justin because she had wanted Alex to tell Justin himself. Alex could see that Justin was not happy about the news. Alex accused Justin of not trusting Theresa. "Isn't that right... Justin?" Alex asked, stressing the fact that he no longer thought of Justin as his father.

Justin said that he didn't want Alex to rush into a wedding. Alex said that he didn't need Justin's "cousinly advice" and added, "I'm just going with my gut," like Victor had always done. Justin reminded Alex, "Victor was not a fan of Theresa!" Alex smugly reminded Justin that Victor had trusted Alex enough to leave him half of Victor's fortune.

Justin got angry and told Alex that, as executor of the estate, Victor had also trusted Justin to distribute the money. "Which is why I'm going to give you this cousinly advice: if you do plan on marrying Theresa, you better make sure she signs an airtight prenup!"

Alex scoffed at the suggestion. He asked if Justin thought that Theresa would murder Alex for his money or milk him for it while he was still alive. Justin, frustrated, told Alex that, as a very rich man, Alex had to protect himself and his future heirs. "This must have occurred to you," Justin said. That remark caused Alex to think back to his last conversation with Brady, in which they had discussed the possibility that Theresa had opened Victor's briefcase in Greece.

Alex stood firm. Alex said that he didn't need protection from Theresa because Theresa wasn't marrying him for his money. Justin posited that if it was true, Theresa would have no problem signing a prenup -- just as Theresa entered the room.

"Theresa, this prenup was not my idea," Alex exclaimed. Theresa moved to stand by Alex as Justin admitted that the prenup was his idea. Justin told Theresa that it was not his place to judge her, but as legal counsel to the family, he was responsible to look out for Alex, who had just come into a substantial fortune. Justin told Theresa that it was not unreasonable for him to have concerns. That remark triggered Alex into recalling Brady's theory again.

Theresa declared her love for Alex, but she acknowledged Justin's concerns and didn't blame him for being skeptical. "I know that my history has a lot of... black marks," Theresa admitted. The euphemism caused Bonnie's eyes to roll. Theresa reiterated that she had been interested in Alex before she had found out that he was to inherit a fortune.

As Theresa related her version of how she and Alex had discovered their mutual attraction in Greece, Alex's mind followed along with Brady's version of how Theresa might have opened the briefcase. As Theresa claimed that she had been just as surprised as everyone else at the revelation of Alex's parentage, Alex recalled realizing that if Theresa had opened the briefcase, then she had been playing him ever since. Doubts were forming in Alex's mind.

Theresa declared that Alex trusted her. She took Alex's face in her hands and asked, "You do trust me, don't you, Alex?" Alex told Theresa he trusted her, and that was why he had asked her to become his wife. Theresa asked Alex if he wanted her to sign a prenup. Before he could answer, Theresa declared. "Because I think I should." Bonnie's reaction was, "I didn't see that coming."

Theresa explained that she was tired of everyone thinking ill of her. Doe-eyed, Theresa told Alex that she knew that some marriages didn't work out, so Alex should protect himself. Theresa told Justin to draw up the papers.

Tate, who was at the Brady Pub, called Holly, who was in the living room at the DiMera mansion. Tate asked Holly if she still wanted to run away with him. With Tate being shipped off to lacrosse camp and Holly having been "double super grounded," Holly wondered how they could pull of an escape. Tate assured Holly that he had a plan. "Would you say it's better than the prom plan?" Holly teased Tate. Tate asked Holly to trust him. "I do trust you," Holly replied with a smile. Tate told Holly to call him when it was safe to talk. They ended the call.

Holly turned her head and found that Rachel was standing in the doorway. Holly asked if Rachel wanted to watch a movie. Rachel replied, "Not really... but I do want to know what you're plotting with my brother." Holly explained that she really wanted to be with Tate, but their parents wanted to keep Tate and Holly apart. Holly asked Rachel not to say anything. Rachel claimed that she didn't want to get in trouble. She picked up her phone to call Nicole. Holly grabbed Rachel's phone. "You can't!" Holly exclaimed.

Rachel grabbed her phone back. Holly pleaded with Rachel not to tell. "I'll do anything," Holly exclaimed. That caught Rachel's attention. "Like what? What's in it for me?" Rachel asked. Holly explained that Rachel would be a hero to Tate, after everything he had recently been through. Holly also told Rachel that she would never bust Rachel for anything. Holly said that Rachel was old enough to understand that Tate and Holly wanted to be together, and Holly needed Rachel's help.

Holly also offered to give Rachel some Vanilla Orchid, Holly's favorite perfume, which Rachel had liked. "So, like a bribe, right?" Rachel asked. Holly leaned down to be at Rachel's eye level. "It would be a gift, for being a good friend. Can I count on you?" Holly asked. Before Rachel could answer, Holly looked up and discovered that Brady had entered the room. "Hi. What are you two talking about?" Brady asked suspiciously.

Holly stood up and said, "Nothing important. We were just talking about perfumes. Right, Rachel?" Rachel went along with Holly, but Brady was dubious. He said that the conversation had looked too intense to only be about perfumes. Holly lied and told Brady that Rachel had wanted to try some Vanilla Orchid, but Holly wasn't sure if Kristen would approve. Brady bought it. He told Holly and Rachel that he didn't think Kristen would mind, but the subject of perfumes would have to wait.

Brady explained that he was there to pick up Rachel and take her to see some fireworks. Rachel ran off to grab some glow sticks before they left. Brady thanked Holly for hanging out with Rachel. Holly expressed concern that Kristen -- or any mother -- would not trust Holly at that moment.

Brady told Holly that he wished things had gone differently after the prom, but he added that he didn't think it was cool that Tate and Holly had sneaked off to go to the Salem Inn. Brady told Holly about the lacrosse camp and that Brady and Theresa thought it would be a good idea if Tate and Holly spent some time apart. Brady told Holly that they could reevaluate the situation when Tate returned. Brady told Holly that if she and Tate could prove trustworthy, their senior year in high school could look very different.

Aaron joined Tate at the Brady Pub. Tate showed him the lacrosse camp brochure. Aaron admired the camp but lamented the fact that he could not afford it. "That's why it's a good thing my dad is paying for me to go," Tate said. Aaron was confused. Tate laid out his plan to have Aaron go the camp in Tate's stead, so that Tate and Holly could run off together.

Tate explained that camp did not allow visitors, so his parents could not "stop by." Tate said that he would turn off the tracking app on his phone. All Tate needed was someone to take his place. Tate said that because Aaron loved lacrosse and was good at it, it would be a good opportunity for Aaron. Aaron was hesitant. Tate said that if Aaron had the prestigious training, colleges would be "throwing scholarships" at him.

"Where do I sign?" Aaron asked. Tate was stunned. "Wait. Seriously, you will do this?" Tate asked. Aaron replied that he was sure his brother, Mark, would like Aaron out of his hair for the rest of the summer. Aaron extended his hand to offer Tate a handshake. Aaron said with a beaming smile, "Nice to meet you. I'm Tate Black." Tate smiled and shook Aaron's hand.

Holly called Tate, who told her that Aaron would be going to lacrosse camp in Tate's place. All that was left to do was to find a place where Tate could hide for the summer, so he and Holly could see each other. Tate cut the call short when Brady and Rachel entered the pub. Brady informed Tate that Theresa was on board with sending Tate to camp. Rachel invited Tate and Aaron to join them at the fireworks. Aaron cited a family-barbecue obligation. Tate said that he should probably go home and start packing for camp.

Sarah stared out the window at the fireworks as Xander returned from making sure Victoria was still asleep. Sarah had wanted to show the fireworks to the baby. "Next year," Xander assured Sarah. In the meantime, Xander suggested that they could make more fireworks of their own. Xander said, "We may not be the richest couple in town, but we are the luckiest." "And the happiest," Sarah added. They kissed.

Justin was composing the prenup on his phone. Bonnie sneaked up on him and blew a noisemaker in his ear. She was eager to celebrate the birthday of America -- "land of the free, and home of the free refills at the movies!" Justin put down his phone and took a noisemaker himself. Bonnie and Justin tooted their noisemakers as Maggie entered the room. "This looks like a joyous celebration!" Maggie exclaimed. Justin invited Maggie to join them. Maggie accepted but first wanted to show Justin that Xander had refused the inheritance check.

Brady and Rachel watched the fireworks from Horton Town Square. Alex and Theresa approached them. Rachel told Theresa that the fireworks had been better the previous year. Alex told Brady that Theresa had agreed to sign a prenup. Theresa wondered why Alex would bring up that subject while they were talking about fireworks.

Rachel asked her father for ice cream, so Brady and Rachel left. Theresa wanted to know why Alex had blurted out private information. She assumed that Brady had been badmouthing her. "What was he saying to you?" Theresa asked. Alex told Theresa that it didn't matter because Alex hadn't bought it. Alex reiterated that he trusted Theresa, but Theresa remained nervous.

Brady asked Rachel if she was going to miss Tate. Rachel replied, "Definitely...but not as much as Holly will."

Tate and Holly met in the park. Tate told her that Theresa was on board with the plan to send Tate to lacrosse camp. Tate and Holly were thrilled that they would be able to spend the whole summer together with no one the wiser. As Tate and Holly kissed, someone was watching them through the trees.

E.J.'s web of lies is threatened

E.J.'s web of lies is threatened

Friday, July 5, 2024

by Spalding

Bobby was standing in his room at Bayview, reading a book, when Marlena walked in. "I've nothing to say to you. I'll speak to Jada. No one else," Bobby said. Marlena asked Bobby about his visit with Jada. "I think our conversation was quite productive," Bobby said. Marlena told Bobby that she was happy that his conversation had gone well.

"But shouldn't you consider Everett? I mean, couldn't you just briefly let him out?" Marlena asked. Bobby declined. "He's not ready to face his past," Bobby said. Marlena asked about the past. "I have a sense that you're more concerned about yourself," Marlena said. Bobby asked Marlena to leave, and she did.

At the Brady Pub, Jada told Rafe that she had talked to Bobby. "The doctors haven't been able to reach Everett," Jada said. "So, he made good on his threat," Rafe noted. Jada explained that Stephanie had asked her to talk to Bobby, but she had hit a wall with him. "So, it was a total waste of time," Rafe said. Jada disagreed.

When Jada mentioned that Bobby had told her he still wanted her back, Rafe smirked. "It must be so flattering to be hit on by someone who isn't even real," Rafe said. "He was real to me," Jada countered. Rafe apologized. Jada told Rafe about Bobby's offer to help her solve a murder case.

"[Bobby] didn't give me any details, but he said we could further discuss it if I go back and visit him today," Jada said. Rafe argued that Bobby was bluffing in order to spend more time with her. Jada was unsure. "It's pure manipulation," Rafe said. "Either way, I'm going back. I need to hear him out," Jada said. Rafe reminded Jada that Bobby was mentally unstable and that Rafe was concerned about Jada's welfare.

"I think that you should stay as far away from him as possible," Rafe said. "It's very rare for alters to be violent," Jada countered. Rafe argued that it was too risky. "My job is to investigate crimes," Jada said. Rafe insisted that he go with Jada, but Jada argued that Bobby would not open up if Rafe were there. "This is all about trust. And I just need to go there alone," Jada said. Rafe reiterated his objections, and he cautioned Jada to be careful.

When Jada arrived at Bayview, Bobby smiled. "I was hoping you'd come back," Bobby said. "I almost didn't. And just so we're clear, I won't let you keep me on the hook. I'm gonna need answers. You said you had information about a murder, so I need you to tell me what you know," Jada said. Bobby promised to tell Jada about the murder if she secured his release from Bayview.

"I knew you were just playing games," Jada muttered. "I do actually have the information you need to know," Bobby said. Jada rolled her eyes and noted that Rafe had been right. With a sigh, Bobby said he would give Jada the information. Jada warned Bobby to tell her something useful, or she would leave. "It's about the murder of Li Shin," Bobby said.

At the Spectator, Nicole was working when Eric stopped by the office. Nicole asked Eric to take pictures of E.J.'s press conference. "I don't work here anymore," Eric said. Eric explained that he had secured a job in Paris. Nicole was surprised. "I'm flying out today," Eric said. Eric explained that he was eager to start his new life as soon as possible.

"I need time. I need distance," Eric said. With a nod, Nicole told Eric she would miss him, and he said the same about Nicole. "Maybe this is for the best. For all of us. I mean, E.J. never did like us working together," Eric said. "He liked it even less when he saw us kissing," Nicole said with a chuckle. Eric's eyes bugged out. Nicole told Eric about her conversation with E.J.

"If we were together, I don't know what I'd do if I saw you kissing another man," Eric admitted. Unsure how to respond, Nicole stammered that she needed to prepare for the press conference. Nicole offered to let Eric visit Jude before he left, but Eric said no. "But thank you for the offer," Eric said. With tears in her eyes, Nicole whispered, "How about we just don't say [goodbye]." Eric nodded in agreement, and he hugged Nicole goodbye.

In the DiMera mansion, an annoyed E.J. stomped into the living room and asked about Gabi. Stefan explained that Gabi was flying back from Arizona. Curious, Stefan asked E.J. why he was so eager to see Gabi. "Mayor Price feels that my reinstatement isn't playing well with her constituents. I'm holding a press conference today to boost my image," E.J. explained. E.J. said he needed Gabi to talk about how he had fought for her release.

"It's not like you overturned Gabi's conviction because it was the right thing to do. You did it so I wouldn't tell Nicole the truth about Jude's paternity," Stefan said. E.J. reminded Stefan that he had secured Gabi's release as promised. "Hold up your end [of the bargain] and keep your mouth shut," E.J. said. Stefan informed E.J. that despite Gabi's questioning, he had not told her about Jude. When Stefan told E.J. not to worry, E.J. asked Stefan to stop phrasing "everything like a threat."

E.J. complained about Melinda, and he told Stefan that he had been forced to secure a job for Melinda to keep her quiet. When Stefan argued that E.J. could not make such a promise, E.J. countered that he had caught Kristen in a good mood. As E.J. and Stefan bickered about who was at fault for Melinda's threats, Gabi returned home. "What did I miss?" Gabi asked. Stefan greeted his wife, and he asked her about Arianna.

Impatient, E.J. interrupted Gabi's conversation with Stefan to ask Gabi to join him at his press conference. Gabi complained that she was exhausted. "You owe me, Gabriela. Stefan, you, too," E.J. said. "We'll be there," Stefan agreed. After E.J. left, Gabi asked Stefan if he really wanted her to help E.J., and Stefan said yes.

"Fine. But only if you tell me how you strongarmed E.J. into overturning my conviction," Gabi said. Stefan reiterated that he had appealed to E.J.'s family loyalty. "I don't buy it. Especially after I just overheard you talking about blackmailing him when I interrupted you two before," Gabi said. With a sigh, Stefan closed the doors to the living room. Stefan told Gabi that E.J. was not Jude's father, and he explained what had happened.

"In E.J.'s defense, he hasn't known about this since the very beginning," Stefan said. "When exactly did Sloan tell him the truth?" Gabi asked. Stefan admitted that it had been months, but E.J. had not told Nicole because he was afraid to lose her. "I bet he's right," Gabi whispered. Stefan explained that he had used the paternity test results as leverage to secure Gabi's freedom.

"And now Eric will get his child back," Gabi said. Stefan's smile disappeared. "What?" Stefan said. Gabi argued that they could not keep the truth from Eric. "It's the right thing to do. It's the only thing to do," Gabi said. "I can't believe you're even saying this," Stefan countered. Gabi was surprised that Stefan did not want to tell the truth. Gabi reminded Stefan that it had been painful to be separated from her daughter for so long.

"Do you expect me to stand by and let Eric miss out on his child's entire life?" Gabi asked. "I don't love it, either, but E.J. came through for us. You are free," Stefan said. Gabi argued that they had what they wanted, and there was no reason to keep the truth from Eric. "A very solemn promise. That's what's stopping us," Stefan argued. Stefan noted that he did not want to start another war with E.J., since they were at peace.

"I get that. But Eric's a really great guy. He's Arianna's great-uncle. What did he do to deserve this?" Gabi asked. Stefan pointed out that Gabi's recent imprisonment was a reminder that life was sometimes unfair. "Despite E.J.'s faults, he is also a very good father," Stefan argued. Stefan told Gabi that it was the price for her freedom, and he begged her to keep the secret. "I just got you back. I can't risk anything getting in the way of us living in harmony," Stefan pleaded. Gabi reluctantly agreed.

Melinda was waiting impatiently for Kristen at the caf in the town square when Connie approached her. "You," Melinda growled. Melinda said she remembered when Connie had attacked her and blamed her for Li Shin's death. Connie apologized, and she explained that she had been jealous of Melinda. "I suppose we all have our moments," Melinda said. With a nod, Connie walked away.

When Kristen arrived, she asked Melinda why E.J. wanted her to hire Melinda as general counsel for DiMera. Melinda noted that E.J. felt guilty for having stolen the D.A. job. Kristen scoffed. "DiMeras are generally not wired for a guilty conscience," Kristen said. Melinda made a couple of arguments, but Kristen dismissed them.

"Why do you want to work for me? I assume that you still blame me for your daughter's death," Kristen said. "You did push her down a flight of stairs," Melinda muttered. Kristen reiterated that she had been lost in her grief, and she had been horrified by what had happened.

"Well, I've been out of my mind with grief since I lost her, my only child. And since you are responsible for her death, even if unintentionally, I am triggered just being in your presence. But nevertheless, I am a professional. So, for the sake of the job, I can put aside our personal differences," Melinda said. "Wonderful. I can't say the same," Kristen countered. Melinda gaped.

"And here I was thinking that I was the one with the very serious grievance with you. Not the other way around," Melinda snapped. With a shrug, Kristen explained that she did not want to worry about Melinda exacting revenge. "You can stop worrying. I plan to keep my head down and work my ass off. Period," Melinda said. Melinda added that she was an asset to the company. "I do owe you. I just don't think it's a smart move for me at this moment," Kristen said. E.J. plopped down in the chair between the two women.

"Hello, ladies. Settle on a starting salary, just negotiating the perks now?" E.J. asked. Melinda explained that Kristen refused to hire her. "Melinda is extremely qualified," E.J. argued. "What? To stab me in the back?" Kristen countered. Frustrated, Melinda yelled that she was no threat to Kristen. E.J. asked what Kristen wanted to "seal the deal." When Kristen started to say no again, E.J. offered her his DiMera shares.

"You have fought tooth and nail for those shares. And now you just want to hand them over to me?" Kristen asked. E.J. argued that the board had no interest in reinstating him, so he had no use for the shares. "Plus, I am completely content being D.A.," E.J. said. Suspicious, Kristen argued that E.J. was giving up a lot of money. E.J. clarified that although Kristen would have the voting power of the shares, he would still collect the dividends.

"Either there's something that you're not telling me, or being a new father has turned your brain into mush," Kristen said. E.J. shrugged. Kristen agreed to the deal, and she confirmed that she would get the paperwork for the shares and Melinda's contract initiated. After Kristen walked away, E.J. reminded Melinda that he had bought her silence forever.

"Nicole won't hear about it from me," Melinda said. "Won't hear what?" Nicole said as she walked over. Melinda explained that Kristen had hired her to work at DiMera. "And I guess you have now indeed heard it from me," Melinda said. Confused, Nicole asked why. E.J. explained that he had wanted to tell Nicole the news himself. With a smirk, Melinda walked away.

"I don't get it. Don't Melinda and Kristen have a terrible history?" Nicole asked. "My guess, Kristen hired her to spite me," E.J. said. Nicole groaned. E.J. changed the subject to his press conference, and Nicole admitted that she was there as a reporter. "Please have Eric take a rather flattering photo of me for the front page," E.J. said. Nicole informed E.J. that Eric was moving to Paris.

"[Eric] realized that living in the same town as Jude is too hard. He needs a clean break," Nicole said. "That makes sense. I know it's a big change, but I think that Eric has made the right decision. For everyone," E.J. said. When Nicole explained that Eric was flying out that night, E.J. said he was glad that Nicole had been able to say goodbye. "You're loving this, aren't you?" Nicole asked. E.J. explained that he felt bad for Eric because he had lost his wife and his child.

At the penthouse, Eric told Marlena about his new job and the move. Marlena was disappointed that Eric's new life was so far away from home. "Do you think I'm weak?" Eric asked. "Nobody blames you for needing space. You've got a lot of adjusting to do," Marlena said. Eric thanked Marlena for her support and for not mentioning that Nicole was the other reason he was leaving town.

"You asked me not to bring up Nicole. I respect that you don't want to talk about it," Marlena said. "Now that I'm leaving, I can be honest with you. Not just you, but myself, too. I tried to move on. But the one simple fact is that Nicole will always have a piece of my heart," Eric confessed.

Kristen summoned Melinda to the DiMera mansion, and she handed Melinda the contract for her new position. As Melinda looked over the contract and signed it, Kristen noted that Melinda answered to her. "Why did my brother push so hard to get you this job?" Kristen asked. "All I can say is your brother was doing what's best for him," Melinda said.

As everyone gathered for the press conference in the square, Gabi thanked Rafe for his show of support. As Gabi chatted with Stefan and Rafe, Connie walked over. "I just wanted you to know how happy I was to hear that you were exonerated," Connie said. Connie noted that Li would be able to rest in peace. Gabi thanked Connie for her kind words.

Connie returned home to her apartment, and she furrowed her brow. Connie thought back to the night of Li's death and how she had stabbed him in the back.

In the square, E.J. started the press conference, and he read a statement. "As the D.A., I hereby recommit myself to upholding the law and making sure justice prevails, no matter how hard the fight," E.J. said. Gabi looked at Stefan. E.J. talked about the Li Shin murder case and Gabi's false imprisonment. "The system works, because today she has her freedom," E.J. announced. E.J. ceded the podium to Gabi for her to speak.

Gabi spoke about the toll the previous eight months had taken on her. Gabi acknowledged her husband and how he had never doubted her innocence. Gabi next thanked Jada and Rafe for their pursuit of justice. "And finally, there is one more important person I need to acknowledge, the victim, Li Shin," Gabi said. Gabi noted that Li could rest in peace, since the real murderer had been identified.

Nicole shouted out a question to Gabi about how E.J. had helped overturn Gabi's case. "Of course. How could I forget? Much credit must go to your husband. He was the one who approved the immunity deal for Miss Trask, who then handed over the evidence needed to exonerate me. Even though D.A. DiMera was the one who wrongfully prosecuted me in the first place under the flimsiest of circumstances," Gabi said. E.J. whispered, "You're not helping."

Gabi noted that in the end, E.J. had admitted that he had been wrong. "[He admitted] that he let his personal animosity toward me cloud his judgment," Gabi said. Gabi looked at E.J., and she noted that they were similar. "Sometimes, we let our emotions guide our decisions. In your case, you sent me to prison out of hate. But you freed me out of love," Gabi said. E.J. appeared puzzled. Gabi clarified that she meant E.J.'s love for Nicole.

"Nicole has nothing to do with this," E.J. said. "Of course, she does. This is all about Nicole," Gabi said. Stefan furrowed his brow, concerned. "What are you talking about?" Nicole asked. "The only reason he exonerated me was because he was desperately afraid of losing his beloved wife to Eric Brady," Gabi said. Nicole asked why. "Because you're still in love with Eric. And he's the father of your baby," Gabi announced.

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Edited by SC Desk