Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 6, 2024 on DAYS

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Marlena, John, and Steve made a plan with Maggie to take down Konstantin. Nicole refused to let Holly attend the prom. Everett switched personalities again.
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 6, 2024 on DAYS

Chanel asked Paulina for space. Everett switched personalities again. Jada moved in with Rafe. Maggie announced she would give away her fortune. Alex kept Theresa waiting in favor of sex with Kristen. Nicole and Eric went on their first assignment. Clyde ordered Ava to scan and email his book. Sloan updated Melinda. Holly and Tate set up a prom double date, but Nicole refused to let Holly attend. Marlena, John, and Steve made a plan with Maggie to take down Konstantin. Rolf confirmed to E.J. that Jude was Eric and Nicole's son.

Johnny and Chanel weigh their options
Johnny and Chanel weigh their options

Johnny and Chanel weigh their options

Monday, May 6, 2024

by Tiffany

At the Brady Pub, Stephanie approached Everett and asked to join him. Everett gladly accepted, and Stephanie inquired if he was working on a story. He turned his laptop around and showed her the headline of his story: Rogue Radioactive Mayor. Stephanie was surprised and didn't think Everett should run the story without getting a response from Paulina first. Everett insisted Paulina had had plenty of opportunity to respond but had refused comment.

Stephanie asked Everett to give Paulina more time, but Everett didn't want to lose a major scoop. He published the article, to Stephanie's chagrin. After Stephanie ended a call with Abe, Everett asked her if working with both Paulina and the paper would represent a conflict of interest. An offended Stephanie affirmed it wouldn't, so Everett backed off and propositioned her about doing something "fun-related rather than work-related.

Everett didn't want to pressure Stephanie and said they could move at her pace. She warmed to the idea of spending time with him, especially after Everett suggested one of the couple's favorite pastimes: pickleball. Everett got back on his laptop to check his schedule. When he saw the divorce papers and Bobby Stein's signature, his expression darkened.

Stephanie wanted to set a date for the pickleball outing, but Everett blew her off and claimed he needed to work on another story. Stephanie was slightly taken aback and asked Everett if he was all right. He insisted he just needed to work, so Stephanie left. A moment after Stephanie was gone, Everett approached a woman at the bar and began hitting on her. He introduced himself as Bobby.

Outside the pub, Jada and Rafe talked French fries and who would get decorating dominion when they went home. The couple warmly greeted Eric as he arrived. They updated him on their moving plans, and he updated them on Jude. When Rafe and Jada brought up Sloan, though, Eric was less committal and quickly departed.

Back at Rafe's house, Jada happily assessed the place. Rafe reminded her that his home was officially her home. Jada felt grateful and lucky that Rafe and she had each other but expressed worry about Eric. She thought Eric had seemed upset and unhappy earlier. Rafe attributed Eric's mood to Sloan being "a difficult woman," and he hoped Eric could work through his marital issues.

After replacing a piece of art from Jordan on Rafe's wall, Jada asked Rafe about his relationship with Jordan. He implied that all Jada needed to know was that Jordan had been "certifiably insane" and that their relationship had not ended well. Jada could relate, and both agreed they had finally gotten it right with each other.

Jada was busy redecorating the room when she received a phone alert. She squealed with delight upon viewing the message because the divorce papers had gone through. Rafe brought out Champagne, and they toasted to their future. Jada reflected on how happy she was compared to how her marriage to Bobby had been when Bobby had become "cold and distant" like someone had "flipped a switch." She was thankful to be free of him. She called Rafe her "one and only," and the couple began kissing passionately while moving to the bed.

At Eric and Sloan's apartment, E.J. angrily asked Sloan what she meant by saying he was only "half-right" about Jude. Sloan took a breath and told him the baby was Nicole and Eric's child. A stunned E.J. wondered why he should believe a "lying kidnapper," but Sloan reminded him she had nothing to gain from lying to him about Jude's parentage. She hated the reality as much as E.J. did, but she insinuated that if they both wanted to save their marriages, then E.J. would keep quiet.

E.J. was still in denial and reminded Sloan he had paternity test results in his safe. Sloan informed him that she had switched the results. E.J. scoffed at the notion and called Sloan "scum." He insisted he would get another test, and Sloan told him to "go for it" and offered up Eric's toothbrush. She said to E.J., "We're on the same team now," and that they needed to work together. "Got it?" she demanded, then flicked a growling E.J. on the forehead.

After E.J. left, Eric returned home. Sloan asked Eric about his meeting with Leo. Eric confirmed he'd seen Leo. Since Leo had been drunk and upset, though, Eric had felt sorry for him. Eric wanted Sloan to know that while he hated how Leo had blackmailed Sloan, he was most upset that Sloan felt she couldn't confide in him.

Eric and Sloan promised each other "no more secrets" and hugged as Sloan sighed. After pledging "openness" and "honesty" to Eric, Sloan kissed him, and the couple headed for bed.

Nicole was thinking about Eric when Johnny and Chanel walked into the DiMera mansion. Nicole greeted them, but they excused themselves and went upstairs, claiming it had been a long night.

A shaken E.J. made a beeline for a drink when he returned to the mansion. He looked at his wedding ring as Nicole approached him from behind.

E.J. took a gulp of the drink before noticing Nicole. She asked him if he was okay. E.J. attributed his mood to a long day at work, and he said he wanted to go to bed. Nicole stopped him and said she needed to tell him something first. She confessed that she would be working with Eric at the paper.

Nicole insisted she would stop working at the paper if E.J. had a problem with the Eric aspect. After a beat, E.J. assured Nicole he would be fine with it. She reasoned that she would likely be working with a different photographer on future stories. Besides, she noted to E.J., "you are my present and my future." They hugged, but both wore conflicted looks.

E.J. asked Nicole about Holly, and Nicole confirmed that Holly had settled in early because she'd had a difficult night. E.J. thought Nicole might be overdoing it, as well, and suggested a vacation. Nicole was excited by the idea. When she and E.J. kissed, E.J.'s watch got caught in Nicole's hair.

Nicole mused that E.J. and she had been taking each other for granted. He contested the notion, but she clarified that they had not spent enough quality intimate time together. They smiled suggestively at each other and made a fast track for the bedroom.

At their penthouse, an upset Paulina updated Abe on the situation with Chanel, Johnny, and the baby. Paulina vowed she would never forgive herself if something went wrong with the pregnancy. Abe tried to comfort her, but Paulina sobbed into his arms about her "stupid, impulsive decision" that could have "tragic consequences." Abe believed Paulina had only done what she had felt was necessary. Paulina countered that she had wanted to prove to her daughter and to the rest of Salem that "Paulina Price is fearless and indomitable."

Paulina asserted that her ego and need to be a hero had overtaken her, leaving her with guilt and regret. She demanded Abe condemn her, but he thought they should go to bed, since nothing could be done. Paulina instead picked up the phone to call Chanel so she could check on her daughter and apologize again. When Chanel didn't answer, Paulina was certain Chanel was "angry as hell" and didn't want to speak with her mother. Abe thought Chanel and Johnny were simply trying to process things.

As Paulina began to go on a guilt trip again, Abe reminded her that the best they could do for Chanel and Johnny was to be there for the couple and pray. He believed rest would do them all good, but Paulina wanted to take a hot bath to relax. After Abe said he loved her, Paulina lamented that she wasn't feeling loveable.

While Paulina was in the bathroom, Abe was shocked to see her picture, along with the story about her, on the front page of the paper's website. He called Stephanie and asked about damage control. Stephanie said the only thing Paulina could do was release a statement explaining her side of the story. Abe worried that the story could hurt Paulina's political career, and Stephanie could not assuage his concern.

Paulina returned from her bath, refreshed and with a more positive outlook. She rambled to a distracted Abe -- who was still looking at his tablet -- about how they would all get through the trouble together because they were tough and resilient. When she finished, Abe handed her the tablet and said he was sorry. Paulina looked in wide-eyed horror at the headline.

As Paulina perused the article, Abe assured her Stephanie had agreed to help them with PR. Paulina believed the article was only stating the truth. She thought it was time she "faced the music."

In their bedroom, Johnny and Chanel took a moment to recollect. Paulina called. Chanel didn't want to answer because she was "tired" and "confused." Johnny assured her Paulina would understand. Chanel was still processing how to feel about the pregnancy, as she hadn't been sure she was ready to be a mother. Johnny expressed excitement at the news, calling the pregnancy "awesome" and "amazing" and affirming to Chanel that the baby made him feel closer to her.

Johnny hesitantly brought up that given the potential complications, Chanel and he did have options with the pregnancy. Chanel grew tearful as she asked Johnny if he was talking about terminating the pregnancy. Johnny wiped Chanel's tears and gently stated that he would love to have a big family with her, but given the radiation exposure and the uncertainty about its effects, it complicated their decision. Chanel hugged Johnny and wished they could "just be happy" about the pregnancy.

Later, as Johnny and Chanel cuddled in bed, Chanel opened up to Johnny about a favorite customer of hers named Felicity, who had Down syndrome. Chanel mentioned how the girl would stop by the bakery every morning to watch Chanel work, and Chanel planned to give Felicity a job when the girl was old enough. Chanel believed that even though Felicity's parents had made sacrifices, those sacrifices did not "outweigh the joy" their daughter brought into their lives. Chanel did not care if her own child was "imperfect" because everyone had imperfections. Chanel wanted to move forward with the pregnancy, despite the risk, and both she and Johnny agreed their child was "a blessing."

Chanel still had doubts about being "mom material" because she believed herself to be "immature" and "irresponsible." Johnny contended that Chanel owned a successful business, and if anyone was unprepared, it was him, as his "only job title is trust-fund baby." Chanel saw Johnny as mature and thought he needed to find his calling, but Johnny confirmed it was time he grew up and became more responsible.

Chanel and Johnny listened to Paulina's phone message, in which Paulina expressed her love for Chanel, her sorrow, and her hope that Chanel could forgive her. Chanel was conflicted because she knew her mother was upset, but she wasn't ready to "deal with the drama." Johnny comforted her and reminded Chanel that she needed to prioritize herself and the baby. He promised Chanel they would get through it together.

Johnny agreed with Chanel that they had much to think about and consider, but "for tonight," he wanted to "close out the rest of the world." Chanel concurred. They shared their gratitude for having each other and kissed lovingly.

John reveals his plan for Konstantin
John reveals his plan for Konstantin

John reveals his plan for Konstantin

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

by Spalding

At the Kiriakis mansion, Maggie and Konstantin greeted Sarah, Xander, and Victoria as they arrived at the house. "I hope that we're not late," Xander said. Maggie said she had been waiting for Justin's call. Right on cue, the phone rang. Justin told Maggie that Victor's will was out of probate, and the estate was ready to be distributed. "That is excellent news," Konstantin said. Maggie admitted that it was a relief for the probate to have ended. "I'm sure Alex has heard, as well. And he must be over the moon, rejoicing as we speak," Maggie said.

With a sigh, Maggie noted that she would forsake all her money to have Victor back. "Of course, you would, Maggie. Because you're not a greedy, mercenary person," Xander said. Maggie announced that she had decided that if Victor had predeceased her, she would become a philanthropist. "[I decided] that I would donate the bulk of my inheritance to all worthy causes," Maggie said. Sarah noted that she was unsurprised by her mother's generosity. Konstantin agreed.

"I still feel terrible that Victor, he split all of his assets just between Alex and me, while everyone else, for whatever reason I can't even fathom, was left out of his revised will," Maggie said. Maggie explained that she wanted to respect Victor's wishes, but she believed the right thing to do was share some of her fortune with the rest of the family. As Maggie rattled off the names of family members, Konstantin shouted "No!" at the mention of Xander's name.

"You can't do that," Konstantin said. Maggie stared daggers at Konstantin. Xander asked Konstantin if he would prefer it if Maggie gave her inheritance to Konstantin. "Don't be ridiculous! I signed a prenup! Not a penny will be mine," Konstantin yelled. Konstantin explained that what he had objected to was Maggie making a rash decision about her inheritance. "I have given it a lot of thought. For years," Maggie countered. Xander asked Konstantin why he felt he had the right to tell Maggie what to do. Xander reminded Konstantin that Maggie was only marrying him because of his visa.

"Xander!" Sarah warned. Xander refused to stay silent about Konstantin's desire to criticize Maggie's decision. "Defend yourself. Explain yourself," Maggie told Konstantin. Konstantin told Maggie that he loved her big heart. "I apologize for overstepping. I respect and admire the nobility of your plan to donate your fortune in the most honorable of ways," Konstantin said. Maggie thanked Konstantin for the clarification. Victoria started to cry, and Konstantin said it was time for his walk. On his way out, Konstantin told Maggie that he was proud of her decision.

After Maggie took Victoria out into the garden for air, Xander scowled. "Like hell he is proud. I mean, my God, how can your mom not see through that greedy son of a bitch?" Xander muttered. Sarah cautioned Xander to keep his voice down. Xander argued that it was obvious that Konstantin was horrified at the idea that Maggie wanted to give away her money. "It was obvious to me, too," Sarah agreed. Xander was upset that Maggie had given Konstantin the opportunity to defend himself.

"[Konstantin] is a con man, Sarah, and a dangerous one at that," Xander said. "You heard my mom. He is not going to get a dime from her. There's a prenup for one thing," Sarah countered. With a shake of his head, Xander said he did not believe a piece of paper would stop Konstantin. "I just have a very bad feeling about this," Xander whispered. Sarah conceded that Konstantin's reaction had been off but that Maggie had been fine with it.

"Can we please get off the crass subject of money and just talk about how lucky we are to have each other and our wonderful little girl," Sarah said as she cozied up to Xander. Xander apologized for his mood, and he noted that he was extremely grateful for Maggie's generosity. "And I'm even more grateful to be sharing my life with you. Because you are the love of my life," Xander said. "You're the love of mine," Sarah whispered.

When Maggie returned with Victoria, Sarah asked Maggie about Maggie's future with Konstantin. "We're concerned on your behalf, Maggie, about how Konstantin is gonna support himself," Xander said.

Alex and Theresa were eating breakfast in their apartment when Justin called to tell Alex the news about the estate. As Justin told Alex the amount that had been earmarked for him, Alex gasped in surprise. With a nod, Alex told Justin that he would talk to Justin later, and he ended the call.

"Victor's estate is worth more than I imagined. As is my inheritance, obviously," Alex said. "That's such great news. I'm so happy for you!" Theresa said. Theresa hugged Alex in celebration. "We're going to be set for life. I mean you're gonna be set for life," Theresa said. Alex looked at Theresa with suspicion, and he chuckled. Theresa noted that they should celebrate Alex's good news.

"I'm going to take the day off. And I'm going to give you the day off, too," Alex said. Theresa laughed. "You don't need to work today or ever again, for that matter, Mr. Heir to the Fortune," Theresa said. Alex wondered aloud what he should do with all the money. Theresa jokingly suggested that Alex donate it to charitable causes, and Alex agreed that he would donate some of the money.

"And I have a few other ideas what I'm gonna do with it, as well," Alex added. Theresa grinned. "I bet you do," Theresa whispered. Alex offered to go out and get supplies for a celebration, and he asked Theresa to chill the champagne flutes. After Alex walked out, Theresa said, "They say the best things in life are free. But I just happen to be shallow enough to like a few things that aren't. So, Mr. Alex Kiriakis, heir to the massive fortune, we're going to do a lot more than drink bubbly to celebrate."

At the DiMera mansion, Brady marched into the living room, and he asked Kristen if Rachel was ready to go. "Let's hope so. She's upstairs, changing her outfit for the third time," Kristen complained. Kristen called up to Rachel to tell her that Brady was there to pick her up. With a shrug, Kristen offered to have a driver take Rachel to school if Brady did not want to wait.

"No, I want to take her to school," Brady said firmly. Kristen invited Brady to join her for coffee, and she said that Rachel had loved her time at the aquarium with her father. "It was fun," Brady confirmed. Brady said he would like to spend more time with his daughter. "Of course, you would. And I know Rachel wishes that, too," Kristen said. When Kristen noted that Brady could spend more time with Rachel, Brady warned Kristen not to play with him. Brady stressed that he would never get past what Kristen had done to him.

"The way I feel about you goes way beyond resentment, but let's not do this. I don't want Rachel to come down here and see us fighting again," Brady said. Kristen agreed. "I will let go of the subject of us," Kristen promised. Kristen asked about the present that Rachel had gotten for her at the aquarium. With a smirk, Brady gave Kristen a keychain. Kristen smiled. Brady confirmed that he had purchased the gift, but Rachel had promised to pay him back when she received her allowance.

"And speaking of money, I just wanted to let you know I won't be hitting you up for child support after this month. I know that you were left out of your grandfather's will," Kristen said. Brady told Kristen that he would continue to make the payments. "And I'll continue to accept the visitation scraps that you're willing to give me. Because I know that sooner or later, you're going to screw up, like you always do. And I will regain full custody of my daughter," Brady said.

Alex walked in, and he made a big show of being happy to see Kristen. As Kristen and Alex kissed passionately directly in front of Brady, Brady asked Kristen to tell Rachel that he would be waiting in the car. Brady walked to the doorway and shook his head at the sight of the lovers, then he left. "Damn, you are looking sexy," Alex said. With a laugh, Kristen suggested that Alex should become an actor.

"That wasn't acting, Kristen," Alex said. Alex informed Kristen that he had told Theresa that he would get supplies to celebrate his large inheritance. "Then it dawned on me that the best Champagne is undoubtedly in the DiMera wine cellar. Which I will pay for," Alex said. Kristen offered to retrieve a bottle for Theresa. With a smirk, Alex pulled Kristen close and told her that he preferred to celebrate his inheritance with her.

Theresa waited at her apartment for Alex to return home. "What the hell is taking him so long?" Theresa said. Theresa texted Alex. As Theresa swirled ice cubes around the flutes, Brady knocked on the front door. Brady apologized for the unannounced drop-by. "I was driving by, and I was just hoping that you might be alone and at home," Brady explained. Theresa noted that Alex would be home soon. With a groan, Brady warned Theresa not to hold her breath.

When Brady entered the apartment, he noticed the champagne flutes. Theresa explained that Alex's inheritance had been finalized. "Good for him," Brady said with a forced smile. "Not so good for you, though. I know. Really unfair that Victor left everything to Maggie and Alex," Theresa said. Brady changed the subject to what he had witnessed at the mansion between Kristen and Alex.

"Well, he didn't come home the other night. And given what you've just witnessed, they're obviously sleeping together," Theresa said. Brady agreed. Theresa asked Brady if he was upset by the revelation. "No. I'm over her," Brady said. Brady asked Theresa if she was upset.

"I am, actually. I mean, I broke up with him, so really, I'm to blame. But God, this may just be the biggest mistake of my life. Or one of the biggest," Theresa said as she nodded toward Brady. Brady asked Theresa if she was in love with Alex, and she admitted she did not know. Brady said that when one was in love, they felt like they could not live without the other person.

"Then, yeah, I am. I'm in love with Alex. Sort of, anyway," Theresa said. "Especially because he's heir to this big fortune now," Brady added. Theresa narrowed her eyes at Brady, and he apologized. There was a knock at the door. "I guess [Alex] did forget his key," Theresa muttered. Konstantin pushed past Theresa into the apartment, and he stopped dead when he saw Brady. Konstantin forced a wide smile.

"What are you doing here?" Theresa asked. Konstantin lied and said he needed help with a wedding present. "Who's getting married?" Brady asked. When Konstantin announced that he was engaged to Maggie, Brady's eyes went wide in disbelief. "What?" Brady yelled. Konstantin offered to chat later, but Brady said he was on his way out.

After Brady left, Theresa hissed at Konstantin for having shown up without a warning. Konstantin told Theresa about Maggie's plan to give up most of her fortune to charity. "And to some of Victor's heirs, including Brady," Konstantin said. "So what?" Theresa countered. Konstantin demanded that Theresa get him half of Theresa's part in Alex's fortune. "As per our plan," Konstantin said. "Well, I'm not sure that's going to happen," Theresa said. Konstantin warned Theresa to fix her relationship with Alex, or there would be consequences.

At the DiMera mansion, Alex and Kristen had sex in her room. Afterward, Kristen told Alex that their affair could not go any further than sex. "It's just a fun ride," Kristen said. "Because you only have eyes for Brady, right?" Alex said. With a chuckle, Kristen noted that Brady was the father of her child and the love of her life. "And you and Theresa? You only have eyes for her?" Kristen asked. Alex admitted he cared about Theresa, but it did not prevent him from having sex with Kristen.

After round two, Alex grabbed his phone to check his messages. "I told Theresa I was running out to get Champagne and caviar. So, yeah, she texted me a few times, and she's wondering where I am," Alex said. "I guess you just have to go," Kristen whispered as she caressed Alex's hair. Alex grinned at Kristen, and he tossed his phone aside. "I just don't think there is much of a rush [to get home]," Alex said as he started to kiss Kristen again.

Steve visited John and Marlena at the penthouse, and Marlena admitted that she had asked Steve to stop by. "Why?" John asked. "We have a plan. And I think it's time that we let Steve in on it," Marlena said. John disagreed. Marlena argued that John needed backup because Konstantin was a dangerous man.

"I know there is some tension between you and Steve right now, but that's exactly what Konstantin wants," Marlena argued. Steve told John that he understood why John hated him, because Steve hated what he had done, too. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make up for it. So, will you please tell me what's going on with you and Konstantin?" Steve said. After a moment, John informed Steve that Konstantin had turned John back into the Pawn.

"What? When? And how?" Steve asked. John explained that Megan Hathaway had used a card to brainwash them. "It came to me in a memory. And, well, it turns out, Konstantin has that same card," John said. "How did he get it?" Steve asked. With a shrug, John said he did not know how Konstantin had obtained the card, only that Konstantin had used it the night they had met in the park.

"My God, John. Why didn't you tell me any of this before?" Steve asked. "I didn't remember anything until it happened again just the other day," John explained. John told Steve about Konstantin's visit to Black Patch and how Marlena had interrupted Konstantin's instructions. "That's when Doc and I kind of figured out what was going on," John said. Marlena explained that when she had asked John about his conversation with Konstantin, John had been unable to remember.

"I knew that he had lost time," Marlena said. "She knew that something was happening. But she also knew that there was a way for me to fight back," John added. Relieved, Steve said he was thankful John and Marlena had figured out what Konstantin had done, but he was not sure how they had figured it out. Marlena explained that after the incident at the office, John had not been himself when they had returned home. Worried, Marlena had placed John under hypnosis.

"Possibly because it happened so recently, the hypnotism was effective, and I was able to take John back into the room with Konstantin from before I came in," Marlena explained. John had remembered Konstantin's red card and his instructions to steal Maggie's prenup. Marlena said that they had taken steps to prevent Konstantin from gaining influence over John again. "We weren't sure it was even possible at first," John confessed. Marlena said she had worked with her colleagues at Bayview to employ the same deprogramming tactics that they had used on Harris.

John explained that Maggie had invited them over to announce her engagement and that they had acted surprised. "Maggie got called away at a meeting. Doc left, as well. And that left Konstantin and I alone. And predictably enough, he pulled out that card and ordered me to steal that prenup," John said. "Did you get it?" Steve asked. John told Steve that he had switched out the prenup for a fake and given the fake to Konstantin to burn.

"You conned the con," Steve said. "I wanted to believe that Konstantin had forgiven me, but now I know that not only did he plan to have his revenge on me, but also we were right all along about his intentions about coming to Salem," John said. Marlena added, "He wanted to take everything that Victor had." Marlena lamented that they would have to tell Maggie about Konstantin's true intentions. "She'll be heartbroken," Marlena whispered. "And loaded for bear. Knowing Maggie, that bastard won't know what hit him," Steve said.

Holly and Tate make prom plans with others
Holly and Tate make prom plans with others

Holly and Tate make prom plans with others

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

by Tiffany

Tate and his friend Aaron tossed a football in the park. Aaron encouraged Tate to try out for the football team, since Tate needed extracurricular activities for a scholarship. Aaron complained about student debt and listed off all the activities he'd joined, including prom planning. Tate asked about Aaron's date. Aaron wanted to invite Sophia, but he didn't think she knew he existed.

Tate cracked that Aaron's predicament was like the plot of an 80s teen movie. Aaron prodded a reluctant Tate to go to prom, since Aaron had put so much effort into the planning. Aaron also wanted Tate to volunteer for a blood drive so that Tate could meet a girl. Aaron realized Tate was still hung up on Holly and couldn't understand why Tate would give her "the time of day" after what Holly had done. Tate insisted he had forgiven Holly because he was "not a jerk," and Aaron snarked that that should be Tate's yearbook superlative.

Aaron and Tate started throwing the ball again, and Aaron remarked under his breath that Tate needed "a lot of work."

Holly and Sophia got caught up on schoolwork at the Brady Pub. Both lamented how late they were on their assignments, and Sophia suggested they talk about something fun like prom. Holly asked if Sophia had a date yet. Sophia said she had her eye on Tate. Holly acted surprised, and Sophia listed off that Tate was "cute," "hot," and "smart."

Holly reminded Sophia that "like five" guys had already asked Sophia to prom, and Sophia corrected, "More like ten." Sophia sighed and said she wasn't really "feeling" any of them, including the one who had left flowers all over her front porch. Sophia found Tate "alluring," and Holly agreed. Sophia wondered why Holly didn't want to attend prom if her mom would let her.

Sophia coaxed Holly to go with her to a retro dress shop so they could take a mental break and "catwalk" around the store "like Kendall and Gigi." Holly acquiesced, and they left. Later, they were at the park with Tate and Aaron. Tate apologized profusely as Sophia rubbed her face. Tate had accidently hit Sophia in the face with the football. She cried that Tate had been distracted because he had been looking at Holly.

Tate brought Sophia ice from the pub and apologized again. She snapped, "You said that already," and moaned about her "shiner" and her nose, which she insisted was probably broken. No one would want to "take a girl with a black eye" to prom, Sophia insisted. Tate asked what he could do, and Sophia suggested he make it up to her by taking her to prom.

Holly stepped in and talked up Sophia, so Tate accepted Sophia's invitation. Holly then asked Aaron to go with her and suggested the four of them have a double date. Aaron stuttered out a "yes." Sophia excitedly proclaimed it would be "the best night ever" as Tate and Holly exchanged a look.

Sloan got snappy with Eric before he left for work. She insinuated that Nicole would be happy to see Eric, and Sloan ignored him when he told her goodbye and said he loved her. After he left, Sloan called Melinda and stated firmly that she needed to talk. When Melinda arrived, she cooed over the baby before Sloan hit her with the news that Leo had told E.J. about the baby switch.

Melinda quickly downed a drink and grew more alarmed as Sloan brought her up to speed on E.J.'s visit. Sloan assured Melinda she would not say anything about Melinda's involvement, and Sloan was feeling more secure because E.J. had "backed off" when he had found out he wasn't Jude's father. Both Melinda and Sloan took a big gulp of wine at the thought of what E.J. would do next.

Melinda worried about prison time, but Sloan believed she had successfully persuaded E.J. to keep quiet. Melinda hoped Sloan had better success at reining in E.J. than Sloan had had with Leo. Sloan was tired of having to "put out fires" and wondered if all her effort had been worth it, since Eric was still entranced by Nicole, "the one that got away."

At the DiMera mansion, E.J. lashed out at Dr. Rolf over the phone. He demanded Rolf get him the DNA results as soon as possible. Nicole walked in as E.J. hung up, and she asked if everything was okay. She thought she'd heard him talking about DNA results, but E.J. claimed it was about a case. E.J. was happier to report the potential fallout from the paper's article about Paulina. Nicole scolded him as she advised him not to attempt to add "mayor" to his many job titles.

E.J. joked that if the people wanted him, he couldn't deny them. Johnny approached, carrying a cup of tea. Johnny reported that the tea was for Chanel, as she had been feeling sick. Johnny went back to the room, and Nicole left for work. Later, as E.J. ended a business call, Johnny returned and said he needed to ask his dad for a favor.

E.J. was glad to do anything for his son. Johnny told E.J. about Chanel's pregnancy, and E.J. was elated. When he happily made a remark about being a grandfather, though, Johnny hedged with, "Possibly." Noting Johnny's wording, E.J. asked what was wrong. E.J. became irate at Paulina after Johnny told him about the potential radiation complications.

Johnny tried to defend Paulina, which prompted E.J. to call Johnny "a Paulina Price apologist." E.J. backed down and listened as Johnny opened up about his worries and fears for the baby. Johnny was taken aback when E.J. implied Chanel should not go through with the pregnancy. Johnny explained that Chanel and he had discussed their options but hadn't made a decision yet. Johnny believed Chanel was leaning toward keeping the baby, and he vowed to support her in that decision.

Johnny wanted E.J. to help him get access to the best doctors like E.J. had done with Holly. E.J. assured Johnny that Chanel would have world-class care. He continued to press Johnny on moving forward with the pregnancy, however, claiming Johnny and Chanel were young and could have healthy babies in the future. E.J. believed the pregnancy was too much of a risk. Johnny was offended at the notion of telling Chanel what to do with her own body.

E.J. reminded Johnny that the child would be "a DiMera first and foremost," which further angered Johnny. Johnny thought E.J. was insinuating the baby would not be good enough if it did not have "superior genetics." E.J. insisted that was not what he meant and urged his son to think "long and hard" about the decision. Johnny calmed down and agreed.

Nicole found Eric packing his photography equipment in Horton Town Square. Eric updated Nicole on talking with Sloan, and he expressed optimism that they'd made a breakthrough. He had realized he had been treating Sloan the same way he had treated Nicole, and he regretted his actions in both relationships. He apologized to Nicole for the way he had acted in the past, but she assured him that their mistakes had given them perspective to make their current relationships "better and stronger." She told Eric she was "pulling" for Sloan and him.

Eric wanted the best for Nicole, too, and both were encouraged that they could move forward, since they had been honest with Sloan and E.J. about working together. They grinned at the notion of being "colleagues." Eric wondered what Nicole had in her shopping bags, and she admitted she'd bought soap and other supplies to give the unhoused people she would be interviewing. She made a remark about her own time on the streets, which caught Eric off guard.

Nicole confided in Eric about having lived out of her car when she had been younger. She attributed her resilience to her hardships, and she wanted to "pay it forward" as a voice for people like her. Eric marveled at Nicole's strength. He added that she still managed to surprise him, and they shared a warm smile.

In his room, Harris worked with frustration on cracking a code in Clyde's book. When Ava arrived from downstairs in the pub, Harris updated her about the lack of progress. He hoped for better results because he had sent the encrypted file to an old Navy friend. Harris vented to Ava about being unable to figure out the code and vowed he wouldn't rest until Clyde was back in prison. Ava received a call and answered with trepidation.

The call was from Clyde, who wanted an update from Ava about the book. Ava lied that she hadn't found it yet. She wanted Clyde to tell her what came next. After Ava hung up, she fretted about following Clyde's next directive: emailing the book to him. Harris insisted they needed a personal meet-up with Clyde, with the book as the bait.

Upon further reflection, Harris believed they could still track Clyde with email via Clyde's IP address. Ava expressed further agitation at being under Clyde's thumb, and she returned back downstairs for work.

An apron-clad Ava returned after her shift. She picked up the book while Harris worked on his laptop. Ava was puzzled that the book was sticky because it hadn't come into contact with food or actual wine. Ava and Harris were disturbed to realize the sticky substance was blood.

Maggie learns the truth about Konstantin
Maggie learns the truth about Konstantin

Maggie learns the truth about Konstantin

Thursday, May 9, 2024

by Tiffany

Xander surprised Sarah with a Mother's Day mug from Victoria. They joked about the "World's Best Mummy" moniker on the mug before turning the talk to attending Maggie's Mother's Day dinner. Xander was less than thrilled at the prospect of spending the day with Konstantin, and Sarah prodded him to be on his best behavior. Sarah then brought up Xander's mother and wondered why she had never met the woman or why Xander had never talked about her. Xander muttered, "Some things aren't worth talking about," kissed Sarah, and went to fawn over Victoria.

When Xander returned, Sarah followed up on a remark he had made about Mother's Day in Scotland taking place in March. She asked Xander if he'd reached out to his mother then, but Xander still didn't want the subject broached. Sarah believed Victoria should have the chance to know both of the girl's grandmothers; Xander contended Sarah would feel different if she met his mother. Sarah agreed to drop the mother talk because she could tell it was "triggering" for Xander.

Xander told Sarah he had "unfinished business" to take care of, and Sarah correctly guessed he meant Stefan. Xander vowed to find the truth about who had set him up, while quickly reassuring Sarah he would not resort to illegal means. Sarah pondered what Xander might do if Stefan confessed, but Xander didn't answer. He left, and Sarah appeared concerned.

Later, Sarah cooed over Victoria and gushed about how much Xander loved them both. She was surprised by a knock on the door -- and even more so when she found Konstantin on the other end. Sarah tried to subtly shoo Konstantin away, but he let himself in and made a beeline for Victoria. When he introduced himself as Victoria's new "granddaddy," Sarah had a visible reaction in the background.

Konstantin wanted to thank Sarah for her support, especially given the rest of the family's disdain for him. Sarah told him he had her support on one condition: "Don't break my mother's heart." Konstantin put his hand over his heart and pledged "on the River Styx" that he would not hurt Maggie. Sarah was grateful that Maggie had a companion in Konstantin, but she worried that Konstantin's presence would prevent Maggie from finding love again, like the "amazing second act" Maggie had experienced with Victor.

Konstantin reassured Sarah that he valued Maggie's companionship, and if Maggie ever wanted him gone, then he would be gone. Sarah seemed relieved, and Konstantin thanked her again. He promised that he would make Maggie happy, since she had given his life new meaning. When Victoria made a cooing noise, Konstantin grew wistful and wished for Sarah to cherish every moment with her little girl, as he had with his daughter.

Sarah said she could relate to Konstantin's grief, since she, too, had lost a child, and she comforted him by saying his daughter would always be with him. Konstantin thanked Sarah again and left, but Sarah still looked conflicted.

Stefan was less than enthusiastic when Ava and Harris arrived at the DiMera mansion; he referred to the couple as "burrs on a dog." Harris insisted on privacy because of the tendency for people to "pop out of tunnels" at the mansion, but Stefan assured him the tunnels were being fumigated. Stefan's mood soured further after Ava and Harris updated him about Clyde's latest demands. Harris and Ava announced that they were going to the police station and wanted Stefan's help, which drew another exasperated look from Stefan.

Stefan immediately protested that he wouldn't do it. He calmed down and listened as Harris explained the plan, though. Harris wanted to tell the cops that Stefan, not Ava, had turned the book in to him. Stefan agreed to the idea because he wanted "a ringside seat" for Clyde's downfall.

Following Harris and Ava's departure, Stefan was greeted by another unwelcome guest: Xander. Stefan rolled his eyes and asked what Xander wanted. He referenced the "cockamamie story" Xander had previously told him about E.J. setting Xander up. Xander agreed he was wrong because he had come to believe he had the wrong brother. Stefan took a drink and scoffed at Xander's accusation. Stefan claimed he didn't "give a rip" about Xander and demanded Xander leave, telling him not to "let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

Xander pressed Stefan on his motives for the setup. He was certain Stefan was the guilty party, especially after learning that Stefan had been under Clyde's thumb. Stefan continued to defend himself and off-handedly mentioned the amount of money that had been deposited into Xander's bank account. Xander smirked and wondered how Stefan was privy to that undisclosed detail. Stefan attempted several excuses, such as having read about the money deposit in the paper and having heard about it from E.J.

Xander was unconvinced and vowed to make Stefan pay when he found proof. Stefan asked if Xander was threatening him. "Damn right I am," Xander clarified and stormed out.

Later, Stefan mulled over a drink and stated to himself that Xander was getting "too close." His mood brightened when he received a call from Gabi. He promised her he would see her soon and vowed to do everything in his power to get Gabi out of prison and to reunite with her.

Ava waited at their apartment while Harris took the book to the police station. When he returned, Harris brought Ava up to speed on handing the book over to Rafe and Jada. They had been receptive to the evidence and hadn't questioned that it had come from Stefan, much to Ava's relief. The police were going to run an analysis on the blood, and Harris hoped it would yield answers. He believed that if Clyde had claimed another victim, that person's family was entitled to justice.

Ava felt encouraged that with the police investigation and with the assist from Harris' friend on cracking the code, Harris and she could "do the world a favor" and end Clyde's reign of terror. She was saddened about the prospect of Harris leaving town to work on the case, though. Harris said he had a couple of hours before his flight and wanted to take a nap. Smiling, Ava suggested he could occupy his time in better ways, and she kissed him.

As they lay in bed later, Harris reminisced about the first time he had met Ava. While she cracked that he had thought she was crazy, Harris corrected her. He had seen Ava as "unpredictable, mysterious, and a little lost." He grew emotional as he told Ava that she had changed everything for him. She affirmed that he had done the same for her, and they declared their love for each other. Ava couldn't wait until Harris returned and was back in her arms.

More time had passed, and Harris packed for his trip. He promised to be gone only a few days and warned Ava to stay cautious. She asked the same of him, to which he joked he was "practically bulletproof." Harris assured Ava the plan would work, and the couple hugged.

When Xander arrived home, he railed at his lack of progress with "that bloody bugger" Stefan. Xander was more certain than ever that Stefan had set him up. Sarah suggested Xander should let it go, but he promptly refused. She pleaded with him not to do anything "rash," and he again promised that his only priority was staying with his family. As he turned his attention to Victoria, however, Sarah's smile faded.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Konstantin schmoozed Maggie with more flowers. He proclaimed he wanted to take Maggie to Greece for their honeymoon. Maggie quickly reminded Konstantin that the marriage would be "in name only," but Konstantin contested he just wanted to repay Maggie's kindness and show her his homeland. Maggie was interrupted by a call from Marlena, who asked to meet with Maggie.

At the penthouse, Marlena ended the call with Maggie and let John and Steve know Maggie had agreed to see them. Marlena hoped they could make Maggie see reason about Konstantin.

Later, Maggie arrived and assumed John, Steve, and Marlena wanted to talk about wedding plans. When they asked that she sit down so they could talk with her, she grew agitated. Maggie angrily listed off the probable topics of discussion: "Konstantin is a bad guy, he's using me, and I shouldn't marry him." She made a motion to leave but hesitantly sat back down after the trio made another plea.

Maggie listened in shock as John relayed the tale of his brainwashing by Konstantin. When John mentioned the pagoda card that Konstantin had used, Maggie remembered Konstantin claiming the card had reminded him of Catharina and how frantic Konstantin had been when the card had been thought lost. John informed Maggie that the card had been deployed by Stefano previously, and Konstantin had been using the same tactics to control John.

John's recounting of Konstantin's attempt to destroy the prenup infuriated Maggie, and she labeled her fianc a "lying bastard." Maggie put the pieces together that Konstantin had not truly been Victor's friend. John asserted that Konstantin had been untruthful about forgiving him, as well. He believed Konstantin had seen Maggie's vulnerability and had wanted to take advantage of it.

When John tried to suggest that Konstantin might have been operating out of pain from losing his daughter, Maggie raged that Konstantin's grief had been no excuse for his actions. "He messed with the wrong redhead," she fumed. Maggie demanded that Konstantin be turned in to the authorities, but John and Steve acknowledged that Konstantin had not done anything illegal yet. They said it would be better to let Konstantin continue to think he was in charge so that he would slip up.

Maggie was puzzled how Konstantin thought he could secure her fortune. A look of horror came over her as realization dawned: "He was planning to kill me." John admitted they believed that to be Konstantin's ultimate plan, so John's top priority was to keep Maggie safe until they could nail Konstantin. John showed Maggie a small piece of jewelry that he wanted Maggie to wear at all times. The trinket was an ISA device and could be used to summon help from John or Steve immediately.

Steve also wanted to track Maggie's location through her phone, while Marlena reminded Maggie that she needed to keep up appearances for Konstantin. Maggie sniffled, but her voice hardened after the trio asked if she could go through with the plan. "Just watch me," she said.

After Maggie left, John watched her location on the phone. He announced that the plan was in motion when he saw that she had arrived at the mansion. John understood why Konstantin had gone after him, but he couldn't fathom why Konstantin would target an innocent like Maggie. Steve, Marlena, and John each vowed that Maggie would not come to any harm on their watch.

Back at the mansion, Maggie found Konstantin arranging the flowers he had gotten her. He asked how the meeting with Marlena had gone, and Maggie claimed it had been "enlightening" and useful. She promised Konstantin "a wedding to remember."

Holly makes a scene with Nicole
Holly makes a scene with Nicole

Holly makes a scene with Nicole

Friday, May 10, 2024

by Spalding

In the cemetery, Thomas placed drawings from him and Charlotte on Abigail's grave. Thomas told his mother that Charlotte was still too young to visit the grave. "Maybe next year," Chad said. "But it's okay. Because Dad says you're not really here. You're in our hearts, so that's good. 'Cause that means I have you with me wherever I go," Thomas said. "We all do. Happy Mother's Day, Abby," Chad whispered.

Chad sat on the bench with Thomas, and he said that he was proud of Thomas. "How strong you are. And how wise you are for knowing that Mommy is always with you," Chad said. "She definitely is. But I still like coming to visit her here," Thomas said. Chad told Thomas that they could visit anytime. "I know that we didn't get to be a family as long as we all would have wanted. But I am really grateful for the time that we had together," Chad said. Thomas agreed. "I love you, Thomas. Big as the sky," Chad said. "I love you, too, Dad. Big as the sky," Thomas said.

In the square, Julie placed flowers next to the plaque of Alice and Tom. "Happy Mother's Day, Grandma," Julie said. Julie looked heavenward, and she noted that she knew that Alice had seen the fire and had watched Julie struggle to deal with the aftermath. "It would be a help if you give me just a hint on how to open the time capsule. It's driving me crazy," Julie said. With tears in her eyes, Julie said she knew that her mother was with Alice in heaven.

"Julie?" Paulina said as she approached. Paulina and Julie wished one another a happy Mother's Day. "Not feeling like such a wonderful mother these days, but thank you," Paulina said. As Paulina sat down, Julie cautioned Paulina not to be too hard on herself. "Your children adore you, as do your grandchildren. As does everyone who knows you, Paulina," Julie said. Paulina smiled sadly, and she thanked Julie.

E.J. paced his front porch and yelled at Rolf on the phone about the delay in securing the DNA test result for Jude. After the call, Sloan called E.J.'s phone. "When you find out that I was right, do me a favor and ask yourself this one question: Do I really want to test the strength of my relationship with Nicole by her finding out the truth?" Sloan said. As Sloan asked E.J. if he was worried that Nicole would leave E.J. for the father of her baby, Nicole exited the house with Holly. E.J. hurriedly ended the call.

"There they are, two of my favorite ladies," E.J. said. With a sigh, Nicole asked if Holly was up for breakfast at the Bistro. Holly assured her mother that she had no ill will toward the restaurant, and she admitted that the night of her overdose, she had been having a good time before it had happened.

At the Bistro, Tate pulled out a chair for his mother. Theresa complimented Tate's manners. "Maybe you did a good job with me, after all. I know you were doubting it there for a while," Tate said. "Doubt, you know, it kind of goes with the job description of being a parent," Theresa said. Theresa joked that she had given her mother plenty of reasons to doubt her.

"You are my one and only son. And I will always be there for you. And I am always going to fight for what is best for you, even if you and I don't agree with what that is," Theresa said. Tate told Theresa that she did not need to keep warning him off Holly. As Tate and Theresa reviewed their menus, Holly walked in with E.J. and Nicole. Theresa scowled.

"Is that why you were so gung-ho to bring me here?" Theresa asked. Tate stressed that his only intention had been to treat his mother to the nicest Mother's Day brunch in town. "I had no idea they would be here," Tate said. After small talk about the restaurant, Theresa asked about Tate's job. Tate said it was good. "What are you gonna do now?" Tate asked. Theresa shrugged and noted that she would figure it out.

Theresa asked Tate if he was excited for prom. "I guess so," Tate said. When Tate asked about Theresa's prom, she admitted she had not gone. Theresa offered to take Tate tuxedo shopping. With a grin, Theresa asked about his date. "I don't really know her that well," Tate admitted. Theresa said she was glad that Tate had moved on from Holly.

"It's not like I had a choice," Tate grumbled. After a moment of awkward silence, Tate asked about Alex. Theresa said she did not know if her relationship with Alex was over, and she changed the subject.

Across the room, Nicole looked at Tate, and she turned toward Holly. "I wasn't born yesterday. You wanted to come here so you could see Tate on the sly," Nicole argued. Holly swore she had not known that Tate would be there, and she noted that E.J. had made the breakfast reservations. "Guilty," E.J. confirmed.

As E.J., Nicole, and Holly looked over the menu, Holly continued to steal glances at Tate. E.J. made a toast to Nicole, and he asked Holly if she had anything to add. "Mom, I know that this has been a really rough year for you. And I'm sorry for my part in that," Holly said. Holly said that Nicole had saved her life, and Holly was grateful to have Nicole as her mother.

Talk turned to Nicole's new job. "I can't wait to read your article and see your name at the top," Holly said. Nicole suggested that when everyone had settled into a groove, they should go on a family vacation.

"Yeah, but not until after prom," Holly said. "That's not happening. You're not going to prom," Nicole said. Surprised, Holly asked why. Nicole argued that at Holly's last outing to a party, Holly had almost died. "I'd be too worried about you, and besides, you're grounded, and you know that," Nicole said. "But I already have a date!" Holly protested. Nicole reminded Holly that she could not see Tate. Holly explained that her date was not with Tate.

When Nicole asked Holly if her nice toast had been to butter Nicole up to get permission to go to prom, Holly scoffed. "No! Because I didn't think you would say I couldn't go! My God, this is so unfair," Holly said. E.J. suggested that they continue the conversation at home. Holly asked if she would be grounded forever. "Why can't you just let me live my life?" Holly yelled. Nicole cautioned Holly to keep her voice down.

Furious, Holly reminded Nicole that she had worked hard to improve her grades. "You even gave me my phone back. But what, I can't spend one night with my friends?" Holly argued. Holly complained that she would miss out on the biggest night of the year. When Nicole argued that Holly could go the next year for her senior prom, Holly jumped to her feet. "You are being totally unreasonable," Holly said. "And you are making a scene," Nicole countered. Holly said that she hated Nicole, and she stomped out of the restaurant. E.J. warned Nicole to let Holly stew in private, but Nicole chased after her daughter.

"What a drama queen," Theresa said as she watched Nicole chase Holly out of the Bistro. "You don't always have to comment," Tate said. With an eye roll, Theresa noted that Holly was rude and that Tate was lucky to be rid of her.

In the DiMera living room, Johnny talked to his mother on the phone about her Mother's Day. "Nothing new to report here," Johnny lied. After the call, Chanel walked in and asked about Sami. With a chuckle, Johnny told Chanel that he had made a dinner reservation for Sami and Sydney at an exclusive restaurant in a cave in Amalfi. "What a good son," Chanel said. Chanel told Johnny that she had decided to cancel her lunch with Paulina. Johnny asked Chanel if she felt okay.

"This is going to sound awful. I just can't take seeing my mom today," Chanel confessed. "You're just being honest," Johnny said. Chanel admitted that she felt guilty because her mother had fiercely protected Chanel her whole life. "It's just that now that I'm pregnant, you know, her decision to leave isolation and put us at risk," Chanel said with a shrug. Johnny said he understood. Chanel confessed that she was mad at Paulina.

"[Paulina] is just going to fuss around and try to make everything better, and she can't. And that's just gonna make me more mad," Chanel said. Johnny noted that he understood. "I love my mom. But sometimes, I feel like we're both better off being on separate continents," Johnny admitted. With a sigh, Chanel noted that she needed to call Paulina and cancel.

In the square, Julie and Paulina laughed as they talked about their grandchildren, Jules and Carver. "Are you and Chanel going to get together to do something special today?" Julie asked. Paulina told Julie about her planned lunch with Chanel. Chanel called and explained that she was not up to lunch because of her nausea. Paulina wished Chanel well. Julie asked Paulina if everything was okay. Paulina lied and said that Chanel had a small cold.

At the DiMera mansion, Chanel told Johnny that she was thankful that not too many people knew about her pregnancy. "Lots of couples wait awhile to tell people, anyway. It's not unusual," Johnny said. Johnny noticed the look on Chanel's face, and he asked her what was wrong. "I feel guilty for what I'm feeling right now," Chanel admitted. Chanel explained that she was worried that their marriage was not strong enough to handle the stress of a special needs child.

"I don't want anything to change between us," Chanel said. "Nothing will change between us. I promise," Johnny said. Tears rolled down Chanel's cheeks as Johnny hugged her. Johnny noted that children changed the dynamics of any relationship. "I know that, Johnny. But our situation, it's different," Chanel argued. Paulina walked in with a bag, singing, "Happy Mother's Day!"

"Oh, my God," Chanel muttered as she rolled her eyes. "Wait until you see what I have brought," Paulina said. Paulina unpacked her bag filled with soup, crackers, and tea for morning sickness. "I'm going to make up everything for you myself," Paulina said. Johnny thanked Paulina for the thoughtful sentiment, and he said that Chanel was too tired for company.

"I promise you, I won't stay very long. So how about I just visit with you for a few minutes," Paulina said. "I'd rather you didn't," Chanel countered. Taken aback, Paulina asked if Chanel did not want her there. "What I want is for you to stop trying to fix everything," Chanel snapped. Chanel reminded Paulina that her problem could not be fixed.

"What we do know is that when I was lost in that snowstorm, you decided to make the snap decision to leave isolation, commandeer a snowplow, and expose me to radiation. And now we are dealing with the consequences of that," Chanel argued. "I feel more terrible about this than you can imagine," Paulina said. Chanel said that she loved her mother, but she would not let her situation get turned into Paulina's personal tragedy. Paulina gasped, and she claimed she would never do such a thing.

"And yet you are. And that is why I didn't want you here. Look, Mama. I just need some space, okay? Johnny and I need space. So, I hope you can respect that," Chanel said. Paulina said she understood, and she left. Johnny pulled Chanel into his arms as she fought back tears. After a moment, Chanel groaned. "Great. I just broke my mother's heart on Mother's Day. I'm a horrible daughter," Chanel said. Johnny argued that Chanel had been honest and that Paulina had needed to hear it.

"But did you see her face? How hurt she was?" Chanel said. "You did the right thing. It's not like you told her you never wanna see her again. You just told her that you needed some space, and you do," Johnny said. With a nod, Chanel noted that Paulina would understand. Chanel asked Johnny about his feelings about their situation.

"It's your body. And I support whatever you decide. What I do know is that we created this baby out of our love for each other, and that means a lot to me," Johnny said. "It means a lot to me, too," Chanel agreed. Chanel said she hoped that the baby would be okay, and if it was not, that they would be okay. "Because our love will get us through it, right?" Chanel asked. "Yes. I believe that with all my heart," Johnny said.

In the park, Paulina sat on a bench and sniffled back tears. "Dear Lord, please watch over my daughter and her baby. And don't let my stupid mistake hurt them. They didn't do anything wrong. This is all my fault. Oh, heavenly father, I beg you, let Chanel's baby be healthy and strong," Paulina said.

Sloan returned home from her walk in the park with Jude. A half-dressed Eric was waiting for her with breakfast. With a grin, Sloan kissed Eric and called him the main course. As Sloan sat down to eat, she asked Eric about his new job. Eric said the team, for the most part, was good. "Leo?" Sloan asked. "Yeah. He's the exception. I was going to tell Chad that Lady W accepts payoffs," Eric said. Sloan stressed that she had not been forced to pay Leo.

"I offered to help a friend out is all," Sloan said. "Well, good friends don't do things like that," Eric muttered. Sloan continued to defend Leo, and she asked Eric to drop his grudge as a favor to her for Mother's Day. "Only for you," Eric said. "I think Leo's troubles are behind him," Sloan said. Eric scoffed.

After Jude fell asleep, Eric gave Sloan a topaz necklace. "It's Jude's birthstone," Eric said. Eric explained that it represented joy and good fortune. "It's all the things that Jude's brought into our lives. It's perfect," Sloan said. Eric kissed Sloan, and they made love.

At the Brady Pub, Julie joined Chad and Thomas for brunch. "What have you been up to today?" Julie asked Thomas. "We visited Mommy today," Thomas said. Julie shared that she had talked to her grandmother and had talked about the reconstruction. "I can't wait to move back home," Thomas said. Chad and Julie agreed that they were eager to return home, too.

Thomas gave Julie a macrame decoration for the house. "I know exactly where I'm going to put it. Thank you, darling," Julie said as she hugged Thomas. Julie told Thomas that she was proud of him. While Thomas went into the kitchen to see Roman, Julie noted that although Thomas looked like Chad, he had Abigail's personality. Chad said that Charlotte looked like her mother more each day.

"I miss [Abigail] today. I mean, I miss her every day. It just never goes away," Chad said. "No, it never does," Julie agreed. With tears in her eyes, Julie noted that she missed her son, David. Julie added that she was lucky to have grandchildren and family around her. "We're so lucky to have you. Happy Mother's Day," Chad said. Chad told Julie that because of her, the Horton legacy would live on. Julie countered that having Chad and the kids in the house had given her and Doug "some of the sweetest days of our lives." Julie promised to help Chad keep Abigail's memory alive for his kids.

In the town square, Eric and Sloan pushed Jude's stroller past the Salem Inn. As Sloan kissed Eric, Holly ran out of the Bistro with Nicole hot on her heels. "Leave me alone!" Holly yelled. Nicole begged Holly to talk to her, but Holly called her a hypocrite. "You screwed up your whole life, and here you are, having a grand old time, living in some mansion. Me, I screw up once, and I'm punished for eternity? You're the worst mom on the planet," Holly said. Nicole looked over and saw Eric and Sloan watching them.

"Holly, what's going on?" Eric asked. Holly told Eric that Nicole was a hypocrite. Eric asked if he could speak to Holly alone so that she and Nicole could cool off. Nicole nodded yes. Eric pulled Holly off to the side, and Holly explained that Nicole had refused to let her go to prom.

"Can you talk to her, please? And just tell her she's making a big deal out of nothing," Holly said. "You almost died. That's not nothing," Eric countered. Holly complained that she did not deserve to be punished forever for one mistake. Eric argued that Nicole wanted to keep Holly safe.

Across the square, Sloan and Jude waited with Nicole. "So, my daughter shouted in public that she hates me. Happy Mother's Day, right?" Nicole said. Sloan asked what had happened, and Nicole explained about prom. "You're a mom. And if you knew you could lose your child, wouldn't you do everything you could to prevent that?" Nicole asked. Jude started to cry. Sloan asked Nicole to rock the baby while she fixed a bottle for Jude.

As E.J. exited the Bistro, Rolf called his phone and said he was sorry to tell E.J. that Jude was definitely Eric's son. "I'm sorry, too. More sorry than you know," E.J. whispered as he watched Nicole rock baby Jude nearby.

Edited by SC Desk
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