Clyde threatened Harris. Maggie urged Konstantin to leave. Steve agreed to back off Konstantin. John was troubled by nightmares. Alex convinced Theresa to stay in Salem. Brady agreed to let Maggie handle Theresa's recovery. Stefan convinced Chad to keep the Bistro out of the paper. Everett threatened to resign. Paulina learned she had thyroid cancer. Brady asked Kristen not to use their daughter as a weapon. Johnny and Chanel celebrated their engagement. Ava slapped Harris. Xander and Sarah flirted. Everett told Stephanie that he wanted to make a confession. Alex realized he was in love. Theresa wanted to make amends.

Harris confronts Clyde at Statesville
Monday, January 22, 2024
by Steve Holley
In the visiting area at Statesville, Clyde scoffed when Harris accused him of being behind Salem's drug-trafficking ring. Using innuendo, Clyde said that Harris would be the type of employee he would be interested in hiring. Soon afterwards, Clyde admitted that he had been stringing Harris along, and he gloated that Harris was "powerless."
Harris charged that Clyde was responsible for the drug ring, and he yelled that he would find the proof to shut Clyde down. Clyde smirked when he mentioned Lucas' beating at the prison. An angry Harris said that Clyde was lucky that Lucas was still alive. Clyde told Harris not to waste his time on the drug cartel.
Harris referenced his background as a Navy SEAL, and he asked if Clyde truly wanted to go after him. Clyde scoffed when Harris said that he had nothing to lose. Clyde added that Harris would have only himself to blame if someone close to Harris was hurt. Harris grew more agitated, and he warned Clyde not to go near anyone Harris cared about. Clyde continued smirking and chuckling after Harris left.
At Alex and Theresa's apartment, Alex was angry when he walked in on Theresa and Brady kissing. Theresa begged for forgiveness. Alex said nothing. Brady convinced Theresa to attend A.A. meetings. Theresa agreed, and she swore that she wouldn't let Brady or Tate down. Brady agreed not to tell Tate that Theresa had suffered a relapse. Theresa agreed to reach out to Brady, Alex, or Maggie if she felt like using again.
After Brady left, Theresa told Alex that she would understand if he wanted to end things between them. Alex said that he didn't, but he pouted that Theresa had turned to Brady. Theresa admitted that she didn't know if she could have gotten through the morning without Brady. Alex asked if Theresa still had feelings for Brady.
Theresa reassured Alex that she had no romantic feelings for Brady. When asked if he trusted her, Alex said nothing, Theresa said that it was for the best if she moved out -- and returned to California. "I should be with my mom. And I should get myself to a better place until I can see Tate," Theresa added.
At the Brady Pub, Brady told Maggie about Theresa's relapse. Maggie offered to escort Theresa to an A.A. meeting. Brady agreed, and he noted that he had already spoken to Theresa about attending meetings. Maggie said that she was there for both Brady and Theresa.
Outside the Brady Pub, a visibly agitated Steve told Maggie that Konstantin was taking advantage of her and that Konstantin had to be stopped. Maggie disagreed, and she screamed at Steve that she wouldn't listen. When Maggie mentioned Victor's dark past, Steve said that Victor and Konstantin shouldn't be compared.
Maggie said that whatever happened between her and Konstantin was none of Steve's business. Steve grew resigned, and he asked Maggie to be careful. After Steve left, Maggie wondered if Salem was the best place for Konstantin, given that he was being "harassed" by Steve and others. Konstantin dismissed Maggie's concerns. Maggie agreed to meet Konstantin at the Kiriakis mansion later.
At John and Marlena's penthouse, John appeared haggard and was unshaven as he sipped coffee. John seemed lost in thought as he rested on the couch. "What's it all mean?" he asked himself. Marlena entered, and she startled John when she placed a hand on him. John apologized, and he admitted that he had gone another night without sleep. Marlena asked John to tell her why he hadn't been sleeping. John said that he was fine and that he had only been thinking of Tate and Brady.
When Marlena pressed John for more answers, John said there was nothing more going on. John and Marlena kissed before she left. Steve appeared moments later. He learned that John had been having nightmares. John said that he wasn't able to recall his dreams. "But I have learned that when my mind starts going to these dark places, it's because it's trying to tell me something -- and it's not good," John said.
Steve mentioned his run-in with Konstantin earlier, and he rued that Maggie was still blind to Konstantin's charm. John said that he and Steve should approach Konstantin from a new angle. "I think it's time we just back off," John said. John reasoned that the more he and Steve tried to convince Maggie that Konstantin was trouble, the more Maggie would grow to resent John and Steve.
John added that, if he and Steve were careful, they would give Konstantin "just enough rope to hang himself." Steve reluctantly agreed to John's idea. On his way out, Steve encouraged John to get some sleep. John gave a thumbs-up as Steve left.
At the Kiriakis mansion, Konstantin thumbed through a book in a dresser drawer. Inside the book, Konstantin found a red card. "I never thought I would see you again... Pawn," Konstantin said with a smirk. Konstantin stared at the card as muttered to himself. "All in good time," he chuckled.
At the same time, Steve downed a shot from the bar at the Brady Pub. "Damn it, old man. Could it really be?" Steve wondered.

Paulina receives a diagnosis
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
by Spalding
Paulina waited anxiously at the nurses' station of the hospital. Abe assured Paulina that her doctor was worth the wait. Chanel arrived, and she told her mother that everything would be okay. "Is that a promise?" Paulina asked. "It is a promise," Chanel said. The three of them settled in the waiting area and read the morning paper.
"Do I detect a smile?" Abe asked. "Just reading about how well things went on Martin Luther King Jr. Day," Paulina said. "You were wonderful, Mama," Chanel said. "Articulate, charming, as you always are," Abe agreed. Paulina's phone beeped, and her smile disappeared. "The doctor can see me now," Paulina whispered.
Xander was working at home when Sarah returned with an armful of bags. Xander held up the baby monitor and confirmed that Victoria was still asleep. Sarah showed Xander that she had picked up supplies for Burns Night. "I'm not sure I can wait," Xander said. "For what?" Sarah asked. After a moment, Xander said he had meant the feast.
"So nice having someone else in the house who knows how to cook," Xander said. "You haven't had my meal yet," Sarah warned. "All I'm trying to say is that it's just nice to have you here, cooking or not cooking," Xander explained. "It's nice to be here," Sarah said.
After Sarah unpacked the groceries, Xander confirmed that he planned to take Victoria into the office with him after her nap. "I didn't know you had a meeting," Sarah said. With a shrug, Xander said he wanted to go into the office and see what was happening.
"You trust Chad, don't you?" Sarah asked. "It's not that I don't trust Chad; he seems to be doing a bang-up job. It's just, when you're that close to everything, sometimes you miss the small things that help the bottom line," Xander said. Sarah reminded Xander of what had happened the last time he had been focused solely on profits at Titan. Xander reiterated that he was a new person. Sarah told Xander that she believed him.
"Thank you for taking me at my word when you have absolutely no reason to. But I'm more motivated than ever to be a stand-up person. I mean, having a sweet little girl in my life, and you, it makes me want to be a better person. And to succeed. So, I'm just looking to grow a legitimate business in legitimate ways," Xander said. Sarah smiled.
At the Bistro, Stefan and Ava talked about the dismal attendance for lunch. "Think bad word of mouth is finally killing us?" Stefan asked. "I called Stephanie Johnson to do some PR," Ava said. When Stephanie arrived, Ava explained that the restaurant had gone from success to failure overnight, and they needed her help to turn things around.
"I was here on New Year's Eve, and it was a great party," Stephanie said. Ava mentioned Stephanie's date, and Stephanie confirmed that Everett was the paper's new editor in chief. "And he also investigated the overdose of Holly Jonas," Ava said. "The whole reason for that ridiculous raid," Stefan added. Stephanie said that she understood Ava and Stefan's frustration.
"How do we get everybody to forget, or even not give a damn that there was a raid in the first place?" Stefan asked. Stephanie advised Stefan and Ava to add photos of their New Year's Eve party to the website to make the case for the Bistro. Stephanie suggested that they also delete comments about the raid from the website.
"As well as maybe mention that you're considering a lawsuit against the Salem PD," Stephanie said. "Now that is an interesting idea," Stefan murmured. Stephanie added that they should promote giveaways and be generous with regulars. "You think that's going to be enough?" Ava asked. Stephanie suggested that they talk to the paper about publicity. Stefan noted that Chad owned the paper and could help.
"I'm going to go have a chat with [Chad]. I'm also going to stop by and see Gabi. So, you two finish brainstorming," Stefan said. Stefan promised to catch up with Ava later. As Stefan started to walk out, he stopped, backed up, and kissed Ava before he left.
"So, you two?" Stephanie asked. "Yeah, we two," Ava confirmed. Ava reviewed Stephanie's plan for PR, and she noted that she was impressed with Stephanie's work. Ava asked if being on call for crises hampered Stephanie's social life. "It can, but my job is the priority," Stephanie said. With a knowing look, Ava asked if Stephanie drank at the pub often.
"I'm sorry, where are we going with this?" Stephanie asked. "A little sleepover with Harris?" Ava countered. Stephanie admitted that she had made a mistake, and she deeply regretted it. Stephanie stressed they had kissed once, but it had gone no further because Harris was a good man. Ava nodded in agreement. "Just not right for me," Ava said. Ava confessed that though she had used the kiss as an excuse to dump Harris, she had actually dumped him because she had been cheating on Harris with Stefan.
"That is none of my business," Stephanie said. "And what happened between you and Harris is none of mine. Not anymore. So, you can have him if you want him," Ava said. Stephanie noted that she was not interested in Harris. "So, what do you say you and I get back to business?" Stephanie said.
At the Spectator, Everett asked Chad about his story on the mayor. "I think the mayor is going to be very happy," Chad said. "She's an incredible lady. And what she's done for the city is so impressive," Everett said. Chad agreed. When Chad asked Everett about the drug expos, Everett's phone beeped with a notification. "Mug shots of all the drug dealers," Everett said. Chad pulled the photos up on his computer.
"I'm surprised your brother's not there," Everett said. "[Since the failed raid], I didn't really expect to see him," Chad said. Curious, Everett asked if someone could have tipped off Stefan to the raid. "It's possible," Chad said with a shrug. Chad asked Everett if he had enough for a story. With a nod, Everett noted that he was close, and he believed it was their responsibility to crack the case.
When Xander arrived with Victoria, Chad and Everett eagerly greeted their little co-worker. "What a gorgeous kid," Everett said. "Yeah, takes after her mom," Chad joked. "Fortunately," Xander added with a laugh. Chad asked why Xander had stopped by, and Xander said he had been in the area.
"Have you seen [the latest edition]?" Chad asked. "I haven't had a chance to yet," Xander admitted. Chad handed his laptop to Xander, and Xander read through the article and complimented Everett's work. "Speaking of sponsorship opportunities, I have another one," Chad said. Chad told Xander about Wendy's idea for a geocaching scavenger hunt.
"If it's already in the works, why do we need to throw money at it? Sounds like a bad call to me," Xander said. Chad asked Xander if he had only stopped by to shut down an opportunity for good press. "I'm here to put the kibosh on wasting money. I mean, two major sponsorships in less than a month?" Xander said. Xander argued that it appeared desperate. "I see it as an opportunity for community relations," Chad countered.
"I see it as pandering for respectability. And since both of you seem to think there are no financial constraints to be adhered to, let's go over some numbers, shall we?" Xander said. Chad asked Xander if he had only stopped by to lecture them on financial responsibility. Xander explained that he wanted clarity on recent expenditures. When Xander asked about the $5,000 withdrawal, Everett explained that he had used the money to pay off informants. Xander scoffed at the amount. Leo marched into the office and fussed over Victoria.
"Victoria, I want you to know that Lady Whistleblower will never write an unkind word about you because you are just too darn cute," Leo said. Leo said he was thrilled to be back at work. With a smirk, Xander noted that what he liked about Leo was that he brought money into the paper. Leo thanked Xander. Everett, Chad, and Xander complimented Leo on his column from MLK Day.
"Wow, thank you. All of you. It is very gratifying, not to mention ego-boosting, to be appreciated not only for my extraordinary sense of humor and quick wit," Leo said. "You can add damn good writer to that list," Chad said. Leo beamed. "What have you got for us today?" Xander asked. Leo explained that he had found Councilman Fields's phone. "And since old guys don't believe in passcodes, take a peek," Leo said as he held out the phone. All the men groaned at the photo on the phone. Everett noted that the people in the photo were consenting adults, but Xander argued that gossip sold papers.
"Unless we're getting an infusion of DiMera cash?" Xander said to Chad. "How about Kiriakis cash?" Chad countered. Stefan walked into the room. "What the hell did I just walk into?" Stefan asked. Chad asked Stefan why he was there, and Stefan asked to speak to Chad in private.
After Chad and Stefan stepped out into the hallway, Stefan appealed to Chad for help. Stefan noted that the Bistro had been unfairly targeted in the drug raids because of the names DiMera and Vitali. "[The press] was not undeserved," Chad noted. Stefan asked Chad to review the facts. "The cops found nothing illegal or incriminating in that ill-advised little venture of theirs. But just the slightest mention of a raid at the Bistro, it kills us," Stefan said. Chad reminded Stefan that Holly had overdosed on the loading docks.
"There is no proof of guilt on our part," Stefan countered. Stefan asked if Chad believed that he was lying. "I don't know what to believe," Chad admitted. Stefan reminded Chad of when Chad had been accused of having been the Necktie Killer. Chad said that was irrelevant. "You were completely innocent, yet that almost ruined your life," Stefan argued.
Inside the office, Everett supervised Leo as he typed up the blind item about the councilman. Chad returned alone. "He wants us to kill the story, right?" Everett asked. "He asked us to keep the Bistro out of it," Chad admitted. "You said no, right?" Xander asked. Everett argued that the location of Holly's overdose was germane to the story.
"We're going to kill that, too," Chad said. Everett was stunned. "We have plenty without it. There's no point in vilifying Stefan if he is innocent, so we'll go with the arrest and the raid," Chad argued. Curious, Everett asked what Stefan had said to Chad. Chad reiterated that the Bistro and Holly's OD were no longer a part of the piece.
"Not only is that outrageous, it is unfair to Holly Jonas. It is unfair to every single victim of the people who are perpetrating this. How can you not see this?" Everett yelled. "How can you not see that I call the shots?" Chad countered. Chad told Everett to get back to work. Victoria started to cry. "And you? Stay in your own lane from now on," Chad told Xander. Xander collected Victoria, and with a scowl at Chad, he walked out.
"This is an assault on the integrity of this paper," Everett said. "Do what you have to do," Chad growled. Taken aback, Everett nodded yes. "I will," Everett said.
When Stefan returned to the Bistro from his errands, Ava and Stephanie were shaking hands on their deal. Stefan announced that Chad had agreed to keep any mention of the Bistro out of the paper's story on the drug trade in Salem. "That is a huge help. I will get the budget and proposal ready," Stephanie said. When Ava and Stefan kissed, Stephanie nodded and walked out.
"Gabi is back in her cell and keeping her ears open for anything we might want to hear," Stefan said. Stefan told Ava that Clyde's men had beaten up Lucas at the prison because they'd believed he had ratted on them to the police. "So, believe me when I say Lucas is going to want to eliminate Weston by any means necessary," Stefan said. "Let's hope he does," Ava said. Stefan added that he had told Gabi about his fake affair with Ava.
"She doesn't love the idea, but she says it's good cover as long as we don't take it too far," Stefan said. With a chuckle, Ava noted, "Your wife doesn't trust me." Stefan grinned. "Not for a minute. But she does trust me," Stefan said. Ava checked her voicemail, and she groaned. "That was Rafe. And he wants us down at the station," Ava said.
After Paulina, Abe, and Chanel met with the doctor, they returned to the waiting area to wait for Paulina's pain prescription to be filled. "I could tell that you didn't really like Dr. Siegel. So, maybe we could look into getting you another endocrinologist and getting a second opinion," Chanel suggested. With a groan, Paulina noted that the results were clear. "I forgive Dr. Siegel for not being warm and fuzzy. Her only obligation is to be honest with her patients and to offer the best treatments available," Paulina said. "She could have been a bit more compassionate," Abe muttered. Paulina stressed that she wanted to concentrate on getting well.
"I pretty much expected I was going to get this diagnosis. And because I've been doing a lot of reading on the different types of cancers and all the amazing, you know, advanced treatments, I'm ready to do whatever I have to do to get cured," Paulina said. "And we are ready to do whatever we have to do to help you through this," Abe countered. Paulina confessed that she had been scared of a cancer diagnosis.
"But now that I know that it is [cancer], well, strangely enough, I'm actually feeling stronger and hopeful," Paulina said. With tears in her eyes, Paulina said she was relieved to have her daughter and husband at her side. Abe clasped Paulina's hands in his. "Sweetheart, we are going to go through this together. As a family," Abe said. "I am so proud of you, Mama," Chanel whispered as she hugged Paulina.
Chanel went to check on the prescription, and Paulina asked Abe if he had spoken to Nicole. "I gave her our love when she was getting on the plane," Abe confirmed. "I am praying for Holly. And I'm praying for her mama, too," Paulina said.
While Chanel waited at the nurses' station for an update, she called Johnny and left him a voicemail about Paulina's diagnosis. "I really need you, Johnny," Chanel said. As Chanel ended her call, Sarah asked if Chanel was okay. Chanel told Sarah that Paulina's biopsy had confirmed that it was thyroid cancer. "I'm so sorry," Sarah said. "Mama, she's being really brave. I'm just really scared," Chanel admitted. Sarah asked if there was anything she could do to help. Chanel asked Sarah if she could talk to Paulina and reassure her.
After Sarah reviewed Paulina's patient file, she escorted Paulina, Abe, and Chanel to a private waiting room to discuss Paulina's case. "Dr. Siegel is known for her medical skills, not so much her interpersonal ones," Sarah said. With a nod, Paulina noted that she appreciated the directness of Dr. Siegel's explanation.
"I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Evans or any other psychiatrist in this hospital will be more than happy to help you through this," Sarah said. Paulina said she would keep that in mind. With a nod, Sarah added that she knew that a cancer prognosis was upsetting, regardless of the severity. Paulina admitted that she had been researching her form of cancer.
"Just make sure the websites you're checking are reputable," Sarah said. "I have been careful about that," Paulina assured Sarah. Sarah confirmed that Paulina would need a thyroidectomy. "You can live a very full, long life without a thyroid, as long as you take the medication to replace the hormones that your body is no longer producing," Sarah counseled. Paulina admitted that she was happy to know that her cancer was not inoperable.
"And there may be some unforeseen complications, but other than that, it is a pretty straightforward procedure," Sarah said. Paulina asked about the complications. Sarah explained that the cancer had not spread to any of Paulina's lymph nodes, and that Paulina's symptoms were normal. "I want to get [the surgery scheduled] as quickly as possible," Paulina said. Sarah confirmed that she could schedule the surgery that week, and Paulina would only need to be in the hospital for a day or two.
"Once you've healed from surgery, your doctor will decide if you need any additional treatment," Sarah said. Paulina nodded. "What is the survival rate for thyroid cancer?" Paulina asked. Sarah explained that it was a very curable and treatable type of cancer. "I believe the five-year survival rate is over 90%," Sarah said. Paulina smiled. "I like those odds!" Paulina said. When Sarah asked Paulina if she had any more questions, Paulina asked if Sarah would be her doctor. Sarah noted that she was flattered, but Paulina was better off with an endocrinologist. Sarah told Paulina that she was available if Paulina needed anything from her during treatment.
After Sarah returned to work, Abe asked Paulina if she felt better. "I am a very lucky woman to have two of the best people I know by my side. Because we have got this, don't we?" Paulina said. With a chuckle, Abe said, "We've got this." Paulina hugged Chanel and Abe. With her face hidden from her loved ones, Paulina allowed her panic to show.

Brady receives an icy reception from Rachel
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
by Steve Holley
At the Salem Police Station, Harris told Rafe and Jada about having visited Clyde at Statesville earlier. Harris shared that Clyde had been responsible for Lucas' beating. Harris received a call, and he stepped away. Afterwards, Rafe revealed that he had learned that Jada had pulled Theresa's credit card statements. Jada admitted that she had found Theresa passed out from a drug relapse.
Jada said that she'd wanted to keep the details quiet. Rafe said that he understood. Harris returned, and he said that Lucas was being moved to a new location for Lucas' safety. Everyone agreed that it was best for Harris not to share Lucas' new location because there was still a chance there could still be a dirty cop on the force.
In Horton Town Square, Brady was overjoyed to see Rachel, who wasn't as thrilled to see Brady. When Rachel left to buy candy nearby, Brady demanded that Kristen tell him why Rachel was being icy toward him. Brady accused Kristen of turning Rachel against him. Kristen swore otherwise, but Brady wasn't convinced. Kristen said that she felt bad for Brady's situation with Tate, and she asked about Theresa.
Kristen learned that Theresa had relapsed in the wake of Tate's ordeal. After Brady admitted that he and Theresa had been spending more time together, he accused Kristen of being jealous. Brady swore that he and Theresa would never get back together. "Much like you and I. Over, completely, forever," Brady said.
Kristen encouraged Brady to let his anger toward her go for Rachel's sake and for the love Kristen claimed she and Brady had once shared. As her voice trembled, Kristen said that she still had love in her heart for Brady. When Rachel returned, Kristen added that she hoped Kristen and Brady could start trying to see the best in one another. Brady agreed that it was a workable goal.
At Alex and Theresa's apartment, Alex pleaded with Theresa not to leave town. They kissed, spoke in sexual innuendo, and had sex. Afterwards, Theresa agreed to stay in Salem. Alex said that he was falling for Theresa, who seemed conflicted when he praised her for always being honest with him.
At Sloan and Eric's apartment, Sloan was displeased to learn that Eric was meeting Leo for a photo shoot. When Leo appeared moments later, Sloan made up a story that allowed her to stay for the photo shoot. When Eric stepped out of the room, Leo and Sloan continued to threaten one another over Sloan's secrets.
Sloan stormed out. After finishing the shoot with Eric, Leo was set to leave when he received a threatening text from Sloan. At the same time, Eric wished Leo good luck with the Lady Whistleblower column. "This is Salem. There's always a scandal waiting to be exposed," Leo said before looking into Jude's crib. "And sometimes, it's right under our noses," he added before leaving.

Rafe and Harris question Ava and Stefan about their involvement in Clyde's drug ring
Thursday, January 25, 2024
by Steve Holley
In Horton Town Square, Johnny placed a new engagement ring on Chanel's finger in front of the memorial plaque dedicated to Tom and Alice Horton. When Chanel opened her eyes, Johnny remarked that it was a blue diamond surrounded by Venetian glass in memory of the couple's time in Italy.
Johnny said that the ring had once belonged to Elizabeth Taylor, and he added that he wanted to make sure the ring was as special and unique as Chanel. Chanel said that everything was perfect. "I mean, here we are, in front of this tree, with a plaque of one of Salem's founding couples. I hope our love lasts as long as Tom and Alice's did," Chanel said tenderly before she and Johnny kissed.
Johnny and Chanel head to the mayor's office to meet Paulina. Johnny extended his sympathies to Paulina after referencing her recent cancer diagnosis, but Paulina remained unflappable as she excitedly hugged Chanel and Johnny. Chanel tried to get Paulina to notice her engagement ring. "Holy shii-take mushrooms!" Paulina exclaimed when she finally spotted the ring.
Paulina gushed with excitement over the news of Johnny and Chanel's engagement, and she said that nothing could lift her spirits more. Paulina learned that Johnny and Chanel planned to marry on Valentine's Day, and she enthusiastically began to help plan the wedding. Paulina had started to call Abe with news of the engagement when she received a call from her oncologist.
After the call ended, Paulina said that the soonest the hospital could perform her surgery would be in two months. Johnny offered to make some calls on Paulina's behalf, but Paulina refused. Paulina added that the night called for a celebration. Paulina, Johnny, and Chanel headed out of the office together.
At Wendy and Tripp's apartment, Stephanie worked with Tripp and Wendy on ideas for Wendy's scavenger hunt project. When Tripp was distracted, Stephanie asked if he was worried about Ava. Moments later, after Stephanie had left, Wendy asked Tripp to allow her to join him in helping Ava. Tripp said that people had died because of Ava, and he lamented Ava's past as a member of the Vitali crime family.
Wendy reminded Tripp that he wasn't a direct part of Ava's past dealings with the mob, and she said that she loved him. Tripp said that he loved Wendy, too, but he rued that he had "baggage" as a result of being Ava's son. As Tripp rambled with worry for Wendy's safety, Wendy surprised Tripp when she pulled him in for a kiss. Tripp scooped Wendy into his arms as they headed to the bedroom to make love.
At the Spectator, Everett was typing his resignation letter when Chad entered. Everett said that Chad's decision to nix the story on the drug-trafficking ring in Salem, all to protect a member of Chad's family, wasn't what he had signed up for when he had agreed to join the newspaper. Chad accused Everett of overreacting.
Everett vehemently pushed back when Chad asserted that a "modicum of loyalty" should be extended to family members -- even if it was to the detriment of the truth. "No. Otherwise, you do not run an unbiased newspaper. There has to be a clear-cut delineation, Chad. You know that as well as I do. And God knows we've seen what selective reporting has done to this country," Everett said with conviction.
Everett said that he would stay only if Chad would agree not to allow the DiMeras to influence any future stories. Chad relented, and he agreed to Everett's terms. The two men shook hands. Soon afterwards, Chad learned that Everett had had dinner with Stephanie earlier in the week. Everett noted that it had been a last-minute thing, and he downplayed the significance of the occasion.
Chad said that he wished Everett and Stephanie the best, regardless of what Stephanie and Everett's relationship turned out to be. When Stephanie entered, Everett left on a tip he had received. Chad and Stephanie reiterated that they would always have a special place in each other's lives.
At the Salem Police Station, Rafe and Harris entered the interrogation room to question Ava and Stefan. Sloan followed them. Harris said that he had reason to believe that the drug ring in Salem was being run through Statesville, and he asked Ava and Stefan to tell the police what they knew about Clyde's involvement.
Harris produced visitors' logs that proved Stefan and Ava had visited Clyde at the prison repeatedly in the past several months. Stefan lied when he said that he'd gone to confront Clyde for having murdered Abigail. Ava surprised everyone by what she said. "You want to know why I was there? Clyde tried to kill my son. And he sent a message that if I didn't work with him, he would succeed. So, yeah, I went to the prison to tell him I wouldn't do it," Ava said.
Ava claimed that she had convinced Clyde to back down from his threats against Tripp. Harris said firmly that Ava was lying. Sloan huffed for Harris to "back off." Rafe surprised everyone when he said that Stefan and Ava were free to leave. Ava insisted that she speak to Harris in private. Alone in the interrogation room, Harris told Ava that the feelings they'd had for one another had been real.
Harris pleaded with Ava to tell him the truth about her involvement with Clyde, and he promised that he would protect her. "Because I love you. Look, I think maybe you already knew, but I love you," Harris said softly. "You better stop real quick. You better figure out a way to get over this --" Ava began before Harris cut her off with a kiss. Ava placed her hand on the back of Harris' neck as she leaned into the kiss.
Out in the lobby of the police station, Everett warned Stefan that he wouldn't back down from his investigation into the drug ring. Everett added that Stefan would be wise to talk to Everett. Just then, the two men were taken aback when they heard a commotion from within the interrogation room. "You son of a bitch!" Ava said loudly before Stefan and Everett heard the sound of a slap.
Rafe, Stefan, Sloan, and Everett all rushed into the interrogation room, where Ava revealed that she had slapped Harris. Sloan yelled for Rafe to take "control of (his) cops." Rafe asked if Ava wanted to file a complaint. Ava refused, and she said that she only wanted to leave. Ava left the room with Stefan, Sloan, and Everett. "What the hell, man?" Rafe asked Harris when they were alone.

Everett sees someone from his past
Friday, January 26, 2024
by Spalding
At the pub, Stephanie met up with Jada and Rafe to hang out. "So, who is this lucky new client?" Jada asked. "It's the Bistro, whose business was badly hurt by that drug raid, they hired me to try to do some damage control," Stephanie explained. Rafe said he had been late because of the drug issues in town, too. "No shop talk [tonight]," Rafe suggested. Jada and Stephanie agreed.
"[Let's] keep it to embarrassing personal stuff," Jada said. Stephanie joked that Rafe might prefer more macho topics. "I am perfectly comfortable talking about my feelings. Even personal, embarrassing ones," Rafe said. Jada asked Stephanie if she was still swearing off men. "Why are we starting off with embarrassing me?" Stephanie asked with mock shock. Jada promised Stephanie that she could embarrass them next. Stephanie confirmed that she was not dating.
"I sensed a slight hesitation," Rafe noted. Stephanie explained that it was hard to swear off men when she was working with two of her exes. When Jada asked about the second man, Stephanie said he was the man she had dated in Seattle. "I didn't know you used to live in Seattle. I used to live out there for a few years, too," Jada said. With a shake of her head, Stephanie lamented that they had not known one another then to commiserate with one another. Jada offered a toast to "not needing shoulders to cry on."
While Rafe ordered another beer at the bar, Stephanie told Jada that Rafe was charming. Jada giggled. "He is, isn't he? And he's so kind and loyal and funny. Nothing like my lying, cheating ex," Jada said. Stephanie asked Jada if her marriage had ended because her husband had cheated. "It was how I found out," Jada said. Jada explained that she had discovered a charge at a jewelry store, but her husband had not given her any jewelry.
"That must have been so painful, seeing that charge," Stephanie said. Jada told Stephanie that she had confronted her husband, and he had been furious that Jada had been suspicious of his actions. "And I knew it was over," Jada said. Rafe returned to the table, and Jada told him he had not missed anything.
At the paper, Everett worked on his story about the drug trade. Everett talked through the story threads with himself until he was distracted by a memory of his chat with Stephanie in the park. "I love being your shoulder and your friend. And I just want you to know that there won't be any pressure from me to be anything more," Everett had said. Everett shook his head at the memory, and he called Stephanie.
"Can I email you the copy to my follow-up piece on the drug crisis?" Everett asked. Stephanie told Everett that she was out with friends, but she would read his copy in the morning. Everett apologized for having interrupted. "Why don't you join us?" Stephanie asked. "You sure I wouldn't be intruding?" Everett asked. Stephanie said no, so Everett told her he would head over.
At the Brady Pub, Stephanie told Rafe about the geocaching scavenger hunt. Everett walked into the pub, and he saw Jada. After a moment, Everett left, unseen. "My friend should have been here by now," Stephanie noted. Everett texted Stephanie that he could not meet her at the pub. "That's too bad. I was really looking forward to meeting him," Jada said.
After Stephanie left to retire for the night, Jada told Rafe that she was disappointed she had not met Stephanie's friend. "It doesn't take a detective to see how much she likes this guy," Jada said. Rafe suggested that they continue their evening at his place.
Outside the Brady Pub, Stephanie called Everett. Everett apologized for having stood up Stephanie. "You still at work?" Stephanie asked. "No. I'm in my room. Can you come over? What I need to say to you, it really can't wait," Everett said. Stephanie went over to the Salem Inn, and she met up with Everett in his room. "Is everything okay?" Stephanie asked. "I have a confession, something you need to hear," Everett said.
Xander was cooking for their Burns Night dinner in the kitchen when Sarah returned home. As Sarah sat at the table, Xander delivered her a steak pie. "I was highly motivated to please you. In fact, whenever I aspire to do well, you're my motivation," Xander admitted. Sarah asked about Xander's trip to the paper. Xander confirmed that Victoria had slept through the whole visit, and he asked Sarah about her day at work.
"Nothing out of the ordinary," Sarah said. Xander asked Sarah when she had last asked the hospital for a raise. With a shrug, Sarah admitted that she had not asked recently. Xander noted that with all the time, effort, and emotional work of her job, he believed that she should be paid well. "I'm fine with my salary," Sarah said. "Maybe you shouldn't be," Xander countered.
Sarah winced, and she admitted that talk of money made her uncomfortable. "Because our most recent problems were because we were broke, and you were willing to do dishonorable things to make us not broke," Sarah said. With a shrug, Sarah noted that she made a decent living at her job. "So, Victoria will always be taken care of," Sarah said. "I suppose you're right," Xander admitted. Sarah added that with the paper, both parents could contribute to Victoria's life. Xander apologized.
"I didn't mean to express any doubt about that. As I said, I'm only going to make a living now honorably, respectably," Xander said. With a grin, Xander said he wanted to set a good example for his daughter. "It's more important to me than anything," Xander said. Sarah told Xander that she believed him.
After a couple glasses of wine and dinner, Sarah said that she had needed a relaxing night at home with Xander. With a grin, Xander told Sarah about how Victoria had looked at him intently when he had read to her. "Maybe she really is very precocious and brilliant and totally understood you," Sarah said with a laugh. Xander pointed out that Victoria's intense concentration had reminded him of Sarah. Sarah laughed.
"[Victoria] does have your smile. It's a lovely smile, by the way," Sarah said. Xander countered that Sarah looked lovely whether she smiled or not. "Especially when you're holding our daughter in your arms," Xander said. Sarah's smile faded, and she noted that after the grief over Mickey, they were blessed to have a healthy child.
"I feel blessed, too. That that perfect, healthy child is ours. A product of our love. At the time," Xander said. Xander added that in that moment, he was grateful to get to know Sarah in a different way. "In a better way," Sarah added. Xander and Sarah polished off the bottle of wine. Sarah smiled mischievously. "Shall we try our whiskey in the Celtic cup?" Sarah asked. "You mean the quaich?" Xander asked. Sarah nodded yes, and she explained that she liked that it signified trust. With a nod, Xander ran over to grab the cup and the whiskey from the counter.
"Something that we have been working very hard to rebuild. And it's been going much better than anticipated. Don't you think?" Xander asked. "I do," Sarah said. Xander poured the whiskey into the cup. Sarah told Xander, "I'm impressed by what a responsible and truly loving father you are, and not to mention, an amazing roommate and mad cooking skills." Xander grinned.
"You're pretty top notch yourself, Sarah. You're a wonderful mother and a perfect roommate," Xander countered. Xander sipped from the cup. "They use this for weddings?" Sarah asked. Xander said yes, and he handed the cup to Sarah. "The wedding couple, they drink from that, and then they quote Robert Burns," Xander said. Xander recited the Burns poem "A Red, Red Rose."
In the middle of the poem, Sarah placed her hand on Xander's mouth to quiet him. Xander and Sarah stared into one another's eyes, and she kissed him. After a moment, Sarah pulled away, and she smiled. "Should we take this to the bedroom?" Sarah asked. "We shouldn't," Xander whispered. Sarah chuckled in disbelief.
"You must know that nothing would make me happier than to make love to you right now and all night long. I just, you also know how I've screwed things up in the past. And I'm just trying my damnedest not to screw things up this time, not now when the stakes are so much higher, because of our little girl," Xander said. "I understand. At least one of us is thinking clearly," Sarah said. Xander noted that it was ironic that he had been the voice of reason.
"Ironic and kind of maddening," Sarah joked. Xander apologized. Sarah told Xander that she loved him. "For being the voice of reason," Sarah added. Xander and Sarah leaned toward one another as if to kiss, but they hugged instead.
After a moment, Sarah said, "So we just go to our respective bedrooms and sleep?" Xander smiled sheepishly. "I don't know how I will, given that my heart is skipping a bunch of beats right now just looking at you and thinking about what would happen if we didn't go to our respective bedrooms and sleep," Xander whispered. Sarah said her heart was skipping a bunch of beats, too. "Just so you know," Sarah whispered. Sarah kissed Xander's cheek, and she went to her bedroom. Xander sighed with relief.
As Xander grabbed the bottle of whiskey, his phone rang. The caller had an unknown number and a disguised voice. The mystery caller offered Xander a job. "I have someone who must be eliminated," the voice said. Xander scowled.
Alex stopped by Marlena's office for his last-minute appointment with her. "It's about Theresa and me. You probably could have guessed," Alex confessed. Alex told Marlena that he had convinced Theresa not to go back to California. "We slept together. Actually, we made love," Alex said. "You told me during our last session that you were determined not to get romantically involved with her," Marlena noted. Alex said his roommate relationship had changed.
"Theresa recently had a relapse or a slip, I guess," Alex said. "I had not heard about that," Marlena admitted. Alex explained that he and Brady had helped Theresa through her relapse. "It was really hard for both of us to see her like that," Alex said. Marlena nodded in agreement. Alex admitted that he had felt like he had been in the way.
"After Brady left and Theresa was finally sober, she made this rash decision. Or at least I thought it was rash, to just go back to California. So, naturally, I got upset," Alex said. Alex explained that when he had returned from a run, Theresa had been packed and had booked a plane ticket. "I talked her into staying. Dr. Evans, I couldn't let her leave," Alex said. Alex confessed that he was scared by his emotional connection to Theresa.
"I've just never really felt like that before," Alex admitted. Alex noted that he had wanted Stephanie, but he had not needed her. With a shrug, Alex noted that because Theresa had made mistakes, he felt like they were alike. "I just feel like I can totally be myself around her," Alex said. Alex added that no matter what emotional state Theresa was in, he wanted to be around her.
"When I can't be around her, I can't get her out of my head. So, then I end up wondering, where the hell is she? What is she doing? Who is she with? How is she feeling?" Alex said. "I think you're in love," Marlena countered. With a chuckle, Alex said it made him sound mature. Marlena explained that Alex's description made it sound like there was a depth to his feelings for Theresa. Confused, Alex asked if he should act on his feelings and propose.
"Alex, I can't tell you what to do. But from what you've been saying to me, these feelings are all very, very new for you. And that's fine. That's just fine. But I think you need to just take this [relationship] very slowly and see what develops," Marlena counseled. Worried, Alex argued, "If I wait, I could lose her." Marlena asked Alex if he had told Theresa how he felt.
"That I'm in love with her? No," Alex said. "Well, then you can't really know exactly how she feels," Marlena said. Alex said that Theresa had told him that she wanted and needed him. "That's pretty much the same thing as being in love, isn't it?" Alex asked. With a nod, Marlena said that was possible.
"I just think that your fear of this is being triggered by your past. Your own losses," Marlena said. Alex nodded in agreement. Alex noted that he was still wounded by the loss of Justin as his father. With a sigh, Alex said he would hold off on a proposal. Marlena noted that it was wise to wait, especially since Theresa had suffered a relapse. "I think the best thing that you can do for her right now is just be there for her," Marlena advised. Marlena told Alex to take his time with the relationship.
"If it's good and it's real, it won't go away," Marlena said. "That's right, because, let me see if I'm comfortable saying this, I'm in love," Alex said with confidence. Marlena smiled.
At the nurses' station of the hospital, Kayla called out to Theresa when she saw Theresa walking down the hallway. "I know you're busy, so maybe just tell my mom you saw me and I'm fine. I'm in a really healthy place," Theresa said. Theresa started to leave, but Kayla refused to let her go without a chat first.
"[Kim] told me that you had a slip but that you were determined for it not to happen again," Kayla said. Theresa said yes. Kayla assured Theresa that the people that loved her knew that Theresa had been in serious pain. "Your mom told me also that you've decided not to go back to California," Kayla said. Kayla assured Theresa that Kim wanted the best for her but that Kim was confused as to why Theresa wanted to stay in Salem.
"Why did you decide not to go back?" Kayla asked. Theresa explained that Alex had convinced her to stay and attempt to be better people together. "Sounds like a plan," Kayla said. "Brady and I have been through so much with Tate. And when I was strung out, Brady, he really made me feel safe. And in a way that only addicts can understand," Theresa admitted. Theresa explained that when Alex had taken her in his arms, she had realized that she wanted Alex, not Brady. "He's what I need," Theresa said.
"So, you're in love with Alex, is that what you're saying?" Kayla asked. Theresa shrugged. "I suppose I am. Do you disapprove?" Theresa asked. Kayla scoffed. Theresa noted that most people saw Alex as a selfish womanizer. Kayla admitted that she did not know Alex but that she believed "people are a work in progress."
With a nod, Theresa admitted that she had used Alex to make Brady jealous. "When I realized that that didn't work, I looked at Alex as a distraction," Theresa said. Theresa admitted that she had not believed she could develop feelings for Alex. "And now, I feel so guilty," Theresa whispered. "For what?" Kayla asked. Theresa said that she was selfish, but Kayla told her not to be so hard on herself.
"No. I'm ashamed of what I've done. Alex deserves better," Theresa said. "What have you done that has made you feel so guilty? Are you talking about your past mistakes?" Kayla asked. After a moment, Theresa said yes. "Haven't you suffered enough over those?" Kayla said. Theresa asked how much suffering was enough. Kayla counseled Theresa to work the twelve steps.
"Is there somebody you need to make amends with?" Kayla asked. Theresa nodded yes. "That's what I'll do. I'll make amends, because Tate deserves an honest mother with integrity. That's what I'm going to do. I'll make amends with the people that I've hurt," Theresa said. Theresa thanked Kayla for the advice.
"You've made me realize I have to be honest, and I have to make amends," Theresa said. "For yourself more than anybody else. So that you can live with a clear conscience and self-respect," Kayla said. Kayla told Theresa that she was there for Theresa whenever Theresa needed help.
As Alex exited Marlena's office, he ran into Theresa in the hallway. "I was just thinking about you," Theresa said. "What a coincidence. I was thinking about you, too," Alex said.

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