Abe told Paulina that he loved her. Nicole was devastated when Holly lapsed into a coma after a drug overdose. Theresa and Alex butted heads over Tate. Brady falsely confessed to protect Tate. Tate told Rafe the truth. Ava called in a favor with her cousin to clean up the drugs. Eric comforted Nicole. E.J. refused to help Stefan with Clyde. Chad funded Everett's investigation. Sloan forced Leo onto a budget. Chad moved in with Julie permanently. Johnny and Chanel slept together. Wendy left Salem without Tripp. Xander asked Sarah to move in. E.J. sent Tate to jail.

Holly's life is in danger after overdosing
Monday, January 1, 2024
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by Steve Holley
At Paulina and Chanel's penthouse, Abe joined Paulina for New Year's Eve. Abe said that he hadn't wanted to begin a new year when he didn't remember any of his past years. When Abe and Paulina toasted with Champagne, Abe noted that Paulina hadn't drunk. Paulina said that she had been having "strange symptoms."
Abe made tea for Paulina, who tried to downplay her symptoms. Paulina disclosed that she had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Paulina added that she had undergone a biopsy to detect whether she had cancer, and she tried to sound upbeat.
Abe tried to reassure Paulina, and he reached for her hands. Abe said that Paulina was a strong woman. Paulina said that she had Chanel to lean on for support. Abe was surprised when Paulina suddenly asked him to leave. Paulina believed that the only reason Abe would want to stay with her was because he felt sorry for her.
Abe pushed back when Paulina said that Abe only viewed her as "some acquaintance." Paulina said that whatever she was to Abe wasn't enough, and she pleaded with him to leave. "Well, that's too bad... I said, 'That's too bad.' There's no way in hell that I am gonna let the woman I love go through something without me by her side," Abe said with conviction.
Paulina was taken aback by Abe's words. "Did -- did you just say, 'the woman you love?'" she asked. "I damn sure did. I love you, Paulina Price. I love you, Paulina Price Carver. I love you," Abe said repeatedly. Abe and Paulina began to kiss, and they soon started to laugh warmly together.
At the DiMera mansion, Nicole and E.J. celebrated the start of a new year with a kiss as fireworks exploded in the background. After sharing a toast, Nicole asked what she and E.J. should do for the rest of the night. E.J. and Nicole agreed to make love.
Upstairs, E.J. and Nicole slowly undressed one another on the bed. E.J. climbed on top of Nicole, and the couple made love. Afterwards, E.J. and Nicole cradled one another in each other's arms. Nicole said that she believed she was "back" and that her therapy session with Marlena had made Nicole see her blessings -- including Holly.
E.J. said that Nicole was her own blessing. E.J. added that 2024 would be a wonderful year for him and Nicole, and the couple made love again. Afterwards, Nicole said that she wanted to wait up for Holly to return home. E.J. agreed to wait up for Holly, too.
At the Bistro, Brady received an urgent text from Tate, who asked for Brady's help. A short while later, Ava whispered to Stefan that Holly had overdosed on the loading dock. Theresa, who had been standing nearby with Alex, overheard Ava. Theresa grew frantic, and she asked where Tate was.
On the loading dock outside the Bistro, a frantic Tate had discovered Holly writhing on the ground with foam around her mouth. A police officer found Tate with Holly, and she noted that Holly was barely breathing. The officer quickly deduced that Holly had overdosed, and she asked Tate what Holly had taken.
Awash with fear, Tate stammered that he didn't know. The officer called for an ambulance, and she pleaded for Holly to stay conscious. A group of police officers and first responders appeared moments later, and they placed an unconscious Holly on a stretcher. Brady found Tate, and he rushed toward him. Brady asked Tate what had happened. Tate recalled the state in which he had found Holly.
Brady threw his arms around a frightened Tate, and he told his son that everything would be okay. Brady pleaded with Tate to tell him everything that had happened that night. Tate produced the bag of pills that had been in Holly's possession, and the officer reappeared. "I'll take those," the officer said.
Harris and Rafe arrived on the scene, and they were handed the pills the officer had taken from Tate. Rafe was taken aback when he learned that Holly had been in possession of the pills and that Holly was the victim of the overdose. Rafe phoned Nicole to tell her that Holly had overdosed. Rafe added that Holly had been given doses of naloxone, a medication designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose.
Nearby, Harris asked if Ava or Stefan had seen any drugs or drug paraphernalia earlier that night. Stefan and Ava both said that they hadn't seen anything. Harris asked Ava and Stefan to give him a call if they learned of anything. Harris left.
Back inside the Bistro, Ava groused that she could no longer take the strain of the drug operation she and Stefan were running for Clyde. Stefan argued that Holly's overdose wasn't his or Ava's fault. "Stefan, tell me that you still sleep the same at night. You tell me that you don't wake up every morning, sick to your stomach. You tell me that, and I know you're a damn liar," Ava said with disgust in her voice.
Stefan admitted that Ava was right. Stefan lamented the situation he and Ava had been drawn into, but he reasoned that Clyde had them both in a "chokehold." "I am sorry for what happened to Holly. I am. But there's no way out of this," Stefan said.
Stefan proposed that he and Ava go home to get some rest. "We need to get our stories straight. Neither of us saw anything, nor did we hear the faintest whisper of anything illegal. You got that?" Stefan said. Ava nodded in agreement.
Stefan's phone rang, and he noted that the call was from Statesville. When Ava asked if Gabi could be calling, an alarmed Stefan noted that Gabi wasn't allowed to make calls "in the wee hours of the morning." Stefan deduced that the person calling had to be Clyde. Ava rubbed her head with worry.
By the nurses' station at the hospital, Tate was shaken when he learned that Holly had been admitted to the hospital's trauma ward. Brady escorted Tate to the waiting area nearby. Tate recalled that Holly had grown upset when he had refused to take pills with her. Tate added that Holly had then taken the pills into the bathroom.
Tate continued. "And I just -- I hoped that she would cool down, you know? After a while, I started looking for her, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I looked all over the Bistro, and then I found her out back. And she was -- she was shaking, Dad. She was shaking, and she was throwing up all over the place, and then... this cop is shining a light in my face. Dad... I'm in big trouble, aren't I?" a weary Tate asked Brady.
Just then, Nicole stepped off the elevator. Nicole spotted Brady and Tate, and she asked where Holly was. Brady said that Holly had been taken to the trauma ward. After Nicole left to find Holly, Theresa and Alex stepped off the elevator. Theresa rushed to hug Tate, and she tried to comfort him. Tate remained visibly distraught.
Alex whispered to Theresa to ask if Tate had been seen by a doctor. Alex added that he believed Tate had taken drugs. Theresa vehemently disagreed, and she said that Alex didn't know her son. Theresa grew irate, and she ordered Alex to leave. Alex agreed, and he said that he would check in with Theresa later.
After Alex had left, Theresa tried to delicately ask if Tate had taken drugs. Before Tate could answer, Rafe appeared, and he asked for an update on Holly. Brady said that everyone was still waiting for news.
In an exam room nearby, a nurse prepared to use a defibrillator on Holly, just as Nicole entered. Nicole was told that she needed to wait outside, and she looked on in horror as Tripp tried to revive an unconscious Holly.
Tripp found Nicole outside the room soon afterwards. Tripp said that he had been able to stabilize Holly but that there had been complications. "Holly's on a ventilator. She slipped into a coma," Tripp said to a horrified Nicole.
Back in the waiting area, Rafe said that he needed to ask Tate some questions. Rafe reminded Tate that he wasn't under arrest, but he said that Tate had the right to remain silent and to refuse any questions from the police. When Rafe asked if Tate would like a lawyer present, Brady snapped that Tate hadn't done anything wrong. Tate agreed to talk to Rafe. Just then, Tripp appeared.
Tripp whispered to Rafe that Holly was showing signs of minimal brain activity. Brady had approached, and he froze when he learned that Holly was in a coma. Tripp reminded Brady that he couldn't discuss a case with Brady, given that Brady wasn't family. Tripp said only that Holly was receiving the best care possible.
Afterwards, Rafe reminded Brady that he needed to talk to Tate to learn what Tate knew about the drugs that Holly had taken. Brady agreed to allow Rafe to speak with Tate. Theresa and Tate were relieved when Rafe said that Holly was alive. Rafe asked Tate to tell him everything about what had happened earlier that night.
Tate again recounted that Holly had produced a bag of pills from her purse, and he reiterated that he hadn't given the pills to Holly. When Rafe asked Tate to clarify that Holly had brought the pills, Tate nodded. "Yeah, the pills were Holly's," Tate affirmed. "The hell they were!" a voice thundered as E.J. appeared from around the corner. "My stepdaughter does not do drugs," E.J. said adamantly.
At the same time, Nicole entered Holly's room. Nicole buried her head in her hands when she saw Holly on a ventilator. Nicole wiped tears from her eyes as she approached Holly, and she began to speak. "Hey, Holly. Mommy's here. I'm here, baby," Nicole said as she fought back tears while gently touching Holly's shoulder.
Nicole lifted Holly's hand, and she kissed it. Nicole began to sing the words to the lullaby, Hush, Little Baby to Holly. Nicole's voice broke when she sang, "You'll still be the sweetest baby in town." Nicole lowered her head, and she began to sob.

Rafe makes an arrest for Holly's overdose
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
by Spalding
On the first morning of the new year, Marlena woke John up on the couch. John was surprised that neither Brady nor Tate had woken him up. With a smile, Marlena noted that Brady and Tate had stayed out all night.
"They must have been having a whole lot of fun to stay out this late," John said with a chuckle. Marlena noted that Tate had been excited for his date with Holly. "To be young and in love," Marlena said. "I can't speak to that. But I will put that love up against the kind of love you and I have right now. Any day," John said. John kissed Marlena, and he asked her about her New Year's resolutions.
"You know I don't make resolutions," Marlena said. With a shrug, John said he had one resolution. "I will never let the sun go down on a day when I haven't told my beautiful wife how much I love her. And Doc, I love you, sweetheart," John said. John told Marlena that she was the most extraordinary woman on the planet. "I don't know if I deserve all that, but I do know that the years that I've spent with you, and the life we've shared, makes me think that I must have done something really right," Marlena said.
John saw that Timothy had texted to wish him a happy New Year. "The man's 97 years old, and he stays up till midnight?" John said with a chuckle. "Unlike his son," Marlena joked. John noted that he had not been sleeping well. Marlena asked what was wrong. John told Marlena that Konstantin had managed to con his way back into the Kiriakis mansion but that John and Steve had made it clear that Konstantin needed to leave town.
John changed the subject, and he suggested that he and Marlena take advantage of the empty house. "The boys will be home eventually," Marlena said. With a smile, John noted that people were irrelevant, since they had their own bedroom. With a giggle, Marlena ran into the bedroom with John.
In the hospital waiting area, Brady listened in as Tripp informed Rafe that Holly was in a coma. Tripp assured Brady that Holly was getting the best medical care. As Tripp walked away, Brady asked Rafe for details, but Rafe refused to say more.
"What happened to Holly is obviously very serious. I really need to talk to Tate and find out what he knows," Rafe said. Brady nodded yes. "How is she?" Tate asked. Brady confirmed that Holly was alive. Rafe asked Tate to explain everything that had happened. As Tate started to talk about the pills, Rafe asked, "Just to be clear, you didn't give them to her?" Tate confirmed that the pills had belonged to Holly.
"The hell they were! My stepdaughter does not do drugs," E.J. growled as he walked over. E.J. argued that the pills belonged to Tate. "Arrest him," E.J. ordered. "Let's not be hasty," Rafe said. E.J. argued that the officer at the scene had confirmed that Tate had had the drugs in his possession.
"Only because I was trying to protect her!" Tate said. Tate explained that he had not wanted the family to know that Holly had been using drugs. E.J. complained that Holly was fighting for her life because of Tate. "That is not fair!" Theresa said. E.J. argued that instead of calling 9-1-1, Tate had covered up his connection to the drugs.
"You don't understand! I got there right before the cops showed up. I freaked out, man. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Tate said. "It's not your fault," Brady assured his son. E.J. disagreed. "You are both drug addicts, [Theresa] and Brady, and of course you would raise your son to follow in your pathetic footsteps," E.J. said. Furious, Brady advanced on E.J., but Rafe held Brady back. E.J. said that Nicole was mourning the death of one child and devastated about the possibility of losing another. E.J. swore to make Tate pay.
"You might have killed her. Holly is lying in a coma near death because of you. And you will be punished accordingly," E.J. said. Furious, Theresa told E.J. that she and Brady had worked hard to overcome their drug addiction. "Addiction is not a moral failing. It is a disease!" Theresa yelled.
"I'd say it's both with the two of you," E.J. countered. Theresa informed E.J. that Tate had watched her and Brady struggle with their addiction, and Tate had vowed that he would never take drugs. "Don't feed into it. It'll just make things worse," Brady counseled Theresa. Rafe interrupted to note that there was not enough evidence to arrest Tate. E.J. cited the levels of opioids in Holly's bloodstream.
"You have committed a felony by supplying drugs that resulted in grievous bodily injury, regardless of whether that was your intent. You compounded the problem by failing to render aid in a timely fashion. You better pray Holly survives," E.J. said. "Of course, I'm praying," Tate said. E.J. reminded Rafe that E.J. decided when to file charges, and he ordered Rafe to arrest Tate.
"Take it easy. He's just a kid," Rafe argued. "A kid who has just committed attempted manslaughter!" E.J. countered. When E.J. argued that Tate would likely be tried as an adult, Theresa groaned. "What happened to Holly was an accident. It wasn't deliberate. It wasn't premeditated. Look at him. Look at how upset he is. He's just as upset as you are. Can't you see that?" Theresa pleaded. E.J. told Theresa that he only saw a criminal that needed to learn that actions had consequences.
"You don't even want to hear the truth. You won't even let the boy speak. All you care about is vengeance," Theresa argued. Rafe interjected that he needed to finish questioning Tate and follow protocol. "Fine. Go," E.J. muttered. Brady refused to let Tate speak without a lawyer present.
"I have nothing to hide. I'm telling the truth. It was Holly that showed me the pills at that party. She said she wanted us to get high together," Tate said. Theresa argued that Holly was to blame for the drugs. "You shut the hell up!" E.J. bellowed. "Don't you talk to her that way!" Brady yelled back. Rafe quieted everyone down.
"None of this is helping," Rafe said. Rafe encouraged Tate to continue. "I told her that I don't do drugs," Tate said. Rafe asked Tate if he had been surprised by the offer. Tate shrugged, and he noted that Holly had offered him weed once, and she had gotten drunk on Christmas Eve.
"But I didn't know that she was taking anything else," Tate said. "I can't believe you are buying this!" E.J. yelled. Tate explained that Holly had told him that the pills were ADHD meds that she had obtained from a guy at school. "You lying bastard! I'm going to make sure that you are an old man by the time you get out of prison," E.J. said. Frustrated, Brady yelled, "Stop! [Tate is] lying." Brady confessed that the drugs were his and that Rafe should arrest Brady.
"So, they were your drugs, Brady?" Rafe asked with disbelief. Brady said Tate had taken the drugs from him. "So, you're claiming that you sold them to Holly?" Rafe asked. "All I know is that my son is innocent. He had nothing to do with this, so you need to let him go," Brady said. Rafe asked E.J. if he wanted Rafe to arrest Brady. "You heard the man," E.J. said.
Tripp returned, and E.J. rushed over to him for an update. "No change," Tripp confirmed. Tripp invited E.J. to join Nicole and Holly in the ICU. Rafe encouraged E.J. to be with his family. "I'll take Brady downtown. I'll get to the bottom of this, okay? Your family needs you," Rafe said. E.J. walked over to Brady and said, "I'll be seeing both of you in court." E.J. hurried off to the ICU.
"This is wrong," Tate objected. Theresa quieted Tate. Across the hallway, Tripp promised to send the full toxicology report to Rafe in the morning. "I know you doctors are doing all you can. [Holly] has a lot of people pulling for her," Rafe said. "It helps. Trust me," Tripp noted. Tripp said he had heard that the overdose had happened at the Bistro, and he worried aloud about his mother.
"I would go see her if I were you," Rafe counseled. As Tripp walked away, Rafe arrested Brady. "Please don't do this, Dad," Tate pleaded. Brady asked Theresa to take Tate home. Rafe led Brady off as he read him his rights.
At the Bistro, Stefan confirmed with Ava that the bad batch of pills in town was from Clyde's shipment. "Damn," Ava muttered. Frustrated, Ava asked Stefan why Clyde had waited so long to deal with the crisis. "At least now we know. And he wants all remaining product off the street. ASAP," Stefan said. Ava shook her head, and she wondered aloud how they would make that happen.
"We didn't want any part of this to begin with," Stefan grumbled. "How can you even question that it is up to us to deal with it? Stefan, there are going to be more lives ruined, more deaths, because of us, possibly your wife and my kid if we don't do something to stop this, and fast," Ava yelled. Stefan slammed his fist on the table.
When Stefan wondered aloud how to end the crisis, Ava said she would make a call. "I thought you had cut ties with your family and their business," Stefan said. Ava admitted she had. "But once a Vitali, always a Vitali," Ava said. Worried, Stefan asked Ava what the family would want in return. "I guess I'll find out," Ava said with a shrug. Stefan said no.
"You gave up that life for a reason," Stefan stressed. "What choice do we have?" Ava asked. Ava noted that people had gotten hurt or died because they had been unable to stand up to Clyde. "If it wasn't us, it would have been somebody else," Stefan said. Ava agreed. "It is up to us to make this right, until we can find a way out," Ava said.
After Ava called her family, she started to furiously clean the restaurant. "I'm sorry you had to make those calls," Stefan said. "I've had blood on my hands too many times to count," Ava said. Ava reminded Stefan of the hitwoman and Gil. "I know that they are scum. And I'm not losing any sleep knowing that they are off the streets and now rotting in a grave. But Holly?" Ava said. With a shake of her head, Ava talked about how she had watched Holly grow up.
"And now, thanks to me, that sweet girl, she could be gone forever. And if she dies, God forbid, I am not going to be able to live with myself," Ava said. Stefan pulled Ava into a hug to comfort her. Ava told Stefan that her cousin Dominic would work to remove as much of the drugs off the street as he could. "That's a relief," Stefan said. Stefan asked about the cost. Ava noted that she would owe her cousin a favor, but she did not want to focus on that.
"You are going to regret this. Ava, it is not fair that you are the one --" Stefan started. Tripp walked into the restaurant, and Stefan quieted. Ava asked about Holly, and Tripp confirmed that she was still in a coma. "Oh, God, I can only imagine what Nicole is going through," Ava said. Tripp asked Stefan for a moment alone with his mom, and Stefan stepped outside.
"Mom, please tell me you're not involved in any of this," Tripp said. "How would I be involved in this?" Ava asked. "You know exactly what I mean," Tripp countered. Tripp asked Ava to be honest with him. When Ava protested that it was judgmental of Tripp to think that she was involved because she was the daughter of a drug lord, he sighed. Tripp reminded Ava that he was also the child of a private investigator.
"I know how to connect the dots. You get out of Bayview, you need a job, and then Gil hires you out of nowhere to manage this upscale restaurant?" Tripp said. Ava was defensive, but Tripp pushed back. "When Stefan bought this restaurant, that's when things seemed really weird," Tripp added. Tripp noted that Ava's recent breakup was also unexpected. "I think you wanted Harris out of the way because he's a cop," Tripp said. Ava continued to make excuses. "There's a lot that you don't know here," Ava said. Tripp nodded in agreement. Ava told Tripp that her breakup had been because Harris had cheated on her.
"Why are you so suspicious of me?" Ava asked. "Because you're acting really nervous, Mom. Which makes me think you hadn't cut ties with the Vitalis like you promised," Tripp said. Ava stressed that she had cut ties with her family. With a nod, Tripp pointed out that when he had told Ava about his move to Hong Kong, she had made no attempt to talk him out of the plan. "In fact, you seemed downright happy about it. And that's when I knew things were really wrong," Tripp said. Tripp demanded the truth.
At the Bistro loading dock, Stefan wondered aloud, "How did I end up here?" E.J. marched around the corner. "You did this to her! You did this to my daughter!" E.J. yelled.
At the penthouse, John worried aloud about the fact that he had been unable to reach Brady on his phone. "They should've been back by now," John told Marlena. Theresa returned home with Tate. "What's wrong?" Marlena asked. Theresa explained that Holly had overdosed. "It's not looking good. And Brady has been arrested for supplying the drugs that put her there," Theresa said. Tate shook his head. John asked for details.
"Holly took pills that were laced with something," Tate said. When Theresa explained that Brady had claimed the drugs, John said that was insane. "I don't know any more than what he said, but I'm sure the police are going to let him go once they hear the whole story," Theresa noted. John announced that he would go down to the police station to see what he could do, and he advised Marlena to stay with Tate. John left.
While Marlena heated up milk in the kitchen, Theresa warned Tate to keep his mouth shut. "Brady and [John] know how to navigate the system," Theresa said. "I don't need them to. I was doing just fine," Tate argued. Tate accused Theresa of letting Brady take the fall because she did not care about Brady. Theresa said no.
"I didn't do anything wrong. And Dad has a record, Mom. This could ruin his life," Tate said. Marlena returned with the milk. "I feel sick. I think I'm going to just go lay down," Tate said. Theresa told Tate that everything would be okay. After Tate went to his room, Theresa told Marlena that she had never believed that Brady would use drugs again.
"So, you really believed that he relapsed?" Marlena asked. Theresa admitted that she did not know what had happened, but she did not believe that Brady would have given drugs to Holly. With a sigh, Theresa said she was going to check on Tate and then go home to update Alex. When Theresa looked in on her son, he was gone.
In the police station interrogation room, Rafe asked Brady if he wanted to call his lawyer. "Not really," Brady said. Rafe told Brady that he knew Brady wanted to protect his son. "But I don't believe for a second that those drugs were yours," Rafe said. Brady insisted they were his drugs.
"You expect me to believe that you sat there the whole time while E.J. was accusing and berating your son when you were the guilty one?" Rafe asked. "I'm an addict. Addicts sometimes go to great lengths to get our fix," Brady said. Rafe groaned dismissively. Rafe told Brady that his false confession would make Tate appear more guilty. Brady said it was too late, but Rafe disagreed.
"Assuming that Tate is telling the truth, he needs you. He needs you to help him fight this so that justice can be served," Rafe argued. "Justice? E.J. doesn't want justice. He wants blood, Rafe, so let him have mine," Brady countered. Rafe exited the room into the bullpen, and he ran into John. Rafe told John that Brady had refused a lawyer.
"I'm going to get him one. So just hold off on the questioning until I get the man here, okay?" John asked. "It's not your call," Rafe said. Rafe grabbed a cup of coffee, and he returned to the interrogation room. Brady reiterated to Rafe that he did not want a lawyer. "[John's] just doing the same thing that you're doing, Brady: looking out for his son," Rafe said. Rafe asked Brady where he had purchased the drugs. Brady said he did not remember because he had been high.
"So, if I take your blood and do a tox screen, it's going to come back positive?" Rafe asked. Brady glared at Rafe. Tate rushed into the room. "I can't let you take the fall for this," Tate said. "Something you want to say, son?" Rafe asked. Tate claimed that he was the one that had had the drugs at the Bistro. "If you're gonna arrest someone, arrest me," Tate said.

E.J. and Stefan argue over Holly's overdose
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
by Steve Holley
At Doug and Julie's house, Julie and Chad opened the door to a frantic Everett, who shared the news of Holly's overdose. Julie wondered what was happening to Salem, given the city's festering drug problem. Chad and Everett noted that the problem wasn't confined exclusively to Salem, and both agreed that the country was suffering from a drug epidemic.
Everett said that he wanted to use his position as a journalist to expose who was responsible for Salem's drug problem. To that end, Chad agreed that the Spectator could be used for the good of the public. Everett asked Chad for $5,000 to organize a petty cash fund so that confidential drug informants would be incentivized to speak to Everett.
Chad seemed hesitant, but Everett said that money was often the only way to get information. Julie seemed skeptical that Everett could entice actual drug dealers to talk, but Everett convinced Chad that it was worth the risk and effort. Chad agreed to back Everett for the fund.
Everett thanked Chad and Julie for their support. Chad and Julie encouraged Everett to use his position to help save lives. After Everett left, Chad told Julie that he hoped the Spectator could make Salem a safer city for everyone. Julie said that Abigail would be proud of Chad, and she added that she was also proud of Chad.
Julie surprised Chad when she asked him to move back into the house with her and Doug. Chad was touched by the offer, and he accepted. Julie was ecstatic, and she threw her arms around Chad as she rejoiced. Julie returned to the topic of Abigail, and she said that Abigail had known how to both give and accept love. "You have so much life ahead of you, a full life, because you have so much love to give -- and receive. You remember that. You hang on to that," Julie said as Chad began to smile.
At Eric and Sloan's apartment, Eric and Sloan were gushing about Jude when Eric received an urgent call from Marlena, who shared the news of Holly's overdose. Marlena asked Eric to visit Nicole at the hospital. Eric readily agreed, and he headed out.
Afterwards, Sloan received an alert on her phone from her bank. Sloan was furious when she learned that Leo had tried to make a $1,200 purchase on her credit card. Sloan told Jude that the two of them were about to embark on a "field trip."
Moments later, Sloan burst into Leo's room at the Salem Inn to confront him about his extravagant purchases. Leo threatened to expose Sloan's secrets in his Lady Whistleblower column if Sloan didn't continue to pay for his lavish expenses.
Sloan texted Leo a link to a monthly financial budget app. Sloan said that she was placing Leo on a monthly stipend. Leo was outraged, but Sloan insisted that if Leo didn't agree to rein in his spending sprees, he would ruin things for both of them. Leo agreed to use the budget app, and he and Sloan shook hands.
In Holly's room at the hospital, Nicole blamed herself for not seeing signs that Holly had been troubled in the days leading up to Holly's overdose. Nicole pleaded for Holly to forgive her. Kayla and Marlena joined Nicole. Kayla noted that the drugs were out of Holly's system and that Holly was showing stronger brain function.
Kayla added that Holly would need to remain on the ventilator indefinitely. When Nicole continued to blame herself for not having paid closer attention to Holly, Marlena said that Nicole was only making things more difficult on herself. Nicole said that she no longer cared about herself and that she only cared about Holly. Kayla placed her arms around Nicole, and she said that Holly would need Nicole in order to make a full recovery. Kayla and Marlena stepped out of the room.
Nicole was touched when Eric appeared. Nicole said that she couldn't lose another child. Eric placed his arms around Nicole, and he held her close to him. Eric and Nicole bowed their heads together as Eric prayed for God to be with Holly. As Eric prayed, Holly began to have a seizure. Eric ran out of the room to yell for help.
On the loading docks, E.J. and Stefan argued over who was responsible for Holly's overdose. Stefan yelled that E.J. had been the one person that could have helped rid Salem of Clyde but that E.J. had refused. E.J. yelled that Stefan had allowed Clyde to "call the shots," and he said that Stefan's decisions might lead to Holly's death.
E.J. pushed back when Stefan said that he'd had to go along with Clyde because Clyde had threatened to kill Gabi. "You are endangering the lives of thousands of people, Stefan, including children, all to protect one person in prison for murder! You give me one damn good reason why I shouldn't have you arrested right now!" E.J. shouted as he and Stefan locked eyes and glared at one another intensely.
Stefan said that E.J. would be "signing Salem's death warrant" if he were to arrest and prosecute Stefan. Stefan added that he and E.J. owed it to Holly to make things right. E.J. said that Stefan had no right to speak of Holly, given that Holly was fighting for her life because of the drugs that Stefan had been trafficking.
Stefan unloaded on E.J. "You think I don't know that? I was here! I watched her get carted off in an ambulance! And contrary to what you believe about me, E.J., I have a heart. And it is breaking right now for that little girl and her mother -- and for you. Because I know how much you're hurting right now, especially after the loss of your son. And my heart breaks for that, too," Stefan said.
E.J. said he would never forgive Stefan for hurting Nicole and Holly. Just then, Everett appeared. Everett introduced himself to E.J., and he asked if he could ask E.J. some questions for the Spectator. E.J. refused, and he promptly left. Everett then tried to persuade Stefan to talk to him.
Stefan gave Everett an official statement about Holly's overdose. Everett asked if Stefan felt responsible in any way for the overdose. Stefan said that he didn't. He added that he was "deeply saddened" for Holly and Nicole.
Back at the hospital a short while later, Kayla had managed to stabilize Holly, Kayla told Nicole and Eric that she would have a neurological specialist examine Holly's recent brain scans. Kayla added that it was common to have seizures in the wake of overdoses, and she said that Holly was fortunate that the seizure had been brief.
After Kayla left the room, Nicole asked Eric if he believed that Holly would wake up. "Yes, I do. Nicole, you are a wonderful mom. You're strong. I'm here for you. And I'm here for Holly," Eric assured her. Nicole thanked Eric, and they began to hug -- just as E.J. entered.

Chanel recalls a steamy New Year's Eve with Johnny
Thursday, January 4, 2024
by Steve Holley
At the DiMera mansion, Johnny and Chanel woke up in bed together after having made love the previous night. Chanel and Johnny teased one another when they said they had done something in bed for the first time together. Chanel was interrupted by a text from Paulina, who said that E.J. had been trying to reach Johnny. Johnny reached for his phone, and he was stunned when he learned about Holly's overdose. Johnny rushed to get dressed, and he left for the hospital.
At Paulina and Chanel's penthouse, Abe made breakfast for Paulina. Abe said that he was sorry that he hadn't been able to be intimate with Paulina the previous night. Abe added that he felt it was wrong to be intimate with Paulina when he still didn't remember what the couple had had before he'd lost his memory. Abe said that he loved the woman he was getting to know, and he and Paulina kissed.
Chanel entered, and she apologized for interrupting. Abe left to get dressed for the day. Afterwards, Paulina told Chanel about her night with Abe. Chanel grew excited when she learned that Abe had told Paulina that he loved her. Chanel noted that Abe and Paulina had also spent the night together. Paulina said sourly that she and Abe had slept in separate beds.
Chanel flashed back to the previous night with Johnny. In flashbacks, Johnny told Chanel that he was hungry, and he produced a can of whipped cream. Chanel laughed, and asked if Johnny planned to eat whipped cream out of the can. "No, not eat it out of the can. I am going to eat it... off of you," Johnny said.
Chanel smiled when she told Paulina that her and Johnny's New Year's Eve had been "pretty sweet." Paulina said that nothing made her happier than seeing the smile on Chanel's face. Paulina pressed Chanel for more details on her night with Johnny.
Chanel flashed back to having spread whipped cream on herself. As seductive music played in the background, Johnny licked whipped cream off Chanel's neck, chest, legs, stomach, and other erogenous zones. Chanel leaned backward and closed her eyes, and it was implied that Johnny had performed oral sex on Chanel.
"Yeah, and Johnny said that he'd love to have late-night dessert more often," Chanel quipped to Paulina. "Well, you tell him to be careful. It's not always such a good idea to eat something rich so late at night," Paulina said. Chanel tried to hide a laugh. "What? What did I say?" Paulina asked innocently.
Abe rejoined Paulina and Chanel moments later. The conversation shifted to Holly. Chanel wondered if Tate had supplied Holly with drugs. Abe rued that the drug epidemic was out of control. "I mean, people -- people are overdosing every day and dying," Abe noted. Paulina said that she wished she knew how to stop the epidemic in Salem. Paulina vowed to learn more about what had happened to Holly.
By the nurses' station at the hospital, Johnny learned from E.J. that Holly was in a coma. E.J. lashed out at Tate, and he continued to blame Tate for Holly's overdose. Johnny said that he had something to tell E.J., and he confided that Holly had gotten drunk on Christmas Eve.
E.J. regretted that he and Nicole had left Holly alone that night. Johnny blamed himself for not having kept a closer watch on Holly. E.J. insisted that the only person at fault for Holly's condition was Tate. Johnny thought it was possible that Holly had been using before Tate. E.J. received a call, and he stepped away to answer it.
In the lobby of the Salem Police Station, Theresa met Justin to talk about Tate's case. Alex appeared, and he smugly told Justin that he had hired someone else to represent Tate. Alex repeatedly insulted Justin. Theresa pushed back against Alex's decision to hire a new lawyer without consulting her. Justin thanked Theresa for her support, but he said that he was open to having consulting counsel. Rafe appeared, and he said that Justin's idea wasn't bad because E.J. was "out for blood."
In the interrogation room nearby, Brady and Tate argued over Tate's decision to confess to being responsible for Holly's drug overdose. John entered with a suit and tie for Tate to wear in court. Tate blamed himself for not having called 9-1-1 when he had found Holly unconscious. John placed his arms on Tate's shoulders, and he encouraged Tate to stop blaming himself.
Soon afterwards, Brady, Tate, and John appeared in the lobby. Brady and Theresa began arguing over Tate. Justin said that he was optimistic because there was little concrete evidence against Tate. Justin laid out his plan, and he believed that Tate would be released with bail.
Justin wanted to go into court with Tate alone, and he said that the judge would not tolerate the type of outbursts that Theresa, Brady, and Alex were prone to. Everyone agreed with Justin's decision, and he and Tate left for the courtroom.
John and Brady left to get some fresh air in the park. Brady asked John to reassure him that Tate hadn't turned to drugs the way Brady and Theresa once had. John said firmly that it wasn't possible. "I'm telling you, son. My gut says that young man is telling the truth," John said of Tate. Brady said he prayed that John was right.
When John and Brady returned to the police station, Brady apologized to Theresa for their argument earlier. Just then, Justin returned with Tate. Justin said excitedly that Tate had made bail. John, Brady, Theresa, and Alex were overcome with joy and relief. Theresa wrapped her arms around Tate for an extended hug.
Back in the park, Johnny phoned Chanel, who was horrified to learn that Holly had almost died from the overdose. Chanel asked if Holly had been using and if the drugs had belonged to Holly or Tate. Johnny relayed that E.J. was convinced that the drugs were Tate's.
Johnny asked if Chanel wanted to meet him for breakfast. Chanel agreed, and she said that she wanted to learn more about Holly and Tate. Johnny said that E.J. was determined to hold Tate responsible for Holly's overdose. "He's furious. Enraged, actually. I just hope he doesn't do anything crazy," Johnny told Chanel.
At the same time, back at the police station, Tate expressed relief that he would head home with Brady and Theresa. Just then, Justin and Rafe returned with bad news. "I just got a call from the judge. He's reversed his decision, and your bail's been revoked. Sorry, Tate, you're not going anywhere. I've got to take you back into custody," Rafe said to the astonishment of Tate, Brady, Theresa, and everyone gathered.

E.J. takes glee in punishing Tate
Friday, January 5, 2024
by Spalding
As Xander cooked breakfast in his apartment, Sarah exited the bedroom in his shirt. "I was going to bring you breakfast in bed," Xander said. Xander hurriedly noted that he would have knocked on Sarah's door first instead of barging in on her in bed. "Actually, I wouldn't have minded," Sarah said. Xander asked about Victoria, and Sarah confirmed that the baby had slept through the night.
"No fever, nothing. She's doing so much better," Sarah said. Sarah thanked Xander for letting her stay overnight. "After the whole fever scare last night, and me stupidly not having any baby amphetamine on hand," Xander said. Sarah laughed. "It's acetaminophen," Sarah corrected. Xander thanked Sarah for her help.
"Especially since I ruined your New Year's Eve plans," Xander said. Sarah thought about her midnight kiss with Xander. "I wouldn't say ruined," Sarah said. Xander started to apologize for having been too forward, but Victoria started to cry in the other room.
When Xander returned with Victoria, Sarah had finished the haggis brunch that Xander had prepared. Xander made a comment about scones, and Sarah appeared puzzled by Xander's pronunciation. "I do admit that I hope she gets your accent," Sarah said with a laugh.
"I was kind of hoping she'd take more after your side of the family," Xander said. Xander told Sarah that he loved her and Maggie and their accents. "I like everything about you, truth be told," Xander said. Sarah blushed, and she stammered that she needed to get dressed and pack Victoria's things. "It is my night with her, as you know," Sarah said. "Right. How could I forget?" Xander whispered.
After Sarah dressed, she joked about her walk of shame outfit. With a grin, Xander noted, "Your walk of shame outfit is very becoming. Not that I've ever seen you look anything but beautiful, no matter what you wear or don't wear." Sarah smiled nervously, and she offered to help Xander with the dishes before she left. Xander declined.
"Earlier, when I was putting Victoria down, I couldn't help but think that now that Chloe's moved out, that there is, uh, there's a spare room," Xander said. "For Victoria. You're making it into a nursery," Sarah said. Xander reminded Sarah that she had slept on the adult-size bed in the nursery. Xander hesitantly asked Sarah if she wanted to move in permanently with Victoria.
"Sharing custody is hard. I miss her so much when we are apart," Sarah admitted. Xander agreed. "And come on, it has to be better for our little girl to have a permanent home rather than bouncing back and forth between two places all the time," Xander said. Sarah agreed, but she added that she did not want to abandon her mother with Konstanin.
"[Maggie's] not really alone. There's lots of people still living at the Kiriakis mansion," Xander argued. Xander added that Sarah already spent most of her time at the hospital and not the mansion. "That's true. But maybe [Maggie] could volunteer more at the hospital," Sarah said. Xander grinned. "Or maybe you could trust that she's a big girl, and she can take care of herself," Xander said. Xander asked Sarah if she was looking for a reason to say no.
"Maybe I am looking for a reason to not move in. It's just, I think you can understand how complicated this is for me. How I might feel conflicted about us living together," Sarah said. "We kissed last night, and we haven't talked about it," Xander said. Xander asked Sarah if she was worried that he had asked her to move in with him as a way to sleep with her. Sarah argued that their emotions had been heightened because of Victoria's fever and the holiday.
"That's true. But it's also true that I've wanted to kiss you for a long time," Xander admitted. "I wanted to kiss you, too," Sarah confessed. "I could tell!" Xander said. Xander and Sarah laughed. After a moment, Sarah explained, "All of our kisses are amazing. I'm just, I'm scared of going too fast and falling just madly in love with you again and regretting it."
Xander assured Sarah that if she moved into his apartment, they would be roommates and co-parents. "I would respect your boundaries. And I'm sure you would respect mine," Xander said. With a chuckle, Sarah asked Xander what his boundaries were. "You should never, ever eat something from the fridge that I was saving for myself," Xander said. Xander also asked Sarah not to misplace his phone when cleaning.
"What are your boundaries?" Xander asked. Sarah offered to make a spreadsheet. "That would be helpful," Xander said. Xander asked Sarah if she had an answer. "I'd be willing to give it a shot," Sarah said. Xander beamed. "I was really hoping you would say that," Xander said. Xander reached into his pocket, and he pulled out a set of keys. "Welcome to your new home," Xander said.
Tripp returned home after his New Year's Eve shift at the hospital. Wendy was packing for the move, and she noted that Tripp could make up his absence to her when they arrived in Hong Kong. "We [can] celebrate Lunar New Year together," Wendy said. Wendy informed Tripp that the Salem PD had granted her a leave of absence.
"I hope to come back someday. Of course, it all depends on my dad's condition," Wendy said. Wendy explained that her father was still doing poorly, and that she was eager to catch her flight that night. "I know [your parents will] both be so happy to see you," Tripp said. "And I'll be so happy when I get to welcome you to Hong Kong," Wendy said. Wendy asked about whether Tripp had made arrangements with the hospital.
"I'm sorry, Wendy. I can't go," Tripp said. "I thought we had already decided. You were the one who wanted to go with me," Wendy said. Tripp explained that everything had changed. Tripp told Wendy about Holly's overdose, and how he had gone to see his mother after work.
"Something is not right. When she encouraged me to go with you to Hong Kong, I had this sinking feeling that there was something up with her," Tripp said. "Like what?" Wendy asked. With a shrug, Tripp said he did not know what was wrong, but he knew that his mother had a secret. Tripp reminded Wendy that his mother had been in the mob.
"Wait, you don't think?" Wendy asked. "I don't want to think anything but that she's telling me the truth. And she adamantly denied being involved with drugs," Tripp said. Wendy searched Tripp's face, and she noted that Tripp did not believe Ava. "Too many things don't add up. Or maybe they do," Tripp said. Tripp listed all the evidence he had compiled. Tripp explained that his mother had had an answer for every item. "It's like she was prepared. Too prepared," Tripp said. Wendy told Tripp that she understood why he was concerned.
"[Ava] needs you. Now more than ever. Whether or not she'll admit it. And so, without you here, who will take care of her?" Wendy said. Tripp told Wendy that he loved that she was so understanding of his conflict. "That's because I know you and I love you," Wendy said. "I am so sorry," Tripp said. With tears in her eyes, Wendy said she was disappointed but that she respected that family was important to Tripp.
"Just like I feel like I have to take care of my parents now. I know you feel the same way about your mom," Wendy said. "Are we going to try the long-distance thing?" Tripp asked. Wendy said yes, and she acknowledged it would not be easy.
"We both know that once I leave and we're separated by oceans, it won't be the same," Wendy whispered. "I guess it won't be," Tripp agreed. Wendy told Tripp that she wanted him to be happy. "I don't want to stand in your way if you meet someone else. I don't expect you to wait for me. I mean that," Wendy said. Tripp said he understood. "I wouldn't want you waiting for me, either," Tripp whispered. Wendy teared up.
"I can't imagine not having you in my life," Wendy said. Wendy told Tripp that she did not think she could have gotten through her brother's death without Tripp's support. "Not to mention you make me laugh, and I do love your shrimp tacos," Wendy said with a grin. "You make me laugh, too. I'm so impressed by your mind, how smart you are, how hard you work in whatever you do. Just being around you lifts my spirits," Tripp said. Tripp teared up.
"You are brave and kind. You've taught me to believe in love again," Tripp said. Tripp and Wendy made love one last time. As the lovers dressed afterward, Tripp offered to drive Wendy to the airport. "I'd rather you didn't," Wendy said. Overcome with emotion, Wendy went into the bathroom. Tripp slipped a piece from his Jenga set into Wendy's suitcase.
When Wendy returned to the room, they hugged goodbye. "I'm going to miss you so much," Tripp whispered. "I love you," Wendy said. "I love you, too. Always," Tripp said. When Wendy walked out, she broke down in the hallway.
At the police station, Brady and Theresa were eager to escort Tate home, but Justin and Rafe explained that the judge had revoked bail. "How can he just change his mind? He granted bail a half an hour ago!" Brady yelled. Justin explained that E.J. had convinced the judge that Tate was a flight risk because of his family's wealth. "That's not fair!" Theresa objected. Brady argued that E.J. controlled the judge, but Justin countered that he had not heard anything to suggest that the judge was in E.J.'s pocket.
Worried, Tate asked what would happen to him. "They can't send my child to jail," Theresa said. Justin promised that Tate would go to the juvenile detention center instead of jail. "We will explore our options for the best outcome," Justin said. Brady asked about the options. Justin explained that he would file an appeal, and they would go from here.
"How about I put up 100 times the bail? Do you think maybe that would convince him to reconsider?" Alex asked. "The legal system doesn't work like that, Alex," Justin said. As Alex asked Justin why he couldn't convince a judge, E.J. strolled into the room. "A pleasant afternoon to you all," E.J. said. Brady started to attack E.J., but Alex held Brady back.
"Why are you doing this to my son?" Brady yelled. As Brady struggled, Rafe counseled Brady not to attack E.J. "It's just going to make things worse for Tate," Rafe said. E.J. told Rafe that he was curious how far Brady would go. "Assaulting the district attorney? Perhaps some father-son time in jail would be a wonderful bonding experience," E.J. said. Brady started toward E.J. again, and Theresa begged Brady to stop. "We need you here with us!" Theresa said.
"Don't make things worse," Justin whispered to Brady. "I don't think things could get worse," Theresa muttered. With a smile, E.J. said he disagreed. E.J. reminded Theresa that Nicole had lost her baby and might lose her other child.
"An innocent girl fighting for her life because she was influenced, probably pressured, into taking potentially lethal drugs by the amoral, entitled son of drug addicts," E.J. said. "That's not what happened! I told her not to do it. I told her it was a bad idea, but she didn't listen to me!" Tate yelled. E.J. told Tate to save his breath. "Tate will be charged as an adult and held here at the local Salem jail with the other prisoners," E.J. announced. Justin objected.
"The law [on drug possession] doesn't support that," Justin argued. "I'm well aware of the law, Justin. How about manslaughter or attempted murder for peddling a deadly batch of drugs that's killing kids, and might have killed my stepdaughter," E.J. growled. Theresa asked Justin if that was possible. Justin explained that the D.A. could charge a teenager as an adult for certain crimes. Theresa pleaded with E.J.as a parent to have compassion for her son.
"Theresa, I told you we should get another lawyer. Justin should have changed the venue," Alex muttered as he looked at Justin. "You are out of your element. You can't change the venue until there's a trial," Justin corrected. Frustrated, Alex argued that Justin should have gone to a judge that was not "under E.J.'s thumb." Alex squared up close to E.J.'s chest, and he threatened E.J.
"So, now you're threatening the D.A. while surrounded by cops. Brilliant," E.J. said. "I'm not scared of you, E.J. You think the Kiriakises don't have friends in high places?" Alex said. Tate yelled at everyone to stop arguing. "Please don't let them take me, Mom," Tate whispered.
Theresa asked to speak to her son alone. Everyone stepped a few feet away except for Brady, who huddled up with Tate and Theresa. Brady told Tate that they would get him out of jail. When Tate said he was scared, Brady told him not to be because he was innocent. "We are going to fight like hell to prove [that you are innocent]," Theresa said.
E.J. interrupted to note, "Even if the drugs weren't yours, Tate, the fact remains that you didn't call 9-1-1 when you found Holly, and that could mean the difference between whether she pulls through this or not." Tate looked at E.J., and he said he was sorry. "It's a little too late for sorry," E.J. growled.
"This is a nightmare! My son is innocent. And not just innocent -- he is a good and caring person. He would never willingly hurt somebody, let alone somebody he personally cares about," Theresa said. Alex assured Theresa that everything would be okay, but she did not agree. "Look at E.J.'s eyes. I don't see a husband who is grieving the loss of a child or a man who is dying inside for his wife because her daughter is suffering. I just see bitterness and hatred," Theresa said. Rafe asked Office Kelsey to lead Tate to get changed.
"I'll go with Tate, make sure he is taken care of," Justin promised as he followed Tate and the officer down the hallway. Rafe asked E.J. for a word in private, and they stepped into the interrogation room. "Make this quick. I don't want to miss the boy being hauled away in cuffs," E.J. said. Rafe gaped. "What the hell is the matter with you? Why are you doing this?" Rafe asked. E.J. argued that Rafe should be on his side.
"When the hell was I ever on the same side with you on anything?" Rafe yelled. Rafe argued that even if Tate had given the drugs to Holly, he had never meant for anything bad to happen. "Besides which, Holly took those drugs willingly," Rafe said. "That is a baseless assumption. Tate could have put them in her drink for all we know," E.J. countered. Rafe told E.J. that he planned to interview witnesses at the school to learn more about Holly.
"Maybe some things that you don't even know about, but perhaps I should just share that with Nicole," Rafe said. E.J.'s face darkened. "Stay away from my wife, and don't you dare try to make the victim the criminal here," E.J. growled. Frustrated, Rafe said he wanted E.J. to see the reality of the tragedy that had unfolded.
"Holly Jonas is in a coma. Her mother is in agony. And all you can do is lash out at this poor kid who's already horrified and traumatized? You're trying to make his pain worse. Does that make you feel good, E.J.?" Rafe yelled. When E.J. turned to leave, Rafe asked him to imagine that Johnny was in Tate's position. "Imagine if someone was doing what you are doing to Tate to [Johnny]. How would that make you feel? Yeah, it would make you go nuts. Think about it," Rafe said.
"I should have listened to you. We should have gotten another lawyer," Theresa said to Alex. When Tate returned in his jail garb, he hugged his mother goodbye. Brady turned Tate around to face him. "We have to have faith that Holly is going to wake up. And she's going to make everything okay. She's going to set things right," Brady said. Justin promised to do everything in his power to prove Tate's innocence.
"I never meant for any of this to happen," Tate whispered. Brady tapped Tate's cheek gently. "We will get you home as soon as we can," Brady promised. Theresa told Tate that she loved him.
Rafe returned with E.J. and told Tate it was time to go. "We wouldn't want to keep your new cellmate waiting now, would we?" E.J. said. Theresa called E.J. a monster. Brady hugged Tate goodbye. "Stay strong," Brady said. E.J. smirked as he watched Rafe lead Tate out in handcuffs. "E.J., this isn't over. Not by a long shot," Brady said.
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