Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 27, 2021 on DAYS

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Sami ended her relationship with E.J., Eric exorcised the devil from Marlena... which went on to possess Johnny
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 27, 2021 on DAYS

Chad helped Lucas plant evidence against E.J. Shin named Chad sole CEO of DiMera. Allie disapproved of Johnny's marriage, but she later apologized. Maggie appealed to Jack, and Abigail encouraged Jack to reconcile with Gwen. Xander was obsessed over Sarah. Maggie learned Sarah was missing. Ava learned about Rafe's affair with Nicole. Brady promised Chloe he would find Kristen. Eric exorcised the devil from Marlena. Sami ended her relationship with E.J., and she told Lucas she wanted to be with him. The devil possessed Johnny.

John prays for a Christmas miracle
John prays for a Christmas miracle

John prays for a Christmas miracle

Monday, December 27, 2021

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by Mike

Eli and Lani took the twins to the Horton house to see Julie and Doug -- and were stunned to hear about what had happened the previous night. "Looking at this beautiful tree, you would never guess that the devil tried to burn it down," Eli observed, prompting Julie to stress that it would take more than demonic possession to put a stop to the long-standing Horton Christmastime tradition of hanging ornaments that represented each member of the family.

"That reminds me..." Julie added before producing a gift box and handing it to Eli. "Maybe we should wait until Lani's done helping Doug in the kitchen," Eli suggested. "No -- I'm too impatient; I want to see [you open] it now!" Julie demanded, prompting Eli to shrug then reveal the two personalized ornaments that were tucked inside the gift box -- one for each of the twins.

"Can we hang them together, just you and me, right now? It would give me something so lovely to remember!" Julie begged, drawing a nod from Eli -- and the twins watched from their shared stroller as the event occurred. "Now you guys are officially part of the Horton family Christmas tree tradition -- and you always will be," Eli informed the twins afterward, and Julie agreed while fighting back tears.

Abe ran into Paulina while passing through the town square. "Merry Christmas," Abe somewhat stiffly began, drawing a smile from Paulina, who had clearly expected a colder greeting. "I'm just finishing up my Christmas shopping," Paulina explained. "I'm surprised there are stores open," Abe admitted. "Ballistix was open 'til noon -- I made it in just under the wire," Paulina clarified.

"Good thing, too -- I have a new son-in-law to shop for," Paulina added before informing Abe that Chanel and Johnny had gotten married during their recent vacation. "You've heard a lot of far-out stories about the DiMera family, [but] every family has its problems," Abe stressed. "I know your late wife, she was a DiMera -- [and] that makes your son Theo half DiMera, so...well, there's obviously some goodness in that gene pool..." Paulina conceded.

Lani soon approached with Eli -- and kept walking. "Merry Christmas!" Paulina called out -- but only Eli responded. "You have a new brother-in-law!" Paulina added -- and that stopped Lani. "That girl knows how to keep life interesting..." Lani mused after Paulina elaborated. Lani tried to rush off again, and Paulina objected again, wanting to hand over a gift for the twins. Lani reluctantly accepted the gift after realizing that it was a traditional Price offering -- a kaleidoscope of family photographs.

Nicole went to the police station to see E.J. after hearing about what had happened the previous night. "Merry Christmas," Nicole dryly began after joining E.J. in one of the conference rooms. "I thought you'd be with Holly," E.J. admitted. "Maggie and Victor asked if they could have her, so I just dropped her off," Nicole explained before changing the subject, eager to find out if E.J. truly was the mastermind of Sami's kidnapping.

"Someone is setting me up!" E.J. insisted before starting to name enemies. "You might want to narrow down your list to one possible name that you can give the police," Nicole eventually advised. "I don't think anyone hates me more than Rafe does," E.J. quickly decided. "Rafe? Oh, don't be ridiculous!" Nicole protested. "He's always been jealous of me -- and it's even worse now that I'm with you," E.J. reasoned.

"That is patently absurd -- [and besides, if we're] talking about people who hate your guts, what about Lucas? [I mean], I don't think either one of them would do this to you -- I think you're just grasping at straws --" Nicole countered. "I didn't put Lucas on my list of suspects because he always seemed so ineffectual...but maybe it was him..." E.J. muttered, remembering Lucas' past misdeeds. "When am I gonna learn to keep my big mouth shut..." Nicole grumbled.

"You cannot pin this on Lucas!" Nicole insisted. "If it isn't him, then who is it? Samantha didn't kidnap herself --" E.J. argued. "Actually, I wouldn't put it past her... [But] you still haven't convinced me that it wasn't you," Nicole countered. "Do you think I'm such a sadist?" E.J. wondered. "Well, when you put it like," Nicole decided.

At the DiMera mansion, Johnny filled Chanel in on what had happened the previous night. "You know your dad better than the cops do, [so]...what do you think?" Chanel wondered. "Nothing my dad does really surprises me, you know? He's a DiMera," Johnny responded. "So are you!" Chanel sputtered. "Starting to have second thoughts about marrying into my crazy family?" Johnny guessed. "No way -- I'm in for the long haul," Chanel insisted.

At the Walker apartment, Allie and Tripp kept Henry entertained while discussing what had happened the previous night. "How are you feeling?" Allie wondered. "Not bad for a guy who just came out of a coma," Tripp joked. "I really wish that I could [tell you that] was a bad dream, but... [Anyway], it's over now, [and] it's Christmas, [and] you and I and Henry are all together, so let's just be happy, okay?" Allie advised Tripp, who nodded in response.

Later, Allie and Tripp received a visit from Johnny and Chanel, who wanted to share their "big news" before someone else beat them to the punch. "I already know what it is," Allie announced, surprising Chanel and Johnny. "That's not the news that we came here to tell you -- [and] I still can't believe that Dad would do that to Mom," Johnny stressed after realizing that Allie thought the big news was that E.J. had been arrested for kidnapping Sami. "I can," Allie countered. "[Then] let's just agree to disagree," Johnny begged before giving Chanel a nod, desperate to change the subject -- and then they simultaneously revealed their respective wedding rings, leaving Allie and Tripp speechless.

"Congratulations!" Tripp eventually responded. "You just made the biggest mistake of your entire life, [Chanel]! Giovanni here is always the leading man in his own movie, [and] the plot is always the same -- it's just the girl who changes. [First], they go for romantic strolls by the Tiber, and then they walk over to the Piazza Navona, [and then] he takes her to the one trattoria where they know him, and he orders for her in Italian -- sound familiar? [Well], the movie's over, [so] what happens when those magic feelings go away and you're stuck with a guy who's bored of being a husband?" Allie bluntly argued.

"I guess you needed a bigger ending for your movie this time, [so] you married the girl before you broke up with her!" Allie snapped at Johnny. "I'm starting to think that maybe this isn't about me at all -- maybe you're just jealous," Johnny countered. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Tripp interjected. "What do you think it means? It means that your girlfriend wants my wife all to herself!" Johnny elaborated.

Lucas went to the Evans-Black townhouse in search of Sami after receiving a news alert. "I just heard that E.J. was arrested," Lucas claimed when Sami opened the front door. "You all right?" Lucas wondered. "I can't think about him --" Sami insisted. "Since when?" Lucas sputtered. "Since John has my mom locked in the bedroom, tied to the bed, [and is] battling for her immortal soul," Sami answered.

"That angel's been in my family for generations!" Lucas grumbled after Sami explained what had happened the previous night. "John has been in there for a long time -- I hope she hasn't turned him into a goat or something... [You know], if anyone deserves to be possessed by the devil, it's me!" Sami fretted. "Would we be able to tell the difference if you were?" Lucas joked, prompting Sami to attack with a pillow.

Lucas soon tried again to get Sami to talk about E.J.'s arrest. "I have to be here for my mother right now --" Sami maintained. "Tell me you're done with that guy!" Lucas begged. "We don't know that it was E.J. --" Sami argued. "They wouldn't arrest him for nothing! [Come on] -- tell me you're not still fighting the divorce --" Lucas countered. "E.J. doesn't want a divorce now," Sami revealed. "What?" Lucas sputtered, drawing a shrug from Sami.

Meanwhile, in the master bedroom, John tried to get through to Marlena -- and the demonic presence laughed in response. "Nice day for an exorcism -- good luck with that; [after all], you aren't even a priest..." the demonic presence growled as John began the ritual -- then a lamp fell over. "Very impressive -- even shackled to the bed, you have telekinetic powers... But I have God -- [and] Marlena's love," John warned the demonic presence while picking up the fallen lamp. John resumed the exorcism, reading Bible verses while simultaneously dousing the demonic presence with holy water, and it cried out in pain -- prompting Sami to burst into the master bedroom, with Lucas close behind, and object to what was happening.

"Help me!" the demonic presence begged Sami as Marlena. "John, I can't stand listening to her screams --" Sami fretted. "Let's take a break," John suggested before escorting Sami out of the master bedroom -- and Lucas tried to follow, but the demonic presence magically slammed the door shut. "I know what you did -- [and] if you don't get me out of here, I'm gonna tell..." the demonic presence warned Lucas.

"You don't know anything about me," Lucas insisted. "I know that you're the one that kidnapped Sami and held her captive -- [because] I gave you the idea," the demonic presence countered. "You made me kidnap Sami?" Lucas sputtered. "I didn't make you do it -- [no], I just planted the idea in that little booze-soaked brain of yours; the rest of it you did yourself, voluntarily, because you couldn't resist the temptation," the demonic presence responded.

John was comforting Sami in the living room when they realized that Lucas wasn't with them. Sami rushed back to the master bedroom to check on Lucas -- who was in the process of freeing the demonic presence. "I was on my way out, and she loosened the restraints -- I didn't want her to break loose!" Lucas claimed. "He's lying -- about everything," the demonic presence declared.

John, who had stayed behind in the living room, prayed for a sign that Marlena was going to be okay. Someone knocked on the townhouse door just then -- and John was stunned to see that the visitor was Eric.

Eric conducts an exorcism
Eric conducts an exorcism

Eric conducts an exorcism

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

by Spalding

At the hospital, Kayla and Steve discussed the Jan Spears situation. Steve confirmed that Shawn had taken Jan to Statesville. "We still have to get the devil out of Marlena," Kayla noted. Steve told Kayla that John was doing an exorcism.

After Steve dressed in a Santa costume, he sidled up to Kayla. "Patchy Claus is here!" Steve said. Kayla took a picture of Steve to send to Stephanie and Joey. "I sure do miss them," Steve said. "I do, too. It was so nice having Joey here last year," Kayla agreed. Kayla said she was excited for the traditional hospital holiday party.

"Really makes me think about the people who can't be here," Kayla said. "But, hey, the whole point of this thing has always been to try to brighten up Christmas for the ones who can't get home," Steve said. With a smile, Kayla wished Steve a merry Christmas, and she kissed him. Steve sat down, and he asked Kayla to sit on his lap. Kayla reluctantly agreed. Steve handed Kayla a box. Inside was a charm bracelet with an anchor on it.

"I thought it would go nice with the necklace I gave you on our honeymoon," Steve said. Kayla thought about the anchor necklace Steve had given her all those years before. "All these years later, you're still my anchor," Steve whispered. "Thank you. And I love you," Kayla whispered back. Steve and Kayla kissed.

At Nicole's apartment, Johnny told Allie that he thought she was jealous. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Tripp asked. "Your girlfriend here wants my wife all to herself," Johnny said. Johnny argued that Allie was still in love with Chanel. "That is ridiculous," Allie said. "Then why are you so against me marrying Chanel?" Johnny asked. Allie argued that she did not want Johnny to hurt her best friend.

"Except I'm not your best friend anymore. I'm your sister-in-law, and I was really hoping that you would be happy for me. For us. Do you think you can do that?" Chanel asked. "I wish I could be happy for you, Chanel, but you've made this mistake before. Xander," Allie said. "You're comparing me to Xander?" Johnny said with a rueful laugh. Chanel told Allie that she and Johnny would be together for "the long haul." Allie disagreed.

"It's just a matter of time," Allie said. "I'm sick and tired of you constantly trashing me! I'm your twin!" Johnny yelled. Johnny told Allie she was as bad as their mother. "You're as bad as your dad, which is really, really bad," Allie shot back. Chanel suggested to Johnny that they leave. Allie stressed that she was not mad at Chanel.

"This is Christmas morning, and this isn't very merry," Chanel said. "Chanel is my wife, and that is not going to change," Johnny stressed. Johnny left with Chanel. "My brother is such a jerk," Allie grumbled. "Maybe. Was he right?" Tripp asked. Allie stressed that she was not in love with Chanel.

"She's my best friend. I just want to see her happy," Allie said. "You have to admit that your reaction was a little more emphatic than that," Tripp said. Allie argued that she'd had a strong reaction because she knew the relationship was doomed. "Don't you know by now? You're the one that I love," Allie said. Allie kissed Tripp. Tripp told Allie that he believed her and loved her.

While Allie left to join her family at the penthouse, Tripp took Henry down to the town square. Chanel was there, and he stopped to apologize to her. "I just hope that you and I can still be friends," Tripp said. "Me, too," Chanel said. Tripp asked Chanel if John had called Johnny. "I hope Dr. Evans is going to be okay," Chanel said. Tripp asked Chanel if she wanted to go with him and Henry to the hospital for the children's' Christmas party. When Tripp, Henry, and Chanel arrived at the hospital, Kayla was seated next to Patchy Claus and reading to the kids.

At the police station, Brady thanked Belle for having gotten him released from jail. "You should thank Chloe. She's the one who got Victor and Kate to drop the declaration of Philip's death," Belle explained. With a chuckle, Brady noted that it was the first time Chloe had managed to change Victor or Kate's minds. Belle told Brady that without the declaration, there was no case.

"All I wanted for Christmas this year was to get out of jail. A Christmas miracle," Brady said. "Let's hope for another one [with the exorcism of Marlena]," Belle said. Brady thanked Belle for helping him while John was administering the exorcism. Belle said she was relieved to be able to help someone.

Eric arrived at the penthouse, and John hugged him hello. "How is Mom?" Eric asked. "I honestly don't know, because we're not dealing with your mom. We're dealing with it," John said. John told Eric that Lucas and Sami were with Marlena, and they talked about how to fight the devil. "You have backup now. And I happen to be well suited for the job," Eric said. Eric removed his coat to reveal his priest vestments.

"When you told me last night that you went back to the priesthood, it just seemed to me that God must have had a hand in this. That he was giving us just what we need to get your mother back, just when we need it," John said. "I agree. It was God's will," Eric said. When John asked Eric why he had returned to the priesthood, Eric attributed the idea to a conversation he had had with Nicole during their breakup.

"[Nicole] said when I decided to take the collar off a few years ago, it never really changed who I was," Eric explained. Eric told John that he had kept his plans quiet until he'd been sure that he could return to the church. "Well, your timing couldn't be better, because you have the strongest faith of any man I've ever known. By God, son, you're going to need it," John said.

In Marlena's bedroom, Sami caught Lucas fidgeting with the devil's rope ties. Lucas lied and said he had tightened the restraints. With a laugh, the devil told Sami that Lucas had lied. "What is my mom talking about? Have you been lying to me?" Sami asked. Lucas said that the devil wanted to stir up trouble. The devil noted that Lucas had been keeping a secret.

"Do you want to tell her, or should I tell her?" devil Marlena asked. "Lucas, just tell me. It can't be that bad," Sami said. "I wouldn't count on that," the devil muttered. Sami pleaded with Lucas to tell her the truth. "I've been lying to you about my feelings for you. I love you so much," Lucas admitted. Sami reminded Lucas that they had already talked about his feelings.

"There's something more. Something you don't know," Lucas continued. The devil cackled with glee. Lucas told Sami that he loved her so much that he would do anything to be able to get back together with her. Before Lucas could confess to what he had done, Eric entered the room. The devil slowly turned its head to look at Eric.

"Look what the cat dragged in," the devil sneered. "You're a priest again," Sami whispered. Sami started to apologize to Eric, but he told her they had a bigger issue to deal with first. "It is written that you should not put the Lord our God to the test," Eric said. "And are you my Lord? Are you my God?" the devil asked. Devil Marlena asked Eric why he was not helping people in Africa.

"My work here is not finished," the devil said. "You're finished. My mother is coming back to us," Eric said. "I'm afraid you're too late," the devil countered. "You're afraid, all right," Eric said. Eric argued that Marlena was still there and fighting to return to her family. "My boss and I are going to make damn sure [Marlena] wins," Eric said.

When Eric suggested that he work alone, the devil agreed that Lucas and Sami were "not exactly the God squad." Lucas ushered Sami toward the door, and the devil yelled out to Lucas not to build a relationship on lies. "Get our mom back for us," Sami whispered to Eric. Sami hugged Eric, and he kissed her forehead.

After Lucas and Sami left the room, Eric asked John to leave the room, as well. "You can pray. For now, I need to do this alone," Eric said. "God help you, Eric," John whispered before he walked out. Eric donned his purple stole to begin the ritual. "I'm not doing this alone. The Lord God is in our midst," Eric said. The devil called Eric arrogant. "If you try to challenge my power, you will die," the devil growled.

In the living room, Sami worried aloud about whether Eric knew what he was up against. "I'm praying that he'll be all right. If he needs our help, he'll let us know," John said. The front door opened, and Belle walked in with Brady. Sami and John rushed to hug Brady. "All the charges are dropped," Brady said. Brady noticed Lucas.

"I don't know what happened, but I didn't do anything to hurt Philip. I swear to you," Brady said. "I believe you," Lucas said. Brady thanked Lucas, and he asked about Marlena. John told Brady that Eric was alone with Marlena. "[Eric] went back to the priesthood, so he is not facing her alone," John said. "Did he say why he did that?" Belle asked.

"If anyone can make a man swear off women, it would be Nicole," Sami muttered. John stressed that Eric's decision was a matter of faith. "Is [Eric] doing the exorcism?" Belle asked. John nodded yes. "Priest or no priest, I don't think you should be fighting the devil alone," Brady said.

In the bedroom, Eric started to pray. "I thought they defrocked you years ago," the devil said. "I've been reinstated," Eric countered. The devil shrugged, and it asked Eric if his parishioners had forgiven him for his sex tape with Kristen.

"For something to be a mortal sin, it needs to be committed with knowledge and full awareness. Kristen drugged me," Eric explained. Eric confirmed that he had lost his calling, but he had found it again. When Eric noted that he had put the sex video behind him, the devil transformed into a lingerie-clad Kristen.

"What do you say, Father? You want to make a sequel?" devil Kristen asked. Eric turned his back to the devil, and he shook his head as if to get rid of the vision of Kristen. "I'm not interested," Eric said. "You were hesitant the first time, too, but eventually you came around," devil Kristen said. "I was drugged," Eric stressed.

"Perhaps this will jog your memory," devil Kristen said. The devil waved its hand, and a computer appeared with the sex video on it. Eric watched the video in horror. "I wasn't myself," Eric muttered. "I think you were the real you. Without all the priestly inhibitions. Just give in, Eric," devil Kristen said.

"Don't listen to her! It's just another one of the devil's tricks," Brady said as he walked into the bedroom. "Oh, Brady, you don't have to be jealous. I'll always have a special place in my heart for you," devil Kristen said. "That's a hard pass," Brady said. Eric told the devil that it was wasting its time.

"Thank you for bringing me back to reality. I was starting to fall," Eric whispered to Brady. "I got your back," Brady said. When Brady and Eric turned back to the bed, the devil had transformed back into Marlena. "The fallen priest and the boozy brother. You won't win," the devil said. "You're absolutely right," Eric said. Brady urged Eric not to give up. "No, we're just going to take a whole new approach to this," Eric said.

In the living room, Belle told Sami about what the devil had done by disguising Jan Spears. "I should have used that excuse with E.J.," Sami joked to Lucas. "It's not funny, Sami. Jan wouldn't even be back in our lives if it wasn't for you," Belle argued. Sami countered that Belle should blame Nicole for attempting to steal Henry.

"Stop it!" John yelled. John reminded Sami and Belle that they needed to fight Satan and not one another. "John's right. None of us is strong enough to beat the devil. We need to set aside our differences and work together as a family. It's the only hope we have of saving Mom's soul," Eric said as he walked into the room with Brady.

In the bedroom, the devil smiled. "Oh, Marlena. Looks like your loved ones are circling the wagons. The fight for your soul is about to begin. And I'm going to win it. Forever," the devil said.

Outside the penthouse, Allie ran into Johnny. "Looks like we got the same call," Johnny said. "About before," Allie started. "The day is about Grandma. Everything else can wait," Johnny said. With a nod, Allie and Johnny went inside the penthouse. Sami asked to talk to Allie alone. "This is not the time," Allie said, and she pushed past Sami to join everyone inside the penthouse.

"I think I'm going to go. This is definitely a family situation. I'll be praying for everybody," Lucas said as he walked toward the door. Sami thanked Lucas before he left. When Sami started to talk to Johnny about their fight, Johnny preemptively told Sami they would talk later. "Today is about Grandma," Johnny said. Sami smiled and nodded in agreement.

"I want you all to know up-front that this [exorcism] is going to be emotionally and physically exhausting. And very dangerous. If there is anybody that doesn't want to be a part of this, please let me know now. There is nothing wrong with saying no," Eric said. "I was just thinking about everything she has done for us. I'm not leaving," Allie said. "If she can take it, so can I," Johnny agreed. Eric said he believed that Christmas was a good day for the exorcism.

When the group entered the bedroom, devil Marlena teased Johnny about his movie. "I'm here for my grandmother," Johnny said. "Johnny! Don't engage her!" John snapped. "Let's begin," Eric said. Eric started the exorcism by blessing each of the participants. The group joined hands, and they recited the Lord's Prayer.

At the Horton house, Lucas placed presents under the tree. Lucas looked up at the angel on top. "God, forgive me for what I did to Sami. Please watch over her today. Watch over her and the rest of Marlena's family," Lucas prayed.

A wind blew around the penthouse bedroom, and the devil thrashed against its restraints. "Nothing is going to bring back your precious Marlena! She's mine! She's mine for eternity!" the devil shouted. As the devil laughed, the bed began to bounce. "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit come upon you and remain with you forever!" Eric shouted above the din of noise. Eric flicked holy water onto devil Marlena, and it screamed. When the devil closed its eyes, the bed stopped shaking. A relieved Sami hugged Eric. Devil Marlena opened its eyes and grinned.

"Is that all you've got?" devil Marlena said. "This is so much worse than I thought it was going to be," Belle whispered. The devil told Belle that it knew Belle would quit first, just like she had given up first when Marlena had been in a coma. "How's your marriage?" the devil asked. When the devil called Belle a slut, Sami yelled at the devil to leave Belle alone.

"It's the professional slut defending the junior slut," the devil joked. Eric yelled at everyone not to engage with the devil and to instead pray to God. The group prayed aloud as Eric continued to splash holy water onto Marlena's thrashing body.

"The beast is getting weaker," Eric said. "Your united front is getting weaker. Your family is a sham. You're always at war with each other," the devil said. John argued that the family always pulled together when it mattered and that everyone supported Marlena. "This is it, Doc! It's now or never. We need you to fight! We need you to come back to us!" John yelled. John urged Marlena to remember how much her family loved her.

Eric continued the ritual and splashed holy water. "Remind her that we love her!" John yelled. Everyone in the room thought about a happy moment in their lives with Marlena. Marlena looked at each person, and a look of remembrance crossed her face. As Marlena thought about her life with John, the devil shouted, "No!" Marlena's body fell quiet.

After a moment, John kneeled beside Marlena. "Doc," Jon whispered as he stroked her cheek. Marlena opened her eyes. "John," Marlena said with a smile. "Is it really you?" John asked. "You saved me," Marlena said. Marlena looked around the room and smiled. "You all saved me," Marlena said. "Thank you, God," John whispered. John and Eric untied Marlena, and everyone gathered around to hug one another in celebration.

Nicole finds out about Eric
Nicole finds out about Eric's return to the priesthood

Nicole finds out about Eric's return to the priesthood

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

by Mike

At the Salem Inn, Gwen started fretting aloud about the fact that people were beginning to realize that something was going on with Sarah -- and Xander woke up just then. "Good thing that you're rested, because we're probably gonna be up very late, watching the ball drop and drinking lots and lots of Champagne," Gwen noted after giving Xander a kiss. "New Year's Day -- time to let go of the old and embrace the new... [So], is that what you meant when you said you needed to get me 'off the Sarah track' [just now]?" Xander countered. "She's all you've been thinking about this past week!" Gwen reasoned.

Xander apologized for having made Gwen feel ignored recently -- but maintained that something was amiss with Sarah. "The sooner I figure out what's going on, the sooner you and I can let go of the old and embrace the new," Xander reasoned before rushing off to the bathroom to take a shower, having decided to discuss the matter with Maggie.

At the Walker apartment, Nicole received a news alert about Marlena's exorcism. "Well, if anyone can do it..." Nicole mused with a smile after reading that Eric had led the ritual as a reinstated priest.

Someone knocked on the apartment door just then -- and Nicole was surprised to see that the visitor was Eric. "Hey...Father," Nicole began, eyeing Eric's clerical collar. "I'm sure you weren't expecting this --" Eric responded. "Actually, I just read about it...[but] even if I hadn't, [seeing you dressed like this] really wouldn't surprise me, because it is your true calling," Nicole clarified.

"I spent a lot of time debating whether it was the right choice, but after I made it, I felt peace with it -- not that our marriage was the wrong choice --" Eric stressed. "Our problems were not because of your devotion to God -- and besides, I take great comfort in the fact that I ruined you for all other women," Nicole countered. "You're making jokes -- which means you can't be too upset..." Eric observed. "What I am is sad that our marriage ended -- [but] I want what's best for you, and if you are happy, then I am happy for you," Nicole declared. "I want the same thing for you," Eric insisted.

Eric wondered if there was a new man in Nicole's life yet -- and was stunned to hear the answer. "As partners go, I guess [E.J.] falls a little short of Jesus..." Nicole awkwardly conceded. "Just a little..." Eric dryly agreed. "E.J. didn't have anything to do with Sami being kidnapped," Nicole stressed. "I hope, for your sake, that is [true]," Eric responded.

Nicole was disappointed to learn that Eric was planning to return to Africa soon. "I'll miss you," Nicole whispered, and Eric returned the sentiment -- then they embraced as they each fought back tears.

At the DiMera mansion, Chad raved to Abigail that life was always better when E.J. wasn't around. "Oh, come on -- surely you miss his delightful company," Abigail teased. "Not in the least -- it has been downright peaceful and homey since he landed himself in jail on Christmas Eve...and a little bonus [is that] it's been an entire week since we've had to listen to his stupid accent," Chad responded.

"Aw -- you don't like my accent?" E.J. countered, joining Chad and Abigail in the living room. "You were arrested for kidnapping -- shouldn't you be in a cage?" Chad sputtered. "Did Sami drop the charges?" Abigail guessed. "She didn't -- but the courts are backed up during the holidays, and the judge finally got around to granting me bail," E.J. responded. "Why would any judge grant you bail?" Chad wondered. "Isn't it obvious?" E.J. answered. "You bribed 'em," Chad decided. "I was set free because I'm innocent -- and not only are these kidnapping charges against me completely bogus, I was framed!" E.J. insisted.

"There's a long list of suspects -- and at the top of it is you," E.J. snapped at Chad -- who, like Abigail, laughed off the accusation. "Any more stupid theories?" Chad wondered. "There's no shortage of other suspects -- [but], damn it, somebody set me up!" E.J. maintained before naming Lucas as another likely culprit -- and Chad and Abigail again laughed off the suggestion.

Annoyed, E.J. started to head off to DiMera Enterprises to get some work done, prompting Chad to object. "You were just charged with kidnapping -- I mean, what are the shareholders gonna think when you just go strolling into DiMera like nothing happened? [Look], the best thing for DiMera is for me to be the face of the company [right now] -- not forever; just until all this gets resolved," Chad advised. "No -- I won't do it; I don't like it," E.J. countered. "Whether or not you 'like it' is completely irrelevant -- what is relevant is that you need to do what is best for the company, and right now, that is keeping a low profile," Chad maintained -- and E.J. grudgingly conceded the point.

At the Horton house, Jennifer and Jack received a visit from Maggie, who was surprised -- and somewhat disappointed -- to see that the Christmas decorations were no longer on display. "We were up early, so we thought we would just pack it all up for next year," Jennifer explained before showing Maggie one decoration that hadn't been taken up to the attic yet -- the new tree topper.

Recognizing the item, Maggie raved that it had been quite generous of Jennifer to donate one of Laura's most cherished possessions to Julie -- even if the devil had left little choice in the matter. "Listen, I am just so glad that Marlena is okay," Jennifer stressed before changing the subject, hoping that Philip was also okay. "Any word?" Jennifer wondered. "I'm afraid not," Maggie responded.

Maggie eventually got around to making good on a promise to try to advocate for Xander and Gwen -- and Jack agreed to at least consider reconciling with one or both of them, especially if Jennifer and Abigail were both okay with the idea. Satisfied, Maggie rushed off -- and as soon as the coast was clear, Jennifer promised to support Jack either way.

Jennifer soon stepped into another room to take a phone call -- just as Jack received a visit from Abigail, who also promised to be supportive either way. Jennifer returned just as Jack was about to contact Gwen. "Before you do that...I have some really big news that is going to have a big impact on all of our lives," Jennifer announced.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Maggie told Xander about what had happened with Jack -- and then Xander told Maggie about what had happened with Rex. "I haven't heard from her in quite a while..." Maggie admitted before trying to contact Sarah. "What happened?" Xander wondered after Maggie ended the call. "I got a recording -- it said, 'This number is no longer in service,'" Maggie fretted.

At the Brady Pub, Lucas received a visit from Sami, who had just left the police station. "I went to see that Jason guy..." Sami began, causing Lucas to start panicking -- then breathe a sigh of relief after learning that Jason had stuck to their story about E.J. being the mastermind of the kidnapping.

Sami rushed off after receiving a phone call from E.J. "She [still] doesn't believe that E.J.'s guilty! I gotta put the final nail in the coffin -- but how?" Lucas grumbled once the coast was clear.

Nicole headed over to the DiMera mansion after receiving a news alert about E.J.'s release. Sami arrived a short time later -- and was not only annoyed to see Nicole but also stunned to hear E.J.'s theory about Lucas.

Chad entered DiMera Enterprises -- and found Lucas in the CEO's office, fiddling with one of the company's computers. "What are you doing in here?" Chad demanded to know as Lucas squirmed.

Lucas tries to prevent Chad from figuring out the truth
Lucas tries to prevent Chad from figuring out the truth

Lucas tries to prevent Chad from figuring out the truth

Thursday, December 30, 2021

by Mike

Jake and Gabi arranged a meeting with Shin at the town square's bar -- and, in an effort to make a good impression, they arrived early and ordered nonalcoholic drinks. "We need to sell Shin on getting Victor a seat on the DiMera board [so that], in return, Victor will make me in charge of Titan -- and then, in the long run, we'll be running both companies --" Gabi excitedly summarized. "We need a new plan," Jake finally managed to interject.

Shin arrived before Jake could explain the issue to Gabi. "Just follow my lead," Jake whispered to Gabi before trying to convince Shin that DiMera Enterprises was in danger as a result of E.J.'s recent arrest -- and that it would therefore be best to appoint a new CEO right away. "Have you looped [Chad in on] your plan to make him collateral damage in a hostile takeover?" Shin eventually challenged Jake and Gabi.

Shin stepped outside to take a phone call after agreeing to at least consider Jake and Gabi's advice.

At DiMera Enterprises, Lucas remained seated at a desk in the CEO's office and continued fiddling with one of the company's computers, ignoring Chad's many questions. "How did you get into that computer?" Chad eventually wondered, approaching Lucas' side of the desk in an effort to get a better look at the screen of the device. "I borrowed my mom's password," Lucas finally responded, rising from the desk chair and backing away from Chad while still fiddling with the device.

"As you know, your brother was arrested for kidnapping Sami...and he managed to make bail, [but] you and I both know that he is guilty as sin, [so] I'm extremely worried about Sami right now [because] she is determined to give him the benefit of the doubt -- she flat-out refuses to believe that he's the one who kidnapped her, [so] she's gonna go back to him, [which means] she's in danger, [but] she doesn't believe that she's in danger... [So, anyway], I'm looking for the money trail --" Lucas stammered. "What the hell are you really up to?" Chad interjected. Chad cornered Lucas and snatched the device. Lucas squirmed as Chad realized what the device was displaying.

"Did you make these fund transfers?" Chad snapped. "No -- look at the dates; that was weeks ago, man!" Lucas answered. "Well, I didn't authorize them -- and nobody [else] has access to this account except for E.J. and Kate --" Chad mused. "My mom hasn't logged into those accounts in eons -- wouldn't be her! [And] the recipient [of] all those payments [is] Jason Smith, First Bank of Milwaukee -- [that's] one of the guards that held Sami captive, [so] this proves that your brother is behind kidnapping Sami! He stole DiMera funds, he committed a crime, he thought he was gonna get away with it, he didn't think anyone was gonna find out, he almost implicated you and your whole company --" Lucas declared. "[This is] unbelievable -- it's maybe a little too unbelievable," Chad protested.

"I gave [the police] access to those very same accounts -- they combed through 'em for hours, but they didn't manage to find anything," Chad revealed. "Well, what can I say -- they're cops, you know? Maybe they didn't know where to look," Lucas argued. "Or you planted the information -- and the only way you'd have that information is if you were the one that paid that person..." Chad countered.

"My brother was right -- you did it," Chad decided. "No, I didn't kidnap Sami -- I'm the one who rescued her!" Lucas objected. "Maybe you wanted to play the hero," Chad reasoned. "Why are you so damn determined to let E.J. off the hook after everything he did to you [and] the way he screwed you over? Don't we want the same thing here -- [for] E.J. to get what he deserves [and] be out of our lives? This could be the final nail in E.J.'s coffin if we want it to be! [Look], all you gotta do is take this evidence to the police -- or the DiMera board -- and, in a matter of days, you'd be running DiMera solo," Lucas advised. "[And] Sami would come running back to you," Chad acknowledged before agreeing to at least consider helping Lucas.

At the DiMera mansion, Sami listened in stunned silence as E.J. gave Nicole credit for having been the first to realize that Lucas was the mastermind of the kidnapping. "I was just spitballing -- [and] I even told E.J. that I regretted putting that in his head because I was sure it was not Lucas," Nicole explained to Sami.

"And if he had thought about it --" Nicole added. "I have -- and the more I do, the more convinced I am it's true," E.J. declared. "Do you have any proof that Lucas laid a finger on me?" Sami wondered. "He laid more than a finger on you..." Nicole muttered, annoying Sami.

"We're back together -- you don't have to go around making wild accusations --" Sami assured E.J. "You're back together?" Nicole repeated. "Oh -- you hadn't had the chance to tell her yet? Ugh -- this is awkward..." Sami whispered to E.J. before starting to tell Nicole the whole story.

"[And then] he told me that he loved me and can't live without me and that I am the one true love of his life, and 'Nicole will do in a pinch' --" Sami summarized during the tale. "That is not what I said --" E.J. interjected. "Wow -- he speaks!" Nicole observed while glaring at E.J., who went back to squirming. "It was...not...what he said -- not those words exactly -- but [that] was the sentiment," Sami backpedaled. "It's true, isn't it?" Nicole challenged E.J. "I'm sorry --" E.J. sheepishly responded. "Me, too!" Sami gleefully agreed.

"This must be humiliating for you!" Sami guessed. "Oh, no -- not 'humiliating'... In fact, I am actually grateful to be reminded of what an amoral, shallow, insensitive son of a bitch E.J. is, and I am done wasting my time with [him], so you can have him back, because you deserve each other -- and, by the way, I never really wanted E.J.; I just wanted to make you miserable. [But it] looks like you don't need any help -- E.J. will take care of that -- [so] goodbye and good riddance. Enjoy making each other miserable for a lifetime -- or however long this will last again..." Nicole countered. "Happy New Year!" Sami called out as Nicole stormed out of the mansion. "Don't care!" Nicole shot back at Sami before slamming the door shut.

"You didn't have to enjoy that quite so much," E.J. grumbled. "You could have let her off the hook a lot sooner," Sami responded. "I've been a bit too busy fighting bogus felony charges -- but I was going to tell her about us --" E.J. insisted. "What 'us'?" Sami argued, unable to resist the opportunity to make E.J. grovel.

E.J. maintained that Lucas was the mastermind of the kidnapping -- but Sami again laughed off the theory. "[Well], apart from the kidnapper's dubious statement, there isn't a shred of evidence against me --" E.J. assured Sami. "I wouldn't be so sure about that," Chad warned, joining E.J. and Sami in the living room.

"I would say we have you dead to rights," Chad summarized after sharing the fabricated proof of E.J.'s guilt -- and Sami agreed then stormed out of the mansion in tears. "You son of a bitch!" E.J. spat. "Don't shoot the messenger," Chad countered. "Don't give me any ideas," E.J. warned. Shin entered the mansion before E.J. and Chad's argument could get physical. E.J. was stunned when Shin unceremoniously named Chad the sole CEO of DiMera Enterprises.

Sami ran into Gabi at the town square's bar -- and tearfully started to explain what had just happened at the DiMera mansion. Meanwhile, Lucas passed through the town square -- and paused at Tom and Alice's memorial plaque. "Please don't look at me like that... I know what you both are thinking -- 'How can our grandson do something so nuts?' [But] what I want you both to understand is [that] I feel unworthy of being a Horton after what I did to Sami...[and] I need you to understand [that] I did it for love," Lucas explained.

Ava entered the police station and found Rafe in the commissioner's office. "I was in the neighborhood, and I thought I'd stop in..." Ava began. "Perfect, actually, because I was just about to call you about making plans tonight," Rafe responded. "With me?" Ava wondered. "Who else would I be making plans with on New Year's Eve?" Rafe countered.

"I thought that if you had wanted to hang out with me tonight, you would have said something about it sooner..." Ava grumbled. "Yes, you're right -- [and] I'm sorry about that... [See], I was supposed to maybe have to cover for Eli, but now I'm off the hook, so... [Anyway], a little last minute, but I'm sure we could maybe get reservations somewhere and do something fun -- if you're interested..." Rafe explained. "Sure -- [but maybe] we could invite a couple of friends over to ring in the New Year with us [instead]; of course, I only have one real friend, [and] she's your friend, too..." Ava responded.

"Why are you suggesting that we have Nicole over? I mean, you know she and I are trying to keep our distance!" Rafe protested. "Come on, Rafe -- this is silly, all right? We are adults -- I think we can handle celebrating New Year's Eve with someone we both consider a good friend," Ava argued. "[Still]...she's dating E.J. now, and I can't stand that guy's guts, and I really don't want to ring in the New Year with him, [and] he just got out on bail..." Rafe countered. Ava assured Rafe that Nicole had probably already dumped E.J. as a result of the kidnapping charges. Ava rushed off to Basic Black to extend the invitation to Nicole, ignoring Rafe's objections.

Later, Rafe ran into Nicole outside the Brady Pub -- and quickly realized that something was wrong. "What a pig!" Rafe spat after Nicole explained what had just happened at the DiMera mansion. Rafe tried to convince Nicole to ring in the New Year at the Hernandez house, but the offer was declined. Rafe wondered if Ava had realized yet that Nicole wasn't at Basic Black.

At Basic Black, Chloe asked Brady for an update on Marlena's condition. "She's good -- she's gonna be released from the hospital today," Brady reported. "Wow -- that's a miracle!" Chloe declared. "Literally -- [and] I just pray that that's the last time the devil appears in Salem," Brady stressed.

Brady quickly changed the subject, thanking Chloe for having apparently helped Kate and Victor realize that having Philip declared legally dead had been a rash decision. "As much as I never want to see Kristen again, I'm gonna do everything in my power to find her, [because] I owe that to Philip, [and] I certainly owe that to you -- [I mean], if Kristen went after Philip, it was only because she wanted to get back at me for leaving her, or she wanted me out of the way to try to take Rachel again..." Brady admitted. "It's not your fault," Chloe insisted.

"Philip is in love with you -- he has been forever -- [and] he just wanted your relationship to work, and I just made things worse, [and] I just want to apologize to the man..." Brady fretted. "Me, too -- [after all], I knew that you and I being close drove him nuts, [and] I tried to reassure him, [but] I don't know if I was very clear about how I felt [about the two of you] because I wasn't sure about how I felt..." Chloe acknowledged.

Ava approached the CEO's office as Chloe started telling Brady that Philip might have been convinced that they had recently slept together because Kate had overheard them talking about what had happened between Nicole and Rafe. Brady and Chloe eventually headed off to start their respective New Year's Eve celebrations -- and Ava started searching the office once the coast was clear.

"There you are," Ava grumbled after finding Nicole and Rafe's shared teddy bear. "I am sorry to say that this shared custody arrangement is officially over," Ava informed the teddy bear. "I thought Rafe was one of the good guys -- that I had to be a better person for him... [And] I thought Nicole was my friend, but she's just a two-faced whore... They completely humiliated me... [Well], I'll tell you this, partner -- oh, they are not gonna get away with it," Ava spat before grabbing a pair of scissors and slicing through the teddy bear's neck until it was completely decapitated.

Sami ends things with E.J.
Sami ends things with E.J.

Sami ends things with E.J.

Friday, December 31, 2021

by Spalding

At Ben and Ciara's apartment, they debated whether to go to the Horton house for New Year's Eve. "I want to stay here and watch the ball drop with you and our baby," Ciara said. Jake knocked on the door, and Ben let him in. When Ben said he and Ciara were not going out for the holiday, Jake argued that it was the last New Year's Eve that the couple would not need a babysitter.

"It's not like I can go out partying," Ciara said. "You can still have fun, can't you?" Jake said. Jake asked Ben and Ciara to join him and Gabi. Ciara said no, and Ben agreed. "You two are as fun as a case of scabies," Jake grumbled. "In my defense, a few days ago, the devil did try to steal my unborn baby," Ciara said.

"What?" Jake blurted out. Jake admitted he had heard about Marlena's devil possession, but he had not heard about the devil's interest in the baby. "Good times, huh?" Ben said. "What the hell does [it] want with your child, anyway?" Jake asked. Ciara shrugged. Ben said he was relieved that the devil was no longer a threat.

"Lucifer didn't know who he was messing with!" Jake said. "Prince of Darkness is no match for my pregnant wife," Ben joked. "You better not forget it," Ciara said. Jake agreed that the situation was a good excuse to stay home for the night.

At the DiMera mansion, Johnny lay in his bed, and he told Chanel that he felt like he was "fighting something." Johnny suggested that Chanel go out without him. "Like hell, I will," Chanel said. "Why should your New Year's be ruined just because I'm not feeling well?" Johnny asked. Chanel said she wanted to stay home with her husband.

"I took you, Giovanni Roman DiMera, to be my lawfully wedded husband, and I'm pretty sure that 'in sickness and health' was a part of that," Chanel said. Chanel told Johnny that they were stuck with one another.

After Chanel fixed a cup of tea for Johnny, he thanked her for taking care of him. "I'm your wife. I do things for you. You do things for me. It's in the contract," Chanel said. Chanel added that Johnny needed to treat her like a queen the next time she got sick.

"Besides, it gives me a good excuse to skip work for the next few days," Chanel grumbled. Johnny reminded Chanel that she could not avoid her business partner. "I didn't help things by accusing [Allie] of being jealous," Johnny added. "You do know that there is nothing going on between us, right? Allie and I are just friends, nothing more," Chanel said. Johnny nodded yes.

Johnny told Chanel that he and his sister had been competitive with one another their whole lives. "Competing for your heart was a new one. And I'm just not sure Allie is over the fact that she lost," Johnny said. Johnny joked that they had alienated themselves from their families.

"It wouldn't be a first time for me," Chanel said. "Me, neither," Johnny agreed. Chanel told Johnny that her mother had started multiple wedding registries. "Buying gifts is just her way of saying she's sorry," Chanel explained. Chanel went to kiss Johnny, and he reminded her of his cold.

"If what you got is contagious, then I'm pretty sure I've already got it, Chanel said. After a moment of kissing, Johnny pulled away. Johnny said his stuffy nose made it difficult to breathe. "A stuffy nose is just not that sexy," Chanel teased. Johnny suggested they start a new holiday tradition together. "Oooh," Chanel said as she leaned in for a kiss. "Watch a movie!" Johnny said. Chanel groaned. Chanel said she did not want to watch a horror movie.

"I chose something with heart. Romance. Just give it a chance, please. For your husband," Johnny said. "Pulling the husband card, huh?" Chanel teased. Johnny played An Affair to Remember, and Chanel cried throughout. Chanel enjoyed the movie so much that she wanted to watch it again.

As Chanel restarted the movie, there was a knock at the door. Allie walked in with Tripp and a bottle of Italian sparkling wine. "Did you guys come here to let us know what horrible people we are and how our marriage is doomed?" Johnny asked. "No. I came here to apologize," Allie said. "Really?" Chanel asked. Allie said she had been caught off guard and had reacted badly. Johnny asked if Tripp had made Allie apologize.

"It wasn't me. She said she couldn't enjoy our night unless we stopped here first," Tripp explained. "I don't want to lose you. Either of you," Allie said. Allie congratulated Johnny and Chanel, and she asked if they would share a toast to their marriage. "On behalf of my husband, we accept your apology. And the booze," Chanel said as she snatched the bottle from Allie.

"You guys want to hang with us tonight?" Tripp asked. Johnny explained that he was sick. "But I think we can probably manage to rally," Johnny added. Johnny looked at the bottle, and Allie explained that she had chosen an Italian sparkling wine to commemorate their wedding in Italy. "You deserve the best," Allie told Chanel. "Finally, something me and my twin can agree on," Johnny said. Johnny thanked Allie.

Gabi spotted a sniffly Sami at the bar of the new restaurant. "What's wrong?" Gabi asked. Sami told Gabi that she had found proof that E.J. had kidnapped Sami. "Why would he do that?" Gabi asked. "To get back at me? I don't know," Sami said. Gabi called E.J. "the most morally bankrupt man on the planet." Sami encouraged Gabi to speak ill of E.J.

"What kind of man terrorizes the mother of his children?" Gabi asked. When Gabi asked Sami how she had found the proof, Sami explained that Chad had uncovered financial transactions to the kidnapper. "Pretty dumb to leave a paper trail," Gabi said. "E.J is not stupid. He is just arrogant. He didn't think he was going to get caught. I'm the one who is dumb," Sami muttered. "Don't say that!" Gabi said. Sami lamented that she had believed E.J. when he had sworn that she was the love of his life.

"Maybe that isn't a lie," Gabi said. Through tears, Sami noted, "The worst part is, he is still the love of mine." Sami said that her relationship was over, and she did not know what to do with the rest of her life. Gabi said that she had been in terrible relationships until she had learned her lesson.

"And Jake treats you right?" Sami asked. "Yes, he does. He respects me. And more importantly, it doesn't matter what happens between him and I. I learned that I will never settle for a guy that does not see me as his equal," Gabi said. "Good for you. Neither will I," Sami agreed. Gabi joked that there was no equal to Sami. "You definitely deserve a guy better than E.J. DiMera. I mean, the guy is hateful. The way he ousted Jake from DiMera, it was disgusting," Gabi complained. With a chuckle, Sami said, "So, not a fan?"

"No, but I am one of your biggest fans," Gabi said. Touched, Sami thanked Gabi. Gabi told Sami that she had learned to stand up for herself because of Sami. "I still have a long way to go, but thank you," Gabi said. Gabi promised to always have Sami's back. Gabi urged Sami to move past E.J.

"A part of me misses him," Sami said as she broke down in tears. "Cry it out. There's no shame in that," Gabi said. "Yes, there is! I hate it! I hate that I miss him after what he did to me. It just makes me feel weak," Sami confessed. As Sami wiped her eyes, Gabi told Sami that she was not weak. "You're going to figure out what you really want in life," Gabi said.

Gabi invited Sami to join her and Jake at the bistro for dinner, but Sami said she did not want to be a third wheel. Gabi offered to ditch Jake. "What would you say to him?" Sami asked. "That my girlfriend needs me. He'll understand," Gabi said. "No. That is seriously the nicest thing ever, but I cannot allow it. It is New Year's Eve," Sami said. Sami added that Gabi needed to get a good kiss for good luck in the new year. "But what about you?" Gabi asked. With a laugh, Sami said she was looking forward to going back to the penthouse to cry.

In the town square, Lucas looked at the Horton Town Square plaque for Tom and Alice. "What I want you to both understand is that I feel unworthy of being a Horton after what I did to Sami," Lucas whispered. Lucas asked Tom and Alice to understand that he had been forced to act out of love.

"You did what out of love?" Allie asked as she approached her father. "I didn't see you there," Lucas said. Allie noted that Lucas appeared sad, and she asked him if he was upset about Sami. "I was talking to my grandparents," Lucas said. Allie told Lucas that it sounded like he had been making a confession. "Why don't you just talk to me?" Allie asked. Lucas explained that he felt guilty because he had been the one to tell Sami that E.J. had been her kidnapper.

"That couldn't have been easy for her," Allie said. "Despite all the pain that E.J. has put her through, she is not ready to give up on him yet," Lucas said. Frustrated, Allie wondered aloud why her mother wanted to be with someone who had done something so cruel. "I don't know about mom, but I will never forgive [E.J.] for it," Allie said.

Allie told Lucas about her fight with Johnny and Chanel. "It's not just Chanel that I'm worried about. I don't want to see Johnny get hurt, either," Allie said. "I get it. They're both young, and they haven't been together that long, but when it comes to matters of the heart, people make their own choices. If you don't agree with those choices, there is a chance they are going to cut you out of their life," Lucas counseled. Lucas noted that included bad choices.

Tripp wrapped up his shift at the hospital, and he talked to his father on the phone. "I'll be happy if my first encounter with the devil is my last," Tripp joked. The elevator opened, and Marlena stepped out of it. "I'm sorry that I startled you," Marlena said. With a smile, Tripp said he was happy that it was the real Marlena. Marlena apologized.

"You don't need to do that. I know that everything that happened wasn't your fault," Tripp said. As Marlena nodded, Tripp admitted that he had not believed the stories about her possession until he had witnessed it firsthand. "Not exactly based in science," Marlena agreed. Tripp told Marlena that he was relieved that she was healed.

"I'm glad that [Allie] has such a nice young man in her life," Marlena said. Tripp beamed. "I couldn't agree more," John said as he rounded the corner and joined his wife. Tripp told John and Marlena that he was grateful they approved of his relationship. "I am very lucky that she is in [my life]," Tripp said. Tripp told John and Marlena that they deserved a happy New Year.

Tripp met up with Allie in the town square while she was talking to Lucas. "You guys got big plans for tonight?" Lucas asked. Tripp noted that Nicole had offered to babysit Henry so that he and Allie could go out. "You got plans?" Tripp asked. Lucas said he planned to watch TV at home. "Go out and be young and have a great time," Lucas said. "Be easy on yourself. You have nothing to feel guilty about," Allie said to her dad. With a hesitant nod of agreement, Lucas walked away.

Ben and Ciara were playfully fighting over what to watch on the TV in their apartment when John and Marlena stopped by for a visit. Marlena quietly wished Ciara a happy New Year. Ciara appeared nervous. "How are you feeling?" Ben asked. "I'm tired, but I'm so grateful for all the love I have around me," Marlena said. "And we are very grateful to have you back," Ciara said curtly. Marlena asked for Ciara's forgiveness.

"You don't have to do that," Ben said. Marlena asked if there was anything she could do to make things up to Ben and Ciara. "Would you mind telling me why the devil wanted our baby?" Ciara asked. Marlena confessed that she did not remember what had happened. "Emotions, images. No real memories," Marlena said.

"If I do remember anything at all, you'll be the first person I come to," Marlena said. "You don't have to apologize. You have done so much for me," Ben said. "For us," Ciara added. Marlena said that John had told her she had encouraged Ben and Ciara to have a baby. "Ciara convinced me that we could be good parents," Ben said. "And we're going to have a beautiful life with this little one," Ciara said. "Yes, you are. I'm so proud of you both," Marlena said. Ben hugged Marlena.

When Marlena returned home to the penthouse, John tucked her under a blanket on the couch. "According to Dr. Kayla, you're not supposed to have any Champagne, so I've got some strawberries with whipped cream as a backup," John said. John went into the kitchen, and Marlena turned on the TV. The TV showed static, and she thought about when the devil had talked to her through her tablet.

"No. Oh, dear God, no. Please, no," Marlena whispered. John returned with the strawberries, and he noted that the TV had been glitching. As John fiddled with the TV, Marlena recoiled from it. After John restored the picture and sound, he noticed that Marlena appeared shaken. "What's going on?" John asked. Marlena said she was fine. "There's no place on earth I would rather be than here with you," Marlena said as she snuggled up to John on the couch.

As Jake and Gabi left the bistro after their dinner, she told him that she had almost ditched him for Sami. "On New Year's?" Jake asked. "Not that I wanted to. She's just going through something," Gabi said. Gabi noted that Sami still loved E.J. Jake said he was sure that Sami would "land on her feet." Gabi's phone beeped with a text.

"Apparently, we can't say the same thing about her husband. According to this text I just got from Shin, E.J. DiMera out as co-CEO of DiMera Enterprises," Gabi said. "Shin cut E.J. out?" Jake yelled excitedly. "Happy New Year!" Gabi shouted. Jake and Gabi toasted to "a year that is filled with us running Titan and DiMera."

At the DiMera mansion, Chanel met up with Allie and Tripp in the living room while Johnny showered upstairs. "He better hurry if he wants to make it by midnight," Tripp said. "Too late! Ten seconds," Allie said.

At the pub, Lucas sat at a table and stared at his phone. "At least I caused E.J. to lose his job," Lucas whispered. As Lucas started to leave, he saw Sami walk in. "Chad found proof that E.J. is the one who kidnapped me," Sami said. "I'm sorry. What does that mean?" Lucas asked. Sami said she was through with E.J. "And I am never going back to him," Sami added. Lucas asked Sami if she was there to drink.

"No. I came to tell you about E.J. Not just that I'm finished with him but that I want to begin again with you," Sami said. Around the pub, people started to count down to the New Year. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Lucas asked. "I'm sure," Sami said. At midnight, Sami kissed Lucas. Around town, couples kissed one another to ring in the New Year.

In the DiMera mansion living room, Chanel stood there awkwardly as Allie and Tripp kissed. Upstairs, Johnny dressed in a red suit. When Johnny looked in the mirror, he had the eyes of the devil. "Happy New Year, Salem. You didn't really think you were getting rid of me that easy, did you?" devil Johnny said.

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Edited by SC Desk