Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 8, 2021 on DAYS

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Marlena fought the devil and the devil was forced to jump into Susan
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 8, 2021 on DAYS

Susan warned Ciara. The devil almost convinced Brady to seduce Chloe. Nicole asked Rafe to forget their tryst. Philip believed Brady had slept with Chloe, and he destroyed their tree. Susan realized Marlena was the devil. The devil turned Susan into a cat. Paulina decided not to tell Lani the truth. Victor fired Philip. Ava forced Trask to set her free. Brady refused to talk to Kristen. Marlena fought the devil. The devil was forced to jump into Susan. Xander urged Jack to forgive Gwen. Kristen asked Gwen for help. The devil attempted to seduce John.

Susan issues a warning to Ben and Ciara
Susan issues a warning to Ben and Ciara

Susan issues a warning to Ben and Ciara

Monday, November 8, 2021

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by Mike

Nicole entered Basic Black and joined Chloe in the CEO's office. "Oh, you look tired -- were you up late? What did you do last night?" Chloe began. "I had sex on that conference table with Rafe," Nicole responded. Chloe, who was in the process of eating breakfast, laughed off the claim -- then cringed and moved from the conference table to a desk after realizing that Nicole was being serious.

"How much did you have to drink last night?" Chloe challenged Nicole after hearing the whole story -- including the part about Deimos returning from the dead. "I was stone-cold sober," Nicole insisted. " what?" Chloe wondered. "I don't know -- Rafe and I didn't really talk much last night -- [but]...I don't regret it," Nicole admitted.

Allie entered the Walker apartment with Henry while Tripp was trying to get in touch with Rafe. "I've already left ten messages!" Tripp snapped before hanging up on the person who was taking calls at the police station, prompting Allie to advise that a visit would probably be more effective. "I love you," Allie declared before giving Tripp a goodbye kiss. "So, that part wasn't a hallucination," Tripp realized. "Saying that to you is the only part about last night that I know was real," Allie confirmed. "There has to be a rational explanation [for the rest] -- I mean, maybe some weird Halloween mind trick was going around..." Tripp argued.

Tripp soon rushed off -- and Allie received a visit from Chanel a short time later. "Chicken soup -- guaranteed to cure what ails you," Chanel explained while handing Allie a brown paper bag. "That's very sweet, but...I have a confession -- I'm not sick; I just didn't get much sleep last night," Allie admitted. "Oh -- so, you and Tripp..." Chanel translated. "We were together...but it's not what you think -- actually, something really scary happened last night..." Allie clarified. "What?" Chanel prodded Allie. "I don't really want to get into it...but I can tell you something else that happened last night -- I finally told Tripp that I loved him," Allie responded. "That's...amazing..." Chanel muttered.

Allie soon changed the subject, eager to find out if Chanel had forgiven Johnny for the inappropriate Ouija board question. "He did come over last night, and we did make up...[but] I made him work for it, literally -- [I mean], who do you think covered your shift this morning, starting at 5:00 a.m.? [And I even] had him help me with this surprise order that came in for a cake -- some folks celebrating a 56-year anniversary," Chanel revealed.

At the police station, Rafe joined Ava in one of the conference rooms and demanded to know what had really happened the previous night. "Why am I not surprised that your sister is using this to try and turn you against me..." Ava grumbled during Rafe's interrogation. "We only found one set of prints on the knife that was used to kill Carmine -- yours," Rafe eventually announced. "Maybe zombies don't have fingerprints," Ava reasoned with a shrug.

"I have been here all night by myself, freaking out -- and you finally show up, and you are cold as ice... [Now], I know that Shawn called you [and] told you that I was here and that I needed you, so...where were you? What was so important that you couldn't come here and help your girlfriend, who is being held on suspicion of murder?" Ava eventually challenged Rafe. "There's something I need to tell you --" Rafe admitted to Ava -- but Tripp arrived just then.

"They were refusing to let me come back here -- I could have really used your help... [I mean], didn't they give you my messages?" Tripp snapped at Rafe before checking on Ava. "I'm fine -- no thanks to some people..." Ava assured Tripp while glaring at Rafe. "Your mother says she saw your dead brother last night --" Rafe revealed. "She did -- Allie and I saw him, too," Tripp insisted before sharing the whole story.

Rafe finally decided to check the cemetery for signs of disturbance after remembering that Nicole had described a similar encounter with someone who was supposed to be dead. "Mom, I am so sorry I doubted you," Tripp stressed after Rafe left the conference room. "It's okay, hon -- I am starting to have some doubts of my own..." Ava muttered, apparently still pondering Rafe's behavior. Meanwhile, Nicole entered the police station and approached Rafe.

The demonic presence, still in control of Marlena's body, settled on the living room couch at the Evans-Black townhouse then picked up a tablet computer and started reading an online article about Ava's claim that Charlie had killed Carmine.

"So good to see that the havoc I wreaked on Halloween is getting some publicity," the demonic presence raved with a cackle. "Hang on to your hats, boys and girls -- you ain't seen nothin' yet..." the demonic presence continued before setting aside the tablet computer then picking up a butcher knife. "Since I spent the night raising souls from their graves, maybe I'll spend the day putting a new one in the ground..." the demonic presence continued before plunging the blade of the butcher knife into a nearby pumpkin. "Prepare to meet your maker, John Black -- you have cheated death for the last time!" the demonic presence concluded.

"Marlena?" Brady called out, startling the demonic presence, which quickly changed Marlena's glowing yellow eyes back to a human color then turned toward the front door while keeping the butcher knife hidden from view. "I didn't hear you come in," the demonic presence admitted as Marlena. "I just dropped Rachel off at school," Brady explained.

"Is everything okay? [Because] be honest with you...when I walked in, I swear I heard a man's voice say something about Father cheating death..." Brady added. "I...was...talking to Roman on the speakerphone -- [John's] on some secret mission with Black Patch, [and] I'm hoping that nothing bad happens to him..." the demonic presence claimed as Marlena. "Nothing bad's gonna happen to him -- he's indestructible; you know that," Brady insisted. "Yeah, we'll see about that..." the demonic presence muttered. "What?" Brady responded. "I said...'I can't wait to see him when he's back,'" the demonic presence backpedaled as Marlena.

"I'm surprised he left -- I mean, it's your anniversary!" Brady protested. "You know your dad -- he's always racing off to help somebody... Anyway, I was racing off on an errand that is fairly urgent, so..." the demonic presence responded as Marlena. "Well, if you have one minute -- just one minute -- I would love to get your advice on something..." Brady begged. "Sure -- glad to be of help..." the demonic presence grumbled as Marlena. "Well, ever since Kristen's little surprise visit, [Rachel's] been asking all kinds of questions, [and] I don't know what to tell her," Brady explained. "Why don't you try the truth," the demonic presence advised as Marlena.

Brady argued that Rachel was still too young to know the truth about Kristen. "I was talking about you; [I mean], let's just be honest -- are you or are you not harboring impure thoughts about Chloe Lane?" the demonic presence countered as Marlena. "I would hardly call my feelings for Chloe 'impure'... [Anyway, look], I blew my chance, and I'm going to accept it -- I have to accept it," Brady responded. "No, you don't -- [in fact], I suggest you go back to the office, you find Chloe, and...without a word, you lay her down on the conference table and show her how big your 'feelings' are for her," the demonic presence advised as Marlena.

"I can't believe you just said that!" Brady protested. "It worked for John and me!" the demonic presence reasoned as Marlena.

At the Weston apartment, Ciara and Ben confirmed Susan's suspicion that they had recently conceived a child. "How did you know?" Ciara wondered. "I told you -- I had a premonition! [You know, Ciara], your lack of faith is like a knife to my heart... [Anyway, look], I came to warn you [that] your baby is in grave danger!" Susan responded. "Danger?" Ben stammered. "Ben, you can't listen to her!" Ciara advised. "She was right before -- when you were missing, she helped us find you," Ben countered. "All right, Susan, tell me -- what grave danger?" Ciara asked reluctantly. "Well...I'm not really clear on the specifics..." Susan sheepishly replied.

"I just need to get a psychic vibration from the baby -- do you have a rattle or somethin'?" Susan requested. "I found out a couple hours ago!" Ciara protested. "What if you, like, put your hand on the belly?" Ben suggested. "Ooh!" Susan agreed before starting to stroke Ben's abs, drawing a possessive scoff from Ciara. "I meant Ciara's belly," Ben awkwardly clarified. "I know, silly -- I just couldn't resist a good six-pack," Susan shamelessly explained before reluctantly pulling away from Ben then reaching for Ciara's stomach -- and recoiling in fear. "Oh, the evil..." Susan fretted before fainting in Ben's arms.

Brady headed over to Basic Black and found Chloe in the CEO's office, cleaning the conference table with disinfectant -- then started fantasizing about taking "Marlena's" advice.

Ben headed over to the Evans-Black townhouse and started to tell "Marlena" that Susan was in need of a doctor. The demonic presence interrupted as Marlena when Ben revealed that Ciara was pregnant. "That's the best news ever!" the demonic presence declared as Marlena while congratulating Ben with a hug. Meanwhile, at the Weston apartment, Susan regained consciousness and finished delivering a warning to Ciara. "The evil's not comin' from the baby's father -- the evil is comin' from someone else!" Susan explained.

This episode ended with a shot of an anniversary cake that was sitting in front of Tom and Alice's memorial plaque. The Days of our Lives logo had been painted atop the cake, and a card was propped up against it that read, "Happy 56th Anniversary."

Devil Marlena warns Susan to leave town
Devil Marlena warns Susan to leave town

Devil Marlena warns Susan to leave town

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

by Spalding

In the pub, Philip scowled as he looked at a news article about Ava's arrest. "What the hell are you trying to pull, Ava?" Philip muttered. "Hey, bro!" Lucas said as he clapped a hand on Philip's shoulder. Lucas asked for an update about the Brady and Chloe situation. "What Brady and Chloe thing?" Kate asked as she walked over to the table. Lucas stressed that he had invited Philip for a private lunch, and he waved his hand dismissively at Kate.

Kate sat down at the table, and she asked again about Brady and Chloe. With a sigh, Lucas told Kate that he and Philip had witnessed Chloe go into the Salem Inn with Brady. "What happened when you confronted her?" Kate asked. Philip said he had not said anything because he'd realized he had overreacted. Philip suggested that Brady had just helped Chloe with her bags.

"Oh, he was helping her with something, all right, but it wasn't her bags," Kate said. Philip groaned, and he stressed that he had given up on jealousy and paranoia. "So, I didn't mention I saw them, which avoids the third degree," Philip said. Philip noted that there was no reason to cause a scene if nothing had happened.

"Then why didn't Brady just say so?" Lucas asked. Philip asked Lucas if he had talked to Brady. Sheepishly, Lucas admitted that he had confronted Brady, and Brady had said that Philip should talk to Chloe. "Obviously it's true because he wouldn't be dancing around like that if he didn't want to be caught in a lie," Kate said. Philip argued that Brady had kept quiet because it was not Lucas' business. "And it's none of yours, either, Mother," Philip said.

Frustrated, Kate told Philip that Chloe would hurt him like she had in the past. "And speaking of the past, your jealousy has led you to some very dark places, and I don't want that to happen to me," Philip said. Kate played dumb. Philip reminded Kate of when she had given poisoned brownies to Chloe when Chloe had cheated on Lucas. Lucas scowled at his brother. With a shrug, Kate said she just wanted to protect her son.

"Chloe is the woman for me. The only reason she moved out was because my jealousy was so out of control. So, no more jealousy," Philip said. "I'm staying out of it," Lucas muttered. Philip said he planned to romance Chloe and trust her. "Hopefully, we can put this all behind us, and if I'm lucky, she'll move back in with me," Philip said. Lucas and Kate shared a look.

Kate noticed the news article about Ava. "That is some kind of crazy. I'm just glad you're far away from it," Kate said. Annoyed, Philip left. Kate argued that Lucas could have helped her talk sense into his brother. "Brady didn't deny that something happened between them," Kate said. With a shake of his head, Lucas noted that Philip was right and that Chloe deserved the benefit of the doubt. Kate raised an eyebrow.

"I don't choose to see the worst in Chloe," Lucas said. "It's foolish and laughable because, just like I have damn good reason to distrust Chloe, so do you," Kate said. Lucas argued he was not nave to give Chloe the benefit of the doubt. Kate reminded Lucas that Chloe had cheated on him. "Do you remember when you slept with Jack when he was married to Jennifer?" Lucas countered. Kate argued that Lucas had slept with Sami.

"The point is ex sex. That brought you and Sami back in the sack together. Who's to say it didn't happen between Chloe and Brady?" Kate asked. Lucas conceded it was possible. "If they are really getting together, well then, you know what? Philip is going to lose it," Lucas said.

At Basic Black, Brady daydreamed that he kissed Chloe and pushed her onto the conference table. "Are you okay?" Chloe asked. Brady snapped out of his fantasy. When Chloe pushed Brady to tell her what was on his mind, Brady sighed. "Okay I'll tell you. I was picturing us having sex on the conference table," Brady said. Chloe asked Brady to repeat himself. Brady said he had an explanation.

Brady told Chloe that when Steve had caught Kristen, she had been in the process of kidnapping Rachel. Brady added that Rachel had been asking questions about Kristen, so he had asked Marlena for advice. "Marlena told me that I needed to be honest with myself before I'm honest with my daughter," Brady said. Brady said that Marlena had told him that what had happened with Kristen had been his fault, because he had not been honest about his feelings for Chloe.

"I explained [to Marlena] that I was simply trying to respect your decision to be with Philip, and that's when Marlena suggested to me that I should get everything out in the open. That I come to the office and throw you on the conference table, and just do what I feel," Brady said. Chloe laughed awkwardly. "[Marlena] told you to throw me on the conference table and have sex?" Chloe asked. Brady nodded yes.

"I'm sorry the words even came out of my mouth. I opened the door, it was on my mind, I saw you, I'm really sorry," Brady said. "That table has seen a lot of action," Chloe muttered under her breath. Curious, Brady asked Chloe what she meant. "Was there somebody having sex on this conference table besides us?" Brady asked. After a moment, Chloe admitted that an employee had confessed that they had had sex there on Halloween.

"It was Nicole, wasn't it?" Brady asked. Chloe averted her eyes, but Brady knew he was right. With a groan, Brady said that he knew E.J. would be bad news for Nicole. As Brady ranted, Chloe squirted him with a water bottle so that he would calm down and listen to her.

"It wasn't E.J. It was Rafe," Chloe said. Brady raised an eyebrow. "I thought he was living with Ava Vitalli," Brady said. Chloe confirmed that Nicole had said that Rafe's relationship with Ava was over. "It's none of our business," Chloe added. "It's kind of our business because this is kind of our office, and that is kind of our table," Brady pointed out. Chloe said she had promised Nicole to keep her secret.

"You have a way of getting things out of me," Chloe said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you betray a confidence," Brady teased. With a chuckle, Chloe admitted that Brady had not forced her to tell Nicole's secret. "I feel like a bad friend. Please, you cannot breathe a word of this to anyone," Chloe pleaded. Brady promised not to say anything. Brady asked about Philip's reaction to spotting them at the Salem Inn.

"[Philip] didn't seem furious in the least. In fact, he showed up at the inn, and he surprised me. We had a really pleasant evening together. He didn't say a word," Chloe said. Brady was surprised. Chloe said she hoped that meant that Philip finally trusted her.

"I hope that Philip has gotten some control of his trust issues, because that would make your life easier," Brady said. "But?" Chloe asked. Outside the office, Philip approached the door, and he stopped to listen to Chloe and Brady talk. "The Philip I know? He would lose his mind if he thought you and I had sex," Brady said. Chloe suggested that they get back to work.

"And Brady, seriously, I mean it. You cannot tell anybody what happened here last night," Chloe said. "If you're referring to the sex that happened on the conference table, okay, listen, I am not going to tell a soul," Brady said. In the hallway, an alarmed Philip listened intently. "It will be our secret," Brady said.

At the penthouse, Ben told "Marlena" that Ciara was pregnant. "Marlena" was ecstatic, and she hugged Ben. When Ben told "Marlena" that Susan Banks had warned them that the baby was in danger, "Marlena" frowned. "She won't get away with this," "Marlena" growled. Ben said he believed Susan wanted to help. "Marlena" argued that Susan did not know what she was talking about, but Ben disagreed. Ben reminded "Marlena" that Susan had helped him track down Ciara when Ciara had been missing.

"I'm always going to be grateful to this woman. And I'm always going to keep an open mind if she has something she wants to tell me," Ben said. Ben added that he was worried that Susan was right and that his fears about having a child were correct. "You are no danger to this baby," "Marlena" assured Ben. Ben said that when Susan had touched Ciara's belly, Susan had fainted. "It freaked me out. And that's why I came to you," Ben said. "Marlena" told Ben that he did not need "a self-righteous fool" attempting to predict his future. "Marlena" promised to take care of Susan.

In Ben and Ciara's apartment, Susan felt Ciara's belly, and she told Ciara that an evil presence was after the baby. "Who?" Ciara asked. Frustrated, Susan said she could not see clearly. Ciara asked Susan to concentrate. Susan tried again, but she still could not visualize the threat. "Tell me what the threat to my baby is," Ciara pleaded. "It's just so much pressure," Susan said. Susan stressed that she could not force her premonitions, and she needed to relax.

While Ciara sat on the bed, Susan did deep breathing to calm down. "It's dark, dark, dark. It's the purest evil. And it's all clouded," Susan whispered. After a moment, Susan said that she saw a person that claimed that "they care about people but doesn't." Susan said the person delighted in the suffering of those around them. "I think I know who it is," Ciara whispered.

Ciara retrieved photos of Clyde, and she handed them to Susan. Susan held the photos and closed her eyes. "I do get bad vibes off of him," Susan started. After a moment, Susan said she did not think that Clyde was the source of the evil. Susan touched Ciara's belly again.

"It's an overpowering evil," Susan said. "Who is it?" Ciara asked. "Marlena" walked into the apartment with Ben, and Susan looked taken aback. "Take your hands off that baby right now," "Marlena" growled. "Dr. Marlena Evans, as I live and breathe," Susan started. "You won't be breathing much longer if you don't do as I say," "Marlena" countered. Susan removed her hand from Ciara's belly.

"If anyone can help us on this quest to find out who is behind this danger and doom that I've been feeling all the way back in Memphis, it is Dr. Marlena Evans," Susan said. "Marlena" explained that she was there to stop Susan. "You're not helping. You're scaring them, and that won't do," "Marlena" said. "Marlena" explained that Ben and Ciara needed to focus on the birth of their "very special child." Susan stressed that she would never hurt Ben and Ciara.

"You should be having nothing but joy in your lives right now. And then Susan had to come and upset you with this ridiculous story," "Marlena" complained. Susan grumbled. "Marlena" ordered Susan not to say another word about prophecies, and Susan reluctantly agreed. "Why don't you take care of Ciara, [Ben], and I'll take care of Susan. Come with me. Now," "Marlena said. Susan narrowed her eyes, but she stomped out of the room with "Marlena."

Ben asked Ciara if she was okay, and she nodded yes. Ben noticed Clyde's photo on the table. "I asked Susan if the evil she felt affecting our child had anything to do with Clyde," Ciara explained. Ciara confirmed that Susan had said that the evil had not emanated from Clyde or Ben.

When Susan returned to the penthouse with "Marlena," she apologized. "I'm just trying to help," Susan said. "You didn't help! You scared those kids. And the ideas you put in their heads, that's detrimental to them and to this baby," "Marlena" said. Susan said that she was not a danger to the baby. "Marlena" ordered Susan to stay away from Ben and Ciara.

"This is a storm like no one else has ever seen, and that baby is at the center of it. I can feel all of it," Susan protested. Frustrated, "Marlena" again yelled at Susan to stay away from Ben and Ciara. "Do you understand?" "Marlena" asked. "With all due respect, what the heck do you know?" Susan asked. "How dare you speak to me like that," "Marlena" said. Susan argued that she felt and saw things that no one else did.

"I sense evil coming for that baby, and I can't live with myself if I can't speak up about it," Susan said. Susan argued that the danger was too much for Marlena to handle alone. "How dare you presume to tell me what I can and can't handle!" "Marlena" snapped. Susan refused to leave town until she figured out what was wrong.

"I don't care if you approve or not," Susan said. As Susan turned to leave, "Marlena" grabbed Susan's wrist. "You are not going anywhere!" "Marlena" yelled. Susan started to shake. "It's you," Susan whispered.

Nicole visited Rafe in his office to talk about their night together at Basic Black. Before Nicole could open the topic, Rafe interrupted to inform her that Ava and Tripp were in interrogation for Carmine's murder. "What did she say?" Nicole asked. Rafe said that Ava's story was that Carmine had attacked Ava, and her son had saved her.

"Tripp murdered Carmine?" Nicole asked. Rafe explained that Ava had blamed Charlie. Rafe said that ordinarily, he would believe that Ava had lied, but in light of Nicole's Halloween story, he was no longer so convinced.

"I saw a dead person, too. And I've been trying to convince myself that I imagined Deimos," Nicole said. "I'm right there with you, but it is weird that both you and Ava, you both thought you saw a dead person on the same night," Rafe said. With a shrug, Nicole noted that it had been Halloween.

"Maybe Ava did imagine [Charlie]," Nicole said. "Except Ava's not the only one who swears she saw Charlie. Tripp does, as well," Rafe said. Nicole asked Rafe if he believed Tripp had lied to protect Ava. Rafe said Allie had seen Charlie in Nicole's apartment. Nicole gasped. Rafe confirmed that Allie and Henry were okay. When Rafe noted that Charlie had disappeared like Deimos, Nicole asked Rafe what he planned to do. Rafe said he had sent officers to check the graves of Charlie and Deimos.

"Last night, you were pretty sure that Ava killed Carmine and it was over between you. But what if this is all somehow true, and Ava didn't kill him? Oh, my God, Rafe. We made a terrible mistake!" Nicole said. Rafe disagreed. "Last night wasn't because Ava killed Carmine. It was just an excuse," Rafe said. Rafe told Nicole that he had not been able to stop thinking about her, because she was in his heart.

"What happened is what I've wanted to happen. Nothing else matters," Rafe said. "It does matter, Rafe. It changes everything," Nicole said. Nicole pointed out that Rafe had believed the worst about Ava, but now that they knew Charlie was real, the situation was different. Nicole argued that if Ava had not been hiding Carmine, then Rafe's assumptions about Ava had been wrong.

"It's not about Ava," Rafe said. Nicole disagreed because Ava cared about Rafe, and he cared about Ava. "And I know how terrified she was last night. [Ava] was desperate, and she needed you, and you weren't there because you were making love to me," Nicole said. "Yes, Ava needed me, but you needed me, too," Rafe said. Rafe grabbed Nicole's hands, but she pulled them away.

"Did Ava try calling you when you were with me?" Nicole asked. Rafe nodded yes. Nicole asked Rafe if Ava had asked where he had been on Halloween. Rafe said he had intended to tell Ava the truth, but Tripp had interrupted him. "I am going to tell her the truth," Rafe said. "You can't!" Nicole blurted out. Nicole said she could not let Rafe break Ava's heart.

"I'm not going to lie to her!" Rafe said. Nicole asked Rafe not to tell anyone. "So that's it?" Rafe asked. With tears in her eyes, Nicole said, "I betrayed my husband, and it was a terrible mistake. I am not going to betray my best friend." Nicole told Rafe that they needed to forget that they had slept together. "I'm not gonna let it end like this," Rafe whispered. "I'm not giving you a choice," Nicole said. Nicole walked out.

Susan confronts the demonic presence
Susan confronts the demonic presence

Susan confronts the demonic presence

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

by Mike

At the hospital, Paulina fussed over Abe, who eventually wondered if there was a reason for the excessive displays of concern. "You were shot -- you're in a hospital bed -- [and] I'm so scared [that], you being, you're gonna push yourself too hard and not take the time you need to recover, and you're gonna hurt yourself," Paulina explained before again trying to convince Abe to postpone their wedding ceremony.

"I'm fine --" Abe insisted. "See? That's what I'm talking about --" Paulina grumbled. "[So]...maybe the problem don't want to get married," Abe concluded. "I...want it more than anything in the world..." Paulina responded. "You don't sound very happy about it," Abe argued. "Sorry..." Paulina muttered before saying goodbye to Abe then rushing off with a vague explanation about needing to run an errand.

Meanwhile, at one of the coffee stations, Lani and Theo chatted about Abe and Paulina's upcoming wedding ceremony. "I just cannot stop thinking about how weird it is that Aunt Paulina asked me to be her matron of honor -- [and] I really want to make sure that it's okay with Chanel," Lani eventually revealed. "I can talk to her -- see if she's upset," Theo immediately offered.

"You're a really great brother," Lani raved. "You're not too bad yourself -- you know, sometimes I think about what it was like when I didn't know that I had a sister...and how much better everything is now --" Theo admitted. "I know exactly what you mean," Lani interjected. "[Because] we are brother and sister, and nothing can ever change that," Theo concluded before hugging Lani -- and Paulina squirmed while waiting for a nearby elevator to arrive, having heard enough.

At the Horton Town Square, Chanel exited Sweet Bits and started to lock the bakery's front door -- just as Johnny approached, carrying a gift bag. "There you are -- I expected you back 45 minutes ago!" Chanel began. "So did I...[but] I was delivering the cake for those people's 56th anniversary, [and] they seemed like they wanted to tip me, [so] I told them they didn't have to, but it seemed like they really wanted to, then they told me that their family wasn't coming and that they had a grandson my age, and then they wanted me to have a piece of the cake -- really good cake, by the way -- [and then I also] looked at their wedding pictures..." Johnny explained.

"Wow -- for a DiMera, you're kind of a mush," Chanel teased. "It's called 'empathy' -- and it's what makes me such a brilliant director," Johnny bragged. "And a really inefficient delivery boy," Chanel joked before eyeing the gift bag and wondering if Johnny still had another delivery to make. "[No], this is for you -- see, I think it's time for us to start getting serious," Johnny clarified while handing the gift bag to Chanel. "Ooh, is this a ring?" Chanel guessed with mock excitement before peeking inside the gift bag -- then giving Johnny a look of confusion.

"Is this your subtle way of telling me you wish I was a blonde?" Chanel challenged Johnny while pulling a wig out of the gift bag. "No, it's for the movie -- Celeste is a blonde," Johnny explained before alerting Chanel to the fact that the gift bag also contained a deck of tarot cards. Chanel shuddered at the sight of the Death card, prompting Johnny to stress the importance of getting comfortable with the prop. Chanel conceded the point then started flipping through the tarot cards while rehearsing a scene with Johnny -- a scene in which Stefano laughed off Celeste's belief in the supernatural.

Theo eventually interrupted Johnny and Chanel's rehearsal. "My grandma grew up in New Orleans -- she has a Creole accent," Theo advised Chanel, who playfully smacked Johnny for having failed to mention such an important detail. Theo offered to help Chanel learn how to mimic Celeste's accent -- in exchange for Chanel's promise to talk to Lani about their respective roles in Abe and Paulina's upcoming wedding ceremony.

At the Evans-Black townhouse, Susan pulled away from "Marlena" in a panic, realizing that the demonic presence was in control of the psychiatrist's body. "You are the devil incarnate!" Susan spat at the demonic presence. "I don't know how you could say that to a friend --" the demonic presence objected as Marlena. "Oh, you are not my friend -- [I mean], Dr. Marlena Evans and I are friends, [but] she is not the person I am looking at [and] talking to...[and, in fact], you're not even a person; you're just a thing!" Susan maintained, prompting the demonic presence to concede the point then reveal its glowing yellow eyes.

"I've dealt with people like you before, you know -- people that have a little bit of psychic power and think they can best me; [first] Celeste, now you -- [but] your paltry powers can't begin to compare to mine, and you will regret the day you ever took me on; I am going to unleash the full force of my powers, and there is nothing you or anybody [else] can do to stop me!" the demonic presence declared as Susan stood frozen in shock.

Susan eventually recovered and tried to flee from the townhouse, prompting the demonic presence to magically seal the front door shut. Susan, who was carrying a purse, started rummaging through it and eventually pulled out a wooden cross -- then pointed it at the demonic presence and began praying. "Really? You pack a cross?" the demonic presence asked incredulously. "I started because of Ivan and Vivian -- people said that they weren't vampires, but I knew better," Susan matter-of-factly replied. "God, you're dumb -- you should never take on the devil; you'll only lose," the demonic presence declared before snatching the wooden cross then slamming it against Susan's forehead.

The demonic presence knelt to check Susan's motionless body for signs of life -- but, just then, Paulina knocked on the townhouse door and called out a greeting. The demonic presence sighed and reverted its glowing yellow eyes back to a human color then let Paulina in. "I've decided that I have to keep my secret," Paulina began. "Well, that might not be up to you," the demonic presence responded as Marlena -- and, just then, Paulina heard Susan groaning.

The demonic presence feigned ignorance as Marlena, but Paulina was certain that someone was groaning -- and soon realized that the sound was emanating from behind the couch. "Oh -- this?" the demonic presence backpedaled as Marlena while following Paulina behind the couch -- where a black cat was lying on the floor. "This is Susan," the demonic presence explained as Marlena before picking up the cat and showing it to Paulina. "She's had some problems -- health issues, mental issues, dental issues..." the demonic presence declared as Marlena. "I'm afraid we may get to the point where I have to put her down," the demonic presence whispered as Marlena.

At the Weston apartment, Ben remained concerned about Susan's premonition -- and Ciara remained skeptical, finding it hard to believe that anyone could have evil intentions for an unborn child.

Ciara and Ben eventually received a visit from Shawn and Belle, the latter of whom had just heard the expectant parents' good news and was eager to congratulate them. Belle and Shawn quickly realized that something was wrong, prompting Ben and Ciara to take turns explaining what had happened earlier. "Even if you do believe that [Susan] sees these things, you can't trust her -- I mean, she had Will believing he was E.J. for years!" Shawn argued, and Belle agreed.

At the hospital, Abe informed Lani that Brandon was going on a safari with Celeste and was therefore going to miss the wedding ceremony. Lani and Abe agreed that Celeste and Brandon made for an odd pair of friends -- and that Celeste and Paulina might just end up being an even odder pair if they ever forged a friendship with each other. Lani predicted that Celeste was probably going to approve of Paulina and be happy for Abe.

Lani eventually left Abe's room -- and ran into Chanel at the nurses' station. Chanel insisted that it was okay that Paulina had offered Lani the role of matron of honor in the upcoming wedding ceremony during the aftermath of Abe's shooting -- then realized that the offer had almost been extended before the shooting. Chanel forced a smile and said goodbye to Lani -- just as Paulina exited a nearby elevator. "Chanel -- what are you doing here?" Paulina began. "Leaving," Chanel spat.

At the Horton Town Square, Johnny caught up with Theo. " and Chanel, huh?" Theo eventually challenged Johnny. "Yeah, we've been dating for a couple months... Is that weird for you? I know you guys used to date, [and] I don't want anything to be awkward..." Johnny responded. "No -- what would be 'awkward' would be running into Ciara and Ben," Theo insisted -- and, as if on cue, Ben and Ciara emerged from a nearby bookstore just then. Theo was surprised to see that Ciara and Ben had just purchased a book for expectant parents.

The demonic presence exited the Evans-Black townhouse with the cat -- just as Shawn arrived with Belle, who wanted to find out more about what was going on with Susan. The demonic presence, as Marlena, dismissed Belle's concerns then rushed off with an explanation about needing to get the cat -- a stray -- to the local shelter right away. "Well, what if they can't find her owner? Don't they sometimes put them down?" Belle worriedly protested. "They do!" the demonic presence cheerfully confirmed as Marlena. "What was that about?" Belle asked Shawn as they watched "Marlena" walk away with the cat.

Philip's feelings of jealousy intensify

Philip's feelings of jealousy intensify

Thursday, November 11, 2021

by Mike

At the police station, Gabi stewed while alone with Jake in one of the conference rooms, furious that they hadn't been released yet. "Breaking out of jail isn't exactly helping my case," Jake reminded Gabi. "[But] both you and I know I would be in the loony bin if I told the cops what actually happened, which is why I said I had to do it myself," Jake added -- and Gabi conceded the point, having seen how law enforcement officials had reacted to Ava's similar story.

Jake and Gabi stopped talking when Trask entered the conference room. "You're in luck, Mr. DiMera -- I have a proposition for you," Trask began. "I will drop all the felony charges against [you] -- on one condition. [See], Victor Kiriakis and I recently made a deal -- one that he's not that fond of -- [so]...if you agree to say, under oath, that Philip Kiriakis was blackmailing you, then --" Trask continued. "Jake can neutralize Victor -- which is worth more to you than having Jake here on these nothing charges," Gabi concluded before turning down the offer on Jake's behalf, not wanting to have Victor as an enemy. "My offer is to your boyfriend, not you," Trask reminded Gabi. "I'll take the deal," Jake assured Trask.

Satisfied, Trask rushed off to get the paperwork started -- and while Jake and Gabi were celebrating the development, one of the police officers led Ava into the conference room, having heard that its former occupants were free to leave. Gabi seized the opportunity to gloat to Ava about the fact that Jake had just been released -- primarily for having been smart enough to take full responsibility for a crime instead of trying to convince everyone that the true culprit was a dead person. Trask soon returned and chased Jake and Gabi off then tried to get a signature on a transcript of the statement that Ava had provided earlier. Ava crumpled the document then told Trask that Carmine had actually been killed in an act of self-defense.

Jake and Gabi entered the Hernandez house then started kissing in the kitchen, eager to make up for lost time -- but Ava interrupted before things could progress any further. "I decided you were right -- that Trask wouldn't believe my true story and my statement -- so...I told her what she wanted to hear, and here I am! So, pat yourself on the back, little Gabi Gabster -- you finally did a good deed," Ava declared before calling dibs on the shower -- and promising to use all the hot water.

At the Salem Inn, Xander informed Gwen that they weren't going to be able to go on their planned getaway, after all.

Abigail went to the Horton house to check on Jack, who was still upset about Gwen's latest betrayal. "She's still my daughter, and I'm not gonna stop loving her...but the days of me asking you and J.J. and your mother to accept her as a part of the family are over -- she is my problem now; none of you ever have to have anything to do with her ever again," Jack assured Abigail.

Later, Jack received a visit from Xander, who was determined to make things right for Gwen. Meanwhile, at the police station, Trask received a visit from Gwen, who was just as determined to make things right for Xander.

At Basic Black, Chloe entered the CEO's office and started to toss a folder onto the conference table while explaining that the enclosed documents needed Brady's signature. "I would put it over there on the desk," Brady advised while Chloe was still holding the folder. "I wiped down the whole table!" Chloe reminded Brady. "You missed a spot," Brady explained with a cringe while showing Chloe the section of the conference table that still needed attention. Chloe sighed then started cleaning the entire conference table again, ignoring Brady's halfhearted promise to handle the matter personally. "When I told Nicole that she and Rafe needed to stop playing games and put everything out on the table, this is not what I meant..." Chloe grumbled.

Changing the subject, Brady wondered if Chloe was going to make it clear to Philip that nothing had happened on the night that they had been caught entering the Salem Inn together. Chloe assured Brady that Philip didn't seem to be concerned -- then argued that it would probably therefore be best to just not say anything about the matter. Brady paused the conversation to read a text message -- then explained to Chloe that Kristen's lawyer was trying to arrange a meeting. Chloe helped Brady decide that it would be best to turn down Kristen's request.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor entered the study and prepared a glass of whiskey then added an antacid to the drink. "Just what the doctor ordered," Victor raved before settling in a chair and taking a sip of the concoction -- then noticing that someone had left a broken glass on the coffee table. "Don't worry about [that] -- Henderson said he's gonna get somebody to clean it up," Philip, who had broken the glass earlier while fuming about the apparent nature of Chloe's relationship with Brady, explained while joining Victor in the study. "Don't you think it's about time you started cleaning up your own messes? Or, better yet, don't make them in the first place!" Victor snapped at Philip, who guessed that the rebuke wasn't about a broken glass.

Victor explained that Trask had revealed how Philip had set in motion a series of events that had nearly gotten Abe killed. "What was I supposed to do?" Philip wondered. "You were supposed to come to me...but oh, no -- you had a better idea, because you're a moron!" Victor responded. Victor unceremoniously fired Philip -- then refused to either confirm or deny that Brady would be Titan's next CEO. "First, he steals my girlfriend, then he steals my job..." Philip grumbled, delighting Victor, who shamelessly admitted to having been hoping that Brady and Chloe would get back together eventually. "Damn you! I hope whoever takes over Titan tries to burn it to the ground -- [and] I hope you have to stand there, looking at the flames, as I throw gasoline on the fire!" Philip spat at Victor before storming off.

Philip went to the site of the sapling -- and angrily ripped it out of the ground.

The devil takes on a new host
The devil takes on a new host

The devil takes on a new host

Friday, November 12, 2021

by Spalding

Gwen visited Trask in the interrogation room in the police station, and she asked Trask to return Xander's money. "A deal is a deal," Trask said. Gwen told Trask that the deal was off. "You're going to tell your father the truth? All of it?" Trask asked. Gwen lied and said she would tell Jack everything after she left the police station.

"Aren't you afraid that once he knows, he'll cut you out of his [life], hate you forever for what you did to his other daughter?" Trask asked. Gwen said it was a risk she would have to take. "For Xander. And his money," Trask said. Gwen said she could not ask Xander to make such a large sacrifice for her.

"Even if you told the truth, I'd have no real incentive to give [the money] back," Trask said. "I am trying to appeal to your sense of decency," Gwen said. Gwen argued that she wanted to do the right thing. Suspicious, Trask asked Gwen why she was willing to tell the truth after going to such great lengths to hide it.

"My father deserves to know the truth," Gwen said. "Indeed. So, why are you lying now?" Trask asked. Gwen played dumb. Trask guessed that Gwen's secret had already been exposed. With a smirk, Trask said that Xander had texted her with the news. "You could have told me you knew the truth from the start," Gwen complained. "And miss this little performance of yours?" Trask asked. Gwen told Trask that she was an awful person.

"And you are a miserable piece of trash. For Jack's sake, I hope he has kicked your lying ass to the curb," Trask countered. Gwen apologized for her deceit. "I truly am grateful to Xander. I never wanted him to give up all that money just to protect me," Gwen said. With an eye roll, Trask said she was sure that Gwen was sorry that Xander could not spoil her with the money. Gwen argued that she did not care about the money. "I care about him. Don't you understand?" Gwen asked.

Outside the interrogation room, a police officer placed Kristen by the window to wait for her lawyer. Kristen could hear Trask and Gwen argue inside the room. Gwen told Trask that when the truth had been exposed, all of Gwen's family had walked away from her.

"Xander is all I have left," Gwen said. "Sadly, Xander Cook isn't much of a consolation prize," Trask said. "He is to me. He is everything to me. God, if it weren't for him, I would have completely fallen apart. He has been there for me like nobody else has. So, please, let me do this one thing for him in return," Gwen pleaded. Trask refused to give the money back.

When Trask exited the interrogation room, she asked why Kristen was there. "I'm meeting with my attorney. I put in a request to see Brady," Kristen said. "I guess you haven't heard," Trask said with a grin. Trask informed Kristen that Brady had declined the request. After Trask walked away, Kristen pretended that Gwen was her lawyer so that the police officer would escort her into the interrogation room.

Kristen introduced herself. "Why did they put you in here with me?" Gwen asked. "You have a minute to chat?" Kristen asked. Kristen told Gwen that Gwen was going to help her escape prison.

In the Brady Pub, a worried Steve called Shane to ask if John had been working on an ISA case. Steve told Kayla that Shane had confirmed that John had not worked with the ISA for months. "Which means, we still have no idea where John is," Steve said. Kayla wondered aloud if John was deep undercover with the ISA, and Shane was not aware. With a shake of his head, Steve said his gut told him that Shane was right. Kayla encouraged Steve to talk to Marlena.

"Marlena has not returned my calls," Steve explained. Kayla said Marlena had not returned her calls about Doug, either. "It's just downright cruel to keep Julie away from [Doug]," Steve said. Kayla admitted that she had agreed in the beginning to commit Doug, but she believed that the best thing for Doug was to be surrounded by his loved ones.

"Do you have any idea why Marlena is taking such a hard line on this?" Steve asked. Kayla shrugged. "Before she had [Doug] committed, Doug insisted that it was really Marlena that attacked Julie. I can't imagine that she would take that personally," Kayla said. "There is definitely something off with her," Steve whispered. "That's exactly what John said. Before he disappeared," Kayla added. A look of worry crossed Steve's face.

Kayla told Steve that John had taken Marlena's tape recorder of her session with Doug. "That's a violation, isn't it?" Steve asked. "Of course, it is. And I told him that, but he didn't care. He believes that Marlena wasn't acting like herself. And that it all started after her therapy session with Doug," Kayla said. Steve asked Kayla what John expected to hear on the recording. With a shrug, Kayla said John had told her that he believed the reason why Marlena had changed was on the tape.

"Do you know what he heard [on the tape]?" Steve asked. Kayla noted that she could not break confidentiality and that she should have reported John. "I would just like to know if John told you anything that would give us a clue as to where he went," Steve said. Kayla told Steve that John had been rattled by the recording. "[John] just said that he could hear Marlena talking on the recording but not Doug," Kayla said. Kayla confirmed that there was static whenever Doug spoke.

"[John] also said what really disturbed him was that it seemed like Marlena was talking to someone else in the room besides Doug," Kayla said. "Who could it have been?" Steve asked. Kayla confirmed that John had said that Marlena had sounded scared on the tape, but Kayla's conversation with John had been interrupted by the news about Abe.

"I have not spoken to [John since]," Kayla said. Worried, Steve said that if John had been concerned enough to break the law and listen to the recording, then it did not make sense that he'd left town for a case. "You don't think that there really is a case," Kayla said. Steve asked Kayla if he could listen to the recording, but Kayla said no. Steve decided he would have to question Marlena.

In the DiMera crypt, John shifted with discomfort in his iron shackles. Devil Marlena returned with a crated Susan the cat. "What have you been up to?" John asked. Devil Marlena released the cat from its crate, and it ran over to John. "She always did like you," devil Marlena said. "Why the hell is he here?" John asked. Devil Marlena said she thought that John might be lonely, and she had brought an old friend. When the devil waved his hand, Susan returned to her human form.

Susan wrapped one arm around John's leg, and she licked the hand on her other arm like a cat cleaning its paw. "Susan," John said. When Susan continued to behave like a cat, John yelled her name, and she snapped awake. "Are you okay?" John asked. "You're not gonna believe this. I had a dream I was turned into a cute little kitty cat by the devil," Susan said. Susan's mouth dropped open when she saw devil Marlena grinning in the corner.

"Back away, Satan!" Susan yelled as she made the sign of the cross. "That won't help," devil Marlena said. "She's right, Susan," John agreed. Susan asked where they were. "I think you can figure it out," devil Marlena said. Susan looked around the room and read the names on the crypt walls. Susan argued that she and John did not belong in the DiMera crypt. Susan attempted to help John escape his shackles, but she was unsuccessful.

"You know why I can't let you go," the devil said. Susan pleaded with Marlena to fight the devil. "[John] is in agony, and he needs you," Susan said. Susan told Marlena to let love lead her out of the darkness. "No, now stop it, you twit," the devil grumbled. Susan dropped to her knees and prayed to God for help. Devil Marlena squirmed with discomfort.

"I know you can hear me, Doc. Today is our anniversary. You remember our wedding. Our vows. In sickness and in health, till death do us part. Well, I'm going to make you a vow right now, with every last breath in my body, I'm not giving up. And neither should you, so fight, Doc. You keep fighting, Doc! You fight for our love!" John yelled. "Fight! Fight!" Susan yelled.

Marlena's body was visibly fighting the possession. First, Marlena started to cry then she screamed, and she collapsed on the ground. Susan fell to the ground, too. "Marlena!" John cried out. Marlena stirred awake. "John?" Marlena whispered. Unsteady, Marlena got up and wobbled over to John's side. "Look what I've done to you. I'm so sorry," Marlena said. Marlena promised to get John out of the crypt to safety.

"It's all going to be okay," Marlena said. Susan twitched, and she rose to her feet. Susan's eyes glowed yellow with the spirit of the devil in her. "Did you two really think that you could get rid of me that easily?" devil Susan asked. "You leave Susan alone!" Marlena yelped. The devil said she did not want to be in Susan's body, but Marlena had cast her out. With a chuckle, the devil said that Susan's connection to the spirit world had given the devil access to Susan's soul.

"And I'll keep on fighting you," John said. "Keeping you alive obviously was a bad choice. Your love continues to give Marlena strength, but I'm going to do something about that," the devil said. "Don't you dare hurt him!" Marlena shouted. Devil Susan flicked her wrist, and Marlena flew across the room and was knocked unconscious. John grumbled that Marlena was finally free of the devil.

"I wasn't expecting to be so rudely evicted from her body, but I'm not done yet with her," the devil said. John asked the devil what he had planned. The devil said that he had big plans to accomplish with Marlena. "We're going to beat you to your knees like we did all those years ago," John growled. "It's time to take you out of the equation," devil Susan said.

"You can kill me, but you're never going to kill the love between Doc and me or the spirit of that love," John said. The devil agreed. "Maybe killing you isn't the answer, John. Not when I can find a better way to break Marlena's spirit," the devil said. With a chuckle, the devil noted that humans were susceptible to emotions.

"I'm talking about you, John, betraying your beloved Doc in the worst possible way," the devil said. "I would never betray Marlena for another woman. Certainly not Ms. Susan Banks," John said. The devil changed shape into the old Kristen from John's youth. "What about your old flame Kristen?" the devil asked.

In the DiMera living room, Abigail told Chad that Jack had decided to "write Gwen off for good." "I told him he might feel differently once he cooled down, but he is done with her and her lies," Abigail said. Chad said he was relieved. "Everyone is going to be a lot better off without her in our lives," Chad said. Abigail hesitated. Chad asked what was wrong.

"Regardless of what she's done, she is still my dad's daughter, and I feel really terrible that he is losing her. I never intended to take her away from him," Abigail said. Chad advised Abigail not to feel guilty. "All you did was uncover the truth. So, whatever happens to Gwen from here, is on her," Chad said. "But what if I cost my dad a chance at a relationship with his daughter?" Abigail asked. Chad argued that Abigail had not thought about them. Abigail countered that Chad had blamed her once, too.

"I did resent you for playing a part in my child's death, but I knew that you didn't do it on purpose," Chad said. Chad apologized, and he said he was grateful that they knew the truth. "Am I wrong to feel hopeful?" Chad asked. "No, I feel that, too," Abigail agreed. Abigail said she believed that knowing the truth about Gwen's lie would help them heal finally. "I feel more like myself than I've felt in a really long time," Abigail said. "I feel that, too," Chad said. Chad noted that Abigail's eyes sparkled again. Abigail and Chad went upstairs and made love.

At the Horton house, Xander asked Jack to think about the situation from Gwen's perspective. "She just lost her baby, and then she tried to do the decent thing by going over to break the news to Chad in person," Xander said. "But she didn't," Jack said.

"Because she was confronted by an understandably very angry Abigail, who unleashed a barrage of verbal abuse," Xander said. Jack argued that Abigail had already taken responsibility for her part in the fight at the top of the stairs. "That hardly justifies Gwen's horrific lie," Jack said. With a sigh, Xander told Jack that he still was not seeing it from Gwen's point of view.

"Imagine how that must have felt for [Gwen]. Back at the hospital, in pain, grieving the loss of her child. Abigail's cruel words still ringing in her ears. Abigail, who has two beautiful children of her own and has always had the love of her father her whole life. Come on. Do you not understand how, in that moment, Gwen might have wanted to take just a little bit of revenge? It was an impulsive decision to lie. One she has felt horrible about ever since," Xander said.

"And yet, not horrible enough to tell me the truth," Jack said. Jack said he understood that the lie in the moment had been impulsive, but Gwen had had ample opportunity since then to tell the truth. "If she had come to me and told me the truth in the days or even the weeks that followed, maybe we could have worked something out, but she didn't," Jack said. Xander argued that Gwen had nobody in her life, and her relationship with her father had meant everything to her.

"This isn't the first time that she has lied to me. We have been down this road before. There comes a point when forgiveness isn't an option anymore," Jack said. "So, that's it? Your daughter is dead to you?" Xander asked. Jack clarified that he would always love Gwen, but he could not forgive her.

"Quite frankly I can't forgive you, either," Jack added. Confused, Xander asked Jack what he meant. "You've been sticking up for Gwen this whole time. Covering for her," Jack said. Xander explained that he had not known the truth about the miscarriage at first. "Gwen refused to tell me what Snyder was holding over her. Then he made a slip. I confronted her, and she admitted the truth," Xander explained. Xander added that Gwen had begged him to keep her secret.

"In other words, you lied to me," Jack said. "I did it for Gwen," Xander said. When Jack asked Xander if he had owed his best friend the truth, Xander nodded. "I honestly thought I was protecting you. I just didn't want you to get hurt," Xander whispered. "That sure worked out well, didn't it?" Jack said. Xander apologized for letting Jack down.

"I shouldn't be surprised," Jack muttered. Jack lashed out at Xander, and he argued that their friendship had always been a one-way street. Xander disagreed. "You telling me that you don't only come to me when you need something?" Jack asked. "Friends help each other out," Xander said. Xander admitted he had been a bad friend and terrible housemate, but he stressed he had lied to protect Gwen.

"Why risk so much?" Jack asked. "Because I care about her. I love her," Xander said. "Well, God help you both," Jack whispered. Xander asked Jack to consider forgiving Gwen. "I think it's time for you to go," Jack said. "Just a little reminder, where would you be if your family hadn't forgiven you? If they hadn't given you a thousand second chances? But if you're too judgmental to give one to your daughter, maybe Gwen is better off without you," Xander said.

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Edited by SC Desk