Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS

Monday, September 12, 2011

by MikeAt the hospital, Brady and Nicole anxiously waited for Chloe to wake up. Brady suggested that it might be a good idea to call Chloe's parents, but Nicole pointed out that Chloe might not want Craig and Nancy to know about the attack. Before Brady could respond, Nicole received a text message from someone, and she seemed shocked when she read it.Brady wondered if everything was all right. Nicole claimed that Brandon had sent her a message to let her know that he might lose his job, and she abruptly excused herself so that she could call him. When Nicole was a safe distance away from Brady, she immediately placed a call to someone. "Hi, this is Nicole DiMera. I got your email -- what do you know about my sister?" Nicole asked.Meanwhile, Brady entered Chloe's room, and he asked Lexie if there had been any change in Chloe's condition. Lexie explained that Chloe had tried to talk earlier. Lexie added that Chloe was showing signs of increased brain activity. As Brady and Lexie continued to talk about Chloe's condition, Chloe started to remember the attack, and her body twitched involuntarily.Brady wondered what had caused Chloe's muscle spasm. Lexie admitted that she wasn't sure. Brady held Chloe's hand, and he started to reminisce about some of the happier moments of their marriage. Brady urged Chloe to wake up so that she could identify her assailant. Meanwhile, Chloe silently recalled Gus's face, and she started to have a seizure.Lexie managed to stabilize Chloe, and she asked Brady to leave so that she could examine Chloe. Later, Lexie told Brady that Chloe's seizure had probably been the result of some sort of emotional reaction. Brady noted that he had mentioned Chloe's attacker, and he wondered if Chloe had heard him. Lexie urged Brady to continue to talk to Chloe. Brady said that he had a better idea, and he abruptly excused himself.Later, Brady returned to Chloe's room with a laptop, and he started to play some opera music. "Hear that? That would be the aria that you played for Parker when you were pregnant with him. You said he kicked when he heard it. You said that you were gonna take him to the opera and make him love it as much as you do, when he got older. You also said you picked this piece because it soothed your soul, and you hoped it would do the same for him," Brady said, as the aria filled the room."Chloe, I remember you singing this backstage, right before you went on. It was probably the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard. Honey, I wanna hear you sing again, okay? It's been too long. You need to come back your friends, you need to be Parker's mom, and you need to come back to me. Chloe Lane, don't you give up -- don't you do it," Brady added, as he gently kissed Chloe's hand.At the Cheatin' Heart, Quinn wondered why Gus had disappeared from Chez Rouge earlier that night. Gus said that he was shocked that Vivian had acknowledged his absence. Quinn said that he didn't want Vivian to be worried about Gus the entire night, and he told Gus to call Vivian and let her know that he was all right. Gus said that he wasn't going to take orders from Quinn. Gus shoved Quinn out of the way, then he abruptly exited the bar.After Gus left, Taylor approached Quinn, and she said that they needed to talk. Taylor said that it had been a mistake to kiss Quinn. Taylor added that the kiss had filled her with everlasting regret. Before Quinn could respond, Nicole entered the bar, and she wondered what Taylor's latest regret was. Taylor joked that she was regretting the fact that Nicole had never learned to mind her own business.Nicole said that sisters were supposed to know everything about each other. Nicole introduced herself to Quinn, and she wondered how Quinn had met Taylor. Quinn told Nicole to mind her own business. Nicole dryly stated that Quinn and Taylor were a fun couple. Taylor insisted that she was not dating Quinn, and Quinn reiterated that Nicole needed to mind her own business.Nicole noted that Quinn seemed defensive and elusive, and she wondered how well Taylor knew Quinn. Quinn claimed that he had just met Taylor, but Nicole wasn't convinced. Nicole said that Taylor was harboring some big secrets, and she suggested that Quinn might be one of them. Taylor warned Nicole to back off.Nicole said that she was just concerned about Taylor's safety, and she wondered what she might find out about Quinn if she looked up his name on the Internet. Taylor sighed, and she reluctantly admitted that she had dated Quinn during her stay in Europe. Nicole sarcastically noted that it was romantic that Quinn and Taylor had found each other again. Taylor insisted that it was just a coincidence. Nicole quoted Casablanca, and she suggested that Quinn might have followed Taylor to Salem.Taylor insisted that Nicole was wrong. " you're not running off to Vegas to become Mrs. Quinn Hudson?" Nicole asked. Quinn was shocked when he realized that Nicole knew his last name. Nicole said that she had already learned about what had happened in Europe. Quinn claimed that Nicole was making everything up. Nicole wondered if she could fabricate a mug shot."All right, look -- you know, usually, when a woman wants to keep a memento from an old boyfriend, she keeps, like, a concert ticket stub, or a dried flower, or something, but a mug shot? Kind of led me to believe that maybe there's something more than just a simple affair going on here, so I put my investigative skills to the test, and I contacted the arresting officer," Nicole explained. Quinn told Nicole to leave. Nicole said that she wasn't going to leave until she was finished talking to Taylor.Quinn started to threaten Nicole, but Taylor stopped him, and she said that she wanted to hear what Nicole had to say. Nicole toyed with Taylor for a moment to build the suspense, but she eventually admitted that the officer had confirmed Taylor's story. Nicole said that the officer had explained that Taylor had been arrested at a human rights protest. Quinn chastised Nicole for mentioning a painful part of Taylor's past.Nicole insisted that she was concerned about Taylor. Nicole pointed out that Taylor had been arrested at a human rights demonstration. Nicole suggested that Taylor should have been waving her mug shot around like a badge of honor. Taylor claimed that the mug shot reminded her of painful memories of Quinn. Nicole realized that Quinn had broken Taylor's heart, and Taylor confirmed Nicole's suspicion.Nicole shrugged, and she conceded that Quinn was kind of cute. Nicole said that she hoped that everything would work out for Taylor and Quinn. Nicole quickly added that she didn't really care either way. Quinn cursed Nicole, and he wondered why she didn't care about Taylor. Nicole insisted that she did care about Taylor, and she added that her relationship with Taylor was complicated. Before Taylor could respond, Nicole abruptly excused herself.After Nicole left, Taylor wondered if Quinn had convinced the officer in Europe to lie about Taylor's arrest. Quinn admitted that he had called in a few favors. Quinn reiterated that he was going to protect Taylor, and he added that he cared about her. Taylor said that Quinn almost sounded sincere.Quinn assured Taylor that she could trust him. Taylor admitted that she was starting to believe that Quinn was telling the truth. Quinn leaned in to kiss Taylor, and he wondered if Taylor was going to regret the kiss later. Taylor nodded, then she passionately kissed Quinn.In the alley where Chloe had been attacked, Bo and Hope showed Roman the sketch of the attacker's face. Roman noted that the face looked familiar, and Bo and Hope agreed. Roman said that he didn't want to release the sketch to the press until he was sure that it was accurate. As Bo and Hope started to take another look around the crime scene, Gus lurked nearby.Later, Roman received a phone call. After Roman ended the call, he explained that one of the officers had found something at the pier. After everyone left, Gus reached out and grabbed a two-way radio that one of the officers had left on a nearby crate. Meanwhile, at the pier, Roman inspected a footprint that one of the officers had found. Roman sighed as he realized that the footprint wasn't going to help their case.As Bo and Roman talked about consulting with a profiler, Hope spotted a hair on a nearby crate. Bo noted that the hair was too short to be Chloe's hair. Hope was suspicious, and she wondered why they had never spotted the hair before. Bo pointed out that the hair might have fallen off of one of the officers. Roman optimistically noted that it might be the attacker's hair.Roman used his two-way radio to call another officer, and he explained that he had a hair sample that needed to be delivered to the lab immediately. Meanwhile, in a nearby building, Gus smiled as he listened to Roman's radio communication. Later, Gus listened as Roman suggested that the attacker might have left his weapon in the area. Gus grinned devilishly as he glanced at his nightstick.At Chez Rouge, Kate spotted E.J. at a table near the entrance, and she noted that he was staring at his tablet computer. Kate invited herself over to E.J.'s table for dinner, and she wondered what E.J. was working on. E.J. tried to remain coy, but Kate guessed that E.J. was working on his top-secret project that was going to legitimize the DiMera name. "Oh, honey, come on. Come on. Whatever it is, you know I'm gonna find out about it, so why don't you just stop being an idiot, and let me help you?" Kate asked.Kate pointed out that her track record was better than E.J.'s, but E.J. wasn't impressed. Kate warned that E.J. was going to mess everything up. "Because I didn't take your advice? I'm sure. Look, Kate, I understand that all of your weak, ineffectual sons have left town. Please don't think you can draft me into that position. Here's an idea -- why don't you run along to the hospital, put a big smile on your face, and enjoy the fact that Chloe Lane is in a coma, and for once, as far as I can tell, you had nothing to do with it," E.J. suggested.Kate admitted that she wasn't depressed about Chloe's condition. "When it comes to my family, I can be ruthless, and because you're my husband's son, I'm offering to be ruthless on your behalf. Think about that," Kate added. E.J. noted that Kate seemed to believe that he had an image problem. E.J. defensively pointed out that he had never been convicted of a crime."In the justice system, you haven't, but in the public eye, you are guilty as charged. And now you want people to do business with you? How are you gonna work that out? What are you gonna do, join the Kiwanis Club?" Kate sarcastically asked. Kate insisted that E.J. needed to find a wife. E.J. reminded Kate that he already had a wife. "I said a wife, not a tarantula," Kate dryly stated. E.J. pointed out that he had already tried to have a marriage of convenience, and he noted that it had not been particularly convenient.Kate said that E.J. had chosen the wrong woman. E.J. jokingly suggested that he might be able to blackmail someone into marrying him. Kate conceded that her relationship with Stefano had started out unconventionally. Kate added that she and Stefano had grown to love each other because they were of the same mind. E.J. impatiently stated that he wasn't looking for someone with the same mind, and he asked Kate to change the subject."You have to be kidding me. You really expect -- you really want to fall in love again, don't you? Oh, my God -- look at you! It's hopeless!" Kate said, as she laughed mockingly. E.J. sighed impatiently, and he insisted that everyone wanted to be loved -- including Kate. Kate pointed out that E.J. had been looking for love in the strangest places."I mean, really -- having a go at it with Sami? I mean, just the thought of that is just...well, frankly, it makes me not hungry. And then Nicole -- well, maybe you would have had a chance there -- I mean, rattlesnakes do mate for life, don't they? But her sister -- really? An M.B.A. with a moral streak? You know, you are just delusional!" Kate noted, as E.J. cleared his throat. Kate jokingly asked if she had gone too far. Kate pointed out that she was E.J.'s stepmother, and she said that it was her job to tell E.J. the brutal truth.E.J. said that Kate wasn't his stepmother, and he added that she was just a shiny toy that Stefano had decided to play with. Kate smiled and said that E.J.'s comment was a fine example of his best traits -- he was witty, erudite, handsome, and wealthy, and he had an attractive accent. "You're everything a woman should want...except human," Kate dryly stated.E.J. laughed and said that Kate's comment suggested that being inhuman was a drawback. Kate confirmed E.J.'s suspicion. "You know what your problem is? You...are a complete bastard," Kate bluntly stated. E.J. told Kate to look in the mirror, and Kate willingly admitted that she wasn't a saint. Kate said that was what made her a great match for Stefano.Kate added that women like her were not very common. "You see, I find a man like your father very, very attractive, but most women are waiting for the white knight, which, for you, means that finding real love is not going to come easy. I mean, mostly, you'll be running into gold diggers like Nicole, or you'll be hiding two-thirds of your life from women like Taylor. Oh, know when you say that little thing about, 'You make me want to be a better man?' Don't use that, 'cause you can't sell that, E.J.," Kate said.Kate explained that she just wanted E.J. to be happy and successful, because that would make her life easier. Kate warned E.J. that his plan wasn't going to succeed if he insisted on waiting around for love. E.J. wondered if Kate was suggesting that he needed to find a trophy wife. Kate shrugged and said that a trophy wife wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Kate pointed out that E.J. might even fall in love with the woman.E.J. refused to listen to Kate's advice. E.J. cryptically stated that he knew what needed to happen, and he added that he also knew the exact order that it needed to happen in. E.J. assured Kate that everything was going to fall into place. "All let's just say that that does happen. From the little that I know about what you're doing, there is a possibility that a lot of people are going to be very unhappy, and that Salem might actually fall on its ear. So, tell me, are you prepared to deal with all that fallout?" Kate asked.E.J. assured Kate that he was ready to deal with the consequences. Later, Kate excused herself so that she could return to the mansion. After Kate left, E.J. placed a mysterious call to someone, and he asked for an update. After E.J. ended the call, he ordered a bottle of champagne, and he asked the waiter for two glasses. When the waiter returned with the bottle of champagne, he asked if E.J. had intended to request two glasses.E.J. confirmed that the order was correct. E.J. explained that a woman was going to be joining him, but he cryptically admitted that she didn't know that she was going to be joining him yet. As Nicole entered the restaurant, E.J. told the waiter that his guest had arrived. ^ back to the topTuesday, September 13, 2011by SpaldingAt their apartment, Rafe and Sami continued their celebration by toasting to Sami's health. As the children were staying with Caroline for the evening, Sami and Rafe began to kiss on the couch. Sami thanked Rafe for the dinner at Chez Rouge and informed him that the cost of dinner had inspired her to go back to work. When Rafe asked Sami if she had a plan, Sami explained that she was going to start looking for work but did not plan on looking for work at the police station again.Relieved, Rafe noted that his only issue with Sami working at the police station was that he could not concentrate with her in the room. After kissing his wife, Rafe noted that he supported Sami's desire to go back to work but warned her that work was scarce. Unfazed, Sami said she was confident that she would find a job eventually. When Rafe asked Sami what kind of job she was looking for, he joked that she should avoid breaking and entering. "You're never gonna let me live that down?" Sami said with a grin.Sami and Rafe chatted on the couch, and Sami cheerfully talked about how much she had grown up since her job at the hospital. Sami listed all the experience she had gained by being a mother, including planning schedules and working with the school to plan fundraisers. Rafe gave Sami a pep talk noting, "You are an indispensable asset to any company."Sami and Rafe adjourned to the bedroom and talked about what she would do with her first paycheck. When Sami talked about running the family with two working parents, she promised Rafe that she would make time to be alone with him. With a grin, Sami kissed Rafe and the two made love.At the Cheatin' Heart, Will, Chad, and Sonny were working on their website when Gabi interrupted and asked Will to play pool with her. Across the room, Abigail and Melanie talked about Carly's rehab. "Now it's kind of like we're a real family, you know?" Melanie said of Nicholas' arrival. After chatting, Melanie and Abigail went over to the pool table to talk to Gabi. Gabi apologized to Melanie for Dario's workaholic behavior, but Melanie explained that she understood why Dario was tied up with Brady.Gabi returned to her game of pool with Will and beat him. Exasperated, Will noted that Gabi was a pool shark. As the winner of the game, Gabi won the right to plan their next date. With a grin, Gabi noted that she wanted to spend the night together by the lake. "That's what you want?" Will asked. "What I want is to be with you again," Gabi said. Before Will could respond, Dario entered the bar and called out to his sister. Smiling, Dario noted that he had big news.Once Gabi, Melanie, Abigail, Chad, Will, and Sonny had gathered around, Dario noted that he had been promoted to project manager for Internet expansion. As Melanie hugged Dario and congratulated him, Dario squeezed her tightly. Melanie and Dario toasted to his promotion, but Melanie was worried that Dario would have less time available to spend with her.Melanie assured Dario that she was happy for him. "I want to prove to your family that I'm worthy of having you," said Dario. Dario pulled Melanie to her feet and they slow danced by the pool table. Dario promised Melanie that he would make time for her no matter how busy either of them was.Across the bar, Sonny informed Chad, Abigail, Will, and Gabi that he had spoken to the university and had received approval and funding to move ahead with their website. The group worked out the details of the workload, and then they talked about how to find the rest of the money they needed to run the website. As Melanie and Dario joined the group, Chad joked that he could sell one of E.J.'s cars to raise the money.In her hospital bed, Chloe remained unconscious while Brady played opera music for her and asked her to fight. From the corner of the room, Kinsey stared silently. Concerned, Kinsey pulled Brady aside and thanked him again for keeping Chloe's secret from the police. Worried about Chloe's custody of Parker, Brady and Kinsey agreed to keep lying to the police. Kinsey worried that Chloe would not wake up, but Brady was certain that Chloe would fight and wake from her coma.As Brady talked about his past relationship with Chloe, Kinsey theorized aloud that Brady was still in love with Chloe. "A love like we had doesn't really go away," Brady said. Brady noted that though their marriage had failed, he always wanted Chloe to be happy. Hurt, Brady talked about how upsetting it was that Chloe did not reach out to him for help. Once Brady grew quiet, Kinsey noted that she needed to meet up with friends at the Cheatin' Heart.Worried, Brady told Kinsey that it was not safe to walk alone. Kinsey countered that only she and Brady knew that the attacker was only beating up prostitutes. "This guy is crazy. We don't know what he's capable of," Brady said. When Kinsey promised to avoid the pier, Brady disagreed and informed Kinsey that he would tell his driver to take Kinsey to the bar. Once Kinsey was gone, Brady chastised himself for not seeing the signs that Chloe was in financial trouble and needed his help.Over at Chez Rouge, E.J. was dining alone when Nicole walked over to his table. Nicole joked that when dining alone, E.J. should eat at the bar so as not to "look like such a loser." With a smirk, E.J. noted that Nicole overlooked the second glass of champagne on his table. Curious, Nicole asked E.J. who he was expecting. E.J. rose and crossed behind Nicole, noting that he was expecting her. Nicole was hesitant but agreed to sit and join E.J.After Nicole sat down, she asked E.J. how he knew that she would be at the restaurant. Unnerved, Nicole growled, "What the hell do you want?" "Is a husband not allowed to just enjoy a glass of champagne with his wife?" E.J. purred. Upset, Nicole wondered aloud whether E.J. thought she was stupid. "I don't think you're stupid. I think you're my wife," E.J. said. Nicole noted that she was only E.J.'s wife on paper and that their marriage had been destroyed by E.J.'s affair with Taylor.Lowering his voice, E.J. apologized to Nicole. Not swayed, Nicole ordered E.J. to explain to her why he'd had an affair with Taylor. "What did your sister and I see in each other? I have no earthly idea," E.J. said before chuckling. Surprised, Nicole started to laugh as well. Nicole wondered aloud whether E.J. had slept with Taylor in order to punish Nicole. E.J. denied Nicole's accusation and suggested that they not talk about each other's shortcomings."I turned to Taylor because I wanted to be somebody different. I wanted to be somebody who was respected, decent. Somebody, who, if wasn't loved, was at least liked," E.J. said quietly. Laughing, E.J. and Nicole agreed that E.J. had made a bad decision in falling for Taylor. Raising his glass, E.J. asked for a toast, and Nicole added, "To knowing who you are."Despite their history, E.J. and Nicole were laughing and talking as they drank their champagne. "You are the most wonderfully, wonderfully devious, manipulative, underhanded," E.J. said before a smiling Nicole interrupted to add "morally bankrupt." Feeling awkward about enjoying one another's company, the smiles fell from Nicole and E.J.'s faces. Nicole noted that she needed to leave, and when E.J. asked why, he realized that Nicole meant that she was meeting Brady. Nicole thanked E.J. for the champagne and wished him well. As Nicole walked away, E.J.'s face looked pensive. Nicole stopped at the doorway and looked back at E.J., but then she left.Gabi spotted Kinsey entering the Cheatin' Heart. When Kinsey joined the group, they started to talk about the attack on Chloe. Sonny suggested that no women should walk around alone. While Chad went to get another round of drinks, Dario stepped away to take a phone call.E.J. walked over to the Cheatin' Heart and grabbed Chad in a bear hug at the bar. When Chad asked E.J. why he was in the bar, E.J. said he had wanted to say hello but that he had also heard that Chad was looking for funding for his website. E.J. offered to write Chad a check. "I'm fine. Thank you," Chad said as he politely declined E.J.'s offer. Confused, E.J. asked Chad if he understood how difficult it would be to obtain a loan.Chad explained that he did not want to be a part of the DiMera family because "nothing comes for free with you people." Chad stressed that he did not want to owe the DiMera family and he did not want the family associated with his new business. "Thank you for the offer but no thanks," Chad concluded.After his phone call, Dario returned to the table where Gabi, Will, Melanie, Abigail, and Sonny were sitting and announced that his promotion was for a job outside of Salem. When Melanie asked where the job was, Dario explained that the promotion was for a job in Argentina.Nicole went over to the hospital and found Brady sitting at Chloe's bedside. When Nicole asked about Chloe's condition, Brady admitted that there was no change. Nicole reasoned that Chloe could open her eyes at any moment. Worried about Brady, Nicole suggested that he go home to rest. Brady agreed to go home but said that he wanted to stay longer. "I'm worried about her, too, Brady. She's my best friend, and it kills me to see her like this. But I am worried about you too," Nicole said.Nicole reminded Brady that he was not the only person that would stay with Chloe. Brady refused and noted that he owed Chloe. "I should have known," Brady lamented. Nicole ordered Brady to stop blaming himself because no one had seen how desperate Chloe had become. "I can't leave her. It's the least I can do," Brady said as his voice cracked. ^ back to the topThursday, September 15, 2011by MikeAt the Brady Pub, Sami started to look at some of the job listings that she had found on the Internet. Sami sighed as she realized that she wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that were listed. Rafe encouraged Sami to keep searching, and he assured her that she would be able to find a job eventually."Okay, here's one that looks good. Says, uh -- oh! They want someone with high energy, a self-starter, with a dynamic personality -- that's totally me! It doesn't say anything about needing job experience, or needing a college degree -- that's good. It says there's 'opportunity for travel,' and 'rapid advancement for the right candidate.' I am the right candidate! This is my job!" Sami exclaimed insistently. Rafe said that the job listing seemed kind of sketchy. Rafe pointed out that the job listing had not mentioned who Sami would be working for, and he noted that there wasn't any indication of what the job might entail."It could be one of those outfits where they say, 'You could make thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home, just stuffing envelopes -- just send us two thousand dollars up front for supplies,'" Rafe warned Sami. Sami said that Rafe was being Agent Negative, and Rafe admitted that the job might be perfect for Sami. Rafe said that he would try to find out if the job was legitimate. Sami smirked, and she wondered if Rafe was really asking her to be patient.Before Rafe could respond, he received a phone call, and he abruptly excused himself so that he could get back to work. After Rafe left, Sami ignored Rafe's advice, and she sent an email to the address that was listed in the mysterious job advertisement. Meanwhile, Caroline greeted Sami, and she wondered what Sami was up to. Sami sighed and wondered why Caroline had always been able to read Sami's mind.Sami said that she had applied for a job, and she admitted that Rafe had asked her to wait. Sami said that she was convinced that Rafe was just being overprotective. Caroline said that she understood why Rafe was trying to protect Sami. "Sami, I know that you had cysts removed," Caroline announced. Sami apologized for trying to hide the truth from Caroline, and she explained that she had not wanted to burden Caroline.Caroline promised that she was always going to be there for Sami. Sami hugged Caroline, and she said that Caroline's shoulder would be the first one that she would lean on the next time that she needed support. Sami changed the subject, and she wondered if Caroline knew anything about the party that Bo and Hope had been planning. Caroline shrugged, and she said that she had threatened to cut off Bo's supply of clam chowder, but Bo had remained tight-lipped about the party. Caroline excused herself, and Sami returned to her computer. Sami was shocked when she realized that she had received a response to her job application.At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor reminded Maggie that he had asked her to move in with him, and he wondered if Maggie had given the idea any consideration. Maggie admitted that she had spent the previous night considering Victor's proposal. "You know my feelings for you, Victor. I mean, you heard how I stood up to Hope and Jennifer when they wanted to take me home, and I said, 'No.' I wanted to stay here, with you. I love you, and I think you know what it means to me, saying that. After Mickey's passing, I didn't think I could ever feel that way about another man, but you convinced me otherwise. make me feel young again, and alive, and desirable...and that anything is possible," Maggie said.Victor assured Maggie that he felt the same way about her. "And I love -- ooh! How my stubborn Irish streak comes up against your Mediterranean machismo when we don't agree, and how neither one of us is willing to back down when -- when we don't agree, so...there. I think we make a pretty good pair, don't you?" Maggie asked. Victor agreed, and he eagerly wondered if that meant that Maggie was going to accept his invitation. Victor admitted that waking up next to Maggie every morning would make him a very happy man."Victor, I think that you know that I consider myself a modern woman in many ways, especially when it comes to the way people choose to live their lives, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a part of me that's still pretty darn old-fashioned," Maggie said. Victor said that he felt the same way. Maggie admitted that she was glad that Victor understood. "That's a part of myself that I need to honor, despite the times that we live in. See, I believe that a commitment between two people -- and it is a formidable commitment, to live with someone -- it isn't just a handshake, or a kiss, or even your wonderful king-size bed. A real commitment, Victor, means marriage -- before God, and friends, and most of all, family," Maggie said.Victor wondered if Maggie was saying that she wanted to get married. "Oh, good heavens, no. I'm not ready for that, just like I'm not comfortable living with a man that I'm not married to. It's just not me. So, while your offer is so sweet, and so generous, I'm sorry -- I have to say no," Maggie said. Victor was shocked that Maggie had declined his offer. "I'm leaving the house, Victor, not you," Maggie stressed, but Victor admitted that he was having a hard time understanding that distinction.Maggie said that she wasn't trying to minimize the significance of the time that they had shared together at the mansion. Maggie added that every day that she had spent with Victor had been a gift. Victor dryly stated that Maggie might want to exclude the part where she had almost died. "Well, I guess that's something, anyway, before you put me back up on the shelf," Victor said with a sigh. Maggie insisted that she wasn't trying to hurt Victor's feelings.Maggie said that Victor had treated her like a queen, and she claimed that she had made a lightning-fast recovery because of him. Maggie kissed Victor tenderly, and she asked him to understand. Before Victor could respond, Maggie exited the mansion so that she could get some fresh air.At the police station, Bo waited impatiently for the lab to finish testing the strand of hair that Hope had found at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Hope rushed into the room, carrying several bags of food in her arms. Hope explained that Maggie had recommended a caterer for Hope's big party, and she added that the caterer had given her some free samples so that she could finalize the menu. Hope warned Bo that he was going to have to help her taste all of the foods, and she added that it would be a good way for them to distract themselves until the lab was finished testing the strand of hair.Bo apprehensively tasted the first sample, and he claimed that it tasted like cat food. Hope noted that Bo didn't like the pt, and she moved on to the next sample. Bo admitted that the second sample was all right, and Hope explained that it was squash blossom medley. Bo gasped as he realized that he had just approved a vegetable. "Whatever happened to the guy whose idea of a gourmet menu was something you could eat standing up, with your beer in one hand, and your food in the other?" Bo asked, and Hope reminded him that he had gotten married."This food -- I'm sure it's gonna work out great, but it's not what people are gonna remember from our party. Once the surprises start rolling out, they're not gonna think about anything else," Bo assured Hope. Later, Hope thanked Bo for his help, and Bo groaned uncomfortably as he surveyed the stack of empty food containers. Hope checked her notes, and she correctly guessed that Bo had enjoyed the individual wood-fire pizzas more than any other item that he had sampled.Bo tried to describe Hope's favorite item, and Hope laughed. "'The little meaty things with the rice?' You completely butchered it. That would be pan-roasted rosemary duck breast over a beautiful bed of risotto," Hope said, and she wondered how Bo had guessed that she had chosen that item. Bo told Hope that they might be able to hide their party plans from everyone in Salem, but he added that they would never be able to hide anything from each other.Later, Bo and Hope continued to wait for the lab results. Hope pointed out that the attacker's rage had increased with each attack. Hope told Bo that they needed to figure out what was triggering the attacker's rage. Bo suggested that the attacker was probably angry with a woman in his life. Hope theorized that the pier was probably significant, because all of the attacks had occurred near the pier. Bo contemplated Hope's theory for a moment, then he announced that he had an idea.Later, Rafe arrived at the station. Bo explained that he and Hope were searching the department's database for any significant events that might have occurred at the pier. Rafe agreed to help with the search, and he noted the stack of empty food containers that had been placed near his computer. Hope joked that Rafe had picked the wrong day to work the late shift."So, I got to tell you, Sami's really fired up about this shindig, you know? Big secret surprise. What's going on? Guys, seriously, come on -- she's killing me with all the guessing. I mean, at least five times a day, she thinks she's figured it out -- what the big surprise is, who's coming," Rafe said. Bo and Hope assured Rafe that Sami would never be able to guess what was going to be happening at the party. Later, one of the lab technicians called to let Bo know that they had finished testing the hair sample, and they said that they would fax the results over to Bo's desk. When Bo inspected the results, he announced that the lab had matched the hair sample to someone named Quinn Hudson.At Chez Rouge, Vivian joined Taylor and Quinn for lunch. Vivian said that she was impressed that Quinn was dating an M.B.A. Vivian said that it was obvious that Taylor was a bright, attractive young woman. "You know, I can't imagine going for a master's degree in anything to do with numbers -- I'm just terrible with them! But what I really am is a...a people person," Vivian said. Quinn laughed, and Vivian admitted that there might be a few people in Salem who disagreed with that statement.Taylor said that she was enjoying Vivian's company. Taylor added that it was obvious that Quinn had inherited Vivian's charm. Vivian smiled, then she asked if she could be honest with Taylor. Quinn braced himself, and he muttered that he had warned Taylor about his mother's candid nature. "It seems to me that, um...well, you're showering me with all these compliments because I'm the mother of this very handsome young man, and you want to get on my good side. So, if that's the case...don't stop!" Vivian joked, as Quinn breathed a sigh of relief.Later, Vivian and Taylor bonded over a shared love for fashion. Taylor invited Vivian to accompany her to a fashion exhibit at the museum later that day. Taylor said that some of Alexander McQueen's items were going to be at the museum. Vivian sighed fondly, and she noted that Alexander McQueen had been a dear friend of hers. Vivian declined Taylor's invitation, and she explained that she was concerned about Gus. "Maybe we'll go to the pet store -- he likes to watch the fish swim around in the tank, you know? 'Round and 'round -- it might cheer him up," Vivian explained.Quinn excused himself so that he could return to the hotel, and he explained that he had misplaced his key card. After Quinn left, Vivian admitted that she actually liked Taylor. Vivian noted that she was getting the distinct impression that Taylor and Quinn had known each other for a long time. Taylor confirmed that she had known Quinn for several years, and she explained that she had recently reconnected with him. Vivian gleefully asked for details about all of the years of Quinn's life that she had missed out on.At the Sapphire Club, Gus used the key card to sneak into Quinn's room. Inside, Gus found a photograph of Quinn and Vivian, and he tore Quinn's face out of the photograph. "Someday, you'll understand. I did this all for you," Gus muttered, as he stared at Vivian's portion of the photograph. Later, Gus grabbed the dry-cleaning ticket that was attached to one of Quinn's shirts, and he muttered that he might need some extra evidence.Later, Gus stared at a piece of luggage that he had found in Quinn's closet. Gus had arranged the luggage so that his nightstick was protruding from one of the partially zipped compartments, and he muttered that it was the perfect hiding spot. Gus turned off the light, and he prepared to exit the room. Meanwhile, Quinn approached the door to his hotel room, and he inserted his new key card into the lock. ^ back to the topThursday, September 15, 2011by MikeAt the Brady Pub, Sami started to look at some of the job listings that she had found on the Internet. Sami sighed as she realized that she wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that were listed. Rafe encouraged Sami to keep searching, and he assured her that she would be able to find a job eventually. "Okay, here's one that looks good. Says, uh -- oh! They want someone with high energy, a self-starter, with a dynamic personality -- that's totally me! It doesn't say anything about needing job experience, or needing a college degree -- that's good. It says there's 'opportunity for travel,' and 'rapid advancement for the right candidate.' I am the right candidate! This is my job!" Sami exclaimed insistently. Rafe said that the job listing seemed kind of sketchy. Rafe pointed out that the job listing had not mentioned who Sami would be working for, and he noted that there wasn't any indication of what the job might entail. "It could be one of those outfits where they say, 'You could make thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home, just stuffing envelopes -- just send us two thousand dollars up front for supplies,'" Rafe warned Sami. Sami said that Rafe was being Agent Negative, and Rafe admitted that the job might be perfect for Sami. Rafe said that he would try to find out if the job was legitimate. Sami smirked, and she wondered if Rafe was really asking her to be patient. Before Rafe could respond, he received a phone call, and he abruptly excused himself so that he could get back to work. After Rafe left, Sami ignored Rafe's advice, and she sent an email to the address that was listed in the mysterious job advertisement. Meanwhile, Caroline greeted Sami, and she wondered what Sami was up to. Sami sighed and wondered why Caroline had always been able to read Sami's mind. Sami said that she had applied for a job, and she admitted that Rafe had asked her to wait. Sami said that she was convinced that Rafe was just being overprotective. Caroline said that she understood why Rafe was trying to protect Sami. "Sami, I know that you had cysts removed," Caroline announced. Sami apologized for trying to hide the truth from Caroline, and she explained that she had not wanted to burden Caroline. Caroline promised that she was always going to be there for Sami. Sami hugged Caroline, and she said that Caroline's shoulder would be the first one that she would lean on the next time that she needed support. Sami changed the subject, and she wondered if Caroline knew anything about the party that Bo and Hope had been planning. Caroline shrugged, and she said that she had threatened to cut off Bo's supply of clam chowder, but Bo had remained tight-lipped about the party. Caroline excused herself, and Sami returned to her computer. Sami was shocked when she realized that she had received a response to her job application. At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor reminded Maggie that he had asked her to move in with him, and he wondered if Maggie had given the idea any consideration. Maggie admitted that she had spent the previous night considering Victor's proposal. "You know my feelings for you, Victor. I mean, you heard how I stood up to Hope and Jennifer when they wanted to take me home, and I said, 'No.' I wanted to stay here, with you. I love you, and I think you know what it means to me, saying that. After Mickey's passing, I didn't think I could ever feel that way about another man, but you convinced me otherwise. make me feel young again, and alive, and desirable...and that anything is possible," Maggie said. Victor assured Maggie that he felt the same way about her. "And I love -- ooh! How my stubborn Irish streak comes up against your Mediterranean machismo when we don't agree, and how neither one of us is willing to back down when -- when we don't agree, so...there. I think we make a pretty good pair, don't you?" Maggie asked. Victor agreed, and he eagerly wondered if that meant that Maggie was going to accept his invitation. Victor admitted that waking up next to Maggie every morning would make him a very happy man. "Victor, I think that you know that I consider myself a modern woman in many ways, especially when it comes to the way people choose to live their lives, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a part of me that's still pretty darn old fashioned," Maggie said. Victor said that he felt the same way. Maggie admitted that she was glad that Victor understood. "That's a part of myself that I need to honor, despite the times that we live in. See, I believe that a commitment between two people -- and it is a formidable commitment, to live with someone -- it isn't just a handshake, or a kiss, or even your wonderful king size bed. A real commitment, Victor, means marriage -- before God, and friends, and most of all, family," Maggie said. Victor wondered if Maggie was saying that she wanted to get married. "Oh, good heavens, no. I'm not ready for that, just like I'm not comfortable living with a man that I'm not married to. It's just not me. So, while your offer is so sweet, and so generous, I'm sorry -- I have to say no," Maggie said. Victor was shocked that Maggie had declined his offer. "I'm leaving the house, Victor, not you," Maggie stressed, but Victor admitted that he was having a hard time understanding that distinction. Maggie said that she wasn't trying to minimize the significance of the time that they had shared together at the mansion. Maggie added that every day that she had spent with Victor had been a gift. Victor dryly stated that Maggie might want to exclude the part where she had almost died. "Well, I guess that's something, anyway, before you put me back up on the shelf," Victor said with a sigh. Maggie insisted that she wasn't trying to hurt Victor's feelings. Maggie said that Victor had treated her like a queen, and she claimed that she had made a lightning-fast recovery because of him. Maggie kissed Victor tenderly, and she asked him to understand. Before Victor could respond, Maggie exited the mansion so that she could get some fresh air. At the police station, Bo waited impatiently for the lab to finish testing the strand of hair that Hope had found at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Hope rushed into the room, carrying several bags of food in her arms. Hope explained that Maggie had recommended a caterer for Hope's big party, and she added that the caterer had given her some free samples so that she could finalize the menu. Hope warned Bo that he was going to have to help her taste all of the foods, and she added that it would be a good way for them to distract themselves until the lab was finished testing the strand of hair. Bo apprehensively tasted the first sample, and he claimed that it tasted like cat food. Hope noted that Bo didn't like the pt, and she moved on to the next sample. Bo admitted that the second sample was all right, and Hope explained that it was squash blossom medley. Bo gasped as he realized that he had just approved a vegetable. "Whatever happened to the guy whose idea of a gourmet menu was something you could eat standing up, with your beer in one hand, and your food in the other?" Bo asked, and Hope reminded him that he had gotten married. "This food -- I'm sure it's gonna work out great, but it's not what people are gonna remember from our party. Once the surprises start rolling out, they're not gonna think about anything else," Bo assured Hope. Later, Hope thanked Bo for his help, and Bo groaned uncomfortably as he surveyed the stack of empty food containers. Hope checked her notes, and she correctly guessed that Bo had enjoyed the individual wood-fire pizzas more than any other item that he had sampled. Bo tried to describe Hope's favorite item, and Hope laughed. "'The little meaty things with the rice?' You completely butchered it. That would be pan-roasted rosemary duck breast over a beautiful bed of risotto," Hope said, and she wondered how Bo had guessed that she had chosen that item. Bo told Hope that they might be able to hide their party plans from everyone in Salem, but he added that they would never be able to hide anything from each other. Later, Bo and Hope continued to wait for the lab results. Hope pointed out that the attacker's rage had increased with each attack. Hope told Bo that they needed to figure out what was triggering the attacker's rage. Bo suggested that the attacker was probably being angered by a woman in his life. Hope theorized that the pier was probably significant, because all of the attacks had occurred near the pier. Bo contemplated Hope's theory for a moment, then he announced that he had an idea. Later, Rafe arrived at the station. Bo explained that he and Hope were searching the department's database for any significant events that might have occurred at the pier. Rafe agreed to help with the search, and he noted the stack of empty food containers that had been placed near his computer. Hope joked that Rafe had picked the wrong day to work the late shift. "So, I got to tell you, Sami's really fired up about this shindig, you know? Big secret surprise. What's going on? Guys, seriously, come on -- she's killing me with all the guessing. I mean, at least five times a day, she thinks she's figured it out -- what the big surprise is, who's coming," Rafe said. Bo and Hope assured Rafe that Sami would never be able to guess what was going to be happening at the party. Later, one of the lab technicians called to let Bo know that they had finished testing the hair sample, and they said that they would fax the results over to Bo's desk. When Bo inspected the results, he announced that the lab had matched the hair sample to someone named Quinn Hudson.At Chez Rouge, Vivian joined Taylor and Quinn for lunch. Vivian said that she was impressed that Quinn was dating an M.B.A. Vivian said that it was obvious that Taylor was a bright, attractive young woman. "You know, I can't imagine going for a master's degree in anything to do with numbers -- I'm just terrible with them! But what I really am is a...a people person," Vivian said. Quinn laughed, and Vivian admitted that there might be a few people in Salem who might disagree with that statement. Taylor said that she was enjoying Vivian's company. Taylor added that it was obvious that Quinn had inherited Vivian's charm. Vivian smiled, then she asked if she could be honest with Taylor. Quinn braced himself, and he muttered that he had warned Taylor about his mother's candid nature. "It seems to me that, um...well, you're showering me with all these compliments because I'm the mother of this very handsome young man, and you want to get on my good side. So, if that's the case...don't stop!" Vivian joked, as Quinn breathed a sigh of relief. Later, Vivian and Taylor bonded over a shared love for fashion. Taylor invited Vivian to accompany her to a fashion exhibit at the museum later that day. Taylor said that some of Alexander McQueen's items were going to be at the museum. Vivian sighed fondly, and she noted that Alexander McQueen had been a dear friend of hers. Vivian declined Taylor's invitation, and she explained that she was concerned about Gus. "Maybe we'll go to the pet store -- he likes to watch the fish swim around in the tank, you know? 'Round and 'round -- it might cheer him up," Vivian explained. Quinn excused himself so that he could return to the hotel, and he explained that he had misplaced his key card. After Quinn left, Vivian admitted that she actually liked Taylor. Vivian noted that she was getting the distinct impression that Taylor and Quinn had known each other for a long time. Taylor confirmed that she had known Quinn for several years, and she explained that she had recently reconnected with him. Vivian gleefully asked for details about all of the years of Quinn's life that she had missed out on. At the Sapphire Club, Gus used the key card to sneak into Quinn's room. Inside, Gus found a photograph of Quinn and Vivian, and he tore Quinn's face out of the photograph. "Someday, you'll understand. I did this all for you," Gus muttered, as he stared at Vivian's portion of the photograph. Later, Gus grabbed the dry-cleaning ticket that was attached to one of Quinn's shirts, and he muttered that he might need some extra evidence. Later, Gus stared at a piece of luggage that he had found in Quinn's closet. Gus had arranged the luggage so that his nightstick was protruding from one of the partially zipped compartments, and he muttered that it was the perfect hiding spot. Gus turned off the light, and he prepared to exit the room. Meanwhile, Quinn approached the door to his hotel room, and he inserted his new key card into the lock. ^ back to the topFriday, September 16, 2011by ChickenGrrlWhen Nicholas found Carly at the rehab clinic, he could tell that she was on edge about her imminent counseling session with Dr. Norman, which Nicholas, Daniel, and Jennifer were also attending. Carly admitted that the constant therapy was wearing her out, but Nicholas guessed that she was just afraid to face Daniel and Jennifer.Meanwhile, Jennifer and Daniel waited in Dr. Norman's office, and wondered why Carly was late. Daniel got a phone call from the hospital, after which he told Jennifer that Chloe's condition still hadn't changed. Dr. Norman entered, and just as she was warning Daniel and Jennifer that Carly might not show up, Nicholas and Carly arrived. Carly acknowledged that facing her children the previous week had been difficult, but she owed Jennifer and Daniel an apology. Dr. Norman then asked Daniel to respond.Daniel pointed out that it wasn't just family and friends to whom Carly needed to apologize; she had not only broken his trust on a professional level, but also that of her colleagues and patients at the hospital. He urged her to never forget that she had endangered her patients' lives. Carly assured him that she wouldn't, although she was worried that she would have no career to go back to. "Well, that would be a loss -- for a lot of people, not just you," Daniel asserted.Carly apologized for how she'd hurt Daniel, both professionally and personally -- especially because she'd cost him and Melanie so many years together. She continued that she was extremely grateful to Jennifer for saving Carly's life, but part of the reason Carly was in rehab was that Jennifer was seeing Daniel -- and Carly still couldn't handle it. Carly clarified that she thought Daniel and Jennifer belonged together, but she had to be truthful about how she felt.Carly tearfully asserted that she was a terrible friend for resenting their relationship, and she knew her apology was hollow because she couldn't make the unwanted feelings go away. "That is enough," Jennifer declared gently, kneeling on the floor in front of her friend. "When it comes to me and Daniel, I want you to let that guilt go," Jennifer urged Carly. Carly believed that she should stay out of Daniel and Jennifer's lives, but they both strongly disagreed.After the session, Nicholas declared that all of them were very proud of the work that Carly was doing. Carly confessed that she was having a hard time finding her footing, and Dr. Norman suggested that Daniel and Jennifer offer Carly something that she could hold on to. Jennifer declared that she loved Carly very much and wanted her to return home, and Daniel lightheartedly asserted that he and Melanie needed Carly around to keep them in line. Carly hugged Jennifer gratefully, and then instructed Daniel and Jennifer to stand together. "It's as it should be. I just needed to start to see things more clearly," Carly affirmed.Privately, Nicholas stated that after seeing how difficult the session had been for Carly, he understood why she'd been reluctant to go through with it. She reassured him that although it had been hard, she was fine -- and she was beginning to feel a little more confident that she wouldn't relapse once she was released. Nicholas promised that, like Daniel and Carly, he wasn't going anywhere.Nicole arrived at the hospital, where she found Brady still sitting at the comatose Chloe's bedside. Nicole apologized for selfishly demanding that Brady leave the hospital, when she was just as upset as he was about what had happened to Chloe. Brady was worried because he knew that the longer Chloe was in a coma, the worse her prognosis would be. Nicole believed that Chloe might respond if she heard her son's voice, and suggested that they call Philip to set something up, even if it wasn't an in-person visit. Brady agreed that it was a good idea. Nicole urged Brady to go with her to get something to eat, and he reluctantly consented.Later, a nurse spoke gently to her patient, "Chloe, your vitals are strong. Keep fighting. You have to help them get the bastard who did this to you. You can't let him get away with it."As Kate and E.J. arrived at Chez Rouge, they were discussing the upcoming party that Bo and Hope were hosting. Kate was burning with curiosity because of all the secrecy surrounding the plans, but E.J. reminded her that they were there to discuss Countess Wilhelmina Cosmetics. Charles led them to a table -- where Stefano, back from his business trip, was waiting to surprise his wife. A pleased Kate greeted Stefano affectionately. As the three sat down, Stefano ordered a bottle of champagne.Stefano and E.J. discussed business a bit cryptically, and Kate firmly reminded them that she was part of the company, as well. Stefano declared that he didn't want to talk about business any longer, and asked Kate to dance. When they returned to the table, Kate restated her assertion that E.J. needed to find someone to love, and Stefano chimed in that his son deserved a little fun. Just then, Nicole and Brady arrived. Kate and Stefano groaned that they'd lost their appetites.Brady offered to take Nicole somewhere else, but she declined, so Brady asked her to dance. E.J. watched them with amused interest. When Brady had to step outside to take a phone call from the hospital, E.J. approached Nicole to ask her to dance. Refusing, she tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed her hand and spun her back toward him. Nicole glared at him and tried again to leave the dance floor, but a smirking E.J. turned their little game of cat and mouse into a very sexy tango.While Nicole and E.J. danced, capturing the attention of everyone in the restaurant, Nicole's irritation and anger soon turned to amusement, and she found herself smiling. "What the hell is he doing?" Stefano grumbled. As Nicole and E.J.'s dance became even more sensual, Brady returned, and was unable to hide his displeasure when he saw the two of them on the dance floor. E.J. presented Nicole with a rose, and she took it with a smile.E.J. then dipped his ex-wife, and the room fell silent as he pulled her back up and into a clinch. "Your boyfriend is right behind me," E.J. whispered in Nicole's ear. She dropped the rose on the dance floor, and returned with Brady to their table. Brady stated that there had been no change in Chloe's condition. "Glad you kept yourself busy with Twinkle Toes over there," he added with obvious contempt for E.J. "Yeah, I did -- but now you're back," Nicole pointed out with an awkward smile.Stefano asked E.J., "Have you lost your mind?" Kate wanted to know, "Was the show for Nicole or Brady?" Ignoring them both, E.J. asked if anyone wanted dessert.At the police station, Bo, Hope, and Rafe discussed the DNA lab's findings, which showed that it had been Quinn Hudson's hair at the scene of Chloe's attack on the pier. Rafe looked up Quinn in the FBI's database, and discovered that Hudson had a criminal record in San Francisco, where he'd been arrested for running an escort service. The three cops chuckled when they saw that Vivian Alamain was Quinn's mother, then Hope got to work on obtaining a search warrant.Hope returned a few minutes later with the news that Quinn had been arrested in Eastern Europe for civil disobedience -- with Taylor Walker. Bo wondered if Taylor had been feeding Quinn information the whole time she'd been working there. Hope got a phone call alerting her that the search warrant was ready, so the trio hurried out to pick it up and carry it out.As Quinn let himself into his hotel room, Gus ducked into the closet to hide. When he heard Quinn going into the bathroom, Gus stashed the bloody nightstick in the outside pocket of Quinn's suitcase, and quietly left the room. In the corridor outside, Gus heard over his stolen police radio that the cops had a lead on the attacker, and were waiting for a search warrant and an address.A bit later, Gus knocked on Quinn's door. Gus claimed that Vivian was on her way over, and had asked him to meet her there. As they waited, Quinn gave Gus a bottle of water, and noted that Gus seemed a bit nervous. Gus insisted that he wasn't. Quinn grew restless waiting for his "mum," and as he was attempting to call her, the police pounded on the door. Hope showed Quinn the search warrant, and then pushed her was past him into the room.Bo, Rafe, and Hope asked where Quinn had been on certain dates, and Quinn guessed that they were the dates of the prostitute attacks. He declared nonchalantly that he didn't care if they searched his room because he had nothing to hide. Gus warned the cops, "Do you know who this man is? He's the son of Vivian Alamain! You'll have to answer for this outrage!" The detectives merely ignored Gus as they began searching the room from top to bottom. A bemused Quinn demanded to know what the police were looking for.Just then, Rafe discovered the nightstick in the closet. Hope noted that the baton had dried blood on it, and Bo asked if the weapon belonged to Quinn. Shocked, Quinn insisted, "I have never seen that thing in my entire life!" Bo handcuffed Quinn while Hope read Quinn his rights. Quinn adamantly maintained that he'd lost his key card, and pointed out that there were maids in and out of his hotel room all day, so anyone could have left the weapon there. He swore he hadn't hurt anyone. Rafe scoffed, "Yeah. We'll see how that flies in court." After ordering Gus to leave, Bo and Hope led a handcuffed Quinn out the door.^ back to the top

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At the hospital, Brady and Nicole anxiously waited for Chloe to wake up. Brady suggested that it might be a good idea to call Chloe's parents, but Nicole pointed out that Chloe might not want Craig and Nancy to know about the attack. Before Brady could respond, Nicole received a text message from someone, and she seemed shocked when she read it.

Brady wondered if everything was all right. Nicole claimed that Brandon had sent her a message to let her know that he might lose his job, and she abruptly excused herself so that she could call him. When Nicole was a safe distance away from Brady, she immediately placed a call to someone. "Hi, this is Nicole DiMera. I got your email -- what do you know about my sister?" Nicole asked.

Meanwhile, Brady entered Chloe's room, and he asked Lexie if there had been any change in Chloe's condition. Lexie explained that Chloe had tried to talk earlier. Lexie added that Chloe was showing signs of increased brain activity. As Brady and Lexie continued to talk about Chloe's condition, Chloe started to remember the attack, and her body twitched involuntarily.

Brady wondered what had caused Chloe's muscle spasm. Lexie admitted that she wasn't sure. Brady held Chloe's hand, and he started to reminisce about some of the happier moments of their marriage. Brady urged Chloe to wake up so that she could identify her assailant. Meanwhile, Chloe silently recalled Gus's face, and she started to have a seizure.

Lexie managed to stabilize Chloe, and she asked Brady to leave so that she could examine Chloe. Later, Lexie told Brady that Chloe's seizure had probably been the result of some sort of emotional reaction. Brady noted that he had mentioned Chloe's attacker, and he wondered if Chloe had heard him. Lexie urged Brady to continue to talk to Chloe. Brady said that he had a better idea, and he abruptly excused himself.

Later, Brady returned to Chloe's room with a laptop, and he started to play some opera music. "Hear that? That would be the aria that you played for Parker when you were pregnant with him. You said he kicked when he heard it. You said that you were gonna take him to the opera and make him love it as much as you do, when he got older. You also said you picked this piece because it soothed your soul, and you hoped it would do the same for him," Brady said, as the aria filled the room.

"Chloe, I remember you singing this backstage, right before you went on. It was probably the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard. Honey, I wanna hear you sing again, okay? It's been too long. You need to come back your friends, you need to be Parker's mom, and you need to come back to me. Chloe Lane, don't you give up -- don't you do it," Brady added, as he gently kissed Chloe's hand.

At the Cheatin' Heart, Quinn wondered why Gus had disappeared from Chez Rouge earlier that night. Gus said that he was shocked that Vivian had acknowledged his absence. Quinn said that he didn't want Vivian to be worried about Gus the entire night, and he told Gus to call Vivian and let her know that he was all right. Gus said that he wasn't going to take orders from Quinn. Gus shoved Quinn out of the way, then he abruptly exited the bar.

After Gus left, Taylor approached Quinn, and she said that they needed to talk. Taylor said that it had been a mistake to kiss Quinn. Taylor added that the kiss had filled her with everlasting regret. Before Quinn could respond, Nicole entered the bar, and she wondered what Taylor's latest regret was. Taylor joked that she was regretting the fact that Nicole had never learned to mind her own business.

Nicole said that sisters were supposed to know everything about each other. Nicole introduced herself to Quinn, and she wondered how Quinn had met Taylor. Quinn told Nicole to mind her own business. Nicole dryly stated that Quinn and Taylor were a fun couple. Taylor insisted that she was not dating Quinn, and Quinn reiterated that Nicole needed to mind her own business.

Nicole noted that Quinn seemed defensive and elusive, and she wondered how well Taylor knew Quinn. Quinn claimed that he had just met Taylor, but Nicole wasn't convinced. Nicole said that Taylor was harboring some big secrets, and she suggested that Quinn might be one of them. Taylor warned Nicole to back off.

Nicole said that she was just concerned about Taylor's safety, and she wondered what she might find out about Quinn if she looked up his name on the Internet. Taylor sighed, and she reluctantly admitted that she had dated Quinn during her stay in Europe. Nicole sarcastically noted that it was romantic that Quinn and Taylor had found each other again. Taylor insisted that it was just a coincidence. Nicole quoted Casablanca, and she suggested that Quinn might have followed Taylor to Salem.

Taylor insisted that Nicole was wrong. " you're not running off to Vegas to become Mrs. Quinn Hudson?" Nicole asked. Quinn was shocked when he realized that Nicole knew his last name. Nicole said that she had already learned about what had happened in Europe. Quinn claimed that Nicole was making everything up. Nicole wondered if she could fabricate a mug shot.

"All right, look -- you know, usually, when a woman wants to keep a memento from an old boyfriend, she keeps, like, a concert ticket stub, or a dried flower, or something, but a mug shot? Kind of led me to believe that maybe there's something more than just a simple affair going on here, so I put my investigative skills to the test, and I contacted the arresting officer," Nicole explained. Quinn told Nicole to leave. Nicole said that she wasn't going to leave until she was finished talking to Taylor.

Quinn started to threaten Nicole, but Taylor stopped him, and she said that she wanted to hear what Nicole had to say. Nicole toyed with Taylor for a moment to build the suspense, but she eventually admitted that the officer had confirmed Taylor's story. Nicole said that the officer had explained that Taylor had been arrested at a human rights protest. Quinn chastised Nicole for mentioning a painful part of Taylor's past.

Nicole insisted that she was concerned about Taylor. Nicole pointed out that Taylor had been arrested at a human rights demonstration. Nicole suggested that Taylor should have been waving her mug shot around like a badge of honor. Taylor claimed that the mug shot reminded her of painful memories of Quinn. Nicole realized that Quinn had broken Taylor's heart, and Taylor confirmed Nicole's suspicion.

Nicole shrugged, and she conceded that Quinn was kind of cute. Nicole said that she hoped that everything would work out for Taylor and Quinn. Nicole quickly added that she didn't really care either way. Quinn cursed Nicole, and he wondered why she didn't care about Taylor. Nicole insisted that she did care about Taylor, and she added that her relationship with Taylor was complicated. Before Taylor could respond, Nicole abruptly excused herself.

After Nicole left, Taylor wondered if Quinn had convinced the officer in Europe to lie about Taylor's arrest. Quinn admitted that he had called in a few favors. Quinn reiterated that he was going to protect Taylor, and he added that he cared about her. Taylor said that Quinn almost sounded sincere.

Quinn assured Taylor that she could trust him. Taylor admitted that she was starting to believe that Quinn was telling the truth. Quinn leaned in to kiss Taylor, and he wondered if Taylor was going to regret the kiss later. Taylor nodded, then she passionately kissed Quinn.

In the alley where Chloe had been attacked, Bo and Hope showed Roman the sketch of the attacker's face. Roman noted that the face looked familiar, and Bo and Hope agreed. Roman said that he didn't want to release the sketch to the press until he was sure that it was accurate. As Bo and Hope started to take another look around the crime scene, Gus lurked nearby.

Later, Roman received a phone call. After Roman ended the call, he explained that one of the officers had found something at the pier. After everyone left, Gus reached out and grabbed a two-way radio that one of the officers had left on a nearby crate. Meanwhile, at the pier, Roman inspected a footprint that one of the officers had found. Roman sighed as he realized that the footprint wasn't going to help their case.

As Bo and Roman talked about consulting with a profiler, Hope spotted a hair on a nearby crate. Bo noted that the hair was too short to be Chloe's hair. Hope was suspicious, and she wondered why they had never spotted the hair before. Bo pointed out that the hair might have fallen off of one of the officers. Roman optimistically noted that it might be the attacker's hair.

Roman used his two-way radio to call another officer, and he explained that he had a hair sample that needed to be delivered to the lab immediately. Meanwhile, in a nearby building, Gus smiled as he listened to Roman's radio communication. Later, Gus listened as Roman suggested that the attacker might have left his weapon in the area. Gus grinned devilishly as he glanced at his nightstick.

At Chez Rouge, Kate spotted E.J. at a table near the entrance, and she noted that he was staring at his tablet computer. Kate invited herself over to E.J.'s table for dinner, and she wondered what E.J. was working on. E.J. tried to remain coy, but Kate guessed that E.J. was working on his top-secret project that was going to legitimize the DiMera name. "Oh, honey, come on. Come on. Whatever it is, you know I'm gonna find out about it, so why don't you just stop being an idiot, and let me help you?" Kate asked.

Kate pointed out that her track record was better than E.J.'s, but E.J. wasn't impressed. Kate warned that E.J. was going to mess everything up. "Because I didn't take your advice? I'm sure. Look, Kate, I understand that all of your weak, ineffectual sons have left town. Please don't think you can draft me into that position. Here's an idea -- why don't you run along to the hospital, put a big smile on your face, and enjoy the fact that Chloe Lane is in a coma, and for once, as far as I can tell, you had nothing to do with it," E.J. suggested.

Kate admitted that she wasn't depressed about Chloe's condition. "When it comes to my family, I can be ruthless, and because you're my husband's son, I'm offering to be ruthless on your behalf. Think about that," Kate added. E.J. noted that Kate seemed to believe that he had an image problem. E.J. defensively pointed out that he had never been convicted of a crime.

"In the justice system, you haven't, but in the public eye, you are guilty as charged. And now you want people to do business with you? How are you gonna work that out? What are you gonna do, join the Kiwanis Club?" Kate sarcastically asked. Kate insisted that E.J. needed to find a wife. E.J. reminded Kate that he already had a wife. "I said a wife, not a tarantula," Kate dryly stated. E.J. pointed out that he had already tried to have a marriage of convenience, and he noted that it had not been particularly convenient.

Kate said that E.J. had chosen the wrong woman. E.J. jokingly suggested that he might be able to blackmail someone into marrying him. Kate conceded that her relationship with Stefano had started out unconventionally. Kate added that she and Stefano had grown to love each other because they were of the same mind. E.J. impatiently stated that he wasn't looking for someone with the same mind, and he asked Kate to change the subject.

"You have to be kidding me. You really expect -- you really want to fall in love again, don't you? Oh, my God -- look at you! It's hopeless!" Kate said, as she laughed mockingly. E.J. sighed impatiently, and he insisted that everyone wanted to be loved -- including Kate. Kate pointed out that E.J. had been looking for love in the strangest places.

"I mean, really -- having a go at it with Sami? I mean, just the thought of that is just...well, frankly, it makes me not hungry. And then Nicole -- well, maybe you would have had a chance there -- I mean, rattlesnakes do mate for life, don't they? But her sister -- really? An M.B.A. with a moral streak? You know, you are just delusional!" Kate noted, as E.J. cleared his throat. Kate jokingly asked if she had gone too far. Kate pointed out that she was E.J.'s stepmother, and she said that it was her job to tell E.J. the brutal truth.

E.J. said that Kate wasn't his stepmother, and he added that she was just a shiny toy that Stefano had decided to play with. Kate smiled and said that E.J.'s comment was a fine example of his best traits -- he was witty, erudite, handsome, and wealthy, and he had an attractive accent. "You're everything a woman should want...except human," Kate dryly stated.

E.J. laughed and said that Kate's comment suggested that being inhuman was a drawback. Kate confirmed E.J.'s suspicion. "You know what your problem is? You...are a complete bastard," Kate bluntly stated. E.J. told Kate to look in the mirror, and Kate willingly admitted that she wasn't a saint. Kate said that was what made her a great match for Stefano.

Kate added that women like her were not very common. "You see, I find a man like your father very, very attractive, but most women are waiting for the white knight, which, for you, means that finding real love is not going to come easy. I mean, mostly, you'll be running into gold diggers like Nicole, or you'll be hiding two-thirds of your life from women like Taylor. Oh, know when you say that little thing about, 'You make me want to be a better man?' Don't use that, 'cause you can't sell that, E.J.," Kate said.

Kate explained that she just wanted E.J. to be happy and successful, because that would make her life easier. Kate warned E.J. that his plan wasn't going to succeed if he insisted on waiting around for love. E.J. wondered if Kate was suggesting that he needed to find a trophy wife. Kate shrugged and said that a trophy wife wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Kate pointed out that E.J. might even fall in love with the woman.

E.J. refused to listen to Kate's advice. E.J. cryptically stated that he knew what needed to happen, and he added that he also knew the exact order that it needed to happen in. E.J. assured Kate that everything was going to fall into place. "All let's just say that that does happen. From the little that I know about what you're doing, there is a possibility that a lot of people are going to be very unhappy, and that Salem might actually fall on its ear. So, tell me, are you prepared to deal with all that fallout?" Kate asked.

E.J. assured Kate that he was ready to deal with the consequences. Later, Kate excused herself so that she could return to the mansion. After Kate left, E.J. placed a mysterious call to someone, and he asked for an update. After E.J. ended the call, he ordered a bottle of champagne, and he asked the waiter for two glasses. When the waiter returned with the bottle of champagne, he asked if E.J. had intended to request two glasses.

E.J. confirmed that the order was correct. E.J. explained that a woman was going to be joining him, but he cryptically admitted that she didn't know that she was going to be joining him yet. As Nicole entered the restaurant, E.J. told the waiter that his guest had arrived.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

by SpaldingAt their apartment, Rafe and Sami continued their celebration by toasting to Sami's health. As the children were staying with Caroline for the evening, Sami and Rafe began to kiss on the couch. Sami thanked Rafe for the dinner at Chez Rouge and informed him that the cost of dinner had inspired her to go back to work. When Rafe asked Sami if she had a plan, Sami explained that she was going to start looking for work but did not plan on looking for work at the police station again.Relieved, Rafe noted that his only issue with Sami working at the police station was that he could not concentrate with her in the room. After kissing his wife, Rafe noted that he supported Sami's desire to go back to work but warned her that work was scarce. Unfazed, Sami said she was confident that she would find a job eventually. When Rafe asked Sami what kind of job she was looking for, he joked that she should avoid breaking and entering. "You're never gonna let me live that down?" Sami said with a grin.Sami and Rafe chatted on the couch, and Sami cheerfully talked about how much she had grown up since her job at the hospital. Sami listed all the experience she had gained by being a mother, including planning schedules and working with the school to plan fundraisers. Rafe gave Sami a pep talk noting, "You are an indispensable asset to any company."Sami and Rafe adjourned to the bedroom and talked about what she would do with her first paycheck. When Sami talked about running the family with two working parents, she promised Rafe that she would make time to be alone with him. With a grin, Sami kissed Rafe and the two made love.At the Cheatin' Heart, Will, Chad, and Sonny were working on their website when Gabi interrupted and asked Will to play pool with her. Across the room, Abigail and Melanie talked about Carly's rehab. "Now it's kind of like we're a real family, you know?" Melanie said of Nicholas' arrival. After chatting, Melanie and Abigail went over to the pool table to talk to Gabi. Gabi apologized to Melanie for Dario's workaholic behavior, but Melanie explained that she understood why Dario was tied up with Brady.Gabi returned to her game of pool with Will and beat him. Exasperated, Will noted that Gabi was a pool shark. As the winner of the game, Gabi won the right to plan their next date. With a grin, Gabi noted that she wanted to spend the night together by the lake. "That's what you want?" Will asked. "What I want is to be with you again," Gabi said. Before Will could respond, Dario entered the bar and called out to his sister. Smiling, Dario noted that he had big news.Once Gabi, Melanie, Abigail, Chad, Will, and Sonny had gathered around, Dario noted that he had been promoted to project manager for Internet expansion. As Melanie hugged Dario and congratulated him, Dario squeezed her tightly. Melanie and Dario toasted to his promotion, but Melanie was worried that Dario would have less time available to spend with her.Melanie assured Dario that she was happy for him. "I want to prove to your family that I'm worthy of having you," said Dario. Dario pulled Melanie to her feet and they slow danced by the pool table. Dario promised Melanie that he would make time for her no matter how busy either of them was.Across the bar, Sonny informed Chad, Abigail, Will, and Gabi that he had spoken to the university and had received approval and funding to move ahead with their website. The group worked out the details of the workload, and then they talked about how to find the rest of the money they needed to run the website. As Melanie and Dario joined the group, Chad joked that he could sell one of E.J.'s cars to raise the money.In her hospital bed, Chloe remained unconscious while Brady played opera music for her and asked her to fight. From the corner of the room, Kinsey stared silently. Concerned, Kinsey pulled Brady aside and thanked him again for keeping Chloe's secret from the police. Worried about Chloe's custody of Parker, Brady and Kinsey agreed to keep lying to the police. Kinsey worried that Chloe would not wake up, but Brady was certain that Chloe would fight and wake from her coma.As Brady talked about his past relationship with Chloe, Kinsey theorized aloud that Brady was still in love with Chloe. "A love like we had doesn't really go away," Brady said. Brady noted that though their marriage had failed, he always wanted Chloe to be happy. Hurt, Brady talked about how upsetting it was that Chloe did not reach out to him for help. Once Brady grew quiet, Kinsey noted that she needed to meet up with friends at the Cheatin' Heart.Worried, Brady told Kinsey that it was not safe to walk alone. Kinsey countered that only she and Brady knew that the attacker was only beating up prostitutes. "This guy is crazy. We don't know what he's capable of," Brady said. When Kinsey promised to avoid the pier, Brady disagreed and informed Kinsey that he would tell his driver to take Kinsey to the bar. Once Kinsey was gone, Brady chastised himself for not seeing the signs that Chloe was in financial trouble and needed his help.Over at Chez Rouge, E.J. was dining alone when Nicole walked over to his table. Nicole joked that when dining alone, E.J. should eat at the bar so as not to "look like such a loser." With a smirk, E.J. noted that Nicole overlooked the second glass of champagne on his table. Curious, Nicole asked E.J. who he was expecting. E.J. rose and crossed behind Nicole, noting that he was expecting her. Nicole was hesitant but agreed to sit and join E.J.After Nicole sat down, she asked E.J. how he knew that she would be at the restaurant. Unnerved, Nicole growled, "What the hell do you want?" "Is a husband not allowed to just enjoy a glass of champagne with his wife?" E.J. purred. Upset, Nicole wondered aloud whether E.J. thought she was stupid. "I don't think you're stupid. I think you're my wife," E.J. said. Nicole noted that she was only E.J.'s wife on paper and that their marriage had been destroyed by E.J.'s affair with Taylor.Lowering his voice, E.J. apologized to Nicole. Not swayed, Nicole ordered E.J. to explain to her why he'd had an affair with Taylor. "What did your sister and I see in each other? I have no earthly idea," E.J. said before chuckling. Surprised, Nicole started to laugh as well. Nicole wondered aloud whether E.J. had slept with Taylor in order to punish Nicole. E.J. denied Nicole's accusation and suggested that they not talk about each other's shortcomings."I turned to Taylor because I wanted to be somebody different. I wanted to be somebody who was respected, decent. Somebody, who, if wasn't loved, was at least liked," E.J. said quietly. Laughing, E.J. and Nicole agreed that E.J. had made a bad decision in falling for Taylor. Raising his glass, E.J. asked for a toast, and Nicole added, "To knowing who you are."Despite their history, E.J. and Nicole were laughing and talking as they drank their champagne. "You are the most wonderfully, wonderfully devious, manipulative, underhanded," E.J. said before a smiling Nicole interrupted to add "morally bankrupt." Feeling awkward about enjoying one another's company, the smiles fell from Nicole and E.J.'s faces. Nicole noted that she needed to leave, and when E.J. asked why, he realized that Nicole meant that she was meeting Brady. Nicole thanked E.J. for the champagne and wished him well. As Nicole walked away, E.J.'s face looked pensive. Nicole stopped at the doorway and looked back at E.J., but then she left.Gabi spotted Kinsey entering the Cheatin' Heart. When Kinsey joined the group, they started to talk about the attack on Chloe. Sonny suggested that no women should walk around alone. While Chad went to get another round of drinks, Dario stepped away to take a phone call.E.J. walked over to the Cheatin' Heart and grabbed Chad in a bear hug at the bar. When Chad asked E.J. why he was in the bar, E.J. said he had wanted to say hello but that he had also heard that Chad was looking for funding for his website. E.J. offered to write Chad a check. "I'm fine. Thank you," Chad said as he politely declined E.J.'s offer. Confused, E.J. asked Chad if he understood how difficult it would be to obtain a loan.Chad explained that he did not want to be a part of the DiMera family because "nothing comes for free with you people." Chad stressed that he did not want to owe the DiMera family and he did not want the family associated with his new business. "Thank you for the offer but no thanks," Chad concluded.After his phone call, Dario returned to the table where Gabi, Will, Melanie, Abigail, and Sonny were sitting and announced that his promotion was for a job outside of Salem. When Melanie asked where the job was, Dario explained that the promotion was for a job in Argentina.Nicole went over to the hospital and found Brady sitting at Chloe's bedside. When Nicole asked about Chloe's condition, Brady admitted that there was no change. Nicole reasoned that Chloe could open her eyes at any moment. Worried about Brady, Nicole suggested that he go home to rest. Brady agreed to go home but said that he wanted to stay longer. "I'm worried about her, too, Brady. She's my best friend, and it kills me to see her like this. But I am worried about you too," Nicole said.Nicole reminded Brady that he was not the only person that would stay with Chloe. Brady refused and noted that he owed Chloe. "I should have known," Brady lamented. Nicole ordered Brady to stop blaming himself because no one had seen how desperate Chloe had become. "I can't leave her. It's the least I can do," Brady said as his voice cracked. ^ back to the topThursday, September 15, 2011by MikeAt the Brady Pub, Sami started to look at some of the job listings that she had found on the Internet. Sami sighed as she realized that she wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that were listed. Rafe encouraged Sami to keep searching, and he assured her that she would be able to find a job eventually."Okay, here's one that looks good. Says, uh -- oh! They want someone with high energy, a self-starter, with a dynamic personality -- that's totally me! It doesn't say anything about needing job experience, or needing a college degree -- that's good. It says there's 'opportunity for travel,' and 'rapid advancement for the right candidate.' I am the right candidate! This is my job!" Sami exclaimed insistently. Rafe said that the job listing seemed kind of sketchy. Rafe pointed out that the job listing had not mentioned who Sami would be working for, and he noted that there wasn't any indication of what the job might entail."It could be one of those outfits where they say, 'You could make thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home, just stuffing envelopes -- just send us two thousand dollars up front for supplies,'" Rafe warned Sami. Sami said that Rafe was being Agent Negative, and Rafe admitted that the job might be perfect for Sami. Rafe said that he would try to find out if the job was legitimate. Sami smirked, and she wondered if Rafe was really asking her to be patient.Before Rafe could respond, he received a phone call, and he abruptly excused himself so that he could get back to work. After Rafe left, Sami ignored Rafe's advice, and she sent an email to the address that was listed in the mysterious job advertisement. Meanwhile, Caroline greeted Sami, and she wondered what Sami was up to. Sami sighed and wondered why Caroline had always been able to read Sami's mind.Sami said that she had applied for a job, and she admitted that Rafe had asked her to wait. Sami said that she was convinced that Rafe was just being overprotective. Caroline said that she understood why Rafe was trying to protect Sami. "Sami, I know that you had cysts removed," Caroline announced. Sami apologized for trying to hide the truth from Caroline, and she explained that she had not wanted to burden Caroline.Caroline promised that she was always going to be there for Sami. Sami hugged Caroline, and she said that Caroline's shoulder would be the first one that she would lean on the next time that she needed support. Sami changed the subject, and she wondered if Caroline knew anything about the party that Bo and Hope had been planning. Caroline shrugged, and she said that she had threatened to cut off Bo's supply of clam chowder, but Bo had remained tight-lipped about the party. Caroline excused herself, and Sami returned to her computer. Sami was shocked when she realized that she had received a response to her job application.At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor reminded Maggie that he had asked her to move in with him, and he wondered if Maggie had given the idea any consideration. Maggie admitted that she had spent the previous night considering Victor's proposal. "You know my feelings for you, Victor. I mean, you heard how I stood up to Hope and Jennifer when they wanted to take me home, and I said, 'No.' I wanted to stay here, with you. I love you, and I think you know what it means to me, saying that. After Mickey's passing, I didn't think I could ever feel that way about another man, but you convinced me otherwise. make me feel young again, and alive, and desirable...and that anything is possible," Maggie said.Victor assured Maggie that he felt the same way about her. "And I love -- ooh! How my stubborn Irish streak comes up against your Mediterranean machismo when we don't agree, and how neither one of us is willing to back down when -- when we don't agree, so...there. I think we make a pretty good pair, don't you?" Maggie asked. Victor agreed, and he eagerly wondered if that meant that Maggie was going to accept his invitation. Victor admitted that waking up next to Maggie every morning would make him a very happy man."Victor, I think that you know that I consider myself a modern woman in many ways, especially when it comes to the way people choose to live their lives, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a part of me that's still pretty darn old-fashioned," Maggie said. Victor said that he felt the same way. Maggie admitted that she was glad that Victor understood. "That's a part of myself that I need to honor, despite the times that we live in. See, I believe that a commitment between two people -- and it is a formidable commitment, to live with someone -- it isn't just a handshake, or a kiss, or even your wonderful king-size bed. A real commitment, Victor, means marriage -- before God, and friends, and most of all, family," Maggie said.Victor wondered if Maggie was saying that she wanted to get married. "Oh, good heavens, no. I'm not ready for that, just like I'm not comfortable living with a man that I'm not married to. It's just not me. So, while your offer is so sweet, and so generous, I'm sorry -- I have to say no," Maggie said. Victor was shocked that Maggie had declined his offer. "I'm leaving the house, Victor, not you," Maggie stressed, but Victor admitted that he was having a hard time understanding that distinction.Maggie said that she wasn't trying to minimize the significance of the time that they had shared together at the mansion. Maggie added that every day that she had spent with Victor had been a gift. Victor dryly stated that Maggie might want to exclude the part where she had almost died. "Well, I guess that's something, anyway, before you put me back up on the shelf," Victor said with a sigh. Maggie insisted that she wasn't trying to hurt Victor's feelings.Maggie said that Victor had treated her like a queen, and she claimed that she had made a lightning-fast recovery because of him. Maggie kissed Victor tenderly, and she asked him to understand. Before Victor could respond, Maggie exited the mansion so that she could get some fresh air.At the police station, Bo waited impatiently for the lab to finish testing the strand of hair that Hope had found at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Hope rushed into the room, carrying several bags of food in her arms. Hope explained that Maggie had recommended a caterer for Hope's big party, and she added that the caterer had given her some free samples so that she could finalize the menu. Hope warned Bo that he was going to have to help her taste all of the foods, and she added that it would be a good way for them to distract themselves until the lab was finished testing the strand of hair.Bo apprehensively tasted the first sample, and he claimed that it tasted like cat food. Hope noted that Bo didn't like the pt, and she moved on to the next sample. Bo admitted that the second sample was all right, and Hope explained that it was squash blossom medley. Bo gasped as he realized that he had just approved a vegetable. "Whatever happened to the guy whose idea of a gourmet menu was something you could eat standing up, with your beer in one hand, and your food in the other?" Bo asked, and Hope reminded him that he had gotten married."This food -- I'm sure it's gonna work out great, but it's not what people are gonna remember from our party. Once the surprises start rolling out, they're not gonna think about anything else," Bo assured Hope. Later, Hope thanked Bo for his help, and Bo groaned uncomfortably as he surveyed the stack of empty food containers. Hope checked her notes, and she correctly guessed that Bo had enjoyed the individual wood-fire pizzas more than any other item that he had sampled.Bo tried to describe Hope's favorite item, and Hope laughed. "'The little meaty things with the rice?' You completely butchered it. That would be pan-roasted rosemary duck breast over a beautiful bed of risotto," Hope said, and she wondered how Bo had guessed that she had chosen that item. Bo told Hope that they might be able to hide their party plans from everyone in Salem, but he added that they would never be able to hide anything from each other.Later, Bo and Hope continued to wait for the lab results. Hope pointed out that the attacker's rage had increased with each attack. Hope told Bo that they needed to figure out what was triggering the attacker's rage. Bo suggested that the attacker was probably angry with a woman in his life. Hope theorized that the pier was probably significant, because all of the attacks had occurred near the pier. Bo contemplated Hope's theory for a moment, then he announced that he had an idea.Later, Rafe arrived at the station. Bo explained that he and Hope were searching the department's database for any significant events that might have occurred at the pier. Rafe agreed to help with the search, and he noted the stack of empty food containers that had been placed near his computer. Hope joked that Rafe had picked the wrong day to work the late shift."So, I got to tell you, Sami's really fired up about this shindig, you know? Big secret surprise. What's going on? Guys, seriously, come on -- she's killing me with all the guessing. I mean, at least five times a day, she thinks she's figured it out -- what the big surprise is, who's coming," Rafe said. Bo and Hope assured Rafe that Sami would never be able to guess what was going to be happening at the party. Later, one of the lab technicians called to let Bo know that they had finished testing the hair sample, and they said that they would fax the results over to Bo's desk. When Bo inspected the results, he announced that the lab had matched the hair sample to someone named Quinn Hudson.At Chez Rouge, Vivian joined Taylor and Quinn for lunch. Vivian said that she was impressed that Quinn was dating an M.B.A. Vivian said that it was obvious that Taylor was a bright, attractive young woman. "You know, I can't imagine going for a master's degree in anything to do with numbers -- I'm just terrible with them! But what I really am is a...a people person," Vivian said. Quinn laughed, and Vivian admitted that there might be a few people in Salem who disagreed with that statement.Taylor said that she was enjoying Vivian's company. Taylor added that it was obvious that Quinn had inherited Vivian's charm. Vivian smiled, then she asked if she could be honest with Taylor. Quinn braced himself, and he muttered that he had warned Taylor about his mother's candid nature. "It seems to me that, um...well, you're showering me with all these compliments because I'm the mother of this very handsome young man, and you want to get on my good side. So, if that's the case...don't stop!" Vivian joked, as Quinn breathed a sigh of relief.Later, Vivian and Taylor bonded over a shared love for fashion. Taylor invited Vivian to accompany her to a fashion exhibit at the museum later that day. Taylor said that some of Alexander McQueen's items were going to be at the museum. Vivian sighed fondly, and she noted that Alexander McQueen had been a dear friend of hers. Vivian declined Taylor's invitation, and she explained that she was concerned about Gus. "Maybe we'll go to the pet store -- he likes to watch the fish swim around in the tank, you know? 'Round and 'round -- it might cheer him up," Vivian explained.Quinn excused himself so that he could return to the hotel, and he explained that he had misplaced his key card. After Quinn left, Vivian admitted that she actually liked Taylor. Vivian noted that she was getting the distinct impression that Taylor and Quinn had known each other for a long time. Taylor confirmed that she had known Quinn for several years, and she explained that she had recently reconnected with him. Vivian gleefully asked for details about all of the years of Quinn's life that she had missed out on.At the Sapphire Club, Gus used the key card to sneak into Quinn's room. Inside, Gus found a photograph of Quinn and Vivian, and he tore Quinn's face out of the photograph. "Someday, you'll understand. I did this all for you," Gus muttered, as he stared at Vivian's portion of the photograph. Later, Gus grabbed the dry-cleaning ticket that was attached to one of Quinn's shirts, and he muttered that he might need some extra evidence.Later, Gus stared at a piece of luggage that he had found in Quinn's closet. Gus had arranged the luggage so that his nightstick was protruding from one of the partially zipped compartments, and he muttered that it was the perfect hiding spot. Gus turned off the light, and he prepared to exit the room. Meanwhile, Quinn approached the door to his hotel room, and he inserted his new key card into the lock. ^ back to the topThursday, September 15, 2011by MikeAt the Brady Pub, Sami started to look at some of the job listings that she had found on the Internet. Sami sighed as she realized that she wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that were listed. Rafe encouraged Sami to keep searching, and he assured her that she would be able to find a job eventually. "Okay, here's one that looks good. Says, uh -- oh! They want someone with high energy, a self-starter, with a dynamic personality -- that's totally me! It doesn't say anything about needing job experience, or needing a college degree -- that's good. It says there's 'opportunity for travel,' and 'rapid advancement for the right candidate.' I am the right candidate! This is my job!" Sami exclaimed insistently. Rafe said that the job listing seemed kind of sketchy. Rafe pointed out that the job listing had not mentioned who Sami would be working for, and he noted that there wasn't any indication of what the job might entail. "It could be one of those outfits where they say, 'You could make thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home, just stuffing envelopes -- just send us two thousand dollars up front for supplies,'" Rafe warned Sami. Sami said that Rafe was being Agent Negative, and Rafe admitted that the job might be perfect for Sami. Rafe said that he would try to find out if the job was legitimate. Sami smirked, and she wondered if Rafe was really asking her to be patient. Before Rafe could respond, he received a phone call, and he abruptly excused himself so that he could get back to work. After Rafe left, Sami ignored Rafe's advice, and she sent an email to the address that was listed in the mysterious job advertisement. Meanwhile, Caroline greeted Sami, and she wondered what Sami was up to. Sami sighed and wondered why Caroline had always been able to read Sami's mind. Sami said that she had applied for a job, and she admitted that Rafe had asked her to wait. Sami said that she was convinced that Rafe was just being overprotective. Caroline said that she understood why Rafe was trying to protect Sami. "Sami, I know that you had cysts removed," Caroline announced. Sami apologized for trying to hide the truth from Caroline, and she explained that she had not wanted to burden Caroline. Caroline promised that she was always going to be there for Sami. Sami hugged Caroline, and she said that Caroline's shoulder would be the first one that she would lean on the next time that she needed support. Sami changed the subject, and she wondered if Caroline knew anything about the party that Bo and Hope had been planning. Caroline shrugged, and she said that she had threatened to cut off Bo's supply of clam chowder, but Bo had remained tight-lipped about the party. Caroline excused herself, and Sami returned to her computer. Sami was shocked when she realized that she had received a response to her job application. At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor reminded Maggie that he had asked her to move in with him, and he wondered if Maggie had given the idea any consideration. Maggie admitted that she had spent the previous night considering Victor's proposal. "You know my feelings for you, Victor. I mean, you heard how I stood up to Hope and Jennifer when they wanted to take me home, and I said, 'No.' I wanted to stay here, with you. I love you, and I think you know what it means to me, saying that. After Mickey's passing, I didn't think I could ever feel that way about another man, but you convinced me otherwise. make me feel young again, and alive, and desirable...and that anything is possible," Maggie said. Victor assured Maggie that he felt the same way about her. "And I love -- ooh! How my stubborn Irish streak comes up against your Mediterranean machismo when we don't agree, and how neither one of us is willing to back down when -- when we don't agree, so...there. I think we make a pretty good pair, don't you?" Maggie asked. Victor agreed, and he eagerly wondered if that meant that Maggie was going to accept his invitation. Victor admitted that waking up next to Maggie every morning would make him a very happy man. "Victor, I think that you know that I consider myself a modern woman in many ways, especially when it comes to the way people choose to live their lives, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a part of me that's still pretty darn old fashioned," Maggie said. Victor said that he felt the same way. Maggie admitted that she was glad that Victor understood. "That's a part of myself that I need to honor, despite the times that we live in. See, I believe that a commitment between two people -- and it is a formidable commitment, to live with someone -- it isn't just a handshake, or a kiss, or even your wonderful king size bed. A real commitment, Victor, means marriage -- before God, and friends, and most of all, family," Maggie said. Victor wondered if Maggie was saying that she wanted to get married. "Oh, good heavens, no. I'm not ready for that, just like I'm not comfortable living with a man that I'm not married to. It's just not me. So, while your offer is so sweet, and so generous, I'm sorry -- I have to say no," Maggie said. Victor was shocked that Maggie had declined his offer. "I'm leaving the house, Victor, not you," Maggie stressed, but Victor admitted that he was having a hard time understanding that distinction. Maggie said that she wasn't trying to minimize the significance of the time that they had shared together at the mansion. Maggie added that every day that she had spent with Victor had been a gift. Victor dryly stated that Maggie might want to exclude the part where she had almost died. "Well, I guess that's something, anyway, before you put me back up on the shelf," Victor said with a sigh. Maggie insisted that she wasn't trying to hurt Victor's feelings. Maggie said that Victor had treated her like a queen, and she claimed that she had made a lightning-fast recovery because of him. Maggie kissed Victor tenderly, and she asked him to understand. Before Victor could respond, Maggie exited the mansion so that she could get some fresh air. At the police station, Bo waited impatiently for the lab to finish testing the strand of hair that Hope had found at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Hope rushed into the room, carrying several bags of food in her arms. Hope explained that Maggie had recommended a caterer for Hope's big party, and she added that the caterer had given her some free samples so that she could finalize the menu. Hope warned Bo that he was going to have to help her taste all of the foods, and she added that it would be a good way for them to distract themselves until the lab was finished testing the strand of hair. Bo apprehensively tasted the first sample, and he claimed that it tasted like cat food. Hope noted that Bo didn't like the pt, and she moved on to the next sample. Bo admitted that the second sample was all right, and Hope explained that it was squash blossom medley. Bo gasped as he realized that he had just approved a vegetable. "Whatever happened to the guy whose idea of a gourmet menu was something you could eat standing up, with your beer in one hand, and your food in the other?" Bo asked, and Hope reminded him that he had gotten married. "This food -- I'm sure it's gonna work out great, but it's not what people are gonna remember from our party. Once the surprises start rolling out, they're not gonna think about anything else," Bo assured Hope. Later, Hope thanked Bo for his help, and Bo groaned uncomfortably as he surveyed the stack of empty food containers. Hope checked her notes, and she correctly guessed that Bo had enjoyed the individual wood-fire pizzas more than any other item that he had sampled. Bo tried to describe Hope's favorite item, and Hope laughed. "'The little meaty things with the rice?' You completely butchered it. That would be pan-roasted rosemary duck breast over a beautiful bed of risotto," Hope said, and she wondered how Bo had guessed that she had chosen that item. Bo told Hope that they might be able to hide their party plans from everyone in Salem, but he added that they would never be able to hide anything from each other. Later, Bo and Hope continued to wait for the lab results. Hope pointed out that the attacker's rage had increased with each attack. Hope told Bo that they needed to figure out what was triggering the attacker's rage. Bo suggested that the attacker was probably being angered by a woman in his life. Hope theorized that the pier was probably significant, because all of the attacks had occurred near the pier. Bo contemplated Hope's theory for a moment, then he announced that he had an idea. Later, Rafe arrived at the station. Bo explained that he and Hope were searching the department's database for any significant events that might have occurred at the pier. Rafe agreed to help with the search, and he noted the stack of empty food containers that had been placed near his computer. Hope joked that Rafe had picked the wrong day to work the late shift. "So, I got to tell you, Sami's really fired up about this shindig, you know? Big secret surprise. What's going on? Guys, seriously, come on -- she's killing me with all the guessing. I mean, at least five times a day, she thinks she's figured it out -- what the big surprise is, who's coming," Rafe said. Bo and Hope assured Rafe that Sami would never be able to guess what was going to be happening at the party. Later, one of the lab technicians called to let Bo know that they had finished testing the hair sample, and they said that they would fax the results over to Bo's desk. When Bo inspected the results, he announced that the lab had matched the hair sample to someone named Quinn Hudson.At Chez Rouge, Vivian joined Taylor and Quinn for lunch. Vivian said that she was impressed that Quinn was dating an M.B.A. Vivian said that it was obvious that Taylor was a bright, attractive young woman. "You know, I can't imagine going for a master's degree in anything to do with numbers -- I'm just terrible with them! But what I really am is a...a people person," Vivian said. Quinn laughed, and Vivian admitted that there might be a few people in Salem who might disagree with that statement. Taylor said that she was enjoying Vivian's company. Taylor added that it was obvious that Quinn had inherited Vivian's charm. Vivian smiled, then she asked if she could be honest with Taylor. Quinn braced himself, and he muttered that he had warned Taylor about his mother's candid nature. "It seems to me that, um...well, you're showering me with all these compliments because I'm the mother of this very handsome young man, and you want to get on my good side. So, if that's the case...don't stop!" Vivian joked, as Quinn breathed a sigh of relief. Later, Vivian and Taylor bonded over a shared love for fashion. Taylor invited Vivian to accompany her to a fashion exhibit at the museum later that day. Taylor said that some of Alexander McQueen's items were going to be at the museum. Vivian sighed fondly, and she noted that Alexander McQueen had been a dear friend of hers. Vivian declined Taylor's invitation, and she explained that she was concerned about Gus. "Maybe we'll go to the pet store -- he likes to watch the fish swim around in the tank, you know? 'Round and 'round -- it might cheer him up," Vivian explained. Quinn excused himself so that he could return to the hotel, and he explained that he had misplaced his key card. After Quinn left, Vivian admitted that she actually liked Taylor. Vivian noted that she was getting the distinct impression that Taylor and Quinn had known each other for a long time. Taylor confirmed that she had known Quinn for several years, and she explained that she had recently reconnected with him. Vivian gleefully asked for details about all of the years of Quinn's life that she had missed out on. At the Sapphire Club, Gus used the key card to sneak into Quinn's room. Inside, Gus found a photograph of Quinn and Vivian, and he tore Quinn's face out of the photograph. "Someday, you'll understand. I did this all for you," Gus muttered, as he stared at Vivian's portion of the photograph. Later, Gus grabbed the dry-cleaning ticket that was attached to one of Quinn's shirts, and he muttered that he might need some extra evidence. Later, Gus stared at a piece of luggage that he had found in Quinn's closet. Gus had arranged the luggage so that his nightstick was protruding from one of the partially zipped compartments, and he muttered that it was the perfect hiding spot. Gus turned off the light, and he prepared to exit the room. Meanwhile, Quinn approached the door to his hotel room, and he inserted his new key card into the lock. ^ back to the topFriday, September 16, 2011by ChickenGrrlWhen Nicholas found Carly at the rehab clinic, he could tell that she was on edge about her imminent counseling session with Dr. Norman, which Nicholas, Daniel, and Jennifer were also attending. Carly admitted that the constant therapy was wearing her out, but Nicholas guessed that she was just afraid to face Daniel and Jennifer.Meanwhile, Jennifer and Daniel waited in Dr. Norman's office, and wondered why Carly was late. Daniel got a phone call from the hospital, after which he told Jennifer that Chloe's condition still hadn't changed. Dr. Norman entered, and just as she was warning Daniel and Jennifer that Carly might not show up, Nicholas and Carly arrived. Carly acknowledged that facing her children the previous week had been difficult, but she owed Jennifer and Daniel an apology. Dr. Norman then asked Daniel to respond.Daniel pointed out that it wasn't just family and friends to whom Carly needed to apologize; she had not only broken his trust on a professional level, but also that of her colleagues and patients at the hospital. He urged her to never forget that she had endangered her patients' lives. Carly assured him that she wouldn't, although she was worried that she would have no career to go back to. "Well, that would be a loss -- for a lot of people, not just you," Daniel asserted.Carly apologized for how she'd hurt Daniel, both professionally and personally -- especially because she'd cost him and Melanie so many years together. She continued that she was extremely grateful to Jennifer for saving Carly's life, but part of the reason Carly was in rehab was that Jennifer was seeing Daniel -- and Carly still couldn't handle it. Carly clarified that she thought Daniel and Jennifer belonged together, but she had to be truthful about how she felt.Carly tearfully asserted that she was a terrible friend for resenting their relationship, and she knew her apology was hollow because she couldn't make the unwanted feelings go away. "That is enough," Jennifer declared gently, kneeling on the floor in front of her friend. "When it comes to me and Daniel, I want you to let that guilt go," Jennifer urged Carly. Carly believed that she should stay out of Daniel and Jennifer's lives, but they both strongly disagreed.After the session, Nicholas declared that all of them were very proud of the work that Carly was doing. Carly confessed that she was having a hard time finding her footing, and Dr. Norman suggested that Daniel and Jennifer offer Carly something that she could hold on to. Jennifer declared that she loved Carly very much and wanted her to return home, and Daniel lightheartedly asserted that he and Melanie needed Carly around to keep them in line. Carly hugged Jennifer gratefully, and then instructed Daniel and Jennifer to stand together. "It's as it should be. I just needed to start to see things more clearly," Carly affirmed.Privately, Nicholas stated that after seeing how difficult the session had been for Carly, he understood why she'd been reluctant to go through with it. She reassured him that although it had been hard, she was fine -- and she was beginning to feel a little more confident that she wouldn't relapse once she was released. Nicholas promised that, like Daniel and Carly, he wasn't going anywhere.Nicole arrived at the hospital, where she found Brady still sitting at the comatose Chloe's bedside. Nicole apologized for selfishly demanding that Brady leave the hospital, when she was just as upset as he was about what had happened to Chloe. Brady was worried because he knew that the longer Chloe was in a coma, the worse her prognosis would be. Nicole believed that Chloe might respond if she heard her son's voice, and suggested that they call Philip to set something up, even if it wasn't an in-person visit. Brady agreed that it was a good idea. Nicole urged Brady to go with her to get something to eat, and he reluctantly consented.Later, a nurse spoke gently to her patient, "Chloe, your vitals are strong. Keep fighting. You have to help them get the bastard who did this to you. You can't let him get away with it."As Kate and E.J. arrived at Chez Rouge, they were discussing the upcoming party that Bo and Hope were hosting. Kate was burning with curiosity because of all the secrecy surrounding the plans, but E.J. reminded her that they were there to discuss Countess Wilhelmina Cosmetics. Charles led them to a table -- where Stefano, back from his business trip, was waiting to surprise his wife. A pleased Kate greeted Stefano affectionately. As the three sat down, Stefano ordered a bottle of champagne.Stefano and E.J. discussed business a bit cryptically, and Kate firmly reminded them that she was part of the company, as well. Stefano declared that he didn't want to talk about business any longer, and asked Kate to dance. When they returned to the table, Kate restated her assertion that E.J. needed to find someone to love, and Stefano chimed in that his son deserved a little fun. Just then, Nicole and Brady arrived. Kate and Stefano groaned that they'd lost their appetites.Brady offered to take Nicole somewhere else, but she declined, so Brady asked her to dance. E.J. watched them with amused interest. When Brady had to step outside to take a phone call from the hospital, E.J. approached Nicole to ask her to dance. Refusing, she tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed her hand and spun her back toward him. Nicole glared at him and tried again to leave the dance floor, but a smirking E.J. turned their little game of cat and mouse into a very sexy tango.While Nicole and E.J. danced, capturing the attention of everyone in the restaurant, Nicole's irritation and anger soon turned to amusement, and she found herself smiling. "What the hell is he doing?" Stefano grumbled. As Nicole and E.J.'s dance became even more sensual, Brady returned, and was unable to hide his displeasure when he saw the two of them on the dance floor. E.J. presented Nicole with a rose, and she took it with a smile.E.J. then dipped his ex-wife, and the room fell silent as he pulled her back up and into a clinch. "Your boyfriend is right behind me," E.J. whispered in Nicole's ear. She dropped the rose on the dance floor, and returned with Brady to their table. Brady stated that there had been no change in Chloe's condition. "Glad you kept yourself busy with Twinkle Toes over there," he added with obvious contempt for E.J. "Yeah, I did -- but now you're back," Nicole pointed out with an awkward smile.Stefano asked E.J., "Have you lost your mind?" Kate wanted to know, "Was the show for Nicole or Brady?" Ignoring them both, E.J. asked if anyone wanted dessert.At the police station, Bo, Hope, and Rafe discussed the DNA lab's findings, which showed that it had been Quinn Hudson's hair at the scene of Chloe's attack on the pier. Rafe looked up Quinn in the FBI's database, and discovered that Hudson had a criminal record in San Francisco, where he'd been arrested for running an escort service. The three cops chuckled when they saw that Vivian Alamain was Quinn's mother, then Hope got to work on obtaining a search warrant.Hope returned a few minutes later with the news that Quinn had been arrested in Eastern Europe for civil disobedience -- with Taylor Walker. Bo wondered if Taylor had been feeding Quinn information the whole time she'd been working there. Hope got a phone call alerting her that the search warrant was ready, so the trio hurried out to pick it up and carry it out.As Quinn let himself into his hotel room, Gus ducked into the closet to hide. When he heard Quinn going into the bathroom, Gus stashed the bloody nightstick in the outside pocket of Quinn's suitcase, and quietly left the room. In the corridor outside, Gus heard over his stolen police radio that the cops had a lead on the attacker, and were waiting for a search warrant and an address.A bit later, Gus knocked on Quinn's door. Gus claimed that Vivian was on her way over, and had asked him to meet her there. As they waited, Quinn gave Gus a bottle of water, and noted that Gus seemed a bit nervous. Gus insisted that he wasn't. Quinn grew restless waiting for his "mum," and as he was attempting to call her, the police pounded on the door. Hope showed Quinn the search warrant, and then pushed her was past him into the room.Bo, Rafe, and Hope asked where Quinn had been on certain dates, and Quinn guessed that they were the dates of the prostitute attacks. He declared nonchalantly that he didn't care if they searched his room because he had nothing to hide. Gus warned the cops, "Do you know who this man is? He's the son of Vivian Alamain! You'll have to answer for this outrage!" The detectives merely ignored Gus as they began searching the room from top to bottom. A bemused Quinn demanded to know what the police were looking for.Just then, Rafe discovered the nightstick in the closet. Hope noted that the baton had dried blood on it, and Bo asked if the weapon belonged to Quinn. Shocked, Quinn insisted, "I have never seen that thing in my entire life!" Bo handcuffed Quinn while Hope read Quinn his rights. Quinn adamantly maintained that he'd lost his key card, and pointed out that there were maids in and out of his hotel room all day, so anyone could have left the weapon there. He swore he hadn't hurt anyone. Rafe scoffed, "Yeah. We'll see how that flies in court." After ordering Gus to leave, Bo and Hope led a handcuffed Quinn out the door.^ back to the top

At their apartment, Rafe and Sami continued their celebration by toasting to Sami's health. As the children were staying with Caroline for the evening, Sami and Rafe began to kiss on the couch. Sami thanked Rafe for the dinner at Chez Rouge and informed him that the cost of dinner had inspired her to go back to work. When Rafe asked Sami if she had a plan, Sami explained that she was going to start looking for work but did not plan on looking for work at the police station again.

Relieved, Rafe noted that his only issue with Sami working at the police station was that he could not concentrate with her in the room. After kissing his wife, Rafe noted that he supported Sami's desire to go back to work but warned her that work was scarce. Unfazed, Sami said she was confident that she would find a job eventually. When Rafe asked Sami what kind of job she was looking for, he joked that she should avoid breaking and entering. "You're never gonna let me live that down?" Sami said with a grin.

Sami and Rafe chatted on the couch, and Sami cheerfully talked about how much she had grown up since her job at the hospital. Sami listed all the experience she had gained by being a mother, including planning schedules and working with the school to plan fundraisers. Rafe gave Sami a pep talk noting, "You are an indispensable asset to any company."

Sami and Rafe adjourned to the bedroom and talked about what she would do with her first paycheck. When Sami talked about running the family with two working parents, she promised Rafe that she would make time to be alone with him. With a grin, Sami kissed Rafe and the two made love.

At the Cheatin' Heart, Will, Chad, and Sonny were working on their website when Gabi interrupted and asked Will to play pool with her. Across the room, Abigail and Melanie talked about Carly's rehab. "Now it's kind of like we're a real family, you know?" Melanie said of Nicholas' arrival. After chatting, Melanie and Abigail went over to the pool table to talk to Gabi. Gabi apologized to Melanie for Dario's workaholic behavior, but Melanie explained that she understood why Dario was tied up with Brady.

Gabi returned to her game of pool with Will and beat him. Exasperated, Will noted that Gabi was a pool shark. As the winner of the game, Gabi won the right to plan their next date. With a grin, Gabi noted that she wanted to spend the night together by the lake. "That's what you want?" Will asked. "What I want is to be with you again," Gabi said. Before Will could respond, Dario entered the bar and called out to his sister. Smiling, Dario noted that he had big news.

Once Gabi, Melanie, Abigail, Chad, Will, and Sonny had gathered around, Dario noted that he had been promoted to project manager for Internet expansion. As Melanie hugged Dario and congratulated him, Dario squeezed her tightly. Melanie and Dario toasted to his promotion, but Melanie was worried that Dario would have less time available to spend with her.

Melanie assured Dario that she was happy for him. "I want to prove to your family that I'm worthy of having you," said Dario. Dario pulled Melanie to her feet and they slow danced by the pool table. Dario promised Melanie that he would make time for her no matter how busy either of them was.

Across the bar, Sonny informed Chad, Abigail, Will, and Gabi that he had spoken to the university and had received approval and funding to move ahead with their website. The group worked out the details of the workload, and then they talked about how to find the rest of the money they needed to run the website. As Melanie and Dario joined the group, Chad joked that he could sell one of E.J.'s cars to raise the money.

In her hospital bed, Chloe remained unconscious while Brady played opera music for her and asked her to fight. From the corner of the room, Kinsey stared silently. Concerned, Kinsey pulled Brady aside and thanked him again for keeping Chloe's secret from the police. Worried about Chloe's custody of Parker, Brady and Kinsey agreed to keep lying to the police. Kinsey worried that Chloe would not wake up, but Brady was certain that Chloe would fight and wake from her coma.

As Brady talked about his past relationship with Chloe, Kinsey theorized aloud that Brady was still in love with Chloe. "A love like we had doesn't really go away," Brady said. Brady noted that though their marriage had failed, he always wanted Chloe to be happy. Hurt, Brady talked about how upsetting it was that Chloe did not reach out to him for help. Once Brady grew quiet, Kinsey noted that she needed to meet up with friends at the Cheatin' Heart.

Worried, Brady told Kinsey that it was not safe to walk alone. Kinsey countered that only she and Brady knew that the attacker was only beating up prostitutes. "This guy is crazy. We don't know what he's capable of," Brady said. When Kinsey promised to avoid the pier, Brady disagreed and informed Kinsey that he would tell his driver to take Kinsey to the bar. Once Kinsey was gone, Brady chastised himself for not seeing the signs that Chloe was in financial trouble and needed his help.

Over at Chez Rouge, E.J. was dining alone when Nicole walked over to his table. Nicole joked that when dining alone, E.J. should eat at the bar so as not to "look like such a loser." With a smirk, E.J. noted that Nicole overlooked the second glass of champagne on his table. Curious, Nicole asked E.J. who he was expecting. E.J. rose and crossed behind Nicole, noting that he was expecting her. Nicole was hesitant but agreed to sit and join E.J.

After Nicole sat down, she asked E.J. how he knew that she would be at the restaurant. Unnerved, Nicole growled, "What the hell do you want?" "Is a husband not allowed to just enjoy a glass of champagne with his wife?" E.J. purred. Upset, Nicole wondered aloud whether E.J. thought she was stupid. "I don't think you're stupid. I think you're my wife," E.J. said. Nicole noted that she was only E.J.'s wife on paper and that their marriage had been destroyed by E.J.'s affair with Taylor.

Lowering his voice, E.J. apologized to Nicole. Not swayed, Nicole ordered E.J. to explain to her why he'd had an affair with Taylor. "What did your sister and I see in each other? I have no earthly idea," E.J. said before chuckling. Surprised, Nicole started to laugh as well. Nicole wondered aloud whether E.J. had slept with Taylor in order to punish Nicole. E.J. denied Nicole's accusation and suggested that they not talk about each other's shortcomings.

"I turned to Taylor because I wanted to be somebody different. I wanted to be somebody who was respected, decent. Somebody, who, if wasn't loved, was at least liked," E.J. said quietly. Laughing, E.J. and Nicole agreed that E.J. had made a bad decision in falling for Taylor. Raising his glass, E.J. asked for a toast, and Nicole added, "To knowing who you are."

Despite their history, E.J. and Nicole were laughing and talking as they drank their champagne. "You are the most wonderfully, wonderfully devious, manipulative, underhanded," E.J. said before a smiling Nicole interrupted to add "morally bankrupt." Feeling awkward about enjoying one another's company, the smiles fell from Nicole and E.J.'s faces. Nicole noted that she needed to leave, and when E.J. asked why, he realized that Nicole meant that she was meeting Brady. Nicole thanked E.J. for the champagne and wished him well. As Nicole walked away, E.J.'s face looked pensive. Nicole stopped at the doorway and looked back at E.J., but then she left.

Gabi spotted Kinsey entering the Cheatin' Heart. When Kinsey joined the group, they started to talk about the attack on Chloe. Sonny suggested that no women should walk around alone. While Chad went to get another round of drinks, Dario stepped away to take a phone call.

E.J. walked over to the Cheatin' Heart and grabbed Chad in a bear hug at the bar. When Chad asked E.J. why he was in the bar, E.J. said he had wanted to say hello but that he had also heard that Chad was looking for funding for his website. E.J. offered to write Chad a check. "I'm fine. Thank you," Chad said as he politely declined E.J.'s offer. Confused, E.J. asked Chad if he understood how difficult it would be to obtain a loan.

Chad explained that he did not want to be a part of the DiMera family because "nothing comes for free with you people." Chad stressed that he did not want to owe the DiMera family and he did not want the family associated with his new business. "Thank you for the offer but no thanks," Chad concluded.

After his phone call, Dario returned to the table where Gabi, Will, Melanie, Abigail, and Sonny were sitting and announced that his promotion was for a job outside of Salem. When Melanie asked where the job was, Dario explained that the promotion was for a job in Argentina.

Nicole went over to the hospital and found Brady sitting at Chloe's bedside. When Nicole asked about Chloe's condition, Brady admitted that there was no change. Nicole reasoned that Chloe could open her eyes at any moment. Worried about Brady, Nicole suggested that he go home to rest. Brady agreed to go home but said that he wanted to stay longer. "I'm worried about her, too, Brady. She's my best friend, and it kills me to see her like this. But I am worried about you too," Nicole said.

Nicole reminded Brady that he was not the only person that would stay with Chloe. Brady refused and noted that he owed Chloe. "I should have known," Brady lamented. Nicole ordered Brady to stop blaming himself because no one had seen how desperate Chloe had become. "I can't leave her. It's the least I can do," Brady said as his voice cracked.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS

Thursday, September 15, 2011

by MikeAt the Brady Pub, Sami started to look at some of the job listings that she had found on the Internet. Sami sighed as she realized that she wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that were listed. Rafe encouraged Sami to keep searching, and he assured her that she would be able to find a job eventually."Okay, here's one that looks good. Says, uh -- oh! They want someone with high energy, a self-starter, with a dynamic personality -- that's totally me! It doesn't say anything about needing job experience, or needing a college degree -- that's good. It says there's 'opportunity for travel,' and 'rapid advancement for the right candidate.' I am the right candidate! This is my job!" Sami exclaimed insistently. Rafe said that the job listing seemed kind of sketchy. Rafe pointed out that the job listing had not mentioned who Sami would be working for, and he noted that there wasn't any indication of what the job might entail."It could be one of those outfits where they say, 'You could make thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home, just stuffing envelopes -- just send us two thousand dollars up front for supplies,'" Rafe warned Sami. Sami said that Rafe was being Agent Negative, and Rafe admitted that the job might be perfect for Sami. Rafe said that he would try to find out if the job was legitimate. Sami smirked, and she wondered if Rafe was really asking her to be patient.Before Rafe could respond, he received a phone call, and he abruptly excused himself so that he could get back to work. After Rafe left, Sami ignored Rafe's advice, and she sent an email to the address that was listed in the mysterious job advertisement. Meanwhile, Caroline greeted Sami, and she wondered what Sami was up to. Sami sighed and wondered why Caroline had always been able to read Sami's mind.Sami said that she had applied for a job, and she admitted that Rafe had asked her to wait. Sami said that she was convinced that Rafe was just being overprotective. Caroline said that she understood why Rafe was trying to protect Sami. "Sami, I know that you had cysts removed," Caroline announced. Sami apologized for trying to hide the truth from Caroline, and she explained that she had not wanted to burden Caroline.Caroline promised that she was always going to be there for Sami. Sami hugged Caroline, and she said that Caroline's shoulder would be the first one that she would lean on the next time that she needed support. Sami changed the subject, and she wondered if Caroline knew anything about the party that Bo and Hope had been planning. Caroline shrugged, and she said that she had threatened to cut off Bo's supply of clam chowder, but Bo had remained tight-lipped about the party. Caroline excused herself, and Sami returned to her computer. Sami was shocked when she realized that she had received a response to her job application.At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor reminded Maggie that he had asked her to move in with him, and he wondered if Maggie had given the idea any consideration. Maggie admitted that she had spent the previous night considering Victor's proposal. "You know my feelings for you, Victor. I mean, you heard how I stood up to Hope and Jennifer when they wanted to take me home, and I said, 'No.' I wanted to stay here, with you. I love you, and I think you know what it means to me, saying that. After Mickey's passing, I didn't think I could ever feel that way about another man, but you convinced me otherwise. make me feel young again, and alive, and desirable...and that anything is possible," Maggie said.Victor assured Maggie that he felt the same way about her. "And I love -- ooh! How my stubborn Irish streak comes up against your Mediterranean machismo when we don't agree, and how neither one of us is willing to back down when -- when we don't agree, so...there. I think we make a pretty good pair, don't you?" Maggie asked. Victor agreed, and he eagerly wondered if that meant that Maggie was going to accept his invitation. Victor admitted that waking up next to Maggie every morning would make him a very happy man."Victor, I think that you know that I consider myself a modern woman in many ways, especially when it comes to the way people choose to live their lives, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a part of me that's still pretty darn old-fashioned," Maggie said. Victor said that he felt the same way. Maggie admitted that she was glad that Victor understood. "That's a part of myself that I need to honor, despite the times that we live in. See, I believe that a commitment between two people -- and it is a formidable commitment, to live with someone -- it isn't just a handshake, or a kiss, or even your wonderful king-size bed. A real commitment, Victor, means marriage -- before God, and friends, and most of all, family," Maggie said.Victor wondered if Maggie was saying that she wanted to get married. "Oh, good heavens, no. I'm not ready for that, just like I'm not comfortable living with a man that I'm not married to. It's just not me. So, while your offer is so sweet, and so generous, I'm sorry -- I have to say no," Maggie said. Victor was shocked that Maggie had declined his offer. "I'm leaving the house, Victor, not you," Maggie stressed, but Victor admitted that he was having a hard time understanding that distinction.Maggie said that she wasn't trying to minimize the significance of the time that they had shared together at the mansion. Maggie added that every day that she had spent with Victor had been a gift. Victor dryly stated that Maggie might want to exclude the part where she had almost died. "Well, I guess that's something, anyway, before you put me back up on the shelf," Victor said with a sigh. Maggie insisted that she wasn't trying to hurt Victor's feelings.Maggie said that Victor had treated her like a queen, and she claimed that she had made a lightning-fast recovery because of him. Maggie kissed Victor tenderly, and she asked him to understand. Before Victor could respond, Maggie exited the mansion so that she could get some fresh air.At the police station, Bo waited impatiently for the lab to finish testing the strand of hair that Hope had found at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Hope rushed into the room, carrying several bags of food in her arms. Hope explained that Maggie had recommended a caterer for Hope's big party, and she added that the caterer had given her some free samples so that she could finalize the menu. Hope warned Bo that he was going to have to help her taste all of the foods, and she added that it would be a good way for them to distract themselves until the lab was finished testing the strand of hair.Bo apprehensively tasted the first sample, and he claimed that it tasted like cat food. Hope noted that Bo didn't like the pt, and she moved on to the next sample. Bo admitted that the second sample was all right, and Hope explained that it was squash blossom medley. Bo gasped as he realized that he had just approved a vegetable. "Whatever happened to the guy whose idea of a gourmet menu was something you could eat standing up, with your beer in one hand, and your food in the other?" Bo asked, and Hope reminded him that he had gotten married."This food -- I'm sure it's gonna work out great, but it's not what people are gonna remember from our party. Once the surprises start rolling out, they're not gonna think about anything else," Bo assured Hope. Later, Hope thanked Bo for his help, and Bo groaned uncomfortably as he surveyed the stack of empty food containers. Hope checked her notes, and she correctly guessed that Bo had enjoyed the individual wood-fire pizzas more than any other item that he had sampled.Bo tried to describe Hope's favorite item, and Hope laughed. "'The little meaty things with the rice?' You completely butchered it. That would be pan-roasted rosemary duck breast over a beautiful bed of risotto," Hope said, and she wondered how Bo had guessed that she had chosen that item. Bo told Hope that they might be able to hide their party plans from everyone in Salem, but he added that they would never be able to hide anything from each other.Later, Bo and Hope continued to wait for the lab results. Hope pointed out that the attacker's rage had increased with each attack. Hope told Bo that they needed to figure out what was triggering the attacker's rage. Bo suggested that the attacker was probably angry with a woman in his life. Hope theorized that the pier was probably significant, because all of the attacks had occurred near the pier. Bo contemplated Hope's theory for a moment, then he announced that he had an idea.Later, Rafe arrived at the station. Bo explained that he and Hope were searching the department's database for any significant events that might have occurred at the pier. Rafe agreed to help with the search, and he noted the stack of empty food containers that had been placed near his computer. Hope joked that Rafe had picked the wrong day to work the late shift."So, I got to tell you, Sami's really fired up about this shindig, you know? Big secret surprise. What's going on? Guys, seriously, come on -- she's killing me with all the guessing. I mean, at least five times a day, she thinks she's figured it out -- what the big surprise is, who's coming," Rafe said. Bo and Hope assured Rafe that Sami would never be able to guess what was going to be happening at the party. Later, one of the lab technicians called to let Bo know that they had finished testing the hair sample, and they said that they would fax the results over to Bo's desk. When Bo inspected the results, he announced that the lab had matched the hair sample to someone named Quinn Hudson.At Chez Rouge, Vivian joined Taylor and Quinn for lunch. Vivian said that she was impressed that Quinn was dating an M.B.A. Vivian said that it was obvious that Taylor was a bright, attractive young woman. "You know, I can't imagine going for a master's degree in anything to do with numbers -- I'm just terrible with them! But what I really am is a...a people person," Vivian said. Quinn laughed, and Vivian admitted that there might be a few people in Salem who disagreed with that statement.Taylor said that she was enjoying Vivian's company. Taylor added that it was obvious that Quinn had inherited Vivian's charm. Vivian smiled, then she asked if she could be honest with Taylor. Quinn braced himself, and he muttered that he had warned Taylor about his mother's candid nature. "It seems to me that, um...well, you're showering me with all these compliments because I'm the mother of this very handsome young man, and you want to get on my good side. So, if that's the case...don't stop!" Vivian joked, as Quinn breathed a sigh of relief.Later, Vivian and Taylor bonded over a shared love for fashion. Taylor invited Vivian to accompany her to a fashion exhibit at the museum later that day. Taylor said that some of Alexander McQueen's items were going to be at the museum. Vivian sighed fondly, and she noted that Alexander McQueen had been a dear friend of hers. Vivian declined Taylor's invitation, and she explained that she was concerned about Gus. "Maybe we'll go to the pet store -- he likes to watch the fish swim around in the tank, you know? 'Round and 'round -- it might cheer him up," Vivian explained.Quinn excused himself so that he could return to the hotel, and he explained that he had misplaced his key card. After Quinn left, Vivian admitted that she actually liked Taylor. Vivian noted that she was getting the distinct impression that Taylor and Quinn had known each other for a long time. Taylor confirmed that she had known Quinn for several years, and she explained that she had recently reconnected with him. Vivian gleefully asked for details about all of the years of Quinn's life that she had missed out on.At the Sapphire Club, Gus used the key card to sneak into Quinn's room. Inside, Gus found a photograph of Quinn and Vivian, and he tore Quinn's face out of the photograph. "Someday, you'll understand. I did this all for you," Gus muttered, as he stared at Vivian's portion of the photograph. Later, Gus grabbed the dry-cleaning ticket that was attached to one of Quinn's shirts, and he muttered that he might need some extra evidence.Later, Gus stared at a piece of luggage that he had found in Quinn's closet. Gus had arranged the luggage so that his nightstick was protruding from one of the partially zipped compartments, and he muttered that it was the perfect hiding spot. Gus turned off the light, and he prepared to exit the room. Meanwhile, Quinn approached the door to his hotel room, and he inserted his new key card into the lock. ^ back to the topThursday, September 15, 2011by MikeAt the Brady Pub, Sami started to look at some of the job listings that she had found on the Internet. Sami sighed as she realized that she wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that were listed. Rafe encouraged Sami to keep searching, and he assured her that she would be able to find a job eventually. "Okay, here's one that looks good. Says, uh -- oh! They want someone with high energy, a self-starter, with a dynamic personality -- that's totally me! It doesn't say anything about needing job experience, or needing a college degree -- that's good. It says there's 'opportunity for travel,' and 'rapid advancement for the right candidate.' I am the right candidate! This is my job!" Sami exclaimed insistently. Rafe said that the job listing seemed kind of sketchy. Rafe pointed out that the job listing had not mentioned who Sami would be working for, and he noted that there wasn't any indication of what the job might entail. "It could be one of those outfits where they say, 'You could make thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home, just stuffing envelopes -- just send us two thousand dollars up front for supplies,'" Rafe warned Sami. Sami said that Rafe was being Agent Negative, and Rafe admitted that the job might be perfect for Sami. Rafe said that he would try to find out if the job was legitimate. Sami smirked, and she wondered if Rafe was really asking her to be patient. Before Rafe could respond, he received a phone call, and he abruptly excused himself so that he could get back to work. After Rafe left, Sami ignored Rafe's advice, and she sent an email to the address that was listed in the mysterious job advertisement. Meanwhile, Caroline greeted Sami, and she wondered what Sami was up to. Sami sighed and wondered why Caroline had always been able to read Sami's mind. Sami said that she had applied for a job, and she admitted that Rafe had asked her to wait. Sami said that she was convinced that Rafe was just being overprotective. Caroline said that she understood why Rafe was trying to protect Sami. "Sami, I know that you had cysts removed," Caroline announced. Sami apologized for trying to hide the truth from Caroline, and she explained that she had not wanted to burden Caroline. Caroline promised that she was always going to be there for Sami. Sami hugged Caroline, and she said that Caroline's shoulder would be the first one that she would lean on the next time that she needed support. Sami changed the subject, and she wondered if Caroline knew anything about the party that Bo and Hope had been planning. Caroline shrugged, and she said that she had threatened to cut off Bo's supply of clam chowder, but Bo had remained tight-lipped about the party. Caroline excused herself, and Sami returned to her computer. Sami was shocked when she realized that she had received a response to her job application. At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor reminded Maggie that he had asked her to move in with him, and he wondered if Maggie had given the idea any consideration. Maggie admitted that she had spent the previous night considering Victor's proposal. "You know my feelings for you, Victor. I mean, you heard how I stood up to Hope and Jennifer when they wanted to take me home, and I said, 'No.' I wanted to stay here, with you. I love you, and I think you know what it means to me, saying that. After Mickey's passing, I didn't think I could ever feel that way about another man, but you convinced me otherwise. make me feel young again, and alive, and desirable...and that anything is possible," Maggie said. Victor assured Maggie that he felt the same way about her. "And I love -- ooh! How my stubborn Irish streak comes up against your Mediterranean machismo when we don't agree, and how neither one of us is willing to back down when -- when we don't agree, so...there. I think we make a pretty good pair, don't you?" Maggie asked. Victor agreed, and he eagerly wondered if that meant that Maggie was going to accept his invitation. Victor admitted that waking up next to Maggie every morning would make him a very happy man. "Victor, I think that you know that I consider myself a modern woman in many ways, especially when it comes to the way people choose to live their lives, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a part of me that's still pretty darn old fashioned," Maggie said. Victor said that he felt the same way. Maggie admitted that she was glad that Victor understood. "That's a part of myself that I need to honor, despite the times that we live in. See, I believe that a commitment between two people -- and it is a formidable commitment, to live with someone -- it isn't just a handshake, or a kiss, or even your wonderful king size bed. A real commitment, Victor, means marriage -- before God, and friends, and most of all, family," Maggie said. Victor wondered if Maggie was saying that she wanted to get married. "Oh, good heavens, no. I'm not ready for that, just like I'm not comfortable living with a man that I'm not married to. It's just not me. So, while your offer is so sweet, and so generous, I'm sorry -- I have to say no," Maggie said. Victor was shocked that Maggie had declined his offer. "I'm leaving the house, Victor, not you," Maggie stressed, but Victor admitted that he was having a hard time understanding that distinction. Maggie said that she wasn't trying to minimize the significance of the time that they had shared together at the mansion. Maggie added that every day that she had spent with Victor had been a gift. Victor dryly stated that Maggie might want to exclude the part where she had almost died. "Well, I guess that's something, anyway, before you put me back up on the shelf," Victor said with a sigh. Maggie insisted that she wasn't trying to hurt Victor's feelings. Maggie said that Victor had treated her like a queen, and she claimed that she had made a lightning-fast recovery because of him. Maggie kissed Victor tenderly, and she asked him to understand. Before Victor could respond, Maggie exited the mansion so that she could get some fresh air. At the police station, Bo waited impatiently for the lab to finish testing the strand of hair that Hope had found at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Hope rushed into the room, carrying several bags of food in her arms. Hope explained that Maggie had recommended a caterer for Hope's big party, and she added that the caterer had given her some free samples so that she could finalize the menu. Hope warned Bo that he was going to have to help her taste all of the foods, and she added that it would be a good way for them to distract themselves until the lab was finished testing the strand of hair. Bo apprehensively tasted the first sample, and he claimed that it tasted like cat food. Hope noted that Bo didn't like the pt, and she moved on to the next sample. Bo admitted that the second sample was all right, and Hope explained that it was squash blossom medley. Bo gasped as he realized that he had just approved a vegetable. "Whatever happened to the guy whose idea of a gourmet menu was something you could eat standing up, with your beer in one hand, and your food in the other?" Bo asked, and Hope reminded him that he had gotten married. "This food -- I'm sure it's gonna work out great, but it's not what people are gonna remember from our party. Once the surprises start rolling out, they're not gonna think about anything else," Bo assured Hope. Later, Hope thanked Bo for his help, and Bo groaned uncomfortably as he surveyed the stack of empty food containers. Hope checked her notes, and she correctly guessed that Bo had enjoyed the individual wood-fire pizzas more than any other item that he had sampled. Bo tried to describe Hope's favorite item, and Hope laughed. "'The little meaty things with the rice?' You completely butchered it. That would be pan-roasted rosemary duck breast over a beautiful bed of risotto," Hope said, and she wondered how Bo had guessed that she had chosen that item. Bo told Hope that they might be able to hide their party plans from everyone in Salem, but he added that they would never be able to hide anything from each other. Later, Bo and Hope continued to wait for the lab results. Hope pointed out that the attacker's rage had increased with each attack. Hope told Bo that they needed to figure out what was triggering the attacker's rage. Bo suggested that the attacker was probably being angered by a woman in his life. Hope theorized that the pier was probably significant, because all of the attacks had occurred near the pier. Bo contemplated Hope's theory for a moment, then he announced that he had an idea. Later, Rafe arrived at the station. Bo explained that he and Hope were searching the department's database for any significant events that might have occurred at the pier. Rafe agreed to help with the search, and he noted the stack of empty food containers that had been placed near his computer. Hope joked that Rafe had picked the wrong day to work the late shift. "So, I got to tell you, Sami's really fired up about this shindig, you know? Big secret surprise. What's going on? Guys, seriously, come on -- she's killing me with all the guessing. I mean, at least five times a day, she thinks she's figured it out -- what the big surprise is, who's coming," Rafe said. Bo and Hope assured Rafe that Sami would never be able to guess what was going to be happening at the party. Later, one of the lab technicians called to let Bo know that they had finished testing the hair sample, and they said that they would fax the results over to Bo's desk. When Bo inspected the results, he announced that the lab had matched the hair sample to someone named Quinn Hudson.At Chez Rouge, Vivian joined Taylor and Quinn for lunch. Vivian said that she was impressed that Quinn was dating an M.B.A. Vivian said that it was obvious that Taylor was a bright, attractive young woman. "You know, I can't imagine going for a master's degree in anything to do with numbers -- I'm just terrible with them! But what I really am is a...a people person," Vivian said. Quinn laughed, and Vivian admitted that there might be a few people in Salem who might disagree with that statement. Taylor said that she was enjoying Vivian's company. Taylor added that it was obvious that Quinn had inherited Vivian's charm. Vivian smiled, then she asked if she could be honest with Taylor. Quinn braced himself, and he muttered that he had warned Taylor about his mother's candid nature. "It seems to me that, um...well, you're showering me with all these compliments because I'm the mother of this very handsome young man, and you want to get on my good side. So, if that's the case...don't stop!" Vivian joked, as Quinn breathed a sigh of relief. Later, Vivian and Taylor bonded over a shared love for fashion. Taylor invited Vivian to accompany her to a fashion exhibit at the museum later that day. Taylor said that some of Alexander McQueen's items were going to be at the museum. Vivian sighed fondly, and she noted that Alexander McQueen had been a dear friend of hers. Vivian declined Taylor's invitation, and she explained that she was concerned about Gus. "Maybe we'll go to the pet store -- he likes to watch the fish swim around in the tank, you know? 'Round and 'round -- it might cheer him up," Vivian explained. Quinn excused himself so that he could return to the hotel, and he explained that he had misplaced his key card. After Quinn left, Vivian admitted that she actually liked Taylor. Vivian noted that she was getting the distinct impression that Taylor and Quinn had known each other for a long time. Taylor confirmed that she had known Quinn for several years, and she explained that she had recently reconnected with him. Vivian gleefully asked for details about all of the years of Quinn's life that she had missed out on. At the Sapphire Club, Gus used the key card to sneak into Quinn's room. Inside, Gus found a photograph of Quinn and Vivian, and he tore Quinn's face out of the photograph. "Someday, you'll understand. I did this all for you," Gus muttered, as he stared at Vivian's portion of the photograph. Later, Gus grabbed the dry-cleaning ticket that was attached to one of Quinn's shirts, and he muttered that he might need some extra evidence. Later, Gus stared at a piece of luggage that he had found in Quinn's closet. Gus had arranged the luggage so that his nightstick was protruding from one of the partially zipped compartments, and he muttered that it was the perfect hiding spot. Gus turned off the light, and he prepared to exit the room. Meanwhile, Quinn approached the door to his hotel room, and he inserted his new key card into the lock. ^ back to the topFriday, September 16, 2011by ChickenGrrlWhen Nicholas found Carly at the rehab clinic, he could tell that she was on edge about her imminent counseling session with Dr. Norman, which Nicholas, Daniel, and Jennifer were also attending. Carly admitted that the constant therapy was wearing her out, but Nicholas guessed that she was just afraid to face Daniel and Jennifer.Meanwhile, Jennifer and Daniel waited in Dr. Norman's office, and wondered why Carly was late. Daniel got a phone call from the hospital, after which he told Jennifer that Chloe's condition still hadn't changed. Dr. Norman entered, and just as she was warning Daniel and Jennifer that Carly might not show up, Nicholas and Carly arrived. Carly acknowledged that facing her children the previous week had been difficult, but she owed Jennifer and Daniel an apology. Dr. Norman then asked Daniel to respond.Daniel pointed out that it wasn't just family and friends to whom Carly needed to apologize; she had not only broken his trust on a professional level, but also that of her colleagues and patients at the hospital. He urged her to never forget that she had endangered her patients' lives. Carly assured him that she wouldn't, although she was worried that she would have no career to go back to. "Well, that would be a loss -- for a lot of people, not just you," Daniel asserted.Carly apologized for how she'd hurt Daniel, both professionally and personally -- especially because she'd cost him and Melanie so many years together. She continued that she was extremely grateful to Jennifer for saving Carly's life, but part of the reason Carly was in rehab was that Jennifer was seeing Daniel -- and Carly still couldn't handle it. Carly clarified that she thought Daniel and Jennifer belonged together, but she had to be truthful about how she felt.Carly tearfully asserted that she was a terrible friend for resenting their relationship, and she knew her apology was hollow because she couldn't make the unwanted feelings go away. "That is enough," Jennifer declared gently, kneeling on the floor in front of her friend. "When it comes to me and Daniel, I want you to let that guilt go," Jennifer urged Carly. Carly believed that she should stay out of Daniel and Jennifer's lives, but they both strongly disagreed.After the session, Nicholas declared that all of them were very proud of the work that Carly was doing. Carly confessed that she was having a hard time finding her footing, and Dr. Norman suggested that Daniel and Jennifer offer Carly something that she could hold on to. Jennifer declared that she loved Carly very much and wanted her to return home, and Daniel lightheartedly asserted that he and Melanie needed Carly around to keep them in line. Carly hugged Jennifer gratefully, and then instructed Daniel and Jennifer to stand together. "It's as it should be. I just needed to start to see things more clearly," Carly affirmed.Privately, Nicholas stated that after seeing how difficult the session had been for Carly, he understood why she'd been reluctant to go through with it. She reassured him that although it had been hard, she was fine -- and she was beginning to feel a little more confident that she wouldn't relapse once she was released. Nicholas promised that, like Daniel and Carly, he wasn't going anywhere.Nicole arrived at the hospital, where she found Brady still sitting at the comatose Chloe's bedside. Nicole apologized for selfishly demanding that Brady leave the hospital, when she was just as upset as he was about what had happened to Chloe. Brady was worried because he knew that the longer Chloe was in a coma, the worse her prognosis would be. Nicole believed that Chloe might respond if she heard her son's voice, and suggested that they call Philip to set something up, even if it wasn't an in-person visit. Brady agreed that it was a good idea. Nicole urged Brady to go with her to get something to eat, and he reluctantly consented.Later, a nurse spoke gently to her patient, "Chloe, your vitals are strong. Keep fighting. You have to help them get the bastard who did this to you. You can't let him get away with it."As Kate and E.J. arrived at Chez Rouge, they were discussing the upcoming party that Bo and Hope were hosting. Kate was burning with curiosity because of all the secrecy surrounding the plans, but E.J. reminded her that they were there to discuss Countess Wilhelmina Cosmetics. Charles led them to a table -- where Stefano, back from his business trip, was waiting to surprise his wife. A pleased Kate greeted Stefano affectionately. As the three sat down, Stefano ordered a bottle of champagne.Stefano and E.J. discussed business a bit cryptically, and Kate firmly reminded them that she was part of the company, as well. Stefano declared that he didn't want to talk about business any longer, and asked Kate to dance. When they returned to the table, Kate restated her assertion that E.J. needed to find someone to love, and Stefano chimed in that his son deserved a little fun. Just then, Nicole and Brady arrived. Kate and Stefano groaned that they'd lost their appetites.Brady offered to take Nicole somewhere else, but she declined, so Brady asked her to dance. E.J. watched them with amused interest. When Brady had to step outside to take a phone call from the hospital, E.J. approached Nicole to ask her to dance. Refusing, she tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed her hand and spun her back toward him. Nicole glared at him and tried again to leave the dance floor, but a smirking E.J. turned their little game of cat and mouse into a very sexy tango.While Nicole and E.J. danced, capturing the attention of everyone in the restaurant, Nicole's irritation and anger soon turned to amusement, and she found herself smiling. "What the hell is he doing?" Stefano grumbled. As Nicole and E.J.'s dance became even more sensual, Brady returned, and was unable to hide his displeasure when he saw the two of them on the dance floor. E.J. presented Nicole with a rose, and she took it with a smile.E.J. then dipped his ex-wife, and the room fell silent as he pulled her back up and into a clinch. "Your boyfriend is right behind me," E.J. whispered in Nicole's ear. She dropped the rose on the dance floor, and returned with Brady to their table. Brady stated that there had been no change in Chloe's condition. "Glad you kept yourself busy with Twinkle Toes over there," he added with obvious contempt for E.J. "Yeah, I did -- but now you're back," Nicole pointed out with an awkward smile.Stefano asked E.J., "Have you lost your mind?" Kate wanted to know, "Was the show for Nicole or Brady?" Ignoring them both, E.J. asked if anyone wanted dessert.At the police station, Bo, Hope, and Rafe discussed the DNA lab's findings, which showed that it had been Quinn Hudson's hair at the scene of Chloe's attack on the pier. Rafe looked up Quinn in the FBI's database, and discovered that Hudson had a criminal record in San Francisco, where he'd been arrested for running an escort service. The three cops chuckled when they saw that Vivian Alamain was Quinn's mother, then Hope got to work on obtaining a search warrant.Hope returned a few minutes later with the news that Quinn had been arrested in Eastern Europe for civil disobedience -- with Taylor Walker. Bo wondered if Taylor had been feeding Quinn information the whole time she'd been working there. Hope got a phone call alerting her that the search warrant was ready, so the trio hurried out to pick it up and carry it out.As Quinn let himself into his hotel room, Gus ducked into the closet to hide. When he heard Quinn going into the bathroom, Gus stashed the bloody nightstick in the outside pocket of Quinn's suitcase, and quietly left the room. In the corridor outside, Gus heard over his stolen police radio that the cops had a lead on the attacker, and were waiting for a search warrant and an address.A bit later, Gus knocked on Quinn's door. Gus claimed that Vivian was on her way over, and had asked him to meet her there. As they waited, Quinn gave Gus a bottle of water, and noted that Gus seemed a bit nervous. Gus insisted that he wasn't. Quinn grew restless waiting for his "mum," and as he was attempting to call her, the police pounded on the door. Hope showed Quinn the search warrant, and then pushed her was past him into the room.Bo, Rafe, and Hope asked where Quinn had been on certain dates, and Quinn guessed that they were the dates of the prostitute attacks. He declared nonchalantly that he didn't care if they searched his room because he had nothing to hide. Gus warned the cops, "Do you know who this man is? He's the son of Vivian Alamain! You'll have to answer for this outrage!" The detectives merely ignored Gus as they began searching the room from top to bottom. A bemused Quinn demanded to know what the police were looking for.Just then, Rafe discovered the nightstick in the closet. Hope noted that the baton had dried blood on it, and Bo asked if the weapon belonged to Quinn. Shocked, Quinn insisted, "I have never seen that thing in my entire life!" Bo handcuffed Quinn while Hope read Quinn his rights. Quinn adamantly maintained that he'd lost his key card, and pointed out that there were maids in and out of his hotel room all day, so anyone could have left the weapon there. He swore he hadn't hurt anyone. Rafe scoffed, "Yeah. We'll see how that flies in court." After ordering Gus to leave, Bo and Hope led a handcuffed Quinn out the door.^ back to the top

At the Brady Pub, Sami started to look at some of the job listings that she had found on the Internet. Sami sighed as she realized that she wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that were listed. Rafe encouraged Sami to keep searching, and he assured her that she would be able to find a job eventually.

"Okay, here's one that looks good. Says, uh -- oh! They want someone with high energy, a self-starter, with a dynamic personality -- that's totally me! It doesn't say anything about needing job experience, or needing a college degree -- that's good. It says there's 'opportunity for travel,' and 'rapid advancement for the right candidate.' I am the right candidate! This is my job!" Sami exclaimed insistently. Rafe said that the job listing seemed kind of sketchy. Rafe pointed out that the job listing had not mentioned who Sami would be working for, and he noted that there wasn't any indication of what the job might entail.

"It could be one of those outfits where they say, 'You could make thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home, just stuffing envelopes -- just send us two thousand dollars up front for supplies,'" Rafe warned Sami. Sami said that Rafe was being Agent Negative, and Rafe admitted that the job might be perfect for Sami. Rafe said that he would try to find out if the job was legitimate. Sami smirked, and she wondered if Rafe was really asking her to be patient.

Before Rafe could respond, he received a phone call, and he abruptly excused himself so that he could get back to work. After Rafe left, Sami ignored Rafe's advice, and she sent an email to the address that was listed in the mysterious job advertisement. Meanwhile, Caroline greeted Sami, and she wondered what Sami was up to. Sami sighed and wondered why Caroline had always been able to read Sami's mind.

Sami said that she had applied for a job, and she admitted that Rafe had asked her to wait. Sami said that she was convinced that Rafe was just being overprotective. Caroline said that she understood why Rafe was trying to protect Sami. "Sami, I know that you had cysts removed," Caroline announced. Sami apologized for trying to hide the truth from Caroline, and she explained that she had not wanted to burden Caroline.

Caroline promised that she was always going to be there for Sami. Sami hugged Caroline, and she said that Caroline's shoulder would be the first one that she would lean on the next time that she needed support. Sami changed the subject, and she wondered if Caroline knew anything about the party that Bo and Hope had been planning. Caroline shrugged, and she said that she had threatened to cut off Bo's supply of clam chowder, but Bo had remained tight-lipped about the party. Caroline excused herself, and Sami returned to her computer. Sami was shocked when she realized that she had received a response to her job application.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor reminded Maggie that he had asked her to move in with him, and he wondered if Maggie had given the idea any consideration. Maggie admitted that she had spent the previous night considering Victor's proposal. "You know my feelings for you, Victor. I mean, you heard how I stood up to Hope and Jennifer when they wanted to take me home, and I said, 'No.' I wanted to stay here, with you. I love you, and I think you know what it means to me, saying that. After Mickey's passing, I didn't think I could ever feel that way about another man, but you convinced me otherwise. make me feel young again, and alive, and desirable...and that anything is possible," Maggie said.

Victor assured Maggie that he felt the same way about her. "And I love -- ooh! How my stubborn Irish streak comes up against your Mediterranean machismo when we don't agree, and how neither one of us is willing to back down when -- when we don't agree, so...there. I think we make a pretty good pair, don't you?" Maggie asked. Victor agreed, and he eagerly wondered if that meant that Maggie was going to accept his invitation. Victor admitted that waking up next to Maggie every morning would make him a very happy man.

"Victor, I think that you know that I consider myself a modern woman in many ways, especially when it comes to the way people choose to live their lives, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a part of me that's still pretty darn old-fashioned," Maggie said. Victor said that he felt the same way. Maggie admitted that she was glad that Victor understood. "That's a part of myself that I need to honor, despite the times that we live in. See, I believe that a commitment between two people -- and it is a formidable commitment, to live with someone -- it isn't just a handshake, or a kiss, or even your wonderful king-size bed. A real commitment, Victor, means marriage -- before God, and friends, and most of all, family," Maggie said.

Victor wondered if Maggie was saying that she wanted to get married. "Oh, good heavens, no. I'm not ready for that, just like I'm not comfortable living with a man that I'm not married to. It's just not me. So, while your offer is so sweet, and so generous, I'm sorry -- I have to say no," Maggie said. Victor was shocked that Maggie had declined his offer. "I'm leaving the house, Victor, not you," Maggie stressed, but Victor admitted that he was having a hard time understanding that distinction.

Maggie said that she wasn't trying to minimize the significance of the time that they had shared together at the mansion. Maggie added that every day that she had spent with Victor had been a gift. Victor dryly stated that Maggie might want to exclude the part where she had almost died. "Well, I guess that's something, anyway, before you put me back up on the shelf," Victor said with a sigh. Maggie insisted that she wasn't trying to hurt Victor's feelings.

Maggie said that Victor had treated her like a queen, and she claimed that she had made a lightning-fast recovery because of him. Maggie kissed Victor tenderly, and she asked him to understand. Before Victor could respond, Maggie exited the mansion so that she could get some fresh air.

At the police station, Bo waited impatiently for the lab to finish testing the strand of hair that Hope had found at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Hope rushed into the room, carrying several bags of food in her arms. Hope explained that Maggie had recommended a caterer for Hope's big party, and she added that the caterer had given her some free samples so that she could finalize the menu. Hope warned Bo that he was going to have to help her taste all of the foods, and she added that it would be a good way for them to distract themselves until the lab was finished testing the strand of hair.

Bo apprehensively tasted the first sample, and he claimed that it tasted like cat food. Hope noted that Bo didn't like the pt, and she moved on to the next sample. Bo admitted that the second sample was all right, and Hope explained that it was squash blossom medley. Bo gasped as he realized that he had just approved a vegetable. "Whatever happened to the guy whose idea of a gourmet menu was something you could eat standing up, with your beer in one hand, and your food in the other?" Bo asked, and Hope reminded him that he had gotten married.

"This food -- I'm sure it's gonna work out great, but it's not what people are gonna remember from our party. Once the surprises start rolling out, they're not gonna think about anything else," Bo assured Hope. Later, Hope thanked Bo for his help, and Bo groaned uncomfortably as he surveyed the stack of empty food containers. Hope checked her notes, and she correctly guessed that Bo had enjoyed the individual wood-fire pizzas more than any other item that he had sampled.

Bo tried to describe Hope's favorite item, and Hope laughed. "'The little meaty things with the rice?' You completely butchered it. That would be pan-roasted rosemary duck breast over a beautiful bed of risotto," Hope said, and she wondered how Bo had guessed that she had chosen that item. Bo told Hope that they might be able to hide their party plans from everyone in Salem, but he added that they would never be able to hide anything from each other.

Later, Bo and Hope continued to wait for the lab results. Hope pointed out that the attacker's rage had increased with each attack. Hope told Bo that they needed to figure out what was triggering the attacker's rage. Bo suggested that the attacker was probably angry with a woman in his life. Hope theorized that the pier was probably significant, because all of the attacks had occurred near the pier. Bo contemplated Hope's theory for a moment, then he announced that he had an idea.

Later, Rafe arrived at the station. Bo explained that he and Hope were searching the department's database for any significant events that might have occurred at the pier. Rafe agreed to help with the search, and he noted the stack of empty food containers that had been placed near his computer. Hope joked that Rafe had picked the wrong day to work the late shift.

"So, I got to tell you, Sami's really fired up about this shindig, you know? Big secret surprise. What's going on? Guys, seriously, come on -- she's killing me with all the guessing. I mean, at least five times a day, she thinks she's figured it out -- what the big surprise is, who's coming," Rafe said. Bo and Hope assured Rafe that Sami would never be able to guess what was going to be happening at the party. Later, one of the lab technicians called to let Bo know that they had finished testing the hair sample, and they said that they would fax the results over to Bo's desk. When Bo inspected the results, he announced that the lab had matched the hair sample to someone named Quinn Hudson.

At Chez Rouge, Vivian joined Taylor and Quinn for lunch. Vivian said that she was impressed that Quinn was dating an M.B.A. Vivian said that it was obvious that Taylor was a bright, attractive young woman. "You know, I can't imagine going for a master's degree in anything to do with numbers -- I'm just terrible with them! But what I really am is a...a people person," Vivian said. Quinn laughed, and Vivian admitted that there might be a few people in Salem who disagreed with that statement.

Taylor said that she was enjoying Vivian's company. Taylor added that it was obvious that Quinn had inherited Vivian's charm. Vivian smiled, then she asked if she could be honest with Taylor. Quinn braced himself, and he muttered that he had warned Taylor about his mother's candid nature. "It seems to me that, um...well, you're showering me with all these compliments because I'm the mother of this very handsome young man, and you want to get on my good side. So, if that's the case...don't stop!" Vivian joked, as Quinn breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Vivian and Taylor bonded over a shared love for fashion. Taylor invited Vivian to accompany her to a fashion exhibit at the museum later that day. Taylor said that some of Alexander McQueen's items were going to be at the museum. Vivian sighed fondly, and she noted that Alexander McQueen had been a dear friend of hers. Vivian declined Taylor's invitation, and she explained that she was concerned about Gus. "Maybe we'll go to the pet store -- he likes to watch the fish swim around in the tank, you know? 'Round and 'round -- it might cheer him up," Vivian explained.

Quinn excused himself so that he could return to the hotel, and he explained that he had misplaced his key card. After Quinn left, Vivian admitted that she actually liked Taylor. Vivian noted that she was getting the distinct impression that Taylor and Quinn had known each other for a long time. Taylor confirmed that she had known Quinn for several years, and she explained that she had recently reconnected with him. Vivian gleefully asked for details about all of the years of Quinn's life that she had missed out on.

At the Sapphire Club, Gus used the key card to sneak into Quinn's room. Inside, Gus found a photograph of Quinn and Vivian, and he tore Quinn's face out of the photograph. "Someday, you'll understand. I did this all for you," Gus muttered, as he stared at Vivian's portion of the photograph. Later, Gus grabbed the dry-cleaning ticket that was attached to one of Quinn's shirts, and he muttered that he might need some extra evidence.

Later, Gus stared at a piece of luggage that he had found in Quinn's closet. Gus had arranged the luggage so that his nightstick was protruding from one of the partially zipped compartments, and he muttered that it was the perfect hiding spot. Gus turned off the light, and he prepared to exit the room. Meanwhile, Quinn approached the door to his hotel room, and he inserted his new key card into the lock.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS

Thursday, September 15, 2011

by MikeAt the Brady Pub, Sami started to look at some of the job listings that she had found on the Internet. Sami sighed as she realized that she wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that were listed. Rafe encouraged Sami to keep searching, and he assured her that she would be able to find a job eventually. "Okay, here's one that looks good. Says, uh -- oh! They want someone with high energy, a self-starter, with a dynamic personality -- that's totally me! It doesn't say anything about needing job experience, or needing a college degree -- that's good. It says there's 'opportunity for travel,' and 'rapid advancement for the right candidate.' I am the right candidate! This is my job!" Sami exclaimed insistently. Rafe said that the job listing seemed kind of sketchy. Rafe pointed out that the job listing had not mentioned who Sami would be working for, and he noted that there wasn't any indication of what the job might entail. "It could be one of those outfits where they say, 'You could make thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home, just stuffing envelopes -- just send us two thousand dollars up front for supplies,'" Rafe warned Sami. Sami said that Rafe was being Agent Negative, and Rafe admitted that the job might be perfect for Sami. Rafe said that he would try to find out if the job was legitimate. Sami smirked, and she wondered if Rafe was really asking her to be patient. Before Rafe could respond, he received a phone call, and he abruptly excused himself so that he could get back to work. After Rafe left, Sami ignored Rafe's advice, and she sent an email to the address that was listed in the mysterious job advertisement. Meanwhile, Caroline greeted Sami, and she wondered what Sami was up to. Sami sighed and wondered why Caroline had always been able to read Sami's mind. Sami said that she had applied for a job, and she admitted that Rafe had asked her to wait. Sami said that she was convinced that Rafe was just being overprotective. Caroline said that she understood why Rafe was trying to protect Sami. "Sami, I know that you had cysts removed," Caroline announced. Sami apologized for trying to hide the truth from Caroline, and she explained that she had not wanted to burden Caroline. Caroline promised that she was always going to be there for Sami. Sami hugged Caroline, and she said that Caroline's shoulder would be the first one that she would lean on the next time that she needed support. Sami changed the subject, and she wondered if Caroline knew anything about the party that Bo and Hope had been planning. Caroline shrugged, and she said that she had threatened to cut off Bo's supply of clam chowder, but Bo had remained tight-lipped about the party. Caroline excused herself, and Sami returned to her computer. Sami was shocked when she realized that she had received a response to her job application. At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor reminded Maggie that he had asked her to move in with him, and he wondered if Maggie had given the idea any consideration. Maggie admitted that she had spent the previous night considering Victor's proposal. "You know my feelings for you, Victor. I mean, you heard how I stood up to Hope and Jennifer when they wanted to take me home, and I said, 'No.' I wanted to stay here, with you. I love you, and I think you know what it means to me, saying that. After Mickey's passing, I didn't think I could ever feel that way about another man, but you convinced me otherwise. make me feel young again, and alive, and desirable...and that anything is possible," Maggie said. Victor assured Maggie that he felt the same way about her. "And I love -- ooh! How my stubborn Irish streak comes up against your Mediterranean machismo when we don't agree, and how neither one of us is willing to back down when -- when we don't agree, so...there. I think we make a pretty good pair, don't you?" Maggie asked. Victor agreed, and he eagerly wondered if that meant that Maggie was going to accept his invitation. Victor admitted that waking up next to Maggie every morning would make him a very happy man. "Victor, I think that you know that I consider myself a modern woman in many ways, especially when it comes to the way people choose to live their lives, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a part of me that's still pretty darn old fashioned," Maggie said. Victor said that he felt the same way. Maggie admitted that she was glad that Victor understood. "That's a part of myself that I need to honor, despite the times that we live in. See, I believe that a commitment between two people -- and it is a formidable commitment, to live with someone -- it isn't just a handshake, or a kiss, or even your wonderful king size bed. A real commitment, Victor, means marriage -- before God, and friends, and most of all, family," Maggie said. Victor wondered if Maggie was saying that she wanted to get married. "Oh, good heavens, no. I'm not ready for that, just like I'm not comfortable living with a man that I'm not married to. It's just not me. So, while your offer is so sweet, and so generous, I'm sorry -- I have to say no," Maggie said. Victor was shocked that Maggie had declined his offer. "I'm leaving the house, Victor, not you," Maggie stressed, but Victor admitted that he was having a hard time understanding that distinction. Maggie said that she wasn't trying to minimize the significance of the time that they had shared together at the mansion. Maggie added that every day that she had spent with Victor had been a gift. Victor dryly stated that Maggie might want to exclude the part where she had almost died. "Well, I guess that's something, anyway, before you put me back up on the shelf," Victor said with a sigh. Maggie insisted that she wasn't trying to hurt Victor's feelings. Maggie said that Victor had treated her like a queen, and she claimed that she had made a lightning-fast recovery because of him. Maggie kissed Victor tenderly, and she asked him to understand. Before Victor could respond, Maggie exited the mansion so that she could get some fresh air. At the police station, Bo waited impatiently for the lab to finish testing the strand of hair that Hope had found at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Hope rushed into the room, carrying several bags of food in her arms. Hope explained that Maggie had recommended a caterer for Hope's big party, and she added that the caterer had given her some free samples so that she could finalize the menu. Hope warned Bo that he was going to have to help her taste all of the foods, and she added that it would be a good way for them to distract themselves until the lab was finished testing the strand of hair. Bo apprehensively tasted the first sample, and he claimed that it tasted like cat food. Hope noted that Bo didn't like the pt, and she moved on to the next sample. Bo admitted that the second sample was all right, and Hope explained that it was squash blossom medley. Bo gasped as he realized that he had just approved a vegetable. "Whatever happened to the guy whose idea of a gourmet menu was something you could eat standing up, with your beer in one hand, and your food in the other?" Bo asked, and Hope reminded him that he had gotten married. "This food -- I'm sure it's gonna work out great, but it's not what people are gonna remember from our party. Once the surprises start rolling out, they're not gonna think about anything else," Bo assured Hope. Later, Hope thanked Bo for his help, and Bo groaned uncomfortably as he surveyed the stack of empty food containers. Hope checked her notes, and she correctly guessed that Bo had enjoyed the individual wood-fire pizzas more than any other item that he had sampled. Bo tried to describe Hope's favorite item, and Hope laughed. "'The little meaty things with the rice?' You completely butchered it. That would be pan-roasted rosemary duck breast over a beautiful bed of risotto," Hope said, and she wondered how Bo had guessed that she had chosen that item. Bo told Hope that they might be able to hide their party plans from everyone in Salem, but he added that they would never be able to hide anything from each other. Later, Bo and Hope continued to wait for the lab results. Hope pointed out that the attacker's rage had increased with each attack. Hope told Bo that they needed to figure out what was triggering the attacker's rage. Bo suggested that the attacker was probably being angered by a woman in his life. Hope theorized that the pier was probably significant, because all of the attacks had occurred near the pier. Bo contemplated Hope's theory for a moment, then he announced that he had an idea. Later, Rafe arrived at the station. Bo explained that he and Hope were searching the department's database for any significant events that might have occurred at the pier. Rafe agreed to help with the search, and he noted the stack of empty food containers that had been placed near his computer. Hope joked that Rafe had picked the wrong day to work the late shift. "So, I got to tell you, Sami's really fired up about this shindig, you know? Big secret surprise. What's going on? Guys, seriously, come on -- she's killing me with all the guessing. I mean, at least five times a day, she thinks she's figured it out -- what the big surprise is, who's coming," Rafe said. Bo and Hope assured Rafe that Sami would never be able to guess what was going to be happening at the party. Later, one of the lab technicians called to let Bo know that they had finished testing the hair sample, and they said that they would fax the results over to Bo's desk. When Bo inspected the results, he announced that the lab had matched the hair sample to someone named Quinn Hudson.At Chez Rouge, Vivian joined Taylor and Quinn for lunch. Vivian said that she was impressed that Quinn was dating an M.B.A. Vivian said that it was obvious that Taylor was a bright, attractive young woman. "You know, I can't imagine going for a master's degree in anything to do with numbers -- I'm just terrible with them! But what I really am is a...a people person," Vivian said. Quinn laughed, and Vivian admitted that there might be a few people in Salem who might disagree with that statement. Taylor said that she was enjoying Vivian's company. Taylor added that it was obvious that Quinn had inherited Vivian's charm. Vivian smiled, then she asked if she could be honest with Taylor. Quinn braced himself, and he muttered that he had warned Taylor about his mother's candid nature. "It seems to me that, um...well, you're showering me with all these compliments because I'm the mother of this very handsome young man, and you want to get on my good side. So, if that's the case...don't stop!" Vivian joked, as Quinn breathed a sigh of relief. Later, Vivian and Taylor bonded over a shared love for fashion. Taylor invited Vivian to accompany her to a fashion exhibit at the museum later that day. Taylor said that some of Alexander McQueen's items were going to be at the museum. Vivian sighed fondly, and she noted that Alexander McQueen had been a dear friend of hers. Vivian declined Taylor's invitation, and she explained that she was concerned about Gus. "Maybe we'll go to the pet store -- he likes to watch the fish swim around in the tank, you know? 'Round and 'round -- it might cheer him up," Vivian explained. Quinn excused himself so that he could return to the hotel, and he explained that he had misplaced his key card. After Quinn left, Vivian admitted that she actually liked Taylor. Vivian noted that she was getting the distinct impression that Taylor and Quinn had known each other for a long time. Taylor confirmed that she had known Quinn for several years, and she explained that she had recently reconnected with him. Vivian gleefully asked for details about all of the years of Quinn's life that she had missed out on. At the Sapphire Club, Gus used the key card to sneak into Quinn's room. Inside, Gus found a photograph of Quinn and Vivian, and he tore Quinn's face out of the photograph. "Someday, you'll understand. I did this all for you," Gus muttered, as he stared at Vivian's portion of the photograph. Later, Gus grabbed the dry-cleaning ticket that was attached to one of Quinn's shirts, and he muttered that he might need some extra evidence. Later, Gus stared at a piece of luggage that he had found in Quinn's closet. Gus had arranged the luggage so that his nightstick was protruding from one of the partially zipped compartments, and he muttered that it was the perfect hiding spot. Gus turned off the light, and he prepared to exit the room. Meanwhile, Quinn approached the door to his hotel room, and he inserted his new key card into the lock. ^ back to the topFriday, September 16, 2011by ChickenGrrlWhen Nicholas found Carly at the rehab clinic, he could tell that she was on edge about her imminent counseling session with Dr. Norman, which Nicholas, Daniel, and Jennifer were also attending. Carly admitted that the constant therapy was wearing her out, but Nicholas guessed that she was just afraid to face Daniel and Jennifer.Meanwhile, Jennifer and Daniel waited in Dr. Norman's office, and wondered why Carly was late. Daniel got a phone call from the hospital, after which he told Jennifer that Chloe's condition still hadn't changed. Dr. Norman entered, and just as she was warning Daniel and Jennifer that Carly might not show up, Nicholas and Carly arrived. Carly acknowledged that facing her children the previous week had been difficult, but she owed Jennifer and Daniel an apology. Dr. Norman then asked Daniel to respond.Daniel pointed out that it wasn't just family and friends to whom Carly needed to apologize; she had not only broken his trust on a professional level, but also that of her colleagues and patients at the hospital. He urged her to never forget that she had endangered her patients' lives. Carly assured him that she wouldn't, although she was worried that she would have no career to go back to. "Well, that would be a loss -- for a lot of people, not just you," Daniel asserted.Carly apologized for how she'd hurt Daniel, both professionally and personally -- especially because she'd cost him and Melanie so many years together. She continued that she was extremely grateful to Jennifer for saving Carly's life, but part of the reason Carly was in rehab was that Jennifer was seeing Daniel -- and Carly still couldn't handle it. Carly clarified that she thought Daniel and Jennifer belonged together, but she had to be truthful about how she felt.Carly tearfully asserted that she was a terrible friend for resenting their relationship, and she knew her apology was hollow because she couldn't make the unwanted feelings go away. "That is enough," Jennifer declared gently, kneeling on the floor in front of her friend. "When it comes to me and Daniel, I want you to let that guilt go," Jennifer urged Carly. Carly believed that she should stay out of Daniel and Jennifer's lives, but they both strongly disagreed.After the session, Nicholas declared that all of them were very proud of the work that Carly was doing. Carly confessed that she was having a hard time finding her footing, and Dr. Norman suggested that Daniel and Jennifer offer Carly something that she could hold on to. Jennifer declared that she loved Carly very much and wanted her to return home, and Daniel lightheartedly asserted that he and Melanie needed Carly around to keep them in line. Carly hugged Jennifer gratefully, and then instructed Daniel and Jennifer to stand together. "It's as it should be. I just needed to start to see things more clearly," Carly affirmed.Privately, Nicholas stated that after seeing how difficult the session had been for Carly, he understood why she'd been reluctant to go through with it. She reassured him that although it had been hard, she was fine -- and she was beginning to feel a little more confident that she wouldn't relapse once she was released. Nicholas promised that, like Daniel and Carly, he wasn't going anywhere.Nicole arrived at the hospital, where she found Brady still sitting at the comatose Chloe's bedside. Nicole apologized for selfishly demanding that Brady leave the hospital, when she was just as upset as he was about what had happened to Chloe. Brady was worried because he knew that the longer Chloe was in a coma, the worse her prognosis would be. Nicole believed that Chloe might respond if she heard her son's voice, and suggested that they call Philip to set something up, even if it wasn't an in-person visit. Brady agreed that it was a good idea. Nicole urged Brady to go with her to get something to eat, and he reluctantly consented.Later, a nurse spoke gently to her patient, "Chloe, your vitals are strong. Keep fighting. You have to help them get the bastard who did this to you. You can't let him get away with it."As Kate and E.J. arrived at Chez Rouge, they were discussing the upcoming party that Bo and Hope were hosting. Kate was burning with curiosity because of all the secrecy surrounding the plans, but E.J. reminded her that they were there to discuss Countess Wilhelmina Cosmetics. Charles led them to a table -- where Stefano, back from his business trip, was waiting to surprise his wife. A pleased Kate greeted Stefano affectionately. As the three sat down, Stefano ordered a bottle of champagne.Stefano and E.J. discussed business a bit cryptically, and Kate firmly reminded them that she was part of the company, as well. Stefano declared that he didn't want to talk about business any longer, and asked Kate to dance. When they returned to the table, Kate restated her assertion that E.J. needed to find someone to love, and Stefano chimed in that his son deserved a little fun. Just then, Nicole and Brady arrived. Kate and Stefano groaned that they'd lost their appetites.Brady offered to take Nicole somewhere else, but she declined, so Brady asked her to dance. E.J. watched them with amused interest. When Brady had to step outside to take a phone call from the hospital, E.J. approached Nicole to ask her to dance. Refusing, she tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed her hand and spun her back toward him. Nicole glared at him and tried again to leave the dance floor, but a smirking E.J. turned their little game of cat and mouse into a very sexy tango.While Nicole and E.J. danced, capturing the attention of everyone in the restaurant, Nicole's irritation and anger soon turned to amusement, and she found herself smiling. "What the hell is he doing?" Stefano grumbled. As Nicole and E.J.'s dance became even more sensual, Brady returned, and was unable to hide his displeasure when he saw the two of them on the dance floor. E.J. presented Nicole with a rose, and she took it with a smile.E.J. then dipped his ex-wife, and the room fell silent as he pulled her back up and into a clinch. "Your boyfriend is right behind me," E.J. whispered in Nicole's ear. She dropped the rose on the dance floor, and returned with Brady to their table. Brady stated that there had been no change in Chloe's condition. "Glad you kept yourself busy with Twinkle Toes over there," he added with obvious contempt for E.J. "Yeah, I did -- but now you're back," Nicole pointed out with an awkward smile.Stefano asked E.J., "Have you lost your mind?" Kate wanted to know, "Was the show for Nicole or Brady?" Ignoring them both, E.J. asked if anyone wanted dessert.At the police station, Bo, Hope, and Rafe discussed the DNA lab's findings, which showed that it had been Quinn Hudson's hair at the scene of Chloe's attack on the pier. Rafe looked up Quinn in the FBI's database, and discovered that Hudson had a criminal record in San Francisco, where he'd been arrested for running an escort service. The three cops chuckled when they saw that Vivian Alamain was Quinn's mother, then Hope got to work on obtaining a search warrant.Hope returned a few minutes later with the news that Quinn had been arrested in Eastern Europe for civil disobedience -- with Taylor Walker. Bo wondered if Taylor had been feeding Quinn information the whole time she'd been working there. Hope got a phone call alerting her that the search warrant was ready, so the trio hurried out to pick it up and carry it out.As Quinn let himself into his hotel room, Gus ducked into the closet to hide. When he heard Quinn going into the bathroom, Gus stashed the bloody nightstick in the outside pocket of Quinn's suitcase, and quietly left the room. In the corridor outside, Gus heard over his stolen police radio that the cops had a lead on the attacker, and were waiting for a search warrant and an address.A bit later, Gus knocked on Quinn's door. Gus claimed that Vivian was on her way over, and had asked him to meet her there. As they waited, Quinn gave Gus a bottle of water, and noted that Gus seemed a bit nervous. Gus insisted that he wasn't. Quinn grew restless waiting for his "mum," and as he was attempting to call her, the police pounded on the door. Hope showed Quinn the search warrant, and then pushed her was past him into the room.Bo, Rafe, and Hope asked where Quinn had been on certain dates, and Quinn guessed that they were the dates of the prostitute attacks. He declared nonchalantly that he didn't care if they searched his room because he had nothing to hide. Gus warned the cops, "Do you know who this man is? He's the son of Vivian Alamain! You'll have to answer for this outrage!" The detectives merely ignored Gus as they began searching the room from top to bottom. A bemused Quinn demanded to know what the police were looking for.Just then, Rafe discovered the nightstick in the closet. Hope noted that the baton had dried blood on it, and Bo asked if the weapon belonged to Quinn. Shocked, Quinn insisted, "I have never seen that thing in my entire life!" Bo handcuffed Quinn while Hope read Quinn his rights. Quinn adamantly maintained that he'd lost his key card, and pointed out that there were maids in and out of his hotel room all day, so anyone could have left the weapon there. He swore he hadn't hurt anyone. Rafe scoffed, "Yeah. We'll see how that flies in court." After ordering Gus to leave, Bo and Hope led a handcuffed Quinn out the door.^ back to the top

At the Brady Pub, Sami started to look at some of the job listings that she had found on the Internet. Sami sighed as she realized that she wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that were listed. Rafe encouraged Sami to keep searching, and he assured her that she would be able to find a job eventually.

"Okay, here's one that looks good. Says, uh -- oh! They want someone with high energy, a self-starter, with a dynamic personality -- that's totally me! It doesn't say anything about needing job experience, or needing a college degree -- that's good. It says there's 'opportunity for travel,' and 'rapid advancement for the right candidate.' I am the right candidate! This is my job!" Sami exclaimed insistently. Rafe said that the job listing seemed kind of sketchy. Rafe pointed out that the job listing had not mentioned who Sami would be working for, and he noted that there wasn't any indication of what the job might entail.

"It could be one of those outfits where they say, 'You could make thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home, just stuffing envelopes -- just send us two thousand dollars up front for supplies,'" Rafe warned Sami. Sami said that Rafe was being Agent Negative, and Rafe admitted that the job might be perfect for Sami. Rafe said that he would try to find out if the job was legitimate. Sami smirked, and she wondered if Rafe was really asking her to be patient.

Before Rafe could respond, he received a phone call, and he abruptly excused himself so that he could get back to work. After Rafe left, Sami ignored Rafe's advice, and she sent an email to the address that was listed in the mysterious job advertisement. Meanwhile, Caroline greeted Sami, and she wondered what Sami was up to. Sami sighed and wondered why Caroline had always been able to read Sami's mind.

Sami said that she had applied for a job, and she admitted that Rafe had asked her to wait. Sami said that she was convinced that Rafe was just being overprotective. Caroline said that she understood why Rafe was trying to protect Sami. "Sami, I know that you had cysts removed," Caroline announced. Sami apologized for trying to hide the truth from Caroline, and she explained that she had not wanted to burden Caroline.

Caroline promised that she was always going to be there for Sami. Sami hugged Caroline, and she said that Caroline's shoulder would be the first one that she would lean on the next time that she needed support. Sami changed the subject, and she wondered if Caroline knew anything about the party that Bo and Hope had been planning. Caroline shrugged, and she said that she had threatened to cut off Bo's supply of clam chowder, but Bo had remained tight-lipped about the party. Caroline excused herself, and Sami returned to her computer. Sami was shocked when she realized that she had received a response to her job application.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor reminded Maggie that he had asked her to move in with him, and he wondered if Maggie had given the idea any consideration. Maggie admitted that she had spent the previous night considering Victor's proposal. "You know my feelings for you, Victor. I mean, you heard how I stood up to Hope and Jennifer when they wanted to take me home, and I said, 'No.' I wanted to stay here, with you. I love you, and I think you know what it means to me, saying that. After Mickey's passing, I didn't think I could ever feel that way about another man, but you convinced me otherwise. make me feel young again, and alive, and desirable...and that anything is possible," Maggie said.

Victor assured Maggie that he felt the same way about her. "And I love -- ooh! How my stubborn Irish streak comes up against your Mediterranean machismo when we don't agree, and how neither one of us is willing to back down when -- when we don't agree, so...there. I think we make a pretty good pair, don't you?" Maggie asked. Victor agreed, and he eagerly wondered if that meant that Maggie was going to accept his invitation. Victor admitted that waking up next to Maggie every morning would make him a very happy man.

"Victor, I think that you know that I consider myself a modern woman in many ways, especially when it comes to the way people choose to live their lives, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a part of me that's still pretty darn old fashioned," Maggie said. Victor said that he felt the same way. Maggie admitted that she was glad that Victor understood. "That's a part of myself that I need to honor, despite the times that we live in. See, I believe that a commitment between two people -- and it is a formidable commitment, to live with someone -- it isn't just a handshake, or a kiss, or even your wonderful king size bed. A real commitment, Victor, means marriage -- before God, and friends, and most of all, family," Maggie said.

Victor wondered if Maggie was saying that she wanted to get married. "Oh, good heavens, no. I'm not ready for that, just like I'm not comfortable living with a man that I'm not married to. It's just not me. So, while your offer is so sweet, and so generous, I'm sorry -- I have to say no," Maggie said. Victor was shocked that Maggie had declined his offer. "I'm leaving the house, Victor, not you," Maggie stressed, but Victor admitted that he was having a hard time understanding that distinction.

Maggie said that she wasn't trying to minimize the significance of the time that they had shared together at the mansion. Maggie added that every day that she had spent with Victor had been a gift. Victor dryly stated that Maggie might want to exclude the part where she had almost died. "Well, I guess that's something, anyway, before you put me back up on the shelf," Victor said with a sigh. Maggie insisted that she wasn't trying to hurt Victor's feelings.

Maggie said that Victor had treated her like a queen, and she claimed that she had made a lightning-fast recovery because of him. Maggie kissed Victor tenderly, and she asked him to understand. Before Victor could respond, Maggie exited the mansion so that she could get some fresh air.

At the police station, Bo waited impatiently for the lab to finish testing the strand of hair that Hope had found at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Hope rushed into the room, carrying several bags of food in her arms. Hope explained that Maggie had recommended a caterer for Hope's big party, and she added that the caterer had given her some free samples so that she could finalize the menu. Hope warned Bo that he was going to have to help her taste all of the foods, and she added that it would be a good way for them to distract themselves until the lab was finished testing the strand of hair.

Bo apprehensively tasted the first sample, and he claimed that it tasted like cat food. Hope noted that Bo didn't like the pt, and she moved on to the next sample. Bo admitted that the second sample was all right, and Hope explained that it was squash blossom medley. Bo gasped as he realized that he had just approved a vegetable. "Whatever happened to the guy whose idea of a gourmet menu was something you could eat standing up, with your beer in one hand, and your food in the other?" Bo asked, and Hope reminded him that he had gotten married.

"This food -- I'm sure it's gonna work out great, but it's not what people are gonna remember from our party. Once the surprises start rolling out, they're not gonna think about anything else," Bo assured Hope. Later, Hope thanked Bo for his help, and Bo groaned uncomfortably as he surveyed the stack of empty food containers. Hope checked her notes, and she correctly guessed that Bo had enjoyed the individual wood-fire pizzas more than any other item that he had sampled.

Bo tried to describe Hope's favorite item, and Hope laughed. "'The little meaty things with the rice?' You completely butchered it. That would be pan-roasted rosemary duck breast over a beautiful bed of risotto," Hope said, and she wondered how Bo had guessed that she had chosen that item. Bo told Hope that they might be able to hide their party plans from everyone in Salem, but he added that they would never be able to hide anything from each other.

Later, Bo and Hope continued to wait for the lab results. Hope pointed out that the attacker's rage had increased with each attack. Hope told Bo that they needed to figure out what was triggering the attacker's rage. Bo suggested that the attacker was probably being angered by a woman in his life. Hope theorized that the pier was probably significant, because all of the attacks had occurred near the pier. Bo contemplated Hope's theory for a moment, then he announced that he had an idea.

Later, Rafe arrived at the station. Bo explained that he and Hope were searching the department's database for any significant events that might have occurred at the pier. Rafe agreed to help with the search, and he noted the stack of empty food containers that had been placed near his computer. Hope joked that Rafe had picked the wrong day to work the late shift.

"So, I got to tell you, Sami's really fired up about this shindig, you know? Big secret surprise. What's going on? Guys, seriously, come on -- she's killing me with all the guessing. I mean, at least five times a day, she thinks she's figured it out -- what the big surprise is, who's coming," Rafe said. Bo and Hope assured Rafe that Sami would never be able to guess what was going to be happening at the party. Later, one of the lab technicians called to let Bo know that they had finished testing the hair sample, and they said that they would fax the results over to Bo's desk. When Bo inspected the results, he announced that the lab had matched the hair sample to someone named Quinn Hudson.

At Chez Rouge, Vivian joined Taylor and Quinn for lunch. Vivian said that she was impressed that Quinn was dating an M.B.A. Vivian said that it was obvious that Taylor was a bright, attractive young woman. "You know, I can't imagine going for a master's degree in anything to do with numbers -- I'm just terrible with them! But what I really am is a...a people person," Vivian said. Quinn laughed, and Vivian admitted that there might be a few people in Salem who might disagree with that statement.

Taylor said that she was enjoying Vivian's company. Taylor added that it was obvious that Quinn had inherited Vivian's charm. Vivian smiled, then she asked if she could be honest with Taylor. Quinn braced himself, and he muttered that he had warned Taylor about his mother's candid nature. "It seems to me that, um...well, you're showering me with all these compliments because I'm the mother of this very handsome young man, and you want to get on my good side. So, if that's the case...don't stop!" Vivian joked, as Quinn breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Vivian and Taylor bonded over a shared love for fashion. Taylor invited Vivian to accompany her to a fashion exhibit at the museum later that day. Taylor said that some of Alexander McQueen's items were going to be at the museum. Vivian sighed fondly, and she noted that Alexander McQueen had been a dear friend of hers. Vivian declined Taylor's invitation, and she explained that she was concerned about Gus. "Maybe we'll go to the pet store -- he likes to watch the fish swim around in the tank, you know? 'Round and 'round -- it might cheer him up," Vivian explained.

Quinn excused himself so that he could return to the hotel, and he explained that he had misplaced his key card. After Quinn left, Vivian admitted that she actually liked Taylor. Vivian noted that she was getting the distinct impression that Taylor and Quinn had known each other for a long time. Taylor confirmed that she had known Quinn for several years, and she explained that she had recently reconnected with him. Vivian gleefully asked for details about all of the years of Quinn's life that she had missed out on.

At the Sapphire Club, Gus used the key card to sneak into Quinn's room. Inside, Gus found a photograph of Quinn and Vivian, and he tore Quinn's face out of the photograph. "Someday, you'll understand. I did this all for you," Gus muttered, as he stared at Vivian's portion of the photograph. Later, Gus grabbed the dry-cleaning ticket that was attached to one of Quinn's shirts, and he muttered that he might need some extra evidence.

Later, Gus stared at a piece of luggage that he had found in Quinn's closet. Gus had arranged the luggage so that his nightstick was protruding from one of the partially zipped compartments, and he muttered that it was the perfect hiding spot. Gus turned off the light, and he prepared to exit the room. Meanwhile, Quinn approached the door to his hotel room, and he inserted his new key card into the lock.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 12, 2011 on DAYS

Friday, September 16, 2011

by ChickenGrrlWhen Nicholas found Carly at the rehab clinic, he could tell that she was on edge about her imminent counseling session with Dr. Norman, which Nicholas, Daniel, and Jennifer were also attending. Carly admitted that the constant therapy was wearing her out, but Nicholas guessed that she was just afraid to face Daniel and Jennifer.Meanwhile, Jennifer and Daniel waited in Dr. Norman's office, and wondered why Carly was late. Daniel got a phone call from the hospital, after which he told Jennifer that Chloe's condition still hadn't changed. Dr. Norman entered, and just as she was warning Daniel and Jennifer that Carly might not show up, Nicholas and Carly arrived. Carly acknowledged that facing her children the previous week had been difficult, but she owed Jennifer and Daniel an apology. Dr. Norman then asked Daniel to respond.Daniel pointed out that it wasn't just family and friends to whom Carly needed to apologize; she had not only broken his trust on a professional level, but also that of her colleagues and patients at the hospital. He urged her to never forget that she had endangered her patients' lives. Carly assured him that she wouldn't, although she was worried that she would have no career to go back to. "Well, that would be a loss -- for a lot of people, not just you," Daniel asserted.Carly apologized for how she'd hurt Daniel, both professionally and personally -- especially because she'd cost him and Melanie so many years together. She continued that she was extremely grateful to Jennifer for saving Carly's life, but part of the reason Carly was in rehab was that Jennifer was seeing Daniel -- and Carly still couldn't handle it. Carly clarified that she thought Daniel and Jennifer belonged together, but she had to be truthful about how she felt.Carly tearfully asserted that she was a terrible friend for resenting their relationship, and she knew her apology was hollow because she couldn't make the unwanted feelings go away. "That is enough," Jennifer declared gently, kneeling on the floor in front of her friend. "When it comes to me and Daniel, I want you to let that guilt go," Jennifer urged Carly. Carly believed that she should stay out of Daniel and Jennifer's lives, but they both strongly disagreed.After the session, Nicholas declared that all of them were very proud of the work that Carly was doing. Carly confessed that she was having a hard time finding her footing, and Dr. Norman suggested that Daniel and Jennifer offer Carly something that she could hold on to. Jennifer declared that she loved Carly very much and wanted her to return home, and Daniel lightheartedly asserted that he and Melanie needed Carly around to keep them in line. Carly hugged Jennifer gratefully, and then instructed Daniel and Jennifer to stand together. "It's as it should be. I just needed to start to see things more clearly," Carly affirmed.Privately, Nicholas stated that after seeing how difficult the session had been for Carly, he understood why she'd been reluctant to go through with it. She reassured him that although it had been hard, she was fine -- and she was beginning to feel a little more confident that she wouldn't relapse once she was released. Nicholas promised that, like Daniel and Carly, he wasn't going anywhere.Nicole arrived at the hospital, where she found Brady still sitting at the comatose Chloe's bedside. Nicole apologized for selfishly demanding that Brady leave the hospital, when she was just as upset as he was about what had happened to Chloe. Brady was worried because he knew that the longer Chloe was in a coma, the worse her prognosis would be. Nicole believed that Chloe might respond if she heard her son's voice, and suggested that they call Philip to set something up, even if it wasn't an in-person visit. Brady agreed that it was a good idea. Nicole urged Brady to go with her to get something to eat, and he reluctantly consented.Later, a nurse spoke gently to her patient, "Chloe, your vitals are strong. Keep fighting. You have to help them get the bastard who did this to you. You can't let him get away with it."As Kate and E.J. arrived at Chez Rouge, they were discussing the upcoming party that Bo and Hope were hosting. Kate was burning with curiosity because of all the secrecy surrounding the plans, but E.J. reminded her that they were there to discuss Countess Wilhelmina Cosmetics. Charles led them to a table -- where Stefano, back from his business trip, was waiting to surprise his wife. A pleased Kate greeted Stefano affectionately. As the three sat down, Stefano ordered a bottle of champagne.Stefano and E.J. discussed business a bit cryptically, and Kate firmly reminded them that she was part of the company, as well. Stefano declared that he didn't want to talk about business any longer, and asked Kate to dance. When they returned to the table, Kate restated her assertion that E.J. needed to find someone to love, and Stefano chimed in that his son deserved a little fun. Just then, Nicole and Brady arrived. Kate and Stefano groaned that they'd lost their appetites.Brady offered to take Nicole somewhere else, but she declined, so Brady asked her to dance. E.J. watched them with amused interest. When Brady had to step outside to take a phone call from the hospital, E.J. approached Nicole to ask her to dance. Refusing, she tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed her hand and spun her back toward him. Nicole glared at him and tried again to leave the dance floor, but a smirking E.J. turned their little game of cat and mouse into a very sexy tango.While Nicole and E.J. danced, capturing the attention of everyone in the restaurant, Nicole's irritation and anger soon turned to amusement, and she found herself smiling. "What the hell is he doing?" Stefano grumbled. As Nicole and E.J.'s dance became even more sensual, Brady returned, and was unable to hide his displeasure when he saw the two of them on the dance floor. E.J. presented Nicole with a rose, and she took it with a smile.E.J. then dipped his ex-wife, and the room fell silent as he pulled her back up and into a clinch. "Your boyfriend is right behind me," E.J. whispered in Nicole's ear. She dropped the rose on the dance floor, and returned with Brady to their table. Brady stated that there had been no change in Chloe's condition. "Glad you kept yourself busy with Twinkle Toes over there," he added with obvious contempt for E.J. "Yeah, I did -- but now you're back," Nicole pointed out with an awkward smile.Stefano asked E.J., "Have you lost your mind?" Kate wanted to know, "Was the show for Nicole or Brady?" Ignoring them both, E.J. asked if anyone wanted dessert.At the police station, Bo, Hope, and Rafe discussed the DNA lab's findings, which showed that it had been Quinn Hudson's hair at the scene of Chloe's attack on the pier. Rafe looked up Quinn in the FBI's database, and discovered that Hudson had a criminal record in San Francisco, where he'd been arrested for running an escort service. The three cops chuckled when they saw that Vivian Alamain was Quinn's mother, then Hope got to work on obtaining a search warrant.Hope returned a few minutes later with the news that Quinn had been arrested in Eastern Europe for civil disobedience -- with Taylor Walker. Bo wondered if Taylor had been feeding Quinn information the whole time she'd been working there. Hope got a phone call alerting her that the search warrant was ready, so the trio hurried out to pick it up and carry it out.As Quinn let himself into his hotel room, Gus ducked into the closet to hide. When he heard Quinn going into the bathroom, Gus stashed the bloody nightstick in the outside pocket of Quinn's suitcase, and quietly left the room. In the corridor outside, Gus heard over his stolen police radio that the cops had a lead on the attacker, and were waiting for a search warrant and an address.A bit later, Gus knocked on Quinn's door. Gus claimed that Vivian was on her way over, and had asked him to meet her there. As they waited, Quinn gave Gus a bottle of water, and noted that Gus seemed a bit nervous. Gus insisted that he wasn't. Quinn grew restless waiting for his "mum," and as he was attempting to call her, the police pounded on the door. Hope showed Quinn the search warrant, and then pushed her was past him into the room.Bo, Rafe, and Hope asked where Quinn had been on certain dates, and Quinn guessed that they were the dates of the prostitute attacks. He declared nonchalantly that he didn't care if they searched his room because he had nothing to hide. Gus warned the cops, "Do you know who this man is? He's the son of Vivian Alamain! You'll have to answer for this outrage!" The detectives merely ignored Gus as they began searching the room from top to bottom. A bemused Quinn demanded to know what the police were looking for.Just then, Rafe discovered the nightstick in the closet. Hope noted that the baton had dried blood on it, and Bo asked if the weapon belonged to Quinn. Shocked, Quinn insisted, "I have never seen that thing in my entire life!" Bo handcuffed Quinn while Hope read Quinn his rights. Quinn adamantly maintained that he'd lost his key card, and pointed out that there were maids in and out of his hotel room all day, so anyone could have left the weapon there. He swore he hadn't hurt anyone. Rafe scoffed, "Yeah. We'll see how that flies in court." After ordering Gus to leave, Bo and Hope led a handcuffed Quinn out the door.^ back to the top

When Nicholas found Carly at the rehab clinic, he could tell that she was on edge about her imminent counseling session with Dr. Norman, which Nicholas, Daniel, and Jennifer were also attending. Carly admitted that the constant therapy was wearing her out, but Nicholas guessed that she was just afraid to face Daniel and Jennifer.

Meanwhile, Jennifer and Daniel waited in Dr. Norman's office, and wondered why Carly was late. Daniel got a phone call from the hospital, after which he told Jennifer that Chloe's condition still hadn't changed. Dr. Norman entered, and just as she was warning Daniel and Jennifer that Carly might not show up, Nicholas and Carly arrived. Carly acknowledged that facing her children the previous week had been difficult, but she owed Jennifer and Daniel an apology. Dr. Norman then asked Daniel to respond.

Daniel pointed out that it wasn't just family and friends to whom Carly needed to apologize; she had not only broken his trust on a professional level, but also that of her colleagues and patients at the hospital. He urged her to never forget that she had endangered her patients' lives. Carly assured him that she wouldn't, although she was worried that she would have no career to go back to. "Well, that would be a loss -- for a lot of people, not just you," Daniel asserted.

Carly apologized for how she'd hurt Daniel, both professionally and personally -- especially because she'd cost him and Melanie so many years together. She continued that she was extremely grateful to Jennifer for saving Carly's life, but part of the reason Carly was in rehab was that Jennifer was seeing Daniel -- and Carly still couldn't handle it. Carly clarified that she thought Daniel and Jennifer belonged together, but she had to be truthful about how she felt.

Carly tearfully asserted that she was a terrible friend for resenting their relationship, and she knew her apology was hollow because she couldn't make the unwanted feelings go away. "That is enough," Jennifer declared gently, kneeling on the floor in front of her friend. "When it comes to me and Daniel, I want you to let that guilt go," Jennifer urged Carly. Carly believed that she should stay out of Daniel and Jennifer's lives, but they both strongly disagreed.

After the session, Nicholas declared that all of them were very proud of the work that Carly was doing. Carly confessed that she was having a hard time finding her footing, and Dr. Norman suggested that Daniel and Jennifer offer Carly something that she could hold on to. Jennifer declared that she loved Carly very much and wanted her to return home, and Daniel lightheartedly asserted that he and Melanie needed Carly around to keep them in line. Carly hugged Jennifer gratefully, and then instructed Daniel and Jennifer to stand together. "It's as it should be. I just needed to start to see things more clearly," Carly affirmed.

Privately, Nicholas stated that after seeing how difficult the session had been for Carly, he understood why she'd been reluctant to go through with it. She reassured him that although it had been hard, she was fine -- and she was beginning to feel a little more confident that she wouldn't relapse once she was released. Nicholas promised that, like Daniel and Carly, he wasn't going anywhere.

Nicole arrived at the hospital, where she found Brady still sitting at the comatose Chloe's bedside. Nicole apologized for selfishly demanding that Brady leave the hospital, when she was just as upset as he was about what had happened to Chloe. Brady was worried because he knew that the longer Chloe was in a coma, the worse her prognosis would be. Nicole believed that Chloe might respond if she heard her son's voice, and suggested that they call Philip to set something up, even if it wasn't an in-person visit. Brady agreed that it was a good idea. Nicole urged Brady to go with her to get something to eat, and he reluctantly consented.

Later, a nurse spoke gently to her patient, "Chloe, your vitals are strong. Keep fighting. You have to help them get the bastard who did this to you. You can't let him get away with it."

As Kate and E.J. arrived at Chez Rouge, they were discussing the upcoming party that Bo and Hope were hosting. Kate was burning with curiosity because of all the secrecy surrounding the plans, but E.J. reminded her that they were there to discuss Countess Wilhelmina Cosmetics. Charles led them to a table -- where Stefano, back from his business trip, was waiting to surprise his wife. A pleased Kate greeted Stefano affectionately. As the three sat down, Stefano ordered a bottle of champagne.

Stefano and E.J. discussed business a bit cryptically, and Kate firmly reminded them that she was part of the company, as well. Stefano declared that he didn't want to talk about business any longer, and asked Kate to dance. When they returned to the table, Kate restated her assertion that E.J. needed to find someone to love, and Stefano chimed in that his son deserved a little fun. Just then, Nicole and Brady arrived. Kate and Stefano groaned that they'd lost their appetites.

Brady offered to take Nicole somewhere else, but she declined, so Brady asked her to dance. E.J. watched them with amused interest. When Brady had to step outside to take a phone call from the hospital, E.J. approached Nicole to ask her to dance. Refusing, she tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed her hand and spun her back toward him. Nicole glared at him and tried again to leave the dance floor, but a smirking E.J. turned their little game of cat and mouse into a very sexy tango.

While Nicole and E.J. danced, capturing the attention of everyone in the restaurant, Nicole's irritation and anger soon turned to amusement, and she found herself smiling. "What the hell is he doing?" Stefano grumbled. As Nicole and E.J.'s dance became even more sensual, Brady returned, and was unable to hide his displeasure when he saw the two of them on the dance floor. E.J. presented Nicole with a rose, and she took it with a smile.

E.J. then dipped his ex-wife, and the room fell silent as he pulled her back up and into a clinch. "Your boyfriend is right behind me," E.J. whispered in Nicole's ear. She dropped the rose on the dance floor, and returned with Brady to their table. Brady stated that there had been no change in Chloe's condition. "Glad you kept yourself busy with Twinkle Toes over there," he added with obvious contempt for E.J. "Yeah, I did -- but now you're back," Nicole pointed out with an awkward smile.

Stefano asked E.J., "Have you lost your mind?" Kate wanted to know, "Was the show for Nicole or Brady?" Ignoring them both, E.J. asked if anyone wanted dessert.

At the police station, Bo, Hope, and Rafe discussed the DNA lab's findings, which showed that it had been Quinn Hudson's hair at the scene of Chloe's attack on the pier. Rafe looked up Quinn in the FBI's database, and discovered that Hudson had a criminal record in San Francisco, where he'd been arrested for running an escort service. The three cops chuckled when they saw that Vivian Alamain was Quinn's mother, then Hope got to work on obtaining a search warrant.

Hope returned a few minutes later with the news that Quinn had been arrested in Eastern Europe for civil disobedience -- with Taylor Walker. Bo wondered if Taylor had been feeding Quinn information the whole time she'd been working there. Hope got a phone call alerting her that the search warrant was ready, so the trio hurried out to pick it up and carry it out.

As Quinn let himself into his hotel room, Gus ducked into the closet to hide. When he heard Quinn going into the bathroom, Gus stashed the bloody nightstick in the outside pocket of Quinn's suitcase, and quietly left the room. In the corridor outside, Gus heard over his stolen police radio that the cops had a lead on the attacker, and were waiting for a search warrant and an address.

A bit later, Gus knocked on Quinn's door. Gus claimed that Vivian was on her way over, and had asked him to meet her there. As they waited, Quinn gave Gus a bottle of water, and noted that Gus seemed a bit nervous. Gus insisted that he wasn't. Quinn grew restless waiting for his "mum," and as he was attempting to call her, the police pounded on the door. Hope showed Quinn the search warrant, and then pushed her was past him into the room.

Bo, Rafe, and Hope asked where Quinn had been on certain dates, and Quinn guessed that they were the dates of the prostitute attacks. He declared nonchalantly that he didn't care if they searched his room because he had nothing to hide. Gus warned the cops, "Do you know who this man is? He's the son of Vivian Alamain! You'll have to answer for this outrage!" The detectives merely ignored Gus as they began searching the room from top to bottom. A bemused Quinn demanded to know what the police were looking for.

Just then, Rafe discovered the nightstick in the closet. Hope noted that the baton had dried blood on it, and Bo asked if the weapon belonged to Quinn. Shocked, Quinn insisted, "I have never seen that thing in my entire life!" Bo handcuffed Quinn while Hope read Quinn his rights. Quinn adamantly maintained that he'd lost his key card, and pointed out that there were maids in and out of his hotel room all day, so anyone could have left the weapon there. He swore he hadn't hurt anyone. Rafe scoffed, "Yeah. We'll see how that flies in court." After ordering Gus to leave, Bo and Hope led a handcuffed Quinn out the door.

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Edited by SC Desk