Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS

SC Desk
Greta almost revealed Jack
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS

Shawn tried to talk Jan out of having an abortion, while Belle was frustrated over their secret alliance. Much to the Bradys' horror, Glenn was awarded visitation rights to J.T. Philip and Brady both tried to win Chloe's heart as she reflected on her special relationship with each of them. Nicole gave Victor somewhat of an ultimatum regarding their future. Kate delighted in the effectiveness of her plan to speed up Lucas' recovery through Will and to put Sami on the defensive, demonstrating to Austin the selfishness of his future bride. Colin apologized to Jennifer for his behavior to her when they'd met in Ireland. Greta almost revealed Jack's secret to Jennifer as he scrambled to do damage control.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS

Monday, February 4, 2002

by Stephanie Burch

Greta and Jack argued over breakfast at home, and Greta demanded that he tell Jennifer that he was gay within the next 24 hours. They continued to argue about it then Jack turned the argument around and told Greta that she couldn't live there anymore. Greta refused to go until she had a chance to tell Jennifer the truth about Jack. Jack asked Greta to just play along. Greta asked him what he meant by that and if he was using her. After joking around and sidestepping the question, Jack finally admitted that he'd only told Greta he was gay because he hadn't wanted her to get hurt because she'd been falling in love with him.

Greta told Jack that he was right and that she did care about him and wanted to help him. Jack then told Greta about his new plan -- that they announce that they were engaged. Greta asked Jack why they should do that, and Jack told her it was to make Jennifer jealous and to make her fall in love with Jack again after he had his good job. Greta thought that Jack should be honest and direct instead. Jack said that he'd tried that before, and it hadn't worked. He said that his plan was the only thing that Jennifer would respond to.

Jack then called Oliver Wentworth after Greta said she didn't think he really existed. He expected to hear that the job was a go, but apparently, the news about the job was not good. Jack insisted that he and Greta needed to go ahead with their plan. Greta said that she didn't want to live under Jennifer's roof and lie to her, and she asked to at least be able to tell Jennifer that Jack was gay. Jack convinced Greta not to tell Jennifer, and Greta again agreed to help Jack.

At the hospital, Jennifer and Brandon returned from their breakfast date, and Brandon went to get them some coffee. Once he left, Jennifer bumped into Colin. Jennifer and Colin made small talk until Brandon returned, and Colin asked if Jennifer and Brandon were dating. When they admitted they were, Colin asked if Jack was out of the picture, and Jennifer told him that was none of his business. Colin left, but Jennifer stopped him and apologized. Colin left again.

Brandon asked Jennifer why Colin affected her so much, and Jennifer told him that she'd known Colin in Africa. Brandon guessed correctly that Jennifer and Colin had had a relationship then a falling out and that there was tension and attraction between them. Jennifer asked Brandon to drop the subject, and Brandon moved in to kiss her. They broke apart before completing the kiss when they noticed a nurse watching them. Brandon moved in for another try. Jennifer broke away before they kissed, telling Brandon that she was not ready yet, but she promised that she would tell him as soon as she was ready.

In school, Jan asked Shawn to help her then quickly ran to the bathroom. Belle walked up to Shawn and asked him what was going on with him and Jan. Shawn avoided Belle's question, saying that Jan was still upset about Paul's death. Belle didn't believe him. Shawn asked Belle to just trust him. Belle agreed and told him she loved him. Belle then started complaining about Jan, but Shawn defended her.

In the bathroom, Chloe was concerned about Jan, but Jan just said that she couldn't take it anymore and ran out, leaving Chloe very confused. Jan walked up to Belle and Shawn and asked to talk to Shawn, and Belle reluctantly let him go. Chloe approached Belle and asked what was wrong, and Belle told her about the baby switch and that Glen was J.T.'s father. Chloe was concerned, but Belle insisted she was okay with that situation. Belle wasn't okay with Shawn's attention to Jan, however, and Chloe agreed that Shawn should stay with Belle and not go running off with Jan all the time, no matter what the reason was.

Jan told Shawn that she was badly cramping, and Shawn took her to the hospital, where they saw Shawn's cousin Colin. Colin wanted to examine Jan, but she was reluctant, not agreeing unless Shawn went with her. Jan denied that she'd been sexually abused, and when Colin asked who the baby's father was, Jan said it was not really a baby, just a problem that she wanted to be over. When the exam was complete, Shawn returned, and Colin told him that the pregnancy was progressing normally but that he needed to know what had really happened to Jan. He wanted Shawn to get Jan to open up. Shawn wouldn't tell Colin anything unless Jan said it was okay, which she did not. Colin then asked Jan to look at an ultrasound before making a decision about ending her pregnancy.

Glen, Barb, and Cameron were at the courthouse, and Glen was determined to get his son back by the end of the day. Cameron reminded Glen that they were not there to ask for custody, just for supervised visitation. Glen was upset at that -- even more so when Cameron told him that it was very possible that the social worker assigned to their case might decide that J.T. should stay with Bo and Hope. The social worker approached them. Cameron introduced the social worker, who handed Glen some forms to complete.

Glen was surprised that they needed a criminal background check and psychological history. The social worker then turned to Barb and asked her if she was prepared to care for another woman's child with special needs, in addition to her own baby. Glen prompted Barb, but she hesitated in answering. Glen pulled Barb aside and told her he wouldn't let her ruin it for him. He then told the social worker that they didn't have any secrets -- he just wanted his son back.

Bo and Hope were talking to Mickey, and Hope asked if she was going to lose her baby. Mickey reassured Hope that the judge wouldn't take J.T. away from her, but a social worker would be evaluating both Bo and Hope, and Glen and Barb. Hope reminded Mickey that Glen had kidnapped J.T., but Mickey reminded her that they had not pressed charges against him. Mickey said that Glen and his lawyer would use any means necessary to win the case, including attacking Bo and Hope personally and accusing them of being unfit parents. Hope couldn't believe that, but Mickey told her that her affair with John might make their case worse.

Mickey then told Bo and Hope that the judge would almost definitely award Glen some visitation, starting with a few hours and probably progressing to an entire weekend. Hope was afraid that Glen would run away with J.T. again, but Mickey assured her that Glenn would not damage his case by doing that. Hope said she was upset that the court would allow Glen to bond with her son, and she thought it would be preparing Glen to take J.T. away from her permanently, which Mickey admitted was a possibility. Finally, Mickey told Bo and Hope that he thought that Cameron believed that J.T. would be better off staying where he was, with Bo and Hope, although Mickey was not sure why.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS

Tuesday, February 5, 2002

by Barb H

Brady was at work at Basic Black in his father's office. Chloe entered saying, "I really need to see you, Brady." Brady walked to get her a drink, and, with his back to Chloe, he smiled excitedly about her unexpected visit. He told Chloe to admit that she couldn't stay away from him. She played along with Brady's request and pretended she was going to kiss him then playfully choked him.

Chloe and Brady shared laughs as they tried to tickle each other. They continued to horseplay for a while, until Chloe had to sit down, claiming that they should behave with a little more decorum in the CEO's office. Chloe confessed that she'd spoken to Philip. Brady was annoyed, and he demanded to know the truth about her feelings for Philip. Chloe said that she didn't want to discuss Philip with him.

Brady said that he'd thought Chloe was back on track with her singing. He claimed the only way she would ever know how good she could be would be if Philip was out of her life for good. Chloe received a phone call from Philip, and Brady demanded to know what he wanted. Chloe started to leave because Brady was upset. Brady shouted, "Don't go. I don't want you to go."

Shawn and Dr. Colin Murphy recommended to Jan that she have an ultrasound. Shawn told her it had been a miracle the first time he'd seen his brother during his mother's ultrasound. Shawn pressed Jan about it until she relented. As Dr. Murphy left to get the equipment, Jan told Shawn that she didn't want the baby, so she didn't know why she was having an ultrasound. Shawn told her she wouldn't regret it.

As Jan saw her baby on the monitor, Shawn expertly pointed out the baby's head and feet. Jan, with a tender expression on her face, said, "Oh, my God, that's my baby." Dr. Murphy said that everything was fine with the pregnancy, and he let Jan listen to the heartbeat. At first, Jan was awed by it, but then she demanded the doctor turn off the machine. She then asked Shawn to leave.

Jan informed Dr. Murphy that nothing had changed. "I hate that I have something growing inside me," she snapped. The doctor looked at her compassionately and mentioned that, as a minor, she needed parental consent. Jan said she was going over the state line to have the abortion. "If my parents found out about this, it's over. My life is over," she said. Back at Jan's side, Shawn told Jan that he agreed that it was Jan's decision, but he was going to help her make the right one.

Austin, Sami, and Will entered the rehab center to visit Lucas. Sami expressed her concern that it might not be good for Will to see his father. Austin said that they could not let Will down. Dr. Richards, the rehab center's child psychologist, introduced herself then took Will for a talk before he could see his father. Sami went in to see Lucas on her own.

Sami looked at Lucas, who was unconscious in the bed, and remembered the night she and Lucas had conceived Will. Then, she remembered Lucas screaming at her, denying her custody of Will. That memory caused her to shout at him, "You pathetic loser, I wish you had died." Kate overheard and pulled Sami out of the room by her hair, saying, "What are you trying to do, kill him?"

Kate verbally tore into Sami, mentioning that Austin and Roman agreed with her. Austin walked in as Kate was yelling, and he told her to stop. Sami told Austin that the visit was a big mistake, and she accused him of betraying her. Austin was dumbfounded. Austin questioned why Kate had gone to see Lucas when she'd known that Sami had been taking Will that day. Kate claimed that Austin and Lucas were her life, and she wept about wanting to be there if there was a remote chance that Will could stir a response in Lucas.

Sami said she was leaving with Will. Austin, wiping a tear from his eye, went after her. He told her not to break Will's heart because she was having a tantrum. Meanwhile, Will entered the room Lucas was in and told him to "Please, wake up," as he gently shook his father's shoulder. Sami realized Will was in the room. She entered the room and telepathically sent a plea to Lucas to not wake up. Lucas' eyes began to flutter.

Abe complimented Lexie on how she'd handled the situation with Belle and Shawn. Lexie said she didn't understand why Bo and Hope had ganged up on her. She ranted about Bo, Hope, John, and Marlena. Abe defended them, saying everyone was tense at that moment. He didn't understand how two babies could have been switched at the hospital. He said that whoever knew how it had happened would have to explain themselves at some point.

Abe looked toward the doorway and saw Rolf leaning against the doorframe, looking grim. Rolf reminded Abe and Lexie that the baby switch had been an error. Lexie said that Glen and Barb didn't have the money or sophistication to take care of a special needs baby. Abe mentioned that, with Cameron Reece as his attorney, Glen wouldn't give up. Then Abe stated that all they knew for sure was that Glen was J.T.'s biological father, but they suspected that Isaac was Hope's son.

Abe reminded Lexie that since she kept reminding everyone that there had been four babies born at the hospital that night, they needed evidence. They needed a DNA test done on Isaac. Lexie looked shocked at the suggestion and refused. Abe said that it could prove that Isaac was not Hope's son. Lexie said she was doing all she could to ensure that Bo and Hope kept J.T. Abe wanted to know if that included being dishonest and criminal, and he asked, "How far would you go to keep Isaac?"

Hope and Bo arrived at the courthouse with Mickey. They saw Carol Burns, a social worker, talking to the Reibers and Cameron Reece. As Ms. Burns entered the courtroom, the Bradys approach the Reibers. Hope asked why the Reibers had gotten to meet the social worker first. "Because the Ribers got here early," Cameron replied. Hope thought they'd done that to prejudice the social worker against her.

Ms. Burns enters the lobby and introduced herself to Bo and Hope. She gave them forms to fill out and informed them that she would be scheduling a home visit. She swore that no one would get preferential treatment. Bo pulled Hope aside as everyone entered the courtroom. He told her they would make sure the judge understood that J.T. belonged to them.

In the courtroom, the Bradys and the Reibers exchanged confrontational glances. The judge said the child's rights were the foremost consideration, but the father's rights would also be considered. Hope interjected, "Why should Glen get visitation? It's not fair." The judge told her she was out of order then added that since J.T. was not Hope's biological son, she had very little recourse. The judge continued, saying that she was not disposed to rule in Hope's favor and that Glen had every right to see his son.

Finally, the judge said, "It is the decision of this court that Glen Reiber be allowed visitation with his child." Hope protested, and Mickey tried to calm her as the judge gave her a warning. Glen was polite and agreed to all restrictions on his visitation rights. Hope mumbled that Glen had spent time with J.T. when he'd kidnapped J.T. The judge threw Hope out of the courtroom.

Mickey counseled Hope to leave before she angered the judge more. The judge told Mickey to arrange for a visitation for the following day. Bo tried to comfort Hope in the lobby. Hope was shocked when she found out the visitation was the next day.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS

Wednesday, February 6, 2002

by Barb H

Chloe was on her way out the door at Basic Black, when Brady called after her, "I don't want you to go." She turned, and Brady explained that he thought Philip was holding her back. They decided to leave together, and they made their way to the outdoor ice rink. Brady helped Chloe lace up her skates. Teasing Brady, she pretended to not know how to skate then skated like a pro. He chased her and grabbed her from behind. They skated around, holding hands.

Belle was hanging out at the park by herself, deep in thought, and wearing Shawn's class ring. Philip approached her and asked why she was alone. Belle told him that she had a lot of stuff to work through on her own. She said that Shawn was with Jan, and he was being secretive. Philip asked about the situation with Belle and Shawn's families. Belle told him that her dad and Hope had slept together when they'd been under Stefano's influence, and worst of all, they'd kept it from her and Shawn for two years.

Belle said that she couldn't talk to her parents about her problem. Philip said that he was in the same situation. He then told her that Shawn was there for her, and Belle expressed her fear that all the secrets and lies could separate her and Shawn. She complimented Philip on always being honest with her. She asked him if he thought Shawn was hiding something from her.

Defending Shawn, Philip said that Shawn just had a hard time explaining how he felt. Philip teased her about what could have happened if he and Belle had gotten together. He then asked about Chloe and confessed that they'd spent time together. He was convinced that they'd get back together, and he admitted that he'd been reassured by his talk with Brady. Belle said that she hadn't seen Brady and Chloe together lately.

Belle questioned Philip about Cynthia. He said that when things had heated up with Cynthia, he'd stopped because he'd known that he could not betray Chloe. Philip said that the only girl he wanted was Chloe. "When you love, you love with your whole heart. I'm the same," Belle said, wistfully. They walked toward the ice.

Meanwhile, after much playing and laughing, Chloe and Brady started singing "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" while others on the ice joined in. As the singing ended, Brady coaxed Chloe to take a bow. She did and slipped. Fortunately, Brady caught her, holding her waist. Philip saw them, and Chloe saw the hurt look on his face.

Jennifer, walking in the park alone, was startled when Colin walked up behind her. He said he needed to get things straight between them, and he had, in fact, wanted to talk to her ever since he'd been in town. Jennifer was surprised; she'd thought Colin wanted to avoid her. He confessed that he'd had to tell her to leave Ireland, though he hadn't wanted to. She looked confused.

As Colin shivered because he was not wearing a coat, he told Jennifer that he regretted what had happened in Ireland. Jennifer said they had both moved on to different lives. Colin wanted to be friends and said that the way they'd communicated together in Africa had been unique. "You wouldn't be working your Irish charm on me right now, would you, Colin?" Jennifer asked seriously. She wanted to know why he'd told her to get lost in Ireland.

Colin explained that he had been involved with dangerous work that he hadn't been able to talk to anyone about at the time. He'd been protecting Jennifer when he'd told her to get lost. He apologized, and she accepted; however, she admitted that she was confused. Colin wanted to continue the friendship they'd started in Africa. Jennifer reminded him that he was engaged, and she was dating Brandon Walker. "I really wish that you would just leave me alone," she said and walked away.

Jack and Greta were at the ice rink, preparing to skate. Jack said he'd start his job with Oliver soon. Greta told him that he needed to push Oliver to find out when. Greta convinced him to call Oliver and be assertive. On the phone, Jack demanded to know the date and time for his meeting in Vegas, or he'd consider other options. Oliver was impressed that Jack had finally shown some backbone and said he'd make the arrangements and get back to Jack.

Greta was so excited with Jack's successful phone call that she kissed him on the lips. When he asked her what she was doing, she replied that she was practicing for Vegas. Jack pulled a practical joke on Greta. She screamed, laughed, and called him a big kid. He said it got him through the rough times. She enthusiastically hugged him and said, "I love you, Jack Devereux. I really do."

Jack coaxed Greta onto the ice, and he comically fell down. He pretended he couldn't skate and hung onto her, practically pulling her down. Swinging his arms to catch his balance, he inadvertently knocked Brady down. "Sorry, fella," Jack said. Brady waved that he was okay.

Jack and Greta skated as a pair, with Jack acting like a clown. The gathering crowd laughed, and Jack went into a comic routine, set to music, ending with a dramatic fall. Then Jack swore to a disbelieving Greta that he was an excellent skater. He proved if by doing some fancy moves on the ice and ended it by putting a fake eyeball on his forehead to get a laugh.

From the sidelines, Jennifer watched Greta and Jack skating and thought that maybe they were in love. Jack and Greta skated to her and asked her to join them. Jack said, "I'm glad to see you," and put the fake eyeball on his forehead again. This elicited a big laugh from Jennifer, and the fake eyeball went flying.

As Jack retrieved his toy, Jennifer told Greta they made a nice couple. "Just skating partners," Greta said a little sadly. Jennifer pressed Greta on the secret until Jack returned, saying, "I can see that I have to keep you two ladies apart." Jennifer confessed to asking Greta about the big secret. Jack changed the subject and joined in the sing-along.

Will pleaded with Lucas to wake up. Kate called for the nurse as Lucas' eyelids fluttered. The nurse rushed in, only to say that eyelid flutters were an involuntary muscle spasm. Sami argued with Austin. She wouldn't risk letting Will be traumatized and told her son that it was time to leave. Will looked sad, and Austin tenderly reminded Will that his father might not wake up.

Will and Sami left the room to get something for Lucas. Kate immediately told Austin that she'd overheard Sami telling Lucas to die. He didn't believe it. Kate grew teary and then determined. "All I want is...a chance for him to get better," she said. Austin comforted his mother. Sami and Will reentered the room with a book for Will to read to his father. As Will read, Lucas began to move his mouth, as if he was trying to talk. The nurse admitted he had never done that before.

Kate tried to get Lucas to squeeze her hand as Will pleaded, "Time to wake up, Daddy." Sami simmered in the background, and Austin confronted her outside the room. Sami predicted that she and Austin were over, and as soon as Lucas sat up, he and Kate would try to take Will away from her. She accused Austin of being one of them. "Your mother has won," she said, declaring, "I knew she would do everything she could to take advantage of the situation." Austin looked clueless.

Sami reminded Austin that Kate and Lucas had tried to have her killed. She claimed that Kate was destroying everything. Austin said that nothing would keep them apart, not even his mother. Meanwhile, Kate told Will he could visit Lucas with her anytime he wanted. Then, she kissed Lucas on the forehead. "We're going to win, my darling. We're going to win," she whispered.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS

Thursday, February 7, 2002

by Barb H

Shawn urged Jan to change her mind about getting an abortion, but she vowed to go through with it, with or without his support. Alone with Jennifer, Greta said she knew a secret of Jack's but couldn't betray a confidence. Jennifer asked for some hints to help her guess. Nicole and Victor argued again about their living arrangements. Later, Jack's comment to Nicole about being a hooker caused her to start throwing snow at him until he apologized.

At the rehab center, Sami insisted to Austin that Kate was going to try to take Will away from her, but he reminded her about the custody agreement. When the doctor examined Lucas and suggested that Will stay for a couple of days to help Lucas' recovery, Sami refused until Austin convinced her to let the son help his father.

Sensing Philip was jealous of Chloe and Brady, Belle warned Philip that his jealousy would only push Chloe further away. Brady forced Chloe to confront Philip, who managed to control his anger with Belle's help. Belle then arranged for Philip to take Chloe home while Brady remained with her. While Brady blasted Belle for her shenanigans, Chloe was impressed with how Philip had acted.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 4, 2002 on DAYS

Friday, February 8, 2002

by Marcia Elgart

Austin had a hard time tearing Sami away from Will, but they eventually left to catch their plane. A victorious Kate told the doctor that Will was going to stay as long as it took for Lucas to recover. Suddenly, a voice hissed from behind her, "I knew you were up to something!" Kate whirled around to face Sami, who had decided she just couldn't leave Will behind. Kate and Sami got into it in the hallway. Kate smugly informed Sami that by marrying Austin, she was ensuring that Lucas would get custody of Will. Sami lunged at Kate and began to choke her. After making arrangements to stay in San Diego, Austin heard Sami's screams and rushed in to break it up.

Jan apologized to Shawn for threatening him and told him that she had already made the arrangements for an abortion. Shawn tried to talk her into giving the baby up for adoption, but Jan's mind was made up. Shawn finally agreed to help her. Meanwhile, Belle and Brady arrived at Dot.Com. Before they entered, Belle stopped and asked Brady if he had feelings for Chloe, but Brady denied it. Belle, defensive, said that she loved Shawn, and nothing could change that.

Belle and Brady entered and saw Shawn and Jan embracing. Brady refused to let Belle run off, insisting that she talk to Shawn. Belle pulled Shawn aside and asked about J.T. She was upset to learn about the hearing and asked why Shawn wasn't at home with his family. Shawn replied that he wished he could be, but he had to help Jan. Belle became upset when Shawn refused to tell her what was going on.

While Belle and Shawn talked, Brady was left with Jan and asked her if she was in trouble. Jan told him to leave her alone, but Brady urged her to get professional help. He pressed Jan for details when Belle appeared at his side and demanded that Brady take her home. They left, and Shawn returned and told Jan that he'd gotten permission to use his dad's truck. Meanwhile, Brady comforted an agitated Belle, telling her that it was obvious that Shawn was just trying to help Jan through a tough time. Belle wished she could believe that.

Philip led Chloe, who was feeling dizzy, to the tree where he had carved their initials. He told her that he wanted her to remember how things had been. Chloe covered her emotions at the memory, and Philip was crushed, realizing that she didn't love him anymore. Chloe admitted that she couldn't forget how he'd hurt her.

Philip began to walk away, saying it was over, but Chloe called him back. She told him that when he'd said it was over, her heart had sunk. Philip was convinced she still loved him, and he professed his undying love for her. He moved in for a kiss, and Chloe responded. When she finally broke away, she admitted she was scared. She turned back to look at the tree and suddenly fainted.

Edited by SC Desk
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