Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS

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Hope took a home pregnancy test and Brandon continued to try to dig up dirt on Abe
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS

Monday, February 14, 2000

by Marcia Elgart

Philip shows up to borrow some money from Vivian in order to buy back the watch he sold to pay off his gambling debts. Vivian makes him an offer, if he can get his mother to write him a check, she'll write him one for five thousand dollars. Philip decides to give it a try. In Kate's office, Nicholas shows up to give Kate her valentines day present, a stuffed female dog to go along with the stuffed male dog he gave her awhile back. Nicholas sweet talks Kate, and eventually the two lean in and kiss. Suddenly, Philip walks in! However, Kate claims she was just smelling CW's new men's cologne line. Nicholas leaves, and Philip talks his mom into give him a check for one thousand dollars, which he claims is for new skis.

Vivian goes to see Victor and give him some chocolates for Valentines day. They start talking about Stefano, and Vivian tells Victor that she'd like to work with him to bring Stefano down. At the airport, Bart and Rolf listen in on John and Bo's conversation with an airline representative via a bug. John makes arrangements for a private jet to fly him and half of Salem to France. The current passenger list included John, Roman, Bo, Shawn, Lily, Greta, Eric; and now Marlena, Belle, and Mrs. Horton have been added. Rolf tells Bart that he is going to sabotage the jet as the ultimate test for John in order to see how much he remembers from his mercenary days.

Bo goes to see Mrs. Horton to try to talk her out of coming to France, but she refuses to cave. Bo eventually agrees to let her come. Meanwhile, John goes to the church to ask God to watch over his family during this trip. As he kneels at the alter, he has a memory of Stefano coming up behind him in a church once. When Father Jansen shows up, John loses it and grabs him. He eventually regains control of himself, and then confesses his sins to Father Jansen. He tells him about making love to Hope, and never being a real priest.

In France, Kurt is alive, and his cell phone begins to ring. By the time he finally gathers the strength to answer it, its batteries die. In the turret, Stefano is now wearing a mask because he fears he has pneumonia and doesn't want Hope to catch it. Hope doesn't want him to die and leave her alone, so she makes a deal with him. She agrees to eat some soup if he will take her antibiotics.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS

Tuesday, February 15, 2000

by Marcia Elgart

At Dot.Com, Shawn beats some kid at a videogame, and Mimi cheers him on. She talks to him about his mom and how tough it must be for both him and his mom. Shawn tells Mimi that he knows his mom is alive, and that he will find her. Shawn plays the guy again, and wins for the second time. After the guy leaves, Shawn teaches Mimi how to play the game. Meanwhile, Belle is working on her homework when Philip orders her an ice cream sundae as a peace offering. Belle asks what the offering is for? He says it is for giving Chloe a hard time. Belle tells Philip that he should apologize to Chloe, not her. Chloe is listening to music across the room, and Belle tells Philip to take her the ice cream and apologize to her.

Philip says no way, and that she owes him an apology for what she did to his jacket. Belle tells him that he deserved that. Philip asks Belle why she likes Chloe so much, and Belle says she is a nice person. When Philip says that everyone in school is talking about how she is a devil worshipper and casts spells, Belle says that they are wrong. She then tells Philip that she's the one who casts spells, she can give people the shivers!. Philip is curious about this talent, so Belle displays it for him. She dumps the ice cream sundae on his head! Philip says he will get her for this, and storms out of the place. Belle goes to see Chloe, and she tells her that she feels terrible for stooping to Philips level. Shawn comes to see them and asks Belle if she has joined the boy scouts because it looks like someone has tied rope knots in her hair. Belle tells him that if he ever read a magazine then he'd know that this is an in style.

Shawn tells Belle that he was just kidding. Belle says that is what Philip always says when he makes fun of people, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. Belle and Shawn get into an argument, and Belle says that he and Philip seem to have a lot in common. She thinks that hanging out with those rich kids in that boarding school changed him, and perhaps he should go back there. Shawn leaves, and Belle tells Chloe that she is sick of guys with attitudes. She then asks Chloe how everything at Chez Wesley is. Chloe says she is having a problem with Nancy. Chloe says that Nancy is obsessed with making sure she is happy. Belle says that she remembers when her mom was on one of those togetherness kicks. Chloe asks her how she handled it? Belle says she talked to her and was honest with her. Belle decides to go to the library, and Chloe decides to stay behind and check out some more CDs.

Vivian is upset to learn that Victor isn't going to the lodge because he needs to spearhead the search for Hope and Stefano from Salem. Vivian tells Victor that it is important that he go because the future of the company depends on it. Victor tells Vivian not to lie to him, he knows this is not about business. Vivian assures him it is, and he says nevertheless he can't let Bo down because this is the first time in years he's asked for his help. Victor's phone rings, so he takes the call. Later, Victor tells Vivian that he's sending Kate in his place, and he's very proud to have her and Kate representing him at this meeting. Once Victor leaves, Vivian loses it. Philip shows up and tells Vivian about the check he got his mom to write, and that perks her up.

Nicholas tells Marie that he needs to see Kate, and he learns her schedule for the day. Nicholas goes into see Kate and claims he just needs a file. Kate tells him to come in and close the door. He does, and Philip says he wants to pick up where they left off before her son interrupted them. Kate tells Nicholas that from now on their relationship is strictly business. She gives him the file, and he starts telling her that he doesn't think he can be near her without wanting to touch or kiss her. When she tells him to work on it, Nicholas says maybe he should go back to Europe. Kate tells him that maybe he should! Nicholas doesn't understand how she can dismiss her feelings for him so easily.

Kate says that the only man she wants in her life is Victor. Nicholas tells Kate that he knows she and Victor are sleeping in the same bed again, and he asks her if he satisfies her? Kate becomes upset and tells Nicholas that there is a lot more to a relationship besides sex! She orders Nicholas to take his file and leave, which he does. Victor then comes to see Kate and tells her that she is going to the conference in his place. Kate agrees to go, until she learns that Vivian is going. She tells Victor that there is no way that Vivian is going to that conference! Back in Vivian's office, Vivian tells Nicholas that he's going on a ski trip with Kate!

Greta, Eric, and John are trying to get Princess Gina's body released, but Greta is told that they can't release the body to her. The man says that the French Authorities are asking them to wait a few more days. Greta tells John that he should leave with the others and she and Eric can take a commercial flight in a few days. John refuses and says that they are going to France tomorrow!

John goes to Marlena's office to talk to her about coming to Paris with him. Marlena has made arrangements to have another doctor handle her patient load. She then talks to John about why he wants to go to France. She says that he knows the purpose is to find Hope, but is he hoping to find his past too? John claims he's not going back there, and he kisses Marlena to make her stop questioning him about his past. He assures her that he will make sure his past does not come back to haunt them by getting Bo and Hope back together, and sending Stefano to prison.

Eric and Greta go for a walk through the park. Greta tells Eric that she's decided not to sell the chateau since her mom will be buried there, and she wants to ask Kurt to stay on as caretaker. She then remembers going to a park with her mother once after a long day of shopping. Eric and Greta sit on the swings, and Greta tells him about her mom. Greta says that her mom used to tell her that when she was with her, her life made sense. She begins to cry when she says that her mom said that she was her one great accomplishment in life. Eric comforts her and tells her that there will come a day when she can talk about her mom without tears. The two then kiss.

Rolf and Bart, dressed as mechanics, sneak onto the plane John has leased. Suddenly, a real mechanic catches them and asks them what in the hell they are doing on this plane! Rolf says that Mr. Black hired them to do a private inspection of the plane because he is afraid of terrorists. Rolf shows him some phony paperwork, and the mechanic buys it. The real mechanic leaves, and Rolf and Bart get to work. Later, Bart questions Rolf about John and Stefano creating him. This upsets Rolf because he says that he created John, not Stefano. When Bart asks why Stefano gets all the credit, Rolf says it is a long story and he assures him that he will get his reward someday. Bart jokes with Rolf and tells him that perhaps he could put a chip in his brain to attract chicks, or perhaps he should give himself a sense of humor. Rolf says this is no joking matter! Bart then tells Dr. Know-It-All that there is a big hole in his plan to rule the world. Bart says if John doesn't remember the past, everyone on this plane will die because John won't know how to save them. Rolf asks what the problem with that is, and then he laughs.

In Paris, Stefano is coughing up a storm as Hope sleeps. In her dream, Hope is walking through the woods when a spider begins to crawl up her leg. However, Stefano comes to her rescue! He gets rid of the spider, picks her up, and tells her that he is here to protect her. As they walk towards the castle, a giant spider is crawling over the doorway! Hope eventually wakes up screaming. Stefano rushes to her side and comforts her. Hope fears she is going to die. Stefano tells her that she needs to have faith and trust that everything will work out. Stefano brings Hope some more broth, and she thanks him.

She also agrees to keep the faith. Stefano jokes that when they get out of here they can write a book about it and call it the Alice Horton rule. When Stefano coughs and wheezes, she tells him perhaps he should take some more medicine. Suddenly, Hope has a seizure. Hope recovers and asks what happened? Stefano says that she had a seizure, but she is better now. Hope thanks Stefano for saving her life, he held her head still. Stefano brings Hope some powdered milk to keep up her strength. Hope wishes she knew how far along she was. She says she dreamed she conceived the baby with Bo in Paris, but when she thinks about it, she can't even remember being with Bo. Stefano then recalls Hope seducing both him and John.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS

Wednesday, February 16, 2000

by Marcia Elgart

Nicholas refuses to go to the lodge in her place because he doesn't want to deceive Kate. The secretary brings Vivian the accounting reports for the day, and Vivian highlights the check Kate wrote to Philip. She gives it to the secretary and tells her that Victor really wants to see the report. Vivian continues to try to convince Nicholas to go to the lodge with Kate. They start talking about Victor and Kate sharing a bed, and Vivian believes that they are sleeping together.

However, Nicholas knows the truth, that Victor is impotent. He asks Vivian if she is sure Victor and Kate are sleeping together? Vivian lets out an "Oh my God, it couldn't be!" Nicholas asks her what? Vivian thinks that Nicholas is afraid he won't measure up to Victor, but Nicholas says that is not it at all. Vivian tells him he shouldn't be embarrassed, because youth isn't everything. Nicholas becomes upset and decides to go on that trip with Kate after all. Vivian is pleased and tells him to be on his merry way because she can't wait to see what happens.

Vivian and Ivan go shopping, and Vivian tells Ivan about the change of plans for the conference. Vivian plans on getting Victor up to the lodge to catch Kate and Nicholas in bed together! Ivan asks if Nicholas knows about this? Vivian says he only knows about the part that pertains to him. Ivan wonders how she could do this to her nephew. Vivian says her plan is perfect because Nicholas will have Kate, and she will have Victor.

Nicholas begins to wonder if he did the right thing by letting his aunt talk him into going to this conference. When he thinks about Kate, he knows that she wants him and he says he'll see her at the lodge.

The secretary brings Victor the accounting report and he sees the check Kate wrote to Philip. He calls Kate and demands she come to his office immediately. Kate comes to see Victor, and he confronts her about the check that she wrote to Philip for one thousand dollars. Kate explains to Victor that Philip needed the money for new skis, and it is only a thousand dollars. Victor says "Only a thousand dollars, no wonder the boy needs to learn the value of a dollar!" Kate tells Victor that this isn't about the money, it is about him using this as an excuse to question her every move. She says that they used to be a team at one time, and if he doesn't see them that way again, then she doesn't see them together at all. Victor tells her not to be so melodramatic.

Kate asks if there is anything else he'd like to criticize her about, her hair perhaps? Victor gets buzzed about a conference call, so he tells Kate that they'll have to finish this tonight. Kate tells him that they can't because she has to go to the lodge. Victor thinks it is just as well because it will give them time to reflect on what has happened here today.

Nancy and Craig have just finished a shopping spree at Balistix. Marlena shows up to talk to Craig, and Nancy grabs the boxes and runs after Chloe. When she catches Chloe, she tells her that she has some surprises for her! Chloe sees that the boxes are from Balistix, and Nancy shows her that she's bought her all new clothes! Chloe doesn't like them at all and says at least she knows where to return them, which upsets Nancy. Nancy tells Chloe that she is trying to do something nice for her, but since she doesn't want them, she'll return them for her! Nancy storms off to Balistix to return to clothes.

Marlena talks with Craig and tells him about the trip she's talking with John and Belle. Marlena tells Craig that things will get better, but Craig says that all Nancy does is obsess about this kid. Marlena says that obsessing is a strong word, but Craig says that Nancy is doing everything to get that kid to love them. Marlena and Craig see Nancy storm away from Chloe, and Marlena decides to talk to Nancy while Craig talks with Chloe. Craig confronts Chloe and is angry at her for hurting Nancy.

Chloe says she doesn't need them to provide for her like normal parents do for their children. Craig tells her that she can push Nancy's buttons all she likes, but he won't let her push his. He also says that she wouldn't want him to push her buttons, because she'd hate how it feels. Chloe tells Craig that he can't get to her, and he never will. Craig tells Chloe that she reminds him a lot of Mimi, which upsets Chloe. Craig tells her "Gottcha!" Craig says he was referring to Mimi from La Boem, not that wretched candy striper.

Marlena and Nancy go to the Java Cafe for a cup of coffee. Nancy says she knows all of Chloe's dislikes, but none of her likes. Nancy says that Chloe is ungrateful, spiteful, and just plain mean. Marlena says that Chloe is just protecting herself because others have reached out to help her before and have only hurt her. Nancy says that is her fault as well, but Marlena tells her that she's trying to make it right now.

Nancy admits to Marlena that she was right to doubt her story earlier, there is a lot more going on that meets the eye. Nancy wants to tell Marlena the truth, but she stops herself and says she can't go there just yet. Marlena tells her that her door is always open if she want to talk. Nancy says she'd like that because she could really use a quiet place to talk to her. Marlena tells her that she's going out of town, but when she gets back she is welcomed to drop by anytime.

Nicole and Lucas are dining at Tuscany. Lucas is talking up a storm about Will, but Nicole really could care less. Eric and Greta walk in, and Nicole says hello to them. She tells Lucas that she was at the office and noticed that Eric took himself off the schedule for a few days, and she asks Lucas if he knows anything about that? Lucas says no, so Nicole asks him to explain himself. Eric tells her that he's leaving for Europe tomorrow with Greta, and asks if that is a problem? Nicole tells Eric that it is a problem. Nicole tells Eric that she has back to back photo shoots set up for him next week, and now she doesn't have a photographer. Greta decides to go to the ladies room, and Nicole continues to chew Eric out. Eric tells Nicole to fire him if she wants, so Lucas butts in.

He tells Eric to sit down so they can work this out. Nicole excuses herself, and goes into the ladies room to confront Greta. She asks Greta how her pad is? Greta tells her to tell "her friend" that she loves it. Nicole admits to lying, and says she can tear up the lease if it is a problem because she doesn't need her hassling her like Eric did. Greta is surprised that Eric talked to her about the apartment. Nicole is surprised that Eric didn't tell her about it. Nicole says that Eric just confronted her about the lie she told, but everything seems to has worked out. Nicole then tries to get Greta to open up to her and suggests that perhaps they could be friends.

Nicole wants to talk about Paris and she thinks she can give her a few pointers on how to make the most of her time with Eric. Greta becomes upset and tells Nicole that she is not going to Paris to sleep with Eric, she is going to bury her mother. Furthermore, Greta tells Nicole that she has no plans to sleep with Eric or anyone else until she is married. Greta then storms out of the ladies room. Nicole tells herself that this is going to be easier than she thought. Back at the table, Lucas and Eric talk. Lucas is glad that Greta is going to Europe with the man of her dreams. Eric tells him not that it is any of his business, but they are going to Europe to bury Greta's mother. Lucas is shocked and says he is sorry. Eric explains everything to him about Gina and what happened. Greta, and Nicole, return to the table and Greta asks them what they are talking about? Lucas tells her that Eric was just giving him the details of why they are going to Paris. Lucas decides to make a 10,000 dollar donation in her and her mother's name to the anti-smoking campaign, which Greta thanks him for.

Abe is given the cold shoulder by the cops. Roman comes into Abe's office with a paper and shows it to Abe. Abe is on the cover and the headlines read "Abe Carver Charged with False Arrest and Harassment!" Abe reads the article and is furious because he has been made out to be the bad guy. He also wonders how Lexie feels about her good friend Brandon Walker now. Roman tells Abe that he's afraid that he could be punished for this. Abe knows he messed up, and Brandon was betting on that. After a phone call, Abe tells Roman that he has to meet with the commissioner tomorrow. Roman says that he has to go out of town, but to keep him posted. Roman tells Abe to hang in there, and then he leaves.

At the hospital, Lexie sees the paper and is furious with Brandon. She confronts him and asks him how he could do this to Abe and to her? She tells him that she went again her husband to help him, and she used their friendship to turn this around on Abe. Brandon says that he only hired Benny to keep him from having a mark on his permanent record, and he swears that he did not know that the press would have gotten a hold of the story. Brandon tells Lexie that he doesn't belong in jail because he is not in the wrong.

He also tells her that she did nothing wrong, and the only one who did anything wrong was Abe. Lexie says if Abe ever finds out what she did. He promises her that it is their secret, and it will stay that way. Lexie is paged to the ER, so she has to leave. Before she does, Brandon assures her that everything will be okay. After she's gone, Brandon apologizes for lying to Lexie. He says that Abe Carver ruined his family, so now it is his turn to know what it feels like to be ruined, and Lexie will help him more than she knows.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS

Thursday, February 17, 2000

by Sharon

As Greta and Lily were preparing for their trip abroad Eric arrived to take them to the airport. Lily told them she didn't think she should go because she feels others blame her for the mess with Gina. She told them she is also afraid to fly. Eric and Greta convinced her she is not to blame for Gina's actions and that they want her there for support. She finally agreed to accompany them and the trio left for the airport.

At the penthouse Marlena and Belle were having a conversation when they were interrupted by a phone call. It was John asking Marlena to bring his pocket knife with her when she came to the airport. She asked why it was so important that he have it. He said it has many gadgets that he may need to use during their trip. She told him she'd look for it. After hanging up Marlena went upstairs to look for it and Belle answered the ringing doorbell. It was Mimi They discussed Belle dumping a dish of ice cream on Philip's head yesterday at .COM. Belle said Philip was once again picking on Chloe and she's tired of it. Mimi wanted to know why Belle left without saying goodbye. Belle said she was mad at Shawn because he made fun of her hairdo. Mimi told Belle she thinks Belle is obsessed with Shawn. Belle said she isn't but she thinks Mimi is. Belle told Mimi she thinks Shawn is an obnoxious jerk. Belle and Mimi were talking about going shopping for new outfits for an upcoming party this weekend when Marlena came back downstairs and rejoined the girls. Marlena told the girls that neither one of them would be going to the party. The girls are confused. Marlena told Belle that she would be going to Paris with her and her daddy. She is stunned. Marlena told her that the Hortons would also be going along with Greta, Eric, Lily...and Shawn. Mimi said "Oh My Gosh! You are so lucky! You're going to Paris...the most romantic city in the world with Shawn!" Both girls were stunned by that realization. Marlena went on to say she had already spoke with Mimi's mother and made arrangements for Mimi to come along on the trip. The girls are ecstatic! Marlena said it was time for them to go but Belle insisted there was something she had to do before they left. She went upstairs to fix her hair. Marlena and Mimi both thought she was acting a bit strange because they thought her hair looked fine.

At the pub...John, Bo and Roman were discussing their travel plans and how they plan to find Stefano. John told Bo he still feels the paintings are at one of Gina's homes. Bo said that may be but he still doesn't think Stefano would hold Hope there because it is too obvious. Bo went on to say that the last night he was in Paris he knows in his heart it was Hope he was holding in his arms. He said that the switch between Hope and Gina had to have happened after he left to return home to Salem. He said as soon as who he thought was Hope returned to Salem he realized it wasn't really her. He just wanted to believe that it was because he had finally got her back after so long without her. He said he knew it wasn't Hope the first time he kissed her. As Bo was talking John had a flashback of him and Hope on the submarine and aloud he said "So it was Hope I was with on my honeymoon." Bo asked him to explain himself and John said he meant to say wedding...not honeymoon. He said he meant that it was Hope who was at his wedding to Marlena not Gina. Bo believed John's explanation. They all left to head to the airport. Once outside John showed his devastation at the realization that is was Hope he made love to while honeymooning with Marlena. He stopped at church on the way to the airport and asked the Lord to guide them safely to Hope so she can be reunited with her family. He also asked Him to let him to put all his past demons to rest once this ordeal is over. He asked to have peace restored in everyone's life.

At Mrs Horton's Doug and Julie were saying goodbye to Alice when she told them their was no need for them to say goodbye because she would be going with them to Paris. They tried to convince her that she should stay home for health and safety reasons but she refused. She told them her family means everything to her and she was going to help with Hope's rescue. Shawn was there with them and he sided with his grandmother saying he needed a penny poker player to join their game on the flight and she is the one to fill that position. Doug said he was going to call Bo to convince Alice to stay home but she said Bo already tried and he also got nowhere. They reluctantly accepted the fact that Alice wasn't going to change her mind about going on the trip. They all left to go to the airport.

In Europe Stefano was carefully tending to Hope who is still recovering from the spider bite. Stefano realized he is slowly losing his life trying to battle his pneumonia. He wondered if he was wrong to tell Hope to keep the faith about them being rescued. He now believes they may never get out of there alive but he didn't share his fears with Hope. Hope tried to get Stefano to tell her how sick he really is but he would not admit anything. He told her he must continue to do everything he can to keep her and her baby well. He fed her soup and told her she has to stay positive and stop talking about them dying. She told Stefano he needs to eat in order for him to stay healthy and strong so he satisfied her by pretending to eat. Hope told Stefano she is grateful he is being so kind to her but she also said it is his fault she is there. Outside the chateau Kurt struggled to get up off the ground but couldn't. He tried to use his cell phone but the battery was dead. He dragged himself along the ground until he got to the house and then fell inside the door.

Outside the airport lounge Bart and Rolf were discussing their plans to sabotage the plane. Rolf told Bart he planned on putting many obstacles between John's plane and it's destination. He said he and Bart would be following in Stefano's jet and would control John's plane with a remote control. Rolf wondered aloud if John would remember his life saving abilities that he learned while under Stefano's control. Bart said if John does remember then Stefano will realize Bart made a mistake with the computer chip he had implanted in John's brain and he will be angry. Rolf told Bart he wasn't worried about Stefano because he doesn't think Stefano wants to be found. He said he doesn't believe John will survive the flight anyway so he feels it's a win-win situation. Bart said he doesn't think it's right that all the other passengers have to be sacrificed just because they no longer want John to be a threat. Rolf pointed out one of the men on John's crew saying he is a trained pilot who works for Stefano. He said if John didn't rescue the plane from disaster that man would. Bart pretended to be a funeral home employee and convinced one of the airport employees to allow him to escort Gina's body to the plane. After the airport employee left Bart smiled smugly and then set an open briefcase on her coffin. He went back to meet with Rolf and told him everything was ready. They watched as all the passengers began to assemble in the airport lounge. Doug and Julie make it known they are not happy Lily will be traveling with them but Eric and Alice convince them to put their animosity aside for Greta's sake. Before Rolf left to get on Stefano's jet he told Bart to put his earpiece in so they can communicate and to meet him at the jet shortly. When John arrived Bart was standing alone and John grabbed him by the shirt and asked "Hey pal! Who are you and what were you doing on my plane?"

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 14, 2000 on DAYS

Friday, February 18, 2000

by Sharon

At the hospital Brandon and Benny were discussing the newspaper article about Abe and the harassment suit that Brandon filed against him. Brandon tells Benny he was pleased with the article and wants Abe to get everything he deserves. Benny promised that will happen and then left. Alone Brandon seemed a bit sad. He doesn't want Lexie to be hurt because of the situation between him and Abe. Abe's office he and Lexie were discussing what Brandon has done. They were both angry but Abe swears he will win this fight against Brandon. The police commissioner arrived and told Abe he was being relieved of his duties with pay until the lawsuit Brandon filed is settled. Abe and Lexie are stunned but the commissioner said it had to be this way. After the commissioner left Lexie told Abe she knew how this could be settled right away and she left. She went to the hospital and asked Brandon to drop the lawsuit against Abe. She said he had hurt Abe's reputation enough. She told Brandon she did him a favor when she told him he was about to be arrested so now he owes her and she wants him to call his lawyer and drop the charges against Abe. He told her it was already out of his hands and their is nothing he can do. She told him that was a bunch of bull. She asked him why he was being so vindictive. He said he wasn't being vindictive but that Abe brought all this upon himself and he was not going to do anything to help get Abe off the hook. He said Abe embarrassed him by arresting him in front of his co-workers and now it is Abe's turn to be embarrassed. He said if Abe had verified that he had a counseling appointment then none of this would be happening. He told Lexie that Abe did him wrong and he is going to fight him to finish. He left Lexie's office and outside the door to himself he said... "Someday you will thank me for this Lexie."

At the Green Mountain Lodge Kate was swimming in the pool when Nicholas slipped in the water unnoticed. He explained he was there in place of Vivian. She was relieved. He commented that since they were the only ones in the pool their was no need for his swimsuit. He showed her his and then flung it onto the pool's patio. She was flustered but told him to put it back on. When he wouldn't she told him she was leaving to go take a shower. Disappointed...he got out of the pool and put his suit back on. While in the shower Kate realized their was no soap or shampoo. Nicholas joined her saying he locked the door so they wouldn't be interrupted and that he was only there to let her borrow his shampoo. She told him to leave but he said he was only there to have some good clean fun. He asked her to scrub his back. She said she would if he promised to leave afterwards. He said he would but instead she pushed him into the water and turned the faucet to cold. He was stunned. She left him alone with his ringing phone.In her Titan office Vivian told Victor that she sent Nicholas to the seminar at Green Mountain Lodge in her place. She said she figured he and Kate would get along better than she and Kate would. Victor agreed with her logic. The two decided to go to Tuscany for lunch. Once there Victor got up out of his wheelchair and walked to their table. Many people they knew were very pleased he is able to walk again. The restaurant sent a complimentary bottle of champagne to their table so they could celebrate this breakthrough. Vivian left their table to go call Nicholas to see how things were going with Kate at the lodge. He told her things were going well and he said he and Kate would probably skip the seminar luncheon and have a private lunch of their own. Vivian was pleased. She went back to the table where Victor was and tried to convince him that he should go up to the lodge right away and show Kate that he can walk. Victor was reluctant.

Rolf boarded Stefano's plane and watched the airport lounge happenings via a hidden video camera. He spoke to Stefano's man in the lounge through the hidden earpiece and asked if John had arrived yet. The man said he could see John talking to Bart. Rolf watched as Bart showed John a card stating he was a funeral home employee and was there to make sure the casket had successfully boarded the plane. John believed Bart's story and Bart left...dropping his earpiece on his way out. John picked it up not realizing Bart was the one who dropped it and wondered what it was. When Bart boarded Stefano's plane Rolf told him John was preoccupied with something he was holding in his hand. Bart realized it was his earpiece that John was holding. Rolf notified Stefano's man in the airport lounge that John had Bart's earpiece. The man got it back from John claiming it and the microphone he was wearing were his way of staying in contact with the plane's cockpit. He proved this to John by speaking into the microphone while John listened to the pilot's response through the earpiece. John told the man it was time to tell everyone to board the plane. On the plane Shawn told Belle and Mimi he thought they were taking advantage of the rescue effort just to get a trip to Paris. They said they were there to help but would stay out of his way. Doug entertained the girls with memories of the first trip he and Hope took to Paris. He said this trip to Paris was for the sole purpose of bringing his daughter back home to her family. He and Julie tried to teach the girls a few French words and the four of them sang in French. Sitting alone Shawn was watching them and then turned to look out the window. To himself he swore to find his mother and bring her home. Alice and Julie said a prayer before take-off. Eric and Greta were quietly looking out the plane's windows while Lily was drinking to calm her nerves about flying. Bo and Roman were sitting together discussing where they should look for Stefano once they arrive in Paris. Two police officers boarded John's plane before take-off and said they were there because the commissioner said Roman must take over Abe's position while he is on leave. Roman told them to tell the commissioner he didn't want the job. He said he was going to Paris with his brother. He was upset that the police department did not support Abe in this situation. As the plane began to ascend the pilots aborted the takeoff due to a malfunction of the back-up switch. Rolf fixed the problem from Stefano's plane and the pilots began take-off once again. Once the plane took off without any complications most of the passengers comfortably fell into slumber. In Stefano's plane Rolf told Bart that soon enough they will know if John remembers any of the mercenary skills he learned while under Stefano's control. Rolf then released a gas that put the pilot to sleep leaving the co-pilot to fly the plane solo. The co-pilot checked the pilot's pulse and realized he was still breathing and said he was going to make an emergency landing. On Stefano's plane Bart said "No that can't happen...that's not part of the plan." He then released more gas and the co-pilot was also put to sleep. Rolf told Bart he wasn't supposed to do that. He called Bart a fool. On John's plane none of the passengers realized that no one is flying the plane!

Back at Abe's office he was packing up his things when Roman arrived telling him he's there to take over his position until the matter with Brandon is resolved. Roman told Abe he called the commissioner from the plane trying to get him to assign someone else to take over for Abe but the commissioner refused. Roman said he supported Abe and promised to do everything he could to help. Abe said he understood and thanked Roman for his support.

Edited by SC Desk
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