Life in the fast lane

Tony S
Life in the fast lane

Sorry, Foghat. Last week in Salem was not a slow ride. In fact, the storyline pedals were to the metal. Some raced to their conclusions while others shot out of the gates with scandal, suspect behavior, and smooching! So, grab a roadie and buckle up as we race through this week's DAYS Two Scoops!

Along with pumpkin spice-flavored everything, 'tis the season of storyline changes! Right now, there're two directions for them -- wrap it up or set it up, and both are traveling in the fast lane. Over the past few weeks, we've learned the identity of Abigail's killer, who ran over Gwen, Nancy's fate, how E.J. exposed Ava, and so much more. Now, we have poisonous biotoxins, public displays of kissery, threesomes (perhaps), and political scandal! And so much more. So, let's look at the old and the new, and make some soapy suggestions along the way.

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A few weeks back, we said goodbye-goodbye to Abigail, and now it's time to wrap up the entire saga. Clyde's back in Statesville. Jennifer and copilot, AbiGhost, hit Gwen. Leo saw this as blackmailable material. Gwen nixed it all, and her heart grew three sizes that day. Fah who for-aze!

Actually, I did love the use of Gwen's history in this storyline. Her mother's struggles were real. Combine a horrible addiction with Laura's horrible actions, and that's a cocktail for one screwed-up person. That doesn't excuse any of Gwen's dirty deeds. She's an adult. She knew what she was doing. Still, if she can finally grow and if Jennifer gives her blessing, maybe we can all move on to the next chapter. Whichever way Gwen's next storyline is spun, I'm down to follow Emily O'Brien and her brilliance anywhere.

I also adore Emily's chemistry with Cady McClain. Those two slayed once again last week. I hope we see more of this duo in all their uneasy, yet Jack-filled love around one another once Jenny Bear gets out of rehab. A very Horton Christmas is right around the corner, after all. Will Jennifer get home for the holidays? And will she bring Mike (and Nancy!?) with her? Firmly on my Christmas wish list is "More McClain!" so let's hope for a miracle.

I loved everything about Chad and Jennifer's scene. Cady and Billy Flynn's tour of fabulousness continued to shine brightly, and I love when it converges. The two made me misty as they declared their love and devotion to one another. They are family, and I like that Chad has another mother figure. He has Jennifer for love and the feel goods., Marlena for wisdom, and Kate for all the fun stuff and scheming.

The amaze-ball scenes between Mathew Ashford and Greg Rikaart were a blast, too. No surprise. They're two of the best actors around, and I totally loved Jack vs. Leo.

In fact, Jack vs. Leo needs to happen again, say, if Leo becomes a gossip columnist for the Spectator. That would certainly align them for many future bouts as well as loop in others in Jack's life, such as Julie and his best mate, Xanimal. They just love Leo, too, so the laughs (and hits) would keep on coming as Mr. Matty would ooze his way around Salem, stirring up trouble and collecting scandalous tidbits.

Rounding out the amazing performances were Cady and Matthew as Jack and Jennifer said goodbye. I had all the feels. It's not forever, but it's for now. They pledged to "put it back together." I'm just glad the "temporary" stamp was put on it and that nobody had to fall down an elevator shaft for them to part. This makes sense, given Jennifer's addiction, and I adored that Mike was there to usher her to the Big Apple. Well. The Big Rehab. This also ushered in the end of a storyline for Nancy, too...

Before we get to the end of Nancy in Salem, we'll get to the new beginning of the Wesley-Miller combo. Kevin Spirtas and Patrika Darbo were wonderful and endearing as Craig and Nancy had a heartwarming, lovely chat. I enjoyed the honesty between them, their commitment as family and besties, and their commitment to enjoy Neil Diamond karaoke once again. Yes, please. I want to be there for that! I'm glad they were left in this place, and I hope this isn't the last time we see them.

Craig also had a goodbye with Leo. Kevin and Greg are great together, but I'm glad Craig chose to move on. He learned that he needs a better balance -- somewhere between safety and scheming. As it turned out, Leo's a bit too much for him. Shocker! But I loved the scene. It was a nicer ending than Leo deserved, but a very Leo one, nonetheless, especially as Craig ended up paying for the drinks. Now Craig's not only leaving Salem, but he's on a growth journey, as well. I can't wait to see where he ends up. Good luck, Doc Wesley. As for Leo, I'm still saying the Spectator might be a good fit.

With that, Nancy's leaving Salem, as well, and she already scored a date once she gets back to Manhattan. Mike Horton asked her out! I was shocked. This happened so fast. Still, I kind of like it but would like it more if we could watch it unfold. Bonnie and I will need updates, please, Nance. And just like that, another storyline wrapped up.

Another on the path to Wrap-Up-Ville is E.J. vs. Ava. All good things and such. I continue to love the catty and mouse chemistry between Eej and Ava. Daniel Feuerriegel and Tamara Braun effortlessly sell it. They're deviously delicious. I love that Ava's never cowered to E.J. She just tosses back his sass and snark. E.J. retorts with some Victor-like zingers. It just all works on the soapiest level possible. Even when this forged chapter ends, I hope another between these two follows.

Ramping up is a Price-Sized scandal! I'm all in. Paulina storylines are generally entertaining. And since Mrs. Price-Carver doesn't have dirty laundry that hasn't been aired -- which I don't believe -- sneaky, shady Sloan stated she has some scandalous information on her daughter.

Now, as Lani's in prison in another state and we know most of her sordid secrets, that means all eyes need to be on Chanel. Threesomes aren't illegal. That can be ruled out. So, what did Chanel do? We saw from the promo that murder is likely involved, so did she snuff someone out for her killer Tasty Bits recipes? More so, who did she kill!? I smell an umbrella storyline baking, and Ron C. and his A-Team does this kind deliciously, so I can't wait to see what's cooking.


Marlena would be so proud of her "My Dear Boy's" ability to peacekeep and point out the facts (and boneheadedness). Idea! Will and Chloe need to become friends and start Salem's latest talk show to dish out advice. They're both on a winning streak. They should capitalize on it. The talk show could even stream on Salem's version of Peacock. Ostrich? Sparrow? Or some other avian app. At the very least, they need a podcast or a booth in the square.

Not a super recent storyline setup, but we got some more awkwardness between Eric, Nicole, Rafe, and Jada. I mean I do not know what will happen here, but it definitely won't be Nicole and Eric hooking up on her and Rafe's conference room table. Ugh.

Also, it's the Basic Black conference room table. Not yours, Nicole and Rafe. Stop eyeing it up. Poor Chloe had to scrub it once. Do not make her do it again, please and thank you. More so, gross, you two. Go home.

I'm going to do Jada a favor, as I may or may not need her to look past a certain crime I may or may not have committed in Salem. I'm going to slide Paul Narita's number across the table toward her. I strongly suggest she reach out to him and ask him about being a supercouple's detour relationship. Jada might be a nice diversion, but Eric is headed full speed toward Nicoleville again, as his heart never left. Sorry, Jada. Now, about that favor...

Did anyone else find Rachel's doll creepy? Maybe it's the time of year or the fact that I suspect it's whispering to her to be a big brat. Either way, something is not right there.

Actually! I wouldn't put it past Kristen to bug the doll to listen to the goings-on with Brady and Chloe as well as send subliminal messages to Rachel to hate the Chlomiester. I worry Rachey-B will soon start whispering, "ki ki ki, step ma ma ma."

I'm also sure if the doll was fitted with a device, Kristen was calm and collected and did not once scream or threaten or rush Dr. Rolf as he installed it. Nope. Not even one little screech.

Holy Little Shop of Horrors, Plant Man! Special K's now in charge of the orchid. This has "Audrey III" written all over it. She's already used the flower for bad deeds and blackmailing. I wonder what she'll feed it next. Though I kind of like the idea of Chloe and Brady singing "Suddenly, Seymour," as Nadia Bjorlin and Eric Martsolf have amazing voices. So, there's that.

Well. When Chad's told to move on, Chad moves on. Sorry, Foghat. This is not a "Slow Ride." The Widower DiMera went from smooching "Stabbigail's" spirit to a public kiss with her cousin Steph.

And thanks again, Laurisa, for "Stabbigail!"

This is kind of classic Chad, though. He loves (and likes, it seems) hard. I feel like I should have more of an issue with this, but Chad's been through the wringer. He deserves some happy. Is this a case of SORGS? Soap Opera Rapid Aging Grieving Syndrome? Nope. He acknowledges his pain. So did Steph, who's also hurting. Two consenting adults kissing is hardly a huge deal. It's not like he proposed. That'll be next week! I kid, I kid.

The moral of that is, Chad and Steph don't have to be endgame, but for a Champagne-inspired smooch or two, let them have their fun. If more comes of it organically, we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it. Plus, it'll make Alex upset, and that's a win to me.

While I have no issue with Chad and Stephanie, having Chelsea Brady back as a contender for his heart wouldn't be such a bad thing. She was Abigail's OG bestie, was always loaded with witty comebacks, and would bring in the same issues Chad sometimes has with his BFF, Sonny. That is DiMera vs. Kiriakis. DE vs. Titan. Also, I want to be around when Chelsea meets Leo. She would shut him down. Mr. Stark will love and fear her, but I digress.

Speaking of Ms. Brady, dumbass doofus Alex made a remark about Ciara getting off the boat to run Titan. Um. How about Chelsea comes from across the pond to do so!? I'll never stop wanting this. Chelsea comes closer to matching Victor's zingers than anyone in the family. I'd love to see what she would say to Alex. And again, Chelsea vs. Leo!? C'mon!

Also, some Claire love wouldn't hurt, either. Perhaps a mentally healthier Philip could return and mentor her as she controls Titan. Kind of a Palpatine/Anakin scenario. Shawn-D would certainly hate this. And any additional "Shelle" storylines and screentime is super by me.

Allie stated a threesome with Alex would be "just sex." Chanel sort of summed up this storyline superbly by stating, "That sounds like the famous last words from a love triangle thriller, and the next thing you know, somebody's bunny's getting boiled." That, Ms. Chanel. That.

While I totally agree with Will that I couldn't care less about what consenting adults do in their bedroom, are Alex and Allie mentally mature enough in height to ride that ride? He's still getting over a third-grade crush and admitted to being obsessed, and small words like "no" are challenging to him. If this fails, Allie will just blame Sami. So, yeah. If I were Chanel, I'd opt for option four on this threesome idea, and that's go watch Hocus Pocus 2 with Henry and tell Allie to call her when she's as mentally mature as her toddler.

Laurisa also brought up a perfect point while we texted about DAYS last week! "Allie got jealous when a man was sleeping on her couch in an apartment Chanel sometimes visits. Now, she wants to bring one into the bed with Chanel?" That! That sums it up better than I did. So, nope. Allie is not ready for this, I suspect. Listen to Will, Little Sister.

I think Sonny needs to tag Maggie into his conversation with Alex. They can sandwich the doofus on the davenport and lecture him until he gets it. Sonny went in for the win when he stated, "Lets treat this like a growing experience. Accept the fact that a hard no does not mean maybe." Word, Sonny. Word.

Still, Alex did not get it. Not all the way. I guess it's true what Judge Judy said, "Beauty fades, dumb is forever."

Extra Scoops

HOT Cheers to the entire cast and crew of DAYS! Last week moved fast. Quick visits and goodbyes were said. DAYS did a lot in a week to wrap things up and throw things down for the next set of adventures, and the cast shined brightly throughout!

NOT Not to beat a dead, um, dumbass horse, but I found it rich that an agitated Alex scolded Stephanie and stated something like "Fine. I'm just following your rules!" Yes! Yes, Alex. That's exactly what she wants you to do. Not harass her unless it's about work. Let that sink in. Also, you're not the victim here. Reel in the huffiness.


Will (to Sonny and Alex): "How about I talk sense into both of you."

Gwen (to Jennifer): "You look a bit like a deer caught in the headlights. Is that how I looked just before you pressed the gas pedal down to the floor?"


Allie made Will's departure about herself in about five seconds. I'm shocked! She can usually make that leap in two.

Um. Also. Allie made a comment that Johnny was "house challenged." Both she and Will totally ignored this after that was said. Sure. Jo-Ro has enough family he can stay with, but, hello! Little/twin brother could be homeless. That might deserve a few more beats, or just as many as Allie's love life. Bad siblings. Bad, bad siblings.

For a millisecond, I almost thought Sarah snapped again and hit Gwen.

Ava and Gabi were loads of fun together! I dig this uneasy alliance. Camila Banus and Tamara bring it and then some.

Great use of history, Team DAYS! I was recently speaking to a friend about the time Mike thought he was gay as a teen, and the show brought it up last week. Well played!

And I still love the use of history regarding Roman's disease from 25 years ago. I can totally recall that scene when Kristen wheeled him in. Ah, DAYS memories.

I hope that once Jennifer gets back to town, she and Jack can have dinner again with Abe and Paulina...and we can join them this time!

With all these Salemites heading to the Big Apple, it makes me wonder if Peacock is setting up a miniseries or -- as the hip kids call it nowadays -- limited series. Once upon a few decades ago, DAYS did tentatively plan a spinoff called "Manhattan Lives."

If Gwen needs a new storyline direction, Stefan could use a new storyline, or perhaps she could run into a recently returned Quinn Hudson. We need more solid Alamain representation in Salem, and Gwen would be a good character to get wrapped up in that world. Auntie Viv would like her viciousness.

I love that Paulina lives in a Post-Devil Possession Soap Opera World, and she's still shocked by things like Poisonous Biotoxins.

Leo snacking from scene to scene was hilarious.

Did anyone else think the statue behind Doug looked like it was about to snatch him? The open arms and the angle just made it look menacing. Though not as menacing as Rachel's doll. Eek.

Um. Nancy could certainly help Chloe combat Kristen. Nance knows her way around a scheme. Let's not let her recent stint on the saintlier side fool anyone.

There was a lot of talk about this theater in the DiMera mansion last week. Once Eej gets his exposing Ava's forgery affairs in order, he better invite us over for a movie night. I'll expect the good wine, please and thank you.

Also, how different would Chad's life be if he'd taken the kids to the theater in the mansion? With DiMera connections, I'm sure he could have screened any movie there.

E.J. speaking of someone's derriere seemed very un-E.J.-like. I know what he was doing, but, err, butt it was weird.

Leo's description of Alex was pretty spot-on.

I'm torn. Would Julie serve chili dogs at her restaurant? She's a Midwest gal with Horton roots in home cooking and doughnutry, but then again, Jules is chic. Is there such thing as a classy chili dog? I don't know.

Julie vs. Leo could have been a longer scene. I suspect he simultaneously feared and respected her Julie-ness. He can be an idiot but surely recognizes fierceness.

Calm down, Salem! Will knows his grandmas are sick, but he's seen this storyline before. They'll ultimately be fine, and he'll be tan from the L.A. sun. Win. Win. Win.

Hi, Mike Horton. Bye Mike Horton.


So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, that's it for October 10. I just realized that in a few -- or should I say "booooo" short weeks it'll be Halloween in Salem! What spooktacular storyline will Ron and Company have in store for us this year!? Will it be zombies, witches, devils, or just an hour of Kristen yelling at Dr. Rolf? Stay tuned!

In the meantime, Laurisa will be back next week to continue to Two Scoop on these new pumpkin-spiced storylines. Which one are you most interested in? Tell us below or on the message boards. As always, thank you for reading, and "That's a fact." Tony

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Edited by SC Desk