Chloe explains it all

10th Annual Golden Donuts: The Best of DAYS 2016
Chloe explains it all

The legendary Joseph Mascolo paid his final visit to Days of Our Lives. Let's talk about how we'll remember this legend, and what we're going to do with Salem moving forward in this edition of Two Scoops.

Thursday, February 9, 2017, was Joseph Mascolo's last appearance on DAYS. And that is the end of an era. Stefano DiMera is now a thing of flashbacks and fairytales.

Yes, the scrapbook of the scene was clunky. It's clear that Joe and Leann/Deidre/Galen were not together when they shot their scenes. And knowing what failing health Joe was in later in his life, I'm not sure how I feel about his final appearance being one where he neither stood nor spoke.

But he did laugh. And oh, what a glorious laugh that was! Yes, Stefano was an evil man. But Joe had that full-bellied, twinkle-in-your-eye laugh that drew attention. So I'm glad we got to hear it one last time. Plus, Stefano got scolded by a few of our favorites.

I'll never not love seeing Anna on my screen. I like that she reminded us that good people like Tony and Lexie were also part of this bad man's story. Rafe did me proud, too, by speaking of Sami and Hope both being cleared to regain their old lives. But Marlena's scene with Stefano was perfect. She believes that happiness is her best revenge. She's right. It's the one thing Stefano could never overcome. And when she put that queen on the jail cell and said, "Checkmate," I couldn't help but smile. Indeed, the queen finally took down the king.

Or did she?

Turns out Steve and Shane (and probably John because that's how DAYS rolls) outsmarted everyone by faking Stefano's return so that Hope could get out of prison. We all knew Hope couldn't sit and rot in jail forever. But part of me wished, after Joe's real-life death, that they had gone back and edited out that last scene where it was revealed to be Shane in disguise all along so that Stefano could be "on the run" forever. He will in my heart! RIP, Phoenix!

LOOSE ENDS: I found Sonny and Paul downright charming together. And Paul actually brought Sonny along on the mission without scolding him once to stay home and do nothing. Good job, Paul!

Julie gave Ciara probably the worst relationship advice ever. However, Vivian and Susan were delightful as screen partners. I wouldn't mind Julie counseling some of the other kids. I'm sure she has some specific guidance for Jade.

Nicole stood in the Kiriakis living room and told Deimos if she hears of him stepping out of line one more time, she'll leave him. I wonder if the Kiriakis living room is directly over the soundproof room where he's locked up Gabi and Chad at gunpoint or if that's in another wing. I still don't have a feel for the layout of that place.

I don't want to see a Gabi/Chad/Abigail triangle. I'm trying hard to think of a triangle that didn't leave one person with tire marks over them, and I can't. I don't want to see any of these three suffer that fate. I genuinely like all three, and all three pairs (Gabi/Abigail's friendship included). I don't want it mucked up. The addition of Dario into this mix could help. It's easy to forget the more annoying parts of Abigail's past when she's with Dario because he's only known a strong Abs. I'll be impressed if the writers can thread that needle and let everyone come out with minimal damage, because that's what I'm rooting for.

I laughed out loud when Brady told Chloe he wasn't choosing sides. He couldn't be more #TeamNicole if he rented a skywriter plane to spell out "Chloe Sux" over the Horton Town Square. Also, I dunno, Brady, maybe Chloe would have believed Nicole would actually leave Deimos if she, you know, actually left him...or at least took off his ring...or stopped going to his house where he's already built a cage, er, room for Holly.

This idea of taking Sonny is nonsense, and I will not stand for it. I expect this type of thinking from Andre. But Eddie, my man, did Winterthorne Academy have an elective in common sense? Not only are you endangering the only parent your granddaughter could have left, but Deimos doesn't care squat about Sonny. Come on, man!

HOT Jennifer and Drew crack me right up. I want him to stay around. Maybe he can do some work for Jen at the Spectator. Imagine the awesomeness of Jen, Drew, and Anne at a staff meeting together.

NOT I so wish they had kept Hope in prison with Hattie and T-Boz. Not only has "Hope on the run" been crazy repetitive, but it made the Salem PD look even more inept than usual. Also, someone needs to test Eric's creepy, probably-dolls-in-the-attic room for poisonous fumes. When Hope's out of there, she's moving freely and outrunning police. The second she gets back in that room, she can't move.

Dishonorable Mentions: What. The. Hair, Nicole?

LINE OF THE WEEK Sonny: "Do we get code names? Because I've always wanted to be "Iron Eagle" and "FYI, the doorman's a tool." I love that Sonny is kind of dorking up the whole Prague pack.

RANDOM THOUGHTS Kayla's dress looks like she was queen of the Dr. Seuss Prom. I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing.

There's part of me that wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that Agent Raines was on the Deimos payroll.

I miss the cobalt blue water bottles.

I'm a terrible person, but I giggled when I realized Steve was wearing his patch under his mask. Way to disguise yourself, big guy.

Love Kate's nail color!

Claire/Theo/Ciara is Sami/Austin/Carrie all over again. That is not a compliment.

Love the Prague pack as I did, they had the lamest masks at that party. Some of those suckers had mad feather game!

I want Kate to be a little more furious that Chad is being held hostage. I'm starting to believe that Andre really does love him. But I've never believed Kate didn't.

LOL! Of course Dario had to be shirtless in the ICU.

I liked that Marlena stepped right up and told Rafe to get it together. Sassy doc is never a bad thing.

I don't know if you can still be posthumously nominated for a Daytime Emmy, but I thought Joseph Mascolo's name should have been on that list of pre-nominations for supporting actor for Stefano's death scene in early 2016.

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