Hot temptations, sweet sensations

Tony S
7th Annual Golden Donuts: The Best of DAYS 2013
Hot temptations, sweet sensations

A wayward son returns to Salem as one epic love story came to an end and another began... again. Plus, who will be the next great love story? Let's cuddle up and chat in this week's Two Scoops!

Oh, Cupid! He's all cute with his cherub face, downy wings, and heart-shaped arrows. Yep, he can be a little bastard at times, too. But his message is clear. That message is love. And soaps know a thing or two about that. So, let's take a look at some of Salem's past, present, and possibly future love stories.

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First up, there's the granddaddy of them all. I'm talking about Bo and Hope. For those of us who've watched DAYS for decades, the past few years have been especially rough, since half of this supercouple has been missing in action. I'm looking at you, InvisiBo. We've longed for a definitive answer and held out hope that Bo would return to Salem. Alas, it's officially official -- Bope is no more.

In a brilliant, painful performance, Kristian Alfonso walked us through Hope saying goodbye to Bo. She wrote him a letter reflecting on how long they have been together, explaining she will love him always and forever, and that she will never regret a second of their life together, but it's time for her to rejoin the living. She can't go on living as she has. Bo's broken her heart (and Ciara's, too) because he chose a mission over their family. She filed a Petition for Divorce document and took off her wedding ring. And there it is. Gulp.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to fans that this was coming, but I was still a little saddened. Bo and Hope are as much DAYS as the sands through the hourglass. Like Hope, I'm a little heartbroken, too, even though we had time to brace ourselves and prepare. But also like Hope, I was ready for this epic love tale to sink or swim. We've all been in limbo, err, limBo, far too long. And now it's time for the next chapter: Haiden.

Truth be told, this slow burn of a love story has been great. Also true, Hope just made the big decision, but let's be real, she's been putting off officially ending her marriage for a while now. So, sure, she accepted his date before she was legitimately back on the market, but that's where things were headed, so I really don't have a problem with her saying yes to a date with Aiden and his dimples. The rest of Hope's loved ones, more specifically Bo's family, well, that remains to be seen (and I hope it is)!

But whereas Bo and Hope are no more, E.J. and Sami have started anew (again). Yes, please! Whereas Sami's revenge scheme was absolutely delicious, it ran its course, and I never doubted that E.J. and Sami would become "EJami" again. The scenes between James Scott and Alison Sweeney were amazing. They were honest, tender, and truthful. Well, as truthful as E.J. and Sami can be. I also loved their use of history to tell their story. They've had their highs and lows, okay, really, really dark, horrible lows, but now they're on an upswing, and I'm glad. With James and Alison on their way out, this could be a perfect ending for two very imperfect characters.

Of course, not all couples were celebrating happy reunions. Eric and Nicole had the same scene last week as they've had since the big reveal. You know the one. The "I hate you, but I want you" scenes filled with one obligatory fantasy and some screaming at each other reality. Check, please.

Dr. Dan and Jennifer also had a fight. You know the one. It was another pre-get-back-together breakup speech, which was as exhausting as the first million they've had. Sometimes they make me want to be euthanized.

Also still apart are Jordan and Rafe. They fought, too. Of these couples, I never minded Jordan and Rafe, though. Albeit a little dull, they were nonthreatening, whereas Dannifer is a major time-suck. Plus, Dr. Dan and Jennifer are both better characters when not together. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope this is the last of them, but this nagging feeling prevents me from being too optimistic about that.

And since I brought up "dull," let's chat about J.J. and Paige for a second. Their young love is sweet, and good on her for standing by her man, but they need some excitement. Full disclosure, I'd rather watch Rory and Marybeth become a couple because they would certainly be entertaining. Alas, I think this entire crew needs to take a page from the "Last Blast" teens and do some sleuthing in Puerto Rico, or find some sexy alien twins. Or maybe Bev can become the new "Jan Spears" and cause some chaos. At this point, anything that would keep them away from their parents or parents' friends would be a step in the right direction.

The current stable couple in town seems to be Sonny and Will. Their steamy shower scene was a good idea. It reminded us that they are still hot and bothered newlyweds because they're verging on getting a little stale. I also like the idea of Will writing an article about Chad and, as much, the idea of Sonny possibly helping him out. This could add a little tension between those two and the NuChad.

Caught somewhere in the middle of being a couple and not are Ben and Abigail. Honestly, I don't mind these two at all. They communicate well and look pretty good together. I like that they're both flawed, but essentially good people. True, Ben's temper can be a bit scary, but he seems to only use it for coming to someone's defense. He's like the Incredible Hulk, just less green and yummier.

There also seem to be seeds planted for potential new couples to blossom. First up, Chad came to Jordan's rescue. That's a Soap 101 move to get characters to orbit the same planet. This could be an interesting match, though I have concerns that they could become E.J./Sami/Lucas lite. Aside from more screen time, I need to know more about Chad 2.0. (and if he's being groomed to become E.J. 2.0).

Then there's Kate and Clyde. My initial thought, "Oh, God, no." I have nothing against the entire city/country mouse scenario, but this just seems wrong. I'd much rather Kate either be single for a while or start sniffing around Roman again. The thought of Kate and Clyde just doesn't do anything for me. He should stay the creepy country guy running around Salem and she should stay the slick city gal with stellar survivor instincts.

And now we come to Lucas! He says he's the go-to rebound guy, but I see him more of a second choice guy. Either way, he needs some luck with the ladies. There are two that could be fun. One, Jordan! He seems to be interested, yet she seems to have her plate full with Rafe and the gang from Poplar Bluff. Those two things would certainly leave Lucas as a second string again. So let's move on.

Another girl for Lucas? Sure! How about Zoe? They also had a classic Soap 101 meeting. He offended her. She basically called him an ass. If that doesn't spell soap kismet, I don't know what does. Plus, I think they'd be a fun, feisty couple to watch. DAYS was headed in the right direction by pairing Lucas with Sheryl, and they need to do it again. That is, put Lucas with someone new who only has eyes for him. It keeps away any temptation the writers feel for shoving him to the background when another guy moves in.

Finally, there's Kate and Chad! I'm not talking about anything cougar-ish, I think, but I like the idea of these two teaming up. It could create some drama and, kind of like how Will became E.J.'s padawan, perhaps Chad will become Kate's. He could definitely learn a lot from her, and I think she'd revel in taking away Stefano's prized baby boy.

LOOSE ENDS: I didn't forget to talk about NuChad! In fact, I ended up talking about him too much. So, I took matters to my blog. Click here to find out what I had to say about the new and possibly improved Chad DiMera.

Okay, bone to pick! Why haven't Laurisa and I ever heard about these famous Salem U parties, especially when we were in college? We totally would have made a cameo. Even party animals Jennifer and Abigail knew. Though I do have to wonder, what books do you think both Jennifer and Abigail read during aforementioned parties.

I seriously need help, y'all. I can't help myself from screaming, "I hate you!" at Marybitch, whoops! Marybeth. She's like a walking, talking Public Service Announcement in the worst way possible, which is a shame because the actress is competent and beautiful. Ugh. The only time I sort of, kind of like her is when she's sparring with Rory. Hint, dear writers. Hint.

So, Kristen and Dr. Dan believe that Theresa might be the one who whacked John with the fire poker. She wants to team up. He doesn't. I hope they do! Kristen brings out the best in Dr. Dan, unlike Jennifer, but that's none of our business, is it, Dr. Dan?

Speaking of Kristen, we needed a lot more of her last week! But I digress. Brady had it out with her again, and Jennifer got a moment to spar with her former bestie. This one still stings a bit. I always enjoyed their friendship. Like Lexie with Stefano, Jennifer seemed to be the one who helped Kristen hold onto her humanity a bit. Now that they are totally through, I wonder what will hold Kristen back. Oh, wait! I don't care. Kristen off her leash with no moral compass is an amazingly lovely thing. Go get them, Ms. DiMera. Go get them all!

Extra Scoops

HOT Sometimes picking one "HOT" is rough, so this week we have two equally awesome moments to celebrate. One, the EJami reunion! It was definitely a highlight of last week, especially because James Scott and Alison Sweeney completely crushed their roles and took us back to a kinder, more gentle EJami that's made us swoon for seven-plus years. Not to be outdone in the performance department is HOT number two, Kristian Alfonso. Give this lady a powerful scene, and she'll tear your heart out (and I mean that in the best way possible). Maybe it's because we've watched Kristian and Hope grow up in Salem, but I can't help but to commiserate with her every time she has a breakdown. We're here for you, Fancy Face, we're here.

NOT As much as I adore Kassie DePaiva, I just wasn't feeling Eve's takedown ploy against J.J. It felt a little half-arsed and had a "been there done that" vibe to it. I expect more from such a sinister schemer. More so, I feel that Eve is being wasted in the kiddie pool much like Kate was wasted in the Rafe/Jordan relationship. Both of these ladies are legends, so let's get them powerful enemies to play with, mmm'k?

LINE OF THE WEEK Rory (to Marybeth): "What did you think this was a spelling bee? You come to a kegger to, you know, to partake from "zee keg."

RANDOM THOUGHTS Um, I hope Arianna Grace wasn't in the playpen when Sonny tossed in that basketball.

Chad was in Morocco at one point. Hmm! Isn't that where the famed DiMera compound is and possibly where Kristen was hiding for a while. Maybe Chad got his Evil training there. I repeat, "Hmm!"

Jordan used the word "gallant." That reminded me of Felicia Gallant of Another World fame. I miss seeing Linda Dano on a daily basis. Let's drink one for our fallen soap homies.

Maybe all of Sami's exes could get together and create a basketball team called the "Schami Genes." Then again it might take too long to explain the rules of the game to Austin #notthatbright

Idea! Ben should become a cop. I don't know why. He just should.

I don't know if it was the delivery or the actual line, but when Jordan said, "Clyde. Yeah, you." I totally cracked up.

I kind of wanted to start singing "We Both Reached For the Gun" when Chad pulled out his. That will never get old.

Black and white attire seems to be the trendy thing in Salem this season. As Kate would say, "I like."

Thank God! We got at least one more Kate and Sami breakfast.

Oh, fancy. Chad is using big boy words now.

T should have been either Rory's brother or Eve's son. Either would be entertaining!

Roman and Rafe talking about Kate was just funny in its awkwardness.

I forgot how great the casting was for Rory's brother.

Equally great, Rory's Ferris Bueller shout-out.

I need to figure out a way to use Aiden's following line to Nicole in my everyday life: "When I tell you this chicken don't fly, this chicken don't fly."

I wonder how old Johnny, Allie, and Sydney will be when they come home from camp.

It was nice to see Bo and Hope's house again.

Speaking of, Hope's sad setup of tissues, a comfy sweater, and her letter to Bo was missing a few things. Every self-respecting heartbreakee knows that you also need ice cream, a blanket, and a sound system blaring Jagged Little Pill, amIright?

PARTING THOUGHTS So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, that's Two Scoops for the week of September 22! Which new couples are you hoping to see more of? Tweet us and let us know! In the meantime, Laurisa is back on Monday with an all-new column, and "That's a fact!"

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Edited by SC Desk