The Scoop: Days of our Lives previews, teasers, and spoilers for the Week of April 29, 2019

SC Desk
A sneak peek at some of the action that will take place on  during the week of April 29, 2019. Be sure to tune in to  every weekday to see how everything plays out.
A sneak peek at some of the action that will take place on during the week of April 29, 2019. Be sure to tune in to every weekday to see how everything plays out.

Returns rock Salem!

A sneak peek at some of the action that will take place on during the week of April 29, 2019. Be sure to tune in to every weekday to see how everything plays out.

Mourning turns to merriment for Eric when a not-so-dead Nicole appears, and the two long-separated lovers are finally reunited

Having Eric recently address his feelings for her leaves Sarah stunned and saddened when she learns of Nicole's resurrection

Eric and Nicole embrace the magical moment between them, but Sarah stops their reunion with tragic news

Sarah shares that Holly has been abducted from the DiMera mansion, prompting Nicole and Eric to leave in haste

Chloe is beside herself about Holly but is overjoyed upon seeing Nicole and eagerly embraces her best friend

A petrified and peeved Nicole, however, isn't exactly thrilled with Chloe as she blames her for Holly's abduction

As Nicole, Eric, and the rest attempt to focus on finding Holly, Ted knows exactly where the toddler is...

Tricky Ted reveals what he's been planning all along, and his not-so-secret anymore partner is revealed to be Xander

Still in the dark about Ted's duplicity, Hope and Rafe continue to search for Holly, which leads to a dangerous decision

A misty-eyed Maggie marvels that Nicole is alive, but their reunion is also marred by Holly's kidnapping

Maggie and Nicole embrace one another and try to remain strong as they continue to pray for Holly's safe homecoming

Nicole's homecoming shatters Sarah's prayers for a future with Eric, and Marlena consoles her as she grieves

Now that Xander has returned home to Salem, Eve may find herself praying that Xander doesn't reveal her duplicity toward Jack regarding the journal

A devious Eve and Jack prepare for the latest debate while Abe and Shelia find themselves in debate over what's going on between them

Sensing there might be something between them, Shelia smooches Abe, and Jack (and his camera) are there as witnesses

Abe and Shelia quickly realize the true nature of their relationship, yet things quickly get more complicated

Jack makes Abe and Shelia his prey when he shares the photo of Abe and Shelia during the mayoral debate

Abe is not only appalled by Jack's actions but also stunned that Valerie shows up in Salem to surprise him at that moment

Needless to say, Valerie is the one who's surprised by the photo of Abe and Shelia kissing and demands an explanation

Both Abe and Shelia respond to the bombshell that Jack detonated, and it ends with one of the women saying goodbye to Salem (and Abe)

Jack's explosive exploit at the debate leaves J.J. searing with disgust, and the young Deveraux drops a bomb of his own

While Jack is left to deal with the consequences of what J.J. divulged, Claire continues to have a hard time dealing with Tripp's marriage

Tripp, however, has reason to celebrate as he and Haley hear some happy news, but there's a huge catch in it for Claire

Upon hearing she must move out of the loft, a troubled Claire rips into Tripp and becomes even more unhinged than before

Gabi realizes that her plan hinges upon Stefan falling head over heels for her, and she takes another step to ensure her victory

Lani continues to fall for baby David, much to Eli's concern, especially when Lani shares her ideas for the baby

Eli isn't so sure of Lani's proposition, and the two lovers end up having words with one another over the situation

As Lani and Eli's rift over David grows, Rafe and Lani find themselves growing closer while bonding with the baby

Rafe and Hope's bonds continues to be on shaky grounds, but Hope has no questions about Ben and Ciara's bond...

Upon arriving at Ben's home, Hope is quick to recognize that Ben and Ciara have made love for the first time

Casting scoops

Vanessa Williams returns to help spice up Days of our Lives' May Sweeps

Bryan Dattilo returns to Days of our Lives, admits he's surprised about being asked back to Salem

Here comes trouble! Stacy Haiduk and Paul Telfer return as Days of our Lives duo Kristen and Xander

Olivia Rose Keegan to exit DAYS

DAYS shocker: Nadia Bjorlin to exit the role of Chloe Lane

A sneak peek at next week

Haley has news that's bound to shock everyone while Jack and Eve continue with their crooked campaign

The rift between Hope and Rafe widens further when he challenges the commissioner, and his actions cause a catastrophic loss

John and Marlena marvel in a relationship milestone as a sorrowful Sarah realizes she's lost Eric

Stefan and Chloe receive distressing news while Maggie's stress causes the past to plague her

Down the road previews

Wicked winds blow a sinful Salemite into town, and they're sure to start more than one scandal

An already rocky romance is put through another test as a third party could create some friction (and sparks)

One Salemite's already twisted love life becomes even more tangled when their great love seemingly returns

Twists and turns eventually lead a Salemite out of town, but the departure will leave destruction behind

Just as one sordid scheme seems to be coming to an end, a deadly twist changes everything

Come spring, Salemites unite to say goodbye to a beloved family member and community pillar

The only certainty in Salem is its uncertainty, and certain storylines may not be as they appear

Departures and homecomings rock Salem over the next few months, especially when one sneaky schemer returns to cause chaos

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Edited by SC Desk