In Horton Town Square, Brady invited Ava to join him at a table. She congratulated him on his release from jail, and he admitted that he still felt guilty about falling off the wagon. He also mentioned that Kristen had bought him a new car. Ava grinned and asked Brady if the gesture had been Kristen’s way of getting back together with him. He skeptically stated Kristen’s claim that she had wanted to make it up to him for the loss of his previous car.
Brady acknowledged that Kristen had been making an effort by letting him spend more time with Rachel. Ava was happy for him but surprised at Kristen’s “sudden generosity of spirit.” Brady added that Kristen could possibly help Sarah walk again. “Wonders never cease,” Ava cracked as she raised a toast to Kristen, seemingly turning over a new leaf. Ava mused about the other “interesting women” who had been in Brady’s life, and he joked that his “illustrious love life” had been no secret.
Ava brought up Brady’s recent involvement with Fiona, and both agreed that Fiona had been a “monster.” Ava lightly suggested that Fiona had been a “good tipper,” and she mentioned a waitress at the Bistro who had interacted with Fiona. Brady was surprised to learn that the waitress in question was Sophia. He told Ava that Tate had taken Sophia to prom, and Ava filled Brady in on Sophia’s crush on Tate. Ava saw herself in Sophia and hoped that Tate would not hurt Sophia by going back to Holly.
Brady believed things were over between Tate and Holly and chided Ava about her interest in the “teen drama.” Ava conceded that she was over-invested. She suggested the teens served as a distraction from herself and Brady lamenting their own disastrous love lives. Brady admitted his and Ava’s stress-free banter had been nice and a welcome change of pace.
At the Kiriakis mansion, Holly nervously typed out a text to Tate but didn’t send it. Maggie entered the room and welcomed her granddaughter home. Holly told Maggie about how she had forgiven Eric, and Maggie was glad that Holly had made amends with him. Holly hoped that Tate would be as forgiving of her. She confided to Maggie how she had attempted to get evidence against Tate’s father and how guilty she felt for the action.
Maggie reminded Holly that Tate’s father, Brady, had been willing to take responsibility for his perceived wrong and had done so as a lesson to his son. Maggie believed Tate would appreciate Holly admitting her mistake and that he would forgive her, especially given Holly’s recent discovery about her father’s death. Holly wasn’t so sure, but she relented after Maggie encouraged her to talk with Tate. She sent the text that she had written a few moments earlier.
Maggie commended Holly for her courage in reaching out to Tate. After she noticed Holly intently staring at her phone, Maggie urged her granddaughter to be patient. Holly grew restless and insisted she needed to see Tate in person. She left, and Maggie wished her luck.
Tate brought Sophia to John and Marlena’s place. When he realized no one was home, he remarked they had the place “all to ourselves.” The couple shared a smile. Sophia called her mother and complained about her hovering nature after she hung up. She admitted that she had lied to her mom about being with Tate.
Sophia changed the subject to Tate’s living quarters and admired the townhouse's charm. When she mentioned having been there previously for prom, Tate apologized again for deceiving Sophia that night. She assured Tate that she had forgiven him and slyly mentioned they'd find a way for him to make it up to her.
Later, Tate and Sophia had settled on the sofa to watch a movie on Peacock. Tate expressed frustration because the TV was not working. He suggested that they watch the movie in his room. They left the main room just as Holly’s message to Tate popped up on his phone, but he had left it behind.
Tate and Sophia reclined on his bed. As they watched the movie, Sophia expressed regret for previously coming on so strongly with Tate. She opened up about not knowing how to act around him since she liked him so much. Tate said that he liked Sophia, too, and they began kissing. They stopped briefly when they heard a sound, but Sophia joked that it was the sound of her heartbeat.

Sophia kissed Tate again and then asked him if he had a condom. He pulled one out of his bedside drawer and asked Sophia if she was sure. She nodded as their kisses grew more passionate.
Outside, Holly gave up knocking on the door and walked away.
At the police station, Cat was shocked when Chad came into the interrogation room. They both stated that they needed to talk. As Chad took a seat, Cat asked if she could go first. At Chad’s agreement, she pleaded with Chad to believe that although she had never been a perfect person, her actions had not been in her true character. She insisted again that she had been driven out of desperation to save her mother.
Cat also reaffirmed that the more she had gotten to know Chad, the guiltier she had felt. She grew emotional as she admitted how she had fallen for him. She then stopped herself and apologized for rambling. Chad looked directly at her and said he had one question. “Where is my wife?” he asked.
Cat was confused by the question, so Chad elaborated that he wanted to know the location of Abigail’s body. Chad told Cat about the exhumation of Abigail’s grave and about her body being missing from the coffin. When Cat expressed outrage at Clyde’s action, Chad grew irate and blasted her for being in cahoots with Clyde. She claimed that she could not answer Chad's question, but he slammed his fists on the table and demanded she tell him the location. Cat persisted that she had no idea about Abigail’s missing body.
Chad angrily said that Cat was useless to him and declared he would get answers from Clyde. As he got up to leave, Cat hesitantly inquired if Chad would also ask Clyde about the whereabouts of her mother’s body. She believed that since she and Mark had failed to meet Clyde’s terms, the convict would have her mother killed. Chad said he owed Cat nothing and stormed out. Alone, Cat let out a sob.
At the Brady Pub, Roman offered Kayla a cup of coffee and a listening ear about the situation with “the Abigail imposter.” The siblings commiserated about how the revelation would affect Jack and Jennifer. Kayla couldn’t believe she had trusted Mark, but she was thankful that the doctor and his sister had been arrested. Roman was certain that Chad would never want anything to do with the imposter again.
Steve eventually joined Roman and Kayla and greeted the latter with a kiss. He added his thoughts about the happenings in Paris but said that some good news had come from the ordeal, specifically regarding the imposter’s mother. Steve then updated an incredulous Roman and Kayla on the mother’s identity as the presumed dead Catharina. Steve admitted that he didn’t know where Catharina was or even if the woman was still alive.
Steve explained that he had been in touch with Clyde’s prison guards to ensure Clyde could not give his henchmen a kill order. Just then, he received a call from the prison. Kayla and Roman were concerned about Steve’s sudden outburst with the caller. After he berated the warden and ended the call, Steve announced that Clyde had once again escaped from prison.

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