Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, March 19, 2025: Shane's bad news sends Theresa out of Salem

Days of our Lives
Days of our Lives' Theresa was heartbroken by her father's call | Image: Peacock

In Washington, DC, Shane finally returned Theresa’s call. He apologized and told his daughter he’d received “rather devastating news.” Theresa immediately asked if it was about John. She informed Shane that Brady had updated her on John’s disappearance. Shane hedged and claimed he didn’t have any further details about John.

The news concerned Theresa’s mother, Kimberly. Shane hadn’t wanted to tell Marlena, Steve, or anyone else before he’d revealed the information to his kids: Kimberly’s cancer was back. Shane was certain that Kimberly would beat the cancer again. Theresa grew emotional and asked her father for the truth about how bad the prognosis had been this time.

Shane admitted the cancer was "progressing" but assured his daughter that with all the medical advancements in recent years, Kimberly could survive. He planned to return to Los Angeles and be with her as soon as he was able. When Theresa asked if she could do anything for her mother, Shane suggested she could.

At John and Marlena’s place, Brady greeted Tate, who had slept late because of spring break. As Tate joined his dad on the sofa, Brady revealed that Marlena and Steve had seen Shane. Tate asked if they’d found out anything about John. Brady said the only lead Shane had given them was John’s presumed last location: Estonia. Tate sarcastically asked if they were supposed to go around the country calling John’s name.

Tate didn’t think Shane had provided much help. Brady acknowledged that Marlena believed Shane might be holding back information. Tate got on his phone and looked up information about Estonia. In a bid to distract his son, Brady turned the subject to why Tate had arrived home late the previous night.

Tate said he had been helping Sophia at The Bistro. The news surprised Brady, but Tate blew it off as no big deal and told his dad about Paulina’s apparently successful meeting with Sophia’s mother. Tate had renewed hope that the adoption could proceed, but he doubted his mom would welcome the development. Tate filled Brady in on Theresa’s reservations about the adoption because of her sister Eve’s experiences.

Brady didn’t think the issues Eve had were related to her adoption, but he did admit that he had concerns about EJ’s involvement in the baby’s life. He also didn’t like the idea of Chanel and Johnny sharing a home with Kristen and “her kooky mom.” Tate asked if Brady no longer supported the adoption, but Brady reaffirmed his support. Tate reiterated that his decision about adoption came from his desire to do what was best for the baby. Brady hugged his son in response.

Tate pulled back and expressed his worry that “Grandpa John” would be disappointed in him for the pregnancy and the adoption. Brady fiercely stressed that John would be proud of Tate for “doing the right thing.” He promised Tate that John would come back to them, just as he always did. In the meantime, he wanted to do something of which John would “definitely approve”— batting cage practice. Tate readily warmed to the idea and went to his room to get dressed.

Soon thereafter, Brady answered a knock at the door. It was Theresa, who wanted to talk with Tate. Brady assumed she was there to discuss the adoption, but Theresa confided that her mother’s leukemia had returned. Brady silently offered comfort, and Theresa cried on his shoulder. After Tate reentered the room, Theresa told him about his grandmother.

Tate embraced Theresa and asked about the prognosis. Theresa conceded that the doctors didn’t have much information. Shane had requested she go to California to be with Kimberly. Theresa intended to honor the request. She felt guilty about leaving Tate. He understood why she needed to be with his grandmother and offered to accompany her.

Theresa didn’t want to take Tate away from school and urged him to stay in Salem. Tate relented and asked that Theresa give his love and prayers to Kimberly. Theresa agreed and declined an offer from Tate to accompany Brady and him to the batting cage. She had a plane to catch. Brady, Tate, and Theresa all vowed support for each other and shared their goodbyes.

In Horton Town Square, Stephanie promised Philip that she wouldn’t divulge the secret about the forged letter. She realized that Alex would feel “totally betrayed” if he found out. Behind a nearby tree, Xander eavesdropped. Philip thanked Stephanie for keeping the secret and admitted he’d put Stephanie in a “tricky spot.” He apologized, and Stephanie stressed that no one could find out.

Mid-sentence, Stephanie gasped as Xander emerged from behind the plant. Philip and Stephanie jumped up as if caught. Philip asked why Xander was spying on them, but Xander smiled and said he was only “passing through” when he had noticed the duo “deep in conversation.” Stephanie stammered that Philip and she were discussing work, while Philip added that he was “catching up” with his ex. Xander’s smile widened when he brought up Alex.

Xander mentioned how happy Alex and Stephanie seemed together and hoped that nothing happened to “screw it up this time.” When Stephanie inquired what he meant, Xander grinned and said he was just “rooting for you two lovebirds.” Philip squirmed at Xander’s demeanor and asked his brother if he wanted to return with him to the office. Xander said he had errands to run first and bid Philip and Stephanie adieu. Once he was gone, Stephanie immediately wondered if he’d overheard Philip and her.

Philip reasoned Xander hadn't heard anything about the letter because Philip still had his “vital organs” intact. He assured Stephanie that Xander’s “weird” behavior was just Xander being Xander. Philp was beginning to feel bad about lying to Xander and acknowledged the growing bond between his brother and him. “Too bad that bond’s based on a lie,” Stephanie replied. She harshly reminded Philip that if the truth came out, he was the one who stood to lose everything.

At the Titan offices, Joy stopped Alex and said she needed to tell him something. She flashed back to the positive pregnancy test results, then claimed she wanted to “clear the air” with Alex. He was confused, as he’d believed they had already straightened things out. When he asked if Joy still had “feelings” for him, she snapped that he needed to get over himself.

Taking a deep breath, Joy proclaimed she had “life-changing” news that Alex should hear from her. As Alex sat down, Joy launched into a speech about how she had wanted to “move on” and respect Alex’s choice. But the Los Angeles job “falling through” and finding out she’d be working with Alex at Titan had made the situation more difficult. Joy eventually got around to revealing that she was quitting her job. Alex protested and offered to quit himself.

Joy told him he shouldn’t feel guilty and that it made more sense for her to quit since Titan was his family company. She wanted to end the awkwardness. Alex asked if she had a “plan,” and Joy declared she would be moving back to New York. He worried it would be too hard on her because of the friction with her mother, so he made another offer to help her find a job in Salem. Joy declined and affirmed that moving to New York would be “best for everyone.”

After Alex had departed, Philip arrived at the office. Before he could really say anything to Joy, she began rambling and apologizing about leaving him “in the lurch.” When she disclosed she would be quitting, Philip asked if Alex had pressured her. Joy reassured him that it was her decision and that she would be moving back to New York. Although Philip was caught off-guard, he wished her well.

When Joy left, Philip called Kate and updated her on his conversation with Stephanie, as well as Xander’s intrusion into the conversation. Kate was seemingly less-than-pleased with the latter development and loudly let her son know how she felt.

Joy (AlexAnn Hopkins) made a big decision. \Image: Peacock
Joy (AlexAnn Hopkins) made a big decision. \Image: Peacock

Meanwhile, Joy went to the Brady Pub and made a call to Nancy. She informed her mother about her plans to return to New York and promised she would give more details when she arrived back home. After she ended the call, Joy again pulled out her test results and mulled over them. Sliding the contents back into her purse, she cracked, “Salem, thanks for making me a soap star, I guess.” Joy then pulled her luggage out the door.

Later, Alex arrived in the square and greeted Stephanie with a kiss. He wanted to tell Stephanie about the two “interesting encounters” he’d had during the day. First, he updated Stephanie on his run-in with Theresa, which had surprisingly ended on amicable terms. Stephanie was glad that Theresa and Alex were in a better place since Theresa was her cousin. When she asked about Alex’s second encounter, Alex admitted it was with Joy, who had shared “big news.”

Stephanie’s tension eased when Alex revealed the news was Joy’s imminent departure from Salem. She was surprised and regretted the situation had ended the way it did. Both Alex and Stephanie wished the best for Joy but agreed that “nothing” was left for her in town.

At the hospital, Maggie reported for volunteer duty. She caught Sarah up on her most recent volunteering stint at the prison. Maggie had not been able to avoid Vivian, who had wanted to talk about Victor’s letter to Philip. Sarah was visibly uncomfortable, but she was relieved when Maggie said that Vivian had only bragged about Philip securing his inheritance. Sarah attributed Vivian’s interest in the matter to her bond with Philip, since Vivian had technically given birth to the Kiriakis heir.

Maggie thought Vivian’s final comment to her was strange. Vivian had affirmed she was glad to have “forged a new relationship” with Philip. Sarah grabbed some water and downed it while Maggie wondered when Vivian and Philip might have had the opportunity to develop any kind of relationship. Sarah suggested the so-called “relationship” was all in Vivian’s head. Maggie was grateful that Philip had better sense than to associate himself with Vivian.

Just as Maggie was preparing to start her volunteer work, Xander arrived and greeted the ladies. Maggie began to tell Xander about her odd conversation with Vivian, but Sarah promptly interjected. After Maggie left, Xander told Sarah about his own strange encounter with Philip and Stephanie. Xander believed he knew what the duo had been so secretive about. He thought Sarah knew, too.

Sarah asked how she could know Philip and Stephanie’s secret. Xander presented his theory that Philip and Stephanie were having an affair behind Alex’s back. He chastised Philip for “secretly shagging Alex’s girlfriend” and debated whether he should tell Alex the truth. Sarah tried to talk him out of it, for the family’s sake. Xander admitted, “Something tells me that this secret could end up tearing my family apart,” as Sarah looked unsettled.

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Edited by Hope Campbell
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