Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, February 12, 2025: Kayla and Stephanie vow to save the hospital

Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) strategized with daughter Stephanie (Abigail Klein). /Image: Peacock
Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) strategized with daughter Stephanie (Abigail Klein). /Image: Peacock

At the Brady Pub, Holly complained to Tate about all the homework they had before Valentine’s Day. She chided him about having plans, and he declared that he only planned to be with her for the day. At Holly’s persistent questioning, Tate divulged they would be spending the day at their “place,” the Horton Cabin. Holly was surprised her grandma had given Tate the key because she figured Maggie would be worried about what Tate and Holly would do. Tate joked that he had big plans to “start a fire” before catching the ferry home.

When Tate said they could do whatever Holly wanted, she said he knew what she most wanted to do with him. Tate asked her if she was sure, as he didn’t want to pressure her. She wondered if he was sure after what had happened with Sophia. Both agreed they wanted to be together, and they kissed. Just then, Sophia walked up. After she got the teens' attention, she revealed that she might have found a couple to adopt the baby.

Sophia told Tate about a couple at her church who had been having trouble conceiving and who had been considering adoption. Better yet, Sophia’s mom knew the couple and liked them. Tate was excited by the news but less so when Sophia said the couple had agreed to meet with them immediately. She wanted Tate to go with her to Horton Town Square for the meeting. Tate turned to Holly, who encouraged him to go; Holly sighed in frustration once she was alone.

At the Body and Soul office, Leo packed up his belongings and ruminated over the loss of his writing career and his respectability. Doug entered the office, ready for work as Leo’s new writing assistant. Leo told him he could begin by taking Leo’s office supplies to his car. Doug was puzzled, so Leo clarified that he had been fired as head writer. Doug and Leo exchanged apologies for their mutual joblessness.

Doug promised Leo he would still pay back his debts, and Leo tried to assure him it would be fine. Doug hesitantly admitted he had already given Holly Leo’s advance salary payment but pledged he would ask for it back. Leo said it wasn’t necessary. Doug didn’t feel it was right to take Leo’s money, especially since Leo didn’t know him that well. Leo refused to make Doug embarrass himself in front of a girl he “like-liked.”

Doug insisted Holly and he were just friends. Leo side-eyed Doug’s assertion and told Doug to consider the money “severance.” Doug thanked “Mr. Stark.” Leo proclaimed he wasn’t a Marvel character and that Doug should call him Leo. He lightly warned Doug not to let the word of his good deed get out, as he had a “curmudgeony” reputation to uphold.

In Horton Town Square, Chanel happily greeted Johnny with a kiss. He was pleased to report that he was feeling much better but was less pleased to report that “the Salem reboot” of Body and Soul was “dead.” Johnny updated Chanel on the network’s plans to move the show back to LA. He also explained how the cast and crew would keep their jobs provided they made the move. Chanel asked Johnny if he intended to take the offer, and he responded that he had wanted to talk it over with her.

“It’s a no-brainer,” Chanel said, to Johnny’s surprise. Chanel reminded her husband that they’d previously planned a move to California. Johnny, in turn, reminded her that they’d decided staying in Salem was best for them. Besides, he didn’t want to “rock the boat” with their relationship and wanted to focus on their future. Chanel retorted that they could work on the relationship anywhere, and she wondered if Johnny’s choice had anything to do with Joy.

Chanel believed Johnny might be trying to put distance between Joy and himself because he believed that’s what she wanted. Johnny reassured her that his decision had nothing to do with Joy, as he wasn’t even sure she was going to LA. Plus, their families were in Salem. Chanel also didn’t want Johnny to sacrifice his directing dream. Johnny reasoned that he could find opportunities in Salem or perhaps even start his own production company.

“My biggest dream is to build a family with you,” Johnny asserted. Chanel smiled and affirmed how much she loved Johnny. They shared a kiss.

Across the square, Tate and Sophia arrived for their meeting with the couple. Sophia begged off food since she was so nervous. She answered a call from Ellen, the prospective mother. When she got off the phone, Sophia dejectedly told Tate that the couple had backed out. Tate tried to comfort her and pledged they would find the right couple.

Sophia had serious doubts because her mother would probably find a reason to disapprove of anyone they presented as an option. She cried that it would never be over. Johnny and Chanel approached; Tate introduced the couple to Sophia, who Chanel already knew as a customer of Sweet Bits. After pleasantries were exchanged, Sophia got upset again and left. Tate briefly explained the situation to Johnny and Chanel, who offered sympathies for both Sophia and Tate.

Tate mainly felt bad for Sophia since he didn’t think she really had anyone other than him in her corner. He was also guilty about how the situation was affecting Holly. Johnny and Chanel felt confident that Holly and he would work things out. Tate wasn’t sure how much longer Holly would be willing to put up with him.

Chanel (Raven Bowens) and Johnny (Carson Boatman) made a big decision. \Image: Peacock
Chanel (Raven Bowens) and Johnny (Carson Boatman) made a big decision. \Image: Peacock

After Tate left, Johnny and Chanel settled on a bench and talked about how unfortunate the circumstances were for everyone involved in Tate’s situation. The baby talk had reminded Johnny of how Chanel and he had been happily anticipating their own baby. The couple discussed how they had been instructed to wait before trying again, but then other problems had sidetracked them. Chanel revealed that she still wanted a child with Johnny, if he wanted the same thing. Johnny exuberantly agreed and exclaimed, “Let’s have a baby!”

Back at the pub, Doug spotted Holly still sitting at her table. She asked him about his first day of work, and he clarified that it was also his last day of work. After he explained the situation to Leo, Holly offered to return the money he had given her. Doug assured her that Leo had wanted him to keep the pay. Doug needed to look for another job, but he was curious as to why Holly was alone. Holly said that the adoption might be “back on.”

Doug conveyed his hope that everything would work out for Holly and for Tate and Sophia. Holly mused if she was being selfish for wanting the adoption, but Doug reminded her that Tate and Sophia wanted the same thing. Ultimately, the adoption would be best for everyone involved, most importantly the baby. Holly took some comfort from Doug’s pep talk and apologized for going on about her problems when he had just lost his job. She offered to help land him another job, and he said he might take her up on it.

Holly suggested the Brady Pub as a workplace since Doug’s charm could earn him plentiful tips. Doug smiled and bantered with Holly about his charm level. Tate walked in and seemed miffed at the rapport between Holly and Doug. Holly asked Tate what had happened. He told her they were back at “square one” because the couple had backed out.

In Joy’s hospital room, Alex listed all the reasons he should stay in Salem. Joy asked him if Stephanie was “the real reason” he did not want to follow Body and Soul to California. Alex played dumb until Joy revealed she had seen Alex and Stephanie kissing at the nurses’ station. Joy wanted Alex to explain why he had made plans with her just a few hours before kissing Stephanie. Furthermore, she wanted to explain why he was still trying to “worm” his way out of the truth: he saw a future with Stephanie and not her.

Joy had also heard Alex say he hadn’t wanted to “kick her” while she was down by breaking up with her. Alex couldn’t understand why Joy hadn’t said something sooner. She had hoped Alex would have the guts, to be honest with her. Since he kept taking “the cowardly way out,” however, she would save him the trouble. They were through.

Alex began to protest he didn’t want to hurt Joy, but she shot back, “You didn’t want to get kicked out of my bed.” Alex said while he genuinely liked Joy, he hadn’t realized she viewed their involvement as something “more serious.” The statement angered Joy anew, and she wondered how many times he had used the same line. Alex then tried to claim he had only recently found out about Stephanie quitting her job and her desire to be with him. When he mentioned having talked with Stephanie before he had gotten sick, Joy calmed down slightly and thanked Alex for saving her life.

Joy didn’t know what she would do with her life at the moment. Alex suggested she accept the LA offer. Joy grew irate again and accused Alex of trying to get rid of her. She told him to find Stephanie and tell her the good news. Then, she demanded he “get the hell out,” so he complied.

Later, Joy called Nancy and pleaded with her mother not to come to Salem. Joy still didn’t know if she would go to LA and declared everything “up in the air.”

In Kayla’s hospital room, Seth announced that he would be relocating to California since he had found his “calling” as an actor. Kayla congratulated him but politely refused his suggestion that she relocate as well. When she mentioned how much she loved her job, Seth blurted out that she may not have it for long because the hospital was about to declare bankruptcy. As a shocked Kayla absorbed the news, Seth added that Salem University Hospital would likely be shutting down.

When Kayla challenged the decision, Seth reminded her that the hospital had been struggling for some time. Losing the revenue from Body and Soul shooting there had been the final straw for the hospital board. Seth referred to the hospital as “a sinking ship,” which prompted both Kayla and Stephanie to fiercely defend the hospital’s good work. Seth said it didn’t matter since the place had become “a money pit.”

Seth defended that he had wanted to give Kayla a heads-up so she could take Bonnie’s role while Bonnie was still “laid up.” Kayla blasted Seth for only thinking about himself when she was concerned about what all of their patients would do without the hospital. A chastised Seth left, and Stephanie asked Kayla if she was okay. “No, I’m not okay,” Kayla snapped. She couldn’t believe the board was giving up on the hospital, and she knew “Tom Horton would be rolling over in his grave.”

Stephanie promised her mother they would launch a PR blitz to save the hospital. Kayla was invigorated by the idea and wanted to begin making calls. Stephanie urged her mother to rest and asked Kayla to let her take the lead. She wanted to help Kayla in the same way Kayla had always helped her.

Seth made his way to the Body and Soul office just as Leo was leaving. Seth had come to pick up his paycheck and informed Leo about his plans to move to LA. Leo was confused since he’d thought the hospital was Seth’s “day job.” The hospital would likely soon be no more, Seth explained. Leo lamented about its potential demise and wondered where Marlena would “hang up her shingle”; Seth was certain she would land on her feet.

Seth changed the subject and began talking up Leo’s skills as a writer. He asked for a “more prominent role” in the reboot. Leo told Seth he was “barking up the wrong tree” since Leo had been fired. Seth gave his condolences and asked what Leo would do. Leo had no idea.

Seth deemed the new producers “idiots” for canning Leo. He urged Leo not to listen to the “haters, because they make the most noise.” Seth believed Leo would show them all when he was accepting his Daytime Emmy. He sincerely wished Leo good luck and left. A touched Leo smiled and reflected, “Maybe I don’t suck.”

Back at the hospital, Stephanie called the hospital’s PR department and urged them to hold off on publicly disclosing the board’s plans. When she ended the conversation, Alex approached and said he had news. He noted Stephanie’s expression and asked what was wrong. She filled him in on the bankruptcy and bemoaned the hospital’s potential fate.

Alex expressed how sorry he was and asked how Kayla was taking the news. Stephanie confirmed Kayla was very upset, but Stephanie remained determined to make things right for her mother and for the hospital. She asked about Alex’s news. He hedged but then revealed that Joy and he had broken up. Stephanie was somewhat taken aback when Alex admitted that Joy had been the one to end the relationship.

Alex explained that Joy had overheard Stephanie and him the night before. Both were sorry for how the situation had unfolded, and Alex conceded that he couldn’t blame Joy for her reaction. Stephanie chose to focus on the silver lining: they could be together freely. Alex sealed the deal with a kiss. After making Valentine’s Day plans, the newly minted couple departed as Joy watched sadly from the background.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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