What you missed on Days of our Lives
EJ stormed into The Brady Pub and angrily approached Kate. "How dare you tell my son how exactly he was conceived!? You hated me so much that my son was collateral damage?" EJ spat. Kate was just as furious and explained that Johnny came to her when he heard that his father had been accused of rape. "He wanted to know the story," she said.
"But it wasn't your story to tell, damn it!" EJ shouted. He asked who had accused him of rape. Kate tried to hedge the question but EJ figured it out. "It was that idiot you call a husband," he said. Kate defended her husband, while also insulting EJ. "That Irish relic could still mop the floor with you," she said.
EJ didn't back down, saying that Roman "weaponized his own grandson." Kate explained that actions have consequences and marveled at how EJ had no ability to ever take responsibility for the horrible things he had done. Kate explained that this all came to light because of his involvement with Arnold Feniger.
EJ denied having anything to do with Arnold this time around, but Kate didn't buy that story. The two continued going back and forth as their anger toward one another boiled over. Finally, EJ threatened Kate's kids, which was a bad move, indeed.
"You lay one finger on any of my children and I will kill you myself," Kate spat before EJ left. When he was gone, she angrily threw a glass just as Paulina walked in. When Paulina asked what happened, Kate told her that EJ had just made threats against her children.
Johnny ran into Rafe in the park when Rafe was on his way to the police station. Johnny was happy to see Rafe and not Arnold. He was amazed that Rafe didn't remember anything that happened to him. Johnny told Rafe he was "more than okay" with seeing the real Rafe and not Arnold.
Rafe told Johnny that Jada had filled him in on the lunch disaster in the DiMera living room. He knew Johnny was aware that Arnold had slept with Sami when she thought he was Rafe. Johnny then told Rafe that he knew his father had raped his mother. "Judging by your reaction, it's not news to you," Johnny said.
"How come you never told me? Why wouldn't you tell me the truth about that?" Johnny asked. Rafe calmly and compassionately explained to Johnny that it was never his story to tell. It was Sami's. Rafe reminded Johnny that his mother loved him, but Johnny wanted to know how Sami could then marry a man who did something like that to her and raise children with him. Rafe told Johnny that he shouldn't lash out at his mother.
Jada was thrilled to tell Mayor Paulina about a witness who could testify against EJ in court. Jada planned to get Rachel Sr. to incriminate EJ on the record, but that would be easier said than done. Paulina was surprised to hear that Jada thought EJ had stashed Rafe at Aremid for a while.
Paulina wondered why Ava never said anything but Jada thought Ava might not have even known that Ava was there. She and Rafe were still working on this theory and needed to find proof. Jada also reminded Paulina of when she heard something in the DiMera mansion tunnels. She wondered if EJ had moved Rafe to Aremid after nearly being caught.
Jada was sure that Rachel Sr. knew Rafe was there but Paulina didn't think she could get any DiMeras to turn against one another. Jada pointed out that Rachel Sr. was a Blake and not a DiMera, which left Paulina intrigued.
Kristen sat in the DiMera living room holding the gun that her mother had dug up at Aremid. Rachel Sr. startled her when she called out her name. "Kristen, you're going to give that back to me now, aren't you?" she asked. Kristen told Rachel St. that she worried about her misplacing the gun considering how forgetful she has been of late.
Rachel Sr. suggested mounting it on the wall by Stefano's portrait. Kristen rightfully pointed out that her child lived there and she couldn't very well have a firearm out in the open. Rachel Sr. advised Kristen to keep protection around her at all times since she has chosen for them to live in this "viper's nest," referring to the DiMera mansion.
Kristen explained to her mother that they "could not get reckless." She stressed that Jada had been asking all sorts of questions. They couldn't allow her to find out what happened at Aremid with Rafe. Rachel Sr. wasn't worried. "I know you'll do anything to protect me. That's what family does. They stick by each other no matter what," she said.
Jada soon arrived to question Rachel Sr. about Rafe and Ava's captivity at Aremid. Rachel Sr. played dumb when Jada mentioned Rafe, but Jada was relentless, angering Kristen. "Stop harassing my mother," she hissed. Rachel Sr. acted more and more confused until Kristen lost her temper. "Get the hell out of my house," she demanded of Jada.
Jada wasn't fazed. "Either your mother cooperates with my investigation or she's going down for aiding and abetting your brother," Jada said before leaving.
However, by the end of the hour, Kristen had a change of heart. She walked into Jada's office where she was handed an immunity deal for Rachel Sr. Kristen read it over and was not impressed. "My mother is an elderly woman and she had nothing to do with whatever EJ may or may not have done to your fiance," Kristen said. Jada asked Kristen if she wanted to roll the dice with her mother's freedom. Kristen finally relented and agreed to have a lawyer look over the immunity deal.
Back at the DiMera mansion, EJ and Rachel Sr. have a little chat. Rachel ends up telling EJ that Kristen left to talk to the police officer about the man who was at Aremid. That's when he walked toward the safe to get the syringe full of Dr. Rolf's serum.
Javi helped Leo pack up his stuff so Leo could move out of the Salem Inn and in with Javi. However, Javi had to confess that he hadn't yet told Gabi and Rafe that they were getting a new roommate. Javi explained that he would break the news to them by bringing a few of his bags into the Hernandez house. He had even made Leo his own key.
Earlier, Gabi walked into the Hernandez kitchen in a bad move. She explained to Rafe that she and Jada were stress eating the night before. Rafe wanted to know what Gabi and Jada were so stressed about. "Isn't it obvious? EJ kidnapped you. And he's going to get away with it again," Gabi said.
Rafe didn't see the problem until Gabi explained that District Attorney Belle was sleeping with EJ, which meant she might not see a case against him through. However, Rafe informed Gabi that Belle had recused herself from the case. Rafe promised to stop by the Salem PD to get more info on the case.
After Rafe left, Javi arrived with Leo's suitcases and broke the big news to his cousin. Leo Stark was moving in. "Over my dead body!" Gabi declared. Gabi ticked off a list of Leo's litany of crimes and reminded Javi that people don't change. Javi disagreed and blurted out that he was in love with Leo just as the man in question walked in.
Catch all-new episodes of Days of our Lives weekdays on Peacock.

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