Chad talked to Julie in the living room and asked how therapy went. Julie said that Marlena was lovely to her, but Julie’s problem was Doug was gone, and she was lost without him. Chad understood that she’d be having a hard time. Chad convinced Julie to book another session, not for a cure, but for some comfort.
Julie said she’d lost many people in her long life, but she felt like she lost a part of herself when Doug passed. She knew one day, her heart would open again, and she’d be able to appreciate all of the good things in her life. Chad knew she would get there one day and reminded her how much she meant. Julie admitted she had done some soul-searching and changed her heart about Cat.
Julie said she understood why Cat did what she did. She didn’t forgive her but didn’t need to be so vocal about it. Chad said he and Cat weren’t even friends, but maybe someday. Chad hoped that Cat got the job as Marlena’s assistant, and that she deserved a second chance. Julie said Doug always approved of second chances. Chad had to go to the Spectator, and Julie thought she would try sleeping in bed that night. After he left, she trepidatiously walked up the stairs.
Over dinner, Cat told Felicity that she went to visit Mark. Felicity asked if he as a bad person. Cat said that he wasn’t, just like she wasn’t, despite what she did to Chad. Cat gushed about
Chad and all of his attributes that she liked. “Wow, you really like him, don’t you,” Felicity noted. Cat admitted she did, but they could never be together after what she did to Chad.
Cat rambled that even if Chad forgave her, she didn’t think he had those types of feelings for her. Chad walked up, and Cat introduced him to Felicity. She explained they were celebrating her new job. Felicity suggested that Chad and Cat share the sundae they were having. Chad thanked them for the offer, but he had to go to work.
Xander dropped by the hospital to see Sarah. She told him about the poisoning of a bunch of people, including Alex. Sarah noted that Xander hadn’t complained about Philip in a while and wondered if they were getting along better. Xander said they were, and Phillip was even on board to destroy DiMera Enterprises.
Sarah didn’t like the idea of Xander starting a war with Kristen. Sarah couldn’t believe that Phillip let Xander talk him into it. Xander stunned Sarah when he said he didn’t have to, as it was Phillip’s idea. Sarah didn’t think that Phillip’s change of heart made sense. Xander said Phillip was held back by Stephanie’s opinion, but it didn’t matter anymore as she had dumped him.
At home, Alex and Stephanie kissed on the couch. They quipped about his near-death experience but were both glad they were back together. Alex lamented that he didn’t have to break the news to Joy. They both felt bad for her. Stephanie noted that when a relationship ends, it can feel like your life is over. Alex hoped she didn’t take it too hard, even though they’d only been dating a month.
Stephanie shared that Kayla was poisoned as well, and Steve messaged with an update. Alex didn’t think it was a coincidence. Stephanie confirmed that the scripts were poisoned, and several people got sick. Alex thought it was crazy that one minute,e he was going over his script with Joy, and then next, he was sick. He realized that he didn’t know if Joy had been poisoned and tried calling her. At Joy’s, she was unconscious on the bed and didn’t answer. Alex and Stephanie decided to go to Joy’s place to check on her.
Alex and Stephanie found Joy. She had a weak pulse, and they carried her out to take her to the hospital. There, Sarah gave her an antidote and said so far, everyone had made a full recovery. Joy woke up and called for Alex. Outside the room, Xander asked if Stephanie and Alex were back together. Stephanie had flashbacks about arguing with Phillip and accusing him of using her to steal half of the company from Xander. She told Xander that Alex wasn’t the reason she stopped seeing Phillip.
Sarah came out and gave an update on Joy; Stephanie went to see Joy. Xander said he was going to go to the pub to get some takeout and he’d meet Sarah at home. After they both left, Sarah messaged Phillip.
At home, Phillip was working out when Kate dropped by. He tried turning her away, but she said she needed him. He reluctantly let her in, and she told him that her career as a soap opera mogul was a disaster. She told him that after all that had happened, Stephanie quit the show. Kate enjoyed producing the show for a while, but now there was no joy. “Dead,” Kate added.
Phillip shared with Kate that he and Xander were getting along, and Sarah and Stephanie weren’t going to tell Xander. He told Kate about the DiMera Enterprises takeover plan. She told him to give it more thought as she didn’t think it was a good idea. She warned that it could be pushing Sarah’s patience. Just then, Phillip got Sarah’s message asking him to meet.
Sarah came over and blasted Phillip for breaking their agreement. She said he promised to keep Xander’s worst instincts in check in exchange for her silence. Phillip protested that she also wanted him to work with Xander, and he did. He promised to ensure that Xander didn’t break the law. Sarah didn’t believe him, and since Phillip wasn’t being a good influence on Xander, they should tell him the truth.
Phillip said that if she outed him, no one would be there to keep Xander in check. He didn’t want Sarah to micromanage him, but Sarah said he had to play by her rules. She said that if anything were not up and up with the takeover, she would pull the plug. Sarah reminded Phillip that she could blow him out of the water at any time and not to forget it.
Outside the pub, Xander was leaving when Kate ran into him. She told him Phillip had told her about the plan to take down Dimera. To Xander’s surprise, Kate didn’t disapprove of it. They squabbled anyway as Xander called running Body and Soul “frivolous.” Xander told Kate that Alex and Stephanie had found Joy and had brought her to the hospital in the nick of time.
In Joy’s hospital room, she was overwhelmed when she woke up, and Stephanie and Alex told her what happened. Joy said Alex saved her life and credited Stephanie for saving Alex’s. She wondered if the two of them ran into each other in the hallway and they said they had. Joy thought that was lucky. “Thank god I didn’t lose you,” Joy told Alex.
Alex and Stephanie left the room, and Stephanie was glad Alex hadn’t told Joy about them. He said when she was better, he would tell Joy the truth. Alex assured Stephanie that he wanted to be with her and was crazy about her. They both agreed they were insecure and needy. “Like right now, I need you to tell me you feel as I do, right in this moment,” Alex said. “How is it that you feel right in this moment?” Stephanie asked. Alex told her he was the only one he wanted to be with, so Stephanie told him the same. They began kissing as Joy walked up behind them.
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