At the DiMera mansion, Kristen was on the phone with Rolf. She instructed him to have the second vial of the serum ready, but only after she saw “the name DiMera on the Titan stationery.” She mused that Sarah would never walk if the “Neanderthal” Xander didn’t come through. Brady’s entrance cut the conversation short. After Kristen hung up, Brady explained that he had dropped by to give Rachel a Halloween gift. Kristen thanked him for the gesture, and the topic turned to Kristen’s “gift” to Sarah.
Brady wondered what had spurred Kristen’s out-of-character burst of altruism. Kristen began to indicate there might be a catch, but Brady disrupted her and asked if there would be a problem with Sarah getting the serum. Before Kristen could respond, Rachel raced into the room and hugged Brady. Father and daughter bantered about the contents of the Halloween bag Brady had brought, and then Rachel invited Brady to stay for a special lunch she had prepared.
After Rachel left to get the lunch snacks, Kristen thanked Brady for staying. He was glad to spend time with Rachel and wanted to talk about the custody arrangement. Just then, Rachel reentered the room with her Halloween-themed treats. Brady raved about the food and told Rachel she could take a ride with him in his new car after she inquired about it. Brady was less enthusiastic when Rachel suggested that her mom come along too.
Brady thought Rachel had been okay with spending separate time with her mom and with him. Rachel contended that she could spend time with both of them if they lived together as a family. Brady reminded Rachel of how she had felt when her mom and he had fought, and he wanted to prevent Rachel from ever feeling that way again. He, along with Kristen, assured Rachel that they would both love and protect her. Rachel reluctantly acquiesced.
Brady said his goodbyes to Rachel and promised her a ride in his new car. Before he left, he subtly reminded Kristen about her promise to Sarah. Once mother and daughter were alone, Rachel lamented how much she missed being a family. Kristen hugged her and suggested that one day Rachel’s wish might come true. “Make it happen,” Rachel commanded.
Tate awkwardly invited Holy inside at John and Marlena’s place. He apologized for not having answered her text and explained that he had just seen it. Holly understood and assumed that Tate had been busy. He hesitantly admitted that he had something to tell her and then confessed he had been with Sophia the previous night. Before he could elaborate, Holly said that she knew Sophia had been trying to make a move on Tate.
Holly admitted she had been jealous, but she didn’t hold it against Tate since she had broken up with him. “If I un-break up with you, would you take me back?” Holly hopefully asked. Tate seemed surprised and asked Holly to confirm that she wanted to get back together with him. She affirmed her wish and apologized profusely for the way she had treated Tate and his family. Tate asked about Paris, and Holly told him about having forgiven Nicole and Eric.
Holly believed that her anger at Eric had fueled her disdain for Brady. She regretted having let her anger drive a wedge between Tate and her. Holly asked Tate if they could move past it. Tate appreciated Holly's words and expressed how glad he was for her that she had reconciled with Eric and her mom. He started to tell Holly about Sophia again, but she cut him off and said that she didn’t expect him to drop Sophia as a friend.
Tate promised to think over what Holly had said, so she thanked him and left. Later, Brady arrived home and greeted his pensive son. Tate filled Brady in on Holly’s visit and her desire to get back together with him. When Brady asked how Tate felt about it, Tate admitted he was keeping a secret from Holly.
In Horton Town Square, Sophia listened impatiently over the phone as her mother gave her a list of to-do items. Sophia lied to her mom, saying that she had gotten a lot of studying done the previous night, as she thought back to kissing Tate.
Across the square, Ava sat at a table outside the Bistro and made another urgent call to Stefan. She left a testy message and expressed frustration that she couldn’t get in touch with him. Sophia approached and asked Ava if she could switch shifts at the Bistro with someone. Ava admitted that she was short-staffed and needed Sophia to work that night. When Sophia mentioned that she had wanted to make plans with Tate, Ava smiled and asked if things were going well between Sophia and Tate.
Sophia coyly said that the relationship was going really well and, upon Ava’s prodding, confessed that she had slept with Tate. Ava was taken aback and gently suggested that the relationship might be moving too fast. Sophia argued that it had happened “organically” and tried to ease Ava’s skepticism that Tate might have taken advantage of the situation. Ava eased back on the concern after Sophia assured her that Tate had used protection. She asked Sophia how she felt, and Sophia beamed that she felt great and had no regrets.
Ava then cautioned Sophia about Tate’s potentially lingering feelings for Holly. Sophia hoped that Holly would stay in Paris and grew somewhat hostile at Ava’s continued questioning. Ava urged Sophia to protect her heart. Sophia pledged that she would and thanked Ava for listening to her, as she didn’t feel she could open up to her own mom. Ava said she was glad to listen since she never had a daughter to advise.

After Ava returned to work, Sophia ran into Holly and was surprised that Holly had come back from Paris. The teens exchanged a cool greeting, and Sophia blurted out that she had something to tell Holly.
At the Kiriakis mansion, Xander vowed to Victor’s portrait that he would kill Philip if Philip did not back off. Philip sauntered up behind Xander and wondered what Victor would think of Xander’s plan. Xander took a look at the portrait and shrugged, saying that Victor “doesn’t appear to object.” As Philip approached the portrait, he mused about Xander, “the pauper who became a prince and then a king.” Philip moved the mirror underneath the portrait, revealing a safe.
Philip opened the safe and told Xander that while Xander had tended the garden, Victor had taught Philip what it meant to be “a real Kiriakis man.” Philip pulled a gun from the safe, handed it to Xander, and challenged his brother to make good on his threat. When Xander warned Philip not to play games with him, Philip goaded Xander by claiming that Xander was all threats with no follow-through. Xander snatched the gun and pointed it at Philip.
“How’s this for follow-up?” Xander sneered. Xander indirectly brought up his shooting of Konstantin and warned Philip that he still possessed a “killer instinct” when it came to protecting his family. He believed that if Philip continued his attempt to reclaim Titan, then Philp had a “death wish.” Philip sarcastically remarked, “So much for turning over a new leaf.” Xander grew emotional and affirmed that his actions were for his family; he considered going to prison worth it if Sarah could walk again.
Philip reminded Xander that Dr. Rolf could be peddling “snake oil,” but Xander remained steadfast in his determination. Philip called Xander a “low-life loser” whom he would never consider a brother. He again dared Xander to take the shot and spend the rest of his life in prison. Xander pulled the trigger, but the gun did not fire. Philip smirked and said he had been testing Xander, knowing Victor had not loaded the gun.
Xander hissed that Kate was Philip’s last hope. Philip’s smile fell, and he claimed his mother didn’t know he was in town. Xander shot back, “She does now.” Philip seethed and then rushed out the door. Later, Xander told Victor’s portrait that if Kate didn’t stop Philip, then Philip was a dead man.
Kate stood outside of Philip’s room at the inn with a key card in hand. She promised that she would be the one to surprise Philip this time as she opened the door with the card. But Kate received an unwelcome surprise when she saw Vivian inside. She demanded to know why Vivian was in her son’s room. Vivian snarked, “Don’t you mean my son?”
The women sniped at each other about the circumstances of Philip’s birth, and Kate accused Vivian of having stolen her embryo. Vivian dismissed the accusation, and Kate warned her to stay away from Philip. Vivian countered that she and Philip were a “package” deal. Kate scoffed, and Vivian defended that she had come to help Philip secure his birthright. Vivian claimed she was acting as a “good mother,” and a fed-up Kate picked up the phone to call the police.
Vivian took the phone from Kate and desperately offered to give Kate a cut of Philip’s planned earnings. Vivian argued that Kate could use the money to fund her soap opera production, and Kate appeared to consider the offer. She initially balked and firmly told Vivian that neither she nor her son would get wrapped up in Vivian’s latest scheme. Vivian warned Kate that if she contacted the police, Philip could also land in trouble. Vivian extended her hand and coaxed Kate to rejoin “the dark side.”
After a beat, Kate sealed the deal with a handshake. Later, Philip burst into the room and fretted about Kate to Vivian, who was alone. Vivian stroked his face and assured him that Kate was on their side. He anxiously wondered if Kate knew Victor’s letter was a forgery, but Vivian promised that Kate had no idea about that detail.
At the pub, Kate worried aloud about what trouble Philip had gotten himself into with Vivian. She pulled Jada’s name up from her list of contacts.

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