Days of our Lives Recap for Monday, March 3, 2025: Gabi and Jada Blow Up the Adoption Plan

Jada (Elia Cantu) and Gabi (Cherie Jimenez) put an abrupt end to Johnny (Carson Boatman) and Chanel
Jada (Elia Cantu) and Gabi (Cherie Jimenez) put an abrupt end to Johnny (Carson Boatman) and Chanel's (Raven Bowens) charade. \Image: Peacock

At the DiMera mansion, EJ was on the phone with Kristen and apologized for missing her mother’s arraignment. He assured his sister that the situation with Rafe had gone better than he could have ever asked because Rafe apparently had total amnesia. After ending the call, EJ preened in front of the mirror and congratulated himself on his good fortune. His mood soured when he answered a knock at the door only to find a scowling Paulina on the other end. She invited herself inside, to EJ’s chagrin.

Paulina claimed she had been giving EJ’s argument about being reinstated as DA a lot of thought. His points had been persuasive since it had been Jada who had “championed” Belle, and Jada was apparently compromised. EJ hopefully asked if Paulina was giving him his job back. “Why would I ever appoint a DA whose ass is going straight to prison?” Paulina retorted. EJ sneered, saying that he wasn’t going anywhere near a prison cell.

Paulina brought up the accusations Ava had made against him, but EJ claimed she had an axe to grind. Paulina then mentioned the emerging theory that EJ had replaced Rafe with an imposter. EJ was quick to say that if Jada hadn’t been corrupt, no evidence against her would have been found. He warned Paulina that if Jada was convicted, Paulina would be jeopardizing her reelection. Then she would regret firing him for personal reasons and would be begging him to return.

At the hospital, Jada met with Gabi, who had the DNA test results in her hand. Gabi had wanted Jada to be present when she opened them. Taking a deep breath, Gabi unsealed the envelope, took out the papers inside, and scanned the findings. “It’s not a match,” she said. As Jada and she absorbed the news, Gabi mused that it hadn’t been Rafe who had cheated on Jada or left her at the altar. When Jada made a remark about almost marrying an imposter, Gabi gasped and started to ask her if she had slept with the man.

Jada assured her that she hadn’t shared a bed with “Rafe” since New Year’s Eve. Gabi guessed the switch must have happened around that time. Jada couldn’t process all the details, or she felt she would “break.” She wanted to focus on proving that the man in custody was Arnold Feniger. Both Jada and Gabi beat themselves up for not recognizing that an imposter was in their midst. Gabi grew frantic and wondered if Rafe was even still alive.

Jada compelled Gabi to listen to her heart. In her heart, Gabi believed Rafe was still alive somewhere. Jada promised her that they would find Rafe together. Gabi pondered where EJ could have stashed Rafe. Jada recalled her encounter with EJ in the tunnels. She announced that while EJ might not have Rafe at the mansion, he could have Rafe hidden “under” it.

In Horton Town Square, Sophia and Tate expressed their optimism about Johnny and Chanel’s desire to adopt their baby. Tate asked the couple if they could meet with Sophia’s mother for lunch, and Johnny offered to host lunch at the mansion. Sophia admitted that Johnny and Chanel should know a few things about the meeting beforehand. Tate added that Sophia “might have oversold” the couple’s “good Christian values.” When Chanel reluctantly asked for clarification, Tate deadpanned, “We’re going to need all the prayers we can get.”

Sophia explained that she had told her mother that Chanel led a women’s Bible study group. Chanel’s eyes widened, and Johnny's expression showed reservations about going along with the “full-on lie.” Sophia apologized, and Tate allowed the couple to back out of the meeting. While Chanel didn’t like lying to Mrs. Choi, she thought about her and Johnny’s readiness to be parents and about the long waiting list for adoption or surrogacy. She was willing to go along with the story as long as Johnny was also okay with it.

Johnny gave his OK to the plan. Chanel wanted to leave early to prepare. As they left, Johnny made a crack about “God willing,” the plan would work out. Chanel gave a good-natured roll of the eyes. Tate and Sophia were overjoyed and relieved by the developments. He said he’d change his plans with Holly so that he could attend the lunch.

After Tate made a comment about how understanding Holly had been, Sophia wished that she had someone like that to lean on for support. Tate promised her that she had him and that they were “in this together.” Sophia thanked him, and the two shared a smile.

At the Horton house, Holly told Doug they needed to “unpack” his declaration to her. Doug wanted to forget it and claimed he didn’t have anything left to say. Holly countered that she had things she wanted to get off her chest. She began by saying she was afraid she had given Doug the wrong impression. While “flattered” by his interest, she reiterated that she had a boyfriend she loved. Doug said he understood and understood if Holly wanted to end their friendship because of the “awkwardness.”

Holly wanted to remain friends, as long as Doug was clear that “friends is all we can ever be.” Doug pledged he got the message and that he valued Holly’s friendship. He told her about Julie's advice, which led to him again expressing his guilt for stealing her family necklace. He said he wanted to get in touch with the person who had fenced the necklace, but Leo hadn’t gotten back to him with the necessary information yet. Holly offered to accompany him to find Leo.

Tate (Leo Howard) disapproved of Doug's (Peyton Meyer) dishonesty. \Image: Peacock
Tate (Leo Howard) disapproved of Doug's (Peyton Meyer) dishonesty. \Image: Peacock

Later, Holly and Doug sat down at a table in Horton Town Square. Doug was frustrated about his lack of progress in locating the fencer. Holly took his hand and assured him. Just then, Tate walked up and asked, “What’s going on here?” Holly stammered that she was comforting Doug as a friend, but Tate questioned her statement. Doug insisted they needed to tell Tate everything.

Holly looked slightly panicked; Doug only confessed to stealing someone’s necklace. Tate labeled Doug a thief. Holly defended Doug and explained that Doug was trying to get the necklace back with her help. Tate was angered that Doug had brought Holly into the situation; he realized he needed to leave for the lunch and told Holly that he wanted to talk about it more “alone” with her later. As he stood up to leave, Tate shot a look at Doug and suggested to Holly, “Watch your purse.”

After Tate left, Holly asked Doug why he had admitted to taking the necklace. Doug reasoned that Tate didn’t know the details of whose necklace he had taken. Besides, he knew Tate had gotten the wrong impression about their interaction and didn’t want to cause more trouble for Holly and Tate. Holly thanked Doug, but Doug was worried that Tate might expose him before he could get Julie’s necklace back.

Doug knew that Tate didn’t trust him, especially around Holly. She conceded that Tate might not like Doug, but Tate would keep the secret for her. Holly also believed Tate had his plate full with making sure “Mrs. Choi doesn’t run for the hills” after meeting the DiMeras.

Johnny and Chanel returned to the DiMera mansion, and Johnny immediately reassured Chanel that they were “good, decent people” who could provide any child a loving home. They just needed to prove to Mrs. Choi that they were “one big happy family.” As Johnny opened the door to the main room, Chanel and he were greeted by Paulina calling EJ an “arrogant son of a bitch.” Paulina followed up with a “go straight to Hell” before Johnny and Chanel interjected.

Chanel and Johnny chastised their parents and then explained that Sophia’s mother was coming over for dinner; they needed to make a good first impression. When Paulina offered to leave, Johnny asked her to stay since Chanel and he wanted to project “good family values.” The comment immediately prompted another snarking session between Paulina and EJ. Chanel demanded they stop or else leave. EJ and Paulina backed off each other and agreed to be on their “best behavior.”

Johnny and Chanel excused themselves to go upstairs and change. Once alone, Paulina and EJ sniped at each other again before pledging a temporary truce for their children’s sake. At that moment, Sophia and Amy Choi arrived on the scene. Paulina and EJ put on strained smiles and introduced themselves. Amy returned the greetings and referred to Paulina as “Madam Mayor.” She explained that she knew EJ’s wife, Nicole, because of Sophia’s friendship with Holly and asked EJ if Nicole would be joining them.

EJ said that he and Nicole were no longer together. Paulina was quick to chime in and proclaim that Nicole was living happily in Europe. EJ added that the divorce was not his choice because “family values” were so important to him. While Paulina gave him the side-eye, EJ informed Amy that Nicole had left him for a “defrocked priest.” Johnny then entered the room all dressed up and abruptly put an end to EJ’s diatribe.

Chanel followed soon thereafter, adorned in a conservative black dress, a necklace with a cross, and her hair in a bun. Paulina gaped at her daughter’s appearance and at the prim and proper voice Chanel used to introduce herself to Amy. After asking Amy if she wanted any refreshments, Chanel joined Paulina on the sofa, along with Johnny.

Amy stressed how important it was for her to get to know the couple who would possibly be raising her grandchild. Tate came into the room with a bakery box and started to say he hoped that he hadn’t missed anything. He stopped midsentence when he took in the sight of Johnny and Chanel seated alongside Paulina and EJ like the perfect “traditional” family unit.

Tate mentioned that Chanel owned the bakery where he had gotten the cookies, which seemed to impress Amy…until Chanel revealed that “Sweet Bits” was the bakery in question. Amy hadn’t approved of the “double entendre” in the name. A wide-eyed Chanel claimed she hadn’t thought about it when naming the bakery, and Johnny attributed their unawareness to them being so “innocent.” Amy complimented Chanel on her necklace, and Chanel claimed it was a family heirloom. Amy asked EJ about his father’s religious involvement, and with a glance at Stefano’s portrait EJ affirmed his father was a big believer in “eternal life.”

Amy considered it fortunate that Johnny and Chanel had chosen partners whose family values mirrored their own. On cue, Gabi and Jada stormed into the room. Gabi commanded to EJ, “Where the hell is my brother, you sick son of a bitch?” Looks of confusion and astonishment were exchanged around the room. EJ, for his part, glared at Gabi.

Paulina tried to discreetly get the ladies to leave, but EJ put that idea to rest when he accused Gabi and Jada of “barging” into his home for no reason. Jada again insisted that EJ disclose Rafe’s whereabouts. Johnny asked them what they were talking about, so Gabi gladly filled him in on their belief that EJ had kidnapped Rafe and replaced him with Arnold Feniger “again.” Johnny reminded them that Arnold was dead, but Gabi clarified that the man they had in custody was not Rafe. Johnny stood up and asked his father if there was any truth to the allegations.

EJ professed his innocence. Jada and Gabi wanted to search the tunnels. EJ challenged them on their lack of a warrant. Jada said she didn’t need a warrant since she wasn’t a cop anymore, thanks to EJ. Johnny honored the women’s request to accompany them into the tunnels.

Tate sheepishly suggested they reschedule the meeting, but EJ insisted that Jada and Gabi would be leaving very soon. When Johnny reemerged from the tunnels, he angrily said to EJ, “I swear to God, if I find out you had anything to do with the man who raped my mother, there will be hell to pay.” Chanel covered her mouth, Amy put her head in her hands, and Sophia and Tate looked completely defeated.

Jada returned with the news that she hadn’t found any sign of Rafe. EJ told Jada and Gabi to “get the hell out of my house.” They complied, but not before Jada promised EJ that he would spend the rest of his life in prison. Chanel broke the awkward silence that ensued by chirping, “More cookies, anyone?”

Later, Amy practically dragged Sophia from the mansion. Paulina and Chanel rushed into the corridor, and Paulina tried to convince Amy that EJ’s behavior did not reflect on Chanel or Johnny. Amy only knew that she and her daughter needed time to “reevaluate.” With that, she and Sophia left; Tate uneasily made his exit as well. Chanel cried that there was “no way” they would be allowed to adopt the baby, and Paulina comforted her daughter with a hug.

Outside, Sophia and Tate pleaded with Amy to give Johnny and Chanel a chance to explain. Amy stated that while EJ might have been falsely accused “this time,” he had admittedly been involved with prior crimes. She declared she would never “step foot in that house of horrors” again. “And I am certainly not letting Chanel and Johnny DiMera raise my grandchild,” she affirmed to a stricken Sophia and Tate.

Back in the mansion, Johnny sarcastically congratulated his father on ruining his chance at adoption. EJ blamed the blow-up on Gabi and Jada. When Johnny asked if the women’s accusations had any merit, EJ pledged, “Hand to God, I’m not holding Rafe hostage.” Johnny remembered catching EJ and “Rafe” conversing suspiciously at the mansion. He also recalled how “Rafe” at one point had acted like he didn’t recognize Johnny.

EJ pretended to be taken aback at the notion that he had been interacting with Arnold the entire time. He claimed it would explain why “Rafe” had been so willing to dig up dirt on Jada. Johnny compelled EJ once again to vow that he had nothing to do with Rafe’s disappearance.

“If I find out you lied to me again about the man who violated my mother, you will never see me, Chanel, or our family again,” Johnny promised. He added, “And I will never forgive you.” Johnny then left his father to reflect on the threat.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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