In Horton Town Square, Chanel angrily hung up on Johnny and then spotted Joy. Chanel marched up to Joy and lashed out at the other woman for pretending to be her friend, for lying to her for months, and for destroying her marriage. Chanel pointedly asked Joy, “How do you live with yourself?” She pushed Joy back down into her seat, and Joy immediately began protesting that she and Johnny hadn’t had sex because Johnny had stopped it. Joy defended Johnny’s love for Chanel and asked Chanel if she could forgive him.
Chanel harshly reminded Joy that it was none of her business if Chanel forgave Johnny. Joy continued defending Johnny and chalked his actions up to a “misunderstanding.” Chanel blasted the insinuation that Johnny’s “idiot” behavior could be attributed to a mistake. She contended that Johnny should have had faith in her and their relationship. Instead, he had let his “bruised ego” lead him into betraying her and then lying about it for months.
Chanel said she’d reached out to Joy as a friend because she had known what it was like to be the new girl in town and to have a mom who had always expected her to “screw up.” Chanel recalled all the times she had invited Joy to spend time with Johnny and herself. Joy retorted that Chanel was unwilling to “take no for an answer.” Joy apologized, but Chanel thought Joy was only sorry for getting caught.
Chanel also remembered Johnny telling her that Joy had feared losing her job. She snarked about “poor little Joy not being on TV anymore” and stated that Joy having chosen her job over friendship had revealed Joy’s true character. Joy opened up about how she’d felt everyone had identified her by her family connections when she first arrived in town. She had wanted to make her own impression as herself, and she hadn’t wanted that first impression to be one of a “happy homewrecker.” Chanel seemed to soften for a moment but doubled down on Joy’s betrayal of their friendship.
Joy agreed with Chanel’s assessment of her and started to say she wished she would have accepted EJ’s offer. Joy hesitated, but Chanel pressed her to say what she had meant. Joy reluctantly revealed that EJ had tried to pay her off to leave Salem. An irate Chanel went in on Joy again. She yelled that Joy was not a good person and wished she had never laid eyes on Joy. Chanel then stormed off.
In his room, Leo stared at a blank computer screen and lamented being alone on New Year’s Eve. He received a notification alerting him to a new Lady Whistleblower column. Leo began reading the column in which Lady Whistleblower needled Leo about going “Stark-raving mad.” Lady Whistleblower mentioned that Leo had “lost his man” and pondered if he would also lose his job in the new year.
Later, Leo strolled into the Body and Soul office only to find a dejected Johnny. Leo began rambling about his writer’s block and his need to find a safe place to come up with a “juicy new storyline” that Lady Whistleblower wouldn’t spoil. Before Johnny could make his exit, Leo asked for his opinion on a potential story in which Joy’s character, Regan, and Chanel’s character, Faith, would be trapped in a cave together and fighting to get back to “the man they both love.” Johnny responded with a simple “Not gonna work.”
Leo assumed Johnny was insulting the story idea, but Johnny clarified that Joy and Chanel would not perform the scene together. “Because of me,” he added. Johnny confided what had happened between himself, Chanel, and Joy. Leo compared Joy and Chanel potentially sharing scenes to “two gladiators circling each other in a Roman colosseum.” Leo pondered why Johnny had cheated since he and Chanel seemed to be the “epitome of a happy couple.”
Johnny admitted that his insecurities had gotten the better of him and that he had chosen to lash out at Chanel instead of talking to her. Leo said he could understand, as the same thing had recently happened to him. Leo supplied the details of his brief involvement and break-up with Javi. Johnny suggested that Leo apologize, but Leo complained he’d been groveling for weeks, to no avail. And worse yet, Javi had hooked up with someone else.
Noticing Johnny’s expression, Leo reassured him that the same thing wouldn’t happen between Chanel and him. Johnny wasn’t so optimistic. Leo promised he would find a way to write upcoming scenes to limit Chanel and Joy’s interactions, and Johnny thanked him. Leo left.
Later, Johnny was surprised and hopeful when Chanel arrived at the office. She quickly deflated his hopes when she announced that she had something she wanted to say to him after all. “I quit,” she declared.
Belle called EJ from John and Marlena's place and requested they discuss the district attorney position. EJ snapped that they had nothing to talk about. Belle assured EJ that she had not pursued the opportunity. EJ argued that she could have rejected it but reminded himself that Belle did not owe him any “allegiance.” Paulina and Jada, however, he considered a different story; he felt betrayed by them.
Belle defended the women and urged EJ to forget about “revenge and retribution.” As EJ looked to the secret tunnel passageway, he wondered aloud what he could possibly do to Paulina or Jada for revenge.
After Belle ended her call with EJ, Marlena arrived home in jogging gear. Belle marveled at her mother’s early start to the day, but Marlena mentioned that she’d gone to bed early. She asked about Belle’s New Year's Eve, so Belle filled her mother in on the party and its “strange” happenings. She capped off the summary by revealing that she had taken EJ’s job as district attorney. Marlena was ecstatic for Belle but wondered how EJ would react.
Belle conceded that EJ hadn’t taken the news well, but since their relationship was already strained, she believed she could handle him. Marlena then asked about Shawn. Belle said that Shawn had been happy for her, but she was hesitant about seeing her soon-to-be ex-husband every day. Just then, someone knocked on the door. Belle answered, and it was Shawn.
Shawn brought in a box of EJ’s old files for Belle. He believed Belle should take a second look at the cases since EJ had declined to prosecute them. Belle thanked Shawn for the support. He expressed optimism that someone was in charge who would look out for the town rather than for themselves. Shawn had to leave for work, but before he left, Marlena told him she’d always consider him welcome in her home.
After Shawn departed, Marlena commended Belle on the couple’s maturity in dealing with their divorce. Marlena also conveyed how happy she was for Belle, but she again cautioned her daughter to tread carefully with EJ. Belle assured Marlena that she could handle EJ and that her past mistakes with him wouldn’t repeat themselves.

In the DiMera secret room, a bound and gagged Rafe struggled against his restraints. His phone lit up with a call from Jada. Rafe managed to scoot his chair over to the phone, which was on the ground. He touched the phone with his foot, which put Jada on speaker. Rafe could only make muffled noises, though, due to the gag in his mouth. Through the phone, Jada asked Rafe to tell her where he had gone.
EJ entered the room with a tray of food and promptly grabbed the phone, ending the call. He told Rafe to redirect his ire at Arnold since the doppelganger had forced EJ’s hand. As EJ prepared to remove the gag so Rafe could eat, EJ cautioned his prisoner not to scream because no one would hear him. EJ removed the gag, and Rafe immediately began yelling for help. EJ threw up his hands in frustration.
Rafe eventually stopped his exclamations and laid into EJ for kidnapping him. EJ argued that it was technically Rafe’s fault since Rafe had broken into his home before he could get rid of Arnold. Rafe was incredulous that EJ would blame the victim and reminded EJ that Jada was probably looking for him. EJ assured Rafe that Jada was none the wiser. When EJ informed Rafe about Arnold’s New Year’s Eve shenanigans (including kissing Jada), Rafe was enraged.
EJ swiftly added that nothing more would happen between Arnold and Jada because EJ had compelled Arnold to hide out in a motel and had concocted a story to explain Rafe’s absence. Rafe challenged EJ on what would happen when Jada got in touch with Steve, but EJ didn’t seem worried. Rafe switched tactics and tried to strike a deal with EJ. Rafe claimed he only wanted Arnold in jail and wouldn’t say anything about EJ’s involvement if EJ let him go.
EJ reminded Rafe that Arnold would quickly turn on EJ if apprehended, but Rafe pledged he would convince Jada not to charge EJ. Rafe was surprised to learn that Jada had gotten EJ ousted from his job, and EJ used the development as another reason why he couldn’t trust Jada or Rafe. EJ remained steadfast, saying that Rafe would have to stay captive until EJ could figure out a plan.
At Rafe and Jada’s place, Javi was in his bedroom and read an alert about Lady Whistleblower. He chuckled at the “Body and Soul Edition” title of the new column. When Javi went downstairs, he happily wished Jada a happy new year. Jada sat at the kitchen table, distracted. Javi asked what was wrong.
Jada explained that Rafe had gone out of town for a case. She had tried to call him but had only gotten muffled sounds as a response. Javi suggested that Jada call Rafe back. When she did, Rafe’s phone went straight to voicemail. Javi attempted to assuage Jada’s concern by redirecting her thoughts to the upcoming wedding.
Jada informed Javi that Rafe and she had set a date for Rafe’s birthday. She claimed that both of them wanted something modest since they had been married to others before. Javi balked at the idea of a “modest” ceremony and insisted that he take over wedding planning duties. Jada relented and thanked Javi for the generous offer. He admitted he felt a special connection to the ceremony since Jada was wearing his mother’s ring.
Jada started to apologize for Javi not having the ring, but he brushed it off. The comment prompted Javi to lament whether he would ever have a fiance himself. Jada mentioned Kerry, but Javi admitted that he didn’t feel a real connection to the man. Javi then brought up Leo, which caught Jada’s attention. He protested at Jada’s silent insinuation that he was not over Leo and declared they were “dunzo.” Jada smiled knowingly.
Later, Leo interacted briefly with Joy in Horton Town Square. He told her he knew about the situation with Johnny and Chanel. Joy worried that the whole affair would end up in Lady Whistleblower’s column. Leo tried to assure her it wouldn’t, but Joy was unconvinced. After Leo got up to leave, he ran into Javi.
Meanwhile, Jada had arrived for work at the station. She got a text from “Rafe,” which EJ had sent. In the text, “Rafe” apologized for not responding earlier and claimed he was “super busy” with the case. The text ended, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be in touch soon. XOXO”
Shawn came into the office and inquired about Jada’s contemplative expression. She explained that she’d received a text response from Rafe. Then, Jada confessed that she had “a really weird feeling” that Rafe hadn’t sent the text.
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