In the DiMera living room, EJ complained to Stefano’s portrait, “They never warn you how much of a hassle it is keeping someone captive, do they?” EJ vowed to get his revenge against Jada. As Johnny walked in, he asked his father about his plans for revenge. EJ admitted that he wanted to get even with Jada for having stolen his job. Johnny said he would offer to talk to Paulina but that he was not in her good graces since he had betrayed Chanel.
“Don’t give up hope. I can’t tell you the amount of times your mother and I forgave each other,” EJ said. “Till you didn’t,” Johnny countered. Johnny asked about the tray of food EJ was carrying. EJ lied and said it was his dinner, and he asked Johnny where he was going. Johnny said he was attending Rafe’s bachelor party at the pub.
“I didn’t know about this,” EJ said. “Well, why would you? You can’t stand Rafe,” Johnny said. EJ reminded Johnny that he had hired Rafe for a job, and he did not like that Rafe was not focused on his work. “Don’t you think Rafe deserves one night to let loose?” Johnny said. With a nod, Johnny left. “The last thing that I need is for Arnold to let loose in front of Rafe’s friends and family. One drunken slip of the tongue, and he could ruin everything,” EJ grumbled.
At the police station, Jada asked Shawn why he was still at work. Shawn explained that he had needed to talk to Child Protective Services about Rachel’s case. “Now that I’m done with that, I’m about to head over to your groom-to-be’s bachelor party,” Shawn announced. Jada warned Shawn not to get too wild.
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“This is Rafe we’re talking about here,” Shawn said. Jada told Shawn that she wished Rafe was more outgoing for Shawn’s sake as a newly single man. “This is Rafe’s big night, so we go at his speed,” Shawn said. With a grin, Jada noted, “Rafe is the most loving and loyal guy that I could ever want. I can’t tell you how good it feels to know exactly where I stand at all times.”
Belle walked in and informed Jada that she was her escort to the bachelorette party. While Jada changed clothes, Shawn complimented Belle’s outfit. Shawn admitted that he was going to Rafe’s bachelor party. “I’m really happy for Jada and Rafe,” Belle said. Shawn told Belle he would see her at the wedding.
Javi returned home, and Arnold slammed Rafe’s laptop shut. “Why are you so jumpy?” Javi asked. Arnold shrugged and said he was anxious about the wedding. Javi informed Arnold that he was throwing him a bachelor party. “As in booze and strippers?” Arnold asked. “Yeah, you down with that?” Javi asked. Arnold happily said yes.
“Just don’t hog all the lap dances. Groom gets first pick,” Arnold said. “Don’t worry about that. You know tonight’s entertainment is not my flavor, Javi said. Confused, Arnold asked what man would not want a lapdance from a beautiful woman. “A hot-blooded man that likes other hot-blooded men,” Javi countered. With a chuckle, Javi asked “Rafe” if he had forgotten that Javi was gay.
“Of course I didn’t forget. I just figured that tonight, maybe tonight you’d go with the flow,” Arnold said. Rafe announced that he would shower and get ready. “I can’t wait to get some quality lap time with a hot little number and get hammered,” Arnold said. As Arnold walked out, Javi made a sour face. “Weird,” Javi said.
Chanel was lying on her mother’s couch, eating popcorn, when Paulina exited the bedroom. “You look good, Mama. Where are you going?” Chanel asked. Paulina explained that she was going to Jada’s bachelorette party. Paulina ordered Chanel to change and join her. Chanel groaned. “I know you’re still hurting, but sitting around here feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to change anything,” Paulina said. Paulina needled Chanel until she went into her room to change.
Stephanie and Gabi set up for the bachelorette party in Stephanie’s living room. Gabi retrieved a tray of jello shots from the fridge, and she offered one to Stephanie. Stephanie was hesitant. “Don’t tell me Patch Johnson’s daughter is scared of a little pre-game,” Gabi teased. Stephanie swallowed the jello shot and then joined Gabi in a second one.
When Paulina arrived, she had two bottles of Champagne. “I am not your boss. Tonight, I’m just here for the fun,” Paulina told Stephanie. Chanel arrived with baked goods, and she apologized for having crashed the party. “The more the merrier!” Stephanie said. “She needs some cheering up. She and Johnny, they’re going through a rough patch,” Paulina said. Chanel groaned, and she asked Paulina why she had to tell everyone about her problems. Paulina reminded Chanel that she was among friends.
“Besides, I am sure that Stephanie and Gabi both know what it feels like to have a man cheat on you and break your heart,” Paulina said. Stephanie told Chanel that they had her back, and Chanel thanked them. “Too bad my husband isn’t as loyal as my friends,” Chanel said. Chanel took a shot and then guzzled some Champagne. Paulina urged Chanel to pace herself, but Chanel assured Paulina that she knew her limits.
When Jada arrived with Belle, Chanel handed Jada a Jello shot. “Let’s put those boys to shame!” Jada yelled. As the ladies danced and drank, Chanel sat in the corner and yelled at an inflatable man about his cheating ways. Across the room, Stephanie wondered aloud if the men were having as much fun as them. “To hell with the guys, okay? Death to all straight, cisgender men,” Chanel yelled. Chanel punched the inflatable man in the face. The laughter in the room stopped, and Gabi hurriedly passed out more Jello shots.
Paulina took Chanel aside. “I’m just blowing off a little steam,” Chanel said. Stephanie announced it was time for a game of questions and answers like “Truth or Consequences.” The first question was, “Name a hookup you regret.” Several women answered the question. When Gabi listed EJ as her regret, Chanel shouted, “See! Every damn DiMera! Cheaters!” Chanel took another swig of Champagne from the bottle. Belle admitted that EJ was also her biggest regret. Belle told the short version of the tale.
“So Sami scared you away,” Gabi said. “No, Sami scared EJ away. He was like tripping all over himself, telling her how much I didn’t mean to him,” Belle clarified. Belle added that she deserved the humiliation after she had broken “girl code.” Gabi disagreed. “EJ went after his ex’s sister. That man has no conscience,” Gabi said. Paulina agreed.
“Is there anyone in the room who has not slept with my father-in-law?” Chanel asked. Paulina, Jada, and Stephanie shot their hands into the air. “Some of y’all got taste,” Chanel said. Gabi asked Chanel about her regret. “That’s easy. My husband, Johnny. He is every bit as nasty as that father of his,” Chanel complained before she downed more Champagne. “You don’t mean that about Johnny,” Belle said. Chanel shook her head no.
“I thought that Johnny was the love of my life. But all he did was shatter my heart into a million little pieces when he cheated with that skank, Joy Wesley,” Chanel said. Jada grimaced. “I should have known when he was possessed by the devil that he was not right for me,” Chanel added. Jada did a double take. Belle noted that it was possible to be a good, strong-willed person and still get possessed by the devil.
“You know what this party needs?” Stephanie said. “An exorcism?” Paulina countered. Everyone laughed. Stephanie suggested that the group go out. Stephanie ordered a car. As Stephanie ushered everyone out of the apartment, Paulina stayed back with Chanel. “I think I’m going to get Chanel home. She really wasn’t up for this, and I didn’t listen to her,” Paulina said. Chanel demanded to continue the party.
At the Brady Pub, Steve and Johnny sipped beers while they waited for Javi and Rafe to join them. Steve told Johnny that Roman was in Chicago. “He left me in charge of the joint, which is a decision he might live to regret,” Steve joked. When Johnny did not laugh, Steve asked Johnny if he was okay. Johnny admitted that he had been hoping to ask Roman for advice.
“I’m not your grandpa, but I’m a good listener,” Steve said. Steve added that he and Kayla had gone to dinner at Abe’s house, and they had talked to Chanel. “So then you know how badly I messed up,” Johnny said. Steve nodded yes. With a shake of his head, Johnny said he did not think Chanel would ever forgive him. “We all make mistakes, okay? A mistake doesn’t have to mean the end of your marriage. Just ask your Aunt Kayla about how many times I screwed up,” Steve said. Steve advised Johnny to trust the love between Johnny and Chanel and not take it for granted.
When Shawn arrived, then Arnold arrived with Javi. “How awesome is this? A party for me with all my bros to celebrate,” Arnold said. Shawn passed a beer to Arnold. “So this party, it means anything goes, right?” Arnold asked. Arnold noted that it was a night to cut loose without anyone to tell you no. EJ walked in.
“Good evening, gentlemen,” EJ said. “So much for that,” Arnold muttered. Johnny asked EJ why he was there. “Why wouldn’t I want to raise a toast to the lucky groom?” EJ said. “Maybe because you hate the guy's guts?” Shawn said. “And vice versa?” Steve added. EJ explained that he and Rafe had been working to get along. Arnold muttered a grunt of agreement. EJ added that he was there to talk to Rafe about the progress of his case. Confused, Steve asked “Rafe” if that was accurate.
“He just hired me to track down that Sloan Petersen chick. Is there a problem?” Arnold asked. “Yeah, there’s a problem. You can’t just take on new cases without running it by me first,” Steve argued. Arnold said he did not see the problem. “The big deal is that it’s my name and John’s name on that door, not yours. And it’s never a good idea to get involved with the DiMeras,” Steve said. Arnold patted Steve on the shoulder and told him to “chill out.” Steve bristled at the gesture.
“Tell me you understand what I’m saying. Or we’ve got ourselves a real problem here,” Steve said. “You trying to start something with me, Patchy?” Arnold asked as he puffed out his chest. Johnny and Javi gently pulled Arnold back. “This is supposed to be a party,” Javi stressed. While Shawn steered Steve toward the kitchen to check on the food, EJ asked Steve to get him some veggies.
“Rafe, you see, he’s just trying to cause trouble, and you’re playing right into it,” Steve pointed out. Shawn pushed Steve into the kitchen. Johnny encouraged EJ to leave, but EJ refused. “I’m fine if he stays,” Arnold said. Johnny went into the kitchen, and Javi stepped out front to check on the status of the entertainment.
Once EJ was alone with Arnold, EJ reminded Arnold that the party was not for him. “I don’t know if you noticed, but I have [Rafe’s] stupid face,” Arnold said. EJ reminded Arnold that he was surrounded by Rafe’s closest friends, including a private investigator. Arnold assured EJ that Steve was not suspicious.
“Besides, you’re the one who is screwing things up. You didn’t have to tell Cyclops that I am working for you, did you?” Arnold said. EJ argued it was the best reason to explain why he was at the party. “I’m just waiting for the strippers,” Arnold muttered. EJ warned Arnold not to go off mission. Arnold assured EJ that he knew how to handle himself. “You better because I’m starting to lose my patience,” EJ said. The other men returned from the kitchen as a stripper arrived dressed as a cop.
None of the men appeared to realize that the woman was a stripper and not a cop. When the men identified “Rafe” as the groom, the woman said, “I’m here to arrest you for identity theft.” Arnold’s smile disappeared. The woman started to strip. “I told you there’d be entertainment,” Javi whispered to Arnold. EJ breathed a sigh of relief
The woman sat Arnold in a chair, and she danced in front of him. Arnold grinned and shoved some money in her bra. The bachelorette party stumbled into the pub. “Having a good time?” Jada said. “Jada?” Arnold yelped. The dancer stopped dancing and stepped to the side as Arnold rose to his feet.
“Don’t let us interrupt you, big brother,” Gabi said. Arnold started to stammer an explanation, but Jada told him to calm down. “You know what happens at bachelor parties. Go ahead. Finish your lapdance,” Jada said. Arnold chuckled, and he said he would prefer one from Jada. Gabi marched over to EJ, asking him why he was there. “I could ask you the same thing,” EJ said. Gabi warned EJ not to ruin her brother’s night. EJ made faces at Gabi as she walked away.
Belle walked over to Shawn. “What happened to the bachelorette party?” Shawn asked. “Someone needed to make sure that the boys were behaving,” Belle explained. As Chanel walked over to Johnny, Shawn whispered to Belle that he hoped they would behave.
Chanel started to snipe at Johnny, and he stood there and took it. Chanel grabbed Johnny’s beer, guzzled it, and smashed the bottle on the floor. Chanel marched out of the pub. Paulina started to pursue Chanel, but Shawn offered to go instead. “I’m the only one that’s completely sober. And plus, I know a little bit about letting alcohol and anger get the better of you,” Shawn said. Shawn left.
In the corner, Arnold and Jada danced together. “As much fun as tonight has been for the both of us, I think we should be heading out,” Jada said. “Now?” Arnold said with surprise. Jada noted that it would be a bad idea to be hungover at the wedding. Arnold said he had rented a room at the Salem Inn because it was bad luck to see the bride the day of the wedding. “Besides, it’s going to make our wedding night all the more special, right?” Arnold said. Jada admitted she was not thrilled to be apart from Rafe, but she agreed. As Jada nuzzled up to Arnold, he looked over at a scowling EJ.
At the end of the night, Steve escorted Stephanie back to her apartment. “Looks like you ladies had a good time,” Steve said as he looked at all the refuse from the party. “I will be paying for it tomorrow,” Stephanie said. Stephanie started to clean, but Steve directed her over to the couch to talk instead.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay. Because she said you sounded kind of defeatist,” Steve said. Steve advised Stephanie not to give up on love. “There is somebody out there that is just as perfect for you as your mom is for me,” Steve said. Stephanie was not sure, but Steve told her that he believed she would marry the right man someday.
EJ escorted a drunken Belle into the penthouse. “You know you did not need to drive me home, and you certainly did not need to walk me to my door,” Belle said. “You seemed to have an awful lot to drink tonight,” EJ countered. Belle insisted she was not drunk, but she thanked EJ sarcastically. “What is your problem with me, Belle? I mean, if there was any reason to be upset, it would be me,” EJ said. Belle scoffed. EJ pointed out that Belle had stolen his job.
“Well, you ghosted me after Sami found out about us,” Belle said. EJ raised an eyebrow. “Is that what this is about? Did you go after the DA position because you hadn’t gotten over me yet?” EJ asked. Belle rolled her eyes. “The only person here who hasn’t gotten over you is you. Now get the hell out of my house,” Belle said. EJ smirked, and he accused Belle of having let her real feelings slip. “You are so smug. I don’t know what I ever saw in you,” Belle said. “I don’t know. You tell me,” EJ said. Belle grabbed EJ and kissed him.
Shawn caught up with Chanel at the small bar. Chanel was sipping a cocktail and dancing alone. “Did Mama send you?” Chanel asked. “No, I volunteered. I’m here to make sure you get home safe,” Shawn said. Chanel asked Shawn to dance with her. “You are drunk,” Shawn argued. Chanel said that she planned to get drunker. “And then, who knows where the night will take us?” Chanel said. Chanel grabbed Shawn and pulled him into a kiss.
At the Hernandez house, Javi and Gabi helped a drunken Jada through the front door. “I have the bestest future in-laws ever!” Jada yelled. “I’m just glad that you had fun tonight, and that you weren’t too upset walking in on that stripper,” Javi said. Jada noted that although the stripper had danced with Rafe, Jada got to spend her whole life with him. “In a few short hours, I am going to be Mrs. Rafe Hernandez,” Jada said.
At the Salem Inn, there was a knock on Arnold’s hotel room door. It was the stripper from the party. “You came,” Arnold said. “Why else would I have taken your number?” the woman said. Arnold closed the door, and the woman shoved him onto the bed.
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